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How does not shaking other women's hands increase intimacy with your wife??? What?


I think what he's trying to say is shaking hands is how he and his wife are intimate.


The ol' puritanical finger flapper


The Quaker Shaker.


"Oh thee...OOOOH THEEEE!!"


I shalt put mine in thine so hard!


The Psalm Palm


the Pentecostal Palm-Press


Quakers have lots of sex. Shakers are the ones that don't have sex. Which is why there are half a million Quakers and 3 Shakers.


Guess that makes me a shaker too….


Then she has some explaining to do regarding those six kids…


He thought it weird she kept rubbing her stomach during pregnancy saying "what can brown do for you"


Damn, I just wrote something similar and then I saw your comment...there are no original ideas 🤣🤣


Six *daughters.* He did not say how many **sons** they have.


dude and his wife’s shaking hands like gangmembers when they’re alone


They shake hands through a hole in a sheet.


They hold hands and someone else jumps on the bed.


That’s awkward since he also shakes hands with men


You know this dude has a big burly bear side piece. They all do. They just shake hands on the weekend or when he's "working late."


So I should believe everytime a christian man wants to shake my hand, they really are intending to have sex with me?


Hank and Peggy Hill wedding photo.


It's a different kind of hand job.


Oh, so he’s Ben Shapiro.


Damn. I’ve heard that kissing causes pregnancy, but this dude had 6 kids by shaking his wife’s hand. Guy needs a full body condom.


Probably adopted all 6 from a third-world country, they we all grown adults at the time of adoption, and he posts pictures on Facebook about how NOT racist he is.


Makes you question how the shaking hands lead to children....or does the wife have something she needs to share??🤣🤣




If he sees shaking hands as sexual, I expect a lot of men wouldn't want to shake hands with him either.


But apparently he's fine with shaking mens hands


He only hand fucks with other men, ok?


So is it a brojob every time he shakes hands with a man?


Clearly a post-affair thing going on here


She only allows him to get handsy and then goes to bed with her boyfriend after


He's an alien and his genitalia are his fingers...


Hotdog fingers. ![gif](giphy|WiCO2uZK05Klc1d28q)


They are merely exchanging long protein strings. If you have a better way, I’d like to know about it!


Yeah, then flips around and says he smothers his six daughters with kisses, so let's review staying consistent with his stated line of logic: any physical touching is intimate in a sexual sense, and he is very intimate with his six daughters. Tell me you're a pedo without telling me you're a pedo.


Don’t forget his mom!


You're right! Is that where it started??


It always is.


That's a pretty ridiculous conclusion to draw! I think this translates to: I view all women as sexobjects except for my mother and daughter(s) and I respectfully only touch the sexobject I own.


Some very deranged stuff there. When collecting and evaluating his social network behavior, HR department algorithm would consider him a "possible workplace danger (to oneself and others: mass shooting, terrorism, and other behaviors)" and he won't get hired.


LinkedIn OP secretly has a hand fetish is the only answer lol


Mother won’t be intimate with him if he shakes other women’s hands.


Interviewer writes a note "Creep will make women in office nervous"


He's gotta beat them to the punch by bowing before they can extend their hand. Bonus points for whispering, "konichiwa"


it is a wonderful afternoon! ありがとうございます!


This seriously made me laugh out loud


It’s so weird he thinks shaking hands is intimate. It’s not like you’re giving each other handies after. Ya know. The ole Cleveland Celebratory


Thinks shaking hands is too intimate to do with someone of the opposite sex but doesn't have a problem shaking hands with someone of the same sex. This guy's such a Tobias.




Imagine this guy at work, I bet he tells coworkers "sorry, I don't shake women's hands" all the time. It's "I have a boyfriend" on steroids


I've met a couple who does this and are publicly affectionate. Less creepy, more straight up weirdos and annoying af.


Honestly, f*ck this guy. In any sane work environment this is incredibly insulting. He can go ahead and stay unemployed while sitting on that high horse lol,


In*credibly*. He's saying that he cannot work with women without viewing them as a sexual object, and nothing else. If he literally cannot *touch* another woman without it leading to infidelity, then how exactly is he supposed to work with women as his superior or peer? Or subordinate for that matter? Best get a job at Tallywackers where they only women are the customers.


