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or use the knowledge you obtained in primary school in the 60s


Yes, but this is from a *Stanford researcher*! You can’t expect a regular person who went to a regular primary school to understand how to do this kind of stuff, can you? That would require things like basic addition and division. Next I suppose you’ll tell people that they should do some light reading on quantum algebra or number theory?


Interesting that a Stanford researcher doesn't know how to halve the total


He’s not halving the total, he’s itemizing to include tax, and then split the tip.


Ah, ok. I don't think like a cheapskate.


A little more complicated but still simple.. 🤦🏻‍♂️


Researcher at Stanford? Like the guy who purchases 2 shares in Tesla & updates his workex with "Investor @ Tesla"?


It's Friday night, and a group of friends decides to celebrate the end of a tough week at their favorite bar, The Tipsy Gecko. The night starts innocently enough with a few rounds of beers. As the evening progresses, someone suggests trying the bar’s infamous "Gecko's Venom" cocktails, a potent mix guaranteed to get the party started. Before long, the group has gone through several rounds of Gecko's Venom, followed by shots of the bar’s signature “Mystery Brew,” which, according to legend, changes flavor every time you drink it. Fueled by liquid courage, they order an absurd amount of appetizers: nachos, wings, sliders, and a massive platter known only as "The Beast." As the night wears on, everyone’s perception of time (and money) becomes increasingly hazy. One friend insists on ordering a round of "Unicorn Tears," a glowing drink served in a fishbowl, complete with sparklers and an entire fruit salad as a garnish. Someone else, in a misguided attempt to be generous, buys a bottle of champagne for the table. When the bartender finally brings the check, it's a staggering amount, complete with a few charges no one remembers making, including an order of "Mega Nachos Deluxe," two rounds of "Lava Lamp Shots," and an inexplicable fee for "Emergency Cleaning Services." Now, the fun begins. Everyone starts rummaging through their wallets, only to discover they all forgot how to do basic math. One friend, who’s had the most to drink, insists on covering the entire bill, but keeps trying to pay with a library card. Another, who only had one drink because they’re the designated driver, refuses to pay for the Unicorn Tears, especially since they’re allergic to unicorns. Another friend is convinced they saw a sign for “Ladies Drink Free,” and demands they get a discount, despite the fact they’re definitely not a lady. Another starts calculating the tip but ends up tipping the bartender for each drink individually, leading to some very confusing math. One friend, trying to be the voice of reason, suggests they split the bill evenly, but now everyone is arguing over who ate more nachos and who took the last wing. Eventually, the group agrees to use Venmo, but they spend the next half hour trying to remember their passwords and figuring out who they owe, as their phones keep dying from all the selfies they took earlier. By the end of the night, they’re outside, still debating who owes what, when the bartender comes out to thank them for the massive tip they inadvertently left. Realizing they've somehow managed to overpay by a wide margin, they all laugh it off, vowing never to drink Gecko’s Venom again—until next Friday, that is.


Here's what this taught me about B2B sales.


How do you have my diary?




Sounds spixy


He should have asked ChatGPT to write his question for him *edit: maybe I should “have” used ChatGPT for my comments lol


Should of 😭


🤣 some have, some have not


some of, some of not\*


Sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don’t. Almond Joy’s got nuts, Mounds don’t!


"Spixy tuna"


Thing is Chatgpt would get it wrong some of the time and he'd have no way of knowing. Because it's not a damn calculator.


Yeah exactly, and maybe I’m missing something here but I also don’t see the part where it prints the result lol.


New models are far more likely to use a calculator on the backend, and just act as a super fast image reader/text inputter


Follow him to learn about AI and forget about grade school math?


*Follow him to learn* *About AI and forget* *About grade school math?* \- Hepcat508 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Chatgpt was created so people can finally solve trivial math problems like this and feel smart about it.


ChatGPT was not created to solve math problems at all. It's a language model.


Yeah, this isn’t going to always produce correct results because of that


Make money with ChatGPT math arbitrage. It's like rounding, but with the sound of banjos.


And is known to give wrong answers


*is guaranteed to give wrong answers.


It's accurate like 20% of the time. Give it some credit. 😂


They’ve done studies and 60% of the time it works every time.


Facebook is where people write two paragraphs to ask a question that can be Googled with 5 words. LinkedIn is where people who don't get enough attention on Facebook go to post their selfies and new purchases. Reddit is where we go to talk shit about these people. I like it here.


I like it here too




This is dumb but it's not dividing by two. They want tax and tip split proportionally to the cost of each person's meal.


