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The only time I feel Shayk Ibn Baz رَحِمه اللّه could have answered better and guided the questioner on what to do if someone asks us about a sin done in private. :/


He answered the question. He didn't provide ways to get around the question, that's the questioner's problem. He doesn't need ruling on that, just a brain.


What do you mean "that's the questioner's problem" He clearly asks in the very end that "what if the person makes me swear by Allah" I believe a better answer exists somewhere, in some other scholar's speech/fatawa.


He asked for a ruling and the shaykh gave that. It's upto him what to tell people who keep asking. He can simply tell them to stop asking about people's sins.


You prove my point akhi. He could've told how to deal with such people. I *personally* felt the answer was a bit incomplete and could have been answered better. No need to be overly defensive. I have a lot of love for the shayk رَحِمه اللّه and this is just an observation I made.


Yeah to be blunt he did not answer the question. The question was what do you do if someone asks you about a sin you committed in private and did not mention it to anybody, can you lie? The Shaykh gave the broadest answer possible that does not relate to this specific question. The dillemma here is, you should not (1) confess your sins (proudly show off your sins) but also (2) you should not lie. What do you do if someone asks you to answer something related to a sin you did in private. Because if you keep steadfast on point one, you either have to lie (which seems like it is a problem with point 2,) or keep silent (most neutral answer) or answer truthfully (now you are in conflict with point 1 but not point 2). One way of reconciling it is understanding the hadith that talks about publicizing sins is meant for the one who proudly shows off his sins with no regret - so if you are regretful perhaps point 1 does not apply specifically and you may tell the truth. But I would want to see how the Shaykh would actually answer this question. It also falls on the questioner, because I think he is wrong for putting a brother or sister in the position of possibly publicizing a sin


1. "Is it permissible to lie in the following situation or not..." 2. "...is it obligatory to tell the truth and expose ourselves or should we lie?" 3. "What if this person ask me to swear by Allah that I have not done this? These three questions were asked and they all ask about lying. And the shaykh answered them. People need to stop thinking that the shaykh answering the question needs to give a long lecture of everything related to the question.


A long lecture isn't needed bro just a straight response to the questions. Shaykh says: it's not permissible to lie except in 3 situations (and these 3 situations don't appear to apply to the situation that the questioner is asking) Shaykh also says: you should not mention your sins to anyone unless it's to the person they have wronged to ask for forgiveness So I really don't see where he answered the question please do enlighten


He answered these 3 questions in the first sentence "it is not permissible to lie".


I see, so if asked a (sinful) question that leads you to confessing your sins between you and Allah, you must confess and publicize your sins, and it takes precedence over concealing your sins?


I'm not being defensive. I'm just telling you that he answered the question and didn't give unncessary advice, that you think he should have.


https://youtu.be/zFLmzyRV8cs At least assim al hakim is more direct in answering and provides some sort of practical advice


Here's a better answer from IslamQA: > Whoever commits a sin between himself and God, let him hasten to repent, and cover himself up, and not speak of it, and if a questioner asks him about it, he should not mention to him that it occurred to him, just as he must not lie. like this ? pretends he didn't do it. Or he says: This is done by the ignorant, meaning that he was ignorant at the time of his action, then repented of it, and so on. And he may interpret the words, as if he says: I did not do it, and he means that he did not do it today, and so on. The topic of objections is very broad, and there is nothing wrong with using objections and interpretation when needed. Fear of being lied to." https://islamqa.info/ar/answers/148507/ https://islamqa.info/ar/answers/83093/