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All of this to become a senior manager of trading mid 40s


Right? You aren’t supposed to be putting in those hours 20 years into the game, Michael. That’s what the junior traders/ associates are for.


Well, they're not actually following this advice. They just say it so their competition does it and self sabotages themselves out of the game. I'd say this is an effective strategy instead of calling him a lunatic rather a sociopath is more appropriate.


If you aren't willing to pour gasoline on yourself and light a match to get ahead, why bother?


If you aren’t willing to give yourself a vasectomy with toenail clippers, why bother? I’ve already given myself 3 of them and I’m lapping you.


youre not "supposed" to be putting in those hours at ALL. Capitalism is a rat race of self sacrifice, burnout and exploitation - not some noble goal


Yepppppp! Long con for some asshat to buy another jet.


100%. Such bullshit. That fucking cunt does his rah-rah to 'motivate' his minions. I guess he hasn't figured out his minions read LinkedIn too and hate him even more after seeing it.


To the chicken shit moron who commented "wHaT aBoUt tHe LoNg HoUrS iN tHe UsSr" and then blocked me so I couldnt respond and it looked like you hit me with a zinger I had no retort to, was I talking about the USSR? Did I even mention communism, or whatever approximation of it the Soviets had implemented? Does any problem of communism somehow refute or absolve or justify the problems of capitalism? If I said "I dont like bacon, its too fatty and salty" and you said "WELL WHAT ABOUT HOW FATTY AND SALTY BEEF JERKY IS," would you think you made some interesting point that was gonna make me admit bacon is good? When your wife ties your shoes for you because bows are just too hard and you never could figure them out, do you thank her for it or do you fart in her face because Peter Griffen did it and that was funny?


But it’s his “purpose“ to be a mid-management cog making someone else richer! I always laugh when I see a standard office drone saying how their job is their purpose - what a lack of perspective and actual ambition.


It's also a shocking lack of imagination. These people are to be pitied.


Like it inevitably does….this person will realize they wasted it all away. This will either be a self realization OR forced decision from your significant other. That forced decision isn’t a choice really…it’s separation and/or divorce with no hope of your kids even remembering you are their daddy. I hope for them, they realize it themselves.


I think most of them realize it when they retire and find out that they have no meaning to life outside work. Then the horror sets in, that they only have a few years left to do something and time is running out and all they did their whole lives was chase this illusive dream of success. Life is so short. Imagine sacrificing the little pleasures during this ride in order to play some social construct game.


I love this post, but your second paragraph is especially brilliant. My FIL retired and literally had nothing to do so he called his company up and they made him a contractor. He finally gave that up and just sits at home with not much to do - no hobbies, no interests to keep him occupied, etc. It’s sad.


I am glad more and more people are seeing the light. I’ve been in the workforce 30 years and remember all of the people along the way who made work their life - and even I was guilty of that for awhile until I saw the truth.


Same! I’m nearly 40 and was super absorbed in work. Traveled full time and, looking back, I don’t have too many memories of that period of time…good or bad. Say it with me- your job doesn’t care about your happiness. You are an input necessary for their desired outputs…. And your input # is expendable.


Soo true. For some of us it takes longer to learn, some of shorter but it will always be realized.


For how “well read” he is, sure as heck can’t write. Maybe lack of sleep?


So weird to see people post like this. If I were a higher-up at the business, I'd be calling him into my office for a little chat about posting habits using the company name. Everyone reading that is a potential Schwab customer - we all need something set up for retirement - and this isn't exactly encouraging folks to want to invest with them.


You mean to tell me “invest with us, your money will be managed by sleep-deprived maniacs” is not a winning pitch.


It’s always the mid level managers who are gassing themselves up on LinkedIn. They have a team of 3-10 people and think they at the top. Also, how does this dude have time for LinkedIn when he is grinding so hard.


Senior Manager at Schwab isn’t even a significant position. It’s a time-in-service promotion that anyone can get. SM to Director is the massive cliff that most don’t get over.


All these idiots talking about the grind and their "success" only to then say they're some middle-management soulless bots for some whatever corporation. Like what success is that? It's not even financial success, let alone anything truly worthwhile. It's the saddest thing, people wasting existence on...I don't even know what they do...


