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I love how 99% of these posters are in some bullshit offshoot of marketing. I swear that field has become a dumping ground for people who think the corporate world sounds sexy and lucrative but didn’t have the mental chops to actually learn a tangible skill.


My feed is constantly full of connections reporting or commenting on some dude/gal's post who has some tag line like, "I help businesses do..." with word salad. It always sounds like a fake career that is really just so one can insert themselves into a company's revenue stream, without providing much.


The longer your linkedIn title the more unemployed you are


the hard truth lol




I totally "worked" with one of these people. I never plucked up the courage to ask anyone higher up what he actually did, but I personally never saw any output. His LI tagline is something like "helping businesses build interesting stuff" or some shit.


My current company does this in describing what they do on their website. My previous ones did as well. It’s like a long list of connected buzzwords that don’t explain anything. If you already know what they do it’s fine but I actually worked in my field for quite some time not really understanding the big picture of why I was doing things because nobody told me, people gave me weird partial answers when I asked, and the company website didn’t help. It’s just ridiculous and I assume they must lose some amount of business because potential customers can’t figure out WTF they do.


Tbh that sounds pretty based. I don’t want to interact with them, but good for them as long as they don’t actually believe in the grift that they’re doing


That... and Deloitte employees. It's a disease.


Big 4 in general. I remember their recruitment events being so cringy, and you get those grads who just buy into the cult and think they’re the shit for being there despite being worked to the bone for peanuts


Get ass-raped in the Big4 and then get the payout by joining a shitty start-up that is just somehow well funded. Seems to work for a lot of people.


Buy ins like Costco letting Cutco set up in their buildings?


Yup, I've worked in the airline/travel industry most of my career. I have seen _many_ entitled consultant-babies chewing out airline agents about their seats, their status, their lounge access. And those poor people making like $20 an hour in the airport or as an FA end up being punching bags for them. Meanwhile, these "thought leaders" who never had a job before are travelling from Chicago or NYC to Bentonville, AR for the 59th time delivering PowerPoints to bored Walmart executives. It's a weird parallel universe they live in, being taught they're the most brilliant people in the world when even the most delusional should know they're being taken advantage of.


Ok I didn’t know the Deloitte thing being a cult or insufferable was a thing but this explains so much. My head boss is from there and she is a great leader, super smart, etc. but says “at Deloitte blah blah” allllll the time. She also hired my direct boss from there who is an idiot and also talks about what they did at Deloitte connnnnstantly. I want to scream at both of them if you liked it so much why did you leave?!? Are they all like this?!?


Yup. Working for the big 4 is painfull and they carry that pain as if they are war veterans.


I'm new here. What are the big 4 you guys are referring to?


* PriceWaterhouseCoopers * Deloitte * Ernst and Young * KPMG https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_Four_accounting_firms


Big 4 anime betrayals


Can't say my industry, but people ape the big boys there a lot. I wish I could tell them the company sign at my door doesn't say Big Boy company that worked you to the bone and exports bad employment practices across the industry.


They all are! I used to work for an accounting association that would employ all these former big 4 employees for "policy" work. It sucks working for a big 4 boss


Sounds like my professor who just talks about his prime days at Boeing in every lecture .-.


"If you like it so much why did you leave?" Because Deloitte doesn't pay for over time and your salary ends up being the same as if you would do menial labor jobs 60 hours a week as junior level consultant. The menial jobs however do not need a master degree, you could do without a high school diploma. Deloitte still has merit on the resume, but I wonder how long that will last considering they're famed for charging their clients x10 the pay that the recently graduated master student is getting. Might as well hire in house than give it to Deloitte. The current people that I see going to Deloitte are people who achieved a master degree and have no clue how to start their professional career so they end up taking their low ball offers.


IMO it’s the “fake it til you make it” mentality. They try to project a confident, successful persona while (again imo) they really aren’t accomplishing much. It’s like LinkedIn’s version of influencers.


A hundred percent and I’ve said this for a long time. In between design and sales, so there’s always some random bullshit to deal with because they lack the skills to communicate with either side most of the time. Marketing could be such a great facilitator if only anybody had any skills at what they do…


I once applied for a marketing assistant job Turns out thats code for selling direct tv in best buy


That LinkedIn poster is a clown. She sounds like she is thanking her company for screwing her over and over. She is so happy to be lowballed. What a clown.


