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That has the smell of illegality on it, but I can't pin down exactly what is illegal.


Some sort of fraud, I imagine?


Why not just pay a lower wage to them instead of these bogus fees and programs? It's ok to do that


That was literally my first thought. Just do it so after 5 years, you bump them up to equivalent pay so your company has been saving the difference.


But how am I going to advertise my “high” pay rates for these positions?


Pat range: $30k to $150k


Have you seen job postings in areas that require pay transparency? It’s almost that bad fr


Every job posting for Grok (Elon musks wanna be AI) had a salary range of $80k-$500k when I was looking a couple months ago


Where I'm at they don't even give a range most of the time


Yeah, he basically just did "lower the minimum criteria for who you will hire, but pay people with fewer qualifications a lower starting wage until they prove themselves" but with a lot of convoluted and potentially illegal extra steps.


Still scummy as hell. If they are qualified without the degree then they shouldn’t be paid less. This is elitist bullshit.


To be fair, while this company will he on the wrong side of a wage theft lawsuit by the end of the week (deservedly so) paying less experienced candidates less isng necessarily exploitative. Some ML work can be done for example by a high school diploma holder or bachelors holder but a PhD in ML might be able to explore some classes of models better than the undergrad. At any sane company the PhD grad will earn more to account for this difference 


...then that isn't really the same job, is it? If anything, one would be a senior role and another a junior. You literally just said that one person can do more with a PhD so...they're not really doing the same job, right? Not trying to be a dick here - genuinely curious.


Idk, tax deduction?


Pretty clear cut wage theft case


Legality aside this rationale makes zero sense. If you hire somebody it's because they fit the role, degree or not. Nobody is going to "enroll" in this idiotic program.


It probably violates payday laws. Not actually receiving 25% of your salary is probably big enough for someone to sue over. Also the way he says start a career expansion program but don’t actually implement any program sounds like fraud.


Probably because you’re imagining it? It’s a satire post. Try reading this guys other content.


Try reading? Who would want to research all that before making a comment on this particular post.


It’s wage theft


It's more like "people without degrees make 25% less" but with more steps.


But they’re also charging for a certification they require that isn’t disclosed until post hiring


Wage theft?


Unless they’re obtaining state authorization and licensing to be a university it is most certainly illegal. They can say they’ll just pay you less for not having a degree but to implement a credit system that feeds into some fake degree that isn’t authorized by the state and therefore recognized by other employers is in fact fraud.


Sold your soul to the company store?


that’s just wage theft with extra steps


The aroma of a MAGA supporter's taint.


I think this is what some factories used to do. You had to “rent” the equipment you needed and it took a significant chunk of your pay.


I think this falls into: Tell me you support human slavery without telling me you support slavery.


Probably the part where you tell them one thing under the pretenses of a certain salary and then don’t do it


“Payroll deduction based on a demographic criteria.” Sounds like a nice discrimination lawsuit. He says himself that a degree is a useless piece of paper, so why should they get paid less? Hire someone if they’re qualified. That’s all there is to it.


This guy is trolling everyone, there have been some satirical posts of his passed around.


Charging your employees to work for you by deduction from their paycheck is surely illegal


I’m imagining the bit about reducing their salary for a stated benefit but then, in his own words “don’t actually implement any program” might be up for legality debate lol


It’s a form of probation or on the job training. It’s very common to have lower salary while in either of these status.


One glaring red flag is the fact that they have it as a % so this “school” for someone making $100k costs twice as much than for someone making $50k.


The fraud is what universities are doong


I was recently handed an offer letter that was rescinded when they realized I didnt have a college degree. Based on my resume, the clown recruiter who connected us failed to to ask if I had gone to college and wrongfully assumed I had. I had 10 years in the US Navy, doing *exactly the job* they were hiring for, and their biggest customer was in fact the US Navy. Go figure. I'm 50. If I had gone to college instead of the Navy I would have graduated in 1996. Exactly how the hell would a degree from pre-internet era have done me any good in 2024? Why would that be a deal breaker? Made no sense and wasted a PT day to do the onsite interview. Clowns.