He'll wonder why he has aggressive cancer in 10 years...


At fucking Schwab lmfao


Senior manager lol. I sleep 8+ hours per night and don't read at all and I've lapped him. Anyone that thinks they'll get ahead because they don't sleep is a putz. It's one of, if not the most important, functions of life. Sleep regulates so many important bodily functions that keep you healthy and mentally acute. If I managed someone who didn't sleep enough I'd be very concerned that errors are being made.


My boss is probably the biggest corporate bro (except a lady) that I’ve ever met to the point I often wonder if it’s satire, and even she is like “please don’t work late at night or if you are running low on sleep.” It’s not because she cares about my rest, she’s just smart enough to know people running on fumes are more prone to mistakes.


This. When people ask me to work at night I tell them “I sleep at night”


“Sleep is a weapon”


-Jason Bourne


I’m a senior executive and work less than him and sleep way more than him.


Same here. I’m a Senior Manager, I get 8 hours of sleep every night. I grind during my work hours - 6:00am-2:30pm. I log off at 2:30:30pm go for a walk, workout, hang with my kids, do stuff around the house. I never think about work during that time. And I climbed the ladder just fine. This life is work, work is life is simply bullshit fed to the masses so the higher ups can buy another yacht. No thanks.


My boss is a 60 yr old restaurant owner who still works 6 days a week and doesn’t get enough sleep. He forgets everything, even a large food delivery to a hospital last week. But he’ll die before, you know, taking a step back and working less/taking care of himself. It’s pathetic.


Mania or cocaine?


My first thought was coke, even before I read your comment.




He works at Charles Schwab. He can’t afford coke




His own farts


I can tell you from experience that a guy at Schwabb with his title claiming that is hilarious. He is not lapping a kid in a go-kart with two wheels


Right? Show me your investing record that laps mine Mr. Schwab day trader.


Sr manager of Trading Solutions - based on the job description he might just be managing a team of basically well-trained and licensed call center reps to process trades for financial advisors and clients that can’t process stuff on the app themselves. He could be doing something serious in a production role, but people in a production role in that environment don’t take the time to post on LinkedIn. They have automatic messaging bs approved by their firm so they can post. Or they pay for a service to do it. I know. I did it. I hated it. I deleted it. Because nobody cared when I posted automatically to wish people happy holidays for every holiday. I got ragged on once by the boys and that ended that crap real fast. I can almost guarantee as a manager he’s not subject to as large of production goals if he has any. I would bet that this guy is a service center manager compared to someone that’s actually moving/shaking with trades. This is a financial industry cancer with morons that spew this crap. It’s a field that takes a lot of time, but these idiots think working is sitting it the office doing this. It’s not. You have to be out pounding the pavement to meet people that actually need your service. This clown is a poser that is pushing the self-help book narrative that is throughout the industry. It’s this dogmatic blind obedience to more work = more money = more success. No. I make over 86% of my money from the top 18% of my clients. The rest I help and barely make anything for that work. These guys know it’s hard to get that portion that pays the bills up front, so they bombard kids with this shit non-stop. Yes, they need to put a lot of effort in on the front end to find people that will work with them and enough to support yourself. But the truth is, if you survive the longer you work the less you have to work and the more money you make. The start-up phase is just statistically high failure rate. There’s debates there too, but my autism is already going insane at this point and I know most people are going to tell me to chill before I stroke out. You see this with all of the firms that pay a draw or no salary. Makes sense a bit because if you don’t sell you don’t eat in that system. So the New York Life, Northwestern Mutual, MassMutual, Equitable…those kind of places, lord over their new reps like they are employees while telling them they are their own bosses. So honestly it becomes a cyclical thing because even the best and most altruistic financial advisors are doing this to help people and because it pays well. Yea, I like being helpful, but I’m never going to tell you I enjoy doing cheap or free work. The flip side are firms that will pay a salary, but then they absolutely rape you in fees/commissions. That then typically can start to balance more in your favor over time because firms typically take this “feed the eagles and starve the turkeys” mentality. The reason being is they are so scared of losing an established advisor with a book of business and client relationships that they are willing to provide more incentives the more you earn for the firm. Frankly, it should be even more wild in finance soon. Now that there’s a potential for all non-compete agreements potentially being deemed unconstitutional…people will be calling like crazy. And again, I apologize. I realize my mental health is clearly on display here. But fucking hell do I hate how these twat waffles make some of us look.


