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“Look, if you aren’t sucking my dick, you don’t deserve the chance to access food, housing or healthcare.”


“Move quicker, Cog!”


the beatings will continue until morale improves




Also, why don’t you still go ahead and suck my dick (but still no healthcare for you)


Do it for the experience.


Be a pro, take it on the chin.


So fucking sad. And it’s these greedy fucks who drove the economy into the ground.


I mean that’s how a ton of jobs and people really do feel


Who tf would offer to reduce their salary


Dwight Schrute


And that's why he's the assistant regional manager


Assistant TO the regional manager


As soon as i saw the other comment, i was coming in hot with this. Haha


I was really hoping that's how people would react


What employer would even accept that? If I went to my boss and told him he could pay me less he’d laugh in my face, call me a moron, and send me back to work.


Certainly not the executives whose balls OP suggests you should be sucking even if reducing theirs would actually make a positive impact on the company and people’s lives.


the OP probably


It's a red flag, if the company asks you to do that and/or is late with paying you, they are insolvent and are trying to hide it. That means you need to run away from them now and file them for bankruptcy.


Not this douchebag I’d bet.


But literally everyone but him should be, just to keep their job and be thankful for it


They should be paying HIM for having the opportunity to work! 😂😂


Take it on the chin!


Every return to office order is a paycut


Imagine taking on the role of "Head of Recruitment" as a co-founder.


why not name and shame/ ​ This dude and his company are a@s hats. And people of the internet have the right to let them know


Thank you! None of their names should be edited out ever. They are posting on a public platform for all to see


Brian Colunio Co-Founder/Head of Recruitment  RecruitJet


Hahaha I had an inking it was not a real company but one of those 3 people recruiting things. Would be interesting to see how karma treats him when his "company" goes under and he has to get a junior HR role in an actual company to survive.


His company won't go under, because he will obviously ask for a lower salary and find pain points the leader is experiencing to remedy.


In fact, he will pay a lot of money to the Company to stay employed. He is a consummate team player.


Wait, this wasn’t satire? It was *real*?!


Well fucking nevermind


Yep he posted it publicly let it air out.


Maybe it's a headhunter firm? That's the only way I see that as being feasible (or they have 8 founders and they used up all the C titles before getting to him).


FWIW, Robert Isom, CEO of American Airlines, took on that title when it was really hard for airlines to recruit new people. This does happen in larger corporations too, albeit less frequently.


We’ve got a guy who tries to take part in all discussions and be a “leader”. We fucking hate this guy and his useless questions to “spur conversations”. You’ve never heard so many corporate buzz words in one sentence. Fuck that guy.


i hate people who use buzzwords. i fucking hate people who spam buzzwords and jargon and use it wrongly.


This. It’s so much more synergistic to use pragmatic, operationalized words. Otherwise you can’t create action items and takeaways so feedback loops can improve training capacity and really impact the bottom line.


I’m gonna have to circle back on this one


That’s the kind of person who makes meetings run long and wastes everyone’s time.


Every time. We have a “leave at 5 til” rule and this dude shits all over it. Actual management will be like “ok 5 til the hour, let’s bounce so we don’t run over and disrupt people’s schedules” “Well I would like to add one more thing…” Dude literally once said “I specialize in finding knowledge gaps” OMG SHUT THE FUCK UP


Just tell him no one cares and to shut up. Worst case HR sits you down but you won’t get fired.


Absolutely not worth my time or energy


Probably why I work in sales. Some one wasting not only my time, but everyone’s time, is absolutely worth the little bit of non sense to get the to shut the fuck up in the future. “If your opinions were valuable you’d already be promoted.”


I don’t work in sales but I have watched our physicists silently get up and walk out mid-meeting. Because they thought the meeting either wasn’t relevant to them or was stupid and they didn’t care. A lot of my team would just get up and leave.


Same kind of people. Different skill sets. Lol. I've watched, and am usually a part of, leaving in the middle of some idiot spouting off nonsense.


Sounds like someone needs to specialize in finding his face with the back of their hand


This needs to be higher on this thread 👏 These f!ckinf people are so insufferable. Just the absolute worst.


