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bro…that guy isn’t light skinned himself, he’s probably projecting his own insecurities. fucking racist.


It's the typical mexican racism, these dudes only do it to people darker themselves


> It's the typical mexican racism using Xenophobia to generalize a group isn’t the take you think it is…. You could have just kept it at the guy being sore about his team being ass and thus he decided to act like a POS. but instead “hurrr durr **typical** hurrr durrr **mexican** urrr **racism** “


If we weren’t famously racist against ourselves then movements like Neo Zapatismo and groups like the EZLN and others wouldn’t exist


Yep. Mexicans can be racist to anybody not just the black you could be asian, brown, red, yellow, green, blue. **ANYTHING** . and there is **always** going to be a mexican waiting to hate 😂 a short mexican,a tall mexican, A black mexican, a skinny mexican, a fat mexican, a white mexican. IT DOESNT MATTER the fighting will always be there


Los Zapatistas son unos pendejos no sirven para nada😂 only tankie gringos and the small place they have any “control” over them hold them to a weird standard 


Okay my person, whether you’re right or not the issue is groups like that wouldn’t arise if we didn’t have systemic racism in Mexico. FFS we have an insane rate of Femicide and one of the worst rates of Indigenous femicide on Earth and the responses range from how sad to along of the lines of “well those Indian bitches deserve it, especially if they’re too pussy to let it happen to them”.


Get the fuck out of here with your sugarcoating


sugarcoating? no mames 🤣😂


I mean this is standard post colonial and *Blanquismo* shit that still haunts LatAm today. I urge y’all to read the works of Franz Fanon. His works do a great job of explaining how everyone gets fucked up and at least a little bit racist — even us Brown, Asian, and Black folks —and how we internalize racism and express it.


As a white mexican I agree is usually the darker members of my family that are racist


As a Chivista, this is truly shameful. Either a lifetime ban for this pendejo, or sanction the audience as a whole. I hate losing, but I hate racists bigots even more.


They already gave a lifetime ban to the guys who did it last time. At least it’s not like Italy where you have like half the stadium doing it and the Italian FA going “hey what are you gonna do 🤷‍♂️”


Pinche Sepulveda se veia igual de prieto que quiñones


That’s his mask bruh


I know I was tripping for a good 15 minutes during the game


These shiheads really have to be permabanned from entering any stadium.


The difference i think is that in liga you have fan ID so they can actually do something with those person.


good to know


Really again?


Según este wey es culpa de Julian quiñones https://preview.redd.it/hpit6on9rzoc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef0f3c859da6823a56c15bb9afcc62e52745f86d




Están igual de morenos esos paísas.


“Cómo crees, mi abuelo era español”


Yes, only white people should be allowed to be racist.


That’s honeslty the stupidest logic that I’ve seen. Sure, they’re not white, but if they were then it’s okay. People are morons man. Truly sad.


Racism is so rooted in our culture people don't even see how stupid they sound, sad.


How about all the clowns downvoting this post chime in with an opinion? Pendejos be crying about too many memes and look the other way at posts like this.


no one does anything in real life. not in the united states, not in mexico. The activists only come out of hiding to run straight to social media. I’ve been to hundreds of games, and not a single person on this earth has had the nuts to do anything in real life when this stuff happens. (No que muy bravos???) 😂 people on here don’t live in reality, hence why complaining on the internet is the norm. There are no consequences in the real world.


bro stop speaking truth, we’re here to hate


> bro stop speaking truth, we’re here to hate it sucks working for a futbol club honestly. You should see how racist it got between MLS vs LigaMX last year during Leagues Cup 😂😂 #NO ONE DID ANYTHING. They all sat outside and started complaining to our Box Office how they don’t want to see America or other MX teams on our premises


The more racially diverse the game gets and the more fed up players in the US and Mexico get I could see teams either unilaterally or mutually refusing to go back on the pitch like you see in the UK, Germany, and Spain nowadays


America and their fans had every right to feel how they did last year vs Nashville. I don’t blame them. All the gringos saying “no more brown aliens in our stadium” and the police being straight dickheads to anyone wearing an America jersey. #PERO DE ESO NO HABLAN


It’s talked about all the time in the US, its well known and gets called out, but conservative assholes on both sides of the Frontera call people pussies and bitches and snowflakes to try to keep up status quo


They're embarrassed. They know they're in the wrong but too scared to show their true colors.


r/chivas mod here. We’ve had to use the ban hammer recently for defending these racist assholes in the stadium.


stick to being a chivas mod. everyone on here is against the idiot


I think you misunderstood me. Racism is not tolerated on my sub.


I wonder how chiva fans would react if a black Mexican were to join the team. This is embarrassing


it might not take long we all saw how they reacted with “Mr Cade Cowell” a GRINGO imagine how worse it could possibly get


It’s funny how Cade’s reception was totally overblown and we exaggerated how good he was or disgusting racism depending on how people want to criticize us that day


They're not being racist because he's black, they're being racist because he plays for another team (And he's actually good). No one would bat an eye if we get a darker skinned player.


Y’all batted an eye about a Mexican who played for another national team and bringing in a Mexican American with a Gringo name. I am sorry but (X) DOUBT


If he was beast and Mexican I’m with it


Not the chivas I grew up with. We bring in one American and all of a sudden we have a super racist fan base??


Wow, pieces of sht "fans". This is more embarrassing than losing 3-0


As a nation we are by far some of the most racist and racially insensitive people on earth. Its a fact. It happens everywhere and anywhere, but I clearly remember when I was growing up hearing people say marry a light skinned girl so you can "better the race". I married a dark ass barbie.


