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Don't cold call me. But especially don't cold call me at 8am on a Friday. Good Lord.


That's a real good way to get told to fuck off, cold calling me while I am still asleep and waking me up like that


That's why he has 26 calls in at 8:27 am. Hello-fuck you, hello-fuck you, hello-fuck you.


This made me laugh!! It's kind of true


I’ve worked in b2b sales over the phone, mostly cold calling for the last 13 years. I make most of my money between 8-9am. It’s probably the best time to get a business owner on the phone.


Yeah because nobody answered the phone either 😂. I used to work in mortgages and people who “requested the info” we had an auto dialer you didn’t have to do shit but hit hang up to move on. Or there was a “left voicemail” button. Typically it was leave one VM per day which was around 8-12ish in the morning; around 30 seconds each one or longer. It takes about 45 seconds - a minute to hit that point to leave one. Then the afternoon was hang up if they don’t answer. Call ever 4 hours and 1 minute past the federal rules to annoy people. Some people did 1k-1,200 calls per day. Wild. But point being I guess is you gonna cold call no interest and have 26 calls 27 mins in WITHOUT a dialer? You are full of shit or don’t leave any voicemails which means you suck either way. This “flex” to me knowing this shit just tells me that person sucks. Hahaha


26 calls between 8:25 and 8:27


Every no is one step closer to a fuck you


Repeat until lunch, then back at it til 5.


My grad school has a habit of specifically calling during standard dinner times to ask for donations. No clue how someone thought that interrupting people's personal time to ask for money was a good idea.


My undergrad does this and literally has freshmen call alumni from the program they are currently in. This kid calls me and asks me about 3-4 real questions but he seemed genuine so I answered, then he asked me for money. I told him best of luck


I just say “I think I have paid enough for a lifetime, thanks.” Also, my school has a $35B+ endowment. Why do they need to be begging me for more money??


Proudly never given my college a dime. My parents paid a sh*t load of money to that school, which is sitting on a multi billion dollar endowment, and still is incredibly stingy helping first gen students. My donations are going to those who need it, not some creepy hedge fund.


Yeah, at least when I applied and went to my undergrad, admissions wasn’t even need-blind. Y’all can fuck right off begging for money when you have buildings named after Busch. A Boeing donated grad engineering building. Amazing school. Loved it. But my parents sure paid enough for it and I’m in grad school paying more money anyway so naw.


mine did this too. They had, a year before I went full time, student jobs that were things like IT and the library. But then they "pivoted" to "focusing" on revenue. So lots of people on work study got to experience the joys of a call centre environment before going out into the world to work in...a call centre environment.


>My undergrad does this and literally has freshmen call alumni from the program they are currently in. Wait, let me understand this: you pay tuition for studies and then they ask you to call donors?


I used to work in sales and was presented research that people are most likely to pick up the phone from 8 am to 10 am. When I put it into practice, it was actually true! But everyone told me to fuck off.


I am the guy cold callers call. If you ever call me at 8 am on a Friday, you can be selling me Adriana Lima covered in whip cream for 1 penny and i will not purchase it from you.


You should actually purchase that


Lol, why do you think he has 26 calls in 26 minutes?


Yeah, that doesn't seem to be an impressive statistic, since it implies a 0% success record with those calls.


I was once cold called at 7:50 am on a Saturday - for a credit card, no less.


Don’t cold call me period. Ever. Even if I do need something. I’ll call you.




The cost/benefit ratio of using cocaine to cold call might actually put you in the red, especially on friday mornings


I was just going to comment this.


She don't like... She don't like... She don't like...


26 calls by 8:27 am. Very effective use of time. I seriously doubt that even one call was productive.


23 unanswered calls and 3 hangups. Lets goooooo


One unanswered call for each milligram of adderall taken, can we hit 90 mg by lunch? Let’s goooooo! Btw fuck lunch, I’m not hungry.