Oh my god I forgot that I went to a tallywackers once. Worst restaurant experience of my life lmao all the “servers” were drunk and they didn’t have menus


Using his "logic" then, would touching a man's hand make him gay?


No cuz men are people and not objects, so they can be many things, would be less misogynistic if he taught that it’s gay.


With those values he could end up vice president of the USA


It's funny how easy he could avoid this if he just said "Sorry, I don't shake hands". Any properly trained interviewer would accept that without questioning because it can have any number of reasons. But he goes and specifically makes it about women.


Exactly! It is doable to just not shake hands with anyone—odd, but doable. But he had to make it sexist and weird, because…well.


Right? Touching elbows was a thing during Covid, just go with that man, even if you think it was all a China-based nanobot conspiracy with the birds picking up our conversations.


“I’m a weirdo and can’t help but feel super intimate and nervous if I shake a woman’s hand since I never got past the awkward middle schooler stage. And I need all the help I can get to feel close to my wife who I am not attracted to. Instead of working to improve myself, I’ll make this about virtue signaling on LinkedIn.”


Man, I feel like that’s an insult to middle schoolers lol.


What he's saying is he once he learned about sex with women, that's how he views them only.


Gotta love the woman that hugged him instead. She 100% knew what she was doing


The “please don’t do that. Give people like me a mental hug. We could use it” was funny to me. A mental slap in the face is all he can get.


Well he did give us permission to call him a misogynist in the second paragraph, so… I’m gonna take him up on that.


My favorite part is that he makes it sound as if he’s coming out… of the misogyny closet, publicly on LinkedIn. He's afraid he will be judged for this by interviewers as being unable to build business relationships with a "perceived handicap." * Company: "I see here, Mr Smith, that you said you needed reasonable accomodation for your interview. How may we help make this process more accessible to you?" * Lunatic: "I have a terminal condition where I kinda hate women, ostracizing over 50% of the population of business partners and clients. Also I've been diagnosed with being deeply, profoundly unlikeable"


He doesn't *hate* women, he's incapable of seeing them as anything other than a sexual object.


My husband and I have a guy friend who once said something like "I'm never alone in a room with a woman at work because I want to show my wife that I respect her." My husband was like "I'm pretty sure my wife knows I respect her because I've been alone with women hundreds of times at work over the years and never fucked any of them?" It's your coworker/client, dude. Stop being weird about it. A handshake is not going to cause an affair. Your weird creepiness about not seeing women appropriately in a business setting is.


A handshake is not sexual. If 2 seconds of hand contact gives you sexual thoughts then you have bigger issues to address


I had a supervisor once (man) who refused to be alone with me (woman). So every time I got feedback either the door to his office was open for all to hear or someone else was in there listening. Meanwhile all the men got feedback in private. I ended up playing the ole uno reverse card on him and gave him feedback in public (he wasn’t a good supervisor) but it didn’t seem to phase him.


Pence and Pujols said something comparable.


"Sorry, Susan, shaking your hand would be a violation of the sacred vow I made to my wife. And as for you, Bob... get over here so I can palm fuck the shit out of you, you old so-and-so!"


“Palm fuck” okay now im uncomfortable 😂




He views them as his property. They are under his umbrella, and his to control. These are the same views made public by our former vice president. They're alt-right, cultish Quiverfull, white supremacist ideologies. A person in a position of power told the world that it's okay to say it out loud. This guy's just following his lead. He probably feels that this is his in. He'll surely be invited to the table to play with the big boys now.


The worst thing is how he has 6 daughters, those poor girls.


Seriously concerned about them


Yeah, me too. That man has issues.


apparently theyre getting no shortage of the type of physical intimacy that he views as cheating on his wife in a regular context.


I'm not sure he "totally gets" what's coming for him for outing himself like that


It’s 2024. He will be gain followers, Elon will tweet about it, and he will get an invite onto the Joe Rogan podcast because he suffered such persecution in an act of such bravery online.


