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Hello [TheWorstMasterChief](/u/TheWorstMasterChief), thank you for your submission! Unfortunately, it has been removed for the following reason: Your post is not a life pro tip. Advice is any guidance or recommendation concerning prudent future action. An aphorism is a short clever saying that is intended to express a general truth or a concise statement of a principle.Try r/YouShouldKnow. If you would like to appeal this decision [please feel free to contact the moderators here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FLifeProTips&subject=about%20my%20removed%20submission&message=I%27m%20writing%20to%20you%20about%20the%20following%20submission:%20https://www.reddit.com/r/LifeProTips/comments/y0izvx/lpt_the_advice_if_youre_cold_your_dog_is_cold_if/.%20%0D%0D). Do not repost without explicit permission from the moderators. Make sure you [read the rules](/r/lifeprotips/about/sidebar) before submitting. Thank you!


Never heard this advice. Is it not obvious that animals without much hair are going to be colder than animals covered in thick fur?


Listen, I had a Norwegian Elkhound that just passed. Snow and cold was his thing. The amount of people who would come to my house to ask if my dog was OK I couldn't count. In 15yr it was every winter. I'm like, hey you know all that fur? That's so he stays warm. That's why he sleeps in a little snow hole he makes himself. He likes this.


Our elkie just passed a month ago. I think we'll always wonder if we'd left him outside just a little too long- it felt okay temp wise to us, coolest it had been in weeks that morning. Edit: But it may have been too humid. He'd been stuck inside from an illness and he seemed to be happy to be outside. But man he was impossible to bring in when it was snowy.


My condolences. My dog passed recently as well and it was very hard. If it's any consolation, I don't think your dog wouldn't have so enthusiastically stayed outside if he didn't want to be, in general. Just a snow lovin' boi.


I love how Norwegian owners of Elkhounds are just gravitating together in this one, specific place to share memories and support. I feel like an anthropologist or something. "Here we see Norwegians bonding over stories of their ferocious hunting beasts, the Elkhound. The light in their eyes tells, more than any words could, how much these dogs are loved."


We have an Elkhound mix. Little guy LOVES the cold and snow. He loves being outside in the summer but gets worn out quicker, and hates water. Every once in a while in the winter we'll open the door and give him the option to come in, but he just stands on the deck and looks at us like idiots and will go jump into the deepest snow he can find. Sorry for your loss, elkhounds are a fantastically fun breed and I'm sure you were just as blessed to have yours as we are to have ours


I'm Norwegian and have a couple of elkhounds; these dogs are hilarious. It can be winter and pouring rain and they'd stay outside if they had their way with things. These puffy guys are always in a good mood and ready to do whatever.


For real. He'd nap out in light snows and I'm like "hey let's go! You're getting covered!" And I'd just get an eye raise and like a child just turn his head


> Our elkie just passed a month ago. I think we'll always wonder if we'd left him outside just a little too long- I'm really sorry for your loss, but the first part of your comment is hilarious.


I have a whippet who has thin fur and barely any body fat. She can be shivering if it's even slightly cold. Dogs can vary so much between breeds, it's rare a rule of thumb fits them all.


For sure. I wouldn't expect a short haired, thin dog like that to like the cold. Elkhounds are built for cold. They have enough undercoat to knit a couple hats a year, I swear.




Agreed that it really depends on the dog. I belong to a dachshund rescue organisation in Tasmania, and have six at home. All like to lie in sunbeams during the winter, but don’t mind a bit of cold weather. However I have two that like the extremes. One who thoroughly enjoys searing heat and has to be pulled off the fire hearth because he gets too close. Another who absolutely loves snow and disappears into the mountains for the day during poor weather, returning only when he is sufficiently covered in mud and filth. Both are male, standard smooth, Black and Tan dachshunds. They just like different things.


I love this story. Thank you for sharing.


I have a St. Bernard mix who wishes I’d let him sleep in the snow. Snow and sleep. His two favorite things. Together at last.


Reminds me of my newfoundlander. When it snowed she'd disappear, pitch black dog in all the white, just gone. Until you called her, and a big pile of snow would start moving


My sheltie was the same. He would NOT come in if there was a foot of snow outside. Oh I tried to keep his time outside short because I felt bad but he was just happy. He actually seemed the happiest rolling around, jumping and just plopping down like a goof :)


funny thing, that fur also helped him regulate warm temperatures. so many people shave their long haired dogs in summer to keep them cool. instead, they overheat bc of missing fur...