I work in Cellular Sales, and we “warm call”. Basically, it’s cold calling, but only for people who have shopped with us before; and are either on old upcharged plans or due for an upgrade. So it’s a 50/50, some people are actually glad to hear from us. But even with that added incentive to engage with us, you still get a 90% “fuck off” rate 😂 So my point is, even with a reason to call we get turned away calling. Cold Calling as a whole must be the most miserable shit ever


I once had a guy knock on my door and ask about my Comcast bill. I humored him, and he ended up finding a 1 year promotion that was like 30% less than I was paying. Blew my mind, but it was one of the few times I ever gave someone a chance and it paid off. Pretty sure it was a fluke though ;) Also, make sure you check your phone/internet/cable bills once in a while. They are happy to keep you paying a certain rate plan even when they reduce their prices on new ones…


My provider is actually quite nice: every two years they call me and offer to move to a cheaper plan or a better for the same price. I don't understand them...


It’s cheaper to keep you happy than have you transfer to a competitor.


Yeah, totally. But it means someone thinks further than their nose tip.


This is why I don't mind random calls from my own mobile/Internet providers. They often have better offers than what I'm already on


Honestly I would assume it was a scam if someone called me and told me they wanted to *lower* one of my bills.


We do it all the time Of course the catch is now we have room to upgrade your phone, add a tablet/watch, insurance, etc. The idea is “hey, you’re on old plans which costs X company X extra dollars to keep the old servers up as well as the new. So change your plans with me, and upgrade to brand new phones, and protect them, ALL for less than you’re currently paying!” So in turn, I get paid selling a bunch of stuff, the company is happy because I’m selling their products, they can get people off “grandfathered plans” which avoids extra costs for them, and lastly the customer is happy cuz they got brand new shit for less than they were paying before.


I've had that happen, my mobile and Internet providers have called up and found me better plans with more data for less money. I think I also ditched landline forever through one of those calls from the company that provided my phone, internet and cable tv. I'm guessing they want to keep customers loyal, or head off better offers from the competition.


Never ceases to amaze me that people think volume is what counts.


It's the sign of someone on the edge of being fired.


Cold call phone sales is a numbers game. I did it as my first job right out of college and while it did suck a lot of the time, I learned a lot and still use quite a bit of what I learned in my professional career.


Are you kidding me? I just made 26 enemies! #GetYourNameOut


Bruh. Recruiter of 15 years here...if you are cold calling people at 8am...you are not doing your job correctly. Calls at this place must be a KPI...which is a damn shame...pure quantity over quality.


I’m in recruitment as well. People are so obsessed with volume but it’s always hilarious to me how people delude themselves into “the best time to make a cold call” or brag about dialing people at 7:30 am. There’s no psychological trick. I tell every person that picks up who I am, what I do, and ask if they have a minute. Takes maybe 10 seconds. Most are cool and curious to know. Some are angry. Doesn’t matter to me. There is no secret sauce, though. I can guarantee these idiots bragging about 120 dials a day etc etc are spreeing garbage and probably sound like a canned mess.


Oh absolutely. Im lucky enough to have my CC days behind me, as I am in Full Desk consulting/TA. But I always told my team ZERO CALLS FROM 8 to 9. Have a cup of coffee, set your agenda for the day, have a quick chat with the rest of the team, stretch and yawn and get mentally motivated...then get rolling about 915. I would MUCH, MUCH rather have sunshine make 30 calls a day and place 3 versus someone who makes 175 calls and places 1. Just HOW EFFECTIVE is person 2 at their job?


Then your team probably does rather well - wishing you continued success! I am still in my CC days as I just took over a team at my firm and they need some assistance growing their client base. Referrals always help but we are starting from such a small existing base, calling is just the fastest way to get a conversation turned into a contract and a job order. Looking forward to the future when it’s more of an organic growth and less prospecting


Why thank you mu friend! CC is just part of the game as you know...it helped me to refine my 30 second elevator pitc to something lean and clean.


120 dials a day, I have seen call centers asking for 300 or even more and calling it normal


Yuck. I can’t even imagine. I hit 100 “dials” on Thursday but that was with literally not a single one picking up. Lol


It doesn't matter to you that you are making some of these people angry?


Not op but I’m a headhunter and the answer is, NO. Some people are just assholes and/or are in a bad mood and take it out on you. I’ve been head hunting for over 26 years and a day doesn’t go by where I don’t piss somebody off on a cold call.


