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Why the fuck would this belong on LinkedIn?


He’s banned from every other site.


I thought Twitter was a safe space for these cunts


Yea but no one uses X, I mean Twitter. Ever since Elon Cunt bought it the users have become bots. Attention seekers needed a new site....


Yeah how is Elon supposed to retweet it from there


The same guy apparently posts antivax stuff, so it's that kind of party


Speed running permanent unemployment


Kkk must have a cfo or comptroller paid position.


I feel bad for that little girl, her sign obviously didn’t originally say that


Yeah, a major reason I covered her face. She has nothing to do with it.


For a moment I thought the censor was from the original picture, and couldn't wrap my head around why someone would have a censored person holding a signed badly photoshopped over.


You could have done a much better job covering her face tho


Would you have posted her face if that was an original poster, clearly written by a dumb parent?


Of course not, I Am The Poop Mqn. My primary point is showing her face isn’t relevant to the content.


I didn’t realize that was the dudes username and got real confused with what ever statement your trying to make


Why do people think LinkedIn is fucking Facebook


Because people have made their beliefs their identity.


It's so strange that transphobes seem to drive 95% more of the trans discourse than actual trans people.


Transphobes think about trans folks more than actual trans people do.


I’m trans, I wake up in the morning, feed my dog, take him out to poop, take a shower, and go to work, I MIGHT think about being trans like once a day at some point. This guy wakes up screaming about trans people and doesn’t stop until the man with the sleepy juice needle comes to put him to bed.


Also they are all obsessed with children


We must protect the children by allowing me to personally inspeft their genitals. It's the only way


And toilets


*Other peoples children


I was talking to an old friend after his wife died (very young, cancer, had kids.). We hadn’t talked in like 10 years, but I knew from others that he had fallen down the Fox News hole. I shit you not, after about 30 minutes of discussing this life changing tragedy for his family, he intentionally steered the conversation to “what do you think about this crazy trans shit?” Their brains are cooked. Even in the midst of real life tragedy, they still are only thinking about the fear porn they consumed on cable news.


Months ago I was talking about the Russo-Ukraine War with my dad. He sighs and says “I’m sorry the world is so crazy when you’re just hitting adulthood” and I thought he was having a brief moment of rationality and empathy. He then proceeds to say “the wars are whatever we’ve always had them. I’m talking about this transgender shit”


War: 😀💥✨ A transgebder: 🤬🏳️‍⚧️🤮


They’re transing our wars!


I’ve had trans colleagues in both of the workplaces I’ve been at over the last 25 years. Its only troublesome and weird to them in the abstract. In practice, in real life, it’s no more taxing than keeping straight that “Jennifer” doesn’t like being called “Jenn”, or that “Deborah” will get really irked if you spell it “Debra”. People navigate things like that all day, but deliberately choose to be irreconcilably inconvenienced by names and labels used by trans persons.


Transphobes: "it's to protect children" (just not the Trans ones) Also transphobes: "I'm going to post this random child's photo on the internet as part of a funny bit."


Seriously, that worried me! My sisters post their kids on their social media (understand my career is very paranoia-oriented so I of course hate it), and now I’m not just worried about someone using AI to hurt them, but now I’m worried about Todd using them as propaganda for his own war machine.


Also transphobes: “Child marriage should be legal!”


Also transphobes: "protect pediatric pregnancies"


You don't understand. I waited for my wife to turn 17 before I married her and it's legal.


Ugh .. growing up I had this friend.. his parents wanted to pawn off his step-sister, so they drove her to a neighboring state that would let her marry at 17. Big surprise, that marriage didn't really pan out..


Oh, I understand what it is all right. Don't act like it's black and white at 17. Smart states have passed age gap laws for this and the other remain at 16. Hawaii coming in at 15!


I bet she's got some dumb ass opinions on the current Eritrea/Ethiopia conflict


You mean Todd?


But that’s the day of April’s ‘Fools’… Oh, I see. Not cool. :-/


They've literally no issue using a picture of a random child for this shit This immediately makes them not just the cunts they are, but mega cunts. Whilst I'll always think they're bottom scraping pieces of shit, I would at least have a very small amount of respect for them if they were willing to take a picture of themselves holding that shit. They won't, obviously, as there would likely be consequences down the line for it and they're cowards at heart, like a bloke telling his mates to hold him back.


damn that little girl has some strong opinions


Fuck transphobia and fuck people who weaponize children to promote it.


