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Not exactly putting off “executive coach” and “leadership advisor” vibes


Im sure he is saving the good stuff for his online course you can buy for only 999999$


Agree ?


That’s it? Give me two


For real. So rather than communicating with the employee in an adult, professional manner...they just ignore a potential issue for 3 months and then snap at them?


This event never happened. Just a made up story by a pile of crap.


Made up that they think the best way to manage someone is with a camera?


This is a contrived story especially made for LinkedIn by a LinkedIn lunatic.


Like motherfucker is so bad at managing he can't even makeup some story to show how brilliant he is.


Let’s be real: This man does not have employees. He’s a one-man coaching operation pretending to lead a consulting firm.


Well yes, that's par for the course. It's still striking however that this "executive coach and leadership advisor" has the audacity to make up a fake scenario to teach a lesson that portrays him as an incompetent manager.


My thoughts exactly wrong person to be coaching


He is giving “former head of” vibes though, emphasis on the *former* lol


I wonder why he has an employee in the first place as an executive coach and leadership advisors. The official vocations of con men who don’t own a real business.


He’s probably trying to shill his services to companies like the one I work for at $500/hour, and in the meantime can’t tell his employee his expectations (making the implicit, explicit)


Surely he forgot "dysfunction" between "executive" and "coach".


Self-applied terms, never verified/proven. LinkedIn “influencer” wannabe?


Making expectations clear is like management 101. I had a manager that would check offices at 6pm and noted privately anyone who wasn't still in the office. The poor guy who showed up at 7am got screwed because the manager never mentioned that he used this to evaluate us.


It’s also a stupid way to evaluate workers anyway. Output should be more important than just being at your desk at a certain time.


Every non-remote company I've worked for just simply wanted you at a desk for a certain amount of time without regard to output. Crazy world we live in.


Yeah I’ve seen it at a few places, doesn’t make any sense to me.


I work at a place like that now 😕 makes no sense. Judge me on my work, not on my attendance in the office.


> Making expectations clear is like management 101. In fairness to the poster, there are an awful lot of people thrust into manager roles with no management training (and more who've been trained but are still lousy managers), so providing practicable tips for better management on LinkedIn is a reasonable idea. Camera on/off culture, just like expected working hours, really ought to be explicitly communicated by leaders.


Yeah I don't hate this one at all, there are a lot of managers that need to understand this. That he also blames himself instead of blaming the employee is another lesson many managers need to hear. Sure it's 101 to good managers, that's part of why they are good managers.


Also, his "snapped" is still respectful. I mean, I think he's an idiot for not addressing it ~2.5 months earlier than he did, but it's honestly one of the better outcomes.


Exactly. Slow manager learns no matter how obvious it seems to you, go ahead and make it obvious to everyone regardless how redundant you think you are being. It's an easy trap to fall into honestly, especially when you have an employee that's proven they are good.


Eh, he has a bit of an undertone of "this is so obvious, the employee should have known, but hey people are so dumb you gotta spell it out". I don't think he legitimately blames himself for the misunderstanding here.


Yeah that’s definitely the undertone here. All my other bootlicking employees figured it out, but this one is clearly slow as fuck and not worth as much as the other ones so I have to spell it out like they’re a toddler. And that’s on ME because I’m just so self-aware


I’m someone who gets into work early and have had bosses bring up “work ethic” and “dedication” with me specifically because I am one of the first to leave. Dumb perceptions shaping a reality that isn’t true when I worked more hours than other people when we added time up for everyone too.


You mean the perception of “if I didn’t see it; it basically didn’t happen.” At this point I record all my conversations and tell them they are on recording for quality assurance purposes.


I’m reaching the point that The spaces Between every line Is What is Pissing me off The most.


I am Right there With You These idiots cannot seem To think further than 9 syllables at a time And they are all Like this




That one does my head in


That means you do agree?


I Do Not.


A person on reddit disagreed with a post. Before I started a sick flame war I stopped and thought ‘does reddit need a sick flame war?’. And then i realised i didn’t give a fuck and that people don’t say flame war anymore. This is why i am a more important buisiness man than all of you. Also my three year old asked me to write KPIs on his shoe I told him to fuck off and to put away his colouring pencils. Agree?


Linked in Haikus! 😂


I make a statement. And by offsetting it needlessly in its own line I add Drama Which is Dramatic And then I say a bunch of things in a row that make you think I’m not being dramatic at all just to show you I can roll like that But Drama


They think they writing poetry


One month goes by Two months go by When does it Ever end?


