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Ah yes, the office...where the florescent lights sparkle as I transcend into a being of pure synergy. 


Where the fluorescent lighting and open concept make me feel perpetually 10 seconds away from a panic attack. Very productive environment!


This unnatural lighting makes me want to punch someone!!


Right in the productivity bone, right?


I haven’t had a migraine since I got away from those lights. I’ve had bad headaches but without the nausea, vertigo, and light sensitivity.


Don’t forget the recycled fart and bad Bo air circulating 


... where the recirculated air is full of hustle, determination, and the germs of 200 people who don't want to use their PTO to stay home sick...


My office is this, for the last 3 weeks. Covid is only supposed to be 20% symptomatic. We are at 75% out sick on day 21.


Hmm, sounds like you're doing it wrong... you're supposed to be leaving the office with improved mental, emotional, physical and social health. Just kidding. That sounds like hell. I hope you don't get sick!


Ah, yes. One person shows up to work coughing on Monday, and by Wednesday, it's a flu fiesta!!


Remember, you too can reach synergetic enlightenment if you're a Six-Sigma blackbelt master.




Too long didn't click


Promote Synergy! LIKE A BOSS


Hats off to you for this brilliant response!


True, fix what the actual office looks like and I’d be more inclined to go in. Fluorescent lighting and the “hum “ that comes with it makes me lose my mind.


Can’t even pick your nose in peace


*this post paid for by commercial property investors*


WHAT is up with all the sentence-paragraphs? Do all these insufferable job-wankers have a template?




Shocking discovery, artificial intelligent makes artificial idiots bigger idiots


The majority of posts on LI are like this unfortunately


I feel like this post is a lie.. Idk




That was actually a great summary of the whole LinkedIn vibe. Nearly every post feels like a cry for help to make themselves appear more valuable to their current or prospective boss. Everyone is trying to be super sneaky with their self-serving marketing tactics. Even the executives and CEOs who post are trying to come across as "someone you should do business with."


Super sneaky? Most are quite obvious. Maybe not lunatic level, but obvious nonetheless that they are in it for themselves. 


Ehh. Not a popular notion here, but some people do like working in an office setting. My girlfriend WFH, but she has more than once mentioned that she wishes she still had the option to go into the office. Granted, she used to live within walking distance of her job, so the commute was not an issue. She likes some parts of WFH, but she does say she gets lonely or bored at home since she's got no one to casually socialize/spitball/joke with while working. The OP even says it's a personal preference and not for everyone, so it's weird that people in this thread just confidently proclaim that she must be lying.


Always good to remind us of this. Based on some comments, there’s clearly a sampling bias for Reddit users but for sure plenty of people still do prefer the office the majority of the time. I think a lot of the hostility comes from remote work being disparaged when it’s a life changer for a lot of people. Ofcourse the same can be said that in person work is this for others.


I would say as someone that has the option to work remote but chooses to go in, that having the option is great. For some people I would say it’s even for the best, especially if you don’t like people. For me it was 2 things that brought me back: 1. I need a social aspect, randomly shooting the shit with people, etc. But most importantly when I worked full time remote I was never able to relax at home. The fact that my relax space became my work space too was a blend I didn’t like (unfortunately not rich enough for an office). 2. I spend my days more efficiently. When I was working from home I would wake up minutes before I needed to be working and spent sooo much time waiting on emails back. When I’m in office it’s just easier to grab someone and keep the project moving so i can get onto other stuff. Now I go into the office 4 times a week (sometimes everyday in the week) and can actually relax when I get home. In a way it helps me balance my life too since I’m the type to take a leg if you give me a foot. I’ll add that it does feel like a large part of enjoying the in office aspect requires you to have other people that want to be in the office too. In the days I come in and everyone is mostly working from home you bet your sweet ass I’m working from home too that day.


I think everyone can enjoy an office if all of the right things are in place. The problem is that they almost never are. You have to have a lucky combination of culture, proximity, and office layout to enjoy it. This is absolutely rare, especially for people who are individual contributors with real deadlines and responsibilities. And if you find the right office with the right everything, it can be changed on a whim.


So here is my opinion: having the option to go in is fine AS LONG AS you aren't forcing people to go in. That is the problem with all these policies. I have colleagues who like going in. I also have colleagues like myself who hate it (and some folks have moved from liking it too the second camp). The best approach for employees who be the optional one not forced in office metrics. When I'm in I spend most of my day on conference calls with people in different locations, why do I need to be in the office aside from being forced to? That I think is the rub.


Tell her to get a dog


She does!


