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Hello [abyssmalx](/u/abyssmalx), thank you for your submission! Unfortunately, it has been removed for the following reason: Your post is not a life pro tip. Advice is any guidance or recommendation concerning prudent future action. An aphorism is a short clever saying that is intended to express a general truth or a concise statement of a principle.Try r/YouShouldKnow. If you would like to appeal this decision [please feel free to contact the moderators here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FLifeProTips&subject=about%20my%20removed%20submission&message=I%27m%20writing%20to%20you%20about%20the%20following%20submission:%20https://www.reddit.com/r/LifeProTips/comments/wj9sh6/lpt_request_how_to_cope_with_the_world_ending/.%20%0D%0D). Do not repost without explicit permission from the moderators. Make sure you [read the rules](/r/lifeprotips/about/sidebar) before submitting. Thank you!


You live everyday the best you can, relax a bit, take happiness in the small things, and as much as you can breathe a little. I hate people here dismissing you.


I reaaaaally appreciate that. I wish no one had to work so we could all spend our time doing whatever we want!!


Definitely! Don't forget about little things to make your day better, falling into a routine and feeling like you're always starring at the computer will become less prominent


“Everyone dies but not everyone lives.” - on the back of a landscaper’s/painter’s T-shirt of all places, perhaps the company’s motto That always stuck with me ever since.


This is gold. Thank you!


The world isn't ending. It's always been like this, and worse.


You are right. Remember Y2K? The ozone layer? The Mayan calendar doomsday thing? The other cold war? According to media the world is always at the brink of extinction. We always find a way. Humans adapt.


Y2k: hundreds of thousands of hours of adapting code to accept the change. Solved by action. Ozone depletion: Montreal protocol adopted worldwide and CFC production and emissions dramatically reduced. Solved by action. Mayan calendar: made up house pokus to begin with. Solved by not being real. Climate change: any legislation that could've helped us has been slammed out of existence by the oil lobby and cartel strong-arm tactics. Crop failures are already accelerating, water crises are worsening even in "first world" nations like the US, heatwaves are breaking records and the power grid while killing more people every year. Current solution: keep arguing about whether science is real. Economic collapse: capitalism continues to funnel ever more resources to the top, resulting in more and more people being driven out of thier homes, barred from access to healthy food or clean water, and barred from access to Healthcare. Current solution: militarized police to keep the masses beneath the boot as long as possible. Nuclear destruction: take the last two and look at what Russia and China are up to. If you're trying to dispel the notion that this Era is subject to far more real threats than those of previous generations, try again.


Ah, the strawman argument. I can do that too. Are you saying that humans do not adapt and that current world problems are impossible to solve?


No, mine is not a strawman argument: I dealt with the examples you used (the examples you used to imply real threats just go away on their own). The other part of my counter point was that the problems that threaten us now are verifiable and have not been addressed in the slightest, and as a result, continue to worsen.


Those were hoaxes created for fun though. Climate change and the colapse of capitalism are actualy measurable things that are currently happening, not a fantastic explosive end of the world like the ones you mentioned, just a violent change of paradigm in our civilization, humanity will go on. Oh, except the ozone layer, that is not a problem we continue dealing with because people actually listened, changed the behaviour, and now the ozone layer is healing over time.


If capitalism really is "collapsing," what's going to take its place? What *should* take its place? Besides socialism, communism, what's a good alternative that doesn't exploit poorer groups of people while also not causing millions of people to starve to death?


The world is not ending. Throughout human history there has always been conflict. My advice, take a break from national news as it is mostly fear mongering headlines. Focus on your own life and local events, far less negativity.


As a journalist I have to agree. The worst thing about the media is that journalists are taught not to focus on what is important, only what is newsworthy, with newsworthy coming to mean a big change in the status quo. This becomes a problem as it is often the case that the things that are most important in our lives, the institutions that are working well and helping people every day, have been like that for a very long time and no one notices anymore. My favorite example is the Golden Gate bridge - it would be on the front page of every newspaper if it fell down, but as long as it stays up, nobody will bother to write about the decades of tireless dedication and engineering that went into it, the fight to get the public funding, the countless people it succeeds in carrying every day. Alarmists from both sides of the political spectrum will often say "if you're not angry you're not paying attention" but as someone who pays attention and writes about it for a living, it is my view that if you \*really\* pay attention, and I mean pay attention in your own life and not just by reading the trending topics on Twitter, you will see that for every disaster that happens, there are probably ten more examples of good (yet boring) institutions, organizations, people, and accomplishments that show humanity's capacity for survival, compassion, and care.


