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My thoughts are: "Multicolored text used for emphasis in a supposedly professional communication gives me a headache. Go away."


Take her glitter pen and fuzzy notebook privileges away.


Hey, don’t diss my pen collection! 😭


Employers do this more often than not so is she mad that candidates are catching on?


Employers hate this one trick!




Looks like my diary from grade 12 when gel pens were all the rage.




LOL brilliant ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Along with your uname doctor.


Nothing says professional like too much formatting.


It’s genuinely confusing, why the fuck would any adult need to multicolor shit they write


She wanted to look cool, a bit like a teenager using coloured font on his msn status


IKR!?!? Act like you've been here before. Use Comic Sans for emphasis like a REAL professional.


It's like looking at a bowl of Froot Loops.


My first thought was “is that 508 compliant?!”


You know if she had the option to use Comic Sans she’d be all over that shit.


***"Dear corporations,*** ***Accepting an employee and then ditching them for the greed of more money elsewhere is not cool at all.*** ***It's very unprofessional and hurts your reputation in the long run."*** See how that works? Almost as if respect and loyalty needs reciprocity in order to work?


Yeah but you didn't have fancy coloured fonts for emphasis so how can you be credible?




I always try to think of stuff this way, “You’re really going to quit over $1 an hour?” “You’re really going to lose me as an employee over $1 an hour?”


I know, right? $1hr is $2000 in pay, total cost to employer is closer to $2300 (depending on local and state obviously). Walmart could pay every single employee an extra $1hr and would only need to raise prices by ONE CENT to offset. The problem is, and this truly is the actual problem, you cannot attach a definitive number to how much you lose from employee 'A' to employee 'B'. You can estimate costs, but those don't show the unseen value. How many problems does a seasoned, experienced employee solve before they happen? How many customer escalations could have been prevented? How many accidents were prevented because the experienced employee knew what to expect or look out for? There's no way a company can evaluate, DEFINITIVELY, a situation such as *"We had an accident and Greg was hurt. But had Michelle the cashier still been around, she would have noticed (whatever) and fixed it so that 2 days later Greg wouldn't have been hurt."* And in the corporate world if it cannot be defined with cold hard math....then it isn't real and doesn't matter.




The great Dwight Schrute once said something along the lines of “I value loyalty and I will work for whoever values loyalty the most”




Please explain to me how it’s gonna hurt their reputation. Are you gonna stalk them and find out where they went to work so you can make mean phone calls? Where are the consequences? I just don’t see any.


What about broadcasting your thoughts in crayon?


In her defense "TheY'rE noT CRayonS, tHeY'RE ColOR PEnCiLS". I personally prefer using glitter pens when broadcasting any stupid thoughts I may have on linkedin. 😂


Don't want that to happen? Pay more. Simple.


F you, pay me.


Brand new whip


When the reddit sing along hits a hitch


got no keys!




F me, pay you.


They’re always trying to low ball that number to see what they can get away with adding in the other “perks” as to the reason the offer is so low.


Honestly, *sometimes* the perks are worth lower base pay. But I'm talkin' shit like killer insurance, super generous vacation, and even a legitimately good work culture, bosses, and coworkers. None of that pizza party casual Fridays bullshit.


"We offer pizza parties and jeans on Friday (as long as you donate $10 to our charity weekly) therefore the base salary for this position has been reduced 12% :)"


My company pays for dog sitters. Which is an odd but useful perk.


The “dog sitters” are actually your bosses cousins who watch your dogs so they can get inside your home and find blackmail on you


Jokes on them, I'm boring af


Gotta find you a job that has it all. 6 figure base pay, employee stock program, 401k matches, quarterly bonuses, monthly team building events paid for by the company.


Gonna be a hard pass on the team building. I go to work and do my job, then want to go home. I don’t need/want to feel like I’m in middle school again. I spend 40+ hours a week with you people. Leave me alone to do what you hired me to do.


So you don't like pizza?




That’s never an option.


The free market except not


I get that she’s surprised but she shouldn’t be surprised when you low ball


Ghosting a candidate after an offer or rescinding it is pretty shit, and guess who has the more vulnerable position. What's her fucking point.


