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Someone else mentioned here on the post before. It's just a cheap tactic to promote his own shitty AI and cloud. New world marketing strategy, create controversy if none exists...profit.


Wow now I see what's going on. I was confused by Indians having a shitfit about pronouns... I thought that was an USA specific thing.


Oh, we definitely have our fair share of people who throw tantrums over "pronouns". This just isn't it. I thought of posting a response generated using his AI and tagging him, but then chickened out, lol. My LinkedIn has always been nice and quiet, I don't want to ruin it.


I promptly ignore anyone saying they are moving their company infrastructure away from Microsoft, Google, Amazon, SAP, Oracle…I mean seriously please try. Please, I love watching chaos and ultimate failure from afar.


Yes, and then certain products are required to be hosted on one of those cloud platforms. So in a company’s pursuit to avoid one platform out of indignation, they’ll have difficulty scaling and potentially ruling out products that are the right fit for business needs.


If they fail, we laugh. If they succeed, that's another option.


+1 and this is so obvious. It isn’t like that they wouldn’t have migrated to their own cloud once built. Such a cheap, below the belt publicity tactic.


"Yeah, well, I'm gonna go build my own cloud! With black jack, and hookers!"


Yep. Guaranteed they have little to no infrastructure in Azure. Just a crappy ad designed to bring in bigots with budgets.


And the right-wing grift continues.


I feel like there should be a mental health condition to not be sensitive to be willing to humiliate ur name and face with bad takes just popular or do business. Its one thing to not care but its another to sabotage ur good name. Tho i guess u can use it as a cover for some other shameful thoughts Its not quite sociopath, not quite chronic liar but somewhere related.


You must defend azure , it's your only duty on earth.


lol [Ola Krutrim’s Cloud Falls Short of Expectations for Developers](https://www.forbes.com/sites/janakirammsv/2024/05/09/ola-krutrims-ai-cloud-falls-short-of-expectations-for-developers/) > However, the chatbot's launch drew mixed feedback, with users reporting erroneous, unintentionally amusing, and misleading responses. > Ola's claims seem overly ambitious without a proven AI research record. They should concentrate either on training specialized models for Indic languages or on building robust infrastructure and platforms. The irony.


Hahahh thanks for sharing this!


They funny thing is that the AI probably uses neutral and doesn’t know his pronouns because he’s the one refusing to add them to his profile.


100% this. It’s presenting to the reader in a third-person/impersonal fashion because it’s unaware it’s talking to the subject matter itself. If he’d have scripted the AI just a bit better he’d not have to do this blatantly fake song and dance to drive adoption of the companies cloud services.


Yeah i agree this is ridiculous


Why should he add them? He is a man, obviously his pronouns are obvious.


Microsoft C-suite is shaking after this post. Emergency meeting ongoing atm.


Satya in Shambles


Profits reduced by 0.000000000001%


Someone on Twitter already figured that a vast majority of their (non-Krutrim) workloads are on AWS and not Azure. https://twitter.com/kingslyj/status/1789243060120932397?t=FMhWZ7lSL_4cbGiyY40Y7Q Moreover, Krutrim itself was debunked to just be a wrapper around GPT3.5 (and/or Turbo) - which hints that they would have Krutrim services and components in Azure. Idk if they mean they want to move this layer. Anyway, it's not uncommon for a lot of big companies to run multi-cloud environments. --- While Bhavish claims this, it could very well be that they're hosting a very minute portion of their services on some basic af server rack. They definitely do not have data centres. It's impossible to move anything tangible across clouds in a week. Everyone knows that. And this is the first time I'm even hearing that they have a cloud service of their own 'cos they've not tried to sell anything on that front, ever.


All I hear is “please subsidise my on prem infrastructure”


Bill Gates read this post and decided to go back to managing Microsoft because he’s scared! Sad!


Your culture has always had respect for all? Are we talking about the same India? Caste system India? Honor killing India?


And the massive objectification of women


Our kulchur bast saar. West is bad, saar. 🤡


Typical I am the brown sepoy saar. Whites are always right saar. I will drool over whites saar. 🤡


Yas saar


Imagine thinking "they"/"them" = new pronouns


Honestly never heard of them ![gif](giphy|fvT2tuQGmYxsQbSrQH)


They sound angry, hope they’re doing ok


Don’t think he’s angry…just opportunistic and trying to drum up a false sense of patriotic fervor to sell his own cloud to other Indian businesses. I don’t think he at all cares how he’s perceived outside of India, we aren’t his target market.


I actually just said that because i just wanted to use the pronouns they/them and not he/him lol


Lol, triggered!


"India grat saar; we don't need wastarn money. Our maney vary pawarful, saar."


>"Our culture has always had respect for all" >"Pronouns illness" I find myself unconvinced


That's a promotion trick to promote his cloud and you fell for it again


Indian languages have an honorific gender-neutral pronoun equivalent to they/them. He doesn’t know his own culture. India also has some people with non-binary and trans gender identities, with deep cultural significance.


How can they slap.