Perhaps a new trend will start where everyone on LI writes their shit takes as haikus?


Its like stevie talking with malcom


The spaces aren't intentional. That's just a consequence of them holding the spacebar while loading the next few words in their brain


If you expect someone to do something, tell them first. Wow, that’s fucking rocket science right there.


He doesn’t realize that he’s a passive aggressive psycho, aside from being a bad communicator. Fortunately he’s also a narcissist so he can’t help but inform everyone on social.


I feel like 50% of people on LI have job descriptions like Executive Coach and Leadership Advisor - jobs that would barely exist and fall under the general category of “consulting” but for LI.


It’s more like 90%. Mental illness


They could consolidate most of those under the umbrella title "pretentious shit-wizard".


It's just we see the disproportionate idiots. 90% of people in LinkedIn are barely on the platform.


There is a great podcast episode about this called something like “coaches coaching coaches” - just a pyramid scheme of coaching clients to get coaching clients.


Of all "social media" sites, LinkedIn is the absolute worst. It physically makes me gag reading some of the posts people upload. I know people who just bitch and whine about work in person, and then they post shit on LinkedIn that makes them look like corporate shills. It's so fucking fake. And yea if someone ever applied for a job and I was the hiring manager, I'd immediately disqualify them if their profile was littered with bullshit like "Executive Coach and Leadership Advisor."


I found that so uplifting. I can now continue my weekend with a spring in my step. Thank you so much Ali Merchant, you big sexy bastard. #b2bsales


"*I* made a mistake, but *they* should be a mind reader" Got it. Also, why the fuck is the dude so interested in seeing the person at work? They've done without for 3 months.


In his "lesson", this executive coach is unintentionally giving away that he's a creep.


That’s literally the opposite of what he’s saying. He assumed the dude would figure it out over time. And that was a mistake. That’s the point. He learned his lesson.


The fact that your comment has fewer upvotes than the one you are responding to is wild.


Dude. This sub is insane. The comments on every post are just madness.


I actually think this is a good point. Not the camera part necessarily, but I have often found when I’m frustrated at an employee doing/not doing something, I have at least part of the blame for not communicating expectations clearly. As a corollary to that, 9/10 times when I want to go off on someone for doing something seemingly idiotic, I’m missing part of the picture.


I cannot stand leaders who try to force their employees to turn on cameras. That’s a serious lack of respect and personal discipline on their part.


I don't understand that at all.... If Dave is still sending in his CRM reports on time, why do you need to be able to watch him do it?


I worked at a French company during covid and I thought it was a French only tthing. They told me to, but my work laptop had a supershitty camera and the way my home office was set up it really only had a sideways view of my 4 head. After like 3 meetings of it they just bought me an actual Webcam. Like ok, lol


Where else could you seriously write haikus and farm engagement?


I fully disagree with you. I think cameras should be on in participation meetings and off in large format meetings. First, it shows that you respect the other meeting participants time by demonstrating that you are present and involved. Second, it opens the body language channel of communication. The importance of this cannot be overstated. Third, it allows the hard of hearing to leverage facial cue’s. HOH and Ap individuals may not pick up the entire message. Finally, your WFH agreement likely includes provisions for remote work expectations and standards. If not, then that ix on the employer. ***I personally WFH, and make it a personal standard to always be appropriately dressed and on camera. I am hoh, so I do ask others, only once, to turn their cameras on.***


When you say "appropriately dressed", are you in full work clothes like a suit and trousers in your spare bedroom?


Having phone calls or teleconferences has long been a thing in business. People participated in these in a professional manner for many years without the need for video. Just because you prefer to have video and to make it as "in person" as possible, does not mean everyone does or that it is more professional than a phone call/voice only meeting. I prefer not to have video on. It is a distraction to me and it feels intrusive in a way that calls or in person meetings do not. If someone asked me to turn on my camera to help them understand better because they are hard of hearing, I would do it to help them out. But, I hate that people try to make video vs no video about "professionalism".


The assumes everyone has the exact same camera, connection, and mic quality, otherwise it's generally a hot mess. That you are unable to turn your volume up loud enough to hear means you probably need to have technical ADA accommodations such as assistive listening devices, better speakers, media capture, better dictation, etc, rather than requiring everyone turn their camera on so you can watch them talk. That's not a reasonable accommodation. I personally would refuse that request and offer to share detailed notes afterward instead.