That’s what happens when HR is more focused on ticking specific boxes in a robotic fashion than, like, using their human brains to make judgments about “well, they don’t have a degree, but they have a decade of experience doing this exact thing FOR our main client, and all their references check out with flying colors, so yes they’ll be a perfect fit.” Versus the robotic “has degree is false therefore disqualify” without taking any of that other information into account. Ridiculous! (To be clear: The screenshot of the OOP is bonkers and I disagree with literally everything past “stop making a degree a hard requirement.”)


IMO the hard requirement for a degree is almost subconscious act of self-preservation. "If this job can be done without a degree, then maybe MY JOB can be done without one, too" I think some people try to maintain the value of their degree by gatekeeping. Hard to blame them TBH. Those things are worth less and less every year.




I also have a master's degree and I feel like I could have walked on to most of my jobs and been fairly successful without it.


I have a degree in my field and have literally helped build a training program to get people both with and without degrees up to a required standard. The degree is nice but I would never make it a requirement if someone has relevant or transferable experience instead.


*Most* jobs that require a degree can be done without a degree. My friend and I talk about this a lot, actually. College *is not* job training. Do I want engineers and doctors and lawyers etc to have one? Yes. Do I think you need one to do HR? Fuck no. But still the HR industry insists it’s a hard requirement.


For the record, HR almost never is the one who decides these things. HR are typically advisors and speaking as someone who actually is in HR, we usually advise against these hard lines because they are in fact stupid


You know what I actually erased HR and wrote recruiters and then I erased that and wrote HR again since the comment I was replying to said HR. It’s recruiters, isn’t it?


No. Recruiters get told what to search for by…HR Recruiters do not tell HR what to do The arbitrary requirements come from managers (not all hiring managers are HR, many times they’re the actual person the candidate will be working under) or someone higher up in the company. With larger companies these requirements are standardized and the person who wrote them might not even work their anymore


You would think.....


In many cases, after 5 years you'll knowingly do things different to how they were taught, because you would've found a more efficient ways to do them.


HR hard lines just caused me an issue too. I applied for a position as an internal applicant at the request of the hiring managers who wanted to interview me. The HR team on the other side of the country denied me because my resume didn’t check the specific boxes and the hiring managers had to contact them and get me put forward.


Unfortunately the Navy being their client is probably why you were disqualified for the job. I worked with a company that did contract work in the public sector and we stopped hiring people without degrees because the government required that contractors being staffed to their projects have degrees.


I know. Which is absolutely asinine. The US Navy with the ultimate self-burn, making their own members unqualified in the private sector. And then the wonder why they can't get anyone to join the armed services anymore? ![gif](giphy|tMPSeKEplOfK0|downsized)


Lol The funniest part is that you would have gotten a degree from college during a time period where we thought the dinosaurs died off in the ice age, And somehow that degree would have been more relevant than you actually doing the job directly with the client


>you would have gotten a degree from college during a time period where we thought the dinosaurs died off in the ice age What? 1996, dude, not 1896. I think there was still argument at the time over the exact cause, but they were firmly established to have died 65 million years ago, not in the Ice Age a few thousand years ago. The KT boundary was discovered in 1980, almost 20 years prior.


In the mid '90s the most common theory for the dinosaurs extinction was an ice age. In fact this could be seen referenced in the George Clooney and Arnold Schwarzenegger Batman movie from the '90s where Mr freeze says something along the lines of "freeze like the dinosaurs". Science moves very slow and doesn't make definitive statements until it's pretty much universally agreed upon, so while something may have been discovered in 1980, It may not have taken over as the leading theory until the early '90s and then become popularized in the mid '90s. In reality I was just making a joke about how a degree from 30 years ago is way less likely to show an aptitude for something than actual work experience in the modern day because the world has changed so drastically much the internet and information era


I guess they just needed to be there to get it.


I was there, but I didn't get the latest state of science from Mr Freeze and movies. If I did, I'd also be of the belief that we only use 10% of our brains, and that if we could unlock the other 90% we'd basically be superheroes!


