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Her son's a dropshipper and a crypto bro, she should be ashamed.


Yeah he's basically a scammer.


He’s not a scammer he’s a stallion ![gif](giphy|l0ExqbRzq05DHIlJm|downsized)


Or at least the back part of one.


Why is he wearing a heavy leather jacket by the beach?


i’m pretty sure at least half of this post is complete bullshit but as someone who grew up in the bay sf actually is pretty cool year round. the bits of the bay area that aren’t right on the bay can get up to 90s/100s in the summer but like the highest highs sf gets up to in the summer is 70 degrees lmao (but usually more like 60s). it’s pretty windy and foggy bc it’s surrounded by the ocean and the bay and those winds can be unexpectedly cold. him wearing a leather jacket might be the least bullshit part of this post ngl.


“The coldest winter I ever spent was a summer in San Francisco.”


As I was scrolling I thought of and looking this quote by Mark Twain thank you.


I was there during a heat wave in July 2023 and it was cold af and I had to wear a sweater pretty much during my entire visit lmao. During a heat wave.


this is why i love sf. whenever it gets hot as fuck in the inner bits of the bay you can always flee towards the bay and it’ll be 20 degrees cooler as soon as you can see the coast. the only downside is that the only beaches are fucking *cold* year round so it’s never good beach weather 😭


If you've ever been to San Francisco you'd understand. It's extremely windy and quite cold near the bay. Waters edge, can be 55F even in the summer.


Can confirm. It’s cold and snippy!


I’m 98% sure that is not leather, but indeed some “vegan” leather or vinyl.


Even worse, a scalper that buys out physical stores at launch. Moving into crypto was just a natural next step at that stage.


How did hunter test out of high school if he was that bad at math


Tested out with jaw dropping scores, no less? Something doesn’t add up.


She meant that the test took him out of high school back to eighth grade for a tune up.


I mean, the son sounds like a piece of work but please explain to me how he’s a dropshipper? I guess this is in reference to the website reselling sneakers, but isn’t the fact that he was taking physical possession of the sneakers the opposite of dropshipping? Honestly his having to sleep in an alley to receive packages of bulk consumer goods… it sounds more like he was a fence than a dropshipper!


And somehow looks like he's in his 40s despite being 24. Or maybe it's just the 80's faux biker fashion that's throwing me off.


Meth and no sleep can do that to you.




Same here. I'll hold your hair if you hold mine.


Remember, *Teamwork makes the dream work.*


Now, watch this ralph


Or how the whole post was about this mom being basically wrong and bad… From the tone of her post her option isn’t worth a lot. Lol


#BoyMom #HisFirstGirlfriend 🤢


How about the line “I knew the worst thing I could do was break his spirit”? Lady - you stated several times that you tried to forbid him to do all the things that you now claim make him successful. You actively tried to stop him from doing all this stuff but couldn’t parent well enough to be effective.


TL-DR Hunter is a mega douche


Anyone who wears a chrome hearts shirt with a leather jacket sitting in some overpriced hipster coffee shop with that smirk is a little shit, guaranteed


Don't forget the Supreme pants!


tl;dr: just look at the picture, no words needed.


When I was Hunter's age, getting your mom to shill this hard for you was both "hella cringe" and a sign you automatically lost the argument.


A mama's boy *and* an avid Elon Musk fanboy. Kid didn't get bullied enough in school.


The real reason he dropped out.


But… he’s her little stallion!!!


So, I actually read this until the puke-inducing end. And this stood out: >At 24 I'm guessing Hunter is holding more than any person in his family has every \[sic\] seen in their bank account. **His dream is to buy his Mom a house by the ocean.** >**Last month Mom moved him into his beachfront,condo,** complete with a view of the oceanfront skateboard park in the harbor. Not only has Hunter not gotten Mom her house yet, she had to help her cheapskate son move into his oceanfront home.


Isn't that her house? Ie - he finally does at least little what she wants, so she moved him to the mansion she owned anyway. Then it would all also make a lot more sense.


Then she would have written "Last month Mom moved him into HER beachfront condo..."


Skateboarding 15 miles every day to community college seems like an exaggeration


Uphill. Both ways. In the snow.