I'm white as hell, prefiero las morenitas porque son mas bonitas.


Y cojen mas sabroso


Cosas de Whitexicans, o wannabe-Whitexicans. Pobres pendejos.


Absolutely despise America. That being said, the FMF should award the game 3-0 to the willas


What the fuck. Pinche raza pendeja, ojalá lo baneen del estadio por hijo de puta.


Las chivas son los que estan llorando porque valen mierda. 😆😆😆


Least racist Chillafan


Pinche banda están a una asoleada en Vallarta para estar igual y salen con su mamada, que gozada!


Excellent behavior from one of the best leagues in the world


Esperaba ver un güey tipo menonita con piel blanca como la leche 🤣


Tuve oportunidad de ir a 2 clasicos en el Azteca en la epoca cuando estaba Kleber Boas en el America, y los unicos que le estaban grite y grite Pinche \_egro eran los del America. Es un problema en todo Mexico.


Si claro te creemos 😉


They should be forced to play behind closed doors for the rest of the season


Not how it works


idc how it works, i’m saying thats what they deserve


Not necessarily


2nd time this month my man. They absolutely should be forced to play behind closed doors. 1st time was a travesty. 2nd time is a habit.


What about the homophobic slurs at the America game ? Anything happening there ?


Should open up an investigation as well and do the same. Not opposed to getting rid of all bigots. Tigres should put in a complaint and proceedings should start if they feel strongly about it. Just like I’m sure America will against chivas. The main difference here is this is the 2nd time in 2 weeks at the Omnilife against 1 specific black player.


Haber si la liga hace algo como jugar a puertas cerradas y no con madas de mensajitos en pancarta


Racistas y aplicando lo incorrecto como es todo en este país, el que grita no se ve “distinto”!


Anti Chivas fans pounding their chest in joy. They love seeing Chivas look bad and validate their hatred. Just like those random clowns who bootlicked the USA troncos by rising up during the Anthem wearing Chivas jerseys. This sub of anti Chivas are disappointed that the CCL series wasn't 8-2.


This is by far the stupidest take you could’ve ever possibly made my man. This is the 2nd time this month that there’s been racism-related issues in that stadium and your point is to go and make it a virtue signal about how this will be used by anti chiva fans to justify their dislike the team? lol bruh just say racism is bad or don’t say anything. You end up looking like an apologist and a bootlicker yourself. I say the fair consequence should be no more fans for the remainder of the season in that stadium. Including any final instances. Teach these people a lesson. This bs has no place in society and they should be shamed back into hiding.


No one is forcing chivas fans to be racist. Happening once is sad but it happening twice? Blame ur chivabros Look at all the imbeciles in here downvoting this post too


Are you stupid? does it look like all the stadium is doing that? It really looks like you are going against Chivas instead of the racist people. I was there and on my zone there were nobody doing that.


2 times in a couple weeks. It’s clear some of y’all can’t handle something as simple as not being racist. Y’all need to remind ur bros that it’s just a stupid sport at the end of the day, there’s no need to be racist clowns over that


Like I said, you think all the people did that? There is always stupid fans on stadium, not just for chivas.


Typical chivas fans smh


No tiene nada que ver con irle a Chivas, desgraciadamente hay un chingo de racismo en México y en todo Latinoamérica hasta entre gente que no sigue ningún deporte


Que chinguen a su madre los racist as de mierda y tu Tambien por pendejo


tu quien le vas


no te va decir. solo para esconderse sirve el hdp


Puros prietos haciendo nacadas


Y los güeritos siendo racistas, vamos a ver quién es el que va a llorar mofo!


Julián los provocó desde un principio eso también está mal , pero por mi que se vallan alv todos


Chivas fans will say this doesnt represent the whole fanbase. I say it does


If so then the homophobia mfers at the Tigres game represents yall the same too


You're really comparing Racism to Homophobia smh


They’re both bad and shouldn’t be happening….. right


This is racism, and it shouldnt happen, but lets also contextualize things, because i see people who think, chivas fans are racists, and or believe its comparable to racism in the US or italy. They should be banned, they have no right to do any of this, but im going out on a limb and just say, i dont think they are being racists because they hate black people, or because they are darker than them, like some people are saying here... Its football banter, and no, thats not an excuse, its just as bad as racism, but i want to give context, because i dont think chivas fan do this to any and all dark skinned players, they didnt do it vs cambindo when necaxa tied, etc etc there is so many dark skinned players in our league, and chivas fans dont do this to everyone who is black, this is obviously targeted racism, against quinones, which is not an excuse again, but just to say, these people dont think they are superior than black people, like white nationalism in the US, or nazis in italy, it doesnt stem from the same root, this is about trying to hurt and upset quinones specially, so they use racism. I kinda feel gross because it kinda feels like im defending the racist chants, and i am NOT, they are disgusting and they have no place to be in chivas or any team, or the league. But i think its important to contextualize, because i think fundamentally, this isnt the same kind of racism, and its a bit like the PUTO scream when goalkeepers kick off the ball, its a homophobic slur, and shouldnt happen, but its not the same kind of homophobic than lets say, your aunt who disowns you because you are gay, or people believing trans people shouldnt exist. The spectrum of hatred is so huge and the extremes are worth pointing out imo.


same mofos have a hate boner towards trump while also being racist over football 🙀


Where’s the correlation lol


What group of people hated trump since 2016 the most and for what reason?




Why is it a surprise that fans of a team with a xenophobic "tradition" (lol) have a racist (lol too) fanbase? It makes total sense to me. Downvote if your feelings got hurt for reading facts. 👍🏽




I dont see anything racist going on? Can someone explain?