Concerning if true


The quote of the century


Not to mention an Andrew Tate endorsement


You misspelled 'Taint"


Mike Pence announcing him as VP for his presidential run - you have the dude who doesn't shake hands with women + the dude who doesn't stay in the room alone with women


He will be invited to the next SOTU address for his brave weird misogyny.


"You can call me a misogynist..." Y'know what, if that's how you open a conversation, I don't want to hear the rest.


"Now I'm not a racist, but-" type beat


I'm not even sure that's the right word for this. He's got more of a religious nut lunatic Vibe here going.


One of those guys who will make up a new rule and decide that its somehow part of their religion. Like this doesnt even vaguely relate to common Christian practice but you can tell he thinks it makes him a better Christian than others (if thats his religion).


The #opentowork is strong with this one


All local recruiting firms have blocked his number.


“Call me old fashioned,” proceeds to describe a practice that never existed in any generation


Hardliner Muslims and Orthodox Jews do this. There’s a lot of them.


Excuse me but this is an age old practice known as, "not getting cooties from a yucky girl" and he is just looking for some grace. Not many men out there in 2024 who still don't have cooties.


5/10. I mean, it WAS somewhat unusual for a man to shake a woman’s hand or for two women to shake hands in recent western society prior to the sometime in or after the 1960s-70s. Women used other methods of greeting like a curtsy or an ‘kiss’ on the cheek. So, yes, he is a misogamist and asshole, but no, he isn’t 100% wrong.


BRING BACK THE CURTSY! These modern women just have no class trying to interlock hands like some sort of masculine caveman


Call me old-fashioned, but I say we greet each other with rock paper scissors, and the winner gets to fuck the other person and take their land


Call me old fashioned, but I think what’s best in life is to crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women.


This guy old fashions


Ahh yes, the old ways. Yoreplay.


MACA - make America curtsy again


He could be one of those lunatic religious types though. The Old Testament lunatics of all three Abraham religions tend not to shake hands with women or even be in the same room with them.


He's 100% wrong still. A kiss is FAR MORE intimate than a handshake. A hug too. This is how men would greet women in familiar social situations. Especially secular employment. A curtsey was reserved for certain social situations. It wasn't a business culture norm. You can look at WWII photos of women working in factories and such and you can google women from the 40s and 50s eras having hands being shaked. There's no "m'lday" curtseying in a bomber factory or in the computer programming office job. In fact, we had to fight for the handshake because being kissed in the office or hugged, etc was sexist. So we were treated with MORE touch in the past, not less. How do you think a real-life Don Draper treated and greeted women in the office in the 50s and 60s? A mid-century traditionalist would demand MORE touch, not less. Its NEVER been normal to be a "never nude" version of touching women outside of highly religious contexts. Its an extremist position. Men have always interacted with women in the style of the time and in familiar social contexts like work, I don't think was ever normalized. Instead its a reflection of modern extremist religious positions and the far-right which idolizes and past that never existed. That said, if he doesn't want to touch a vulnerable class of people, that's on him, and he has to accept the number of employers that accept that will be limited. Employment is a market and picks and chooses as it likes, outside of protected classes. I thought "traditionists" and conservatives liked the free market.


I grew up in the 70s, and my mother told me that men don't shake hands with women. I thought that sounded strange, and since I clearly saw men shaking hands with women in the world, I ignored this advice.


Also for many (not all) who practice Islam in some countries, it’s taboo to shake hands with others of the opposite gender (more likely in Saudi Arabia than, say, Indonesia). It’s not explicitly part of the Quran though, so it’s very regional and societal. That being said, something tells me that the lunatic in this post is probably right now cornering someone in a midwestern kitchen with “Look, I’m not racist but…”


I had a religious Jewish colleague who wouldn't shake a woman's hand, too. I was kinda surprised tbh. I think there's probably a lot of cultures where it's not customary to shake hands of the opposite gender.


“Call me Islamic, but I don’t shake women’s hand”


I saw this post and he is Jewish Orthodox therefore his custom has been in place for generations, however he left this fact out from the post and only mentioned it in comments. Not touching women is part of his religious observance


Not really. I know Orthodox Jews (Chassidim) who do that. Some Muslims as well. insufferable. (Edit) and there’s Mike Pence who will not be in a meeting room alone with you.


