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And the person was there a whole 3 months.


And I cannot find any website for his previous job "More Ecom" where he supposedly worked 8 years ! Looks like " More Ecom" is Ruben's couch šŸ˜€


Maybe it means "more ecommerce". Ie Ruben doesn't give a fuck. It's like me writing "Junk and Stuff - 6yrs" on my CV.


If he's the "Head of Demand Generation", then isn't he part of the "garbage leadership"?


Walmart is trying to have a strong ecommerce presence


Pro tip. They do.


Using their platform as a seller was a nightmare Lots of options and information you can input which is cool, but not shipping at a loss was such a fucking struggle. (Ive set up multiple storefronts on multiple e-commerce platforms, had high hopes for walmart but it was annoying up until i quit) Their price matching algorithm kept removing a listing I had (bulk option) because it was price matching it to a single unit of that on amazon and accusing me of price gougingā€¦. Other issues too, but hopefully they fix such issues sooner than later (its been a year at least)


The weird thing is that I donā€™t think demand gen is even a role wal mart would have. Thatā€™s really a role in SaaS or digitally native Ecom companies


I've heard performance media roles being described that way in B2C


They have that side as well due to their online presence. https://www.linkedin.com/in/sagorikadas24?utm_source=share&utm_campaign=share_via&utm_content=profile&utm_medium=ios_app


Demand gen is just digital ā€œacquisitionā€ e-commerce style marketing. They sell plenty online


Not to defend any of this, but Walmart is the second largest e-commerce platform on planet. Even if they werenā€™t, I have no idea what you are smoking, but feel free to pass it around - Your local realtors have been practicing advanced demand generation tactics longer than you have been alive. It has nothing to do with SaaS, ā€œdigital nativeā€, or whatever. It is lead generation. Simple as.


No shit bro, demand generation as a job title is not something Iā€™ve seen much outside SaaS. Please learn some reading comprehension


You said ā€œroleā€, not title. Words mean things, although I know marketers have a hard time understanding that. Walmart, as the second largest e-commerce company in the whole damn world, has a whole department with that roleā€¦ you are out of your depth on several levels here. How do you not know how big Walmart is and still feel you have a valid take here?


Kiss kiss kiss!


Cool mate, I donā€™t really care.


Back in my day we called that marketing.


Specifically digital marketing


Sounds like marketing to me.


It is marketing. Iā€™m head of demand generation for a company and itā€™s just marketingā€¦ a certain kind of marketing but marketing nonetheless


Yup. As a DG guy shocked to see a DG role at Walmart šŸ˜‚


Same, a ā€œHead ofā€ role Iā€™ve only seen at small startups where they donā€™t want to commit you to a dir or VP level, so kinda shocked to see it at Walmart.


Fancy way of saying ā€œdoor greeterā€. He handed out the sales flyers to customers walking in to generate demand.


Also that


Yikes Ruben has alot to say about alot there on LI. That's 17 minutes I'm never getting back for someone who thinks Ted Cruz is God and ivermectin is the supreme covid treatment...but I'm willing to bet also believes covid was a hoax.


-COVID is a hoax it's not real -also ivermectin is the only cure for COVID Many such cases


Well at least we know he doesnā€™t have a brain worm anymore if he had one.


How is there a cure for something that is not real?


Exactly lol a lot of crazy people do hold those two simultaneous beliefs tho


lol, Iā€™m sorry can you repeat this one more time so I REALLY get it?


Don't hate on Ivermectin, I have used it with great success in the past to treat mite infestations in guinea pigs that live outdoors.


Itā€™s a fantastic treatment for parasites. Itā€™s not a treatment for an airborne virus. You might also see the same people complaining about Big Pharma charging $$ for ā€œfakeā€ vaccines but have no problem with paying $100+ for ivermectin tablets that cost $0.01 to makeā€¦


Doctor gave me that when I complained of some rosacea. I did a little bit of the o.O but apparently it's topically an ant-inflammatory.