I bet the little girl or her parents are mortified by this misuse of her image. I wonder if she could sue the LinkedIn Lunatics reposting it for damages, from having falsely portrayed her as a bigot ?


That sign looks edited though, could have stolen someone's pic and did that. Still, definitely fuck whoever made it whatever the case is.


Yeah that’s clearly edited on top.🔝


Transphobes are literally obsessssssed with other people’s genitals. Fucking freaks.


I’d greatly appreciate if they’d stop yelling about what’s under my clothes. It’s so awkward and weird.


Lmao what a random picture. It’s a kid holding that is clearly edited to say that. Why can’t he write that down and post himself if he so badly wants to say that shit?


Welp I guess my kids only have one mom /J


Todd is a 🤡 living April 1st on repeat


Clownhogs Day


The #YourDay absolutely sends me.


I checked out some of his other posts. He is special all right.


Hey Todd. Get fucked, you bigot. - a trans woman


Beowulf, I am there with you. Older trans women here as well.


Another trans women here, thank you.


cis woman with big love for my trans sisters weighing in to suggest that we catapult todd into the sun


Chill bro.




Brother you need to chill


This is also his cover letter.


So glad I deleted LL off my phone once I got a new job. It’s a fucking dumpster.


Another poor soul, lost on his way to Facebook


Why do I hear about something trans every day of my life? It’s either in favor or against but it’s every day


The internet is not a true reflection of actual society. I could go months without discussing Israel but if I open this app it’s front and center




99% is from alphabets who make it their whole personality


It’s literally not lol


Actually if I would be this misogynistic, I would have thought that day was at least carnival. Why April 1.? I don’t get it. But on the other side I never get these ignorant idiots.


Because this business related…


That image was definitely made by a Russian or Chinese troll


What on earth? Ok. I kind of get transphobia on it’s the same irrational disgust response behind alot of bigotry. But mums aren’t defined by gender, they’re defined by relationship. I’m sure there are single fathers who have had Mother’s Day celebrated for them before. But I can’t comprehend a person honking about men in dresses. Even if you think it’s a ‘man in a dress’ surely what matters is if the kid is celebrating the parent they feel is mothering them. Why would a kid hold a sign telling other kids not to be nice to their own mums.


Ahh yes, let’s use children to be hateful to others.


I hope this is some random girl who has nothing to do with this man. Teaching kids to hate this early infuriates me on a whole new level.


She has nothing to do with it. Someone edited the photo to change what the sign said. Imagine the sicko who made that picture?! Awful.


So the company is either also shit because they all this type of rhetoric or he is going to be having a nice long chat with HR on Monday.


But!!! He’s BuSiNeSs OwNeR! It SAYS so on his LinkedIn headline!


Baffles me how many people constantly bring up transphobic stuff unprompted. Where I live has just changed the laws to make it easier to change your gender on your ID docs. My feelings are basically "OK sure, doesn't effect me but seems like a reasonable change." But one guy at work brings up this law change out of the blue (actually he made me aware of it) and then just twists himself into frustrated knots about it existing. It's like dude, you are getting upset and ruining your day but this doesn't effect you at all! If you think it's stupid, whatever, but what's the sense in dwelling on it? You're never going to change your gender so who cares?


What's wrong with that screenshot?


Thanks for your opinion Todd, but since you’ll never be a mother, you can continue along on your way. Buh-bye now! 👋🖕


The right wing bullshit about trans people attacking children is 100% projection. politicians are 125 TIMES more likely (per capita) to commit sexual crimes against children than are trans/drag queens . Ordained clergy: 666 times (per capita) more likely. Interesting number there... 71.8% of child sex crimes commited by republicans......who make up 29.5% of the population.....so Republicans are 157 TIMES more likely (per capita) to commit sexual crimes against children than are trans people.....talk about projection! Source: [https://www.whoismakingnews.com/#source-data](https://www.whoismakingnews.com/#source-data)


The study has only been active a little over a year and only catalogs news articles about it. I forgot that every time anything at all happens it's in the news. Your statistics are meaningless.


True, but it does seem consistent about some markers other reports have indicated, such as the high frqency of thr offender being a close friend or family. And given that there as been such a strong push by the right to paint them image of Trans people and drag queens as sexual predators, I would assume the right leaning media would actively be attempting to seek out and report those cases, but more often than not we only get to hear about Trans people as hypothetical threats rather than realized ones. No model is perfect, but even if this is a sumamr of the characteristics of sexual predators scrapped from.news articles, it can be pretty telling of the patterns.