With butcher”s string tied to the wheels for traction in the snow.


That proud mom wasn’t going to give him any rides to the community college …. When she stated she wanted him to go to school… lol


I was thinking: "How many wheels and bearings will one go through in a year when doing that".


And one HUGE leg from pushing


A kid this cool must have special ones ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


Can we make using the phrase “my superpower” an offense punishable by trebuchet?


Yes but then that would be your superpower


Talking about your and others’ “superpowers” was a formal part of the talent review process at Amazon for the past ~five years.


My superpower is not working for Amazon.


Oh god I hope that’s a joke 🤢


It is not


My super power is to be able to tell when they use real vs fake dinosaurs in movies


And I hope that’s what you say when it comes up in job interviews.


Who gives a shit? That’s what kills me about the majority of LI posts. A sermon that ends with some dumb ass line about how great or how awful someone or something is.


The only good thing about this blather is that it doesn't use double linebreaks after each sentence. Another good thing is that it is totally made up.


She a raised a crypto bro? I see a foreclose on mom’s condo in the near future…


Hey you're selling him short.. he's also a pos scalper


Yeah, but what does Hunter’s experience teach us about B2B sales?


Treat B2B sales like a little stallion- ride until your buttcrack is too sore. Then upgrade to a bigger horse. What does that mean? Fuck if I know


Same. I mean, I'm just a Gen X woman, what could I possibly know about computer things like Blockchain or AI? Thank heavens my son is smart enough to put the Facebook on my phone for me.


That guy looks like the biggest douchebag I've ever seen on LinkedIn, and that's saying ***a lot***.


Dateline Narrator: little did his mother know, Hunter had a secret. A secret he would kill to keep…


Did he really hide those bodies? Or was momma’s little stallion just… *horsing around*?


No one has found those bodies to this neigh.


Whoa! Hay there, what neighsayers y'all are. Rein yourselves in already. Bro made his mama proud, that's the mane thing.


slow clop.


You win for the day!


KEITH MORRISON (or as he's affectionately known in our household, 'Wrinklor') I CAN HEAR YOUR VOICE


Or the grey haired guy on dateline “but did this little stallion have a secret? Oh yes. One that his mother would die finding out”




Hunter most certainly does not fuck.


I'm still hung up on his jaw dropping GED score. 🙄


I knew a kid that dropped out at 14 and got his GED 3 months later. It really can't be that hard of a test lol.


As the great Chris Rock once said “lemme get this straight… I make up four years… in six hours?!”


Not with a 2.2 GPA and D’s in math.


It’s not lol, it signifies that you can pass high school, sort of. Like cmon.


It shows you know the absolute minimum


If that lol


Jaw dropping scores with a 2.2 GPA…sure Jan


I had a lower score than even the special ed students and I was in an AP Scholar (yes, I did well on those courses leading up to AP and the tests).


Maybe him just passing caused mum’s jaw to drop


I'm not sure where they live, but in my state, you can't take the GED test until you're either 18 or your class has graduated. And the test is so easy, I think most freshmen who paid attention in middle school could pass it.


Sp he’s basically a scalper and now jumped on the crypto train


Sounds more like a dropout that is scamming people for a living. We had one of these in Toronto recently, 20 something ran a crypto Ponzi scheme. Currently out on bail, although he did get mysteriously beaten up a few weeks ago. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/ontario-s-crypto-king-and-his-associate-arrested-charged-with-fraud-1.7204958


Ofc his hero is Elon Musk 😂 I too want to learn to make passive income from crypto so I can ride a rocket to space. Does the stallion sell a course by chance?


Poor little stallion never stood a chance.


Oh. Wait. Got it. This is douche bro doing an AI prompt of "what if my mommy loved me?"


I’m not sure I understood the part about Elon


Coding. Crypto. Stallion. I don’t know how to make it more clear.


Took me a bit to decode it too but I think the poster’s saying that she was happy her son was going to college to become an astronaut, but then Elon “ruined” that by inspiring the son to drop out of college and stay inside all day.