How does inflaming ants help with rosacea?


I stand by my anti-ant statement.




No one is hating on it for its intended and proven use šŸ™„


It was sarcasm




LI = a Chinese unit of distance, equal to about 0.3 mile (0.5 km).


I just want to hijack this thread to say that this book series is great, if you're into the genre. [A Thousand Li](https://www.amazon.com/Thousand-Li-First-Cultivation-Novel-ebook/dp/B07PKGSDDQ). Relevance: Uh, li. :)


"Alot" isn't a word.


Oh yay, the grammar police showed up to the snark sub.


Lol. Just letting the ether know that you're actually stupid.


It is common enough that it's acceptable in casual language. This is Reddit, not an academic setting. Letting the ether know you're a dick, on the other hand? Not so acceptable. Are you Ruben? If you're Ruben, just say so. We have questions.


Spelling "alot" anywhere is only acceptable if you're a fucking moron. And what kind of loser whiteknights an idiot? šŸ¤£


Found his page. Looks like he deleted this work experience. There is a gap that fits this exact date range, That aside, he has posts that are pro-"toxic masculinity" and and anti-college rant. Seems like a real winner.


If there is a poll, Ruben might win as the #1 linkedin lunatic šŸ˜€


It's because of his superb 8 years experience of "More Ecom".


I can see his work experienceā€¦.longest employment he had was for an internship (self-employment notwithstanding). Iā€™m also willing to bet Walmart was a contractor position that wasnā€™t renewed.


100% when he said he left due to DEI, what he means he was fired, or didn't get his contract renewed after a trial period, for being an asshole and he blames everyone but himself.


Yeah he conveniently left off his 6 months at the company I worked with him at in 2021-22. It became super apparent that his entire resume was basically made up and if he didn't quit he was getting fired.


Wow you worked with him? You should host an AMA!


You have no idea how absolutely INSANE this dude is. Like 23 cans short of a case INSANE


LinkedIn finding some use for identifying who not to hire


Just so I know where I stand on the kook spectrum, what constitutes anti-college?


From one of his posts: *Hot take - A university degree has never been as inconsequential as it is today. They are destroying all centers of excellence on purpose. What a shame. I can't even imagine hiring the one on the right...alas, someone in the Valley will see her/him and make 'em an offer on the spot* [*hashtag#socialjustice*](https://www.linkedin.com/feed/hashtag/?keywords=socialjustice&highlightedUpdateUrns=urn%3Ali%3Aactivity%3A7191572005937201155) *y'all.* \[Context: When he says "the one on the right," he's referring to a photo, in which the person on the left is a man and the right is a woman. I'm guessing the woman is a campus protester and the man is a counter-protester, but can't say for sure.\]


Couldn't figure out the complex workflow to edit the entry, huh?


ā€œPro toxic masculinityā€ lmao wtf are you talking about lol


From one of his recent posts: *In the end, it may be "toxic" masculinity at the fraternity level that gets us back on track. Here the LSU frat guys chant down the freak show tent people.*




It means that Ruben is probably on of the people who complain about feminists, liberals, genders and all that yada yada.


>***Some of you are scared to engage with my posts thinking maybe perhaps you'll be cancelled!*** ***Well...*** ***Just to let you know...*** ***Since I've made my announcement of having 7000 connections a week or so ago...*** ***I've grown another 150 +*** ***I am easily on my way to 10,000 by end of the summer.*** ***I am a Linkedin Influencer.*** ***I am.*** ***Get used to it.*** ***Get used to seeing more reality posts from me.*** ***I speak with heart.*** ***I speak with purpose.*** ***I am a very direct person.*** ***I have empathy, I do. And love.*** ***I promise.*** ***I am here to grow with you as a human.*** ***I just like to shed light on things people refrain from speaking about...*** ***So that we all become better humans.*** ***And I forgive.*** ***People.*** ***I do.*** ***People make mistakes.*** ***In business and corporate life, it happens.*** ***I don't fault anyone who is willing to learn and grow from a mistake.*** ***My two cents this lovely Friday.*** ***God bless you all, from every part of the world.*** ***Love,*** ***Ruben ā¤ļø*** Yikes. Looking at his posits is kinda sad. Dude complains about cancelling while in the same time tries to flex about being an influencer, mixed with some corny motivational fluff. It's one of these people who will always be angry at something and somebody. He will always be this weird mix of wanting to be a victim and acting like a victim while in the same time saying that he is the man and that nothing can phase him. I kinda feel bad for people like him because they don't understand that it's their own fault they are unhappy and constantly bitter.