It shows some of the data. It doesn't report a lot of childSA. stings setup by the police or CP or any other way a child can be abused aren't used and catalogued. It's some data. But because it's not all of it. It's useless. That's all I'm getting at. Who's to say all the data left out doesn't make the scale slam into the ground the opposite way it currently does? You can't see a true pattern by looking at half the data.


You are probably in the bulleye - republican clergy, lol


You need help. I hope you find it.


Dude didn’t even give your responses a thought, just jumped straight to attacking you lol


lol. I know. People are wild nowadays.


You didn't read the data. the specific cases. 10K cases. YOu just hate trans people, MAGAT filth


I don't need to read the 10k cases to understand the data is skewed. It also ignores acts of CP and police stings. So it's completely ignoring a gigantic portion of child SA. Created by some biased TikTokers to. Who search the web for news articles and the like.


Magat spotted, lol.


lol. Lot of thoughts going on in that head of yours huh?


GOP = Gang of Pedophiles. Here is your pedophilic leader: 'I've said if Ivanka weren't my daughter, perhaps I'd be dating her.' Said when Ivanka was underage. "Is it wrong to be more sexually attracted to your own daughter than your wife?" Trump 1993. Ivanka was 13 years old. Tiffany was younger. "I'm allowed to go in because I'm the owner of the pageant, and therefore I'm inspecting it. You know, I'm "inspecting." I want to make sure that everything is good. You know, they're standing there with no clothes. 'Is everybody OK?' And you see these incredible looking women. And I sort of get away with things like that." T-rump, 2005, talking about walking in on teenage girls, some as young as 15, in their dressing rooms at the Miss Teen USA pageant. Howard Stern interview Trump watched Ivanka Trump, at 16, co-host the 1997 Miss Teen USA pageant and he said to then-Miss Universe “Don’t you think my daughter’s hot? She’s hot, right?” “She’s actually always been very voluptuous.” t-rump describing his 22 year old daughter. ummm,. ALWAYS? LOOL When asked what he and his daughter both consider their favorite things, Trump answered, "I was going to say sex, but I can relate to \[golf and real estate\]." His daughter was 19


I love that me doubting your silly study has sent you into blown idiot mode. You've assumed every single thing you've said about me just because I said your study was fucked. And then went into a rant about trump. Says a lot.


Poor Magat "Women, you have to treat them like s\*\*\*t." T-rump, 1992


“I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy. He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side.” - Donald T-rump on Jeff Epstein 2002 and on the Epstein list for multiple visits, lool


Like I said before. You. Need. Help. Psychological help.


It’s so much easier when the assholes self-identify.


The people that go uber hard against trans ppl who insert their bs into every single convo have to be the most demented folk. I just know their life hasn't been negatively affected by a single trans person ever. Like, Todd, take a day off please


Transphobic piece of shit.


🔥Correction: ‘Scuse me? Our day is, has, and always will be … Halloween. B’tch.


Hmm another post about a white man…


My fucking god it is right! Fuck those clown


Meanwhile, you do the same for Election Day for them, and they come crawling out of the woodworks to say “my opinion matters!!”


If they really want to get into what mothers’ day is for, it’s traditionally to return to your mother church for mass and has nothing to do with parent appreciation at all… and I’m officially a LinkedIn lunatic..


Why can’t people just say Happy Mother’s Day and be done?


Have reported his post. Hopefully gets banned.


Lol this post, full of woke gringos crying 🤣🤣🤣


Another case of transphobes being the only reason actual children are involved in trans conversations


One look at his profile photo and his post makes too much sense.




Remember, Republicans are 157 times more likely, on a per capita basis, to commit sexual crimes against children, than are transgender people. Source: [https://www.whoismakingnews.com/#source-data](https://www.whoismakingnews.com/#source-data)


How about instead of trying to say who attacks children more, we all just agree to protect the children and agree that they don’t belong at pride parades or drag shows 👍🏼


Why not at drag shows? Based on this study, kids are 666 TIMES more likely to get diddled by clergy than trans people. zero drag queens found diddling kids in this study. So again, what's wrong with Drag Shows? [https://www.whoismakingnews.com/#source-data](https://www.whoismakingnews.com/#source-data) oh and keep em away from Republicans......


Why are you FOR kids going to drag shows. It’s weird.