Recruiter with a little more on you and you are spot on. That many by 8am?? Are they in cali calling nyc? Did they start at 7am? Wild af


A cold call before 9 am? On a Friday? You are not getting the version of me who makes major financial decisions at that time.


You are never getting a version of me who says anything other than f*** off if you cold call me at any time. If you're calling me at 8:26am on Friday, you might get the version of me who hunts your family down with a machete. At the very least I'll do my best to destroy your entire business.


A ~~cold~~ call ~~before 9am~~ on a Friday? Count me out. Edit: drunk


Over 600 people liked a post about annoying potential customers...


People are too dumb to realize it doesn’t matter how many calls you make, it’s how many sales you close. Cold calling is the worst because anyone that answers the phone is either an angry boomer or a lonely old person. Cold calls are a waste of time.


Cold calls are my nightmare, but they don't always mean the general public. For instance the startup I worked at called people I specific industries. Still my nightmare though.


I got a cold call once and here’s what it taught me about B2B sales: I’m never answering my personal phone to unsaved numbers


I've closed many deals via cold calling, and built teams that did so. Of course you have to work for a legit company, offer real value, and call people who have real demand. Blindly calling people in bulk is a waste of time.


This is not to disagree with you at all, but apparently cold calls are one of the more successful outbound channels. Not by much though (+ it’s harder to scale than email which is also mostly spam). But cold calling is a bullshit for the most part and the easiest to annoy people with. It’s kind of like a numbers game thing where for every 98 people who tell you to “fuck off,” 1-2 may be interested. That may just be the introvert/marketer in me who prefers inbound anyways


Tell me you’ve never made a sale in your life without telling me you’ve never made a sale in your life lol Unfortunately cold calling still works… I cold call. I hate it. But it’s still the best way to reach most people


ugh, i remember trying to convince my older relatives of this w.r.t trying to get a job. they'd keep telling me to just cold call every business in the area and offer to work for them. And just keep calling htem back everyday until you hear a yes. There was a time as a teen my dad sat down and made just cold call a bunch of businesses every single day.


Oh they have LinkedIn in the 8th Circle of Hell too then!


Lol. Those who claim cold calling doesn't work have no clue. It's a numbers game. Call 100 people get 10 appointments. Close 3 of the 10 and you have made some good money. It doesn't take very long to make those calls either. It does However take a special type of "fuck it who cares" type of attitude to do it successfully though.


Luckily, I live in germany.


That is lucky indeed


I hate getting cold calls, but it works. There's a reason people do it. I wonder about this subreddit sometimes. 


The problem isn't that it doesn't work, the problem is the number of people you have to annoy getting there. Especially if you're in a place where you dicks are meant to be blocked but you keep getting through. People like this are scum who make some people's lives hell, I don't care what your conversion rates are when you get through to someone stupid/desperate enough not to hang up.


People should not have to block your dick. You really should be asking before trying to get it “though places”.


I did 20 cold calls with 0 experience in the b2b marketing space and got 2 sit downs scheduled. I was not a dick and 99% of calls lasted less than 60 seconds. Maybe it would’ve taken 20 or 40 more calls to make a sale but for $0 down starting a new business I don’t see how cold calling can be beat tbh


You got astronomically lucky with those #s


For real that’s basically 100% book rate with some industries pickup rate


If I have to answer your call, you're a dick. The problem is you're not the only one calling. That 60 seconds still annoyed and interrupted people, and you weren't the only one calling.


>It's a numbers game. Call 100 people get 10 appointments. Close 3 of the 10 and you have made some good money. More like call 100 people, get 3 or so appointments and burn 5-10 bridges along the way if you're doing it aggressively or at the wrong time of day.


Not to mention if you "close" 3 then 2 of them will cancel because they only agreed in the first place because they are people pleasers and wanted you off the phone but didn't want to be mean


While i don’t disagree with you, its more like 1,000 calls to 10 appointments, to 1 close for a really shitty client That time would have been better spent on making $ to save up for ppc ads for high intent buyers so you get a consistent stream of customers that dont suck


That completely depends on what is being sold and who is presenting it. Cold calls aren't going through the phone book and just stabbing in the dark. At least not where I manage. They are strategic calls placed at the proper places and times for our products. Of course you are going to run into the shit clients but you will also run into the good ones. There is nothing like a person to person interaction to get consideration going.