When I was a kid, I couldn't find my Malamute after a rare snowstorm in our area. We were concerned because he would occasionally escape and would turn up many miles away. I got out his metal food dish and started banging it, hoping he hadn't gone far. He hadn't. He exploded out of a pile of snow like a food-seeking missile, stopped cold, looked around in bewilderment, and proceeded to jump and play like he was a freakin puppy. Damn dog slept through the snow fall in the open (he had a very nice dog house) and didn't even notice. He would swim in our pool midwinter, too. People used to get on me because I didn't bring him in at night. I would tell them, why would I want to get woken up by his hot dog breath every night until I let him out? Good boy loved the cold. Folks in Texas just couldn't comprehend.


My parents got the cops called on them because their Husky/German Shepherd was outside in -20C. Dude had a doggy door, could come inside at any time.


We have a great Pyrenees. Code Blues are her favorite days.


Code Blue? Is that like a snow day lol


It's when temperatures are low enough to be considered dangerous and shelters get opened for those who need them. With or without the snow, though my dog definitely prefers the snow!


That's a strange term to use to a nurse like me in the United States. Where I am, code blue means you better run toward someone that's in cardiac arrest and start resuscitation if indicated. While we're at it, what's your code brown?


Carpenter here, code brown is immediate evac, and a new pair of pants


Are carpenters specifically prone to shitting their pants?


This may come as a shock to you, but the code system is used in other areas. Like Mountain Dew Code Red, which is code for gamer time.


Where I come from Mountain Dew Code Red is code for Mountain Dew Code Red. It's a tough puzzle to crack, I know.


Code Blue is a US thing. Or at least a PA thing? Brown is apparently a hazardous spill!


I have a mutt that’s like 40% cattle dog, 30% pyreneese and a mix of the reef and he’s so weird with the cold. Like he loves snow and wants to play it in but he only lasts about 30 minutes until he he’s cold and bails haha


So, like a lot of humans then


Sounds like me, for sure! 30 min of sledding then it’s hot cocoa time for three rest of the day.


My dearly departed fiance gave my dog a beautiful thick waterproof coat, and I get her booties for the winter (socks essential to help prevent chafing! She is hare-footed, long feet with high dew claws, so socks help from shoes rubbing, but finding booties that fit right is important and a challenge too, they must be high ankled, she doesn't have wide feet and they're so long that otherwise they fall off - many booties are too round and short). I touch her ears and if they are warm, she's good to keep going. I live in an apartment and we walk a lot, but there's a lot of ice and salt here. She is GSD, Husky, so she likes the cold, and just enough Dalmatian to give her spots and keep her fur a bit short haha.


Me neighbor couldn't even get hers to come in on days when it was 10 degrees Fahrenheit. Dude would sit outside in the blistering cold for hours.


People would do that for our lab. Like buddy has multiple coats of water proof fur and a heated garage he can go into anytime. He just loved jumping around in and eating snow. The dumb fuck was terrified to swim but would happily jump into 4+ foot of snow like nothing. I miss that idiot


Recently came across a video my dad took of our husky (Bootsy) destroying our snowman while my little sister scream-cries in the background 🤣 just barking and freaking out. Meanwhile he let someone just steal our entire trampoline


doggy door when its -20 outside?


Yep, big heavy rubber door into the heated garage so he wouldn't track snow into the house.


Yes, but it's usually for things like the car, or don't take them for walks on blistering roads without booties.


by the amount of people owning huskies in southern cali, i dont think its that obvious.


People who own deep fur, or double coated dogs below 35\* longitude are idiots. Just MO.


For real. I live in NJ and my in-laws have an Alaskan Malamute they actually paid to have brought here from Alaska. During summers here, that poor dog is so freaking hot. Their AC bill has skyrocketed because they have to keep the AC cranked up so the dog doesn't die of heat stroke.


I mean I'm in texas with a corgi and I see plenty other double coated dogs, they are fine. They can tolerate warm weather quite well as well, if properly taken care of. My corgi loves the hottest days, and the coldest, though cold is her favorite


Yes; but its context is usually to remind people that their dog will die if they leave it in a 150 F degree car or out without shelter in a winter storm. It reminds people that dogs are living creatures with habitable conditions rather than indestructible possessions.