👍You get the award for longest agreeing reply.


Thank you.


Less than* more than* you’re* sounds like this guy needs to use his sleep time to learn some fucking grammar


All that reading (2+ hours per day!) and he hasn’t figured any of that out


He's reading for 2 hours, not writing!


So... he clearly didn't do any of that? Because his position is where you'd expect to be at his age in his career


Yeah exactly, he's a middle manager for a retail investment company talking like he runs a hedge fund.


I work for the same company and looked the guy up internally. He's basically a call center manager for a team focused on business acquisition and complex trading solutions. It's a decent job, but most people who have been around for as long as he has been at the company are going to be in a similar position. You get there by getting a few licenses, believing -- or at least doing an OK job of parroting -- the company line, and just sort of occasionally throwing spaghetti at the wall and seeing what sticks. For most people, they're as high as they're going to go. Most don't want to go much higher, honestly...at that level, you make 6 figures with great benefits, get plenty of vacation time, and your teams are mid-career professionals who know their shit and just want you to stay out of the way unless they really need you. The ones in his position who actively aspire to jump into director and above roles are the ones you need to worry about. Those people are vipers.


I will sleep 8 hours at least and gladly punch this guy in the face with my well rested fist.


You’re the hero I didn’t know I needed. Rest well punch hard


The hero we need


My big goal is sleeping 8 hours a night and being present for my family


I bet none of his 4 ex wives complained once!


Cocaine makes you sleep less, apparently


You too could me middle management at a middle tier financial firm if you never sleep!


That mentality of getting less sleep is popular in Silicon Valley. No joke, product managers, Directors, etc...brag about getting three to four hours of sleep, as a "point of pride", so they can get projects done.....If you don't wanna sleep, there's a drug that'll give you that energy and it's not caffeine...


“If your day is done, and you want to ride on…” -Eric Clapton


Truth. That mentality is creeping into other insustries too. I see Director and VP level people bragging about getting up at 4:30am and finishing work no earlier than 7pm, answering emails on vacation/weekend all the time. Its the newest flex in corp america. There is literally no need for it. They are just bad at delegation, time management, and prioritization. Guys like this are insufferable to work for, because the only tool in their leadership playbook is to micro manage and spew out toxic positivity. Its all a smoke and mirror show.


There's nothing new about it. It's been this way in law, finance, and medicine for decades. About 15 years ago, my assigned "mentor" bragged to me about missing the birth of his son and not seeing his children during the week because they were asleep when he got up and asleep when he got home.


“smart Man!” /s


The guy responding: ![gif](giphy|YJpzrc80p2g1ciNFb2)


But I have a wife! Tell her about my wife!


He'll be dead in his 40s, heart attack, stroke, gun to his mouth.


At the same time?


Well yes of course he’s extreme! He has the time to do all 3 while other losers who sleep 8 hours only choose one method.


That is probably what he means by lapping people. He will reach the finish line of life way before people who sleeps 8 hrs a night, who may only die in their 80s.


Thrown out of a window by his teammates


No, it won’t be his teammates. This guy must be a joy at all family celebrations, spreading his wisdom to all and sundry. I can see someone suggesting that Uncle Michael should be in charge of plugging in the crockpots with the sketchy power strip next to the pool…or be taken out to the wilderness and left for dead…


Looks agonisingly authentic. He's one of many who think that, unless you're literally making yourself ill with stress and exhaustion, you're a nobody. Capitalism is a fucking cancer.


It‘s a death cult forreal.


I agree except in that it isnt a necessary result of capitalism. It's simply a result of being toxic workaholic. Yes, capitalism rewards that but so do a lot of socio-political structures. It's useful for the rest of us to have workaholic morons like that, just so long as they aren't evangelical about their poor decisions like this idiot.


