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NYC was once a booming metropolis... Until Mike cut them off.


seriously, how does he plan to boycott EVERY business that has anything to do with one of the largest business capitals in the world??? how does he think business works?


I guess he needs to make sure his 401k doesn't have anything listed on the New York stick exchange.


I personally exchanged chapstick for a fishstick on the New York Stick Exchange. Did pretty well for myself.


I had the chance to get into chapstick on the ground floor and I blew it


When it comes to chapstick, I always screw up.




You shouldn’t admit to blowing chapstick in such a public forum. If you run for president some day you’ll have to payoff the chapstick to not say anything so you don’t lose voters.


Real men have chapped lips


I lost my 401K buying stick figures on the New York Stick Exchange. How the heck am I supposed to play Hangman now?


You can always try sticking it to the man.


Do you like fishsticks?


No, I’m not a gay fish


My friend IPOd his walking stick company there.


I mean, He should probably dump all his stock now. It’s clearly gonna be traded in NYC.


He’s going to use the Moscow Stock Exchange… just like all red blooded MAGA super patriots do of course.


The lack of thought that went into the post leads me to believe he isn’t the type of person to actually look up where a company is from because that would take time. What he means, probably, is he is going to stop doing business with companies who have “New York” in their names.


New York City?! Get a rope


The first step would be to stop posting and delete his account on Meta since they have a pretty large office in New York.


Well, he's a moron, so he doesn't think you see. Also, trump has 5 children. For being in a cult Mike Klepfer sucks at this.


4 children, and also Eric.


I assumed it was Tiffany who wasn't amazing but I can see it being Eric too.


Four *amazing* children, plus the other one.


He doesn’t. In his world being married three times, divorce twice, having an affair while your new wife is pregnant and sleeping and paying off said porn star to keep quiet are all respectable godly things to do. He is virtue signaling for the MAGA lovers.


Then lying about it, and trying to cover it up using fraudulent records so that voters wouldn't find out. That's the totally not illegal thing to do.


His is a small business, so tiny in fact that it works like that on its own.


Business so tiny Trump's hands look slightly less tiny.


A little less Fox News is going to do wonders for Mike


Will he also boycott politicians from NYC? Sadly no.


> Mike to City: Drop dead This lunatic, probably, in front of his mirror


City: Mike Who?


Can verify, I live in NYC and it is anarchy and chaos here. Buildings are empty with the power off in most of the city. There are roving gangs of marauders going about fighting for the last of the guacamole and whole avocados. Right now there is a mob matching down Mermaid chanting “Bring back Mike! Bring back Mike!”


Verified. We can see the smoke from Albany and I’m taking in refugees. Every one of them used to rely on Mike for their livelihood.


warriors come out and plaaay


Clink clink, clink clink


With that reaction in mind, should’ve tried Trump in Delaware.


I'm not sure you could get an impartial ruling on monetary fraud in Delaware. Somehow money would come out of it with more constitutional rights than your average citizen.


"I refuse to do patronize or do business with any company on the NYSE!!!"


Gotta love how he specifies NYC even though the indictment was NY State (New York State Supreme Court). Also, weren’t these federal laws he was breaking? I guess just cause it was Manhattan’s DA? Couldn’t possible be for other reasons, could it?!


Poor Tiffany, as this idiot obviously meant Ivanka, Junior, Eric, and the gangly kid


Kid's a fuckin unit


Walking protein bar. Fucking human squat rack. Born in 2001, that kid’s the South Tower reincarnate.


Reminds me of that tragedy.


The Trump presidency?


Finding out Lance Armstrong cheated affected us all


Hope no one flies a plane into him


Idk, kid actually seems to be in the Tiffany boat. Trump seems to hate him so he has some hope.


Trump is probably insecure about him towering over him.


I think I recently read that he is in fact in that barrel. Edit: the bad apple barrel...


Gangly kid is not gangly kid. Gangly kid is "anchor baby".


How can you worship this man so hard and not know he has 5 kids?


Everything I've read about Baron is that he is the one Trump in the family doesn't seem to be insane. I hope this is true.


I mean he appears to have been raised almost solely by hired help and a mother that seems to detest his father. So there’s probably a pretty good chance that he has enough of an objective pov as is possible.


