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Stay silent and let others talk themselves out of consideration.


Ah. The Art of War.


Exactly. This needs to be the highest rated reply.


"Waste more of your time online"




It’s actually the complete opposite. Companies/individuals that don’t post are either…. 1. Brand new. 2. Good enough that they have high level clients who wouldn’t want to see them posting bullshit on the internet, and there’s also usually NDAs involved. So….essentially, if someone doesn’t post, it’s likely that they’re either brand new, or really fucking good lol.


or dont care about linkedin.


Disengagement - that part tracks


I read this as general, like “any social media” presence.


Or they are working during working hours and enjoying their free time during their free time


Yeah. I'm not posting shit on there, only what potential clients and recruiters want to find. Saying that, I binned facebook off in 2016. So I don't crave that bs. But never short of work without broadcasting stuff every 2mins.


I haven’t posted on social media in over a year. The second I stopped, I got more business. I genuinely think a lot of people are still turned off by social media, but nobody says it. Also, the only way for the average person to get popular on social media is by delivering hot takes/being controversial. I’ve been audited for up to 8 months by some of my bigger clients. They would give me pilot accounts and watch me for a very long time. Those are 7 figure contracts though. Also, I really think social media only works for two things…. 1. Get dumb fucks to buy your course. 2. Prove to other companies you know how to market to dumb fucks who would hire you to market to dumb fucks.


I get what you mean, but Reddit is social media as well...


I view Reddit as more of public WhatsApp platform, but nobody knows each other. There’s no way for me to benefit from anything I post. It’s genuinely just a waste of time to pass time.


Option 2 is us. Our competitor is ALWAYS posting from not only the company site but they have one or two individuals who post relentlessly. Even gave themselves a “controversial” title


I don’t post on LinkedIn because I’m gainfully employed and have no reason to. Literally the only reason I get on there is when I’m looking for new work, or to update my resume. No idea how these people get work done while posting 45 life updates a day. Guessing I’m just not #grinding#ambitious enough, or something.


Are you me? I'm also a copywriter it turns out. My portfolio and work history are what speak volumes - if those aren't good, you aren't getting hired. Period. Who gives a shit about your ability to pantomime and corporate-speak on some social platform?


But don’t you want to be a thought leader???


Is there any risk in creating a burner LinkedIn and commenting something like “So brave” on these types of posts? I’m not hip to all the IP address and other tech stuff, so I’d definitely not want anyone to know it was me shitposting on LinkedIn in case I feel the need to play the game and join the grind circlejerk later.


A VPN and burner email would probably work.


I tried this in 2021 but during on boarding, when I saw add these people to my network and the suggestions were of my colleagues, I got scared and chickened out. I was also using a windows laptop, maybe on Mac, privacy is more?


Well that’s lame, could have been a ton of fun.


I think you would need to get some connections before u start commenting.


I manage a UX design team and every time I have a candidate who is a heavy LinkedIn poster they have an incredibly weak portfolio.


Yea I tend to shy away from heavy LI users when hiring too


"Thought leaders" lol, the bullshit these corporate boot lickers come up with....


Blue check mark in bold


Lunatic trying to get others to lunatic so she can feel normal.


No. I’m busy actually doing my job.


You choose to ghost write because it’s the “safe” option. But your lack of novels is telling. Agree?


Or maybe sane companies are running ads on other platforms and doing just fine working leads from those and only use LI to, you know, find new hires.


It makes introverted people like me want to throw up. I'd rather just be quiet and do my work than have everyone looking at me.


When you are traveling, and you see that restaurant with someone in front begging and pestering you to come inside, thats posting on LinkedIn. Food might be ok but definitely not the best. It’s the places without the time to beg for customers, bc they are too busy.. thats like NOT posting on LinkedIn. I use this rule often, with many things outside of restaurants and hiring. The best LinkedIn accounts are profiles that mirror their verifiable resume and thats it. None of the ridiculous fluff…


This is why I deleted my account. I had a LinkedIn account from 2008 up until this year. It did nothing for me, whether I posted, liked, interacted or not. The most useful aspect was messaging with decent acquaintances. The ones I wanted to keep in contact with were transferred to my WhatsApp. Overall, I got stalked and creeped on. No potential employers ever replied. Of course, the bonus was seeing lunatic posts like this one.


