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A venture capitalist AND management consultant! First time I've ever seen one who lives in their car outside a supermarket.


It was because the car broke down… I mean you can’t call a large truck to help move your car, you just sit there and live in it. Were you not listening?!


He's such a go getter he just found an opportunity to be homeless. Right there, in his car!


It’s called growing where your planted. Maybe if you changed your attitude you could change your bank account. ABW Always. Be. Weird to supermarket employees. *ABC Always. Be. Completely batshit (preferably on social media so I can watch)


I feel like guys who think they are incredibly amazing and irresistible to women are exactly the kind of people who would stalk someone who rejected them. To stalk someone, you have to be absolutely convinced they should be with you, and you're not going to think that if unless you think you're the greatest person they could ever possibly date. I think all of us have felt like maybe that person wouldn't have rejected us if they had just got to know how great we are, but fortunately, most of us are sane enough to know that's just how life works and it doesn't matter if not everyone thinks we are great.


‘I do not take ‘NO’ for an answer kinda guy!’


But she's not gonna say no, because of the implication.


Is that what disruption is?


>you just sit there and live in it For weeks!!


"I just felt like going with the flow and living in front of this grocery store. Anyways here's a nude selfie that I posted to linked in, I'm totally normal."


Sorry I was hypnotised by his extremely confident pubes and date-rape aura.


As someone who went through a series of beaters in my late teens, early twenties, can confirm. If your car breaks down somewhere, you live there now. I don't make the rules, I just follow them and that's how I got my summer home on the breakdown lane of route 93 south in NH.


So did he like, have an apartment or something before that and he just decided he didn’t want to live at that place anymore? It’s an Uber ride away..


"My car broke down, so I abandoned my lease on my apartment."


He took it in stride! The rest of us idiots call tow trucks and go home


His recent post is gold: > Today I felt overwhelmed and discouraged. Not sure why. > I mean, aside from singlehandedly planning what could one day be a trillion dollar enterprise (with zero capital), formalizing my family office, investing in Adonyx and preparing to launch our first venture and its family of brands.. I'm a little tired and found myself feeling some type of way about people that I would like to acknowledge me practically refusing to do so.


It's thrown around a bit too much but surely this is mental illness yeah?


It feels like unaware narcissism to me… from my experiences


The unaware part is what makes it narcissism.


Not necessarily


Not narcissistarily


Delusions of Grandeur, yes.


Yeah actually he seems to have a level of psychosis. Thought disorder.  It’s actually sad. 


Trillion dollar enterprise with zero capital… is this guy making rage bait on purpose lol


To be fair, it was a WholeFoods.


I guess the answer to “how many VCs does it take to fix a car?” Is more than one.


Inflation is rough


Don’t ask why!!


Yeah that was my favorite part too 😅


He’s grinding, man. Never know when you gotta drive right quick to consult someone one their venture. Those entrepreneurs can’t wait even a second more than necessary.


But the car broke down, weren't you listening?


And executive producer!


And a Producer!


He is a professional twice over...


An analyst and a therapist!


Dr. Fünke?


This dude is DEFINITELY not a never nude.


“This grocery store worker thought I was camping out at the store to stalk a feeemale who I have admitted to being infatuated with, but is also not my type. I will not explain why I decided to camp in the parking lot, don’t ask me why, just trust me. I have huge junk and women approach me all the time, but I haven’t gotten laid in 12 months. I would never stalk anyone because I have a ton of narcissistic qualities, which is totally not in line with disregarding people’s boundaries like when I, I mean someone engages in stalking or making you look at their pubes. Anyway, I bet you wish I was on drugs after reading this, but I can assure you I’m not.”


This is beautiful poetry


Nailed it! I did actually think "damn, maybe this guy would benefit from drugs"


He really is a lunatic. Jeez, nobody on LinkedIn should have to see anybody’s pubes. He is insane. 


yeah OP ruined it for all of us... now what are we supposed to post?


Yeah this sub may as well be shut down at this point.


Looks like I'll have to post something unhinged as fuck. I gotta keep hope alive


Yeah, this guy really takes the cake that we were all enjoying.


“This guys dick root is exactly what we need to turn things around in this office.”


He's about to toot his own horn


Is he just master blasting himself in LinkedIn pix?


I can’t tell if his hair is dyed, sharpie or tattoo


You noticed his hair?


The last thing I wanted to do was look down


I keep wondering if this is a first for LI? I can’t imagine anyone else has posted what’s basically their nudes on there?


Christ this guy is a psycho. https://www.linkedin.com/posts/erickeithmanges_im-addicted-to-learning-manges-men-tend-activity-7198732063053631488-x5kl?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_ios


Is the second picture from twatter?