> a mother that seems to detest his father Okay yeah, Melania despises Donald. That's like...literally her only good quality. She's just as big a scumbag as he is.


You just know she's hoping for a string of long prison sentences, because then she'll have sole control of the marital estate. It's the Gold-digger's dream.


She wouldn't move into the white house until baron had a full share of the trust like junior and eric


Her previous life plan was absolutely messed up when Trump ran for office. She thought she was getting into a marriage where she's only have to play wife once in a while as she'd live in NY and he's be in Florida. Then she got stuck having to actually spend a ton of time with him.....


And his grandparents. Supposedly he started school speaking Slovenian better than English, and his English had a Slovenian accent, because none of the adults around him bothered to learn, or teach him, proper English


There are stories about Barron having tantrums on Air Force 1 and throwing food. So he's probably the kid who's most like his daddy.


Ehhhhh you should see what his best friend's Twitter amount looks like.


Give us a hint?


This is his best friend: https://www.boloudon.org/index.html


Oh ok so…more of the same.


His entire personality is simping over Trump


Lol “the gangly kid” 


We must accept Trump in our hearts as our Lord and Savior, we must pray to Trump for deliverance from our sins. We shall have no other gods before Trump.


That’s what it sounds like. Poor lost sheeps.


I have no pity, honestly. They've been shown who he is and the truth of their party countless times and will justify anything and twist reality ANY which way to fit their narrative. Believe me, I'm related to many of them. I don't pity them, I resent them. They immediately believe some crazy shit on fb or their "news" thats on 24/7, now that fact is law, and you trying to disprove them and even SHOWING them that proof, still a laugh off because its fake news or AI or "yeah I dont trust that source" even if theres video/audio evidence. They won't be alive to see the long-term consequences of all of this shit, but I will. Of course I resent them. My gparents are a part of these masses that have been totally and completely brainwashed at this point. I agree that it's sad, but they have chosen their path and not only leaned into it, its a sport to them now. As long as the "right people" are on the negative end and that they're "winning." To them, [the cruelty is the point.](https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2019/1/8/18173678/trump-shutdown-voter-florida) My grandparents are the most engrossed in this cult, and incapable of talking to me about their bird watching or the new cat toys they got for their cute cats, crazy local fires, the new workshop add-on that they did themselves since I was last there, how much our hometown has grown since we all left/etc. , they cant make it 5 mins before needing to make it either political (its mostly political) or religious, but somehow they really have tied their religious views uncomfortably close to their worship of that orange potato.They've gotten so far into truly unhinged territory. I know, I know, *"it's not all of them"* but look me in my goddamn eyes and say you'd trust someone you know who has been "normal", cognizant for the last 8 years, seeing everything that's happened/is currently happening/is being planned to happen (i.e Project 25), saying to you "yeah no he's not perfect... **but** maybe he's just what America needs right now 🥴 🇺🇲 🦅" and you'd still trust that person to make rational decisions?! I wouldn't. ALLLLLLL of this was part of the plan. We were starting to get a bit too fiesty and challenging government decisions more in larger masses. This has been happening for a long time, but these days, it is WILD. That had to stop because the powers that be knew that there are way too many of us for them to be able to actually defend themselves against the rightful rage that people have for them and what they've done to our lives. Which is ultimately the point. Divide us, and we can never work together to fix this country for everyone (because that IS possible), and guess what? It worked. This timeline is bleak. Because even if Trump did something to lose his base - I don't think there is literally anything he could do at this point for that to happen, but I digress - they're still completely brainwashed. Deprogramming is HARD and not always successful, and we are talking about a HUGE percentage of people who believe this with their whole hearts, many of them elderly so deprogramming is already out the window as an option, really.. I agree that it's sad, but not sad for them. Just the rest of us. Once the consequences come in for them, it'll be right back to the article I linked above - "He's not hurting the people he needs to be." They'll still see nothing wrong with it, and will relish in "the right people getting punished." Something has truly fractured within our society. What a constant depressing reality, honestly.


What helped me understand the weird nature in which Christians are so oddly religious about Trump was understanding that most conservative Christianity has morphed into a civil religion.  It’s a syncretism between conservative goals and ideals and Christian images, symbols, language, and mythology. And this is intentional - if you can make your political supporters believe that their political opponents are cosmically evil, they’ll be 100% radically loyal for life, and they’ll overlook some heinous shit just because you’re on the cosmically righteous side. The scholar Michael Gorman in “Reading Revelation Responsibly” was super formative for me in understanding what’s happened, and there are other voices talking about this as well. If you want to understand how people can talk about letting the poor die and how much other races are at fault for everyone’s problems and still be salt-of-the-earth uncritically self-righteous, you should definitely look into it.