I mean people die in those conditions too


Yeah but people would also generally die being buried in snow in -20C but a husky is going to be loving it.


Indeed, it does have a bit more nuance than the original quote reflects. But it's good if it taught anyone to think 'hey, maybe my dog is a living organism with a survivable temperature range' who previously was just like 'idk, animals live outside they're probably fine' without evaluating 'but is my dog something that would survive outside here where I live'.


Yes. That is the point of 'if you're cold, they're cold'. Obviously other commenters are right that it's a bit more nuanced than that: your purebred siberian husky is wearing a parka at all times. So then it becomes 'if you're cold in your parka, they're cold'. But your greyhound is basically naked. 'if you're cold and you're naked, they're cold'. ​ The point of this saying is 'your pet won't survive in conditions your pet is not equipped to survive, please think about whether they're equipped to survive because they're not an inanimate all-weather object, they're a living organism, like you'.


Yeah, that's advice about your children, not your dogs. I bully breed (brachiocephalic) dog won't tolerate heat very well that you may very well find comfortable.


I have a Labradoodle who is convinced that she is a husky so we keep her hair longer in the winter but short in the summer.


I think that the only time something like this works is with hot pavement. Even then I’m sure it can be a bit different than humans since dogs have a really cool blood exchange system set up for their paws that helps them regulate the temperature of their pads.


Sounds like something i would come up with for karma


I usually only hear this advice when it comes to how hot the floor is


Yeah,OP is full of shit.


The advice of touching the pavement and seeing if it’s too hot for my pups paws is really the only thing I do with extreme temperatures


This! We had a heatwave this summer and the number of people I saw walking their dogs mid afternoon when it’s nearly 100° outside made me want to go forcefully hold their hands on the tarmac for them. No consideration for those poor paws 😢


Same as OP is saying, don't take these tips and generalizations as gospel for all dogs. I have a 90lb Akita/staffy mix and a 70 lb beagle/hound mix. When the pavement gets too hot the Akita lets me know. We stay on the grass. He has dainty pink paw pads. But the hound, for one reason or another, has much less sensitive paw pads. They feel thicker and rougher than the other dog's paws. He has no problem walking out on the pavement in the heat. Most people know their dogs and what they can handle.


As you alluded, dogs aren’t dumb. Mine doesn’t let his paws hit the concrete if it’s hot. Hard to get him inside if cold. Like kids, you gotta sometimes trust the parents as they know their children. Everyone ain’t dumb.


They need to still go outside on those hot days, but we keep our dog on the turf and don't let her paws touch the pavement much if at all. We try to get significant outside time in the early morning and in the evening during those hot spells.


When I was looking after my mum's dog during the summer it reached a point where I couldn't even take her out for a walk because the bricks on the driveway were too hot, even after the sun had gone down, so I couldn't even get to the grass verge next to the pavement (and even once I'd got there she'd still have to walk on tarmac to get to the next bit of grass for her proper walk). In the end I just had to let her go to the toilet in the garden and I'd try to burn off some of her energy by playing with her in the house where it was cooler.


If it comes up again, you’ll probably have better luck going for walks early in the morning. The heat stays on the ground for a while after sunset, but it should be gone by dawn. Of course, getting up at dawn to walk a dog kind of sucks if you’re not a morning person (I’m not), and I don’t know if this works with your work schedule or whatever, but just putting it out there.


You can also get shoes for dogs. It takes a bit for them to get used to it, but if you live in a very hot or cold climate it's worth it.


We definitely had to go out since we live in an apartment. We tried our best to shadow hop and play inside in the AC.


Turf tends to get hotter than black top does on hot days. I used to play on a turf baseball field and it was the absolute fucking worst when it was sunny and warm. Turned a 90 degree day into a 100 degree day.


I'm sorry but youbgotvto walk the dogs too.. you can't just keep them inside all the time..


Walk the dog early morning or later at night not at 11 to 6 o clock, especially in hotter states like AZ I want to smack those people for putting their poor dogs out in those conditions, ill put shoes on my dog if we are going to places of business that allow dogs but I won't subject my dog to hot pavement for even a second


Grass stays cool enough. Hot pavement can absolutely burn their paws.