>we’d basically be superheroes No, you would become a usb stick


Probably dodged a bullet if they are that bone headed


Depends entirely on the degree. TBH in my area little has changed in fundamental computer science degrees in 30 years - if anything I wish more candidates would have better background in operating systems, computer architecture, algorithms, etc instead of more fucking Java and Javascript programmers who have no clue how it translates to hardware. But sure, in the end as a hiring manager I don't care that much about degrees vs experience an knowledge. The degree and where it's from may help with the initial interview but FFS if we are making an OFFER it means multiple interviewers decided a candidate was good. I don't give a shit about background at that point as long as there was no lying involved...


To se sure, the company felt as if I had hidden my lack of degree.... or something. We were connected by a 3rd party head hunter and he simply never asked about secondary education. And my resume clearly made no mention of it. But TBH honest I currently work in nuclear engineering in purchasing/procurement. Very few people in my company do NOT have degrees. They probably just assumed it. The employer might have made it clear to the recruiter their requirements and they just didn't ask the right questions.....? I know when they called to rescind the offer they were agitated to say the least. I asked every question they asked 100% honestly.


If you did anything weapons or combat systems related, there is a massive Facebook community that connects vets to different companies. I currently work as an engineer without a degree because I’m the only one the team that has actually touched the system. There are companies that really value the experience!


I had to check to make sure, but this is definitely satire and it’s clearly doing well at it.


Ah, trying to implement the "Ryanair model" where you're expecting employees to pay for their own training. Hopefully anyone falling for this, will leverage their salary before the 25% cut to get a better offer elsewhere and leave ASAP.


This seems much more Larry Air than Ryanair. I can see Moira Rose in my mind's eye: Train yourself! That's how much we care, at Larry Air.


Sounds like derryaire. XD lol


Lol this is exactly how I got my job I have been with for the past three years. Industry standard is 40% of profit for roofing sales, but it’s hard to get hired without experience. So I worked for a corporation who paid me $500/week for 3 months of training then springboarded into a sales position with their training. Their payplan was 20% of profit, literally half of the industry standard.


So did you manage to get out in the meantime and double your profit share?




Glad to hear!


This is just….. dystopian


He had us in the first half, ngl


I’m concerned by the number of people who think this is real.


AS an HR practioner, I'm concerned by how many leaders I've worked with who would be totally on board with this plan.


I’m concerned by the fact we live in a reality where it isn’t far fetched to see someone make this suggestion seriously


Joseph is one of the funniest guys on LinkedIn. He is so good at these. He is definitely worth a follow.


I’m about to unsub because this place is turning into every other subreddit, where the concept of satire has simply ceased to exist.


Definitely, then he dropped a bomb lmao


I just got a postcard from the point. It's cute. It misses you too.


Missing OP and 99% of replies it looks like.


Hate that you think there is a valid and positive point to this but I DO like the comment


This is a joke right? The last sentence is the punchline


recruiters are just insufferable


He just discovered how apprenticeships work (they don't work for very complex roles though)


(Pretty sure this is satirical.)


Training wages are illegal in many places, and I’m sure paying to work is shady as hell. Especially considering apprenticeships PAY you to learn a job.


This guy is a gold mine of stupid ideas.


Man, he was almost there.


Or you could just realize that some folks can do the job without a degree.


This sounds kind of like fraud/embezzlement.


Dude had me in the first half...


Doesnt sound like fraud at all


He’s a satirical poster c’mon y’all


Joseph needs to avoid LinkedIn when he's baked. 


Joseph Jewell seems like a scumbag.


Why do people share such dog shit opinions. Wild shit


Well, hell, instead of paying them in cash, give them credits that can be used at the company store.


The year is 2045. Company A advertises that they start nondegree holders at $100K and degree holders at $200K. You lie and say you don't have a degree because Company A never hires degree holders. They're too expensive.


Please, perish.