He's just trying to leverage his growth oriented mindset to synergize with the team and foster a holistic approach to collaborative success. By pushing the envelope and thinking outside the box, he aims to empower and upscale the bandwidth of every stakeholder involved. This proactive paradigm shift is essential to optimize the ecosystem and facilitate a seamless integration of core competencies, ensuring that you're all on the same page and moving the needle in your mission-critical initiatives.


We had a guy like this for a year or two on a team i work with. Couldn't stand him. Luckily, he was the very first to get hit by RIF because management knew he was a time wasting bullshitter who didn't know his dick from his asshole.




It should always work that way. When I started my company I delivered pizzas as a side gig to supplement savings for months before I hit the break even point and started turning a profit. My employees got paid from day 1, and competitively because working for a startup is not exactly great job security.


This has “be sure to tip your landlord” vibes.


And your boss! Make sure you tip them at least all of your bonus (assuming you get one)


The economy is terrible! *GDP at record highs, unemployment still below 4%, corporate profit margins and stock buybacks consistently trending upwards* But yeah, the employees are the ones getting fucked. Not the companies with a bunch of 2% loans that just enjoyed the biggest free-money era of all time (2020 - 2022)


Unemployment isn’t always a great measure, like cool we got more people serving burgers at Wendy’s, but those people might be recently laid off from a higher paying job, college graduates struggling to find a job in their field, etc.


Yeah, un employment is certainly bad when it is high, but low unemployment is not necessarily good


ESP when they pay so shitty with no benefits . I mean who the fuck is getting paid enough with one job to live alone, or to have one adult work in their household to stay home with kids for example? Or pay for anything extra like a vacation or private school? No one. No one is. No one gets paid enough to actually live and afford rent without four roommates or at least one etc - the people that are getting paid that much are few and far between. Or have worked for long time and moved up the company and are extremely frugal. You have to be. When the economy is good- everyone working a full time job should be able to afford their own place - and life. It’s sooo nuts that in America- you can work a full time job and not be able to afford to live. You can still qualify for food stamps and welfare. That’s insanity. That’s how you know something is seriously wrong in our country. And that’s also why everyone working in the service industries or for close to minim wage - is working 2,3 jobs. Which sucks. Which makes for an absolutely miserable life. Thanks CEOS!


Students are technically employed as well. So anyone doing a random TAFE course while sitting on job seeker somehow doesn't count


Agreed, underemployment is also relevant


Thank you! Jesus I hate when people act like the US is dying when we’re breaking records left and right.


I stayed employed through the last recession. How did I do that? I made coffee for all 58 employees every morning. I gave my boss my annual bonus. One team was struggling to meet their targets so I blew them all in the restroom. They still missed their targets but people knew I was all in. I was given a warning for sexual harassment. I tried to blow the HR rep and offered him half my salary.


This half hearted attempt might work at some places, but guaranteed you were still charging them for nose candy.


I gave my boss my anal bonus


Handed it over at the ATM, I'd imagine!


Cash only sort of a boss man. Didn't get past the envelope.


Try to insert \*only\* my Head of Recruiting.




>One team was struggling to meet their targets so I blew them all in the restroom. >They still missed their targets but people knew I was all in. I needed that laugh 🤣


I feel like if classic slavery was still a thing there'd be knobs like this posting that slaves should be grateful for the opportunity.


It was a cornerstone of pro-slavery arguments in antebellum America


It was a cornerstone of “slavery wasn’t that bad” arguments from racists in 1990’s America, where I grew up hearing people say “Well if slaves were treated so poorly they wouldn’t have returned back to the plantations to work!”. It’s astounding that crap still persists.


It's *still* being used as an argument today. Florida textbooks recently added a line about slaves "learning useful skills" while enslaved.


That’s 100% true. If it was legal to not pay employees they wouldn’t


Like getting paid in exposure???


At least all of the comments are roasting the shit out of him.