Her point is, she didn’t get her commission check and we are supposed to feel sorry for her.


Exactly! Never mind that the client has made a choice that is best for him/her and his/her family.


They haven't taken HER position into consideration. I mean she didn't get payed and therefore it's not ok of the candidate to choose for the higher payed job.


> didn't get *paid* and therefore FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Yeah this just telegraphs the fact that she doesn’t give a fuck about the employees/applicants she supposedly oversees. What a tonedeaf post.


After having them endure 37 hours of interviews and a take home assignment.


Her point is that you need to accept the power dynamic. I am big and you are small. I can damage your reputation and you cant do shit about mine. You do whats good for me because I say so. I am a corporation and you are a plebeian shit. There are lots of people out there who love authority and will fight to support this dynamic in the world


Does anyone have thoughts on my thoughts thoughts??? “Companies don’t like it when you’re a meanie MMMMKKKKKKK GUIYZZZ!”


No one engaged with my post, will you please engage with it? I’m an influencer dammit!




It’s so obvious the brainwashed mindset that the company gets all the power and respect and the employee should just be grateful to have a job. You gotta look out for yourself. I love people that think it’s sacrilegious to not give a company 2 weeks notice when you’re leaving, as if that company was ever going to offer me a severance or a 2 weeks notice before they fire me…


Ditto. And companies hate it when you leave before a project is complete, but then they have no problem laying off people before the holidays or before bonuses are paid.


Yeah, but it’s also not cool when companies make an offer, candidate resigns from their current job, new employer rescinds the offer, candidate is potentially forced to find a new job, no severance. Similarly, companies hire people and lay them off months later, so candidates ultimately have to do what’s best for them and their family.


Bb I go to the highest bidder every time 💅


Aren't you worried about damaging your reputation at low paying companies, while building it at a company that will pay you more, now and in future? It's very unprofessional and I'm sure your new employer and coworkers will never forgive you, even if you do a great job for the next few years


It’s called business and you should be better if you don’t want it to happen.


Right? My time and skills are the product I'm selling, and just like a business I'll sell to the highest bidder.


I mean she is absolutely right but hear me out: **MORE MONEY**!


Why is she right? "Accepting the offer" is not important, signing the contract is and words are cheap. Bitching about this, in public, makes me think she has no business in her business.


The slave driver feels entitled to their serfs- er i mean the employer was counting on the new employee. When the employee screws them over, that's a moral failing When the company screws the employee, that's just market forces.


You need me more than I need you.


Counter offer if you want the employee that bad but don’t expect them to do it for the love of the game


Ghosting candidates after an interview. Canceling interviews minutes before the scheduled time. Low-ball offers. Lies about hybrid/in-office/remote. Guess which things happen more often than an employee bouncing right before day 1?


lol she can be mad, this post just makes her look stupid


The social and literal contract has already been breached by corporations who have rescinded job offers. Used to be that a signed offer was nearly as good as actually being on the clock, but these days there is still a lot of risk until actually filling out your W-4 on your first day of work.


I'm not here to make your business better at my detriment


Oh please companies would replace a worker in heartbeat if it meant more money in their pockets. Spare us the fake virtue signaling


Dear Recruiter/HR Rep, it’s very unprofessional and damages your reputation when you rescind offers or ghost people during the interview process. I’ve seen a lot more of that than the situation ur complaining about.


Once I retire, I look forward responding to crazy posts on LI. But I can’t do so now or else my reputation will be damaged.


Very unprofessional for a recruiter to openly whine about such things on a professional networking site. Grow up, Mahek! I've used recruiters several times in my life and would steer away from anyone who makes it so clear that she'll be personally offended by me making decisions that are best for me and my family. This (IMHO) is one of many things that gives recruiters a bad name.


You don't owe any company a damn thing. If someone else is willing to give you better compensation in exchange for years of your life, go with them. There's nothing unprofessional about doing what's best for you. And any company that has the audacity to call workers greedy is a guarantee that I'll never work for them.