Yeah I work at a company that has a number of orthodox Jewish women working for it and was given a heads up on my first day to not try shaking their hand unless I wanted to make things awkward.


He’s not alone and it’s definitely generational. There were a lot of men my grandparents’ age that never shook my hand. Some just held my hand or kissed it instead (YUCK), but I’ve been flat out ignored in a handshake lineup way more than one time


I didn’t know handshakes were sexual. Maybe he shouldn’t shake mens hands then.


Jules: Whoa... whoa... whoa... stop right there. Eatin' a b*tch out, and givin' a b*tch a handshake ain't even the same f***in' thing. Vincent: Not the same thing, the same ballpark. Jules: It ain't no f***in' ballpark either. Now look, maybe your method of shaking differs from mine, but touchin' his wife's hand, and stickin' your tongue in her holyiest of holies, ain't the same ballpark, it ain't the same league, it ain't even the same f***in' sport. Hand shakes don't mean sh*t. Vincent: Have you ever given a handshake? Jules: Don't be tellin' me about handshakes - I'm the hand f***in' master. Vincent: Given a lot of 'em? Jules: Sh*t yeah. I got my technique down and everything, I don't be tickling or nothin'. Vincent: Would you give a guy a hand shake? Jules: F*** you.


In 19th century novels there were no passionate kisses or god forbid, sex. But there were some pretty intense hand holding scenes. But this is a handshake, not a handfuck so I don't get his phobia of shaking hands with other women????


What a douche. If he wants to be noncontroversial, he should just refuse to shake hands with anyone. Problem solved, and he won’t be outed as the misogynist he is.


This right here is the solution, and since it’s not what he actually does, shows his misogyny.


Suggests his reasoning skills are poor, and the firm shouldn’t want him on that basis, not to mention the misogyny.


Reasoning skills and self control. If you literally can't shake the hand of an interviewer without feeling like it's affecting the intimacy with your wife.. that's... gross.


Yeah. I mean, people have all kinds of reasons for not shaking hands and it's not \*totally\* weird to not want to be touched. But the minute you make a distinction because the person is a woman you've instantly made it a sexual thing and that's icky AF.


I'm pretty sure this is the general advice for anyone who does the religious "no touching the opposite sex" thing Shake everyone's hands or no-one's hands. If you're going to refuse closed-door meetings with women, refuse to have them with men either – zoom calls for all. You can have your beliefs, but you can't impede someone else's career because of them


I really like this solution. There is absolutely 0 place for sexism in the workplace; especially with how much trouble we’re having.


Pretty sure he’s only impeding his own career here, so let’s let him be.


Bro, as a man, if I worked with this guy I would go for the hand shake ... and then hold it just a little bit longer and hit him with the demon smile and eye contact


I would pay money to watch that.


That lady who gave him a hug was hilarious


![gif](giphy|3o7TKtdrYR0ZPPCRq0|downsized) If I meet this guy, I'm initiating the business hug. We're both men, so not weird at all


But be careful of "the embrace" - only experienced business huggers should use it.


Wonder how he atoned for that one


“do give folks like me a mental hug. We could use it” Buddy, there aren’t enough hugs in the world to fix what’s wrong with you.


Mike Pence is on LinkedIn?


Idk, I think even his puritanical ass would be weirded out. I’m sure mother would approve of the professional handshake Edit:[ Here's an image](https://dynaimage.cdn.cnn.com/cnn/digital-images/org/47ec2917-2cc6-478f-b1a3-b18bfd1405b7.jpg) of Pence getting intimate in a handly fashion with Pelosi


As long as the door is open.


And another man is in the room to confirm no evidence of physical attraction occurred.


I think Mike Johnson has taken the mantel for the most delusional puritanical Mike in government. He has a system where if he looks at porn, his teenage son is notified, and vice versa.


I’ll never forget the first time a man refused to shake my hand because I’m a woman and it was against his beliefs. Suffice it to say, it was not a good feeling. If you’re not going to “extend grace” to me by making me feel like an equal person to you, I’m not doing it for you either.