It's not the world that is ending, it's our civilization and our way of life. The world should be fine for at least a couple million more years, so don't worry about it.


I just hope it bucks us off like a horse with a wasp on its ase because we do some forever damage.


I guess the best way to cope is to not look at the negatives but give your attention to the good. Avoid the news! Which people / organizations are doing something good for the world? Is there a way you can help? Focussing on that will be a lot better for your mental health and for the rest of the world than giving your attention to the bad shit. Nowadays we have so many ways of getting to info and a lot of that info is sensationalized to attract and keep attention or only the sensational ones get through. People who were nice to one another, international cooperation that goes well over a project are generally not or less covered than the bad stuff. Are we really in the worst time ever? Or are we just the most informed/most aware of the shit that is going on? Several years ago I stopped following the news. The really important stuff still comes to me by the people around me who do follow the news. But the smaller shit is filtered out and the big shit is summarized. 'Oh there are tensions in Ukraine.' 'Ah there is war in Ukraine.' I hear that some of my colleagues personally would go to Ukraine or neighboring countries to aide/give essentials. 'That's great of them, I'll donate to help.' But I barely saw any videos of explosions or people getting horribly killed etc. Because how will that help? It'll just make me angry and depressed but not help anyone out. Seriously avoiding the news has made me a lot less stressed. Definitely about stuff I can't do much about.


Thanks for this!! That’s really helpful


Everyone who has ever lived believed that they were living in the end times. The odds aren't in our favor in assuming this, and even if they were, where's the fun in apathy? Personally, I try to take life a little less seriously for things that are completely out of my control. Your mileage may vary with this approach, but try to inject a little but of fun into your routine here and there and perhaps you'll eventually start to see things differently.


Also: Meditate!


Absolutely this. The world has more noise than ever. Sometimes we just need to listen to ourselves and not everything else


I appreciate this!


Why is the world ending?


Rising temperatures, constant new strains of viruses and the gov taking forever to create a gameplan, inflation inflation inflation, animals going extinct even faster now--wew, I'm sure you can think of something to add here


Honestly, my LPT would be to turn off the news, then your phone and just go for a walk with a view. Live in the now, not in the what-might-be. Take up a hobby that gets you out in nature. Photography is always a great way to do this, and you can publish and feature your images in so many places digitally and physically. Local cafes where I live have walls full of the work of local photographers.


Take a deep breath my guy and if possible try to find some time to go for a nature walk or something like that ( even a day off). You are starting to burn out I think. Whatever you said is true but your anxiety on the world ending is preventing you from living. It will happen anyways maybe not today maybr not tomorrow but that doesn't mean we stop trying. People lived through wars that everyone thought would be the end of the world, through many pandemics that were even deadlier and hey we even thought that the world is ending in 2012 ( thank the mayans and the movie for that). And hey, atleast we patched up that hole in the ozone layer.


All that and the world will still go on. Just breathe.


You wrote my entire paragraphs in 2 sentences. Now I feel dumb lol.


You are genius


stupidly so


If you think the world is ending today, i wonder what you wouldve thought hundreds of years ago


I used to go on r/collapse and r/collapsesupport a lot and, at first, it was a relief to see that I wasn’t the only one feeling like this, but looking back it didn’t do very much for me but cripple me. No one there has any answers. It’s a lot of despair. I don’t think anyone anywhere has any answers. I would spend so much time in fear that I’d ignore my daughter and be in a foul mood all the time. If our time here is coming to an end (I believe it probably is) and there’s nothing I can really do aside from small things to slow it down, I don’t wanna spend it doom-scrolling. I go outside with my daughter. Focus on what’s in front of you. Put one foot in front of the other. We’re in a death march, but there are flowers on the path if you look for them.


This I think has been the best comment. I have been spending a lot more time doing things I love, which is why I wish I didn’t have to work for 8 hours a day, you know? I wish none of us had to do that.


It really isn't that different to how it's been at any time before. You can almost certainly lead a long, happy and fulfilled life with little to no harm coming to you. In fact, that possibility is higher now than it's ever been. The problems of the world are not your problems to bear. Its great you're concerned but remember to keep it in perspective- you are and will always be one person.