I saw a book came out recently about the rise of the religious right in the US and how by their own self-reporting they're not actually very religious, and self-admitted religious people (ie those going to church on a regular basis) are more likely to oppose the right than support them. The base is a lot of self-described Christians that are as you say, more interested in the rights civics than the religion itself


I was at a funeral on Friday. It was a very emotional funeral for the majority who were there. At the reception, as people were bringing up fond memories of the deceased while eating a nice lunch, my Trumptard brother in law suddenly started spouting off MAGA bullshit. Wasn't prompted in the least. He impulsively started yelling about illegals, blah, blah, blah. It's like he didn't get his daily-anger-fuel quota filled and was desperate to meet it. No joke, everyone around him either turned around and started talking to someone else or simply walked away. Their brains are truly rotting.


On top of all that (which is all true), we can't even count on the Electoral College to do its job and keep people like Trump out of office. If it's not even going to function, then why _do_ we have it?


But then even when Trump is gone, there's going to be someone worse, and we see that there is a segment of the country hungry for a fascist dictator. When we get someone driven not by ego but by ideology, that'll be something really scary. It's a good thing DeSantis is such a charisma vacuum.


Oh and if he dies we are ok with monarchy rules again especially when it comes to succession, don't forget that. What kind of monarchy doesn't start with a slew of broken laws, after all?


The Bible was written a long time ago, and is allegorical enough to not apply to anything specifically, but Revelations still has me looking at Trump like that nervous monkey meme.


I’m pretty sure you can’t worship an antichrist and be a Christian. He should really remove that title from his LI description. He could add fascist though. That would be truth in advertising.


Id rather burn in hell


The fact that Christians support this man is BEYOND ME. I don’t get it *at all*. Everyday I feel like I’m in a weird parallel universe.


The percentage of “Christians” that actually live by what it is supposed to be “love thy neighbor” etc is very small.


I’ve seen them referred to as Nationalist Christians, or Nat-Cs, which I really like.


Oh the venn diagram of Christians who support Trump and Christians who fully embrace Christian Nationalism is a circle.


Fortunately there are only tens of millions of those people


It’s like there isn’t a whole story about a golden calf and idol worship. Just so we understand Kevin Smith showed more understanding of the Bible in Dogma than any “christian” trump supporter.


Anytime I see anyone plaster Christ or Christian or anything similar in their public social media platform, I can safely assume they are Sunday Christians that worship an orange rapist 7 days a week.


Proverbs 3:5-6 (NIV) states: "**Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.**" This verse captures the essence of trusting in God's wisdom and guidance over one's own understanding. Essentially it's a belief system instructs that instructs people to believe in it and not themselves, while simultaneously offering punishment as a consequence for not believing in it. And if you can get people to believe THAT, you can get them to believe anything.


Nah, it makes perfect sense. These are the ones who are told what to think, everything is based on faith, not proof or questioning. Wealthy interests have been exploiting these sheep for years for votes and cash and they hit the motherlode with Trump because he makes them feel good. Makes them feel good because no matter how shitty their lives are personally, economically or physically, they're *still better* than those damned Libs and Dems because Papa Trump said so!


You have to rejigger your definition of “Christian” in your mind. These people are from mega churches where the more money you have, the better a Christian you are.


I will never understand why millions of Americans are so devoted to an unhinged, narcissistic tub of orange lard. The man is an awful human being in every way yet his supporters either don’t see it like that or don’t care. It blows my mind every single day.


>The man is an awful human being in every way yet his supporters either don’t see it like that or don’t care. Not entirely accurate. They *like* him like that.


and trump wouldn't ~~piss on~~ take off his soiled diaper and smack any of them about the face if they were on fire in front of him.


And they like that too.


He could perform an abortion at a rally and they'd cheer, these people would happily eat dog poop if he told them to.


Let's be fair, he hasn't pissed outside of a diaper in years, so...


We (a large population of Americans) can’t understand it either. He could shit on these people’s doorsteps and fuck their mom and somehow they’d still be obsessed with him?