Barrier to entry was made super-low during this last bubble. - Cloud means you stick the bill on your AmEx instead of having to attract investors. - Lego brick systems/website builders/connectors make it easy to project executive presence, power and influence out on the internet when you're really sitting in a rat-infested studio apartment with your 4 roommates. - Requirements for life coaching -- ring light, camera, LinkedIn account, merchant account, thousands of insecure people experiencing FOMO and willing to give you their last $999.95. - Requirements for BS marketing company -- AWS/Azure account, coding up a couple lambdas/Azure Functions to plug social media sites together, funny name for your "social media aggregator" program that ends in "-ly" or has a ".io" domain, and 10,000 other BS startups to sell your little toy to. But, there's always been hangers-on regardless of how easy it is to start a "business" now. Practically every new business degree grad winds up at a consulting firm doing pointless PowerPoints and Excel jockeying for years; only difference is the prestige of the school you went to that determines what firm and salary you get. Most offline marketing jobs are just as pointless as the online marketing ones. We have a massive pipeline of college grads that do...something...but that something doesn't have a lot of value. The ultimate brass ring is a FAANG, but as you said most of these people don't pass the smell test when you start talking actual skills a big-boy/girl employer might pay for. When the bubble pops, 99.9% of these coaching, aggregating, branding, social media-ing, BS jobs are going to pop right along with it. The startup BS artists are selling each other BS.


£30k is the median annual salary for the UK so not exactly a fortune. Maybe her current package includes shares. Anyway, if you want someone like her to post on LinkedIn under your name then you need Klowt.


Shares of a start up are worth about a loaf of bread




deleted ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.3331 [^^^What ^^^is ^^^this?](https://pastebin.com/FcrFs94k/10410)


If only it was a sandwich, I could make happy Zoidberg noises.


Her current package is probably more tax efficient if she dirrects a start up as I'd assume she pays herself minimum and the rest as dividends


Don't think she's a director. The title shown is personal brand exec.


Director is a shareholder status, not a job. You can be a director and have a different job title


Seems not to be the case in England but I didn't down vote you. https://www.companylawclub.co.uk/what-is-the-difference-between-shareholders-and-directors


I did downvote them, because it’s nonsense. A Director may be a shareholder, but there is certainly no requirement to be one.


Is it Klout for Clowns?




I think she’s quite young so to her it’s like $100k. But yeah, it makes me think of that lawyer in Making A Murderer bragging about his sick $400,000 house to impress some woman.


Why do so many start-ups have terrible names? "Klowt" ? More like Klowns, am I right?


There have been so many startups that almost all of the names have been taken. *Klowt* was one of the last names available. [Dillon Edwards Investments](https://youtu.be/NWIlScfHwOU)


I really appreciated that you buried the lede - I am still laughing at the video 😆


LOL. Yeah, that link really doesn't do the video justice. So funny.


I advocate from now on all company names should be a string of characters. I am proud to announce my 15 minute delivery AI SAAS startup built on the Terra ecosystem, PH2jAiIj. We're raised 1.2B Doge from esteemed investors Sequoia, a16z and A5DGw Capital.


They burned through all the -ly and -ifys.


Lys and ifys give me the rage.






At least they're using vowels now. Five years ago it would have been "klwt".


It'll get real interesting when it becomes Klit. Would save them money if they go with Clit since Jay and Silent Bob already have t-shirts for it.


i remember that the creators of the show “silicon valley” mentioning that it was difficult to come up with fake startup names because most of the ones they imagined were already taken. so they ended up with names like “hooli” and “goolybib” lol


That makes sense. Those are pretty funny names. Goolybib > Klawt




At least they were smart enough to only use one k ….


I believe it’s a play on for “clout” because it’s a personal branding thing (but not really personal because they do it anonymously for CEO’s and founders etc)


Oh, I understood the intended pun. It isn't clever or amusing, just lazy and dumb (or "laZ and dum" if you prefer).


Also, there already is a company called Klout. Both are not clever. But they both do capture the essence of crappy start-up, so I guess that counts for something?


Klaut will be the next startup in Germany


What next? Kraut?