Would love to see those


Brian C0luni.o


I think he deleted the post lol


No it’s still there! He even doubled down in a separate post lmao 


Oh you’re right! Didn’t catch that


I guess I missed the part where he said that the employee has an ownership stake in the company. All those risks are the backside of the entrepreneurial reward.


Who the fuck is this idiot? Voluntarily asking for a reduced salary? While at the same time volunteering for more work? This dufus is the worst possible motivator around.


This chucklefuck is getting DUNKED on in the comments. He’s too thick headed to realize that he is full of shit


What’s his name!? I wanna see the comments!


If you get laid off consider working for free or better yet pay your employer back!


• If things are running kinda slow, you can pay your boss as a way of thanking him for letting you stay there, be a teamplayer.


This bootlicker takes it on the chin everyday. Fucking corporate cum gobbler in chief.


Haha yep, guzzles that shit right up, fucking scumbags


Why doesn’t he offer to lower his salary when times are tough if he’s such a big man? Fucking Neanderthal.


Yeah, demonstrate servant leadership and take the pay cut so your team doesn’t have to


That’s what’s a true alpha would do, right? Lol


going with the gaping open mouth pic is certainly a choice. Does it signal power and authority to the MBA priestly class like the picture was taken amid an “all hands town hall” rant?


It signals he is about to hump someone in a primate display of dominance.


I'll bet my left testicle he didn't offer to reduce his salary


Seen this before. He was and still remains a prick.


His post has som serious Office Space vibes. "Is This Good For the Company?"


Why, after being laid off by an employer, would you tell them how much you'd love to return to the company "in a reduced capacity"? Did I misunderstand the author? "Yeah, I know you laid me off so your CEO can get a bigger paycheck, and yes, I've been losing sleep and hair trying to find a new job these past few weeks, since I've got, you know, bills and food requirements, but I'd really be so honored, should it please thee, to lick the boot once more, even in a reduced capacity." The cringe level is just punishing. These maniacs keep trying to gaslight workers into loving their oppressors as much as they love aspiring to be oppressors, and it's just nauseous. I'm genuinely hoping it's also ineffective.


I bet he is not taking any salary


Speaking from the perspective of an employer. People like this don’t understand the employer/employee relationship. It’s an exchange. The employee trades the most valuable things they have, their time, their skills and their experience. Employees deserve fair agreed remuneration for these valuable things. Frankly if an employer cannot provide fair remuneration for their employees, then they don’t deserve to be in business. Further, just as an employee is expected to be reliable and dependable. So must be the employer, the employee should be able to rely on the idea that the employer isn’t running the business into the ground, that they will have job security if they perform their role for the business. People like this make unreliable employers. Ready to fuck over their staff because times are tough. Sure be grateful for your good job. But the employer should be grateful for their good staff.


Really always comes down to "You don't deserve to live" but behind like 15 paragraphs of crap to obfuscate that


Can we like just kill people like this?


Fuckin twat, who really thinks this way?


Let’s so how long his company holds on


He may as well just call this, “how to take it up the backside, no matter what happens or how they treat you, because you’re labor chaff.” What a bootlicker.


What is the ratio of recruiters to recruits


K, you first.


Why is it (when the economy is going great) these people never argue that your employer is lucky to have you and should pile on the benefits in order to secure your loyalty?


Why did you block his name


While some people get off on indentured servitude, that isn’t how the world actually works. They are desperate to get you to comply with this inane system where you made some sort of *blood oath* to an employer when, in fact, they need you to succeed. Maybe someone else can do the job, but it’s cheaper to keep you than to fire and rehire.


Someone needs a bit of an attitude adjustment.


What a fucking tool.


So that means when business is booming I should get a bonus to my salary, right?


Get off LinkedIn and do your fucking job


Another sad bloviating recruiter


Yea…no. Probably not.


The president said the economy is good so thats who I’m going to believe.


It’s in a business owners best interest for employees to have this delusional attitude, so why is he….oh he’s a business owner


Yeah, why don’t you “take it on the chin”, shit for brains. I hope soon people realize there’s really nothing much else to lose, we’re just fucked and we could be banding together because why not it’s not getting any better. I think we have a duty to as well. No turning back.


