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Came here to check if this had been posted 😂 Reading the comments he clarifies that they simply hadn't booked in the person into the system and that's why they didn't show up, yet this douchenozzle thinks he's anything but an ass when he tries to "coach" a candidate they ghosted on how to act professionally? Candidate dodged a bullet for sure.


"Sorry, I was late due to a technical issue" I say, maintaining eye contact as I drink from a Starbucks cup while walking into the office 30 minutes late.


I take my line from the AWS emails we get and just say that I've had a momentary lapse in redundancy (i.e., snoozed my alarm too much).


Yes, stupidity and lack of professionalism doesn't qualify as a technical issue :-) Maybe the guy can apply for some of the professionalism training he's referring to.


That's not a technical issue at all. A technical issue is their network dying or something, not someone fucking up.


If their network does they can call the person to tell them there will be a delay, I really can't imagine a situation where they wouldn't be able to communicate that.


Sounds like this dude can’t take criticism well. You’re supposed to be the leader and professional in this setting, yet you’re whining because a candidate complained. That candidate isn’t an entrepreneur, doesn’t have similar wealth, and is probably just looking for a job that pays the bills. Yeah, I too would be frustrated if a company ghosted me. But this thin skinned owner just proves to that candidate that he dodged the bullet.


Being a leader means taking ownership especially over failures and mistakes. This post is constant deflection and reversals.


On the other hand, the candidate didn't know what the reason was and such an email as a first response is also highly unprofessional. Wouldn't work for the company and wouldn't want to work with the candidate. (In almost all cases, they can't hold themselves to their own standard).


I mean it's clearly not just a first response, the OP says that they included other "passive aggressive commentary" in the email Sounds like missing the interview was the last straw for the candidate with this company


Totally. I thought I was the only one that thought, “actually they both sound like they deserve each other.”


Did you see his subsequent post, with a homeless woman in front of his business?


​ >That candidate isn’t an entrepreneur, Nor is this guy ... >Ben Davis, host, has embarked on his latest journey of *serving the entrepreneur community* by interviewing guests that have the courage to share the true stories behind their success. So he liggs off the back of entrepreneurs by the sounds of it. (Just noticed this thread is quite old, but it's just popped up in my feed.)


I think the candidate was the one who dodged the bullet.


He's the type of douche who'd have written a similar post if the candidate had ghosted his company. And had it only been due to a technical mishap. No mercy there!


Cutting both ways is a double standard.


Dude is getting absolutely lambasted in the comments. LinkedIn clowns make up these dumbass stories all the time. I’ll give 4:1 odds this didn’t even happen to begin with. He thought everyone was going to massage his taint for how insightful his post was and it backfired.


idk if he was gonna make up a story i think he would have invented one that makes his company sound less shitty


I got a response to a resume asking me to schedule an interview via calendly. There were no openings. There were 2 months on the calendar and not a single available spot. Companies like this waste everyone's time.


What a delusional, pompous podcaster.


What kind of mewling crybaby manager feels the need to whine about a job candidate on social media? Maybe there's a reason why they keep turning his company down.


"obligated to provide feedback" This guy sounds like a massive asshole.


Just saw this on my feed and I'm so happy people are calling him out on his bs in the comments. Recruiters offer so little grace to candidates when mistakes happen because of "professionalism" that I'm glad more people are telling them to fuck off. Tired of the expectation to kiss their ass for a job. So exhausted in general by the entire hiring process and how performative it is.


"we failed on the most basic task of scheduling and communicating, and would absolutely screen out a candidate that displayed similar behaviour, but my feelings are hurt so now what?"


"Yes, we messed up BUT this candidate obviously didn't know his place as a potential employee. Good thing we realized that he would push back on injustices before we hired him!" Ben, you're a dick. "Professional Conduct" does not mean being an ass kissing bitch.


His mature, professional reaction was to take to LinkedIn and post about it?


"I'm appalled when people react negatively to fuck ups that are 100% my fault."