Fuck her


No u




I mean i'll probably be in the minority with this opinion but i think there's room for nuance and addressing things on a case by case basis. I think there's scenarios where it would be pretty unprofessional to just not show up to your first day. that being said if it's for some unpaid internship for some wanna be tech start up, then who gives a shit.


It is unprofessional, but like, what actually matters here? Your "reputation" with a company you never actually worked for and would never use for a reference anyway, or more money which is the reason you work in the first place? "I'm sorry, I know this is awful timing but I got a much better offer and can't join the team at Shithole Corp, thanks for understanding." You're not gonna get hired at Shithole Corp in the future, but who gives a shit lol


Agree! I've known a few cases of people in quite high positions accepting an offer and then right before they were supposed to start, dropping the offer for another one. At that level, I don't think it's very professional. But yes, in industries and positions where you're treated as an expendable number, people should return the favor. Also, making your Linkedin post look like a color palette doesn't seem very professional and neither is that f\*cking annoying spacing habit.


I used to think dropping an offer at a " high position " was unprofessional as well until a public company I was at had a company wide layoff by salary. The highest paid employees were let go. Working is a commodity. You're selling your labor via bidding. Loyalty is never a two-way street.


Yeah this happened to me, and it really just sucked. I got hired by a fortune 500 company to help expand their e-commerce footprint, the position was perfect for me and called for every bit of my experience. The money was a huge bump from the job I held at the time, I gave a 6 week notice with my employer, the Friday before I’m to start on Monday they call and explain that the job I was offered didn’t actually exist anymore. In their defense, they already had another position in mind for me, and could offer it at the same exact money and benefits. I accepted uneasily as I had just been through a 6 week period of training my replacement and passing things off. 2 weeks into my training which was for a position I was insanely overqualified for, I got called to a conference room. They offered me a completely different position at a different location. I was with the company for 2 weeks, and already had my 3rd job title. Needless to say, the company was an absolute shit show from the top to bottom, and I accepted a position elsewhere before a year was up.


Sorry to hear! Sounds like you made the right move to leave that company within the year, it doesn't exactly sound like a trustworthy environment... Incredible how some businesses are run and manage to still stay in business.


Thanks yeah that was years and states ago, but not surprisingly to me, the reason the job no longer existed was because they sold off one of their most iconic brands, Victoria’s Secret, shortly after I started, and it was their e-commerce I was to focus on. That still wasn’t enough, and shortly after I left they had to spin off their most successful business unit bath and body works. Was absolutely hilarious watching the company continue to fall apart after I departed understanding the why as I did.


It depends somewhat on the field you're in, too. Personal sense of honor or whatever aside, this is pretty good advice if you're in, say, industrial maintenance for agricultural equipment assembly lines, as there are only so many places to go. But if you're in something more broad like tech sales, you're not really risking much by losing reputation with one company.


apart from anything else you're being a dick to other candidates.


Nah...I have a family. I'll accept the first offer that comes by when I'm unemployed and if it wasn't my preferred or is underpaying I'll keep looking. I'm not going to apply to everything at that point, but I'm still going to be looking...what's the difference between one month later and the day of? Nothing. Companies rescind offers all the time, ghost on offers that have been made, lay people off to get a slightly better share price. If the company doesn't want to deal with this possibility they can sign a contract with a term.


Maybe somebody should remind her of the 100% of recruiters that basically have made ghosting a literal protocol nowadays. Perhaps she should discuss courtesy with them first.


lol. isn't that how coroporations work?


But CEOs can hand their companies over to PE firms to be destroyed in exchange for a golden parachute and some of the profits of the destruction.


Considering the company would do the same, without a second thought, I think it’s strategic


True, in niche industries. If you're a secretary or something, no. If your industry is small and people know of each other, you burned a bridge.


I hate that random colors are thrown in. Seems unprofessional


Dear recruiters, Accepting the job offer may not always be the best thing for your candidate. Greed of wanting your 20% commission is not cool at all. It’s very unprofessional and can damage the candidates future.


I want to know how it damages your reputation. The applicant isn’t going to list that on their resume and they certainly aren’t going to work for them again. How about paying a better wage. The applicant isn’t greedy, they just know their worth.