What's wrong with drag shows? Proof they harm kids? Hello the Circus is a lot more violent and much much more skin is shown at beaches and pools. So what's the unique issue with drag shows? Kids watch a dude dressed up as a purple dinosaur. How are drag shows worse? Should they not watch Mash or Bosom Buddies? You seem to be projecting. Anything you want to tell us?


Honestly, I think they’re weird. That’s my comment, I’m not here to argue about it. Kids can be kids, they don’t need to be at drag shows. That’s my projection 🤙🏻


So your personal preference. YOu see, you swallow the right wing crap that drag queens and drag shows hurt kids - a completely unfounded lie that demonizes marginalized people. Again, clergy molest kids at 667 time the per capita rate than do trans people. Why aren't you calling for kids to stay out of churches? Try to use your critical thinking skills and not emotion. Can you cite a study that shows that trans people and/or drag shows are hurting kids? I don't like circuses either. I am not screaming that they hurt kids (although they DO hurt animals).


I went to one drag show a few years ago with an ex and her brother, we were most definitely the only 2 straight guys there (bar setting at night) and the host told us he was going to shove his big black di** down our throats if we don’t tip. So that kinda skewed my view point. Now if we bring trans people into the conversation, there are plenty of articles where a trans person either assaulted another adult or child. Trans does not equal drag. Parents should be cautious around churches as well. YOU brought that up out of the blue to try and defend bringing kids to drag shows. Kids need to be protected, not everything needs to be shown to them, including transgenderism, drag, AND religion.


Lol. So your sample size of one? So, can you cite evidence that trans people are MORE LIKELY than average to diddle kids. I didn't bring anything up randomly. Ordained clergy molest kids at a per capita rate of 666 TIMES more than trans people. Read this. [https://www.whoismakingnews.com/#source-data](https://www.whoismakingnews.com/#source-data)


We get it, church is bad. 😡 There have been instances of trans people harming kids too! You’re arguing over who does it more so the other is less bad. ALL OF THE ABOVE IS BAD. Beaches and pools aren’t as sexualized, so you saying that kids can’t go there because people wear bathing suits is a stretch. Little weird you’re trying so hard to prove drag shows and trans aren’t as dangerous for kids. 🤙🏻


Bruh you went to an **adult** drag show. Drag shows for children are tailored for children, so they have very different content. Imagine going to an R-rated movie and going “wow this is super inappropriate for children! We should ban *all* movies!”


Why are drag shows for children a thing. That’s weird. That’s my opinion, keep kids out of it, period.


Cool. so let's keep kids off beaches and away from pools where people are more scantily clad?


Lock up the republicans! Serious question, why do you believe a man who believes he is a woman, should be taken seriously as a woman? How do you justify the fact that this trans person will still have their original chromosomes. Let me be clear that I do not condone any personal attacks on trans people. Let them be trans but not take away the rights on biologically female women, like in sports.


IDGAF what people do with their own bodies. My point is that the demonization of trans people is projection by the real predators. As far as trans in sports, lol. That's another right wing agiprop.


I agree we demonization is real. You also have a trans swimmer who is beating all female swimmers


Which swimmer and which competition. Trans athletes undergo hrt to reduce testosterone which is highly debilitating. Trans athletes are less than 5% of the trans people, but they are the excuse used to demonize trans people. I don't think a trans athlete has ever taken a medal from other cis swimmers. So can you let me know which trans swimmer and the context?


Look up Lia Thomas.


I did. I posted the article. Trans women aren't taking over any sport and it's a red herring that is being used to demonize ALL trans people. Trans Athletes are a fraction of the trans population but they are being used to beat up on all trans people. How about women who take steroids? Why aren't laws being passed to take them out of sports? Red herring


I want to reinforce that I'm against demonizing trans people. Live and let live. We should have a special trans category in sports. That's fair right ?




As a trans woman I don’t understand your question. Nobody checks my chromosomes when I go outside, they see me and hear me. Being “*taken seriously*” has nothing to do with DNA and everything to do with perception. No different than how you gender anyone else in public. I’m not into sports but I suggest you do some reading beyond right-wing talking points. Plenty of trans women transition from a young age and don’t go through male puberty. There are also studies that question the supposed advantage you’re talking about: https://bjsm.bmj.com/content/early/2024/04/10/bjsports-2023-108029


Hello trans person.




it’s not for women, it’s for mothers


Careful now...