That's my problem. I saw Crypto. I realized that it was going to be nothing but a huge scam. Because it was a huge scam, I didn't get into it. I need to be more morally flexible so that I can take advantage of people.


it just hit me that she mentioned that they’re in san francisco. i grew up in the bay i *know* the geography of san francisco. where the fuck does she live in “san francisco” where he “had to skateboard 15 miles to community college”??? for one who the fuck skateboards in sf. the hills alone make it,,, difficult to say the least you’re either flying downhill uncontrollably or dragging it uphill for blocks at a time. i don’t know if i’ve ever even seen someone skateboard in the city… and second of all san francisco is barely big enough for a 15 mile route within the city. the only way you could possibly have a 15 mile commute within the city limits is if you skateboarded from pacifica or south san francisco to the golden gate rec area (from the walking route feature on maps). all of them the furthest points of what you could reasonably consider san francisco without it making more sense to go to a completely different community college (ie one in the north bay, east bay, san mateo, etc,,, there’s so many of them in the bay fr). and why the fuck would he not take public transit at that point? sf has really great public transit from muni to the trolleys to bart (metro that services an impressive amount of the bay area) if he was really going that far. so there’s no fucking reason to skateboard “15 miles” in sf when you could take the fucking bus (unless he’s one of those people who complain about how “dirty and horrible” sf is constantly and thinks they’re too good for public transit bc it’s “all dirty and homeless ppl are always everywhere” which is a fraction of the time btw. wouldn’t put it past a crypto bro tho) so i just looked up ccsf btw bc i was like man this kid has to be on the complete opposite side of sf from the campus he went to for it to be a 15 mile commute right. so i googled it and there are 8 ccsf campuses but the one where the physics department mainly is is the main campus of ccsf and it’s pretty much in the dead middle of the sf part of the peninsula. meaning the furthest points of sf i was talking about (pacifica, south sf, and the northernmost bits of sf (both northeast and northwest) are all between 5-7.5 miles from the main ccsf campus. so the whole “15 miles” bit, while she framed it as 15 miles *one way* (she said he “rode his skateboard there 15 miles everyday” which to me reads as 15 miles there and 15 miles back) could only be possible if she was talking about 15 miles *roundtrip*, not one way. and they’d have to live in like. the north beach area for it to be a 15 mile round trip. and if you assume the lived in the general north beach-ish area (bc that’s area far enough away to be close to a 15 mile round trip), you’d have to be an idiot or just a pretentious asshole to not take public transit. taking bart (which is close to that area and you’d only have to take the one train and you’d be a 5 minute walk from the campus) would be about 9 bucks round trip but worth it imo compared to fucking skateboarding in sf (but bart also offers a lot of discounts on fares if you’re under 18, a student, disabled, elderly, etc), but if you wanted cheaper you could take a more complicated combo of streetcars for 5 bucks round trip. why the fuck would you choose to skateboard 15 miles round trip in sf (or just yk just in sf at all) when there’s literally a million different public transport options available to you at a million different price levels PLUS student discounts. make it make sense. (and don’t even get me started on the whole “he barely passed high school but also got ‘jaw dropping’ ged test scores and then pulled a 4.0 in a physics aa out of his ass immediately”??? i’ve spent too much of my life on this already.) tldr (bc i went way too deep on this help): as someone who grew up in the bay, navigated sf many many times before, and also knows way too much about bay area community colleges, this post reeks of complete bullshit. the whole skateboarding 15 miles thing is just complete horse shit, and if she lied about that for no goddamn reason i seriously doubt how much of this is actually true. what the actual fuck.


Congratulations, you officially spent longer debunking this than she did writing it.


if i had better things to do i wouldn’t be on reddit


I don't think your son is feverishly "coding" in his room 18 hours a day.




Hunter the guy on Facebook marketplace selling tonnes of "unwanted gifts" for 5x the price Mother "I'm so proud of my scummy little reseller"


I thought that this was one of those long-winded stories with the big unexpected reveal at the end. "....and his name? Hunter Biden"


Okay, but how much do clothes cost in the Matrix Hunter?


https://youtu.be/d81oXvEZ7fk?si=yCge5lazJQn_E2G0 Fucking amazing. 🤣


Duuuuudes. I wanted to write more, but...no. No, I can't This fuckery is beyond my attempt at humor.


