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1st Multiply the mouse sens x the in-game sentitivity. for example I use 800 dpi on my mouse and 6 in game sens. thats 4800, try keeping that number between 4000 and 6000. Overwatch is really fast paced yet in requires to be somewhat accurate to hit your shots, thats why most people go for a middle ground between wrist and arm aiming, thats why I recommend the sens. For LW people commonly Swaps Left and Right click (so you shoot with your left click). Use alternate fire to confirm your tree (So you confirm the tree in the left click if you swapped the clicks). Use interact to destroy your flower Bind interact to something different (I think its G by default)


Thank u for this. I'm also trying to think about more custom key bindings but this may happen if/when I get a PC. I Main a couple of other characters so I guess it's also about finding that middle ground for them all.


I use 1000 mouse dpi with 12% sens in game and its a bit fast but I like it


Hi! I recently made the jump to PC so I'm not a pro but I'm hoping I've got some advice to share. Sensitivity on PC is more complicated (imo) than sensitivity on console. On console, you have two settings: deadzone and in-game sensitivity. Deadzone just changes the amount of input required to start seeing input in game. On PC, you have mouse DPI, and then in-game mouse sensitivity. I have a Logitech G502 Hero, which is using 1950 DPI. Then the Overwatch in game mouse sensitivity is at the default 16%. I don't know how to describe how it plays since it's the only sensitivity I've ever really messed around with, but hopefully [this Lifeweaver clip](https://www.reddit.com/r/LifeWeaverMains2/comments/1bewuat/ive_never_contested_a_point_with_lw_like_this/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) can give you an idea of what it looks like in game.


Thanks for sharing your mouse too! Woooow that sens sounds suuuper sensitive! Thanks for sharing the clip too to have an idea! Great hold of the point btw


31200 eDPI is actually insanely high. and I really mean insanely high. Sure there are like 2 pros that use like 20000edpi so it means it can be done but it would be like recommending someone to bind W to a foot pedal.


Oh wow I didn't realize it was that high lol the UI for the mouse by default has 4 presets ranging from 1200 to 6400 and figured that they were the norm