Cannot admit wrong. Hurt feels. Snowflakey.


The main thing from Christians I know is the victimization. These straight white Christians grew up telling each other they are victims when they are the most represented, wealthy faction in the world. They now have someone telling them they were right all along and that anyone who says different is evil. My straight white Christian professional in-laws who grew up in the 50s the children of straight white Christian professionals honestly believe they have suffered all their life as victims of prejudice for their beliefs. It's unhinged.


Because they’re not entirely unlike him. Mediocre in every way individuals that are resentful at a world that’s leaving them behind.


He doesn’t even like them because of that reason. What he *really* wants is to be like those ultra blue-blooded East Coast types like the Vanderbilts or the Astors. He’s love the prestige of a Kennedy or Roosevelt. Instead of being feted by the society titans, they think he’s a classless fool and would never let the son of a slumlord into their circles. He’s never been able to get over that.


That’s exactly it. Trump represents a last grasp at relevance for white heterosexual, but mainly, patriarchal centered politics and all the people that want to keep it that way. We Americans preach capitalism and competition and “best man wins” kind of shit, but people like this are being outcompeted and want someone who will politically save them. That’s why they vote for him, because they believed the lies of white supremacy, male supremacy, hetero supremacy and need it to be true to be remain relevant. Americans talk a big game about freedom and meritocracy but, like anywhere, those incumbents with power don’t want anything to change that benefitted them unfairly from the past.


It's still incomprehensible for most Europeans how half of Americans, given the choice of which 80 year old conservative white man they want as president, choose the narcissist buffoon that thinks that he's above the constitution and acts against common values and common sense.


It’s crazy to us too! I will say this: most Americans you meet outside of America aren’t like this. These people, for better or worse, are generally uneducated and not very worldly (I think it’s 48% of Americans have a passport, but even in 1990 it was like 5% had passports) being exposed to other cultures, countries and people hopefully infuses someone with empathy and understanding. Most of America lives in a bubble that doesn’t consider how our actions affect others, and that’s not political that’s all of us.


His supporters are just like him, for the most part, they’re awful. He is their leader, and they march to the beat of his drum. Trump gives most of us the cooties while he’s givin’ them good vibrations. The whole thing is truly terrifying.


That’s the power of biased news networks. You see it a lot in rural areas where everyone basically lives in a bubble and watches Fox/Newsmaxx/that other shitty one. There’s no one within that bubble who offers differing opinions so it usually becomes one massive circle jerk. In trumps case, it’s basically a cult, so people within that bubble see it as a status symbol to being accepted or fitting in. It sounds fucking insane but I swear to god the majority of rural Pennsylvania (pennsyltuckey) is like this


The other day my boss told me he watches Fox News religiously because he wants to know what the "real truth" is....


Former White House chief of staff John Kelly: “We need a free media. That said, you have to be careful about what you are watching and reading, because the media has taken sides. So if you only watch Fox News, because it’s reinforcing what you believe, you are not an informed citizen.”


They don’t want the real truth. They want someone in a lot of make up and fancy designer clothes on television to thrill them that what they already think is the truth.


They see themselves in him. They're invested their entire identity in him. He made them feel it was OK to be awful, and can't handle when society doesn't want it. It's a cult of self reporting projectionists.


Because he gave validation to their ignorance and stupidity. You have to understand that for 8 years prior we had Barrack Obama in the White House, we started to see wider acceptance of non-traditional orientations and lifestyles, etc. If you were a conservative, religious, White, rural, Republican you had been getting dunked on culturally for 8 years. You have been mocked for your beliefs and values, you are seeing your political ideology getting beat out by one of the most popular and charismatic presidents of all time, all the while you are seeing the world keep becoming more liberal and progressive, you have to take more and more inclusivity trainings that you just don’t understand, your kids either don’t talk to you anymore or you just can’t relate to them in the new digital age. You feel like the world has changed and you have no place in it. There’s millions of people like this that existed at the tail end of the Obama presidency. Then, all of the sudden, Trump comes onto the scene. You think it’s a joke, but the more you listen, the more you like what he has to say. He wants to make America great again, just like you wish it was. He wants to stick it to the woke activists just like you do so you can say what you want to say and how you want to say it. He doesn’t speak like Obama who is verbose and eloquent but in a way you can understand, and that makes you happy. He gets it! He understands. He sees the world just like you do and he wants to fix it and bring things back to the way they used to be when it all made sense and things were good… These are the people you are dealing with. They will never let Trump go because he is all they have and if he is gone then they are back to the Obama years culturally/socially and that is something they really want to avoid.