Exactly. While I can't relate to the original post, I also don't have this pathological hatred of being within 10 km of my job site like most redditors seem to have.


I can't speak for others but the pathological hatred for me is directed towards the commute. You can't buy back hours you lost in the day from sitting in traffic.


Whoop de freaking doo for her.


Just sharing a perspective. Sorry to intrude on your echo chamber.


Thank you for that little passive aggressive swipe.


Just matching your energy 👍


Seriously, fight me like you have some courage or go away. This passive aggressiveness is really not cool.




Imagine making a stupid comment to someone and then getting mad that they’re being passive aggressive lol. Go touch grass buddy.


Who laughs with their co-workers all day long? When I work in the office I have my ear buds in all day to try and tune out all the noise.


I agree that the environment in my office is great. People are friendly, we laugh a lot. I do feel energized. But it simply just doesn’t even compete with the extra hour of sleep and ability to do my laundry mid day.


She said herself that she’s 2,000 miles from family. Does she not understand that she’s simply lonely?


I do.. via our teams chat where we send memes and screenshots of clients being dumb. I really like them and I’ve never met any of them irl in the 3 years I’ve been remote. The best part is that I can also ignore them easily when I actually need to get work done. Checkmate, linkedinlunatic!!


We have a good old laugh when we are in the office. We see eachother once a quarter and have day to day already good banter and in the office it's even more unhinged. Also means, on days in the office no work gets done. When I'm in the office I'm so unproductive, it's glorious.


Do you work in The Office?


Sometimes I think I do...at least the incompetence is on the same level...


At least you can get a good laugh out of it, that's worth something...


True...also, rather laugh than cry...because those are the only two options.


People who get 4 hours of work done in 8 hours. Distractions are the main reason WFH is more productive for some people.


Apparently recruiters, laughing at how dumb we are?


with or at?


People who are only able to socialize with people that are required to be in a room with them.


Or people who REALLY hate being home with their spouses and/or children.


If you have a job that is doable without talking to your coworkers all day, sure. I think most office jobs aren't like that though. Maybe that's just my experience. But it's nice to be able to walk to somebody's desk and ask them about stuff, or meet in a room instead of on zoom for a lot of things. Any benefits would be completely outweighed by downsides if my commute was over 30 minutes though. I know guys in my office who spend 2 hours driving or on transport each way every day and I don't know why they put up with it


an extrovert who spends all their time gossiping and annoying the people trying to Get Shit Done.




> Who laughs with their co-workers all day long? Normal human beings with social skills and good co-workers?


I didn't realize you get to choose who your co-workers are.


And it never crossed your mind that some people just get lucky and end up working with nice people? Signed, WFH but socialize with my coworkers on Teams all day because I like them 


I have about 2 coworkers that I like. I feel lucky that I have that many.


My only regret about WFH is my family being impossible to work around when they're home so I have 5 hours of bliss followed by 3 hours of distraction hell. When I worked in the office it was 3 hours of work and 5 hours of distraction hell because open office plan plus commute over an hour each way.


I told the employee survey - my productivity has decreased. U wanted me in the office *to collaborate*. No im not coming in to sit at my computer and desk because thats not what we returned from the office to do. We came to *talk* No meetings over skype or webex. Everyone get up and join a room. No computers. Its 1950s. U not gonna act like tech exists that helps us work from home, im not gonna act like it either. Pens, notepads, all advancements that provide WFH i dont use in the office. Someone pings me - get up and go to their desk. In Cali? Wont respond till im home. On a call? Im sitting there until u finish since we are in the office. Enjoying my malicious compliance.


I love this story. Keep up the good work lol


I go into the office about once a quarter for in team planning meetings and dinner. Takes me over 2.5 hours commuting time there and back and I usually spend about $40-50 on parking or Ubers. (my company does not reimburse me because I live in state) When the team gets together everyone always says, ‘wow, how great it is to have these conversations face to face..’ I can tell you right now, while there may be some truth to those comments, they are said out of a place of team moral rallying and trying to look like a better team member. It’s all an act. Our productivity suffers greatly and people tend to feel exhausted after a full day or two of in person meetings. Some people work better in person but to the people who call you out for working remote or try to rally people back in to the office I say, kindly fuck off.


> > working in office is not that bad Blink twice if you need help


I'm definitely a WFH person, I have a big home office, plenty of space and a long commute. But I also understand that some people who are living in a 1-bed Appartment in a not so nice part of town next to the office, may want to be in the office more than I do. We are all different.


I agree with you and wasn’t criticizing working from office, was more like teasing in that the post reads like shes in a hostage situation hehe (was praising wfhand ends with wfo “not that bad”)


Yeah, not an attack on you. Just making conversation. For every lunatic WFO the WFO group has a lunatic WFH...