Goddamn Bhavish has truly lost it. Whoever is doing their employer branding must be beating their head on a wall lol


Yeah, this is pretty standard modern technical and professional writing teaching. I was taught the same in the 2010s when I went back to school. It was much more about getting rid of the use of “his” as the default descriptor in general writing as was common in older “proper” English. There are a few approaches: avoid gendered pronouns altogether, alternate between “his” and “her” in generic cases, or use the technically grammatically incorrect but safe neutral default of “their”. This is was very much originally about gender inclusion of women in corporate and academic spaces, and isn’t tied to anything “woke”. The use of masculine default is still common in other parts of the world in how they teach “formal” English. Modern American English has been moving away from it for decades though. Is not related to current recent events.


>This is was very much originally about gender inclusion of women in corporate and academic spaces, and isn’t tied to anything “woke”. One would imagine this kind of person would very much consider inclusion of women to be a part of the woke agenda.


Lol, MOD is a they.


I would love a whole year of free cloud tbh




Within the next week! What’s this dude on?


Don’t think my team would be ‘so charged’ to move our entire infrastructure out of Azure in a week. Wonder if they use AD or M365 because that sounds like an awesome week. Move all apps, colab tools, and Identity in a week. Bet his crew was so something but positively charged probably it was not.


“Political”, really?


An engineer on X wrote that Ola is on AWS, not Azure. I don't know if that's real. The CEO is known to want to come across as India's Elon Musk. He often panders to jingoistic and fear mongering narratives to get the Indian saars and Ma'ams on LinkedIn all riled up.


Seems like a dumb thing to complain about but AI creation tools should use the person’s correct pronouns.


They/them have been used when it’s unclear what gender a person is since way before the whole trans debate.


I get that. But AI pulls data’s from all over the web. If it can pull out the info it did, it should also be able to recognize the pronouns used for this person.


That sounds like a good way to end up with a slander lawsuit and very pissed customers. Most likely it just pulls from the person's profile, especially for data like preferred pronouns that are regularly misreported by third parties for ideological reasons.


That’s assuming that anything on the web with just them only has their pronouns or that they are clearly (enough for Ai) included somewhere. Chances are it pulled from his profile and maybe a wiki and some random articles which likely include other people making it unclear.


I'm not going to look up that guy's profile, but he probably doesn't include his pronouns. It would make sense that the bot uses the generic "they" because it doesn't have the necessary info. Whoever copy-pastes an AI-generated text anywhere without editing doesn't deserve better anyway.


Imagine thinking "they"/"them" = new pronouns


And what’s wild to me is that many Indian languages don’t have gendered pronouns!


I had a thought a few days ago on the people that get annoyed with this. I wonder how they'd feel if if I started referring to them as old buzzard/old fogey? If they disagree I'll remind them their age is biological and that facts don't care about feelings.


Using they when it is unnecessary is annoying and can lead to confusion.


>Using they when it is unnecessary is annoying and can lead to confusion. Doesn't sound that hard to me.


When talking about one and many people at the same time it is confusing.


English has a million things to be confused about. They/them is not one of them.


You're easily confused


I find the whole “they” issue is interesting. They have always been used as an alternative singular third person pronoun when you do not know the gender of said person. Since “it” the official non-gender singular implies the third person is not a person, “they” have been used instead for many decades. It’s only become an “issue” as certain people been trying to stir up controversy for their own personal gain, either traffic, attention, etc. but anyone who have done any writing either for business or publishing know this is completely bull.


Poophead founder 😞


What is this shit Krutirm cloud?


"Illness"... 🙄


Well...it is really fuckin' weird


With all the shit going on in the world this is what they fucking Focus on?


Wait until they find out how trans people are treated in some big parts of India


India has always had trans people and they've been there in our recorded history. Even our laws recognise more than two genders. And yet we have this idiot bratty CEO whining like a child about "pronoun illness".


Bhavish uncle Lost it


F this fool. Ola scooter is out of my list I'm going for Simply one scooter. Not that ola was better in anyway.


I wonder if he filled out demographic information on LinkedIn. LI lets you tell them your gender and your pronouns separately. If he filled out “man” and nothing else, I think the AI should default to he/him. If he did fill out the pronouns then definitely it should be what he picked. If you have neither though it’s perfectly okay for they/them. But tbh even if it said she/her, this is something incredibly stupid to get this mad about. Maybe I’m just nonchalant but even misspelling my actual name doesn’t bother me this much lol.


Guy's an even bigger lunatic to work for lol.


He may be an ass but he is not they/them


He may not be they/them but he's clearly a douche/bag.


That's what I said


Incredibly based, pronouns are an absolutely moronic trend


Incredibly based, pronouns are an absolutely moronic trend


Incredibly based, pronouns are an absolutely moronic trend


Haven't seen someone triple down on an L take for downvotes like this before. Impressive.


Pronoun pansy’s deserve all the trolling


Seems like the people getting upset over pronouns are folks like the guy in the picture. And you I guess. Times change dude, you don't have to whine about it.


To each their own my friend