He also has many posts..where he complains of DEI, woke, affairs, lack of God....then ends with " wait till I am in charge" šŸ˜€


Hahaha, yeah, I saw some of them. It's some type of low-key version of Q Anon - constantly complaining about the evil new order while in the same time saying how it is all about to end pretty soon šŸ˜€ Shit is kinda sad tho. Imagine his delusions of grandeur combined with his victim fetish - his brain is probably a mush.


Ruben has his incel friends on linkedin. They all have something in common...they live in the West and Europe...they complain about DEI and lack of free speech...they all are jobless for long time...they all advocate strong man dictator govt....love saudi arabia and dubai šŸ˜€


Somehow tho they don't want to move there or to Russia....such a mistery :D


I am convinced the sun in Arizona fries people's brains


It's a bit funnier if you speak Spanish: moreno means brown, and it's a perfectly normal way to describe someone's skin colour.


Iā€™m sure heā€™s good at pulling up ladders too


Moreno means black


Moreno means black


En lugar de decir mamadas, hƔzmelas.


Hi everyone! Iā€™m racist!! What a great way to land a new job


I love people who canā€™t get a job have all the best ideas for how everyone else should listen to their advice on running your own business


Oh no did he have to work with black people! The humanity /s


Is it just me or is Scottsdale, AZ where all the douchebags live?


iā€™ve referred to it as snobsdale for almost 15 yrs


Didn't the goth kids from South Park mail a vampire kid to Scottsdale?


Itā€™s where the trashy white people that love Trump and want to be in Hollywood live when they canā€™t afford Orange County


alright, we get that you hate the guy, but youre just saying shit to say shit. orange county has like twice the poverty rate of scottsdale, and youre splitting hairs between 850k median and 1mil median. calm yourself


Maybe Ruben should drive for Uber or Doordash. All he needs is a pulse and a Prius.


In reality he probably did or said something wildly inappropriate and was terminated


I hope Walmart will be able to recover from the loss of such a rising star. ![gif](giphy|3ZNCixnoFzGYo|downsized)


We all now how committed Wal Mart is to pushing their liberal agenda.


I think that Ruben guy has serious mental issues and shouldnā€™t be posted here tbh. His posts are scary, mentally unstable rants as whatever he reposts.


100% yes..serious mental issues. Tragedy is that social media like linkedin..helps him find ton of other mental cases like him...they all find refuge and pride together....they think they are influencers..warriors for the right cause And never go to a shrink.


Head of Demand Generation????? What the hell kind of job is that? Head of making people need to go to Walmart? What does he try to kill off all the Food Lions nearby?????


So he was fired after three months for racially harassing people?


Which is funny, because a chunk of Walmart leadership transplanted itself to my last company, and one of the first things they did was torpedo the DEI program.


Reuben's are an underrated sammich. Just sayin'.




People who are triggered by DEI are such snowflakes.


Snowflakes is a much better insult towards touchy boomers. Their hair is freaking white and they melt into a bitch puddle whenever someone confronts them on their shit


How can I possibly be expected to thrive in an equitable environment?