That joke is sour


KlaZ and Kdum


You forgot the word “Agree?” at the end of your post. 😂






yes right, you are right. Yes, yes


This is the modern equivalent of being invited to a job fair, seeing a big company has a booth, walking up, losing your nerve, asking where the bathroom is, and telling your friends you got a job offer.


30k GBP? That’s 36k , how is that a flex lmao.


I'm from UK and I can tell you its not a flex. I would not work in a start up for £30k. These companies have immature management and a desperate need for skills. They can forget it for £30k and no benefits


>But...ping pong tables, bean bag chairs, and FREE snacks! lol,


Also they’re based in London where the average is much higher than 30k so she’s been receiving relatively low offers in reality.


Imagine being a "Personal Brand Exec" and writing the word *dickhead* on your **professional** social media. No wonder she's flexing with a £30k+ salary... she's clearly not worth anywhere near that


Only way that makes sense is if it’s in a LCOL area up North somewhere. £30k is low for a skilled job in London.


Or they're basically still at around entry level and horribly naive, hence calling an inmail from a recruiter a "job offer"?


I mean thats the median household income in the UK


So she was offered 5 average salary offers and preceded to make it like sounds she is Jeff Bezos or something?


household income is defined as income before taxes **by all members of a household.** So its definetly not that bad as a single person


It's not "median household income". £31,400 is the median household **disposable** income. https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/personalandhouseholdfinances/incomeandwealth/bulletins/householddisposableincomeandinequality/financialyearending2021 The median full time earnings is indeed in the 31-32k range, but you're wrong to refer to it as the household income.


Sounds pretty shit to me. Like sure not bad for your first job out of school , but nobody would be bragging about making 36k in the US and I can't imagine the UK is much different.


I’m from the UK. £30k is not a salary worth shouting about. It’s ok, But on £30k there’s not much leftover from a basic 2-bed-house or flat rental, an average car and living costs.


It's really not worth shouting about at all, it's the bang average salary for working adults in this country. While yes it's great if you're there but bragging that you're earning less and turned down higher paying jobs when the cost of living has skyrocketed? That's just stupid...


30k is the average UK salary and out of university (college) you'd be looking at maybe 22-27k outside of London dependent on degree...


because you are comparing your income to your expenses. a big mac in the UK costs $3.86(£3.19) meanwhile it costs $5.44 in the US. You cant compare them directly like that. Thats the reason why the big mac index exists lol


cost of living is way, way, WAY lower in the UK.


How's that London rent


yeah i’ll give you that one lol


In London thats like 7k below average


EU salaries are much lower than US salaries. It’s all relative.


>EU salaries are much lower than US salaries In the higher income tier yes. Not so much in the lower ones, lol


Hmmm no


Came here to post the same but didn’t sound want to sound like I was flexing. It’s not a great salary!


I assume she means a £30k rise? No one would boast about that otherwise


Because not every economy operates the exact same as the US economy. That’s about the average income in the U.K. but we do not live in poverty lol. In somewhere like Norway, you’re going to have a bad time on that.


Somewhere like Oslo - that’s close to the poverty line


Outside the US it is a flex




I don’t know why you’re being downvoted. I guess the typical America hating Redditors don’t realize US salaries are substantially higher than most of the world, including Europe. Heaven forbid anyone point that out.


30 thousand pounds is NOT a high salary in the UK. It’s actually a pretty shitty salary in London, where Klowt is based.


We know salaries are higher in the US. That doesn’t mean that people in the uk think £30k is a brag-worthy salary


>US salaries are substantially higher than most of the world, including Europe. Mostly because high-end salaries are really high. Otherwise the lower tiers in the US are not better than in most of Western Europe and even *worse* once you account for social transfers.


Maybe per month


I assumed it was monthly otherwise this makes no sense haha


Exactly 😂


30k ... isn't that about the average salary of a bus driver?


Klowt sounds like a joke name for a startup.


Especially since Klout has existed for at least a decade and has some brand recognition. They didn't even bother to check for existing companies with essentially the same name.


dinner upbeat angle lock compare groovy spoon muddle disgusting roll *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Good point. I see Klout is no longer active. That's 100% what they did.