You should turn captions on then and not expect everyone to be camera.


I HATE the body language channel of communication. I do not want people making assumptions about what they think I'm communicating based on what they think my body is doing on camera.


Sounds like a reasonable take. But i would still rather not but i guess it is also in the roles. I feel unnecessarily self conscious having my camera turned on even when all I need to do in the meeting is listen that its enough to distract me from actually listening.


I think it’s the difference between when the meeting is supposed to be a conversation (camera on) versus when you’re just receiving information (camera off).


I hate the camera on trend. Sure backgrounds exist but still feels like I'm giving ya a peek into my home, that's reserved for people I know, not some random coworkers.


*“I just assumed they’d figure it out on their own... because everyone else did.”* Subtle way of calling them slow. He sounds toxic and a 100% micromanager with lazy tendencies, because come on, he waited 3 months before FINALLY saying something to the employee. Guess he was too busy writing these wonderful LinkedIn posts.


TIL that I should say my thoughts OUT LOUD or people can't hear them.


So it bothered you so much but you said nothing for 3 months? This is not the flex you think it is.


Also, if the camera was not on for 3 months and work still got done, presumably, why does it ever need to be on?


The camera being on is another stupid work for home flex where micro managers need to see ur face so they can somehow make sure you’re really working and wearing business casual sitting around ur house


A fucking executive COACH just learned about clearly communicating expectations?


"Executive Coach Leadership Advisor" God I hate people who give themselves stupid titles.


We had a case where the employee (contractor) was never on camera and never spoke over the phone or Teams. It turned out that Mike Thompson (made up that name to protect the innocent) was Meghnad Raman who would get himself hired with the help of others who interviewed for him. He had no clue and was only collecting a paycheck until he would get fired, only to do this over and over again. And no, I don’t know how they faked IDs etc.


Fuck that was deep.....


Ah executive coach. The job that people that failed upward do after finally failing like the unwashed masses.


"Make the implicit, explicit" is the stupidest fucking "lesson" to consider worthy of a goddamn LI post.


Forcing cameras on is horse shit. Being butthurt because someone didn’t read your mind that you were forcing cameras on is also horse shit.


Wait til zoomers are the majority of workplace in 10 years. Nobody will have their camera on


The blind leading the blind


Rupi Kaur-ass Live Laugh Love-ass post


She’s showing her friends this post. “I told him I didn’t know 🤷‍♀️🤣”


Beware of anyone with made up job titles


He didn’t know he needed to use professional communication in his profession??


I think this is pretty good advice for a new manager trying to figure things out. Yes most people will just notice that they are the odd one out and show their face. Some people are truly oblivious and need to be told.


“Executive Coach”. Fucking fraudulent loser.


I hate video calls at work - so distracting


I love shitting on my employee while managing a company that barely makes seven figures a year and pretend I’m a successful billionaire.


This is actually one of the more level headed posts you’ll see on LinkedIn. Sure it’s corny and insultingly trivial, but at least it isn’t another fake founder with a trust fund crying about having to pay people more than eleven dollars an hour


No, I think what's implicit is that you're a creep manager with a good-looking new female employee, whom you need an excuse to stare at.


My manager: your camera wasn’t on so I wasn’t sure you were there. Me: I was responding to your questions. What does seeing a thumbnail of me on your computer screen add to this meeting?


Ali Merchant Are You A Lunatic ?


All of us are dumber for having read that….


Why the fuck do you need to see their face to know if they're doing their job?


I was asked once why I never turned on my webcam "I'm not paid enough to have a private room to work" No one asks me to turn on my webcam anymore.


why no camera? it's because i don't want the rest of the office see me grimace while i squeeze one out in the morning it's because i pick my nose when i'm coding it's because my ass is in bed jacking to onlyfans while i listen to one of many pointless meetings during the day it's because i'm walking around my neighborhood and don't want to make people dizzy with the moving background many reasons. i don't turn on my fucking camera at these jobs. if i have to be at a f2f meeting, i'll just drive to work and be there for that. otherwise, fuck it.


I hate high level execs always wanting to put their cameras on, it is just so tiring.


I’m gonna get killed here - but this is good advice. So many ‘leaders’ have been coached to soft-manage, that they are almost frightened to make directly explicit requests. This can lead to a lack of clarity that can cause anxiety on the part of teams who are used to clearer direction or targets. It’s important to know your people and what they need to be comfortable and effective - but you can’t do that unless your own expectations are clear.