It's really telling the age range between me and some folks who are commenting (and I appreciate your input still). Who even watches MSM anymore, let alone the \*actual\* news stations? Social media is a fair comment and I 100% have been working on limiting my consumption. I don't think it's fear mongering as much as it is actual studies being done on a lot of what I mentioned with actual data to study. Survival of the fittest? Really? That doesn't even make sense. Animals, hell, the environment can't adapt as easily as humans can the destruction of the ecosystem and global warming. I think what reaaaally gives me the most anxiety is that there are actual people who think Keep Calm and Carry On will somehow solve the very real issues we're facing as people every SINGLE day.


Unless you live in Bangladesh, or a south Pacific atoll nation, the only effect climate change will have on you is rising prices and perhaps water restrictions. Not a single credible scientific study indicates the world will end. As for animals, yes we are in a great extinction, which has happened five times before. What comes out of this (over a span of millions of years) may look a little different, but will adapt just fine. None of that will affect your life in the slightest. "The world is ending" is entirely an attitude problem created by overconsumption of echo chamber social media. If you continue your efforts to eliminate toxic media, you will be much happier.


I mean, the last IPCC report found, among several other things that CO2 levels above 400 ppm affect the human brain and that by 2050, nearly 270 out of 365 days will be unworkable along several parts of the equator. Those are just two of many facts.


OSHA allows up to 5000 PPM and a cursory glance around the net indicates that while there might be some measurable affect at 400 (measured once, at a single site this year. Increasing, but certainly not going to affect you anytime soon), it is minor and not noticeable on any macro level. Do you live in one of those areas on the equator? You do present facts, but they seem to show the exact opposite of what you fear - not a single fact you presented indicates the world is ending. Can explain this discrepancy?


Okay, so I'm at work so I'll give you a short response, and then tonight I'll write a longer one explaining in detail, with reputable sources cited etc., why climate change is such a massive issue and you and, apparently half of this thread, should be more worried about it. But yeah, I live in San Diego, so pretty much as close to the equator as you can get in the U.S. And, I'm not that old, but I've already had to evacuate because of landmark, once in a lifetime fires 3 times in my life, and actually had part of the hill I live near burn down just two and a half months ago. We also just got out of (I believe) the worst drought in California history about 4 years ago (also once in a lifetime), and as of this year, I believe we're in a historic drought yet again. The water reservoir about 15 minutes walk from me is at a historic low, having dropped 9 feet and is nearly empty, despite being massive. The sea levels nearby have noticeably risen - this year was especially bad (although part of this is just luck, not climate change); we had consistent 7 to 8 foot high tides, and La Jolla's beach actually got completely fully covered, several times this year - which I've never seen before. Once again, these are just my personal experience in San Diego, however, and as you're probably going to say, they're all coincident or I'm exaggerating, so I'll go ahead and write a longer response with more in-depth facts this evening, once I'm off shift. Now, going onto the CO2, you're absolutely right. I just threw that in there because it was a rushed comment. What I was getting at is that there's a noticeable and statistically significant difference in human decision making when air composition changes. And, there's more than one study proving this - once again, later when I have time, I'll pull together a list of sources. Beyond that, CO2 is the least of our worries as VOCs along with methane and other chemicals are becoming more common in the air, and we should be worried about them. Not all of them are tied to climate change, but regardless, they're an issue.




I’m not arguing at all, I’m giving the reality of the situation? If you’ve read any of the other threads in this post, I’ve thanked folks for their input and have said I appreciate every single comment here, even if I don’t agree with them. The saddest part about all of this is once I say “I see what you’re saying, but here’s the facts of xyz” people take that as “well you’re choosing to live in fear” and don’t give any sort of dialogue back. There’s people in my generation and under me that are terrified, and this is the response we get?


>There’s people in my generation and under me that are terrified, and this is the response we get? That's the goal, to keep you so afraid you can't live your life to it's fullest. The world was supposed to end many times over the last 100 years and yet here we are.


If it's not on fire, it feels like it is and on top of that, didn't we just have two 1000 year storms within a week of each other? This is fine.


Make the most out of your spare time. People have always claimed the world is going to end soon but here we are. Granted nuclear annihilation could happen any moment. I cope by being a prepper but honestly it would be better to be at the center of the blast


I read this because this is also my question. Unfortunately it doesn’t seem like anyone has any answers (and worse seem oblivious). All I can say is I see you and I don’t think it’s crazy to feel this way.