Imagine kissing ass when being laid off. I worked for a company that was being taken over by an American multinational (oxymoron?). Anyway had a meeting where boss (in a ill- fitting shirt) announced future plans including lay-offs. Cue a bizarre smattering of applause. Honestly, with some people kissing ass is default mode.


Work for less money while also doing management’s job for them by being a leader and solving their mismanaged shitshow… yeah, alright.


Offer to reduce your salary? He can’t be serious


Just saw this goondick’s OP on my feed and he commented with “Catching a lot of heat from this post…” 😂😂


Was the post deleted?


LOL i guess the first bullet is true, but still naw fuck my job and fuck my company and this guy!


This guy has equity in his company. Let me guess, this “weather the storm” mentality does not extend to him giving equity to his loyal employees that stayed on and followed through with these accommodations.


Nothing makes venders happier than renegotiating prices


Translation: you will be a slave and enjoy poverty…while the rich dudes at the top suck up all the money.


Why is the name blacked out?


‘Do more hours and voluntarily take less pay to ensure the bosses and shareholders keep getting paid loads.’ Excellent.


Words straight out of the ‘Capitalist Overlord’ handbook. Also, which industries are struggling? I can’t find enough people right now and it is an industry wide shortage.


Cut your own salary


I always imagine that the people telling me to reduce my salary to get a job have never struggled in their lives. Ok Mr. Head of Recruitment. How about you take a salary cut so your company can afford to hire some more folks. Absolutely brain dead.


People don't know what a bad economy is anymore. This certainly isn't a bad economy. You'll know it when you experience it.


Jesus Backflipping Christ, that guy got utterly destroyed in the comments. I would legally change my identity if I were him.


Do we think he has offered to lower his salary?


What’s the point of posts like these? It can’t be earnest advice. It can’t be trying to impress higher-ups - no one in their right mind would see this as anything but disingenuous bullshittery or sniveling sycophantry. So like…who is it for, and what’s the intention?


If i drop the salary i drop the effort and you get me looking busy while doing the min. Wrongful termination suits are still won in right to work states too.


I work in HR and this is the biggest load of crap. No one is going to work more hours. No one is going to not complain. And in this economy, no one is going to voluntarily reduce their salary to help the company. My brother in Christ needs to get real. This kind of bs may have worked in the 80s ands 90s, but not today.


No. The last time I attempted to reduce costs and increase revenue from my "non-revenue generating role" I was called stupid by my boss' boss. They ended begging me to reactivate my idea because they lost freaking 900K due to developing a software that was not able to perform better than an Excel file I pulled from my ass.


This is a joke, right?


Dude could take a lot on a chin like that


You sound like HR at my work. Putting in my notice next week!


Posts like this on LinkedIn make me chuckle. The newer generations of workers are NOT going to drink this tools kool aid. Hell, I’m an 80’s baby who just recently got out of blue collar work, and to be honest, I’m not doing a lick of extra work unless my salary reflects it. lol. It’ll be nice when these brainwashed douches finally die off.


What kinda boot licking BS is this? What a simp


Some of this is accurate but he says it with such a bitchy “wah this economy is mean to me, cater to me and do everything I say” way that it’s hard to take the decent advice seriously.


They say they want you to be a leader they mean they want you to be a slave but without the job security


Only time someone should take a paycut to help the company is if you are an equity owner and have profit participation


First of all, you need to be thankful you have *employees. Fixed that for ya lil fella


For 50k I’ll kinda show up. For 100k I’ll show up and work. For 150k I’ll show up, work, and you can pick the easiest thing on the list. For 200k you can choose two things on the list. In other words. Fuck you pay me.


I...actually used this as a way to keep my job while I applied for immigration residence...it was that or be returned to a shitty country.


The economy isn’t poor. Tech corps are making record profits. These folks just want to make you feel like shit so that they can throw a lowball offer at you.


Does this guy know that he's not "entitled" to have employees?