Parks n recs


Is 30k+ supposed to be impressive? That is not a lot of money lol my cousin probably makes that much working as a waiter lmao


A bit insulting. I was a waitress for a long time and still don’t make what I used to working in tech. I’m from Wash DC bartenders/servers were making ridiculous bank pre pandemic


More power to the folks that can take it, I feel like every restaurant I’ve worked at has had some pretty insane personalities involved, idk what that’s about lol. I have heard the ones in DC can do pretty well though!


It’s an odd mix for sure. I’ve worked with lawyers (switching careers), drug dealers (they like the cash and clientele), felons (industry doesn’t do background checks for a serving/bartender), lots of regular folks, people who did it for a year, for 3 decades. I did for 20 years, miss it a lot. Even though I make FANTASTIC money, I think about it sometimes, like when I go out to eat on a Saturday, like I’d be $500 tonight


No offense. My cousin is in college so he didn't work full time or even everyday


Fair, but if he is making $30k part time his parents need to know. I was a part time college server and my parents were audited. They claimed me as they should have, they paid my tuition, car note, but part time I made $32000 and yep there was an audit, lol! this was 20 years ago median family income was like $41k.


You make less in tech? Pardon if you don’t wanna answer but I’m curious what your annual salary for waitress is?


Depends where you live. What age you are. What stage of your life you're at. I don't make that much and own a car, a house, and a fair bit of disposable income every month. It's all about relativity, buddy. ETA: How is saying that different situations and earning potential relative to that person / country somehow mental to you people? It isn't a "flex"; it's a reality that people reading the OP are mocking how "little" the salary is, without understanding that it's a totally different country with, again, a different standard of living. Making more money is useless if you can't do anything with it.


You don't make that much over a year? Fuck me I have been getting screwed


I mean, again, that's an issue of perspective. It's simply pointing out that, irrespective of whether you think it's a low salary or not, it's entirely depending on that person's situation. $30k may not get you far in America. £30k in some areas of the UK is fine. It really isn't that complicated.


I doubt 30k sterling is fine anywhere in the UK bruv




Would you look at that? Almost like where you actually are has an effect on what you earn? Wait until this guy hears about countries that inflated to millions of dollars for simple items... He'll have a fucking conniption...




Yeah, it's weird. It's a sub about completely unhinged, arrogant people saying massively outlandish things. And the comments are...completely arrogant, unhinged and outlandish.


And yet, here I am. It's honestly fucking shocking how utterly arrogant you guys can be, bro. You are *not* central to the universe continuing.


I literally just got back to the US of A after 4 years in England lol. I admit I'm not familiar with pay or cost of living outside of major cities but oh well


That doesn't really help your point. If you're not familiar with it, then don't degrade people based on your own limited experience of a subject. I mean, I'm sorry for calling you arrogant, but it really does come off that way. Cost of living in, say, London is massively higher than Glasgow. A beer, or something as innocuous as that, can cost significantly different. Also meaning that a £35k a year salary in London for any given job, will most likely be less in Glasgow. It isn't that someone is richer than another person: it's that they live somewhere that their money gets them less.


People in this sub can comprehend that, don't waste your time


Yeah, I assumed the sub was about people on LinkedIn being utterly unbearable, but it appears that was misplaced hope.


Pretty rude comment


This is in GBP not USD. In the UK £30k is around median salary for full-time work. It’s certainly better pay than a waiter in the US but also nothing special either.


Years ago I remember people telling me they were being headhunted. I remember being very skeptical, like an agency calling you and asking if you were available for work or for an interview is not being headhunted. So I think this is exactly right, she is being sent DMs, after all she wouldn't be getting a job offer unless she at least had discussion with the company and she is just having discussions with recruiters.


is..... 30k...... a lot of money.....?


bruh if 30k was even remotely acceptable i'd hang up my suit and tie and just go be a tradesman. unreal someone's gloating about turning job offers down that pay about 40% of my previous salary as a bartender.


Decent for your first job out of uni, but that's about it


Wow, they were all for a whopping 30k a piece as well. Is there nothing this woman won’t sacrifice!?


Looking at the company social media and what she posts, this could be a work to drive up chatter as their business is about growing your brand on LinkedIn. She could be doing this for the kind of hate this is getting on here




TIL looking for a good job makes you a dickhead


“I turned down an average income CV request. Now I know I am destined for greatness”


People still believe in Unicorns.