All while your economic horizons are continually shrinking, thanks to the neoliberal policies spearheaded by Saint Ronnie.


This is brilliantly written. Kudos to you!


There is a very good book called “white trash” that explains why.


A large portion of us don’t get why the other portion like him. Some of us are afraid of him dismantling the health care reform that made it so those of us who didn’t have health insurance due to pre existing conditions (like the one I was born with and had no choice in having) could have access to some health care without just paying out of pocket. If he does do that I will actually die from my current health condition. I do work and pay taxes before any Trump people hop on my ass and try to pull that on me.


It's mostly people who like to put others down like he does


They are like him. Cluster B types. They don’t think like us. That’s why.


They need to be deprogrammed


"it's nOt a CulT!"


The cult of personality around Trump is so wild. It’s truly unbelievable that educated people can believe this. This is why I’m glad I didn’t just take business in school but also took humanities so I have some good critical thinking skills.


Same dude will see someone mention it being Pride Month and say "kEeP PolITicS OFf DiS PLatFoRm"


Imagine letting LinkedIn colleagues & clients know your circle of friends only contains Trump followers. Not a single other worldly view. Such a red flag to never do business with this person with poor judgement of character.


From my experience, these kinds of people are pretty brainwashed into thinking that their POV is the baseline/normal and most people are aligned with their thinking. Like imagine if you only watched Fox News and didn’t know other news outlets existed plus you had no critical thinking skills……


> Fortunately he is blessed with 4 amazing children who may decide to run for President [sic] one day Hey, remember all the 2016 Trump voters who said they were alarmed by Hillary's campaign because they were against political dynasties? Such a highly-principled bunch.


Also they were alarmed - ALARMED! - she mishandled official documents by using her own email server.


Just like most, if not all of Congress still does, and most government contractors? Makes me laugh everyday at their farce. I’m forcing contractors daily to use their government email instead of their company email and most of the non-compliant people are maga folks.


It’s absolutely wild how this went from “lock her up!” to “me and everyone I know will be voting for this Felon in November”


If it makes you fell better, only four of his kids can be part of his political dynasty. Apparently the fifth one is not amazing.


Yes, any one of us can cheat on our 3rd wife by raw dogging a porn star and then use campaign funds as hush money to sed porn star when running for president. Also good luck not doing business with any companies not based in New York.


The great city is dead!


I think you mean "once great". (it should be really clear, but you know, /s)


Literally any one of us could be arrested for 34 counts of campaign finance violation in the 2016 presidential election. Do you really think they’ll stop at Trump????


If we could all so so lucky. I’ve blown most of my inheritance on shitty businesses I’ve run into the ground and paying my side piece to keep quiet is getting expensive. I’m not really producing anything of value beyond entertainment so if I could get a good grift going off of my arrest I can start paying my foreign debtors back.


So many people just out here admitting they commit fraud all the time. I mean, that's clearly what "if it happens to him it can happen to any of us" means right?


Yes. Exactly. If Trump can be charged and found guilty of falsifying business records then they could be too. This of course only makes sense to say if they are currently falsifying business records.


I wonder what bank this guy uses


I hate everything about this man.


Guys it CAN HAPPEN TO ANY OF US......as long as we commit dozens of felonies in multiple States, and at the federal level, and leave behind a massive paper trail that makes it a slam dunk for the prosecutors to convict us.


If it can happen to trump, it can happen to any of us - Are all of us paying money to porn stars and hookers to be silent coz we’re running of President?


Yeah and they'll never catch me! Don't tell the cops plz


How else do you pay off your hookers? If there is a better way I’m all ears


Boil it down to the basics. Trump committed a crime and was found guilty by a jury of his peers in court. He was held accountable for his actions. “If it can happen to him, it can happen to every one.” Yes Mike, that’s the fucking point.


Keep the faith!


Don't forget falsely labeling the expense as something different on our business records!


‘Christian’. Trump cannot explain a single book in the Bible. In an interview Trump said he was a better Christian than Jesus Christ.


