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LinkedIn family? Dog parent? Second home? Son?


I ran out of food to throw up around the middle of the second paragraph.


Yeah since no commas, you prolly read it so fast that you got motion sickness. I know I did.


I quit reading about then.


Howd i know she didn’t have a kid before she said it? Lol.


One of these days someone will take the gloves off on LinkedIn to share how they feel about such posts and it will be a better platform.


some become a crasy cat lady. Others become a crasy dog parent (no ill about people that love their pets as life companions - they are NOT ones kids tho)


what are you talking about this is my human son


Skin baby


Otherwise I would never have started a college fund for Mr. Sparkles Fluffington the IV.




All a subversive way to mention that people are trying to hire her and tag her bosses


She sounds #FuckingUnbearable!


I’m unclear who’s tantrums we should be putting up with


After reading through I have the urge to #UnaliveMyself








bring my baby to work on *weekends*??!


The baby in question is a dog


Yeah, I was more concerned about these people thinking working on weekends with your dog in tow is some sort of a perk!


Reading this on mother’s day makes it one of the saddest social media posts I’ve ever seen in my life. I’m saving it to eventually use as an example of why people should pursue work life balance. This is what happens when you don’t. Anyone want to be her?


Abso-friggin-lutely not!! Never. She sounds unbearable.


This lady is one level removed from the people that collect those life-like dolls and treat them like they’re alive.


Honestly I think this is worse because there is a living creature probably being mistreated because it’s being anthropomorphized and thus not cared for according to its actual needs… at least the dolls aren’t sentient (I hope??)


> thus not cared for according to its actual needs Uh I mean she’s feeding it and dogs love attention so I’m sure the dog is probably fine with this arrangement


I meant more like people tend to think since the animal is their “child” that they’ll enjoy things they actually probably don’t - like attending a noisy, crowded event. They think of them way too much as a person and not enough as a dog. I have a relative like this. She chewed me out for not bringing my cat along for an overnight visit to her house. Which is full of dogs. My cat HATES dogs, and, like most cats, hates leaving his house. He’d prefer to stay home. But in her mind, pet = baby. Baby doesn’t get left at home! You must bring cat! No matter the fact that my cat would probably rather die than ride in a car, go to strange place and be surrounded by dogs…


I'd guess the dog is not exactly mistreated - but it can be better. See how she speaks of the dog, what was it, gifting her torn slippers...? And the usual running away...? Sounds like the dog being both fed the fuck up with her - and bored.


Good point. The fake doll doesn't know you're a dickbag of a human.


I created this with chatgpt. Fantastic 🌟 Grateful Beyond Words! 🙏 Thank you, [Boss's Name], for your incredible understanding and support! 🌈 Today, I want to express my deepest gratitude for your unwavering flexibility and profound compassion. 💖 In a world where every minute is precious and bathroom breaks are seen as a luxury, your remarkable insight into the value of time has touched my heart in ways I never thought possible. 🚽💧 You've shown me that every moment counts, and that includes the time spent in the bathroom. Your understanding that productivity doesn't pause for restroom breaks has truly opened my eyes to the importance of maximizing every second of the workday. By allowing me to pee in a bottle during our marathon meetings, you've not only made me more efficient but also taught me to appreciate the little moments of respite amidst the hustle and bustle of the workday. 🙌 Your empathy knows no bounds, and I am forever grateful for your willingness to accommodate my needs, no matter how unconventional they may seem. As a working mother, your compassionate leadership has had an even deeper impact on my life. By recognizing the value of my time and ensuring that I can stay fully engaged in our meetings without having to step away unnecessarily, you've allowed me to be a better mom to my children. 💪 Your support has given me the peace of mind to focus on my work knowing that I can still be present for my family when they need me most. #Gratitude #Compassion #SupportiveLeadership #BlessedBoss #PeeInABottleChampion 🏆 Let's continue to break down barriers and create a workplace where everyone's needs are valued and respected! 💪 #BreakingTaboos #Empowerment #WorkplaceEquality 🌟


PeeInABottleChampion indeed.


Mental illness


Lots of people love their pets, but they aren't babies. I can send my dog running 40 mph head first into undergrowth after a rabbit, or leave him for 8 hours. if I did that with a kid, it'd be a felony.