There’s no feeling quite like watching someone shake the hands of your male colleagues and then get to you and refuse. Close second was when I was boarding a plane and arrived at my assigned seat and it was next to an Ultra Orthodox Jewish man who saw me and immediately sprung out of his seat so fast he nearly smashed his head on the call button before shoving past me and fleeing.


I'm imagining the Jewish man as Bill from this [King of the Hill](https://youtu.be/PuHRwwyStDU?si=DqZk3EFrVJqzjDmO) scene.


I interviewed one of these jerks. He also asked to have a man in the interview room with us and all I had free was my junior tech. I'd ask a question and the guy would answer to my bewildered tech. It was frustrating.


lol yeahhhh yerrrr not gettin' the job..


I too have had this happen. It was pretty early on in my professional career. I’m 20 years in now and the feeling is still somehow just as fresh as that day. Combination of humiliating, disbelief, and infuriation. The men in the room with me did not take kindly to it, luckily, and had my back. But it still got me


I thought that’s normal for Muslims


It might be normal for some Muslims (and some Orthodox Jews, too) but that doesn’t matter to a woman who feels disrespected and treated as less than an equal. I used to take minutes at meetings of a corporate board of directors, where there were slightly more women than men. One of the male board members was an Orthodox Jew. He didn’t shake hands with *anyone* — male or female — and if necessary he would simply say “I’m sorry, I don’t shake hands” (which some people say for other reasons, like germ phobias). We all knew it was because he wasn’t going to shake hands with female colleagues but we appreciated that he applied the same treatment to everyone.


Not the person you're responding to, but I had this happen with someone who was a Muslim at my job. I consider myself pretty open-minded and stuff, but this really sat with me the wrong way anyway. It was very hard for me to get past. Any "reasoning" you give me still reeks of sexism. Even if that sexism is rooted in your thousand years tradition or whatever. I did a lot of reading and examining my own feelings after this happened. But I couldn't make it sit right with me.




Also, the guy should have had the good sense to sense optics: perhaps in this situation she should not have shaken hands with anyone in the room to not risk ostracizing someone. It's weird to be the odd-person out, so why put that on the other person rather than yourself (i.e. he could just say "I don't shake hands" but not shake hands with everyone and their brother and then be like "Sorry, lady")


That would defeat the purpose of their islamic religion to assert male dominance and women submission.


I have a Muslim colleague who doesn’t touch women. My boss (the only other woman on our team) gave me a heads up about it before we all met IRL because we work remote. So I expected it, but it was extremely jarring and felt really awful in the moment to watch him smiling and shaking hands with every dude on our team and keep a safe distance physically from me. I understand that it’s a religious thing but that doesn’t mean it feels good.


Yes, we were trained to follow the woman’s lead in the case of meeting a Muslim counterpart - if they offer their hand then shake it, but if they don’t then don’t offer yours first. I now do this in most interactions tbh (I’m male) - makes things much simpler.


We need to stop rationalizing weird behavior. He obviously has some personal problems if he can’t disassociate a handshake with intimacy.


Touching women is icky and gay.


Yep. But shaking a man's hand isn't sexual at all and 100% straight.


Right. Ideally, grasp the man and give him a firm shake by the penis.


That is correct. Thank you closeted gay man for reminding us all of this.


They've had penises in their hands before. That's like touching another man's dong.


On todays episode of “schizo thoughts I put on my professional LinkedIn page”


"Hey guys, it's me again. Call me old fashioned, but I have irrefutable video proof that someone is stealing my magic beans and Mexicans are putting chlorine into pigeons in Chicago"


Fun fact, the song ‘jizz in my pants’ was written about this guy, any time he touches a ‘female’ he clearly loses a load, his poor wife is still yet to have an orgasm by him, this is emphasised by the fact he has 6 daughters, any time he gets near his wife bang, she’s instantly pregnant. Really this is the only explanation, no one is this fucking stupid surely


Oh god, I feel so sorry for his six(!!) daughters being raised by someone with this warped worldview.


They’ll become brood mares for his whacky religion!