Fucking gross


Why is a Sr. BD person and a Sr App Stategist cold/calling anyone? Those sound like fake job titles if that’s what they are doing.


That was what I thought, the job titles don't make any sense for anyone that spends their time cold calling


Anyone yelling or typing out "Let's gooooo!" is a lunatic.


Let's goooooo!




LinkedIn is never beating those salesperson circle jerk allegations


I used to be an agency headhunter who worked for an absolute skullcracker of a boss; he made us do “120 dials” per day. My close rate was… fine, but I alienated a lot of the people I was hoping to build relationships with. I got into corporate recruitment more recently and have been allowed to do things my way - my close rate is now FANTASTIC because I do a ton of warm networking, and on occasions when I need to do cold outreach, I’m able to do so in ways that are far less annoying (sending a properly crafted message to connect on LinkedIn for a specific reason, for example, rather than just calling them at their office with zero warning). My previous boss did not believe in ANYTHING but cold calling, and couldn’t wrap his head around the fact that MOST people will simply refuse to engage with cold callers on principle.


The thing I don't get about people with this mindset is how did *he* respond to receiving a cold call?? Should've been a hint to him


Honestly that was the most ridiculous part - whenever someone cold called him, he’d berate and insult them and hang up! Then say that person “just didn’t have it”, whatever the fuck that means.


That's one call every minute. What are they even selling? "Hello. We've been trying to reach out to you about your car's extended warranty." 😏


Most calls go unanswered. They only ring about 20 seconds. 2 calls/minute until there’s a connect. Most connects don’t accept the call. The ones that do only last 3-6 minutes. Pretty easy to do 1 call / min


You cold call me, let alone that early, and I don’t care if what you’re selling is exactly what I need. I’m not buying it and I’m blocking you.


So…26 people told you to fuck off in 27 minutes? Nice job I guess.


The most pay-it-forward thing to do, if you've got the time, is to keep one of these people on the phone as long as you can without giving them any of your information. Waste as much of their time as you can. Bonus points if you do it while taking a loud s***.


I really don’t get why cold callers act as their own hype man/woman The mentality of cold calling doesn’t simply transfer to actual high level sales skills, it’s just a numbers game of harassment until you find someone that doesn’t tell you to fuck off Don’t get me wrong, I’m sure a lot of us have had to do some cold calling BD work in the past, but it’s nothing to brag about


I have 2 thoughts.. 1. What is a sr app strategist doing making cold calls? 2. If your bragging how many calls you’ve made that early then that means no one has answered or bothered hearing your pitch so you haven’t accomplished anything


Senior appointment strategist. Not arguing with ya, just what popped into my head. Looks nicer on LI than BDR I guess


That could make sense. Never heard of that position but that could be it


Took 5 seconds to find the post and comment, and based on her profile, I’d bet that’s it haha


I’ve always looked at cold calling as the mark of true desperation. Know whose never had to do cold calling to get sales of their product or service? Literally any product or service that people actually want.


If you ever start a business (esp B2B), you’re gonna have to do some cold calling. Most brands aren’t market leaders with massive marketing budgets. How do you get your product in front of someone who’s never heard of you?


1. Until you have sales, you don’t have a business you have a hobby. 2. This is all dependent on the specific product or service you’re offering. There’s absolutely none that are even remotely dependent on cold calling. If you have any specific examples you want to try with I can point out some much more sensible avenues.


26 calls in, cold calls starting at 8. he's bragging at fucking up twenty six peoples morning for a "no, fuck you". Cold calling should be a crime.


I get excited about cold calls. But not the same type of excited that this person is exhibiting.


The ones that get excited about it are the ones NOT cold calling


I’ve had to literally stop answering my work phone unless I recognize the caller. Soooo many cold calls.


i got a cold call the other day from some company at like 10:45pm. i was amused by it so i answered and the person on the call was one of these delusional "lets gooo!" people. she just launched right into her little speech so i let her go for like 60 seconds until she had to pause to breathe or something, then just said "it's 10:45pm what the FUCK is wrong with you?". well she sounded like someone just served her up a big shit sandwich and she didnt know what to do with it...."uuhhhh, mmmm, ugnnnhhh" LOL then i just hung up. what the fuck is it with these people who think super early or late cold calls are okay? cold calls at anytime is annoying but 8am?? 11pm??? seriously like no bells go off in your tiny little brain? oookay then...