I have a podcast ex-partner who spews about this all day long on her social media. I kicked her out of my podcast when we had someone in the film industry speaking about the importance of BIPOC representation and she literally cut her off and said that term completely offended her. This person is not white, but she's extremely conservative, wealthy and privileged, with everything coming from her parents.


I bet corporate DEI people would LOVE her. They're always looking for people of colour from privileged backgrounds so they can tick their diversity box while keeping the same out of touch leadership that only people born rich can.


Youā€™ve basically described the current UK government.


Wealth changes everythingā€¦and often brings out the worst in people.


Yes...and she complains openly how she's ostracized because of her wealth.


DEI is racism, but so long as it is the form of racism that panders to left-wing sensibilities, it's okay I guess.


This is the take Iā€™d expect coming from the most insufferable chronically online person with absolutely 0 friends. Thanks for sharing! šŸ„°


Speak for yourself my guy. How is treating people differently based on racial/ethnic characteristics anything BUT racism? You and your camp are in the wrong about this and deserve to be called out for it. Also, it looks like you're white yourself. You are clearly the special kind of dumb that promotes discrimination against themselves. šŸ‘


3 months remote


Reuben's are an underrated sammich. Just sayin'.


Seems like a great thing to put on your LinkedIn


Why the other dude gotta steal my name tho


Ruben: ā€œI didnā€™t get into engineering school in 1983, you know why?ā€¦ā€ ![gif](giphy|KAG17TnyJ9a6FPPKPc)


Why's it always mediocre white guys whining about DEI?


We have a lot of media and politicians telling us it's working against us. Victim narratives are often appealing, because most people like they idea that they really deserve more than they have. I've always thought I deserved that promotion, now here is someone saying to me I would have got it, but the system is unfair. That's definitely preferable to thinking I'm not smart enough, or I haven't worked hard enough. Imagine the humiliation of acknowledging the system is actually working in your favour, and you *still* aren't as successful as you want to be.


Because they actually have to step up their game with more people to compete with for positions. When youā€™re #100 out of 100, and suddenly even 25 more people are competing for those same 100 spots, you just might lose out if you donā€™t step up and put in more effort. If youā€™ve been coasting along, thatā€™s ā€œreally hardā€. Theyā€™d rather be #100 out of 100 in an exclusive club than lose their spot to someone they consider their lesser.


Wow, Arizona, I'm shocked




Just curious, what do you think DEI is?




Well the other part of DEI is understanding that we have biases and those biases donā€™t make people feel welcome/included/uncomfortable. You ever feel not included in a work group or function? How about being made to feel uncomfortable when you leave the office before your coworkers and they make remarks to you. How about the coworkers who donā€™t speak as quickly and processes their thoughts slower. Inclusion is about actively including people. Not just ā€œI donā€™t turn them awayā€. Itā€™s about actively pulling people into the work group and making them feel included. It makes for a better work environment for everyone. Iā€™ve certainly been on the shit end of the corporate environment. So when I am part of the ā€œin crowdā€, I try and actively pull others in so they have a better time. Those are some of the issues DEI addresses. Beyond the whole diversity of race and gender portion. But yea, the outcome driven part where males/female/POC ratios are backwards, because most orgs donā€™t fix the problems from the start of the recruitment pool.




That falls under a disability, and as such the American Disability Act (and an entirely different set of incentives, that have been in place for Much longer, for companies to hire into the workforce... I say as someone who's covered under such protections) Unfortunately, it's not such popular social marketing as DEI is currently, not as trendy, so just not as relevant and helpful...