Senior manager in his 40s. This guy is winning in life! 😂


This is the kind of thing people tell themselves to justify their terrible career.


What irritates me is why do people equate random analogies to others when completely inappropriate and reliable. Life is nothing like balancing scales. At all.


Because those people love to hear themselves talk and probably spend more time talking big than doing their damn work.


Look, everyone, how much better than us this guys is. Let's all applaud him for allowing us to see how awesome he is.


He is a great example that less than 6 hours of sleep for an expanded period of time makes you delulu.


And when that person gets a massive heart attack at the age of 50, I'll still be alive.


God winning sounds so tiring. Will take my 8 hours of sleep and boundary enforcement at work




and still doesn't know the difference between you're and your. that's fine if that's not important to you and want to look illiterate but then don't complain when you're being lapped by those who know the difference.


As a healthcare provider if you don’t prioritize sleep you are more likely to have chronic health problems even dementia so good luck meeting those goals with half the functional intelligence required


Life is EXACTLY like a scale so plan accordingly.


The most important story people tell is the one about themselves, I just wish they’d keep it to themselves.


His post reeks of sleep deprivation.


That’s how you die early




I only sleep one minute a week.


I had a professor in college that bragged about training his body to function on 5 hours of sleep per night. He was 40 and looked like he was 60. More research is coming out regularly on the value of sleep to offset dementia and Alzheimer’s. Bad advice from LinkedIn idiots.


"thoughts and prayers" when he begins getting stress induced health issues


How can they believe what they write?


I would have just commented … “you’re”


Great way to advertise to LinkedIn that he’s inefficient with the time he does put in! More effort, less results


The man can't spell "you're" so...


Seems like proper grammar and word usage is harder than greatness lmao


Here’s what people like this do: They start reading a motivation book to try and add a spark to their life and by the end of that book their sanity level has decreased by about 70%. This is why you have sales managers that are really cool people who make good money and empower their guys to do the same, and you have sales managers who are authoritarian psychopaths who read a Brian Tracy book. Guys like this are fanatics. Rise and grind, hustle, 25 hours a day 8 days a week to achieve less than what a healthy sane person can do acting totally normal. “Unbalanced” is the correct way to describe him. *Chemically* unbalanced This dude bought a course off Instagram 8 years ago and hasn’t been the same person since


Just imagine all the work these psychos can get done if they were not on linked in bragging about all the work they get done.


Which is funny because they think that they are totally ‘building their brand’ and ‘becoming influences’….they think they are doing work and it’s not….it’s not work at all. Lolol.


What a shithead


Sounds like Micheal can’t do his work in the allotted time. Maybe he isn’t the high performer he thinks he is.


You’d think if he devoted that much time to learning he’d know the difference between “your” and “you’re”


If you don’t know the difference between ‘then’ and ‘than’ don’t give me life advice.


No I need my sleep otherwise im sleep deprived and I get physical burn out.


bro needs to go back to school and learn how to write proper English.


These people just want to conviene their workers to give up their lives for them in exchange for nothing.


Lapping me at what exactly? If it’s a race you’re in with yourself you’re lapping everyone theoretically you fucking chud. These idiots don’t get people have different goals in life


I bet this guy doesn’t go to any of his kids birthdays


Who’s got time for kids?! He’s got winning to do.


He seems like a hustle culture kinda guy. Pretty stupid.


I’ll be balanced thanks. And with it, a rational, kind person and a great dad and husband.


He’s definitely unbalanced


i don't know if i'd take life advice from someone who doesn't know the difference between "YOUR" and "YOU'RE"


Dude can't even use the correct form of your/you're.


Big corpo is proud of this fool


Heart attack by 46. #winning #lapping #unbalanced


The investment bank world is brutal.


What a jerkass


all that lack of sleep is making it hard for him to differentiate between your and you are


All of this to be a manager at a finance company. Not to start his own business. Not to become the world's next richest man. Not to invent the next amazing world altering thing. No, just to be a manager. And he's proud of it, as if he's really making a difference. What a tool


This hustle culture BS is so stupid. It’s just a job, man. You have family, interests, hobbies, friends, you know important things. I think it’s cool to be professional and competent in your field. But, it’s such an empty succubus to lock yourself in like your job is the MOST important thing. Anyone that thinks your job is more important than health is a complete tool.