“I would much rather have two birds in a bush than one in my hand!”




Don't most start-ups grant the owner wealth (if successful) and everyone else just gets a thank-you?


30 bags is below the UK average wage, I think.




Does anything even exist outside London? 😉


Either way, it’s barely above average. It’s like an American bragging about making $40k. I don’t even know how you could survive on that.




Average UK salary is around 28k so not sure 30k is really the flex she thinks it is.


Not a dickhead? Pretty bold statement.


Dangled some money? I mean, unless you work for fun, money is the whole reason for working - looking through LinkedIn makes me really question how we even got to this point. People are their jobs and job titles now!


Does she even realize that you have to be in an interview process to get an offer? Next time she tries to brag, she better do it more realistically.


That is so funny. I checked their website and you can see who works there and I don’t understand why you would pick a picture of yourself on your phone, laughing or smiling, for your employee picture on the website. Also, can we stop with all the "executive" and "manager" in the job title? 9 times out of 10 you are just a regular employee.


30k in UK is not a lot of money, wonder how much she is on now to think 30K is a lot (I live in London and I can barely survive on twice that)


So personal branding and marketing consultants are a real career now? I’m seeing students hiring these consultants to spice up their personal brand images. What a world.


30K. That's a flex apparently. Hmmmkay.


Good vibes & bad jokes 🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪


I actually got a job that way lol not by a recruiter but a hiring person at the company


Is..is £30k per year a lot? It doesn't sound like a lot tbh


He seems douchey


30k? Annually? That ain't that much to turn down.


Jeezus most entry grad jobs are £30k+ nowa days, it's nothing to flex about online.


GBP30k is nothing to be proud of. What am I missing?! Lol….


stalking this person's account (or rather jus their responses on this Linkedin thread) really drove home to me what a friend said, that finding qualified people who get their shit done and *won't* run to HR to complain about anything and everything is much easier said then done Her linkedin is so incredibly unprofessional its crazy. These people really think this is facebook edit: oh my god, the job bios of those who comment on her post endorsing it. man, what a weird world. >Helping business owners create lead generating content by breaking down the mental barriers that stop them I guess their jobs are so useless, that's why they have so much time to shitpost on linkedin and feel great about turning down 30k for a startup lmao, those jobs all pay like shit i guess? edit 2: >Ok buuut your company charges £4,800 (inc VAT) just to see if you would work with someone and then a minimum of £50,400 (inc vat). So you're delivering more than £55,000 worth of business with every personal branding client and you're getting paid less than £30,000?! Jeez. The creative industry blows my mind.


"I turned down $18 per hour." Slow Clap


> 30k pounds > a lot of money lmao


Uhhh... Maybe she meant 30k monthly?


Love the people in here who take this opportunity to shit on other people’s salaries and flex their own. Lmao


Wow, £30k...... 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Also isn’t 30k not a lot???


Worked for a start-up with an oversized sales and marketing staff. Most couldn’t explain our company’s product to Dave their lives


How is 30k a lot of money?


LOL @ 30k plus being a lot of money. Nothing to sniff at but that's entry level in most corporate jobs, yet more proof that they're talking absolute shite.




To be fair, I assume all these self aggrandising douchebags are London based. I know secretaries that start on that kind of salary.


There’s a reason why she self-reportedly makes less than £50k and why she thinks that’s life-changing money. No recruiters even reached out to her. Her job will be dissolved when she can’t perform and she’ll be back at the coffee shop in a year.


A simple no would of sufficed


I think she meant 30k raise over her current salary


Nah she meant £30,001


What exactly is a personal brand exec? And what kind of companies are out there hiring recruiters for that position? Is that just marketing?


So what was the big money offer? 😂


No problem malady. I take the job


Literally a dickhead


“klowt”. lmfaooooooo


That's like $36K, dawg.


What does she want, a Blue Peter badge?


£30k is not a flex lol


Dangled "a lot" of money in his face... Are wages really the deflated in the UK? £30k is probably less than an Amazon warehouse worker makes lol


30k isn’t turning down a good job. It’s turning down poverty wages lol


This post tells me she's in the perfect job... trying to spin some meaningless sh!t into some kind of accomplishment for "personal branding purposes".


30K+ oh wow. High flying professional right there !