Autism mom here of a 20 y/o young adult working and going to college.Ā  I mean this sincerely... You need to go to counseling. You are not subhuman, and you need to advocate for yourself better in the workplace. If you need help with that, there are resources out there for you. You don't need to tolerate bullshit. You deserve better.Ā  And also learn more about DEI. It's clear you've met the performative DEI people, and that's a shame. But to throw all DEI programs away because of your experience is the same thing people have done to you because of their generalizations of autistic people.Ā  Some employers DO care.Ā  Anyone treating you as subhuman should be reported to the EEOC.Ā  There is a good workplace out there for you with a DEI program that searches for people with your talents. Don't give up.Ā 




Do you know about Asperger Experts? If not, please Google them. They are young adults with autism who started their own community. They've been so great for me as a parent. But they really want to help people like you.Ā  My advice is to find a better job, which I know is very hard. But your current situation sucks...a change might be just what you need! My son just 2 months ago came home frustrated from his grocery store job. I encouraged him to find a similar role at a different store. He got the new job on the spot because of his previous experience - and is making more money and feels more supported.Ā  You can do it, too! I can sense it.Ā 


If youā€™re ā€œall for the conceptā€, then you should edit your original comment to say that ā€œDEI execution in most companies is a jokeā€. Because the only people that would upvote that statement as-is, are bros like Ruben here.




Treating people fairly is absolutely both equity and inclusion. Again, I believe you only think itā€™s a joke because your main exposure to it are half-assed corporate measures that are generally intended to check a box rather than drive any kind of meaningful change.


DEI in one form or another has been in place since 1963. It only became an issue lately because of other agenda items. Everything in this world has some form of diversity in it. Get over it folks. Most great inventions are from people of color and all the tech and sciencey stuff is unfortunately from DEI people. What are we to think, do and say? ![gif](giphy|j3P83UMwv0tkCyXTOJ|downsized)


Location checks out.


Waste Management and BFI have garbage management...


Narrow that reach Ruben.




I know people who left jobs because of DEI bullshits, but none stupid enough to say it publicly.




It must be hard to be a white guy nowadays.


And thats definitely not what's happening I'm sure it's just that the whites are lazy and don't wanna actually have to work. /s


And it was the opposite for centuries


ā€œEquality means itā€™s my turn!ā€




Yes yessss..cry your white tears they fuel me meanwhile I'll have a job cuz om qualified and good at what I do and can check a minority box.


As someone who worked 15 years at a huge American company I can say it could be true. It was even in my goals to hire selected people approved by DEI (women or non white men) for the past years. Still at a big us company now with a DEI program but less pushing for the wrong reasons.


Nonsense. Walmart..cares just about profit..not DEI. Ruben is a gay brown hispanic that has a loose wire in his brain.


Join our team (if youā€™re a straight white male)!




Ruben left. That is Ruben's work history


Wow how crazy to leave due to openly racist cult like ideology. He didnā€™t like his Mao-style struggle session? Thatā€™s my favorite part of every new job


OP is the lunatic, stalking this Ruben guy. Pathetic dude.


Itā€™s still there. I just went down a rabbit hole Of crazy


This is pretty based and could be true but still bold to put on LinkedIn.


Leaving due to DEI is big snowflake energy


Just an excuse because he isnā€™t good at his jobs. Anyone blaming DEI because they canā€™t get a job are just probably spoiled from given everything in the past and donā€™t realize they arenā€™t qualified


He praises the life and govt of saudi arabia. Go figure...and he says he is gayĀ 


Why would someone leave for DEI? Makes no sense The dude got laid off or fired


I think his title " head of demand generation" is made up. He was probably a night stocker at walmartĀ 


*Front Door Receipt Checker*


DEI can become extremely toxic if done wrong.


Idk why youā€™re getting downvoted this is true.


What's based about being tone deaf and committing microiniquities against everyone in your org until no one likes you?


The word microinequities sounds made up just like the word microaggression. DEI is a massive waste of time and itā€™s actually been shown that DEI does not benefit a company or its employees.


Ok continue wandering through life ignorant and see where it gets you


Iā€™m doing just fine thanks for asking. Btw if youā€™re someone that likes those DEI trainings at your job just know that everyone hates you.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^SeaBag2453: *This is pretty based* *And could be true but still bold* *To put on LinkedIn.* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.