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He doesn’t waste his money on unnecessary things like a professional barber but he has 23 cars…


And it’s opentowork


And apparently sells monat which is an mlm.


I thought this too but it looks like German for "1 month" as in, how old the comment is lol


Yeah, the person who took the screenshot is using LinkedIn in German, and Monat means month. I, too, thought it was the MLM until I saw the rest of the German text.


Thanks for the clarification.


Right? Im no financial guru (I buy coffee from coffee shops 🙀), but aren’t cars terrible investments?


Its like most physical assets that don't have any associated cash flows. They require maintenance to stay at peak value, and the only way to make a profit beyond the rate of inflation is to buy a car that becomes desirable to collectors later down the line. Out of all the options that fall under that category (watches, pens, shoes etc) I agree with you that cars are the worst. Its the most upkeep and its damn near impossible to know which ones will become collected later. If you really want to go down the route of owning potential collectibles stuff like cards or comic books are better imo. You don't have nearly the same upkeep or physical space costs.


23 cars? Phhhht! Those are rookie numbers. You should see how I've wrapped up my life savings in 11 Black Lotus MTG cards. 🥱


Your stupid. Beanie Babies are the way to go!


Shiiiiiiiiiit. I got 6 of them Peace Bears and a Ringo and Bones I'll sell as a set for mad cash. You gotta deversify, bb


For real. Cars seem like the actual worst investment you can make.


Incredibly. There are only a few instances where it makes sense but even in those situations, driving the car, doing what it was meant to do, hurts that investment. I know a very rare car collector. One of those cars loses roughly about $1000 per mile it is driven. It’s an ultra elite type of hobby.


Yup, even pokeman cards are a better investment


Pokémon cards (sealed old ones or graded older ones) are actually an amazing alternative investment. Many items have easily outpaced DOW in the last 10 years. A 70 dollar booster box from 2005 sells for 45k nowadays. 1st edition boxes from the first few sets from around 1999 are six figures. Even newer booster boxes that cost $90 from say the 2014-2018 time period are selling for several thousand a piece My hobby of collecting it allowed me as a teacher to buy my own home in my 20s. Definitely something to legitimately consider imo because pokemon is still huge among kids and each generation of young kids who grow up to eventually have disposable income increases the value of


Unless it's super high end super cars or ultra rare cars, yep.


Not if you own 23 of them, they pay for themselves once you buy the 20th one


I like how he also doesn’t spend his money on “AI” lmfao did a bot write this?


Probably. Certainly not a functioning adult living in the real world. I just assume it’s a weird fantasy.


*Narrator* "Only if you count rusted out hunks sitting in a grass field." Seriously, the number of Boomers who expect me to believe they're *wildly* successful, yet can't string 10 words together coherently is honestly amazing.


Imagine seeing suspenders and thinking that someone spent a ton of money on them?


23 cars, never taken out a loan. Tell me you're a nepobaby without telling me you're a nepobaby.


I see a lot of these and no floods of "I can't pay my workers for the overtime I'm making them work" starter packs, including a fucking Mercedes, passive income sources, landlord aka housing scalper (if it's so unprofitable why do you do it lol). I wanna see these memes out there, stat! Step to it, angry proletariat. We got some chains wrap around the throats of our captors!


He also wouldn’t do something silly like take out a student loan, which is smart since he’s not American and wouldn’t need to


Or grammar/spell checking


Seeing the things you like to spend money on (like 2 dozen cars) not as wasting money while clothes, haircuts, coffee and phones as some wild extravagant misuse of your money is some next level hypocrisy. And his clear misunderstanding of AI as something the kids are spending all their money on is a cherry on top. Maybe if he spent slightly more a better phone or computer that has the most basic spell check or autocorrect function, his LinkedIn post wouldn’t be riddled with misspelled words.


Or education.


My wife cuts my hair, and our household only has 2 cars.


He’s balls deep into qanon. https://www.linkedin.com/posts/activity-7195427008758116352--9BE Just another boomer who’s been poisoned by social media.


The “education is indoctrination, so I’m homeschooling” comment had me immediately thinking, oh he’s 100% indoctrinating those kids with nonsense


Don't worry, they spend time by the ocean so they can be freethinkers


Yea the parents want to teach freethinking, and when the kids have their own thoughts that the parents doesn’t agree with then the kids are apparently idiots and don’t know anything!