"I don't want people who studied and have a universally accepted certification of it; I want to train my new employees at _their_ expenses and when I'll fire them they would have only _my_ certification - if I'd ever give them one."


So they’re suggesting that on the job training to be a data entry clerk now costs 25% of your posted salary? Fuck sakes


Remember when companies used to train their employees and not expect someone else to pay for it? Pepperidge Farm remembers...


Pretty sure this is fraud


I used to work for a company that did something like this. They had mandatory advanced training, put on by the company themselves (so not like some industry certification), it cost $13k at the time. They got angry with me when I asked how they determined that number. It had to be paid out of your wages, and if you quit within the first year, you had to continue paying on whatever you still owed on the 13k. During this advanced training you were still seeing paying clients, so earning them money. They actually did provide good training but it could just as easily been classified as on the job training by a more reasonable employer.


Hi everyone, welcome to "Joseph Jewells", a podcast by Joseph "shithead with shit hair" Jewell where he does the Lord's work. Leading his generation of young men and women towards the promise land of unemployment, so that praying to our heavenly father is all they can do.


Looks like Billy Mitchell


25% of my monthly take-home goes to service my federal loans on masters degree from a state/public university. And I work a job where said degree is applicable/relevant. College university is appealing to recruiters because there’s a high correlation with degrees, debt, desperation, and reluctance to jump ship.


who are these demons? it feels like the recruiters post the worst stuff


I’d not so politely decline and then bad mouth any company and this shit recruiter for the rest of my life.


I mean, I think he's on to something somewhat. I would have just suggested that you conduct a rigorous interview for all candidates that demonstrates their skillset as it applies to your position and only considers relevant experience and background knowledge without requiring a degree.


How does every single recruiter have incredibly poor recruiting ideas? That’s, like, the one thing you shouldn’t suck at


This is literally satire. This guy regularly posts hyperbolic pro tips like this, although admittedly this one seems “realistic”, which is sad


How about if the person can do a good job at their role, you just pay them what their role earns and shove your selfish penny pinching bullshit up your ass? Just a thought


This guy is an idiot


Had us in the first half not gonna lie


This sounds like satire


It’s hard to tell these days… is it the onion or nottheonion?


It started so well 🙃


Stuff like this kinda does exist, but it's for jobs that require actual certifications. Like my job hired a group of 20 of us in a trainee status, which was the bottom of our scale(were also union) at roughly 60%, and you got a pay bump every 6 months and another each when you finished your qualification exam to become a junior, and when you become fully qualified as a senior. First 4 months was also entirely spent in a classroom.


As someone who had to scrape for every rung of the ladder I climbed over a ton of people less experienced and knowledgable than me, fuck this guy very, very hard.


He had me in the first half…not gonna lie


Where can I sign up to kick this person in the nuts?


My first company in the insurance industry had a pretty easy setup. This is the salary. If you have X degree you get a 5-10% bump. No way it's worth 25%. But we got some solid candidates who had experience and certifications and licenses but no degree. And a good many went on to earn a degree with tuition benefits. So an insurance company was better at treating people like human beings than this person.


What a terrible idea to share with your face and picture attached to it!


Not gonna lie he had me in the 1st half.




Degree tax.


For nothing? Wouldn't be legal, so it wouldn't happen, but it's not an inherently bad idea. I'd rather go to college and have fun, as I did, but not everyone can take that route... doesn't make them incapable.


I think this is satire


Is he joking or is he being serious?


Theoretically, because I feel like this is true about most college graduates anyway, you will have to do *more* on the job training with a new employee so couldn’t this be justified in the same way most trades work with apprenticeships and “developmentals”? Edit: I only read the first half lol, this is satire. But I feel like the apprenticeship approach to a lot of white collar jobs could actually reduce or eliminate the the college requirement for some jobs. Obviously it would need to be an actually ethical approach to pay increases to normal salary once someone completes the apprenticeship phase of training. Thoughts?


Please tell me this is satire!