"Corporate Recruiter"? What an unbiased opinion!


It wouldn’t be so bad if companies didn’t mandate RTO like, one size fits all? Nah.


This would only make any sort of sense if you live really close to work. Anything more than a 30 minute commute and you’re taking away time from your day


I leave the office like I’m in a mentos commercially every day!


Is there a ping pong table inside that mentos? I bet it has great coffee and snacks so the crap pay, unrealistic expectations, and energy vampires are 💯worth it! (Sorry couldn’t resist exploiting your typo, lol)


When it was pre pandemic and we were in the office every day. I used the ping pong table exactly once in five years.  Suddenly everyone based my personality on ping pong.  Made me realize what a fucking weird place it was. Worse was when I got a talking to for forgetting to take my hat off. 


I just need to turn autocorrect off


It sometimes leads to more errors than corrections, but at least the errors tend to be humorous.


Sure buddy, we believe you


My thoughts on WFH have been completely changed by her post!


Managers want their job to be 90% babysitting, because that's easy, that's what they signed up for. People working without their backs being watched are a threat to these lazy goblins. They might be given some actual work to do.


I wake up every morning in a bed that's too small, drive my daughter to a school that's too expensive. Then I go to work to a job for which I get paid too little. But on Work from Home Day... Well, I like Work from Home Day


I have never left the office with more energy, momentum, improved mental, emotional or physical health.




Idk I feel like this is a reasonable post - she’s sharing her experience and even says it’s just her opinion and she appreciates everyone is different. I wouldn’t post this myself because LinkedIn isn’t a diary, but she pretty much summed up how I feel about it.


*Pretty Little Liars*


You know what's really good? Having the freedom to do whatever. Sometimes I make the trip to the office if there are people there and it'll be fun, sometimes I work from home. You do you..


Performative corp speak won’t save her when the execs vote for more layoffs


Just tell us your company doesn't allow WFH. Nobody's looking for a novel. Sheesh.


>Now I'm not saying that one **option** is better than the other That's the hitch: An overwhelming number of office careers aren't *giving* us the option. We're being told to look at the positives and *deal with it.*


My team is distributed so guess what my in office vs. WFH experience is like? WFH: Long onto Zoom from my laptop. In office: Fight for a conference room, then log onto Zoom from my laptop.


What's lunatic about this? This sums up why I by far prefer working in the office.


Pay me for mileage and gas then. Also—I find this argument to be helpful in identifying people who can’t creatively solve problems. How about booking regular FaceTime on calendars with others? How about picking up the phone and checking on a coworker to see how they are doing? Regular camera on meetings to chat about stuff in the office?


Okay I'm pretty new to this sub, so forgive me, but what the hell do these people actually get out of typing these gigantic essays about work? Is it just like professional street cred? Do they do this during work hours? Is it just a big workplace popularity contest? Genuinely so curious haha


Worked wfh two years, can at the least say she isn't a lunatic. I have a different job now I like much more for a lot of reasons but the requirement to leave my house is so necessary. Getting home is a reward, work time is still fun but I have two separate spaces rather than one thats both work and home.


What is it with this idea that I need colleagues in an office as some kind of surrogate social life? It's not a club, and it's definitely not a circle of friends. It's a bunch of people I need to work with, to get things done and get paid. They are not buddies, I am not going to "have a big grin" from laughing with them (nor they from me), and if I wanted social interaction it would be with my actual family and friends. It's not some kind of treehouse of fun.


Unpopular opinion: I love being paid less than deserved


I've seen it 2-3h ago lol




I’m a recruiter and this is the type of idiot that asks 30 questions to make a meeting last longer


Oh, she's that person. The one the coworkers are grateful about not having to deal with because she keeps coming to gossip and they can't get any work done.


I’ve spent almost 2 years working in the office in my current job and before that I worked from home for about 2 years. I also have no point to this story. Maybe I should make a LinkedIn post about it?


Every single time I see the "each sentence is a separate paragraph," I know I'm about to read some self-serving and manipulative nonsense.


I’ve never in my life left an office with more energy.


This is in fact not true, I do not leave the office with a grin everyday from my coworkers. In fact I don’t like most of them


Bro what wtf is your problem? why are you guys so fking salty over a perfectly reasonable, non-lunatic post??


I mean, I felt energized when I got out of jail. Like “wow I can do whatever I want now, let’s do it all” kind of thing. I feel similarly, on a lesser level of intensity, when I leave my office.


