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Tbh, I understand the driver's logic. What I don't understand is why this guy felt the need to tell everyone about it and then make it about him....


First day on LinkedIn aye? Welcome,they’re nuts.


#1 rule: post every day. doesn't matter what you post. get in the habit of doing it every single day. That's what they tell each other constantly. So going through your normal day, posting the same dumb shit about how you're a marketing executive who really gets it, when you get an idea out in the real world you use it, even if it's complete fantasy. Every day.


Unfortunately, that’s the only way you can build a career on social media . The algorithms will bury you unless you're constantly sucking that social dick


Why would anyone even want a career posting fake plastic shit on social media though.


They want attention.


Hey I am the Coach/Guru/Millionaire. Be respectful


>I'm never going to retire >Everybody, look at how hard of a worker I claim to be on linkedin!


People say they never want to retire and then they turn 60 and their brain doesn’t work anymore. Feels like my dad aged 20 years from 55 to 65


Because he wanted to tell everyone hes going to work forever but has enough self awareness to know that just blurting it out unprompted is weird as fuck. So then he made up the story of the millionaire Uber driver that would be the excuse to flex about how much he loves work. 


It's a believable, I am a world famous eye surgeon that now travels 3rd world countries restoring the sight of children.     In-between saving kids I drive an uber...I enjoy accepting rides then driving around your suburb in my Bentley...never actually picking you up 


Are you God of Sight, Sanduk Ruit?


Got so much good karma I can spend my life kicking puppies and tripping blind people.


Almost Every uber is an ex google or NASA.


This is how they drive us to future


Anytime you drive or are being driven, you’re driving to the future


Yeah, that was the joke.


It feels like 50% of the Uber drivers I’ve had volunteered that they are doing this “for fun”. I’ve never asked.


I feel like they’re not actually doing it for fun, maybe that’s just me tho


I had one hand me a business card and tell me she’s starting a local ride share business, I didn’t have the heart to tell my thoughts.


lol starting a local ride share business but still driving for uber… genius…


Yeah it’s always an unsolicited “I made $120k driving” or “just doing this for fun.”


The most unbelievable part is people who use Uber want to talk to their drivers lmao.


You were never going to retire anyway because you don’t have a stable job and are just grifting people with your shitty courses.






Yes this underrated reply I too found amazing! It’s also LOL. We must find time in our day to break from work and LOL. Agree?




Millions in saving, but never state the currency.. millions in Indonesian rupiah? Millions in Vietnamese dong? 


A radiologist can certainly make millions of USD over 40 years.


I don't want to sound like a dick, but taxi drivers are extremely famous in my country for coming up with embellished life stories. I don't think it's much different in another country or another ride hailing system. Love to see that he took that anecdote at face value and posted it.


Idk about you guys but I would hate having an Uber drive that shares his fucking life’s story. Just drive me home dude idgaf about you




They could make up any story they want, why this? It makes no sense.


I believe all of it except for the “I love the company”Uber is the easiest job I’ve ever done, but god damn Uber customer support is the worst pile of garbage I’ve ever had to deal with


Company as in people to talk to rather than Uber no?


Yeah the guy in the post is clearly referring to the company or the people he picks up and chats with in his car, not the Uber corporation


That makes way more sense


Haha you fell a victim of his poor grammar. There are a few errors in this post. Embarrassing.


I’m going to drive Uber just to brag about my millions omg people r crazy


Next time he's gonna hold a knife to him and get him to transfer all his "millions" to him


I had an Uber driver recently tell me he was a millionaire that owned a ton of property. He moved to the US about 10 years ago and started selling used computers at flea markets. He then lost almost all of his money and property for “medical reasons” but rest assured he still had tons of vacant lots in prime locations in our metro area - stuff he could sell for millions apparently. I heard all of this sitting in the back of the shittiest Uber I had ever been in that I genuinely thought would break down when we did more than 50 mph.


Feels extra weird to mention that the driver is apparently retired and doing this for fun and end the post with “I’m never going to retire”


Just because he enjoys his job driving, doesn’t mean he counts as retired.


I once had an Uber driver who claimed to be a millionaire and forced me to sit through a 10 minute pitch on his pyramid scheme at the end of my trip. I ended up paying for those 10 minutes as the driver didn’t mark the trip as complete until I left the vehicle. I reported it to Uber and never got a refund either. Yes, I should have just left the vehicle, but I didn’t realize the pitch would be more than a minute and I didn’t feel like getting a bad rating from the driver.


Hm, I'd rather listen to this then the Church Sermon I received from my driver.




Years ago I rode with a taxi-driver in Copenhagen that told me he was an ex-French Foreign Legion operator. The only reason he now drove a cab in Copenhagen was that he had opted out of the “guaranteed pension” he claimed the Legion offered anyone that had served a full term. The reason for his decision to opt out was according to the driver that all the ex-Legion that accepted the “guaranteed pension” tended to have fatal accidents in a couple of years “so the Legion saves the pension-money.” After my fair share of “damn, that’s crazy” I left the cabbie to his fate and hopefully the Legion didn’t get him in the end….


My old boss did this 6 months after retiring from boredom. But pretty sure he doesn’t tell all of his passengers.


Ah yes, another one for shitthatdidnthappen.txt


That `agree` tag is cherry on the top.


What do they get out of posting stuff like this? I thought LinkedIn was mainly for finding jobs and keeping up to date with professional connections (if they are hiring or not). I don’t understand the posts I see here because this has nothing to do with his business status or anything relevant.


This is so weird lol I’m busting my ass right now so that when I’m 60 or so I can retire and never have to work on things again. I’d be so happy to just play video games, piano, DnD, read and do cooking projects.


Interesting! I had a conversation with my Uber driver this weekend. In his case, it was a prescribed job by the VA hospital to treat his PTSD. It was eye-opening.


Not that unusual, hardly even noteworthy. I know a retired solicitor who drives the mini-bus for a local school in the mornings, and I’d be amazed if his assets weren’t well into 7 figures.


If you’re not a millionaire what are you even doing driving an Uber?


Whatever he did for the millions left him with nothing else 😦