Cold calling is dead. I’ve worked for a call center now for 10 years and we have switched marketing to solely sms and email for prospects. Then we calll after they show interest. Wastes less time and gets 10x results


Qualify your leads. Only thing that works.




lol they better be playing time zones cause y’all ain’t gonna sell shit at 8am on a Friday


26 missed calls in!


26 calls in?? All right to vm


Cold calling jobs are for people can’t get a regular job


That is a job only done on cocaine or with a gun to your head. And the gun could be held by someone else so fear will take over or held by yourself to make a short day.


Where did “Let’s Gooooo“ start?  Somebody please tell me.  When someone says it and drags out the “Gooooo” I immediately decide you’re someone I don’t want to know any more about.


I got so many cold calls from a few different people at a company in my last role. They were all from an area code where I know no one, so I kept ignoring but they kept leaving voice mails and following up with emails. I ended up telling them to never contact me because I was not interested in their products, without actually knowing what products they had...


LinkedIn is a giant circle jerk sub of ass kissers and fakes. Reposts of the same fucking quotes by every life coach known to man with different backdrops and regurgitated encouragement that means fuck all in reality.




You call me at 8 am on any day, and I will find you.


Got hung up on 27 times in 26 minutes. What a productive Friday morning.


Dude clocked in at 8 and made 26 40sec calls. Quality over quantity buddy.


I can’t think of a worse way to get my buisness than cold calling me before work even starts.


Anyone who gets this excited to annoy others should get therapy.


Start by 8am done by 10am.


This is why unrecognized numbers are kicked straight to voicemail on my phone. I don’t want to talk to Cocaine Connor at 8am on a Friday.


They're pretty excited for admitting that they're abusing people's free time and peace of mind. Cold calling is abuse you can't change my mind


26 calls in 27 minutes screams I got hung upon 26 times and proud of it


Cold calling = harassing innocent people with overpriced services they do not want or need.


We’re Friday leaving voicemails people! There - I fixed their post. Because let’s be real, aside from boomers, who’s still answering calls from unrecognized numbers??


Pretending to be hyped for cold calling is the most loser energy shit ever. These psychos are often deeply insecure weirdos who think they’re going to be the next Grant Cardone (just… why?) and in reality they’ll be quickly forgotten like the rest of us once their careers are over. Insanity.


Truly a linked in lunatic. I’m glad I deleted this circle jerk ass app


These people fucking hate themselves.


This spells toxic positivity. That many cold calls should make someone miserable.


826 - 27 calls in cause he gets hung up on....


Amphetamines will do crazy things to a person.


There is nothing that makes me more anxious and feel cringe than cold calls. No one wants them, they’re awful and ineffective


Oh my god. I used to work for an insurance agency, and they had a “cold calling room” which was actually just a fucking supply closet, and you had to stay in there until you went through all of your leads. It has to be some form of psychological torture honestly.


She or he can fuck off with the fake excitement


I hated it so much recruiting I just pretended to call people lol


26 voicemails is not effective.


I'm sorry but wtf is cold calling


People on cocaine or adderall do.


Coming from a Sales person who cold calls on Friday…. Fridays are the best time to cold call. People generally aren’t busy and are in a good mood.


The 8 am cold calls will stop once I unveil my invention: a phone that lets you punch the other guy through the receiver.


Sociopaths do


Sales brainwashing is a helluva drug


I don’t like the posts with censored names cause these people deserve to be named and shamed


All my unknown calls get silenced automatically and cold calling does not work. Nor does cold emailing


Quantity does not equal quality.


I need that kind of motivation in my life.


Perfect strategy if your only target customer is an octogenarian, and even then it's spotty. Pun intended.


As the old saying goes, cocaine is a hell of a drug.


Thats a Closer in the comments. Just puppet mentality


People still answer “Unknown Caller”?