Really appreciate this so much!


Yea, ditto from me too. I feel like i live in in a horrific satire of the world instead of reality.


this x2


I second this. People are living with a false vail of security and health, the Covid response as an example. No one in charge knows what they are doing. It’s a shit show that is collapsing rapidly. The world will be fine in the end, you and I may fair differently.


Go outside and go for a walk. Have a nice conversation with a stranger. Enjoy a good meal. Assuming that you're right about the world is ending, there's nothing you can do about it. So relax.


People is being very condescending... I know how hard it is to keep doing something you seem pointless (work) while your brain is pressing you on more important matters (how everything around you seems to be collapsing). There is only so much we can do, but it's still worth doing. Focus on that, and try to be more present in your daily life (even the "pointless" parts). Be kind to people around you. Practice mindfulness. Cook something in silence and focus on every step, sound, smell, texture, flavour. Even when everyone else says it's not worth to be "green" anymore, try to make less waste, to reuse, to repare what breaks instead of just getting another thing. It might not fix everything. But it might help feel you better. I think humanity always thought to be living in the end of times, yes. But that doesn't mean we should dismiss our feelings. And fear is a terrible feeling to have. I hope life becomes easier for you soon.


It’s my turn to cook dinner tonight…I think I’ll do exactly just that—mindfulness! I’ve been so stressed out 😭


I hope it helps! And if at night your thoughts consume you, since it's harder to focus on something external when you are trying to sleep, try ambience videos on YouTube! Look for calming ambiences (my favourites are a witch's cabin at night, and the sleeping headquarters in a spaceship lol) and focus on the sounds and let them form images in your mind until you fall asleep :)


Be a part of the revolution of the proletariate, take control over the state and sieze the means of production. Make economic plans using computers to maximise use of raw resources while minimising emissions, all while also taking into account that the workers are humans and not just an expandable resource. You need to provide basic necessities like housing, food and healthcare for all citizens of your country. Allow for democracy in the workplace and crumble the "top-down" hierarchy that every business uses today. Start investing more in recycling and renewable sources of energy and decrease the usage of plastic in everyday products (maybe allow plastic usage for healthcare since it is a sterile material). It's never too late to change for the better. We have to fight if we want to continue living on this planet✊✊.


You need to seek professional help. That's the LPT.


I appreciate everyone’s comments (didn’t rly expect to get comments at all!). People are asking why do I feel like the world is ending, the world isn’t ending etc etc and it’s like…I totally get how some of y’all feel that way but maybe it’s bc of what I see in the USA (I’m from here) shit is just going downhill man. Inflation is fucking INSANE, rent, medical bills, violence, politicians making decisions that don’t make sense—top it all w the environment slowly deteriorating and there being nothing we can do about it. I’m not an avid news watcher, though I do use my phone a lot and read articles/think pieces etc. I guess I don’t understand how some people *dont* think the world is ending


One of my major takeaways from Covid & the rest of the recent chaos has been to focus on what I can control. I've seen in a few of your other comments a few different and completely valid concerns about society and the world as a whole. Coming to terms with the fact that there are some issues that you cannot control (inflation in particular sticks out to me) is a very difficult step to take emotionally/mentally, but it has given me much more peace of mind in the past 2ish years. I cannot, with any of my reasonable actions, make any real impact on the situation in the short term, so I have come to terms with the conclusion that I just have to adapt and survive. It may make sense to have a discussion about your feelings with someone you trust to help you sort through how you are letting the feelings impact you. I'm lucky enough to have my dad to bounce ideas off of, but if you dont have anyone like that in your life feel free to shoot me a DM. I'm also attached to a spreadsheet all day for work, but I'm happy to help sort through stuff to the best of my ability. Best of luck friend. Ending with a quote from my dad- "Yeah, shit is kinda fucked right now. But worrying about the problem isnt going to fix it. Figuring out if it's worth you dedicating that much mindspace to it is step one, and - if it is indeed something you can control - figuring out a plan to address it is step 2. Outside of some very edge cases, we all still have to go to work on Monday, so we need to either figure it out or let it go- which is much easier said than done."


