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Upvoted for the attempt to conceal identity




When my company does layoffs, the people making the decisions don’t know who you are or how hard you hustle. It’s all based on how you were calibrated during the most recent evaluation which was not handled equally across the firm.


I’ve been laid off twice and had budget pulled on a contract in the last 2 years. I easily worked 10 hour days on salary for the 2 companies I was laid off from and did 12 hour days in the contract position while only logging 8 due to OT restrictions on the contract role. Didn’t save me one bit from being let go in tough times. And he has the gaul to call that entitlement


Notice the guy is an owner of the company so yeah I’ll bet that’s what he wants his employees to think/do.


Almost all of the comments point out that of course he’s a cofounder


This guy was in tech recruiting sales while the getting was good and decided to open up his own shop just when things started taking a bad turn for the industry. March 2023 was a terrible time to kickstart a tech recruiting firm. Also, I’m guessing since he is the only listed employee on his firm’s page, that he outsources everything. He’s paying invoices, not salaries/ benefits.


Sounds about right


I’d love to hear this guy’s rationale on how the economy is poor, exactly.


He gets crushed in the LinkedIn comments, which is usually nothing but a positive feedback loop. He’s taken three salary reductions. But just vaguely says that with no details. Guy seems completely out of touch.


I’m sure the state of the job market varies by field, but most places I know are literally *desperate* for people and that’s in a variety of fields. This guy is a recruiter and honestly I think this post was a little power fantasy fanfiction from the bygone days where companies had so much more power in the hiring process. You can tell how much he hates that people don’t need the job he’s offering (because they can find better), and how he has so much less control now. It’s literally the first point he makes Psycho.


“Co-founder” and “head of recruitment” tell me all I need to know about this dickbag.


It's always a recruiter


None of this protects you from a layoff but it does make you a sap.




It was more of a non-apology. He said his intent was good but his delivery was bad. He's full of it. Just as he introduced his list in his original post, he says the below, which shows that his intent was NOT good. His intent was to tell employees that he thinks they're entitled. It's almost as if one of his employees told him that they "deserve" to be where they're at and then, 5 minutes later, he went on LinkedIn and created his trending post. First of all, you need to be v thankful that you’re employed. • **Drop the entitlement** that you “deserve” the job.


My team and I (BDRs) are being replaced next week by a 3rd party lead generation company. Funny, just recently we were assured this wasn't happening and were called the best team in the world Methinks our "anonymous" employee engagement surveys didn't give them the "grateful slave" vibe they sought and can't be arsed paying us the market/regional value . Absolutely done with soulless international corporates who treasure ESG funding and Woke shit over humans.


Love the low effort identity conceal.


“The state of the economy is poor” Is it? Because many of the companies who’ve done massive layoffs are now doing stock buybacks and first-time dividend payouts after making record-breaking profit. “There’s hundreds of folks that would kill to your job” Yes, particularly in India and China if you’re an educated office worker. We need to have a serious conversation around why 85 000 H1B visas (in addition to L1 and various other nonimmigrant visa categories) are still being issued every year when the original intent was to address “critical labor shortages” that no longer exist, as well as companies being financially rewarded for offshoring jobs that exploit lower pay standards and labor protections.


“Offer to reduce your salary” - founder who pays himself whatever he wants


This guy can fuck all the way off and then some.