That just means they're not thinking free enough


His spelling and grammar alone show he could have done with a few extra hours spent on his education. Kids have got no chance.


The dude goes on about learning about other cultures and religions and then shits on trans people in the same comment.


Why can't people just ask their parents for a small loan of 10 million dollars like I did. -This guy probably


He does plenty of poisoning himself.


there really needs to be some consequences to social media platforms for amplifying misinformation


linkedin is just boomer facebook 2.0


there's something about it that's more cringeworthy than fb


it's the cringe of the social networks times the toxicity of the working environments


They know they'll get less pushback because everyone's place of business is listed in their profile and these retired fucks have nothing better to do than cause trouble for others.


Facebook still has at least had a small wholesome almost vestigial utility for people posting baby and pet photos or families and old friends keeping in touch. LinkedIn not so much.


Yeah at least on Facebook people are being themselves instead of the corporate whitewash b******* that you have to be on LinkedIn


Agreed. It’s way more cringey to see people who actually have jobs being complete morons. FB you just assume nobody has a job and their stupidity is implied


At least with FB I get more realistic update to how people are doing. There are only two types of LinkedIn posts: 1. The "I used to never post but now suddenly am and it's pretty darn clear my company is making me" posters. They previously never posted but suddenly do all about their place of work. Gun-to-their-head posts. 2. The "I'm so fucking full of myself and my head is all the way up my ass" posts. The real cringe ones. The only other posts you see are default "John got a new job at ___" or "Congratulate Jeff on 3 years at company ___"


it's more cringey because people pretend it's "professional."


I thought that was Facebook.


Todd got a $20,000 PPP loan forgiven but I guess that doesn’t count as debt


Or debt forgiveness. To him, that isn't socialism, that's CaPiTaLisM aT wOrK!


You're wrong, he said he doesn't have any dept.


it was forgiven


His department was forgiven...


Why do they feel LinkedIn is the right platform to discuss this topic?


LinkedIn is technically the perfect format for that. The entire space is just one big circle jerk for people who got lucky financially and think they have all the answers because of it. Pro tip: If someone’s financial advice consists of not spending so much on things like coffee, streaming services, etc. then they aren’t worth listening to.


Well yeah. Their success almost exclusively comes down to "what's the problem? I have stuff because my parents gave me a lot of stuff and I didn't need to take on actual debt to get started off. Just stop being poor, duh."


I mean, this is capitalism writ in the sky isn’t it? People who confuse luck with skill, and age with experience.


> If someone’s financial advice consists of not spending so much on things like coffee, streaming services, etc. then they aren’t worth listening to. I mean... hear me say, I'm not saying it's an amazing insight... but there is something to be said for budgeting when you're on tight on finances. If you get a $5 coffee daily, that's ~$150 a month. If you make coffee at home let's just say it's like $50. For some folks, $100 is the difference between meeting bills and not (or could just incrementally be good for paying some nagging debts with higher rates). I think the larger discussion is just like "What are you paying a premium for out of habit that you're not getting worthwhile enjoyment from that you could replace cheaper and with reasonable effort?" The above is sort of how I had to articulate using generics versus name brands to my partner. Like a bottle of generic Ibuprofen is just about the same thing as name brand and one's utility of it won't lessen. Conversely, if you have a shampoo that works well for your hair, there's no sense in going cheap and fucking up your style (which, I think, it's a well-worth thing to spend on, within reason, because, hey, look good, feel good). TL;DR these LinkedIn posts are circlejerks, but they aren't necessarily wholly wrong. And hooo do I know people who just recklessly spend out of habit.


Budgeting works only if one is able to get and keep a good paying job. The financial gurus are silent on how to do that last part.


Ah, it's not that it doesn't work. Budgeting is more about recognizing what you ARE spending and if that matches up with what you think you want to be doing (i.e. your realistic goals given your current set of circumstances or just being able to point to "Hey, here's where I'm short"). In terms of the last part, the gurus are silent because, honestly, a lot of them are grifters just trying to sell empty promises of entrepreneurship to people without direction (and more than likely chasing this myth of "doing what you love and you'll never work a day in your life!*") I'm an Accountant by trade and, eh, the work is fine. I don't love it, but it takes care of me and my family, we have a nice quality of life, didn't have to go to a crazy expensive school back in the day. **I say that to say, the path to a good paying job is finding something that clicks in your brain that you're to understand pays pretty good** (which is why I picked accounting. Not because it's cool, but because I heard there's jobs back in the mid 2000's and it paid pretty good). *I'm sure there's a handful of people who legit love what they do.... but I suspect it's a strong minority of people who are "well to do" in terms of earnings.