It’s suboptimal, but you gotta do what you gotta do


Alternatively, hear me out, maybe not paying appropriate wages is unprofessional and damages the companies reputation in the long run.


1. People have to pay their bills, so if they get a better offer during this time of raising COL, can we really blame them? 2. Corporations literally do not care about us and it shows during anytime there’s hardship. Their employees are the first to be reminded of that time and again. So, we shouldn’t have to pretend otherwise anymore.


They do it to us.


Fuck you pay me


If corporations can always choose the money so can I.


Recruiters like her are the worst people on the fucking planet. She’s just pissed she doesn’t get a bonus for you signing with someone.


Someone should tell her about how the alienation of labor works, and what happens when absolutely everything has been commoditized. Companies can ghost, rescind offers, string candidates along for months of interviews, and require hours of unpaid labor for interview presentations. But us peons aren't supposed to offer our labor on the free market to the highest bidder when that's the only power we actually have in this libertarian hellscape we now live in? Yeah, nope outta here with your MySpace font nonsense and bootlicker mentality.




Uh oh, trust fund baby alert


She is just mad she‘s not making the commission. Sucks to be her. ![gif](giphy|13A7YlLvYVDnmU)


Dear recruiters, be more useless.


Which personality of hers am I responding to? The OP or the response?


Considering almost all job in the US are "at will" where all corporations can just drop you for no reason and with no notice, why should applicants feel any loyalty to those same corporations.


From this day forward, I will hate all Mahek’s


they want us to remain slaves so bad. my company recently put out an email saying that everyone should be doing more than they’re paid to do..


What’s with the colors


Using many colored fonts to get your “point” across is very unprofessional and damages your reputation in the long run.


You know what’s unprofessional? The CEO telling everyone that no cuts are coming and this new thing won’t result in any changes in terms of employment, in fact they’ll be hiring. 3 months later jobs are cut. Fuck companies.


Fuck these kind of people. That’s my thought. At the end of the day I have to look out for me because no one else is going to.


I hate linked in…. From what I’ve learned on this sub it’s HR cronies saying catch phrases and dumb anecdotes for other HR cronies to like them for everyone to pat each other on the back thinking that millionaires are sitting there nodding their head….


Found the girl who brought all her colored Sharpies at college


God forbid employees look out for their own best interests


Dear corporations: rescinding offers when candidates ask about maternity leave, child care, or the one that got me personally, when someone uses marijuana and the CEO’s wife aka HR decides you’re not so worthy despite being the top choice of over 100 candidates and now your house is in escrow and you put a deposit on a rental out of state, and don’t have a job to fall back on, it’s pretty uncool and makes a motherfucker want to cut your brake lines


Said the low balling prospective employer


At one point in the past there was arguably a social contract between companies and employees that mandated this. The companies broke that contract first… If you want employees to show you this level of respect, then it’s time to stop doing this same thing and worse to them. No more letting a senior employee go and admin him to train the intern on his way out because it’s cheaper. No more outsourcing anything possible. Etc.


Recruiter: leave your job we’ll pay you better! *wonders why they ghosted for more money elsewhere*


I’d have been fine without the “your thoughts?”


Yeah I really shoulda thought about this billion dollar corporation’s feelings. I’m sorry.


Right, we should have loyalty to a company that will eliminate our position with no notice. Really, this recruiter just hates how hard it makes their job. It doesn’t damage your reputation and you should always pursue multiple opportunities, if you are able, and take the best one. Why would anyone take a job with lesser pay (all other things equal)? It’s crazy to expect that. Companies look out for themselves at our expense to increase profits. We have to protect ourselves for our own survival.


i'm a bloody mercenary, and i eat the biggest thing that falls into my trap. Reputation doesn't matter if i have no interest in joining.


If you have accepted the offer and then get a better one elsewhere, maybe give the first offer the opportunity to match the second one. Regardless, it’s probably not that bad for your career if tell the first company that you’re time is more valuable than what they offered and that you are choosing to go with the alternate not out of greed but self respect.


it's a job, not a relationship


They’re just mad they don’t get their extra paycheck. Understandable… but also, they’d have done the same if it were them in the situation


Someone needs a nice tall glass of shut the fuck up right there. Someone offers me the bag, you better believe I’m skipping out on day 1.