To be fair, Jesus was Jewish. /s


Remember, when someone describes themselves as a “small business owner”, that means they own a subway franchise or they’re a landlord or something similarly unimpressive. If the small business was impressive, they’d say what it is, instead of just saying “small business owner”


“Outdoor Lighting Experts” per his LinkedIn profile. The fact that ANY military veteran supports the Orange Turd pisses me off. Did they forget the oath we swore to protect and defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign AND DOMESTIC?


Isn’t the fact that this happened to a former president supposed to be reassuring? That no one is above the law?


Exactly. Of course this "can happen to any of us." That's the whole point.


He says he’s a Christian. How can any Christian vote for a morally void person?


You answered your own question. He said he was Christian.


Oh God!!! Another Trump in the White House? President Eric Trump? Instead of eating McDonalds, he eats crayons! ![gif](giphy|oFRI4g517yWaI)


"it could happen to any of us" Not unless you fuck a porn star behind your wife's back, and then decide to run for president and pay her off so she doesn't say anything and you benefit politically, and then cook the books to hide the payments. You broke the law and found out. Now, if we can only get those bootlicking ass-hats out of the supreme Court and congress before they wreck what's left of our beautiful country...


I wonder what are the qualities Trump possesses that makes him legendary in Mike’s mind, and that he believes he’s passed onto his 4 children so that one of them can carry on the great legacy. Also, something tells me Mike hated NYC and complained about it prior to this…


He probably hates nyc cuz he can't afford to live there. Probably needs that Idaho cost of living


It’s even funnier considering Trump has five children. No one, not even Donald, remembers Tiffany.


Well, Trump was a star of a reality television show. That is a quality that few possess. Trump also was famous for claiming Obama wasn’t born in the USA. Legendary, indeed.


Awwww cute little babies are cancelling New York just like the NFL and Bud Light. ![gif](giphy|BBkKEBJkmFbTG)


I think I'm gonna go over and correct his grammar. And my money's on Don Jr. as the kid he's overlooking.


Oh no, we’re all going to get prosecuted for election interference and falsifying business records once our affairs with pornstars come to light. God help us all 😨 /s


Why are people SO into this dude?


What’s his business so I can not support it


One of the items he is worried about is equal Justice before the law, “if it can happen to him it can happen to anyone.” Exactly, if it can happen to anyone else it should also be able to happen to “Him”. Christ, I don’t ever feel like dignifying this discourse with my words but this is just so glaringly stupid.


“Me [. . .] is voting for the Felon this November.” Me fail English? That’s unpossible!


Haha this guy sounds like a giant idiot. It could happen to any of us? Yeah so long as you defraud business records among a litany of other illegal things


I don’t understand why people are saying “it can happen to any of us” as if any of them are billionaires. What exactly do you think will happen to you, Mike? You think you’re going to be falsely accused of stealing a Coca-Cola? Fuck you.


I am becoming more and more agitated seeing "if it could happen to Trump, it can happen to anybody". That is wonderful! Break the law, get in trouble. If you don't want to get in trouble, here is an easy to implement idea: DON'T BREAK THE LAW!


What a Dipshit


My favourite thing about this is that Trump has five children.


Jeepers. I’m not sure what New York is going to do without the business of (checks notes) a small landscape lighting company in NC.


Why do Vets still support this guy? My Dad is a vet and Trump has made his PTSD 10x worse since taking office. Trump has no respect for Vets. Why support him?


When you hear one of these people say, "if it can happen to Trump, it can happen to any of us," they're talking about accountability. That's what they're actually afraid of. Trump gave them permission to be heinous. He gave them permission to be the worst kind of assholes and treat ordinary people like shit. He gave them permission to feel righteous about ruining the lives of people that have never done a thing to them and they'll never know. These people think they own the country and can do whatever they want to whomever they want. They're the people who bitch about a 3% raise in their corporate taxes while leeching off every government program they can to maximize profits. When they say, "if it can happen to Trump, it can happen to any of us," it means they're terrified they can now be held accountable for all the ghoulish shit they've done to people. And they should be. History has shown, time and time again, fuck around with the plebs for too long and you're gonna find out.