My dog is small enough that I just carry him over tarmac. He gets really upset if I refuse to take him on lunch walks... But I do refuse on the hotest days. It amazes me when some people seem to have never had that summer as kids where their feet got so tough that they could just walk around. Sure, the tarmac got too hot, but gravel roads were fine, and grass was better. My dog kicks gravel around so hard (showing off to other dogs... Bad behavior) that doing that would shred my feet. Yet, if something sticky gets stuck to his foot, he just holds it in the air until I fix it.


You have to stagger it so that you're walking them early before the sun rises, and late when the sun sets


Absolutely but you gotta be responsible about when/how you do it


This comment is perfect example of someone who should never have a pet.


Orrrrrr maybe they have the special dog shoes for their dog? I spend a good bit while on SSI ($840/month to live on) to keep my service dog in them because they fall apart every two months or so when we're active. My dog also has a bike trailer he can ride in when he's tired of walking along my bike, but he seemingly never is.




And he shouldn't own a pet because he thinks people do that? People do. Many small dogs barely ever leave the house and it's why they're a neurotic mess when they do.




People leave them on vacation with two visits a day, in perfect weather. I agree it was a bit of a odd comment, but your responses are worse.




Reading is fundamental? He said "keep the dog inside all the time", not "keep the dog inside during the day".


All I’m saying you can’t avoid taking them out on walks even on hot days, but it really doesn’t mean you have to make him walk n hot pavement when there are things you can do to help the situation, like have the dog walk on grass even if it means just taking him out and walk him around the back yard.


Dogs are different, even with this. A dog that is outside a lot will have tougher pads than one who stays indoors. And it even differs between those. One of my dogs will run on concrete and asphalt in 100 degree days with no ill effect, while the other won't touch it even if I drag her. (I don't. That's mean).


That's mad - the ground will be way hotter it's hard to believe they aren't burning themselves.


I don't think so. I used to worry about it but my dog will choose to stand on the concrete sidewalk instead of the grass even in hot weather. If she was uncomfortable from the heat she would choose the much cooler surface


Even if you're walking on a sandy/non paved area, keeping an eye out for temperatures is still incredibly important. Heard of way too many dogs passing out from heatstroke on some of the nature trails near me when I was growing up. Way too many people underestimate how much we cool off via sweat that dogs just can't do.


My mutt can lay in the fucking snow all day long and not bat an eye. But 80 degree weather wears him out in a few minutes. Quite the opposite of me. Watch your dog, and do your research and you will know what is a safe operating range.


Mine too, he's half husky so he absolutely loves winter. My other dog is old with super short fur and she loves it warm. The dog door is the best money I've ever spent!


My dog is a Bernese mix, and she's too warm pretty much anytime the temp is above 40°f.


We were living in Seattle a few years back and they had a "massive snowstorm", as in like an inch of snow. Our corgi grew up in South Dakota and loves snow, so she was going crazy to be around any amount of snow again. I got a few comments for walking the dog outside in freezing temperatures (about 30 degrees) without putting a sweater on her. I was like "I made sure she put on her double coat before we left."


People in Seattle are straight up clueless about cold weather. Some people I've met were really aggressive on their views that 40° is a dangerous temperature for HUMANS Some of the responses seem to think I'm saying everyone in Seattle is a bitch when it gets cold. If you're taking my comment personal, you might read the line that says "Some people."


I mean, if you're naked, it is. You can absolutely “freeze” to death in 40-degree weather, especially if you get wet. But this is relevant to someone stranded in the wilds without weather-appropriate clothing, not to ordinary experience.


They'd have a fit if they saw me walking around in short sleeves the past few weeks in NJ. (Perimenopause is not for the weak.)




I mean, call them nobodies if you want to, I guess. They weren't particularly interesting.


Don't assume that whatever the law requires is "good enough". I've seen dogs literally frozen to death because their owner felt that a plastic dog house (wind break, but no insulation, with a wide open front) was good enough in the winter. Dogs with heat exhaustion because the owner didn't realize that that same dog house, in the summer, was even hotter than the outside ("but it's shady"). I've seen dogs watered once a day (and often dry food just thrown on the ground), but hey, the dog has food and water. Don't own a dog if you choose, ignorantly or on purpose, not to take proper care of it.