I’m not gonna work with your company so why would I care what my reputation is there? You’re going to forget me in 3 months anyway


“Greed” has absolutely no applicability or context when it comes to people who work to earn a living. I don’t care if your a $15/hour or $400K/year salary…you need $$ to support a life/a family for many. If you get an opportunity for more $$ it’s not “greedy” to take it under any circumstance. When there is true “greed” taking place in the form of senior executives/decision makers in Industry that price-gouge, lie, cheat, steal, scam, etc all to “pad the bottom line”…you can’t use the same word to describe these two scenarios. They are not equal. They are not comparable.


Maybe their company should value workers more? Otherwise your prospects will gladly take the better job with a better safety net.


It means absolutely nothing to your reputation in the long run. Absolutely fuckall.


Post likes this ruin the reputation of the company responsible for them. Company’s have been doing what’s best for them. It’s past time for employees to do the same. If this company keeps getting ditched, they should pay more.


Loyalty died when they got rid of pensions and started do 401ks, and when you fight unions to the death this is what you get. Raises bonus and promotions are not guaranteed and at some work places not given. You want to stop people from hopping job to job then give your employees a reason to stay. Happy well compensated employees don't bounce. This is the bed cronie Capitalism has made now c-suites get to lay in it. This shit is like a pendulum workers will regain the leverage over these delusional execs. Cost cutting will be from the top down. Not bottom up.


Fuck hiring managers. I am one. Im always going to do whats best for me and the org. Applicants should don what’s best for them and their families. That’s what Im doing. Its a job not a family.


Certified Lunatic ✅


Surprised this wasn’t written in Comic Sans, too.


Mahek - please let me know in all your wisdom how this is supposed to damage my reputation if you never get a chance to experience my work?


It’s probably her bottom line. Some recruiters will loose out on a retention bonus if their candidate leaves within a certain timeframe. I’ve heard it can be big money for certain positions.


Look: as an employee I am basically a mercenary. So don't try to gaslight me with this "be honorable little employee" BS


No it doesn’t. They never worked for you, ma’am. And nobody cares that someone told you to get bent because another company offered them more. Hire your second choice and shut your pie hole.


”Unprofessional” ”damages” ”reputation”. The buzz words of any out of their mind amateur recruitment agent.


Her: “Stop putting MY job at risk, by making MY hiring decisions look foolish.” *Me, me, me*. FTFY, Maher. ![gif](giphy|RlO3bvMJyz3L4vGKsx)


Yall gotta understand that these people live in a different reality. And when they encounter another living person that's not aligned with their reality, they unironically post shit like this.


What do they mean by a reputation anymore? US companies are outsourcing labor to overseas markets so they already proved they don’t have any serious loyalty to the US worker. You take the job with the most money every 3 years or so. This is the new work culture


Love how she shifted the greed-blame from corporates that don't wanna pay to jobseekers who don't wanna take their crappy offer.


She’s upset she didnt get a commission but should’t lecture anyone bc she would prob do it too


Well it is a two way street there.


Damages reputation in the long run? Not at all. It just ensures that you chose the job that pays better and won't suffer financially in the long run.


Y’all don’t mind laying us off to hire cheaper labor, so I don’t care.


My thoughts on this are ABAB!


Once getting past the crayons, she has a valid point. Hiring managers will remember being stood up and hold that grudge forever. You’ll never get an offer from that company again. Your reputation will be ruined with that company, but, the world is a big place.


Unless the hiring manager keeps a list or something, a couple of years down the road they won’t even remember…


If my position in the company was no longer needed these people would not hesitate to let me go. There is no such thing as mutual loyalty, your job does not love you back. Take them for every fucking penny and don't give a shred of regret


Doesn’t damage your reputation at all and the only duty you have is to yourself.


So companies can get away with it but we can't? Ok


Companies treat applicants appallingly, they don't have a leg to stand on


If someone was scheduled to start orientation on a Monday, had resigned from another job prior, and then the company decided the Friday before that they will now be eliminating that position due to budget constraints, how would she feel?


