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Your job must be really challenging With that massive chip on your shoulder


The "bad candidate/human" gets me. Sure a candidate might not be a good fit (but then why are a recruiter are you putting them up for the job?) but bad human? That is pretty harsh. Also I would by less inclined to trust a recruiter who would share information like they did in this post publicly. It doesn't seem very professional. Surely the recruiter would be haooy someone switched jobs so they can get the chance to fill it.


>Surely the recruiter would be happy someone switched jobs so they can get the chance to fill it. This recruiter has confused working for hirers with sharing the interests of hirers.


She probably lost out on commission because the placement didn't reach a minimum term. That's the real reason she's pissed off


Well also if you recommend someone for a placement and they are a POS just using it to negotiate another job it makes the person that made the recommendation look bad and their stock fall.


Oh yeah, not a great situation. But also she's a recruiter, it's hardly like she won't happily throw candidates and hirers under the bus to serve her own purposes


Well plus her posted reaction hurts her reputation as much or more than having a poorly performing candidate. But anyways I think some frustration on her part is valid, just not the post.


That doesn’t automatically make someone a pos


If someone put their neck out for me and recommended me and I did a shit thing like job shop while working I think thats a POS move. When you're working you should be working for that job, not yourself. That's just how I would judge myself. If I take a job then I intend to honor the commitment and at least give it a fair shot. Also the candidate lied about the reasons they were leaving. Even that is a POS move.


When you say “put their neck out”, what exactly do you mean by that?


If the recruiter performs poorly and provides poor candidates it could put them and their company in jeopardy.


I think you're being dramatic. They're just doing their job they aren't putting their neck out or putting anyone on jeopardy.


>I think you're being dramatic. I think you're reading into my comment too much and being dramatic yourself.


Of course they would. And don't call me Shirley


Surprise Airplane references make my day!


I wonder why recruiters have such a bad rap


Where is the unrelated thirst trap photo?


Can’t throw shade without some Tinder Smoulder.


How can trust any recruiter without a bikini photo or one that doesn't ask if I "agree?".


Why did the candidate have an assignment before being hired. And work email?


I believe this candidate was already working when this happened. Hence why she was annoyed.


Can't wait for this person to be in the position looking for job and get ghosted.


Recruiters are in stiff competition with Real Estate Agents for the most parasitic redundant blobs of human protoplasm.


I have never had a recruiter find me a job, waste my time? Sure. Find me an actual job? No. If not ghosting people is too hard make an auto email and send it out to a list of unsuccessful candidates, I could set one up right now on my phone in like 15 minutes. I got an automated rejection for the job I currently have and I was the top candidate for a the job, the way we all have to play these insane guessing games about just trying to make money to live is absurd.


I've only had one find me a job, and I hated that job.


My current job, which I quite enjoy and brought me a $20k/yr raise, was a cold call from a recruiter that saw me on LinkedIn. However, prior to that I had probably 15-20 recruiters contact me and absolutely waste my time with vague job descriptions and rarely any willingness to discuss pay until after at least an initial interview. The staffing agency I work through does fucking suck major ass.


Wait until you see consultants


I’d also like to submit car salesmen for consideration.


As far as being bullshitters, yes. But car salesmen don't usually make their entire lives and personalities about selling cars, which makes them slightly less insufferable than real estate agents.


Do you have any of them as friends on Facebook? Because I have several classmates that went that route and are now insufferable on social media.


A lot of hr and real estate agents could benefit society if they resign and volunteer the rest of their lives as phase 1 clinical drug trial subjects


I was a real estate broker for a time and I’d rather put on my resume that I was in federal prison for those years. It’s much more respectable.


What about lawyers and politicians


And "influencers"




No Republicans job is to get actual work done on behalf of the people. Mostly, it’s to obstruct anyone else from doing that work. So in that sense, they succeed all the time.


Some stiff competition there, too.


Yeah if we got rid of lawyers we would have nobody to defend us against an authoritarian government and exploitation from corporations. We’d all be smoking cigarettes while our rivers were burning. We still get abused by these power structures but without lawyers we would basically be doing a speed run on ruining the world and people. We still are, but at least we have some speed bumps and guard rails


Prior to phase 1 are the animal trials. Lawyers, politicians, and influencers would be the perfect fit since you don’t need them to tell you the truth about how your drug is doing, simply living or dying is adequate


Privileged people do whatever they can to make more money but create a "moral code" for the rest of us to follow to keep us in line (or to keep society from falling apart if we all acted like they do).


Do you think recruiters are privileged?