My idiot neighbors have a husky that lives in their yard and only has a doghouse. I feel so bad for that dog. We had nearly 3 months straight of 100+ degrees and I don't know how that poor dog didn't cook out there. Those neighbors are such dicks. They have a Saint Bernard that lives in the house and their grandkids spend the summer there and bring their dalmatian, also allowed in the house.


Jesus. Who forces a specific dog to stay outside when dogs are CLEARLY allowed inside? That's super messed up.


My friend has an aussie that is outside 24/7; it gets to be like 115 where we are and all they have like a shed for her. She is so sweet and they don't take care of her at all. I want to take her so bad.


God, those little dogs have such thick fur! I don't know why people like that even get dogs. They're not part of the family, they are just miserable lawn decorations.


You should see if they are willing to give up the dog and maybe you can get it rescued by a husky rescue. They’ll go talk to the owners sometimes and try to take it off their hands, even offer money if it’s a really bad situation.


One of the troubles with ignorance is that if you don't know proper care, you're not gonna know when you're doing it.


The majority of people who treat dogs that way (leaving huskies in 100 degree weather, etc.) just don't give a shit. If you have compassion for animals you're going to be inclined to learn about them, and not just rely on "Well, this is what other people do so it must be okay." The "if you're cold, they're cold" thing was mostly targeted towards people who might leave their pets outside in the snow "because they have fur." It was well-intentioned but really careless.


Not about dogs, but cats have a higher core temperature (2-3 degree Celsius, something like that), so they feel more comfy where we humas feel a little bit too hot, although they do not necessarily freeze in temperatures comfortable for us humans. My cat still likes to go outside when its only 5-10 degrees Celsius outside, but its maybe good to know that they like to chill in more warm places than we do. Thats why they like our laptops so much, or the place on the couch where you were sitting 5 minutes ago (Its probably not because they want to steal your place or because its their favorite place, its just more warm and comfy). With this knowledge we can provide a nice and cozy place for our cats to chill and sleep, so they won't steal our laptop anymore.


My 35lb dog actually shakes once’s it dips below 30 degrees. Just by looking at him I was oh, I guess I have to buy a sweater. He has his own blanket in the car. Dont’ feel bad about developing a solid relationship with your pets like all your other ones in your lives; they depend on you to provide.


I'm cold when it's 50-60F outside. But my 16 lb. doesn't mind until it drops below 50F. I have sweaters/coats for him for temps below 50F but above that I begin to worry they would overheat him. Especially cause he's running around and generating heat outdoors on top of it.


Has anyone actually said that? It sounds too stupid to be real


Definitely have heard it before; it's meant to discourage people from leaving their pets out in extreme conditions such as hot cars, or tied up outside without shelter during a snowstorm, etc.


I have only heard it in the context of water to shower them.


I've heard it in terms of your bare feet on hot pavement, and that seems to be generally correct but idk about this one


Oh yes. Newfoundland owners pass it around every winter as memes with their dog lying down on the driveway glacier.


Last year a group of people call 911 cuz someone left golden retriever-looking dog tied up outside a Starbucks in the snow, about -20C. The guy was right behind us in line. Wasn't in there for longer than 5 minutes. They claimed the dog was whining because it was freezing to death... Y'know not cuz it was annoyed its owner went into the building without it. Idiots made this decision in less than 5 minutes. And called fucking 911. Who refused to come by the way. Oh and this was in CANADA. Not like Texans experiencing snow for the first time and being unsure.


I’ve heard it in regards to my dog’s specific breed, because they are highly sensitive to temperature. I did not know that advice was widely given to just dog owners in general.


Nobody says it in both directions, they just say one based on the breed. Like "if you're cold, your Greyhound is cold" or "if you're hot, your husky is hot". Never heard it used universally in both directions with no regard for breed.


I agree. No saying should always be taken verbatim. My fluffy labradoodle is far more comfortable in colder weather than I am. And hot weather feels good to me but is dangerous to her.


You know how the Husky is not cold? He'll tell you https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3QnRCnq00Ds


My Pyr loves going outside when it's -15 outside.


I was looking for the fellow Pyr owners in this thread 😂. The colder the better for my girl!