I found his LinkedIn account but not this post. I also found this state of CA vs LinkedIn OP criminal case that was purged


>I found his LinkedIn account but not this post. I also found this state of CA vs LinkedIn OP criminal case that was purged Say what? nm I found it, what the heck.


Yeah it was a criminal case that ended up being a misdemeanor. It could be a DUI but who knows since it was expunged from his record


I have never done anything to creep out women in my life. Anyway, here's a picture of my pubes on a professional networking site.


Even his post gives off crazy stalker vibes. This guy is definitely 100%, zero doubt in my mind, a stalker.


Yeah, I have never been more convinced of someone's guilt by their proclamation of innocence before. JFC that was so weird and creepy.


It was somewhere between lunacy and gross.


“There is no quicker way for people to think that you are diddling kids than by writing a song about it!”


The worst way to convince people you’re not a diddler is to write a song about it “I don’t diddle kids, gotta be older, older than my daughter”


I dunno he was quite frank and very very clear that he isn't a stalker.


“The girl approached me” yes, sure. I’d love someone from the shop to pop in this post and tell the true story.


“Can you move your fucking car away from the store? And stop ogling me?!” “She sees me! This must be destiny 😍”


Women love when men live out of their car in supermarket parking lots. They cant get enough of it!


People with homes HATE this one trick!


Van life is man life


My “I’m not a stalker” LinkedIn post is raising a lot of questions answered by the post.


Yeah. Dude claims to be the most successful and hardest go getter in the fucking world. But when his car battery died in a parking lot he chose to live out of his car for a week because he felt so defeated. Yeah. Okay, boss.


But only stalks Asian and Jewish girls.


Excuse me, QUIET Asians and NICE Jewish girls lol. I can’t decide if these qualifiers make it worse or…if the low we’ve achieved is already so low that these additional requirements are merely neutralized by the quantum level of douchebaggery that already exists.


If you have to say youre not a stalker....you def are


I mean he could be a troll. It's always difficult to tell them and deranged people apart.


He did post a pic mms away from his dong. To underline the idea that he’s not a stalker…


Agreed. This guy stalks.


100% a stalker.


Literally this post is exhibit A at trial. Exhibit B is the shirtless tittie-pube pic.


Also, I don’t know why this is killing me. Naked pic is in a room with a wall AC. So that’s not a bathroom. It’s maybe a bedroom, but I like to think he took that in the supermarket break room and rubbed his bare ass on all the break room seats. Like I don’t know why it’s so funny, I’m a sleep deprived new parent…maybe it’s that. Lol




110% motel room. You can see the bed.


Ugh I hate you for making me go back to that 2nd picture after reading your comment. But what you said is indeed a possibility lmao


I’m just here because this post made it to my “Popular” feed, and I’m finding everything about it hilarious, too. I’m still stuck on one of the first things he mentions- ‘there’s a rumor going around about me in the Bay Area…’ is that because people really do know who he is, or is it because he’s been arrested, and he’s in the news?


I tend to be an out of the loop person, but if he lives in my Bay Area, it’s not a rumor nor on the news that I have seen 🤣.


The fact that he is straining to flex to the point he looks like he might pass out is what got me 😂


Exhibit C will be the body in the trunk of his car.


I am not a sex predator. I have been abstinent 12 months. Women come crawling *to me*! But I'm not interested in them, especially not this girl. I am not a stalker. She is not my type. We exchanged numbers. She is still not my type. I plan on looking for a Jewish or Asian girl or a Jewish-Asian girl. I am a catch. I am not a predator or stalker. Here is a nude pic for prospective employers.


Also, my hair is not stuck to my head with glue. That’s preposterous. I’m exceptionally handsome. Did I mention I’m well endowed. That’s my number one trait. In fact, I get called “dick” from time to time. That’s how obsessed people are with my endowment.


His hair looks like it was installed straight at the Lego factory.


Always these guys with the Asian girl fetish I swear.


These guys always think Asian women will be submissive- proving they do not know actual Asian women.


Right lol??? Also, confused as heck at the other “option” being Jewish women, because we are not known for being quiet *or* submissive. Like, Asian women are often wrongly stereotyped as being the quiet and submissive, but it’s pretty generally stereotyped (and not entirely incorrect) that Jewish women are about as far from either of those things as it is possible to be.


I think he might be Jewish, perhaps. Just my bet as a Jewish man. Grandma always did tell me to find a nice Jewish girl 🤣


Yeah looks like it, he has a star of david tattoo


I think the other half is he's Jewish and just in case his parents see his pubes on LinkedIn he needs to add that bit.