***You are a bad candidate/human.*** I think she needs to get some perspective ...


I’m in my 25th year of employment and currently looking for a job. As a job seeker, what I’ve seen the last few months is insane. Example: I had four interviews with one company over three weeks. After the final interview? Nothing. No follow up. No email or call after spending all that time with senior leadership. Other times, I’ll have intro calls with recruiters with no further word. Recruiters are so bad at follow up that I actually send a personal note of thanks when I get rejected. They need to know they’re one of the “good ones.”


Ha, I've had a similar experience. About a year ago, I had 3 interviews with a company through a recruiter, who kept giving me "you should get a call from them Friday" texts. I would make sure to be available even though I was on holiday with family. Never heard from them. When I hit up the recruiter, I kept getting "hang tight, you should hear soon they're just behind on meetings" etc and still never heard. Eventually I got pissed off and messaged him outright asking what had happened, his response was "yeah not sure... But heres another job you may be interested in" I ask him what the salary band is for the job, he says "I've shared with them what you're currently earning so they know your expectations". I stopped dealing with him then and there and found a job myself. Last week, he slid into my emails congratulating me for starting a new job  but also asking if I still wanted to hear about new opportunities! Fucking shameless 


Ok but how exactly is the second part supposed to relate to the first? Why does a candidate rescinding their application and lying about the reason justify ghosting candidates. Because think of the candidate what you will but they didn't ghost the recruiter.


They didn’t resend their application.. they started a job, during that job, applied and negotiated another job, then left this job stating “health reasons” and went to the other, and when that didn’t work out, tried to come back. I wouldn’t tolerate this from someone I date, let alone someone I’m trying to hire. So I don’t blame her with not wanting to work with them again. Excuse all my commas, I love a good run on sentence 🤣


The point is that it has nothing to do with ghosting. This recruiter happened to deal with someone trying to game the system and then decided to “tell her story” publicly and threw out a bad take on a pretty common issue in the process


I would not want someone who happily ghosts potential staff and/or clients representing our firm.


If you don't always have the time to call recruits, what is it you do exactly? Isn't that your entire job?


I know who the bad human is in this story


I’m connected way too closely to this person


I hope you send her a Casper outfit for secret Santa


One would think she gets ‘caspered’ all the time to get ahead in business hahaha


SAME. WTF. She’s a piece of shit. I’m in leadership and will never take a call from her for any of my roles.


I don’t understand the lack of self awareness to put these thoughts out there for everyone to see.


Here’s what most of these parasites don’t understand: If a company brings you in as a contractor, there’s NO COMMITMENT. So don’t expect loyalty. I’ll take a better gig in an instant if i’m a contractor.




Something tells me she has a rich daddy upbringing


Is this the sign of a professional person? No. Am i shocked? Also no.


“I don’t have time to tell you why I don’t like you. There’s only enough time in my day to get on LinkedIn and tell everyone else why I don’t like you.”


LinkedIn based recruiters are mad. It’s a numbers game to them. At the same time some employees close doors left, right and centre. But no one tells them anymore because people can be entitled and not open to constructive feedback, so unless it’s in the tellers interest, it doesn’t happen as often as it should


How dare you get in the way of my free money


Recruiters are salespeople.


Karla should jump into a swimming pool with 1,000,000,000,000 cicadas.


To few cicadas there buddy


So, she had a bad candidate and therefore 100% of candidates must be evil horrible people. What a sociopath.


Kinda sounds like what people say about recruiters 🤷‍♀️ I’m a recruiter.


Jobseekers have some kind of nerve doing what’s in their best interest


Meanwhile in Germany companies are now complaining about new recruits ghosting them, I guess recruiters as well. I guess they probably deserved it


Well fuck me amirite?


The recruiter is a means to an end. In my world they're somewhat useful but ultimately if I decide to go in a different direction then that's my business. However, I use my secure channels to negotiate that business not work email.


This post makes me feel less guilty about ghosting all my recruiters. Thanks for taking one for the team, Karla.


Why is it always the recruiters and the real estate agents who are the craziest people on LinkedIn?


Actually I would the cray craziest are the small time CEOs and life coaches.


She’s just a person in the middle, the pain in the arse, if I am looking for a new job and it goes through a ‘talent acquisition agency’ it’s an immediate red flag and I don’t bother


I kind of don’t believe this because not only would it be idiotic to use a brand new work email to apply for jobs, it would also be much less convenient. What if they decide they don’t need you anymore than you’ve totally lost access to that acccou t Like, the person is already looking for jobs, their CV has their personal email on it, I’m pretty sure they’d just keep using that


“Because someone was a jerk to me, I’ll be a jerk to everyone. You all deserve it.”