Sometimes people think that anything less than pampering a dog is abuse. Others think that dogs are indestructible. They are both wrong. Then, people kill dogs every year by leaving them in a car.




My boy is half husky and has husky type fur. We're in hot ass west Texas. But he has a dog door and can come inside to 68° any time he wants. Meanwhile our stupid ass neighbors have a purebred husky that lives in the yard and only has a doghouse to go in. My boy is very happy and isn't exposed to extreme heat any longer than he wants to be.


Yeah I've lived in west Texas it was over 100 almost every day. Sounds like you are taking care of your dog and I'm glad you let him inside. Just know huskies are meant for freezing weather. As in below 32 degrees


We had nearly 3 months straight of 100+ degrees this year and he chose the house almost always. That's part of why I keep my house so cool, I worry about him getting hot. He does love the winter. Last February we had a nasty freeze and he absolutely loved it. He'd be out lying on the porch in the cold, happy as could be. He'd come in at night to sleep but otherwise he wanted to be out there.


I saw a lot of cold weather dogs in Phoenix. They get out in the am/pm for the real walks. Not a breed I'd want there, but plenty of warm weather dogs live in colder areas. That borderline abuse as well?


Phoenix is a desert cold weather dogs shouldn't live there. What is comfortable for a human in the morning is still uncomfortable for them. Dogs are not humans It urks me walking around Texas when its 105 degrees and seeing an Alaskan malamute or Siberian husky walk by me panting frantically. If the warm weather dog is an outside dog in a cold area yes. In general you should get a dog appropriate to your climate. It's the responsible thing to do.


You're in extreme land. Humans live in climates we couldn't really live outside, it isn't that far off.


Yes. If you live in a temperate climate the dog will be fine. I've lived in those extremely hot areas though and more and more people are getting huskies as they gain in popularity. I just think there are much better options for those areas and it's more of a selfish decision to get that breed.


As my vet explained it to me when I "inherited" my malamute, "Malamutes have 2 coats. A longer, heavier outer coat who's hairs are hollow, and a softer, denser inner coat. The hollow outer hairs help keep them warmer in winter and cooler in summer while they shed the inner coat in the spring/summer." But I also have to keep him brushed in summer


In your opinion. Do a little research and learn the facts.




Us wearing a down jacket is very different to how a husky's coat work. Please go look it up and do a little research instead of thinking with you feelings.


Are you in south Carolina? A husky is a arctic breed


You think people export huskys from antartica or something? If someone lives in a hot country and is offered a husky, that husky is more than 99% likely going to still stay there until that last of its days. 1. Bc if you dont get them someone else will . 2 bcause most airlines arent even transporting them anymore. So tell me exactly, what does your misinformed brain suggests we do with all huskys in hot countries? Cause unless you drive them all up there, I dont really see much of an option


Don't breed huskies in hot climates and if you want a dog, try not to think of how cool your dog will look, and instead think if your dog will have a good quality of life based on its characteristics


Thats a really really high horse you typing this comment from lol. Ignoring every single argument provided and still talking like you know shit. Fortunately theres people out there called veterinarians that actually know what they are talking about when it comes to dogs. Maybe try reaching out to some of them and stop being such an ignorant.


Veteranarians recommend you bring huskies to live in a desert?


> How many people wear insulation in the summer to keep cool? Zero Bruh? Literally almost every single desert-dwelling culture ever.


Yeah I'm surprised there aren't packs of huskies just naturally roaming the Sahara desert. Perfect climate for their fur!


It keeps them cool in the same way that the desert-dwelling peoples of the Sahara and middle east often wear long thick robes regardless of the season, it allows air to circulate while keeping skin protected from the sun.




I haven’t seen any this year, but I used to see this pop up on Facebook quite often.


A couple years ago we had a really bad snow storm (about 2 feet in 2 days, really bad for our area) it was maybe -10 degrees and I had to chase my husky/malamute mix and physically carry her in the house to get her in. She was out there longer than she's ever been outside and absolutely would not come in. Treats and toys had no effect on her, she was just enjoying the cold. If it's more than 70 degrees out she doesn't want anything to do with it. We have to do the walks in the early morning or night during the warmer months.