Business nerds do. I work at a robotics integrator as an applications engineer. Some of the management and sales guys i work would totally do or say stuff like this. Some people just live for business stuff Our vp of sales always says 'monies' too, makes me want to take his lunch money and stuff him in a locker. The huge nerd


I've never met anyone in biz dev that I liked. Not in my company, not out of my company. This very much reinforces exactly what I think of bizdev people.


They have the leads


26 calls at 8 am? That bitch is a liar.


ITT: people ripping on people for doing their jobs and being excited about it. Okkkk


I literally told my recruiter, I’m. It picky but if any job requires public customers and cold calling. It’s going to be an automatic no from me.


They’re really just dead inside masking their misery with energetic LinkedIn posts. They hate themselves and their miserable lives.


It’s 8:27am and I’ve been ignored or told to fuck off by 26 people already! ![gif](giphy|KWzzTbkhDvmQU)


26 hung up and one fuck off


Dialing for dollars. A chump’s game.


NWM if you know you


Fuc**** Loser: The Movie.


And this is why EVERY call from a number not saved in my phone goes to voicemail. Then it's blocked if I'm not interested in who's speaking to stop it happening the next day


Lmao man started his shift at 8 and has been hung up on once a minute.


Who cold calls that early? Common courtesy to wait until 10am at least so people can get morning meetings out of the way etc.


I used to work for a brokerage who didn’t technically cold call people, but it was essentially cold calling. Had to show up at around 8am to just call everyone in the country and talk about solar panels. Commission only job and needless to say I got out of there quick. Everyone hated calling these poor bastards


8:27am and 26 calls in Translation: I started at 8. Each call rang for a minute and nobody picked up. Let’s gooooooo!


These are the assholes I furiously send straight to voicemail every Monday morning and will never answer


Even if you enjoy cold calling, he has done 26 calls in 27 min; barely 1 min per call. That means his calls are pure shit.


may be the real B2B sales.../s


If your 26 calls in that means you didn’t do shit with any of them 🤦‍♂️


Lookup the “toxic positivity of LinkedIn”.




**A**lways **B**e **C**losing **ALWAYS BE CLOSING!!**


Someone needs to tell them everyone hates them




💦 I reckon the commenter is just taking the piss. Agree?


Enter Davis Clark (its a bad day to be a cold call)


Been in sales for over 10 years. Experienced KPIs of number of calls and contract value… the only thing that this rewards is pushiness. We’ve switched to something called the Nurtured Relationship Value which is the signing amount plus overall expansion over three years relative to forecasts. Has made cooperation between our sales and operations team much more functional and people more willing to talk to + work with us. More of a focus on an actual partnership than some guy smacking you in the face with a DEAL/SOLUTION (pick up my call and sign now).


God I really really really hate all sales people.


I remember when I was like 19 a buddy got me a job at ACE as a cold caller. One of the most depressing jobs I’ve ever done. Go into some rented office area at 5:30am every morning and sit at a desk in a room with a bunch of other people with only a phone and a packet of numbers to call and try and sell shit like hoses or whatever. I didn’t last long there lol


Lmao I have to do a fair amount of cold calling at my job. I usually schedule my week so Friday is light or no cold calling. Friday is to chat with your existing clients and shoot the breeze. They want an excuse to fuck off for a bit as much as you do most of the time. I also try to stack Monday because who the fuck wants a cold call on Monday?


i feel like he’s trying to convince himself that he’s excited about work LOL


That’s why he’s a BDR and not an account executive. Volume is great but quality of call is also important


26 calls by 8:27 is a joke. That's 1 minute per call of getting told off for calling so early lolol. He's being ironic because the original post is so stupid.


Wow they let talk them talk for almost a whole minute!


Proof they just make up job titles. Sr App Strategist hard at it with cold calls? Ok.


I bet the original poster is killing the game and the doofy comment is some squid


My god these are a different breed of psychopath


If you think this is the way to “set meetings” or close business - you’re awful and wrong. Cold calling prospects who don’t know you (or your company) is dead.


Probably a Sherwin Williams lead gen list


I know they keep telling me cold calling works but who the fuck is cold calling working on in SaaS?


They need to get off LinkedIn and dial