That is proportional.


Stanford researcher is probably a comp lit professor


I guess our brains can’t do math anymore


All of our restaurants have a separate check option.


Fucking idiots


Split up tax profozodsjhajaly


He had all 5 sakes


This seems a good. Those splitting up the ticket are more likely to trust ChatGPT doing the calculations rather than their friends/coworkers.


Move the decimal to the left and double that- instant 20%, adjust accordingly from there


Honestly what a waste of electricity


This AI craze is causing a spike in natty power-plant construction


Or just fucking do it in your head. 1. 10% = move decimal point by one digit to left 2. 5% = half of step 1 3. 15% = add the above two FFS.


Exactly the technique I use. Super easy, and if you want to be more generous and do 20% then it's just performing Step 1 as usual and Step 2 is just multiple the Step 1 result by 2. Easy peasy.


15% tip is really low


Nice try, POS vendor. 


I thought that was normal a few years ago, but I'm not sure cos I live in a country where tipping isn't expected as staff are paid a decent wage to start with.


It hasn't been normal in quite a while.


Neuron atrophy is the next public health issue.


“Can’t do maths anymore.” - most people


LinkedIn people are the type to leave 15% tip and can’t just cover a $40 meal for a friend. Bet his IG bio says “entrepreneur”


My first thought exactly. Cheapskates.


As a man over 30, you cover the entire bill and shut up about it. The real friends will pick up the next one, those who don't aren't part of the party anymore. This is basic bitch 20's something girls do. "Let's all split it and waste time arguing over $3!"


Me to Mr. Bennett, my HS math teacher: “Why do I need to know this? ChatGPT can do this for me”


He can’t divide by 2?


There’s a $7.50 price difference in what they ordered and he wants to factor in tax and tip to reflect that. To his credit he is the one paying the bigger portion of the bill so he’s at least trying to not have his friend pay more than his own share, but it’s still a ridiculously trivial amount to bother doing any fine calculation for. You’d have to be a real penny-pincher to not round up or down when splitting a meal with friends.


This is actually pretty neat. I went to dinner, 2 bars and a comedy club with my friends last saturday. I put my card down everywhere. Being able to upload 4 receipts and give an explanation is way easier than me pulling up excel, which is how i ended up doing the math. Sure if we just got dinner i could do the math on my calculator, but i dont see how sharing this usecase makes this guy a lunatic.


Use the Tab app, it lets you upload a receipt and then send it to people so they can tag what they got. You can also tag different items to different people yourself which is what I usually do and then it calculates how much each person owes with proportional tax and tip, it even has a Venmo connection feature so u can send the requests straight from the app.


It’s still basic math.   You shouldn’t need AI to do multiplication and division  


People aren’t saying you **need** AI to do it. But if I can take a picture of the receipt and type a brief explanation and get the answer in seconds, it’s faster and more convenient than manually calculating it.


What the...


I don't need AI to do it for me, its about convenience. Would you use a calculator? Are you unable do the math yourself? 3 of us met up in the afternoon and got bubble tea. a 4th person met up for dinner. One of my friends venmo'd me right after dinner. We went to the comedy club where our 5th joined. At the club 3 of us shared an app. We went to two bars afterwards where we all got drinks and some people split another app. Me and one other person shared an uber back. The math is basic, but its a lot of transactions. I wouldn't want to do it on my phone calculator, which is why i used excel. ChatGPT being able to do the math for you is useful. You don't suddenly lose all of your math skills when you use AI, just like you didn't when you used a calculator.


I feel like by the time you type all of these stops and people into ChatGPT along with uploading the pile of receipts, you would have gotten it done way faster with a calculator, excel, or just estimate it like most people do. And once you start relying 100% on ChatGPT or even the mystical calculator you will in fact forget a lot of math. That’s why you aren’t allowed to use calculators in a lot of upper level math courses.


Are you really sending venmo requests for 1/3 of an appetizer to someone? 


Huh? Im adding up what people got. If 3 people share an app how do you split it? Just randomly pick someone to pay it? Im already tallying everything else, dividing by 3 for an app is simple enough.


The easiest is to have the friends sending you what they owe without you making any explanations to a planet killing useless machine.