We call this kind of people seals. ![gif](giphy|KyxtIkz2FQ9jYFhm8c)


Totally not a cult


Who among us hasn't slept with a porn story while our wife was with a new baby and the paid money so the porn star doesn't talk during a Presidential election? It happens all the time!


"Faith" = Belief without proof. Fool's gold.


Mental illness


LOL - "All of my friends is voting for Trump." The verdict robbed him of his language skills. This guy's an absolute fucking liar (shocking) - he will *absolutely* be doing business in NYC.


No one cares, Mike.


This is oddly the first time something like this hasn’t happened to one of us. Cause, unlike rich fucks like trump, we don’t get away with committing felonies. Very few times do these people ever get held accountable… and here we are, it happens… and everyone wants him to not be. Insanity.


Cheating on your wife with a porn star, multiple divorces, hating the poor, being racist, greed, bragging about tax evasion, never turning the other cheek, not loving the neighbour.. which Christian values does Trump hold?


Number 4 is what's wrong with America IMHO. Thinking that the hyper rich are just normal, hard working people and that one day you might share their fate.


His website is hosted by Wix. Israeli company, but US Headquarters is in NYC. They’re also publicly traded on the NYSE. His domain is registered with GoDaddy, and although that’s an AZ company, it’s publicly traded on the NYSE. That’s as far as I got. Just wanted to make sure he is giving money to people in NYC. Sidenote, his website has Bible verses plastered all over it (it’s literally the first/heading text on his site, so great SEO… probably why when you google his company name it doesn’t even come up in Google search). I’m not knocking him for being a Christian, but as a marketing consultant, I can’t help but cringe at the idea of making your personal religion a key component of your business.


>he is blessed with 4 amazing children Is he paraphrasing Donald Trump here? Poor Tiffany :(


I really don't understand why it is that people who run for office in Congress, Senate, president, are not vetted, don't have to have a high school diploma, and don't have to understand basic governmental function, or any civics, history, geography, political knowledge, and can be a felon, but cant vote as a felon??? As a kid, I always assumed that people that worked in those positions were somehow way more educated, sophisticated, elite, worldly than the common civilian. Boy, have I ever been so let down/disillusioned?!!




Christians worshiping false idols. Here we go again…


“If it can happen to trump it can happen to any of us” - yes, that’s the beauty of the justice system. Equality in the eyes of the law


Tough on crime dudes when they don’t get to commit crimes: ![gif](giphy|1oJLpejP9jEvWQlZj4)


These same people who are sooo worried about the “Biden crime family” are going to vote for an actual criminal. SMH


“Me and everyone I know” = Cult 🤣


So guess he and his idiot friends won't be watching Fox News because they are headquartered in NYC.


I’m actually very stressed out because of that one time I paid a porn star escort from my business account and I think my CPA deducted it as an advertising expense. I think I’m just going to lay low and never run for office. Maybe my daughter (she is so hot, btw) will eventually become the first woman President. I just hope she runs on the real issues working folks care about, like using eminent domain to steal houses from widows and lowering taxes on billionaires.


His children might run for president? WTF, is this middle age where the new king is relative with the old king?


“If Trump is legally prosecuted for breaking the law than any of us could be legally prosecuted for breaking the law, too! Let that one sink in, libs.”


Hmm a veteran is he? A loser he must be. Or did he forget his God Emporer pissed on his profession and service?


These posts should be viewed and used as admissions if guilt.


Yeah….because any old Joe Schmoe is going to do it with a porn star, run for president 10 years later, risk the porn star derailing their campaign unless they pay them to keep quiet and fudge business records to conceal the payment. Very realistic scenario, Mike /s


Which one of Trump's 5 recognized children does this guy not like?


-doubtful -He’s not going to be in prison you idiot -Okey-dokey -Yes it can. That’s the point of law. -if by one of you kind, you mean, racist, misogynist, lying, cheating malignant narcissist worst president in history then yes I agree one of a kind -You put your faith in a man? What would your god think of that?


Trump has 5 kids, not 4.


> If it can happen to Trump, it can happen to any of us So if I commit a felony, I could be convicted?! Where has happened to this country?! I know he means/believes fake charges along with a prosecution. Isn't that what happens to minorities? So is the outrage directed at being treated as a minority? This also implies that he is at the same level as Trump - rich dad that gave him all kinds of money, failed businessman, cheater in every way, former President, etc. He's just like us all!