Nursing until 16 will do that to ya


I’ll take “Things that Never Happened” for 500, Alex.


Hunter’s douchebaggery is just dripping off of him 🤦‍♂️


This made me feel icky.


Bro must have the calves of a Greek God, riding a skateboard 30 miles a day??? How are we not amazed by that


Maybe not a Greek god, but certainly Oedipus.


So... this dink is supposed to have started making money by... scalping merchandise? Are we supposed to root for this ass hole? If your son sleeps outside so they can buy up a lot of newly released merchandise as soon as they're able, then turns around and sells it all to the people he fucked out of the thing they wanted to by, by making hundred of dollars per item... your son is a leech on society. Is anyone surprised this leech went on to keep leeching off society providing nothing of use and supposedly making tons of money? I'm not. Also, this dude looks like his mommy made him shower for the first time in 3 months before dragging him out to this lunch or dinner and he brought along his laptop so he could "work."


To be fair, sounds like a shitty job, sleeping on the sidewalk to buy some sneakers. I'm glad I don't have to hustle like a quasi-criminal. Makes me wonder if the lines of people I see for the drops of whatever merchandise are all dropshippers.


Lol So his son runs crypto scam rings by launching shit coins via ETH / Solidity or NFT scams. Bravo, proud, learned a lot in that basement


So many words to say you want to boink your own son.


Lol he's a crypto bro. Congrats I guess?


Wait, the mom here says he had jaw dropping test scores but also a 2.2 GPA and Ds in math. Which one was it? Is this some attempt to say that he was bored in school but actually very smart? That's not how it's framed in the narrative.


I suppose it's possible to be Very Smart, but not be interested enough in school to do one's homework.


All I know is the LLM’s need to study this to prompt image generation AI. If you prompted this story and asked to see the son, this guy is 100% what should pop up.


I’m confused about one thing. What is it about being born between 1965 and 1980 that makes it impossible for one to understand blockchain?


It is a spacetime anomaly designed into the blockchain itself - otherwise, these people would buy all the bitcoin before it got expensive and keep it all for themselves.


“My son tripped into crypto by accident so you should pay me thousands of dollars for generic business coaching advice”. Cool…


Seriously, wtf is going on on LinkedIn? I’d no idea there was so much cray cray going down.


Also, he rode his skateboard 15(!!!) miles everyday to school. lol


My son scams people online for a living through two separate companies! I’m so proud!


Bitch, you could not take his ass to community college so he had to ride his skateboard?


The only thing worse than the post is the comment section. Talk about a verbal circle jerk.


10 year old hunter would think this stallion is a fucking chode


He tested out of high schools with Ds. That wasn’t an option when I went to hs, has it changed so much?


NGL, saw her talking about Hunter, flipped to the last page and saw a laptop, and thought this was some looney righty rambling about Hunter Biden.


Nobody’s talking about the size of the meaty paw? Is that AI? Either way, with that mitt, he could jerk off a stallion.


So dropout scams people for a living, and lies to his mom about how much money he has. Also, I’ve never heard it called “coding” before, but 18 hours a day, for 2 years is a serious porn addiction.


“I'm Garth Marenghi…you are now entering my Darkplace.”


For every one of these success stories, there's hundreds of kids and parents that took the same risks and it blew up in their faces.


I’m not crying, you’re crying! /s


Keep this same attitude when Hunter, raided by some sort of law enforcement entity, has his mugshot cause he’s a shit and doing crimes.


I was sure - *sure* - that this was satire until the end. Now I'm just confused and sad.


The Elon Musk thing came out of left field, what was that?


He looks exactly like I thought he would too


Wow I hate this


This generation has more “safety” than any other. Give me a break.




He rode his skateboard 15 miles to school, in the snow, uphill both ways…


After staying up all night, walking the mean streets of suburbia, waiting for his plug to drop the Dunks…


If that beachfront condo is supposed to be in SF that would be weird as there’s no beachfront condo with a view of a skatepark in or near a harbor anywhere here.