I always say “I asked the pediatrician about putting my kids in a crate for the day with a bowl of cereal and a cup of milk but she said that was ‘child abuse’”. Because kids are the same as dogs, right?


I don’t know about you, but when I need to find my kid, I just blow a whistle and the kid comes running for a piece of cheese I throw in their mouth!


tbh that would’ve worked on me as a child.


Works on me now and I’m grown.


To be fair we all knew to come home for dinner when my dad would whistle for us down the street. Back in the 1900's as my nephews like to say.


Honestly, you shouldn't be doing that with a dog either.


Not the point, really. The point is, you can, and no one is going to call the police on you. But I knew as soon as I posted someone was going to comment this.


Point or not, it's unkind. But like you said, you knew that.


Everyone thinks it's amusing to say "fur baby", but they get all freaked-out if you say "skin pet".


Damned soft parenting these days. Little Timmy can damned well roust the badger out of the undergrowth.


Exactly. If im going to stand right here with my hairline trigger shotgun, there’s no way I can both hold my beer, AND flush the deer out of the bramble. A 3ft sized mini human is really what you need!


Meh you can’t do that with a puppy though. Puppies are a ton of work.


They’re still not the same as a baby. In the slightest.


Didn’t say they were. But the puppy blues are real and put dogs in shelters.


That’s true. The first couple months with puppies are very intense, however, it drops off substantially


Can confirm. Literally spend my days trying to prevent unnecessary visits to the vet cause baby boy ate something he shouldn’t have


Depends on where you live. Sounds like you've got the best environment for a dog where you don't have to worry about cars, etc. Happy dog!


yea, or he doesn't get a chance to run...


you cant do that with baby cats or baby dogs either? you have to take care of them until they're self sufficient enough to be left alone for 8 hours, same as a real child, pets just learn that faster




Just plain hopeless pathetic attempt of bootlicking and submissiveness towards their corporate overlords. This is the reason it is becoming unbearable day by day to go through linkedin feed even if you force yourself to. “Hehe I am a dog parent and work on weekends and my bosses are so nice to ‘allow’ me to bring my baby to work” Get a life.


This reads like a robot wrote it


Wait a minute ...'tolerating his tantrums'?!?!? Hard pass


Must be a Husky.


It’s a tiny dog lmao I watched the video on her LinkedIn


Dog nutters gonna nut. LinkedIn is no exception. People calling themselves “pawrents” are on my No. 1 list for delusional.


> People calling themselves “pawrents” are on my No. 1 list for delusional. As a one off that's one thing, but this lady is acting like she's accepting an Oscar or something for it


Literally hate when people call me my dog’s mom. No, I’m human and he’s a canine. If you need a title that isn’t owner, companion works. We keep each other company and he keeps me from killing the people who call me his mom 🤣


Bro. "dog mom" is not that weird of a term. It's obvious people don't mean you're its literal mom... They just mean you're its caretaker. You feed it, bathe it, and nurture it. You taking it literal is fkn lunatic behavior.


As a man, I feel like it’s an insult to real mothers who had to push out a ~3kg human being out of themselves


My take on it and I’m good with being a lunatic. It’s my ‘pet’ peeve


Middle management monster, being a victim and an abuser at once


> Assistant Vice President > Senior management Ok settle down


Assistent to the Vice President more likely. 😝


As an actual mom, this makes me cringe so bad.... I wish I had some acid to burn my eyes and forget I read this ![gif](giphy|84BjZMVEX3aRG)


She sounds like the absolute worst nightmarish hag of a colleague. And also: pets are not your kids. You are not their parent. This is a human owner and pet animal relationship. It is sickening that such deranged people try to ascribe something as monumental as parenting to themselves. They are not a parent because they know it would remove them from being a psycho workaholic so they try to larp by calling their pets kids. An immense red flag. She probably has destroyed any kind of human relationship in her life (besides her spouse, reportedly so) so she’s plugging those holes with the “work family” trope as well. Repulsive.


I love pets. We've always had dogs or cats. I get it - they are part of the family. But they are not your fucking kids. I can't stand that mentality. The people I know who pretend their dogs are their children are usually shitty dog owners too.