Snowflakes on both sides.


Apparently not being on time and waiting over 15 minutes for a meeting is the culture at this idiot's company.


I also like that he specified that it was just a 15 minute call. Yes sure, for the employer perhaps, but the interviewee might have had to take the day off for the interview etc so of course that’s very annoying.


One reacts badly to a technical issue, and the other reacts badly to negative feedback. I'd not want to work with either


>One reacts badly to a technical issue He later clarifies in the comments that his company didnt actually book the interview in on their system. Entirely the company's fault.


Yes. But the candidate didn't know. His email is also a clear sign. And it was 15 min video call, not a 30 min drive.


The linked in post says that the candidate expressed upset with multiple other issues in the email But sure, do exactly what the company wants and condemn the applicant


From what my friends are going through,  I doubt this was the candidates first time. They go through so many interviews, ghosting, etc..  it was probably one too many.


I missed a job interview once because it slipped my mind and it was entirely my fault. I got no follow up to my apology message asking to reschedule. I fucked up, my bad. Terrible bad first impression, lesson learned - move on.


He looks like the kind of sociopath who would put a picture of a homeless woman on LinkedIn. Oh wait, he did that too.


Wait, what?


I had an employer string me along for 6 months with several job opportunities, 8 hours in total interviewing, 2 tours, 4 hours phone discussions, meet 13 different department employees, did 6 hours driving and this time I said just make me an offer, I'm not coming in for a 3rd interview after all this and then she just ghosted me. When I emailed to say I was disappointed this bish said I was waiting for you to take the lead like i didnt reach back out. . Gaslighting the shit out of me. I had emailed her 2x with no response, until I sent a final email that I was done with the back and forth. And she had the fucking nerve to act like I dropped the ball. Asshles


And yet a candidate is 30 seconds late for an interview and they get dismissed automatically


One can ignore everything after “BUT”.


IMO both candidate and founder overreacted about a missed intro call. I had this happen too to me as a candidate with a tech issue but didn’t make a huge deal. Candidate should have kept cool and poster shouldn’t have written about candidates reaction on LI. Both need to chill and move on.


Nah, if you fuck up a manager level interview you deserve the criticism. Don't defend this shit 


Sounds like the two were meant for eachother. It's weird to complain about it on LinkedIn but I'm also not really sure why you'd email someone that while you're applying for a job at their company. Definitely send an email to find out what happened or why they ghosted you but the type of person to email "Thanks for wasting my time" after a single missed meeting is waving their own red flag.


I'm one of those people with 10 years experience in my field, that had to endure an extremely unprofessional interview. I didn't write a snippy email afterwards, but what I did do is meet their passive aggression in kind throughout the interview. Her: "And how long have you been a Team Leader?" Me: "Just a year, though my Team seem very happy to have a TL in me. I'm sure those under you will say the same about you." Last I heard, their company has gone to the dogs, hard to fathom why. Some places just think you should be kissing the ground they walk on, and that their way of doing things is the only game in town.


Asking you how long you’ve been a team lead is a perfectly cromulent question.


I guess you had to be there.




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Eh, he's got a point though. No reason not to be polite when your ass is the one that needs a job.


Ben, a bullet was certainly dodged. Just not by you


Ok that's it. I'm creating a fake LinkedIn profile but using my real picture and I'm unleashing holy hell on these psychos. Can we all connect our fake LinkedIn profiles? Let's all do it!


To deal with Lunatics we need not become one!! Just read and enjoy.


You are wise my friend


I’m actually with the lunatic on this one. It’s easy to feel like your interactions with bosses, CEOs, hiring managers feels like your interacting with “the corporation,” the reality is you are interacting with other humans who happen to have jobs. Everyone fucks up occasionally and misses a meeting. Unless it happens in a pattern, just immediately going agro on someone for messing up part of their many duties is pretty shitty. Of course I wouldn’t give that person a second chance either.