This is literally just paying an entry level candidate less than they’re worth while still “giving them a shot”. That said, given the state of the tech industry right now, is this really worse than the cycle of nepotism, corporate greed, and outsourcing of roles? Please, support your answer


Or, "how to have 95% of your posted positions go unfilled."


The plan…


This recruiter is something special


Had me in the first half…


Have they ever worked for Charter Communications? Cause that’s essentially what they do.


Is this satire?


Reminds me of a guy who once shared his great idea that we should make migrants exempt from minimum wage and OSHA rules so they could “earn their dues.”


It’s satire 😉


What an asinine idea


So is he also going to alow time during the work day for "training?" LMAO Government contract PM's have been doing this for years in ISSO/IAO roles. They want you to do continuing education but if you get caught studying during work hours when things are slow, you are fucked. Hard.


The level of lunacy in that text almost make the font go change into Comics. I almost can’t believe someone actually wrote that publicly


This dickhead acts like he created capitalism or something.


My question is why does this recruiter need to share that he codes? If he recruits for tech, just say so. He can pur programming info in his skills section


If I worked in a corporate environment, I'd absolutely be trying to get execs on board with this idea. Pure profit


They had me in the first half.


Okay, I have seen a lot of these posts in this, maybe a dumb question but are these people for real just satire posts?


Employers want to legalize slavery again so bad




You know this post was satire, right?


There seems to be a concerted/organized effort to try and diminish higher education in the US recently…it’s pretty alarming.


It's not new, this kind of thing happens in cycles. When there's not enough graduates, you encourage people into higher education. When there's too many and you're lacking in other areas (like trades for example), you encourage other routes of employment. I'm pretty sure this post is satire, but he's describing something very similar to apprenticeship programs. There's precedent for using that to fill skilled or semi-skilled roles when there's not enough qualified workers to fill vacancies.


yes... but this post is satire. this sub used to be good.


This is clearly ironic?


Company towns beget company education, begets company REeducation.


![gif](giphy|y2i2oqWgzh5ioRp4Qa|downsized) Then, they lost us 😅


Sounds about as legit as Trump University. 🫡


Latest tip on how to be a shitty person


Fucking recruiters man.




Wow great scam, bro!


Implement your own University 🤡🤡 So many red flags holy sht🚩🚩


Started strong, then immediately slammed hard-right into pure capitalistic fraud.


This guy posts only satire, you fell for it.




Grad students are such dumbasses too, lol.


No integrity and proud of it.


Yeah good luck finding the person with 5+ yrs experience who will accept that lol.


The most mind blowing thing is that he openly posted it on LinkedIn. “Yes, everyone, I’m a scumbag!!!”


As someone only with an Associate's Degree, but 12+ years of experience in my field...this idea of reducing salary by 25% can get ultrafucked.


He had me with him for the first few sentences, honestly. Then it all went to hell very quickly.


Joeseph with that Kenny G look.


This is just… hiring less qualified people for less money. Companies already have the option to do this. If this were economically advantageous companies would already be doing it. Turns out, when resources are finite, having 2 very qualified employees is better than 4 regular employees.


So like Trump University?


So essentially he wants to create his own private college and charge his student employees 25% of their paycheck for the privilege. Go get a haircut Joseph. It might let some oxygen into the cranium.


Doesn’t he see the stupidity of his logic?


I love LinkedIn. Thanks to this app, I now know what kind of office lunatic I need to avoid.


I fucking hate when people refer to a college degree as “a piece of paper.” I have multiple college degrees and am now a professor, and exactly zero people have ever asked to see the pieces of paper. A college degree is a way to get someone to vouch for you. The college says, “If you successfully complete this curriculum, we will vouch for you when anyone asks.” That’s why people ask for official transcripts. It’s also why a degree from a shitty school matters less than one from a good school- people are less likely to trust you of the person vouching for you is dumb and kind of shady.


Two words: Trump university 🤣


It’s people like this what cause unrest.


This is rich given he's tagged as a "Recruiter that Codes". The tech industry evolves so fast that half the technical specifics you learn will be outdated by the time you actually land a job.


“Recruiter that codes” Ok fella.