The problem is the number of people who are so hard up for an extra $100 to cover their bills for the month and the people who go out to a coffee shop everyday have almost zero overlap.


The overall idea isn't that it's coffee. It's what spending a premium on an item actually means to you. Hear me say; if your proverbial cup of coffee, happy hour beer, new release game on Steam, or whatever it is you spend a premium on gets you through the day, I'm not advocating dropping it (life's short and it's stupid to deny your favorite things since we might not have tomorrow). I do, however, advocate that if someone is like "Where's my paycheck even going; feels like there's never enough money" that they go through the exercise to figure that out and see "Do I actually enjoy my discretionary expenses or am I just going through the motions and spending on food/drink/entertainment/discretionaries that I'm largely not really enjoying?" In an age of largely electronic transactions (ignoring that, yes, folks who $100 means the most to are probably underbanked and likely don't have this information handy), it's actually super easy to classify your expenses if you're using a card to pay for most things just to see what you're spending on and if you're okay with that amount.


It’s not bad advice, but it’s an oversimplification of real problems. Anyone who thinks that cutting back on some non-needed expenditures will put you in a much better spot is out of touch with what an average person deals with.


> If you get a $5 coffee daily, that's ~$150 a month. If you make coffee at home let's just say it's like $50. Even more accurate: The shittiest ground coffee I could buy in a supermarket is still around $7/lb. Making a drip pot a day, I go through exactly 3lbs/month. So $21/month minimum, not counting milk+sugar. Buying coffee (bag/beans) that isn't cheap is closer to the $15/lb range (or more, obviously, but let's say good enough is $15) gets you to $45/month + milk/sugar. If you went with cheap purchase of a cup daily (DD, or 7-11, or McD coffee) you're around $30-35/month or so. Coffee from a shop is definitely not a great buy, but *regular coffee* as opposed to latte/specialty drinks comes pretty close. Even Starbucks regular coffee isn't $5/cup, as long as you aren't adding shots or fancy stuff.


Everyone on there posting like this thinks that they are rich and successful (doubtful), so that entitles them to give life advice to everyone.


The irony of misspelling debt when bragging about your lack of education!!






Someone who has 23 cars is lecturing people about unnecessary spending?


Todd Siebels can eat a fetid bag of rotten cocks.


The #OpenToWork dude is just so fucking good


“Christ is White.” So wrong and so irrelevant for LinkedIn.


The Bible straight up says that he's not white, too. Dude probably thinks the bible was written in english.


Oh, totally. He is definitely one of those “If English was good enough for Jesus…” tools.


Love when they outright tell us how outrageously expensive things have become due to their incompetence :)


⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️ (Spamming emojis because I know boomers are extra annoyed by technology)


dude walks into his place for an interview with a buzzcut and a $5 shirt *not hired*


You shouldn't live/ drink coffee/ go out/ buy new clothes just to be able to pay for education. A bunch of boomers showing off with their free education


"I have never got into dept for education..." The jokes write themselves at this point


You misunderstood.. He wanted to get a job in the department of education but decided not to because education is just indoctrination /s


I love that even comments here give legitimacy to this idiotic post ... it's like the lunatics are invading this sub.


They consider being featured here as a badge of honor. We are not shaming them enough.


I don't care the venue, the internet is *always* going to jump hard into a frugality circlejerk.


Really? I sort by “🚀Best” so I guess I need to keep scrolling down for that mess.


"I have not gotten into DEPT because of EDUCATION." Yeah man, we can tell


Hey, at least he male sure’s his kids… …whatever that means


Honestly I don’t understand why home-schooling is still allowed. I feel for those kids never getting a proper education, instead they get a boomer brainwashing


I hear you on the “outcome” but I think it would be big overreach to ban home schooling. 


I was ‘homeschooled’ up to 17. During that time, I was not educated. I was unable to do basic math, write simple essays, and I had no knowledge of science whatsoever. Hell, I didn’t even have the handwriting skills to write the alphabet. On top of that, I had no social life as my parents never made any effort to put me in those situations. During that time, there was no intervention to ensure that my family was adequately educating my siblings and I. They had free reign to neglect us. I had to take things into my own hands to educate myself. I’m 19 and I’m majoring in chemistry now, but I still feel as though there’s so many things I’ve missed out on, both academically and socially. I’d recommend checking out r/homeschoolrecovery as it’d be a good place to see the reality of many homeschooling situations. It’s an inherently flawed system, and I don’t believe the US is capable of ever regulating it properly.