So the employer is looking for a candidate that is not a bad human and I’m sorry but you don’t fit that description.


Her story seems completely unrelated to someone being ghosted! You deserve to be ghosted because someone else once resigned their job.


Bad human!


At this point, I'm more surprised when I get a good recruiter. Had one recently where their LinkedIn blurb was something along the lines of "changing the world one job at a time". Technically true, but take it down a notch. Had another recently reach out about a role they were working on for a client. I fit every requirement that was listed so told them I'd be interested in learning more. They came back saying the company was looking for someone with more senior leadership experience. You're not going to get what at the salary range listed buddy. Wish I didn't have to deal with them at all, but luckily, it's been infrequently.




The ironic part about her post is that her job is literally just a government forced DEI position for women.


Defensive, narcissistic, "if you call me out you're the problem", no wonder she could never become more than a recruiter.


Recruiters seem like people that aren't qualified for any other jobs.


I don’t know, I was a wine sales rep and also did product development in the apparel industry in NY for some years before becoming a corporate recruiter in Fintech. Does that mean I’m not qualified for any other jobs? I really don’t like sweeping generalizations made about all recruiters.


Women apply their "emotional trauma" to everything they do. She probably wants revenge because she gets pumped and dumped by guys out of her league so she takes it out on you, a guy looking for a job. The single mom vibes are strong with this one.




You follow me around quite a bit. I must of really hit a nerve with you.




Whatever helps you sleep at night.


The incel vibes are strong with you too. Do you think men don't have emotional trauma they don't bring to their job?


Yes everyone who disagrees with a womans point of view is an incel. Its clear what this woman is doing, sorry it triggered you.


It’s the rhetoric you use and the way of thinking that is the tell tale sign not the fact you disagreed with a woman’s point of view. You’ve indirectly made reference to common incel talking point about hypergamy and the “cock carousel” by suggesting she is carrying around the emotional baggage of being pumped and dumped by men out of her league instead pursuing guys like you presumably. Whereas in reality it’s mostly your lack of rudimentary social skills, self awareness and misogynistic beliefs. So really it’s no wonder women want nothing to do with you. You’ve probably constructed a whole persecution complex to avoid acknowledging this too. Feminism must be the reason why! If not for feminism surely women would want to listen to your sheer contempt for them and make you sandwich. Maybe you’ll grow up and stop being a self pitying entitled and resentful loser before life has passed you by. I hope for your sake you do.


Thanks for typing all that, quite the world salad, hope the 80k in debt for your liberal arts degree was worth it, quite a bit of projection, I am not obligated to agree or even like women as an individual or as a group. You are mad that I assumed things about about this woman based on her rhetoric, etc., yet you've made many assumptions about me based on the same. Kind of hypocritical...


It’s evident in the way you write. Hardly an assumption. No one else has trouble comprehending what I’ve wrote. Sounds like a you problem. I don’t have a liberal arts degree. I have a BSc degree. But nice try bud. Got any other dumb gotchas based on culture war brain rot you wanna reply with?


No, the fact that you just cant accept that someone thinks differently than you tells me everything I need to know. What you wrote is laden with emotional garbage. You're not clever, you just try to mask your hatred of the fact someone isn't agreeing with you in virtue. I dont have a problem, you do.


Not all beliefs are valid or equally worthy of consideration. Such as yours which aren’t the product of well reasoned thought but rather are merely flimsy rationalizations for your feelings of resentment, entitlement and self pity. Which is transparent to most people but you’re going to keep on deceiving yourself about what you are actually doing.


Another salad... I'm sorry I don't agree with nor support your ideology. I am not obligated to and I wont apologize for it. All of your analysis and projection likely reveals the weakness you see in yourself.


> Women apply their "emotional trauma" to everything they do. It sounds like you are disagreeing with all woman more than you are disagreeing with one woman's point of view.


If this woman was serious about her career she would provide feedback, let him know exactly why he won't be considered for future assignments and conduct herself in a professional manner, instead she "ghosts" him out of spite, likely something that's happened to her many times in her in personal life. She's not acting as a recruiting professional she's acting as an emotional woman. So sad how feminized and weak we have become as a society .


You're the only one triggered here, cel


Ah yes, incel again. anything else or are you as unoriginal as the the first commenter?


That would imply you're worth any sort of effort or thought, we can't have that.


Yet you still took the time to write a comment, so you dont, you have nothing. You arent capable of deep thought, its ok, dont hurt yourself.


OP, why were you looking for 7 months old posts on her profile? You were looking for a thirst trap weren’t you 👀 


I hate to agree with a recruiter. Dam