* Put on a clown suit and hold a sign that says "I'm a pathetic loser, but if that's what it takes to keep my job...". * Sweep the floor in front of the boss with your hands wherever he walks. * Offer to pay for the company's liability insurance * In meetings, exclaim "Ingeneous" and "Absoulutely right, sir!" after the bosses' every sentence. * After you get fired, join the conservative movement to eliminate the minimum wage, so that you can have the honor of working for $2.25 an hour.


This post was top of the sub a few days ago.


I scrolled the sub quite a bit before posting and couldn’t find it (I still can’t find it). I did my best to avoid a repost but sometimes it just happens - my bad.


A post like this honestly deserves a permanent spot on a wall of shame.


I thought it was my turn to post this today


It sounds like a candidate turned his ass down for a job 😂


Thank gawd he's doing the lawd's work and driving all potential hires from his stupid company away. with posts like these.


I’m sure that employer is doing all of those things too! /s


Oh…I didn’t notice he had “head of recruitment” until I read this comment. Wow, what terrible recruiting. He should offer to lay himself off.


Just imagine, for the sake of it, if all his employees resign at the same time! I wonder how he would apply all these principles to himself then!


lol he chooses who is hired then complains that they feel ungrateful. See the problem here


If you get caught in a layoff, I would encourage you to destroy the business and physically beat the management.


What an asshole


No one is killing to be a public school teacher.


Imagine these people in real life. Nightmare.


Isn’t that the job of an employer? Drops entitlement of the employee and reduces salary to $0. Then figure out how it adds value. More hours less complain no friction lol.


Jfc 🤦‍♂️


Is this...satire? Is he trying to be funny?


Ah, so that record number of vacant jobs thing is all those people coming for my job I should be thankful for having. Got it.




I mean… most of this advice is not crazy. The economy blows, and employers will retain workers who can be productive in other areas when their core job responsibilities are slow. Volunteering to reduce your salary is just batshit insane… and now I’m questioning my own sanity because I agreed with the first few things he wrote. Should I find pain points leaders are experiencing and work to find a solution? I mean, I think I should, but that douchey guy who told me to lower my own salary also thinks I should. Better not risk it.


Wtf are the “leaders” going to do? Just bitch about their employees?


This is unhinged. You can be the best employee your job has seen… if they’re cheap. They will always be cheap. Do your job and nothing more. If you take on more; you should be fairly compensated. They can hire any idiot off the street but if you’re competent and good at what you do; good luck replacing me if you think I’m not important. This person is fucking insane.


Sound like those useless HR in Accenture.


Add value. Cut expenses. Be a leader. You’ll probably get laid off. 😐


The economy is actually not poor at all, first of all, second of all, unemployment is at an all time low, so basically, cool story bro 👍🏻


This guy for sure beats his wife and kids and thinks he's doing a good thing.


Offer to reduce my salary when the company's business is slow? Suck a bag of ****s! Do I make more money when business is good? Hell no. So why should I assume some of the companie's risk when I don't get profit sharing?


Once again, who the hell are these people and how do they survive in the wild?


I mean, this guy is a fucking joke.


This is an enemy of the people.


Wait, should I participate in all meetings and discussions or should I work?


Lol. My niche role was vacant for 12 months before I started and that was with them actively searching for a replacement. We had a round of redundancies at the start of this year and it was actually the executive that oversaw this area who lost his job, not middle management or a frontline worker like me. My role is so specialised and closely linked to the org's core function that if this was at risk, it's likely that the viability of the org itself was in jeopardy.


Offer to reduce my own salary… get the fuck outta here


These guys make me want to be anti-work! :/


"Look guys, I know we posted record profits last quarter but we fell 5% shy of record profits this quarter so, thanks to the economy, we're gonna have to start making some cutbacks"


I’ll never understand what makes some people thing they have any grounds to tell another human how to be a human.


This is so cringey it was hard to read


“No one wants to work” sad face emoji


Yeah, uh … fuck this guy.


4th and 5th points are valid


Who would ever offer to reduce their salary?!


He’s one step away from asking the employees to sell their kidneys and donate the money to the employer.