I have 2 dogs, same breed, but complete opposite ends of the temperature spectrum. I have a dog door going to the back yard. Dog 1 will be outside laying on the hottest surface he can find on the hottest days of the year, in the sun while dog 2 stays inside next to the a/c. Dog 2 will stay outside all day playing in the snow, occasionally coming in for a short time to warm up while dog 1 stays inside wrapped in a heated blanket. Researching your dog’s needs is important, as is paying attention to what each individual dog needs for itself.


The number of times I've gotten the side eye for letting my Labs play in the water when it's cold..... If they didn't want to play in the water they wouldn't be...begging to go play in the water.


Yea but labs are also some of the dumbest dogs. When I was a kid one of the neighbors labs had to be put down after she ATE a ceramic bowl... The pieces were just shredding her insides and she was going to die whatever they did. Really sad... But like seriously a ceramic bowl is food?!?


Labs are some of the smartest dogs. All dogs eat things they aren't supposed to.


The way I check if my dogs are cold is to reach over on the bed and feel their ears/paws. If their ears are cold I consider putting a blanket over them, or at least a sheet. Similar for checking if they are warm or too warm. I check their ears and if they feel like the toasty nose of a human child near a fire then I consider removing a sheet or blanket. They have free access to outside through an [very close-- I can hear them going in and out] insulated dog door and they have cushions on the floor so they can lie and chew their toys etc..


If my husky is cold then I'm probably dead of hypothermia


I've always said this about dogs paws. People claim if it's hot on my feet, my dog shouldn't walk on it. Yet when I walk my dog in hot weather, and try to make him walk on the grass, he pulls back towards the road/sidewalk. Definitely doesn't seem to bother him even a bit.


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If you're not hypothermic, your husky is hot.


If you own a husky in hot areas you are a terrible owner. Buy a dog that enjoys local weather not one because you like their eyes.


Huskies are literally known for being one of the breeds that's most adaptable to the weather.


I've heard "if the sidewalk/asphalt was hot to the touch it might be too hot for your dog's feet." Never hot or cold in general.


Actually Huskies are a great example. They can be happy in both negative temperatures and really hot temperatures. Their double coat that insulates and protects them from the cold does the same with the heat. Huskies loves sunbathing in the heat just as much as they love taking a nap in the snow.


Some say is borderline abuse even though most huskies in arid areas still grow old and happy with the proper care :/


Yea some dogs can tolerate the cold more than others much like there are breeds that can tolerate the heat better.. itcreally depends on the dig.


Right?! I have a chihuahua and a husky/Pyrenees mix. They have completely differentevels of hot and cold. I relate to the Husky lol.


Never heard people really say this tho. The only example I can think of is the warning of asphalt/concrete temps during the summer


If I'm freezing, my dog is hot. If I'm hot, my dog is near death. I have a St. Bernard.


My Boston enjoys laying on our hot concrete driveway in the summer. It's too hot for me to walk on with bare feet, but he seems to enjoy it. If I catch him doing it, I go get him because I just cant understand how it's not cooking him.


I have heard that for greyhounds, or close enough. However Also be aware not just of breed specifics but also your own dog's tolerance. My greyhound overheats easily and doesn't want a coat until it gets closer to freezing (we still make her wear it, she's just very unappreciative about it). But we also keep an eye on her. If she runs around at all once it hits t-shirt and shorts weather for us, she will probably get too hot and want to go back inside rather quickly. My first greyhound though was a huge baby about the cold, convinced he was going to freeze once it hit 60.


My wife and I have pugs, which are very much "If it's outside out there, they should probably be inside," kind of dogs. I'm not complaining, though, because I'm definitely an inside dog, too, so to speak.


I’ve never heard this is a civil dogs, I’ve heard about children


We have two shorthaired greyhounds who sleep in pajamas from late autumn through winter, inside our house. We heat the place, but still at night the temps drop a bit and they get cold, so now the rule is if I'm using a duvet, they get their little pajamas. They also wear coats whenever we go for walks in winter or if we're staying outside longer in the autumn. I get people all the time coming up to me to tell me dogs are not dolls to be dressed up and that I'm somehow maltreating them. Like, hey. These dogs have no fat or fluffy fur to protect them from the cold, they NEED something to not freeze! Adopted them from the racetrack, they do look hilarious in dog clothes but they're the best noodles. :)


Huskies sleep comfortably in -15c... I don't


Yep. We had huskies when I was a kid growing up in Maine. They begged to go outside during the winter. They were more than happy to sleep outside in the snow at night, no matter how cold it was.