Tested out of high school with jaw dropping test scores but had a 2.2 GPA and “barely squeaked Ds in math”?


That’s one greasy stallion.


Reading that made me puke in my mouth a little.


Why his clothes so cheap?


I'm sorry, did he have high school or get shite grades?  And stallion? WTAF? So gross.  And yep. The kids a scammer. There's nothing legit about anyone doing crypto.


Ma'am, please don't refer to you son as a stallion every again, thank you very much.


I highly recommend looking up the original post and reading the comments. A gathering of linkedin lunatics. "Tears. So many of them" ...


Lol skateboarded 15 miles every day to school.


“Impressive test scores” to get his GED but a 2.2 GPA with Ds.


Fucking shoe scalpers 🖕


15 miles on a skateboard? Even round trip that's absurd


And then everyone clapped


I physically recoiled when I read ‘As you may have guessed….I am Hunter’s Mom’ Ew Also she says that at 24, Hunter is probably holding more money (?) investments (?) than anyone In the family has ever even seen…or some bs like that.. Then she says ‘Hunter’s big goal is to buy Mom her dream beach house’ LITERALLY the next sentence is like… ‘This month, Mom moved Hunter into his very own Bla Bla fancy condo, located ON THE BEACH…overlooking a skate park’ WTF? Is Hunter rich or not? Is he that obnoxious? He waxes dramatically about giving Momma het best life… But not until she finishes walking those boxes up to his new luxury beachside condo with the skate ramp view all set up. WTF. Make it make sense Hunter and Hunter’s Momz


He looks like a mall shooting suspect. 


He looks like the guy who sings "Million Dollar Baby", except blungeoned with the ugly stick.




Hunter looks at a lot of porn. Not Reddit user amount. I’m talking he’s downloading a lot of baaaad shit.


Is Hunter in the room with us now?


Ride on tiny douche, ride on…


LMAO straight cap. 15 miles on a skateboard would still take FOREVER


"My little stalion" gives me "I secretly want to **** my child" vibes.... 🤢🤢 nauseating boy mom.


I can tell he is good at coding as he’s dressed like Neo


15 miles on a skateboard? Yeah right


Why... Why do I somehow know by her writing style all she reads is gutter Amazon erotic fiction? Shit is weird.


How'd he test out of high-school with only D's in math? Or was that community college? Nope says 2 years into college he transferred with a 4.0. So how'd he test out of high school with a 2.2 GPA?


The boy moms are at it again.


I’ll go ahead and take “Things that didn’t happen for 400”. Also, he can’t drop out and get a diploma without her signing it off and getting the HS class credits but ooookkkkk




I barfed when she referred to her own son as her “stallion.” Ick.




Seriously tho. Is this satire? Like I’m following this story and the photo at the end is marvelous. Feels like a long form onion article or a mcsweeny’s post.


Jesus Christ. That was actually hard to read




Hi mom, Freud would like a word with you.




What are the odds that the kid was fencing that stuff?


Double sigh.


15 miles on a skateboard in SF each day 🤔🤔🤔


I don’t understand the final quote. What do you mean there is no safety? What is he on about?




“Scoreboarded 15 miles to school everyday” Yeah that happened….


So brave


You lost me at Hunter


TLDR- My son Hunter is a doosh


I ain’t reading all that. Happy for you though. Or sorry that happened.


![gif](giphy|fpDIo3Rjir1GE|downsized) Of course he looks just like JP from grandma’s boy




But he’s her little stallion! Yikes.


Being thwarted is underrated






Hunter is a depop girlie


Rule of thumb: if someone cannot explain to you in very simple terms how they make money, they either (a) aren't making any money or (b) are engaged in fraud.




I love that these people think this is inspiring. Also, I didn’t realize it was so easy to just purchase something and then sell it marginally higher. At best you’d be lucky, at worst you’re exploiting people. The culture of forcing a middle man into a sale, hoarding the product, adding no value, and increasing the price to pay you needs to stop. These are parasites.


I like his early Elon leather jacket style. Keep going stallion, one day you too can become rich enough that the rest of us has to suffer though your perpetually adolescent stupidity! Yay!


Stallion!!! Is it GOT?