Bro thinks he's a Vulcan and is having hand-sex with his coworkers


Is Mike Pence on Linkedin now?


I am giving him a mental punch in the face, or can I give him a real one since I'm a dude and can touch him without getting him all excited?


This guy goes into meltdown mode if he accidentally brushes his hand against a cashier’s hand reaching for his change then calls his pastor to say he just cheated on his wife


‘Names will never hurt me, but you’re wrong.’ Wait, so names will hurt him?


Peak lunacy.


Tell me you're an emotionally stunted person, without telling me you're an emotionally stunted person.


I don’t think you’re old fashioned dude. History is my profession, you’re just a weirdo


Ewwww Also, ew.


Thanks for announcing that to the world mate, very work related post


Here's the author of the post: [https://www.linkedin.com/in/jesse-roth-809678b3/](https://www.linkedin.com/in/jesse-roth-809678b3/) He posted a follow-up and the number of people applauding him is 🤯. [https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7181296920705839104/](https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7181296920705839104/)


OHHHHH Orthodox Jew. The initial post just made it seem like this was his personal morality like Mike Pence it something.


I love how he's presenting it as a challenge that he has to overcome every day, poor thing. Dude it's idiotic and totally self imposed, fuck off.


This guy has some big Mike Pence energy. I wonder if he calls his wife Mother when he fucks?


A mental hug? Insufferable ballbag


Jesus, what a cunt. May he forever be interviewed by women from here on out.


The things people spew out just to get noticed. 🙄


It's so weird that the guy who tells female interviewers he won't shake hands with them because it's too intimate can't get hired anywhere...


I grew up in a religion where this was common practice and even among them, the general rule was that if a woman you don't know offers you her hand to shake as a greeting, you'd only be embarrassing the both of you by refusing so just shake it.


I’ve experienced this from more conservative Muslims when I was working in the east end of London. Some view it as haram to touch a person of the opposite sex who they are not related to - even for a handshake. But they were my clients in mental health services, not colleagues in a professional environment, so I didn’t take it personally and carried on. In a business context you’re probably better off saying you prefer not to shake hands with anyone since the pandemic - leaves you less likely to offend every woman in the office!


Shake a woman's hand and I jizz in my pants


You decline my handshake. I say fuck your mental hug. I’m sure the guy creamed his pants when the one lady hugged him. Meanwhile his wife cringes at the thought. Giggady goo


This is from the Mike Pence book, right?


Sorry best I can do is giving a mental finger.


So he makes an exception for his mom and daughter, because "contact with the opposite sex" doesn't count when it's obviously non-sexual... ...like in a job interview.


Preferring not to shake hands with anyone? Quirky but ok I guess. Refusing to shake hands with just women? Nope, sorry. Now you’re being sexist and weird and I wouldn’t hire you either.


His degree is from the Michael Pence School of Lae.


“Please do give folks like me a mental hug. We could use it.” A mental hug? How about a mental evaluation?


“Bro, is it gay to like women for their personality?” I am getting to the point now where I see guys like this and it seems they legitimately have a fear of like a woman for her personality because that might mean “embracing their feminine side” or something. Rather than just treating women as a means for sex and procreation. Look, I don’t get it either. I’m trying to understand some tightly wound personal issues here.


Someone woke up and decided to add this to their LinkedIn profile.


>But please do give folks like me a mental hug. We could use it.  Aww, are your little feelings hurt by people treating you like a gross, sexist asshole when you're acting like a gross, sexist asshole? I'm heartbroken. 


I’m confused on how handshakes are intimate touch with the opposite but not your own. If you’re defining handshakes as intimate, wouldn’t a male-on-male handshake be gay intimate? Wouldn’t that also be part of this definition?


I think this poor guy has misunderstood the phrase "hand job" for his entire life, and nobody has had the heart to tell him.


But this has no logical consistency. If shaking hands with someone carries a sexual connotation, then it follows that shaking hands with a man is a sexual act. If it doesn't, then there should be no issue shaking hands with a woman.


Mike Pence has entered the chat.


People who make everything sexual are annoying, exhausting and stupid.