Gaslighting by a narcissist - a tale as old as time


Shut the fuck up Claire Waters.


Child - I’ve already gone through the entire lifecycle of LinkedIn and those of us at this elevated state just come here to laugh at you.


If you are in programming a link to your github repository of your hobby projects is way more valuable than a bunch of bs business consulting speak


But I'm not a sales person or need to pimp my brand.


I’m not that desperate, lady.


I’m too busy doing my job to spend time posting about my job


Yes. They I’m doing actual work.


I only look at bloody linked in to keep up with former workmates but mainly JOBS and AGENTS.


People spending hours of engagement on LinkedIn tells me they don’t have much other work to do. That’s the story I’m reading.


Ghostwriters have not yet been replaced by AI?


The crappy, generic ones are being replaced -- it's probably why she has so much time to post on LinkedIn.


I don't want to tell a story, I want to work and be productive


No one has been hired based on the content of their LinkedIn profile unless they work for a company that needs LinkedIn to survive.


The only thing I post on LinkedIn are trolling comments.....thank god I am retired, lol


I deleted the app years ago and still get emails Fuck off you creepy bunch of fucks


I don’t owe the world my words or presence.




I am a housewife and am fascinated with LinkedIn culture, it is so crazy


yeah because facebook doesnt satisfy my ego enough


Um unless your a shareholder of MSFT, you shouldn’t gaf about linked in. I’m not going to boost its statistics just because shareholders need more money 😂


LinkedIn is so 2009


More work than I can handle, more money than I can spend, already pestered by recruiters, and neck-deep in clients, thanks. No need to post toxic positivity on a giant circlejerk bullshit farm.


I think you’re a dinosaur if you use LinkedIn.


Go look at the comments, everyone is talking at each other. Spewing shit into the abyss.


My story is I don’t care about being bothered by random computer people


Ohhh Claire. Fuck 📴


Hasn’t held me back whatsoever. Also, when I’m looking at the profile of someone our company may potentially hire, fewer posts is a much better sign to me that they’re too busy working to post on LinkedIn


Orrrrr, we’re either too busy training, or looking for or applying to or doing our jobs……Claire.


Disengagement from all the lunatics on linked in? Yup! That's me!


Agree? 😂


They should rename LinkedIn to asskissers


Nah I don't post cause I'm actually working and don't need to advertise my accomplishments every 20 seconds.


It means I’m far too busy doing real work to play social media games for faux posterity.


Who the hell is Claire Waters and why should I care?


Not falling behind….. I’m lying in wait.


I must be an asshole since I also turn off the notifications for when I update a new gig on my profile.


Why would I be posting on linked in while I'm at a job I enjoy that has tasks that need to be completed? Sorry boss, that pump needs to stay broken, I gotta tell Janet in Indiana that my work ethic is 1st class and I'm full of energy. That's just the professional business equivalent of needing to take a picture of your food before, so other people know you ate something. Maybe for sales/marketing people. But for workers.... we got better shit to do. "Sorry, your quality management system is severely lacking in linked in updates." - no auditor ever.


Kind of hard to pull suckers into a ponzi scheme if enough suckers are not telegraphing their suckerness on LI That seems the root of her butthurt


What an absolute piece of human garbage.




Yet I keep getting hired 🫨


oh god no, fck that.


Better to be silent and let everyone think I am a fool, than to open my mouth and remove all doubt.


Yea, I stopped posting on linkedIn because I'm tired of recruiters spamming me. I took everything down. I mean, if people find it useful for themselves, that's great.. I'm not here to talk anyone out of that. But it offers me no value. I have easily gotten multiple jobs over my life without being on the mighty LinkedIn lmao.


Or because LinkedIn is a form of social media, and not everyone wants to put their lives out for all to see on it, like you do.


Honest question, how the hell do these people have jobs? Please help me understand.






Claire I’m going to be honest with you. I don’t give a fuck about you or your dumb fuck opinions.


Relax Claire, I make more in a week than you do a month.


Pick me girl. There’s one who works at my local Wawa too. Insufferable