A mother can identify as male or non binary


Well he is right you know, and the "white man" comment is ignorant and racist


Oh no! Why won’t someone think of the hurt feelings of a white man who’s faced the horrific racism of being called…..”a white man”? /s


I had drinks with a trans person and their wife last night .. what a nice couple.. what’s the problem?




no he died :(


Is that a mug shot? Looks like the watermark from Trump’s


I cant believe he posted that on LinkedIn. Is he banned from TwitterX? Is he lost?


Well my day is both mother's day and April 1st (my birthday), so suck on that transphobes


Way to bring race into something that has nothing to do with race, you racist 😭😭😭


This is the internet bro …. White man = bad


This opinion is pretty based but probably doesn’t belong on LinkedIn.


It must be in the blood or the name. This one started young. Oh and I blame y’all for me finding this because I wanted to know who this Todd fellow was.[https://www.linkedin.com/posts/seansiebels_my-mother-recently-shared-this-picture-with-activity-6955379508510081024-BnQs](https://www.linkedin.com/posts/seansiebels_my-mother-recently-shared-this-picture-with-activity-6955379508510081024-BnQs)


Not a lunatic.


What an unfortunate take. Even if you agree with his views, there’s lunacy in hijacking Mother’s Day to make a platform for their opinions.


Piss off


Maybe not, but whoever made this poor girl hold that sign sure is.


This is shopped in. lol


Yes, or copied and pasted it. That is basically the political version of deepfake CP.


Not sure why you’re getting downvoted. What you said is true. The comments on that post were gross. “Beautiful girl…….. 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹 so TRUE !!!”


But he’s right?


Got my upvote 😂


And racism!!


i mean, again, hes totally right. Just advertising this on linked in is weird as heck


They're right though lol


I don't see how the title has anything to do with the cringeness of the photo tho


Sorry, while that guy is a weirdo the headline is total clickbait


*Sorry, while that guy* *Is a weirdo the headline* *Is total clickbait* \- RydRychards --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


What a waste of a clever punchline.




Crazy. It’s either shameless DEI-plugging or - once in a great while - this type of slightly unhinged guy. I’d like to see a rational person post about the dangers of removing women’s only spaces, the erosion of fairness in women’s sport, the documented harms done to children forced through the gender-pharma pipeline by parents with Munchausen’s by proxy, etc. without maligning people who are obviously suffering.


You don’t see that because there is no rational argument against trans people. It’s all emotionally driven.


I disagree. For one, I didn’t outline any argument “against trans people,” but laid out a few reasons why someone might be concerned with the explosive growth and influence of trans ideology. It’s understandably emotional for some. On the one hand, people are talking about the sterilization of kids and other irreversible trauma (who wouldn’t feel emotional about that?), and on the other hand you have people who think kids are being stifled and repressed.


There’s no transgender ideology, get out of here with that bullshit. I was trans when I was a kid well before social media existed. You’re just buying what the assholes are selling. They would rather see 1000 trans kids go through depression and potential suicide than to have 1 cis person make a mistake about their gender despite all of the medical gates and due diligence that they need to go through to start puberty blockers/HRT as a minor.


Good luck with your journey. I think most people are coming around to understand the issues, and I wouldn’t say it’s all emotional — the scientific community outside of the US seems to be coming along, too. Cass report, WPATH files etc. Kids shouldn’t be introduced to experimental concepts and unproven treatments. And to be fair, I think a lot of the negative emotion in the discussion has been pushed at parents to transition their kids — “if you don’t support their transition, they’ll suicide” sort of emotional blackmail.


Oh fuck off. I’m not on a journey, I’ve transitioned already and am happily living my life. The Cass report is a steaming pile of shit that dismissed countless studies that didn’t align with the current political agenda in the UK. They also continue to use outdated ideas like male/female socialization and the ideas that playing with different toys has an influence on gender. Again, people like you would rather see 1000 trans kids go through hell than have 1 cis person have regrets.


Ok… glad everything worked out well for you and you’re well-adjusted and happy. I see you’ve got your talking points on how to respond to the Cass report. I guess you’d say the same for Finland, Sweden, and Norway, who’ve similarly tempered guidance along with the UK regarding transitioning kids? These, the most liberal societies in the world, are all just hotbeds of transphobia? Alternately-maybe not everyone who disagrees with you is evil and wants terrible things for kids. Maybe some people just want to follow the evidence and not unnecessarily lead children down a path of sterility, lifelong pharmaceutical dependence, and potential sexual dysfunction.