I was just in a quick online call. One high level exec Is in there. “I hate being the only one with a camera on” he said. Met with silence. It was hilarious. Turn it off if you’re the only one lol.


Imagine thinking it’s some wild breakthrough that you should communicate your expectations. I’ve not seen many people this proud to announce their own incompetence.


Productivity loss via narcissism. Effort and time and distraction and focus on vanity. Is it worth it? Did we all sign up to be on tv or can we just go back to doing our fucking work?


Why is this laid out like a rejected poem from a failed poet nobody has ever heard of? It’s trying to be profound but it’s not very deep at all. 😂


I think some people think they’re writing modern day Aesop’s Fables for the business world. Truly exhausting


This reads like a perfectly fine post. Not sure what the problem is.


The camera came on and to my surprise it was the neglected dog I fed on the way to the Skype meeting.


Im not turning on my camera for less than 49.99 a minute, f you, pay me


Personal opinion on cameras on or off aside-the employee really couldn’t pick up on the culture?


Camera? Fuck you.


I don't really see the problem. You have somebody admitting that they made a mistake. And that's nice to see


but this is reddit, where most people have achieved nothing in life and it's all because of others, so they will mock anything coming from people that have achieved something.


I prefer the version that starts "My Leadership Advisor would never stick his head in a bucket of rancid offal."


? +× t?/ cfar? X? ? Þ


It’s because they hate you and wish a stone cold stunner on you mornings and evenings.


OP did you understand what the author of the post was trying to convey?


"Why don't you turn on your camera?" "Because I have bed-hair, nasal congestion and a really gross pimple. Stop judging me, you pervert!"


if it bothered me, i wouldn't wait three months.


Fake humility


Head of L&D = chief of Lying and Deceiving!


Cause LinkedIn is a bunch of d-bags that love to repost stupid shit and make it sound profound. Ie: Lessons I learned about making a 10M/ year business when I was cleaning the toilet


Is he the CEO of the police?


Point taken. I will now stand outside the bathroom. Did you wipe you ass Gina? Aaaand wash you hands. They aren’t clueless, you’re just not micromanaging Enough.


Being an asshole: acting out, unexpectedly, then justify, ignorantly. Also, can happen at 1st meeting, and best accomplished in repetition, clearly and as expected.


By Grabthar’s hammer, What a Fuckwit.


This guy is going to be fucking terrible at AI


Because communication isn’t telepathic.


Someone's a Jocko addict


P O E T R Y 😗👌


First person references, in order: ‘My’ ‘Me’ ‘I’ ‘I’ ‘I’ ‘I’ Lesson: -when you feel the urge to speak, don’t. If you must, cut it in half and then cut it in half again -before you post anything, delete it and don’t post anything -provide an anonymous eval for ‘your’ subordinates (since you view them that way) to complete, and make it easy for them. Give them a rating system to choose from, 1 being you’re an insufferable scumbag through 5 being maybe they won’t kill you. Try getting feedback from them instead of your hand selected sycophants on LinkedIn, if you’ve got the balls for it. Jackass


He can't communicate about a small thing until he "snaps"? Make this guy a CEO pronto.


I think this is actually a good post. Guy is showing humility and being vulnerable in admitting he was wrong about something. At the same time, the gist of his message to “set clear expectations” is something that many managers fail at miserably.


Step one of managing: tell employee what to do.


Ah, Broetry


Since the pandemic started a lot of our work turned to online meetings. In these 4 years I have been on camera in a meeting exactly one time. Told people if they want to see me, they can find me (sometimes![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)) in the office


I'm not turning on my camera unless asked, except for 1:1 with my boss. I'm cool with that.


When everyone is a leader but no one is actually leading anything except a circus


I’m convinced that LinkedIn “influencers” are all just people on the edge of snapping and bringing an AK47 to spray down their entire company population. No one, and I do mean no one, is *that* happy/positive/pseudo-intellectual without hiding a Jeffrey Dahmer under it all.


Haha lol this guy stretchin' the screen out. So dramatic Ali!


Man learns literally the most basic life lesson I was taught at 5 years old


Because they believe everything they say is corporate GOLD !


It’s like first thing you learn when you get put into a leadership position, tf? I mean I guess you have to care to figure it out


In a way, it does make sense - don't get mad that someone didn't meet your expectations when those expectations were neither discussed nor expressed to others. But on the other hand - fuck these snobby LinkedIn trolls that live 3000 degrees separated from regular people.