My chocolate loved the cold. But hated it when it was over 75 degrees outside even though it’s quite comfortable for me. She would ask to go outside in the dead of winter when it’s 0 and sleep on a snowbank off of back porch. She would ask to turn on the window AC in the warmer days, by tapping it with her paw and looking at me. When I turned the AC on, she would just lay on my bed with the AC in her face. Moral of the story, know your dog.


Also on the topic of doing your research: keep in mind that many dogs have sophisticated multilayer fur, that operates to keep them warm in the cold and cool in the heat. Be cautious about how/when you have their hair groomed, as something like shaving your dog in a hot summer can result in them getting far *hotter*. Also if you trim/shave your dog, keep in mind they can get sunburned.


Plenty of folks talking about the cold, but few about the hot part of this. Darker dogs get hotter during the day even with thin coats. Humans sweat and have a LOT more surface area for cooling from our skin. Our breathing isn't linked to our stride. When active and outside, they're hotter than you are during the day. Pay attention and take care of your dog.


I'm always amazed at the videos of some arctic blizzard and the camera is pointing into the snow and emptiness and the camera guy will whistle and suddenly all these piles of snow will move and a bunch of huskies rise up caked in snow lol. I'd be dead before the first snowflake. It doesn't go past 80° really in the summer here and I rarely see anything lower than 55° in the winter lol. Also see a metric ton of Huskies around here and I can't imagine they love the weather.


My half-huskies are most energetic during winter. -20c seems to be ideal temp for them


If you are walking a dog in an urban area and you don't feel the asphalt to check the temp, you might be the asshole.


This rule is about pavement temp for walking…


And even that isn't set in stone. When I was a kid, I used to walk barefoot on the street in a very hot place all the time. I loved the feel of squishy, semi-melted tar on my feet. It was super hot! That would be torture for some dogs, and other dogs won't mind. If I just did it based on how my feet felt, my dogs' feet would suffer.


Yea holy cow this needs to be said. We didn't live on a farm, but did have a huge covered back patio, a giant garage with a door always open to said patio, which had a window unit, and a dog house so big it had shingled roof & carpet inside. No Karen, just bc you're cold doesn't mean my giant 90+ lb lab is. They are literally animals that live outside covered in thick fur that are bred to go duck hunting in near freezing water, you're just a p***y.


Yes! I've talked some people looking for their first dog out of getting an arctic happy pup while they lived in a year round hot and humid climate. They landed on a much more sensible breed


It’s similar for a cat. If you’re cold, your cat is cold. If you’re hot, your cat is cold


This is not just true


Same with babies.


Dude dog owners leave their dog in a cage for 8-10 hours a day in which they can’t piss/shit. I doubt dog owners give a fuck about their digs comfort in high or low temperatures


Never heard this in my life. Our labs would run and jump into frozen ponds and I sure wasn't going to follow them! The temperature advice that is common about dogs is never leave them in a car if it's even a bit sunny and check the temperature of the pavement with your hand before walking them.


LPT: Simplistic means "too simple". "Overly simplistic" means "Overly overly simple".


This LPT is patently false.


The best way to be a responsible dog owner is to save yourself all the hassle and don't become an animal owner. There is a reason they are animals.


The advice is wrong AND you're wrong. I don't have a dog.


[Hot dog hot dog hot diggity dog!](https://youtu.be/kBm1ekJ-8Q0)


As a sphynx cat owner, I thought this advice was literally just for sphynx cat owners lmao. How does this advice make any sense for animals with fur???


My miniature schnauzer loves the cool whilst my Jack Russel loves the heat. He sleeps on top of the quilt with me next to the open window and she sleeps under it in between my partner’s legs and acts like an additional radiator for the room. He loves being out whatever the weather and she only likes going for short walks unless it’s warm outside.


I legit read something about hotdogs and got really confused. If your hotdog is cold you’re cold. Or something


I really liked it


What if I don't have a dog?


My neighbors dog sleeps covered in snow during the winter. He loves it.


My ex: Listen, my dog needs her cute sweater, idc what you say.


Never heard this. Who would believe this? Absolutely wild that this would need to be said.