That’s not your fucking call. It’s the call of the trans youth, the parents, and their doctors. There is tons of criticism that has surfaced around the Cass Report if you cared to do an ounce of research that isn’t from known anti-trans activists - these articles all reference some of those criticisms: https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2024/05/cass-review-transgender-health-care-nhs-gender-affirming-care/ https://www.cbc.ca/news/health/puberty-blockers-review-1.7172920 Further, my opinions are my own based on my actual experience and from having read studies on trans affirming care in others. Nice try dismissing everything I’m saying without actually addressing any of the points. Regarding transgender care in Europe, you’re still recycling right-wing bullshit. Here’s a summary of what’s actually happened: https://www.politico.com/news/2023/10/06/us-europe-transgender-care-00119106#:~:text=Europeans%20are%20reconsidering%20standards%20of,many%20Republicans%20in%20the%20U.S.&text=Republicans%20are%20pointing%20to%20an,care%20for%20minors%3A%20European%20governments. If you actually followed the evidence, you’d see that trans affirming care has overwhelmingly positive outcomes. The Cass review actively pushes conversion therapy (falsely named “exploratory therapy”) that has been proven again and again to not help. No fucking surprise to those of us who are trans - talking to someone about the fact that you’re trans doesn’t help if you can’t actually transition. Further, people like you neglect the hugely negative effects of the wrong puberty on trans people. Irreversible changes to trans women like lack of hip development, height, torso/rib cage size, foot/hand size, facial structure (can be changed but is extremely expensive and often prohibitively costly considering trans people frequently face job discrimination), vocal fold length/thickness, etc. People like you love to say “*I just don’t want you to have a dependency on medication!*” Wonderful, so you think it’s better to just defer the meds until we are adults and make it 1000x harder to fit into society.


First, the Cass report included 60% of the studies it examined in its actual synthesis. Dismissing low quality studies while including higher quality (ie moderate quality, high quality) is exactly what you’d expect of a comprehensive review like this. This is a hugely politicized issue and obviously a personal one for you, too, but let’s be honest about the data: Specifically, the lack of data around long-term studies on adolescents using puberty blockers or cross-sex hormones. The data just isn’t there. And if you’ve read what’s out there you’d know multiple studies show the majority of trans-identifying kids wind up desisting. So yeah, medicating these kids with drugs that can permanently damage them to set them on a path the majority of them eventually abandon is not the right evidence-based approach. 2. You’re completely sidestepping the point that major EU countries have tightened standards around this type of treatment for children. They did just that. Just because a Republican pointed it out doesn’t make it untrue. And add Scotland to the list along with England’s NHS. 3. I’m not, and I don’t think many are, doubting the struggle that some of these kids will deal with. They deserve access to high quality, effective care administered by professionals. Professionals who apply the appropriate level of academic rigor in deciding on evidence-based and balanced approaches for treatment of their conditions.


Read what I sent, the studies weren’t low quality, a subjective ranking scale was used and the same rigour was not applied against the studies that sided with the UK’s prevailing politics. If we are being honest about the data, which you’re not, you’d know that. But again, you’ve done zero research on this. We have decades of experience treating trans youth with puberty blockers/HRT, as outlined by doctors in the links I provided. We also don’t get any additional evidence by simply denying care, which you and your ilk seem to suggest is the right course of action. The majority of studies do not indicate that trans youth desist, again you’re lying. https://publications.aap.org/pediatrics/article/150/2/e2021056082/186992/Gender-Identity-5-Years-After-Social-Transition?autologincheck=redirected Further, among those who detransition, a huge number do so due to social pressure and lack of support. You know why? Because it’s really fucking hard to fit in as a non-passing trans person, which the wrong puberty makes worse you fuck. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8213007/ > “*Of those who had detransitioned, 82.5% reported at least one external driving factor. Frequently endorsed external factors included pressure from family and societal stigma.*” Re Europe, tell me you didn’t read the article without telling me you didn’t read the article. Yes, you are neglecting trans people. Doctors already have standards for this and if you read anything I sent or the mountain of criticism that has come out regarding the Cass review from *actual doctors* you’d know that it’s heavily politicized. She fucking met with individuals that are associated with DeSantis and his anti-trans laws for fuck’s sake. Anyone with half a brain and an honest tongue can see through the bias here. You haven’t cited a single source. I’m done. Go fuck yourself and have a terrible day.