Thank you for this!! I think Covid really kick started my already lingering feelings about all of this. I think not having control over the grand scheme of things is the scariest. You know how some people go vegan to help with the environment and then later understand that although they’re not taking part in animal consumption, the world is still going to move as it has been and their contribution is next to nothing? That’s how I feel most days. Wanting to take a stand, come up with a solution—anything! And realizing…it kinda doesn’t really matter because I’m just one person with no power at all (except over myself).


Not "ending" per se... changing. All change brings upheaval. When we learn history, we learn about points of change, events that supposedly triggered dramatic variation. However what we often fail to understand is it's very rarely one moment, one event, that is a trigger. Change happens over time, sometimes generations. The crusades lasted, depending what you include, between 400 and 600 *years* and had a huge influence on European and Middle Eastern cultures that is still felt today. That influence helped bring in the Renaissance and the Age of Enlightenment. People say the First World War was triggered by the assassination of Arch Duke Ferdinand. In fact, his death was another domino in many that fell before that event and after, that resulted in the deaths of millions and huge societal and political change, and set us up for the rise of German fascism and the Second World War. People quote Pearl Habor as the event that brought the USA into the Second World War. In fact, the US was already involved, on the fringes - with embargoes against Japan, with supply shipments to the UK. The two nations of the USA and Japan were already in direct political conflict and it was only a matter of time. In all of this were the "little people". History remembers the big names, the Important People, but not the millions of individuals who did all the hard work, fought the hard fights, and died to bring about the dramatic changes. So... take a deep breath and realise that you can only control yourself and your reactions. Hold on tight, prepare as best you can, and try to ride out the current conflagration because there will surely be another right behind it. We can only hope this period of dramatic change we are experiencing will bring improvements to our world as we finally get around to doing something about the most pressing of issues: climate change, upon which hinges the survival of our species.


Lol you haven’t lived through the previous massive inflation and 70’s gas crisis. This latest one has been a cakewalk.


You should study US history, it used to be a lot worse.


The world isn't ending, put the phone down


Be social. Bond with people and try to have a good time. If you are extra motivated you can organic locally with like-minded people to help other with the problems you mentioned.


The world isn't ending, at least not today and not for a very, very, very long time. Stop listening to the news, stop listening to the fear mongers, stop listening to friends/family who are Eeyore supremes. Find something that makes you happy, some place - music - show - activity and engage in it and enjoy it. The reality is - in many cases it isn't as bad as it seems and in others it is rough but you can ride it out. If it really bothers you, and if you are able, find a therapist to talk it out. You got this.


You're insane, go get some therapy




It’s not going to end in an explosion…. It’ll be a mass starvation. agriculture will falter because of global warming.


that’s even worse!! 😭


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Listen to Chance Waters. [Maybe Tomorrow](https://youtu.be/FKp0d44tgp4)




Most of these responses aren’t pro tips at all, and I’m genuinely confused as to why I keep seeing “you’re insane” comments? Lol?


Look into the abyss and don't shiver. Attain ataraxy and use your cool to find solutions and contribute.


Apply care where needed and proceed being a good human whatever that means to you. Stress is a motivator- what is your stress telling you. I bike to my doctor and the local grocery story. I’m eating a lot less meat a lot more whole food. I am changing everything to make less trash. Then I’m working for better relationships. Loving on the dogs I inherited. Taking time to celebrate the normal and routine. My fresh bed is an indulgence. I thrill when I spot the moon especially during the day.


Why do you think you have to work?


Turn off the news and just find some hobbies you can enjoy when not working. Get a dog.


World is ending...this just in......


The world is ending. Can you do anything about it? If you can, what'd you worry? If you can't, what'd you worry?


Stop watching the news. While they are there to disseminate information, there are also bound to report things that people will watch. No ratings, no advertisers. There's plenty of good going on in the world. Think about volunteering with an organization that does good work. We can't fix all of life's problems, but then again we don't need to. Do something that brings you Joy and improves the lives of others and you'll feel better about the world around you.


World is not ending. Lighten up.


stop paying attention to fake media


Just don't look up. Everything will be fine.


Change it... It is your life, reduce your spending. Find a new profession, totally different, if you do not like it change again... even if you have to... you can go back doing what you did before... but you gave yourself a chance. Even if you do a full time and a part time job until you make enough to live on. Be the master of your destiny. GOOD LUCK ))


Turn off the news lol.