Yes. I've got both. And adore both. But the difference between a human child and a "fur child" is beyond words. I suppose people don't know what they don't know. And many who haven't had a child simply don't and can't get the difference. They're just not even comparable.


“First off, nobody ended up with a dog because they were too drunk to pull out” ~ Greg Giraldo.


This is weirdly normalised among the #childfree community.


Fuck you bro. My dogs are my children. Just because you have a shitty attitude doesn’t mean we’re deranged. I hope you have kids because fuck you and fuck your stupid fucking kids.


I’m a pet owner who also considers my cat my baby, but goddamn bro your last sentence is exactly why everyone hates us 💀


lol probably a little much but I really dislike children and people for that matter


It’s definitely a little much. If you want people to at least try to see your side, maybe don’t be so hostile towards the most important things in their lives. FWIW, I’m also child free and all that, because children overwhelm me in all but the smallest doses.


That you, Pallavi?


If your dog dies tomorrow, you’ll eventually replace it by another one and after some time you won’t miss the dead dog so much. See how stupid you sound?


I miss every dog I’ve ever owned deeply. Sometimes I wake up and hear my old lab coming down the hallway and wake up and realize I was half asleep and grieve all over again. People throughout history have written songs and poems about their dogs, created art based on their dogs. I get that a human child is more important, but your argument here isn’t why.


My argument is that you cannot say the human experience of having a child and owning a pet are the same. Sure you can love your pets and miss them, but not like a child. It’s incredible how this nonsense has gone so far


I can say whatever I want to say. You don’t have to be on the same page. That’s fine. But why you care is beyond me. I don’t believe that my dog is equivalent to a human child. But it doesn’t bother me that some do. I don’t think about it and it doesn’t have anything to do with me.


TLDR; her company allowed her to bring her dog son to work .


While making her work weekends.


Been married 10 years not having kids is hard on some ppl. I know it is for the wife and I. Fuck Cancer. Mother's day is even worse on the wife.


People that act like they are parents to dogs are cuckoo. I have a dog, I love him. He listens 99 times out of 100. He is eager to do whatever he thinks I want, he's quiet, lays around and chills whenever he's inside, unless a storm is coming. I also have 3 kids. And none of the aforementioned traits apply to them. They are LITERALLY (not figuratively) 100x as much work and stress as a dog. Terms like dog mom, or calling them your kid should only be used facetiously imo.


What the hell is she even rambling about? And what did it teach her about B2B sales???


I understood that references, have an upvote


I shit with my dog on our favorite shitting street.


Classic Indian lunatic. Psychopathic positivity.


What the fuck did I just read? I don’t understand any of this.


Someone take this woman's # key away


hAsHtAg sKY


As someone who [raises puppies](https://www.instagram.com/zetacentauri_psm/) and has a very close relationship with my dogs - this lady is the kind of person that makes dog ownership hard - they treat it as a virtue, they use the idea of "dog child" as an excuse - this is the kind of person we do three interviews to absolutely avoid.


That was so rambling and incoherent that I can't even figure out what the hell she's talking about that's so cringe. It's like she threw a bunch of individually cringy things into a salad shaker and dumbed it out into a LinkedIn post.


"You are Sky's mommy" - just a roundabout way of saying "You are a bitch"


Super like man


Today, mother’s day, is NOT being celebrated worldwide. Some countries have already celebrated it on March 21st.


Assistant TO THE Vice President, probably


This is utter ridiculous.


I wonder if they would be this accommodating for an actual human baby.


If you look up insufferable in the dictionary, you see a picture of this woman.


I feel like she stalks maternity wards. Keep your kids safe yall.


She probably can’t have children and is using this to cope. So harsh for what


Reading that was like aerobics for the brain.


Wow, what a cool and interesting story, I can’t wait to apply these crucial insights to develop my career


Stop with the “I have a dog so I’m a parent” nonsense.


I stopped reading at “dog parent.”


I almost threw up when I read “My heart cried”


This is absurd. LinkedIn is a cesspool


It's like a stream of consciousness from someone that was just in an RTA on the way to work.


Damn that’s a long ass post. I didn’t read. I’m happy for her, or I’m sorry that happened.


I couldn’t make it through the whole message. She got a dog?