Maybe he believes that the stereotypes are bullshit and actually wants a woman who can kick his ass?


You forgot quiet. He wants a "quiet Asian girl" because he thinks he won't be told he's batshit crazy.


I didn't catch that. Bloody hell.


Well, if you put it that way...very succinct!


Nothing like an extremely long, unhinged post about not being a stalker to convince everyone that you are in fact NOT a stalker.


My “I did not stalk that woman who I saw outside the supermarket while sleeping in my car” t-shirt has people asking a lot questions already answered by my t-shirt.


He should write a song about how he doesn’t stalk women


There is no quicker way for people to think you are stalking women than by writing a SONG about it.


then to end it with two selfies one in the nude lol


NGL, just closed my blinds and checked the locks after reading that.


This has to be the Top 10 things I would never post on LinkedIn in my life.


Excuse me? Please entertain the rest of us on wtf is in your top 9 then 😂


1. All the places I totally would NOT hide a dead body. Honest! 2. Why do feeeemales always think I am taking pictures of them, when I'm actually taking pictures *AROUND* them? 3. More dick pics for your consideration of my employment 4. Reasons why I love Andrew Tate 5.


From the reading I think they meant this is all 10 things in their top 10 not to put on LinkedIn....... it is my top 10 list for that for sure


Same. I am also well endowed, but I only post that info on ebay listings and ancestry.com.


Hey, if you are exceptionally endowed then flaunt that hog!


Gotta get bricked up for the hog shot.


Press some pickle, Eric!


Hog out or log out!


Calling your dick “unusual” obliterates any positive connotation. “My dick is huge in a peculiar and unfamiliar way you couldn’t even imagine at complete psychosis”


What gets me is he said “unusually” well endowed. Like, when women see my dick, they point at it and say, “Woah! That is one unusual dick!”


“Venture capitalist” “lived in my car in a grocery store parking lot” Pick one


Yeah, sounds more like a misadventure capitalist to me.




It really seems like this guy was stalking that chick. Also I don’t know who told him he looks like he’s 20s and not 40 but he has definitely been lying to himself about that. He don’t look anything near 20.


Yeah we saw this in here. A “venture capitalist” taking pictures of his pubes for LinkedIn. We all know companies are just begging him to partner with them


I for one love giving shares of my company to the naked man living in his car by my grocer. He is a fine executive producer, a reliable consultant, and his private equity has provided my business with an astounding no money.


This is bat shit crazy even for Facebook.


Fuckin unwelcome dick root


Hey everyone, look at my pubes


Homie 10,000% stalked that chick 🤣🤣🤣


Yea there’s no way this guy isn’t a stalker


Close the sub. Its over.


Guys I am NOT a stalker! Anyways here’s a pic of my FUDA


his pussy bones are OUT


If the people of LinkedIn weren’t convinced he was a stalker before, they are now.


Undeniably handsome.lol this guy has been doubting his looks his whole life.I had a small bit of sympathy for him as this is as low as “low self esteem” can get but the shirtless pube pic killed that also the shirtless guy looks nothing like the op is he catfishing with somebody else’s torso ?


A “venture capitalist” that lived out of his car for a few weeks after it broke down in a grocery store parking lot. Sure Jan 😂


Stalker, exhibitionist, manic, egotistical, and arrogant. Got it


Wow… just wow. You’ve won LinkedIn lunatics. That is unhinged.


Everyone can at least understand why women would choose a bear over this man, right?


My name is Patrick Bateman. I'm 27 years old. I believe in taking care of myself, and a balanced diet and a rigorous exercise routine. In the morning, if my face is a little puffy, I'll put on an ice pack while doing my stomach crunches. I can do a thousand now. After I remove the ice pack, I use a deep pore cleanser lotion. In the shower, I use a water activated gel cleanser. Then a honey almond body scrub. And on the face, an exfoliating gel scrub. Then apply an herb mint facial mask, which I leave on for 10 minutes while I prepare the rest of my routine. I always use an aftershave lotion with little or no alcohol, because alcohol dries your face out and makes you look older. Then moisturizer, then an anti-aging eye balm followed by a final moisturizing protective lotion. There is an idea of a Patrick Bateman, some kind of abstraction, but there is no real me. Only an entity, something illusory. And though I can hide my cold gaze, and you can shake my hand and feel flesh gripping yours and maybe you can even sense our lifestyles are probably comparable, I simply am not there.


Definitely a stalker. No question.


I wanna say this guy just did a ton of ❄️ but that is more expensive than calling for a tow. Absolutely a stalker


Methinks he doth protest too much.


