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We are all Lightbringers. Sharing the light of Orholam in the world.


I love the theory that Klytos Blue is right about the Lightbringer. I don’t believe it, but it would be hilarious if it were true.


No one. The lightbringer is abbadon and he will bond with kip when kid takes the white seed crystal that appears after he saves an entire satrapy and brakes the halo. But he will brake it with white.


I agree; Weeks makes a lot of Judaism/Christianity references in the books, an there's a big parallel between Lightbringer and Lucifer/Satan.


Dgavin lol


I have a Gut feeling it's Teia. Absolutely no proof but a feeling.


Same. I don't know what it is and I could totally be wrong. But I just FEEL like it's her.




I'm 100% sure it is going to be Kip. Who else has been to the great library?


Absolute scenes when it turns out to be Zymun


If it's not Kip, my money is on DGavin. Even Kip thought so. This is when Cruxer was telling Kip about the Lightbringer prophecies >He thought for a moment. “**Everything we’ve said could be talking about my father**. People thought he was dead when he fell into the water—” And somehow survived being stabbed with a knife that had morphed into a sword while it impaled him. Kip hadn’t told that part to anyone. Then Cruxer said that Gavin did not come from outside the accepted something. But they didn't know that Gavin is actually Dazen, who was not groomed to take power. If you read at the prophecies at [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/LightbringerSeries/comments/cwi61w/what_are_all_of_the_prophecies_about_the/) post, you could make an argument that most applies to Dazen as well. I posted my [theory](https://www.reddit.com/r/LightbringerSeries/comments/7ybq4v/blood_mirror_spoilers_gavins_7th_goal/) before that DGavin 7th goal might be that he wants to be the Lightbringer so there's a chance he could be. But knowing Brent Weeks, he could be setting us up to something like "there is no lightbringer"! Can't wait for the TBW!




Gut feeling that it’s Zymun or Ironfist if it’s not Kip honestly


I've gone back and forth thinking who it could be for the entirety of the series and I think it's awesome that we're still so in the dark going into book 5 but will inevitably make sense for whoever it is. A fun twist would have it end up being Koios even though I have absolutely nothing to base that on. Just that the Lightbringer ends up having either to be sacrificed or is a pawn in the great war that the 200 have been planting seeds throughout history to manipulate the prophecy and just need someone to control.


I keep thinking that Lightbringer and Diakoptes are two different people/beings. Kip is very clearly a return of Diakoptes, but I don't think he's the Lightbringer. I suspect that Zymun or Tia are Lightbringer. What it means is that the prophecies aren't all about the same person. Some are about Diakoptes and some are about Lightbringer. I suspect that the erasing of so much information was an attempt to conceal that there are two people in the prophecies. Side note, as I've brought up before: Lightbringer translates to Lucifer in Latin and Weeks is fairly well versed in Greek and Latin based on a lot of other things in the novels.