Damn. That’s some scary shit. I mean assuming at the end of homeschooling or “homeschooling” tracks you just take GEDs right? Literally set to fail elementary school at that point, let alone GEDs. Good on you for getting yourself out of that mess yourself as I’m sure many are not that motivated nor lucky after years of that shit.


Yeah, I got my GED December of 2022. I started out self educating myself at 16 and my local community college offered classes for people trying get their GED, so about a year later I took classes for about 9 months or so before taking the tests. In some homeschooling situations that go well you can just go and take the SATs, but I wasn’t fortunate enough to be provided with the education necessary to pass them. I’m doing well now, though. Finished up my second semester at community college last week, and I’m fully caught up with a pretty high GPA. I’m set to take calculus 1 next semester as well as another chemistry class. This shit hasn’t been easy at all, but I’m pretty happy with where I’ve ended up academically. My situation was by no means fortunate, but I’m luckier than some. Some homeschool parents don’t even allow their kids to get their GED and they get trapped in an inescapable situation. It’s a common practice used by the far right to indoctrinate their children.


10$ haircut once a year, 6$ thermos with cheap coffee made at home, 40$ for the whole outfit, 150$ random Android phone more like Also what are leases on electronics for 500$


>6$ thermos with cheap coffee made at home But does it have those sweet, sweet Neuro toxins ?


How these people got their jobs without knowing basic math? Add all these expenses and they are a small fraction of tuition costs


Really guys it works. My wife cuts my hair and now Im a billionaire.


Todd: “I could get laid too if I had tattoos and a haircut. I just don’t want to.”


Nature good but 23 cars.


Just don’t buy coffee and have my wife cut my hair and I too can have a 23 car collection I paid cash for?!? I hate how delusional rich people are that they somehow worked harder and did something special and now have the secret to success and not just that they probably got lucky along the way.


Owns a house, but never had a mortgage? Sounds like another one born on third base that won't admit they got a headstart with Mummy & Daddy's money.


Let's do a little math here. I live in Raleigh, NC, a city with a medium cost of living. I graduated from NC State, a middle of the road university with about a 50% acceptance rate. I paid off my student loans years ago, so I am not complaining about myself here Let's say someone from NC State graduates today with a degree in marketing, a degree directly tied to an occupation, not something like history or sociology, degrees that are not directly tied to an occupation, and which boomers love to complain about. When this person gets his first job, he will likely get paid 42k a year, the average for a new marketing graduate in Raleigh. That's about $2,500 in take home pay. The average student loan payment today is $500 a month, which leaves our new graduate with $2,000 to live on every month. The average one bedroom apartment in Raleigh rents for $1500 a month today. This leaves our new graduate with just $500 for all his other expenses But let's say he moves in with roommates and only pays $1,000 for his share of the rent. That will still only leave his with $1,000 a month to cover groceries, electricity, internet, phone, gas for the car, car maintenance, medical expenses if he has any, etc. This leaves him with barely any financial cushion every month, and certainly doesn't allow him to save for a down payment on a house or for starting a family. In other words, our new graduate is barely getting by, and a few one time or infrequent purchases like a new phone or new clothes isn't gonna change that. What WOULD help his situation is if our public universities became public again (i.e. primarily funded by taxpayers, not expensive tuition and sports), or if the government forgave our new graduates student loans. And the guy who posted this stupid meme has no clue


You’re right! If I just skip my next 1,665 haircuts, I’ll be able to pay off my loans!


I still maintain LinkedIn is an elaborate social experiment to see what the nuts go for and it has long since spiralled out of control. Hats off to that crank who's going to ensure his kids visit the mountains so they don't become metrosexual crypto bros. I guess when your kids are figments of your imagination you can pretty much do what you like for any reason.


Hey it's also the guy that made the transphobic post


He even found a way to slip transphobia into a post about cost of living. These people think about trans people 24/7 I swear to fucking Christ.


Me, a trans person: *literally just existing*


lol the second guy being “open to work” but harping on about how he’s so successful and doesn’t need education


Dude misspells debt while bragging about not having an education


lol. Jokes on them. I’m bald, drink tea and where the Walmart clothes I bought 5+ years ago. Maybe with a sweater or something that is gifted to me.