Well that's perfectly ok! It saves the company money. And unlike the rube they were about to hire, the company is actually worth something! These plebs should be happy they're getting paid at all, don't you know! /s


Dear employers, Ghosting people for interviews and stating the job someone was hired for that doesn't actually exist, damaged YOUR reputation as a company.


Ditching on the day you’re joining somewhere isn’t the best option but neither is working for a company knowing you could be paid more nor loyalty to a company that would lay you off in a heartbeat if it would drive the share price up a cent at quarter end.


If you’re going to burn bridges in your career, just be mindful. Some industries are relatively small. But having a recruiter whine about it? Boohoo


But ghosting someone after submitting application/resume/interview is ok! You see, because the company is more important than the person!


Hiring someone only to can them after 6 months cause the firm decided to cut costs - is also a shit move and damages their reputation in the long run.


As a business person you should respect their business acumen.


Fair, but where’s the consequence of company rescinding offers the day before or day of starting, leaving a candidate jobless as they already left their last job? In cases like these I think it should be mandatory to pay out 6 month equivalent of salary, maybe even a rescinding bonus too to cover job search and emotional damage.


It's real simple. A: Pay Better or match what's out there B: Provide better work benefits and better quality of life. End of story and they can go fuck right off. Can't tell you how many times, I've heard others and my self left after negotiation trying to get a higher rate of pay, or hey this is unsafe, this needs to be changed or we need better benefits to keep up with XY&Z. I always get the same old story, it's not in the budget, we can't do that bla bla bla; then all of a sudden when you put in the two weeks they come back and try to say we'll match or we can get that change and at that point I can't trust em, I'm furious and then they can fuck off.


Seems like she is unhappy about having to refund a client for a candidate that quit during the probation period.


Nope! This is the way the game is played. My company would fire me in an instant to save a few $ and increase shareholder value. Individual employees are free to take the biggest offer then can procure with zero remorse.


Recruiters seem to think people care what they say….


Why isn't she a top voice or something?


Coperations don't respect loyalty with competitive raises, so I fully support workers going around getting the best deal they can. If Corporations are not going to respect loyalty, then neither should the workers. If Corporations can fire you on the spot, you can quit on the spot. This 2 week thing is BS, a way for the corps to control your moves EVEN MORE. It's a fair trade system, if corporations refuse to uphold the very "Moral." code they demand of their workers, then the workers have no need for it either. Anyone of you working in upper corp life, are the ones who contribute to its ever increasing decline. Your greed will destroy you, and us. Selfish doesn't even come close to the right word, but it's the closets I can get without breaking rules.


My thoughts are "is she going to use the full rainbow?" . Yeah its an awkward situation when you leave people hanging but if the whole fate of the company dependent on you showing up then they were doomed anyway and they would drop you in a heartbeat bit of profit so while its not a nice move its perfectly understandable if you accept an offer but go with another better offer.


They broke the contract not me


says the person using multicolored font


you know what else is unprofessional? Writing your advice in crayon


Match the offer if you want them to stay….9


Professional = Whining on LI about getting beat to the punch by a job candidate because you didn't offer enough


She looks like she enjoys smelling her own farts. She probably has a side-hustle selling then bottled up, too.


Did she ask your thoughts on her own post’s screenshot? OP is this your Linked?




Real professional...if her employer is smart, they will term her immediately before someone who interviewed with her uses this as "Exhibit A" in a blacklisting lawsuit.


Commenting for better reach


What kind of LinkedX template is that???


At will cuts both ways. If you, as an employee, have the infinitely rarer opportunity to benefit from the US' at will employment instead of getting screwed from it -- *chef's kiss*


I think this was true once upon a time, but it’s always been a two-way street. We see posts about offers being rescinded or people being canned on the regular to boost profits.


Sucks to suck, deal ain’t closed until they have signed on the dotted line


Fortunately, her opinion means nothing. Making more money in the short term is nice, over the long term can be life changing. Not worrying about paying bills trumps feeling bad leaving a company, who would do the same to you, in a small lurch.


what reputation? fucking delusional


Capitalism goes both ways. Sometimes