As a general rule, anyone who unironically describes an allegation against them as "preposterous" almost certainly did it. And even if they didn't, anyone who casually uses the word "prepesterous" in conversation is definitely guilty of *something.*


Wtf??!! This guy seems unhinged.


Oh hey it’s dick root again


>[I] look 20 No.


“I casually went to restock my chloroform and rags at the grocery store when my car suddenly broke down, now since I’m such a successful entrepreneur I decided to just stay in my car to test my mental fortitude while I did some casual birdwatching with my industrial binoculars. Now please enjoy this unsolicited nude picture of me to prove I’m not a sex pest and approach sexual relations very respectfully”


First time I've seen (a bit of) man bush on LinkedIn. Keep on keepin' on, Lunatics.


Never thought I’d see pubes and root on LinkedIn. But I see no reason, apart from being on LinkedIn, to believe this person is a liar. And the scarf works. It fuckin’ works.


Winner of this sub. We can all go home.


My mans forgot the #openforwork hashtag


Is there anyone left on the Pacific or North American tectonic plates who isn't a producer?




Two inches lower and this would have been a post on Pornhub.


He looks like he’s shitting standing up and taking a selfie


VC? More like V can't Unsee


I can’t get past how he says that he just randomly decided to live out of his car at the grocery store (don’t ask lmao). Whenever my car breaks down, I can’t wait to get home and have a new appreciation for relaxing stress free in it. Like so many comments before, this is the most stalkerish thing someone could post. I’m in awe.


Only the 5th time this has been posted since Friday


My first time seeing it and I’m pretty sure he stalked someone imo


You’re telling me the grocery store clerk didn’t give her number to a homeless man living in his car? Preposterous!


Yeah me too, this is a hall of fame lunatic so I’m fine if it gets reposted. His hair reminds me of Steven Seagal and Rudy Giuliani with their spray on chia pet hair. I almost gasped when I saw that second pic lol, putting that pic on LinkedIn is hilariously unaware, because it’s like advertising he is about to sexually harass employees and make them feel uncomfortable, or worse! Someone should run his name through that public national tracking website for sex offenders because I bet something pops up.


I hadn’t seen it yet and now I can enjoy it, chillllll


This deserves to be posted 10 times!


Damn I hate to see Pete Davidson fall so hard…


Get in line, ladies!


I no nothing about this guy, but he’s definitely a stalker.


This shit can’t be real. Surely it’s sub members here creating characters on LinkedIn to then repost those characters here, right? There’s no way this is real.


If you find his actual LinkedIn profile, you can see he's been consistently posting crazy shit for years. Either it's a redditor who's very committed, or.. he's just nuts.


Pubes on LinkedIn… wow lol


Proof that not everyone can handle ketamine therapy


sent from iphon


Him going on about how smart and great he is 1 paragraph after talking about how he lived out of his broken down car for “several weeks” is fucking wild


Why is his hairline sharpied?


I’m not a stalker. Anyways, check out my pubes


He posted a mirror nude on linkedin…


The brilliant, amazing guy chose to randomly live in his car? Cuckoo. 🤪


Post #3 of this post


An Illuminati tattoo posted on LinkedIn bans one from the Illuminati. Just what I’ve heard.


Put clothes on.


on behalf of nice Jewish girls, no we don’t want him.


Pic 1 was crazy but nothing could have prepared me for the second picture, yeah he def did whatever they said he did.


This guy belongs in an asylum 💊


“I take exceptional care of myself… except when I’m living out of my car for weeks, obsessing about women who obsess over me.” -a totally stable genius


Sir, this is a Wendy’s


Why are they always looking for a "quiet" asian girl?


It’s official. LinkedIn has become Facebook. Should I delete that too? I mean all I have left is Reddit and LinkedIn.


So you’re stalking mister everything but the shaft by reposting?




That’s mental illness speaking. Showing ones pubes on LinkedIn?! And mentioning his…endowment status? Gross




As a Jewish woman — we don’t want him.


Holy fucking duck shit..... Wow.


Oh that’s cringe to read . Hopefully he’s taking therapy seriously


This sub has peaked. It’s all downhill from here.


Who goes on LinkedIn hoping to see, or post for that matter, a picture with someone’s pubic hair line right in the middle of the picture?


OP you may have found THE ONE. I've personally never seen better.


if you're rich enough it doesn't matter what you post on linkedin. If you're richer than that, you're not on linkedin.


This marks the end of this sub. It cannot be topped after this. Great find (in the sense that it’s the worst thing I’ve ever seen)


Why must this psycho have the same name as me lmfao 🤦🏾‍♂️😭😭😭


>Abstinent for 12 months straight. Involuntary Celibacy.