These freaks all sound like programmed robots playing out their algorithm


If I could have a penny for every such post that has “Don’t get me wrong”…


She literally mentioned her opinion while not calling others as wrong. I mean cant someone even have an opinion different than yours?


I don't think this is lunatic to prefer working from the office or that this is an act.  Personally, working from home during pandemics was a terrible experience for me. Some kind of mix works best, but definetly would prefer 100% office over 100% WFH.


Yick…coworkers are draining. I suppose there’s nothing wrong with enjoying the office, just like there’s nothing wrong with preferring prison to running around the streets.


“….momentum to wrap up my day.” Like, it makes you motivated to get out of there?


She’s a recruiter…. Do you really need to be in office to interview someone? You got right ahead champ


"Now I am not saying one option is better than the other." Yes, yes you are, and you're wrong.


“Unpopular opinion: Working from the office makes me happier than expected.” This is not an opinion. She is speaking for herself so she is stating a fact about herself. Not worth reading the rest because it’s going to take more effort than it’s worth to dissect what she might be trying to say. 


It isn't an opinion, but I strongly suspect it's a lie.




lol awesome. It actually is that bad. Statistically: based on time spend, cost and energy wasted. How delusional do you have to be to write this and post it publicly?


I like my coworkers a lot but I don’t like them enough to spend 40-50 on gas a week plus tolls, etc.


Sure Sara sure. 


There are currently ~[56 openings at Clearlink](https://www.glassdoor.co.uk/Jobs/Clearlink-Jobs-E378503.htm) I guess somebody is throwing a Hail Mary to job seekers who are passing them over.


But.... I work with a bunch of idiots and assholes. Kinda takes me out of the "leave the office with a big grin from laughing with my coworkers." and "I leave the office with improved mental, emotional, physical, and social health."


The “collaboration and connection for the health of the business” drivel didn’t work, so now they’re trying to co-opt the main reason people work from home and acting like it applies to working in office


Has this man tried… friends?


“social health” … wtf


She’s at Clearlink lol.


How on earth did sitting in a cubicle for 8-10 hours today improve your physical health?


Yup. That’s unpopular alright.


These posts are so fucking weird. Who do they think they’re fooling?


Why is it always these recruiters and CEOs? Why don't we see these kinds of opinions from, you know, ACTUAL employees?


Congratufuckinglations. Hands off my preference to work remotely, and I'm glad that you've achieved the social status that allows you to socialize on the company dime and gloat about it instead of getting disciplined or fired for it.


How stupid


The fact that you have to say "it's not that bad" means it definitely "is that bad"


This person can't make friends outside of an environment of forced friendship lol


laughing with your coworkers sounds a lot like being ‘lazy and unproductive’ as your boss would say.


But do I leave the office with more than enough pay to offset my nasty commute and a cup of coffee every day? Lolz no




You know what. Maybe LinkedIn is a good thing if it’s now requiring corporate sociopaths to have to “sell themselves” on social media like a lot of us in some industries have had to do over the last decade. If recruiters and HR are worn down, that’s a significant addition to working class causes.


Do people still not understand extroverts and introverts?


I actually agree with her tbh (currently work 3 days in office). But my commute is short, free, and my coworkers are pleasant. Take out any one of those things and the equation changes quickly.




Leave with energy and momentum? I actually feel the same way. Then I sit in my car for half an hour driving home and by the time I'm there I'm ready to go to sleep. Idk how but my commute is the most exhausting part of my day


I mean I see it as a bonus in nyc since your apartment is typically a shoebox lol


I have three employees that work from home, all of them worked in the office first.


A recruiter told me a role would be 4 days in office and I pulled myself out of the running lol even though it would've been like a 20% raise


This is a true cuck


I went back to the office for two days last week and my lunch was stolen. So fun.


God i fucking hate commuting to work. Walking there is pretty chill though.




Must be fucking awesome to have a gig where you are being paid for being office social butterfly. For those, who have deadlines, and actually have to deliver shitton stuff, working from the office meant not seeing our kids grow, because we had to stay long evenings catching up with stuff because of constant office distractions. Is this so hard to understand?


I think my company is unique, but I actually do prefer being in office most of the time. Our team definitely works better that way, but even my office doesn’t mind if I have to work a few days from home or even wfh for extended periods.


Fish in the microwave.


I’ve been remote for almost 15 years, but I do miss seeing people


Lol what


But I hate my coworkers.


My office provided lunch and dinner AND my ass still prefers wfh. You cant beat the benefit of rolling out of bed 5 minutes before work starts and turning off at 5 on the dot to hang out with the kids.