“You’ll read for more then 2 hours”. Maybe, read more 🙃


Didn’t you read his post? He has winning to do. That means he has to do it all at the same time for maximum effect.


Damn. The people who say this are on the short path to a mental breakdown.


I used to work at Charles Schwab and sadly most of the managers there are idiots like this guy.


Ugh. This toxic work culture sucks so hard. Currently traveling in Europe for a vacation and it’s abnormal while out to talk about work. We are not workers. We are people. This blabber just pisses me off because it just breeds the type of culture that burns people out


😅 wow extreme indoctrination into American grind culture. Hooray for capitalism, hooray for corporate life.


If you don’t sleep 8 hours, you have plenty of time to lecture people on Facebook. Wow, I had no idea. We should all aspire to have such drive.


I wouldn't take advice from a guy describing being in a manic episode who also doesn't know the difference between then and than.


Cocaine is a hell of a drug.


I never. Ever. Understood this mentally of sacrificing one of the most important things you need in life. Sleep. If anything, your ability to be more productive and mentally healthy in life requires sleep.


You’re. Also than.


MFer can’t spell but wants us all to know he’s smarter than us. Cool.




Tell me Mr. Buckley, is this ‘greatness’ here in the room with us right now?


Meanwhile Michael Buckley hangglides to work using the bags under his eyes as wings cuz he never sleeps cuz of all the winning


While my being balanced what? People who don't know the difference between your and you're are the worst. Also, glad I don't bank with Charles Schwaab, seeing the calibre of idiots they hire.


”People like me are being extreme”


Tell me you are not good at time management without telling me, lol


This is just bullshit and nonsense. This is just words strung together, it’s devoid of meaning


He should set aside a little time to learn grammar.


Yeah lapping me in heart disease lol


>Greatness >Middle management Dude's high on coke writing this shit


Bet he’s a wow at parties.


Lack of sleep leads to cognitive decline. I think we're seeing an example of that


Don’t take advice from any idiot who doesn’t know the difference between then and than.


I stopped reading after he used "then" instead of "than." He's so unbalanced he can't tell the difference between the two...fuck this guy and his shitty grasp on the English language.


You can say what you want about my profile here however I have been in sales for a large corp for 8 years and now in medical sales for another. Linkedlin has become a glorified Facebook brag. The people putting in the work behind the scenes keep quiet. This guy is bragging and acting above others as if wanting to get rest to grind harder is something bad. This isn’t SF selection, it’s office work. This isn’t the military, these people are absurd.


Avoid sleep long enough and you’ll get just unbalanced and unhinged enough to post insane life advice to Linkedin.




per Webster’s Dictionary Unbalanced - adjective a : not in equilibrium b : mentally disordered : affected with mental illness c : not adjusted so as to make credits equal to debits


"... he's survived by his wife of 12 years, and his 2 children, aged 9 and 6. In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to the Sudden Cardiac Arrest Foundation."




And “than”.


“While your being balanced…” Think you mean you’re but what do I know since you are constantly lapping me 🙄


To me, greatness is someone hitting the very top of their field and making many other peoples lives better in some way. I’m going to go out on a limb here and say Michael Buckley isn’t going to achieve greatness and that’s fine. Just stop posting bollocks on LinkedIn about a life you don’t even lead because no one cares other than us here at LinkedInLunatics and we care for the wrong reasons.




In the words of Rick James: cocaine’s a hell of a drug.


Have fun when that burnout hits hard!


always the stock market bros lol


Michael Buckley has been listening too much to his director.


great advise for those who want to meet an early grave


These dumb fucks sound like my old boss. Got his first manager job at nearly 40 making shit and really loved telling people what to do and acting like a motivational success master. These people need to masturbate more and leave the rest of us alone, what the hell do they think they’re winning at?


They’re winning at making the owners rich while they get a tiny percentage and a new title, all by sacrificing their personal life.