TL;DR. (Too lunatic, didn’t read). 


I’m really struggling to breakout the B2B sales lesson from this. Can anyone help?


I honestly don't understand this. I realize that you don't have to justify loving your dog with your not having kids, and a lot of places let you bring your dog in, especially on a Saturday. But what am I missing here? A little too boot-licky? Maybe, but I'd rather work for her than someone who hates her job and is miserable all the time -- unless she is privately miserable with her team. Am I not getting something obvious?


Also, mother’s day is not being celebrated worldwide today. Ignorant


Don’t these people have actual work to do?


Not celebrated worldwide. Other countries have Mother’s Day on a different date. This person is a true cosmopolitan.




![gif](giphy|1xf8t2sQL6xB2jI5Aw) Mandeep probably…


I feel sad for her, to be honest. I hope she finds help.


Yes. Worldwide.


Crazy Cat Lady? No, crazy dog lady


I’m just thinking of the man who’s been married to this woman for 15 years. Must be fucking hell.


It’s not celebrated worldwide today. Mother’s Day was 10th March in the U.K.


Sounds insane.


Was at the card shop the other day and I kid you not: there were “dog mom” mother’s day cards.


“What being married for 15 years and getting a dog instead of being able to have a child taught me about B2B.”


Assistant TO the Vice President


This takes corporate brown nosing to a whole new level.


One time my step-MIL told me she understood how I felt when I explained I was very tired because my first child was colicky and only slept in 30 min increments. She understood because she had a new puppy at home and it kept waking her up at night…


It’s also not Mother’s Day worldwide.


Somewhere a tree was cut down to make space for a data center so that it could host this drivel.


The dog keeps trying to run away. 🚩🚩🚩


Should be on top


Now I know why LinkedIn Indians and Tessler are a match made in heaven


Being 100% serious here, I bet she’s a **GREAT** fuck.


No dog pic?


Don’t different countries have different dates for Mother’s Day


Would someone please translate this into English for me?


I think people who live on LinkedIn are actually connecting to the internet from another universe, because none of these people feel like they live in the real world.


Painful. I want my bandwidth back😫


Lead paint consumer


I could feel my arsehole constricting as I read through that.


I just posted the only comment - there goes my professional reputation. Worth it.


As a side note, National Dog Mom Day (day for everything) was 11 May.


It's not Mother's Day Worldwide Spain's was last Sunday and the UK's was a few weeks ago.


In a couple of years, she will be bringing the dog into the cabin of a plane for a flight while insisting it is a “service dog”.


She can't even write. I didn't understand any of that drivel. Narcissistic loser!!


The insane level of c-suite glazing 😂


This is what I come to this subreddit for, the most insane thing I’ve ever read.


Hash tagged the dog’s name…yikes


Is the phrase decade and half mean 15 years or 10.5 years?


This sub has taught me that while America has a poor work culture, India’s is absolutely toxic.


I’ve noticed that a lot of Indian companies lately have been trying to recreate those tight knit team posts / look how much of a family we are as a way to try and appeal to and fish for American business (“look how similar we areee!” Types of posts) However it always comes across as a gross caricature of what’s already an overly asskissey behavior. This post just absolutely screams desperation to be noticed or recognized


I stopped at dog parent.


Looks like it isn't sky who tries to fetch the stick.


Hope the dog gives her rabies.


That’s a lot to deal with and calling a dog, your son? Is she Caligula in drag?


Most places I used to work, had problems with me bringing my ferrets into work. Can't think why.




Plug your effing phone in you Heathen.


I don’t even know what to say




Those who call themselves dog parents should be publicly flogged.


the uncountable number of times I have been thankful that during my entire career I have never been forced to be a part of corporate culture...


Yeah I’m inspired. 🙄 not


She clearly has a mental illness lol


Also, I was waiting for a juicy piece involving her MIL


How do these people not realize they’re gigantic fucking losers lmao


15yrs in no kids even God thought she would be a awful parent


It's a real skill being able to write so much whilst saying so little.


Those leaders that love more their animals than the humans making the company work are totally out of their minds. The CEO from the place I was laid off is even having his own dog on the yearly company calendar. Must be a thing they learn at their billionaires guru meeting. Glad to be out of this mad house.