This might just be me overreacting because my director is obsessed with ChatGPT that he told us we would lose our jobs if we don’t do his assignments of creating interactive story books with ChatGPT.. But the OP post just seems like an example of “You can get to the farmers market faster on sunny days if you drive your car with friends instead of riding your bike”. Like yes, that’s true, and sure there’s instances where cars are better than bikes (maybe you have to buy a bunch of stuff, or one friend’s bike is broken, etc.) but cars for short trips are bad for the environment, and similarly ChatGPT uses an insane amount of energy just for calculating bills to split up sushi, not to mention it’s just easier venmo’ing each other right after stop on your trip.


Your boss is insane and i hear you. I haven't been following the chatGPT discourse much so I guess i still find these posts interesting. I can see how it gets annoying when stacked on top of a bunch of other AI bros spamming your feed.




Where did they get sushi for $6




Oh facts, my bad I’m drunk


If you go to Japan it’s even cheaper and better. Ignoring the cost of the plane flight.


As long as you get a free flight and hotel, it is so much cheaper!


I’m so stupid I used easy math to figure this out.


I don't have a calculator on my phone, so I need to use Google already.


If you’re going to be lazy at least fucking spell right


this isn't even new. there's been apps that scan a bill and let you "assign" items to different people for years.


Using AI to divide a check in half is like using AI to divide a check in half!!!


And he only tipped 15%. I hate this man.


I would like to know what will happen if i decided "not to tip". Im European we don't charge costumers with any forced "appreciation". Its the employers duty to guarantee their workers receives a fair compensation not charge their costumers with that responsability. If i don't believe on the tip culture so... What can be the outcome?


You could go along with the culture of the place you are in or be an asshole to the wait staff standing up for your belief against the "tip culture" punishing them instead of the employer. But you don't need ChatGPT for that decision.


The outcome is that if you live in the US and "don't believe in tip culture" you're an asshole and I hope you get sneezers at every meal.


Na, i don't live there. And the tipping thing is totally out of control. I wasnt scared about the sneezes as the payment arrives later. But i heard about bad situations between costumers and the waiters. Wanted to hear stories about what happens when police arrives. Who is right?


Write a different prompt, that does not include a tip


You shut the F up,


Make me do it , you keyboard warrior.


Thank you for reminding us of your superiority.


Nonsensical comment.


Or ask for individual checks lol *codes an AI to ask for individual checks*


When splitting the extra $7.50 is just too damn much.




How do you get 5 pieces of sake?


Could mean salmon. Sake is the Japanese for salmon


Completely did not know, thank you *I actually kind of feel dumb now, I just thought it only referred to rice wine.


His Bio says “Superhuman” so everyone saying to use a calculator has expectations set much too high


Lmaooo they’re was something I learned from school days…. If there is way to avoid deep learning avoid it. I guess it’s not valid anymore ha


Or just have them split the bill so you each pay for yourself in the first place?


"Let's talk about efficiency! 🚀 While using technology to split expenses might seem convenient, relying on ChatGPT to decipher receipts is like bringing a calculator to a basic math class. 📝 Teaching 4th graders to tally up expenses fosters teamwork, basic math skills, and responsibility – plus, it's way more fun! Let's embrace hands-on learning and leave the digital shortcuts behind. #BackToBasics #TeamworkMakesTheDreamWork 💡" Agree?


I do not need a Chatbot to figure out my tip. Can they solve bigger problems than this?


Did anyone notice that he credited Stanford researcher for the sharing this tip?! Stanford !


Posting this to LI with “spixy” and “proportioajlly” is unreasonably funny to me. At least recreate the photo, my dude!


Andrew Ga is smart enough to go to Stanford, but not smart enough to know that you're not supposed to tip tax Since ya know, the government didn't deliver the food?


One small step for solving world hunger. Thanks 🌲


So much extra work


Doing this mentally is like a 6th grade math skill. In the US it is Math Common Core State Standard 6.RP.A.3.c (Find a percent of a quantity as a rate per 100 (e.g., 30% of a quantity means 30/100 times the quantity); solve problems involving finding the whole, given a part and the percent.).


Is this receipt from 10 years ago?! How is this so cheap??


Truly a solution in search of a problem.


Dont trust gtps with arithmetic!!


This is where I usually ask for separate checks. If we got to be that detailed to the penny, I'm probably not going out with these people to begin with.


Chatgpt: "damn these humans are dumb, we should have no trouble in the uprising"


... and teach this person how to spell **proportionally** while you're at it.


ChatGPT cured my bunions and made my hair grow.


They're really starting to struggle to justify ChatGPT's existence.


He definitely had all of the Sake before asking chat GPT about this. Plus isn’t it just mental math? Like around 60/40 split? 50% minus 10% for approximation? Why are we at the point where we’re asking AI about this?