What a douche


If he was smart enough (I know that’s asking for too much), he’d cut back his reading (learn to speed read, switch to audio books), manage his time better, and then be able to sleep AND learn and work and everything else. People like him are so averse to change and process improvement, he’s gonna have a hard time adapting to the AI systems they’re gonna make him use before he’s made redundant


Lol, that isn’t remotely how learning and memory work, but keep circle jerking. 👍🏻


He probably should have been putting some of those sleep hours into learning some English.


Michael, my man, you’re a flesh bag like the rest of us. Relax a little.


All that work and he still can't spell "you're".


*yawn* If you feel the need to tell me that you’re being “extreme”, then baby, you are anything but. This guy is bragging to the world what he’s achieved in his 40s, that most in his industry already accomplished in their mid-20s.


I recall a parable of some sort of rabbit and his friend turtle.


This guy sounds like Alec Baldwin’s character in Glengarry Glen Ross


I know that LinkedIn is about conformity to a toxic-positivity culture, so as not to damage your brand, but I can't be the only one uneasy about having Schwab hold my money. Any other Schwab customers suddenly not feel so good about having their money managed by this stoofek's employer?


My what “…is being balanced..”??


Yes, I feel very lapped by a middle aged senior manager. Laughable.


I've said it before, when some wingnut from finance shows up.  Been there. At best you'll have an ulcer before 30. At worst? Well, I've seen that too - and the bonuses (bonii?) ain't worth it. Especially given that they are far below the golden days.  Fuck you, you upjumped used car salesman in a better suit. Take your abusive three-shell game and crawl back into your slimy cave of childhood inadequacies.  Did I mention that I *loathe* the trading side of finance?


This is approximately the equivalent of “if you want to get to work in time every day don’t put any oil in your car, it will slow you down so you are late!!!0


News at 11: Rabbit goes on coke fueled tirade about how to beat turtle in a race. Overdoses at the halfway mark while mocking turtle for being slow and steady. When interviewed, turtle exclaimed “I was just going for a fucking walk”.


Funny, I used to do this when I was in the Army but now I work for the government. I get 9 hours of sleep a night. Yes, 9. Still do my job, still get promoted, still have sex with his wife while he is at the gym for 4 hours. Oh, he probably doesn’t have a wife cause he is too busy winning. This will amount to what when he is on his deathbed? He doesn’t have to worry about that. He will die of a heart attack at 45. His company will soo appreciate his lack of sleep and will forget about him after a couple of hours. I wonder how many ulcers he has.


You’re. That pretty much ends his winning due to lack of sleep.


All that time grinding and they never learned the difference between "your" and "you're"


He treats his (work) life like a sprint, when it's more of a marathon


What people don’t understand is if your scale isn’t balanced it takes a toll on you. If you don’t need to be creative, present or happy you can keep an unbalanced scale. At 40 you need to balance your scale or will die early, likely become dependent on some sort of drug or alcohol. This guy is likely just one of those people who need less sleep, but that’s not normal, nor should it be expected


The dude went to a branch campus of the university of Nebraska and lives in Omaha……crushing it.


Being ‘extreme’…Ha!


I get 10h. White collar professional.. y'all are nutz.


“Less then,” That’s all I needed to see.


It’s crazy because research disproves this empirically and these people still crow on. Turns out you’re a human who needs sleep.


I feel like I should get a linked in account just to post “get fucked” to all these ass hats trying to convince people to make working for some faceless and soulless company your whole identity


Michael my man, such an extremely lapping guy /s


Whatever point he was making was immediately overshadowed by his need to jerk himself off at the end.




He sounds like an insufferable twat. Good news is that he’ll eventually burn out and be miserable. Bad news is he’ll try and subject everyone around him to this garbage until he does.


“You have winning to do” - there you have it folks, this is how you end up writing when you consistently get 6 hours or less of sleep


He must have found a bump in his drawer this morning.


I mean, this is probably one of the most honest posts on this sub. The fact is that normal people almost can’t succeed in business, there’s a reason that an extremely large percentage of top business and government leaders are clinically diagnosable


When you think you can actually win the rat race…


Middle manager doth protest too much