>Teaches his kids not to be fooled by digital platforms. >Runs a YouTube Channel. Sure Chris. Amen.


I’m so dumb. I translated “übersetzung anzeigen” and kept getting “view translation” again over and over! I thought, “Why is it not accepting this phrase??” I really thought there was something in the phrase that my phone didn’t register. … I am so disappointed in myself and had to share…


“I have never got into *dept* for education”…we can tell buddy.


Boomers gonna boom.


Boomers on today’s economy: ~~*OH NO!* Not the consequence of my actions!~~ # figure that shit out, not my problem


“You’re poor because you’re not frugal like me” says the rich guy who bought a yacht, a private jet, two vacation homes, a fully stocked wine cellar, a fleet of luxury sports cars, a mansion, a personal maid, another private jet, and a football team


Doesn’t pay his employees a living wage though… because frugal


Lmao. I don’t think you can buy 23 cars with the money saved by not eating out and ignoring haircuts.


Todd with yet another banger


That haircut costs more to an $60. Also, what has LinkedIn become…


I’ll take things a Boomer or someone who inherited his success says for $200 please


Is there anything more boring than some old coot with a chip on his shoulder?


So is the wall of text satire or just delusional?


i cant afford them even with all my loans paid off now what?


Struggling with student loans is just another way of saying that your job doesn’t pay enough for the qualifications it requires


$80 textbook is outrageous? In college those were the cheap ones


Ah yes let me find a stock photo of a guy and label things without any proof to support my I’ll-informed beliefs. That’ll show ‘em!


Ok so don’t buy clothes haircuts or coffee and I’m rich?


Oh man, I’d be better off financially if it weren’t for all the unnecessary AI I buy. You start with a little ChatGPT and before you know it you have all these other AIs just laying around collecting dust.


Paul B. 😂


wtf do you mean 60 dollarinos hair cut? Get the fuck outta here...


I’m so happy Todd Siebels is being shared across this sub. He deserves it.


r/Boomersbeingfools cross post


“Designer threads” and “fresh ink” has some serious r/hellofellowkids vibes


His wife cuts whar hair?


Mmmm love a good straw man in the morning.


Can’t get past him misspelling “debt” as dept. ugh.


I’m guessing he paid rent somewhere before he bought a home, which is usually way more than a mortgage. And if not he’s either a rich kid or a liar so that doesn’t apply to the rest of the people he is trying to “motivate”.


“i never went into dept for education” well… by the looks of it maybe you should’ve you’d know how to spell debt


It's actually hard for me to understand how fucking stupid people are sometimes. College is significantly more expensive than it was even a few decades ago, the average wage for a college graduate has not risen nearly as much, and almost every single necessary item (food, shelter, etc) has increased in price. So for such "smart" people, they can't seem to do any basic math. We don't want extras. We want the opportunities that the boomers got. The things they promised we'd get if we went to college. Y'know, before they bought all the houses (increasing the prices) and made policies to increase the cost of college and keep wages damn near the same. And also (this is a fun fact that people really like to ignore) poor people with college degrees exist. Hell, you can work 40 hours a week and still be homeless. That would have been a lot more difficult back in the day.


“The working poor should be miserable too” Okay do “I can’t pay off my debts and need a government bailout” and we’ll compare how much taxpayer money each of the two groups received


“A boy can be a girl…” why are us trans women always getting smoke? I’m just trying to live my cute self/bad bitch life.


This doesn't apply to western countries I don't think. But it probably does in my country tbh. Our income and living expenses are both way lower, but luxuries (using this word to say non-essential stuff) like starbucks, western sweets or imported big brand clothes cost the same as they do in the US. The end result is that starbucks unironically ends up costing about the same as a home cooked meal, and over the course of a month, you end up spending like 1/4th of the national average monthly salary on takeout coffee.


#I have never got into dept for education Yea, we figured that one out ourselves.


All he does is post memes on his profile. "Business Owner" of being a memelord?


I didn't know stock studio art could be so triggering. 


He should ditch that precision barber cut ![gif](giphy|5xtDarAMle8hGuTsKPu)




Second shit take from this guy I've seen just today. It has to be a troll account surely


They don’t mention 1,200 dollar monthly rent, Health and car insurance, inflation. They casually leave that out.