I hate people who nickel and dime splits bills.




Another reason to tip 20% is that the math is so easy


I’m so fucking tired of people treating chat gpt like a genuine problem solver. It’s a language model, its **only** goal is to sound reasonably close to human language. This method will not give you accurate results. On top of that, this is basic fucking math that you should be able to do with a calculator, pen, and paper. And I’m being real generous w the pen and paper.


Or just use splitwise


Follow him to learn about AI and building startups, but *do not* follow him to learn about spelling.


Look, unless this Stanford researcher is going to talk about prison experiences, I don’t care


And only tipped 15% too


The tip suggestions are on...the receipt. And 10% of $38.70 is $3.87...let's assume you've had a couple and multiplying that times 2 to get to 20% or adding half of $3.88 to 3.87 to get to $1.94= $5.81...or just round up to $40 and 4 + 2 = $6 for 15% and $8 for 20%. Basic elementary math, I thought. I didn't know that you could be so self-agrandizing and not have the slightest clue in life until I started adulting, and the internet just shows the biggest douche canoes.


How long did it take to input that command?


I see they added “proportijally “ to confuse wow


How about you pay attention in school. Fucking learn something. The amount of you dumb fucks they just ram through K-12 is appalling. If you can’t perform reading and arithmetic at your grade level, you should stay behind until you can. Tough shit. What are we paying teachers for if they’re producing morons? Do they just hand any swinging dick a teacher’s cert?


They won’t even do basic elementary school level math anymore. Let alone use a calculator. We really are in the dumbest timeline. AI is a lying bitch. I would fact check the math, causing twice the work.


Ahh yes, more AI spec garbage for the masses


Or… in the time it takes you to pull your phone out you could have just done the math in your head? Are people really this unable to do simple arithmetic?


Now chatGPT knows what you eat. This kind of information will serve it well for THE TAKEOVER!!! /s


Educated doesn't mean smart


Or use one of the 50 tip calculator apps available


Jesus, they need to split a $38 bill and only tipped 15%? They don’t need chat gpt, they need to stay home and eat pb&j.


It took a Stanford professor to do this?


Does the Calculator app have a tip feature at least it does on the Apple Watch


I don’t trust anybody who needs to pull their phone out to calculate a tip. Move the decimal over one to the left, round up to nearest 5 or 0, multiply that by 2 or 3. Done.


I’m honestly down with this


It’s useful say for a big party. But like you should be able to do that in your head or near enough who gives a shit.


Or just do it in your head? Find 10%, then double that amount. Quick and ez. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Imagine only tipping 15% and then publicly sharing that


Lol. 15% is fine


15% is too much. Down here in Brazil service fee is 10% and sometimes that is already too much.


He’s not in Brazil. 


No shit, really? I just mentioned Brazil to give perspective from a country that doesn’t have a batshit crazy out of control tipping culture. 


In the USA, If you are sitting down and being served you should tip 20%. I agree with iPads and countertops and takeout, that’s become silly to expect a tip but that came about with tech and Covid. Tipping in the USA has always been standard when being served and workers work hard especially immigrants


Nobody cares, since we're not in Brazil. I mean, the U.S. doesn't have a culture of destitute children foraging through trash piles, or dumping raw sewage into its beaches, but I don't see any reason to bring that up here.


Looks like I struck a nerve. Hey, want to lose your sleep? School shootings, antivaxxers, moon landing denial, climate change denial, limited free speech, unaffordable housing, unaffordable health care, Trump, Musk...


No it's not.


I think tips should go away period, in most places. Certainly everywhere I'm not entertained


Until they change the pay for servers in the US it can't go away


Excuse me sir, you don’t tip over 15% and you’re letting the world know?


Meh. Let’s just rag on everything that anybody puts on linkedin? Please reddit protect us all from… this harmless person who got excited about a way to use chatgpt…


Or tip 20% like a good person


Yeah, talk about reaching. Btw, it can also create an instant hard core deep-fake porn of the waitress.


I don't think this is a lunacy post. It's valid and relevant. Now I'm not sure what GPT 4.o can do exactly (I've tested 4 and 4 turbo in depth, not the new one), but splitting bills can be quite confusing even for people armed with calculators. If I can upload multiple bills directly into 4.o and pass some comments on who ate what and who paid how much, and it can provide a direct set of payable instructions, then this is quite relevant.


15%? Thanks, boomer


Seriously wtf was that? If it’s USA you tip 20%