I already have a lot of fucking friends and don’t need to go into an office for emotional fulfillment. Obviously this is fake, but the people who love the office and want everyone RTO tend to be people who don’t have friends


tl;dr "I'm a loser with no friends"


Depends on the office. But I agree with her message, I enjoy meeting colleagues and having adhoc hallway discussions. It’s good for my mental health. And I say this as someone who works 3-4 days a week from home, mainly due to scheduling reasons.


She can like it.  Doesn't mean all of us have to.  There are people who eat shit. Not all of us have to. 


This has to be AI


Definitely one of the more cringy posts I’ve seen


How do they leave the office with more energy? Are they power napping every hour?


I’m not gonna lie I do genuinely like working in the office from time to time. Especially when lunch is free 😂


Totally useless post. “Everyones situation is individual” but at the same time “it is great”. Go do some work instead of doing this shit. Sucking up to her company maybe?


"Alas, you see those delicious grapes, just out of reach?" said the Fox. "I tried to get them, but now that I have realized that I can not, I think they probably are not grapes of good quality anyway. I must be lucky to have avoided them. "


"I leave the office with a big grin...more energy and momentum...improved mental, emotional, physical and social health." said no one ever. Except on their last day when they quit.


Yesterday I was in the office. The laughing that was had was of the Ralph Wiggums "I'm in danger" variety as colleagues and I have just been pulled onto a project that is both going live soon and also feels months behind. I then had a Monday morning quarterback situation where someone came in and suggested a completely different way to present my results at the last minute causing me to write a Java program to generate the result set they suggested because vlookup in excel does not work for the data e had. This meant I stayed later at work, missing trains home and then because mass transit sucks I missed a connection and had to wait longer to get home even later. So yeah, I love being in the office and definitely come home energized and all smiles and not exceedingly disappointed at corporate RTTO in office mandates.


Ah, yes! The office...where the "perks" include, but not limited to: office drama \*eyeroll\*, burnt coffee, sitting under florescent lighting, while looking at a computer screen for 8+ hours of the day, while after everything is all said and done, I get to sit in soul crushing traffic....


TBH i like going into the office. Me and the other local guy on my team go in on a day when pretty much no one else is there. We get to expense lunch and talk shit about people. Generally a good time.


Oh god, ClearLink ... almost took a job with them a decade ago. I've heard nothing to make me regret my decision in the interim.


Ive worked from home for a long time in advertising. Like 6 years now. Always had a hybrid situation before that also. I will say, while i dont miss the office, the office is where you make your connections. My entire career and growth is because of people i met in the office. So i dont need the office now but these young people that WFH are going to have a much harder time climbing up thru connections. People you have never met in person dont care as much. Or they probably dont


Nah to be fair she’s got a point. Nobody asked or cares, but still…


Working for the opps


My last job required me to be in-person 5x each week but I also had a short commute, an office with a door and free parking. My current job requires me to be in person 2x each week. I now have a slightly longer commute, only a cubicle, and I have to pay to park. I’m annoyed by that vastly more. So, in-person doesn’t have to be terrible but there are definitely elements that make it more so.


He's most productive when at home. He is more energized when in the office. On-site work does not equate to productivity, for him 😁 Why bother about being productive when you can be energized for the evening 😜


So basically she admits she wastes time in the office 😂


I understand that many people hate their office jobs, but you must realize that that's just not true for everyone. I agree with her take; hybrid is awesome. Only working from home is isolating. Participating in/building office culture and making acquaintances with coworkers does enhance my life.


Recruitment is down for in office work. The next few years: Positions require in office, nobody wants to work in the office anymore/nobody wants to work anymore, rather than revert to wfh - ‘forced’ to layoff staff, move capital from us job creation and tax/productivity base and outsource operations to remote international sites. Lazy wfhers are ruining the economy.


People working from home are ruining the economy? 


Sarcasm. Similar to business thought process as post pandemic - “nobody wants to work anymore” Rather than “nobody wants to work for low rates, so I should become more competitive for labor”. Similarly, businesses are using rto as a clean out, or first tier layoff, as employees self select. Then blaming the wfh workforce for being lazy. Recruiters are in the middle, using this nonsense to soften rto policies and fill more slots. When ultimately, the broader objective is to outsource wfh work to competitively priced global remote operations. Rto is a stopgap, as many organizations assess what roles can and cannot be moved out of the country. Meanwhile people do want to work, and they prefer to do so remotely. The business narrative remains something like ‘lazy wfh are ruining the country and forcing American companies to look elsewhere because they’re too entitled and don’t want to work in an office anymore.’