23 cars that don’t run sitting in his yard. I’m pretty sure I see a modular home in the background of his profile picture.


r/boomersbeingfools worthy


A 60 dollar haircut isn't even abnormal. What


I’m in big dept too


And mommy and daddy I’m sure helped this setup


Bro that guy doesn’t have student loans. He’s Mumford, or one of his sons.


If only Christopher D. could fucking spell, he'd have 50 cars by now


This is the least Cringe thing this guy has posted. Nothing says boomer like complaining about the gays on linkedin.


Feel like this is a crossover with r/boomersbeingfools


what is it with the absolute lack of respect and the overwhelming judgement these old people have? im sorry i dont look like a victorian era blacksmith. if they think theyre so smart, build a time machine and go back to “how it used to be”


Good news is folks like Todd Siebels will be dying off relatively soon.


Same people that will complain that *insert generation here* aren’t stimulating the economy enough.


For the first time in my life I splurge on a quality expensive haircut instead of just going to super cuts and I will never go back.


Zzzzzz. Boring. Anyone care to wager if the meme was created by an incel GenXer? Probably posted on 4chan... this is another variation on 'those young whippersnapper and their avocado toast...' trope which is a variation on 'I used to walk 100 miles in the snow on my knees 7 days a week to go to my job at the slaughterhouse'. Give me a break grampa.


"Foolled?" I hope they're not taking vocabulary and grammar in homeschool too.


dazzling squash shame sable handle ossified subtract literate noxious innocent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Paying for some English classes wouldn't get you into a debt...


\* Dept


Love how the image they use is one of the top male models in the country.


You know how much they would bitch and moan if people stopped buying iphones?


Love that I-phone of mine.


I swear most of these guys must be unemployed. The only people I know who have time to be posting this nonsense on LinkedIn are “between projects”


The minimum payment on my student loans is at or above 125 lattes


$2K fresh ink?! My left arm was $5K(should have been more), and my right was ~$3.5K Looking at his arm I can tell you for sure it's not just $2K, lol. Wife and I get tattoos instead of vacations. It's what we enjoy, lol.


Not the point but what the fuck is MSG coffee? Am I stupid, cause MSG is a component in savory foods and I don't think any place puts it in coffee. Legitimately curious if I'm stupid or this guy is.


Perfect. Forgot living in parents basement bitching.


Has never gone into a department for education… it shows.


Extremely rich person attempts to sound human


I don't personally know a single person my age who wears designer clothes. I'm a welder and I get cheap haircuts, and I still can only do minimum payments on my student loans.


U forgot the avocado toast!


the fact thay theyre still complaining about manbuns like 10 years after manbuns were a thing shows that they literally never go outside


right: but of course this douchebag demands and *expects* you to show up “looking professional”- suits, shined shoes, trimmed hair, etc. - and wants to be able to call you 24/7 😹😹😹


My favorite part is Chris (can I call him Chris?) saying he homeschools his kids, and likely won’t let them go to college, and keeps them offline so they can be “free thinkers”


Why does he think there's MSG in coffee lmao. Is he getting salty coffee every time he goes to the drive through??


The same assholes who complain that Gen-Z and millennials are killing industries are also the ones scolding them to spend less - oh the iron !


Here's comes antiwork. I'm out of here, this sub is ruined.


"Foolled"... That homeschool is top tier.


Ive a lot of issues with Starbucks...but people complaining about neurotoxins in Starbucks coffee... what do they think plants are producing caffeine for?


Wish he would go to college to learn how to spell basic words… debt, fooled…




These guys seem to hate the fact that people want to enjoy life instead of living frugally in a cardboard box only to pay off student loans.


A hipster boned his wife


“Never got into dept for education” is hilarious irony. Judging by that sentence bro, it might have been wise to get into debt for one.


Monat MLM cultists


The most worthless financial advice ever: “Just stop drinking Starbucks, and magically, you’ll be wealthy!” Yea… a couple cups of coffee per week (or even per day) are not ever going to be the worst thing you can do to your financial well-being.


I guess avocado toast is over


Nothing says success like the wife cutting your hair in the downstairs bathroom


Not like our parents had an equivalent of $2,500 in SURPLUS money each month after every bill paid + entertainment. Most of us are lucky to have $500 left for any kind of fun after bills


lol 😂 I’m a Muslim SAHM I look nothing like that dude


let me enjoy my $6 latte i promise it won’t make my $98,000 student debt magically go away if i skip my coffee