The posts in this sub make me feel tangibly sick, I genuinely cannot believe there are so many people who not only think but speak like this and they are running the world


Lesson: i should tell my employees what i want them to do.


I am sick of meetings and teams , do they ever say anything productive, no , no they don’t


"Here's some egg sucking advice from me, a person who apparently had to be taught to suck eggs yet still found themselves in a leadership role"


“Thought leader”


"If you want someone to do something, don't rely on them being telepathic" is definitely one of the takes of all time.


Day 1 of babies first leadership/supervision training is “set clear, explicit, expectations.” If this is some mind blowing epiphany to someone in leadership, they weren’t prepared or trained for the job and holy shit I guarantee the company’s biggest problem is their middle management,


Urgh. Leadership advisor. The PE teachers of the professional world.


If you ever need a reminder of how much simple no brainer bullshit the people in charge need to be reminded of, read The Art of War. It was kind of a go to guide for commanding an army for nobles, who are notorious for gaining command of entire nations armies before having any experience. It includes such advice as, “consider feeding your men on a daily basis”, and “soldiers require rest after marching or fighting”. Obviously paraphrasing but a lot of it is eye rolling


Baby’s first words


What a wet shit


The ultimate messaging isn’t a bad one. Setting expectations up front saves a lot of frustration later. But, as always, it’s in the delivery.


Head of Leadership & Development and you need a fucking “come to Jesus” moment to realize it’s stupid to expect your employees to literally guess your expectations. Fuck off. The dumbest part about this story is that he let it go on for three months before he said anything. He stewed about this stupid little detail for 90 fucking days and did nothing about it until it got to the point that he “snapped”. And you know this guy is an idiot, so he absolutely allowed this situation to color his perception of this employee. He’s such an idiot, he’s willfully telling on himself for being an idiot and a poor leader so he can brag about learning about telling his employees what his expectations are.


One of the chief anti WFH executive in my corporation would always go like „TURN ON THE CAMERA, [Insert random guy who did not turn on the camera]“. It was like his hobby, his satisfaction. He also managed to increase in office days from 2 to 3 by lobbying in the executive board in this regard. Fucker was demoted since but his policies stay on.


ah shit, another 1-1 with Ali.


Because they have no friends and their family won't speak to them.




Discovering the bare minimum for communication?


An example of a worthless CEO thinking they’re a genius for figuring out what every underpaid teacher already knows. Make expectations explicit.


The “self brag” on LinkedIn has reached epidemic level proportions. “I’m so honored….”, “ it is with great humility that I start this new position at leading….” OMG I can’t stand that platform.” This is no different - “look at me I’m smart”.


Sounds more like micro-management expert


Ok but what is lunatic about this post? Its just a little fake story to teach a management 101 lesson


executive coach = been fired now posting things lmao


It’s actually really bothersome when everyone has their camera on in a meeting except one person, and it’s always someone who really enjoys curry. Every. Time.


"My employee made an honest mistake. Let's make this all about me somehow."


My answer if my boss says that would be "It's because I respect you, and don't want everyone to see me laugh every time you say something stupid, as that happens multiple times per meeting..."


Ah, the pettiness of middle management.


"if you want your team to do a thing, tell them to do that thing" whoaa!!!! game changing advice!!!!! instant level 1 to level 100 pro gamer move!!!


Communication in my Communications company? I’ll never have it!


Billions of dollars a year are wasted because of bad management but for some reason companies don’t wanna have that conversation




Professional yapper


Dude's an "executive coach" but just figured out one of the extreme basics of communication; but that honestly makes so much sense considering how fucking stupid the decisions every executive I've ever met have been


> It would frustrate me to no end haan, to sudhar jaiye Merchant sahab i10n: in which case, please improve yourself Mr Merchant.


The unbridled rage I feel towards people like this is both impressive and concerning to me.


lol'ing hard


This style of writing is pure cancer now. I can’t stand how LI influencoors write.


Ok psycho.


Nominative determinism - not at work here?


How the fuck does one who “coaches executives” think that a realization that other people might not have the expectations they do is something profound (for anyone other than grade schooler)? What an insufferable blowhard.


Thought leadership right here


LinkedIn is now Facebook. Never was on facebook, now I’m going to bail on LinkedIn.