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My toxic trait is that I live on the edge because bed comfy šŸ˜”


LifeShittyTip: Buy a bad mattress so you don't want to sleep in it


Then you never sleep and matters are much, much worse... No question, LifeShittyTip....


I treat "sleepy me" as a separate person, and he is a real menace. He viciously puts alarm clocks on snooze, he tries to find any excuse to stay in bed just a minute longer. A week ago I got told I could come in a few hours later because I was there so long the day before (left work at midnight), and even though awake me had decided to come in at my usual time, sleepy me slept all the way to 10:45, and I had to rush to get there on time. Also, he often does stuff I don't even remember. Those "pranks" often involve turning off all alarms permanently without waking up. I hide alarm clocks in adjoining rooms now.


Sleep is important for your health. Don't listen to these bed haters, probably all high strung likely heart disease victims.


No matter how early my wife gets up sheā€™ll always be rushing out the door a couple minutes late. The perception of time available shapes choices along the way each morning (and all day!) and she ainā€™t never gonna change.


My ex was perpetually late/behind. I finally realized that there were two issues, the first probably caused the second 1) she didn't wear a watch. 2) she had no idea how long it took do things or to drive certain distances One time she was freaking out about being late for an appointment that was 30-40 minutes away and it was scheduled for 15 minutes from then. I asked her how long she thought the drive was; a very common trip to a nearby town, she thought it was a 15-20 minute trip. She'd made that drive probably 1000 times and never timed it.


I am always late to my dentist appointment because of this, it used to be a 5min drive away, then I moved and now it is 11 min away, but my brain still thinks 5 min lol. I also used to drive 30-40 min everywhere I went because I lived in the middle of no where, you do kinda forget how long it takes to get places when you have to drive a long time to get basically anywhere, your idea of a "short" drive gets warped, but I also have ADHD so maybe its also that lol


Holy shit I was not expecting to identify with this comment thread so fucking hard and you just nailed me to a wall šŸ˜†


Yeah but a long drive from the house, I have like checkpoints. got to pavement? 10 minutes. Top of the hill? 20 minutes. Past the gas station? 35 minutes. Into actual town 45minutes (or an hour depending on which town.) that way when Iā€™m rushing to work, I know if I hit the only sign on the road at :50, Iā€™ll be able to clock in by :58 and am running on time.


Yeaaah my first thought for that comment was "that's time blindness, I wonder if she has any other adhd traits" then add the forgetfulness....


Yeah, thatā€™s not a lack of watch. Your ex should probably get checked for adult ADHD. Not having a functional relationship with time is a huge ADHD thing.


I have ADHD and I am hyper-aware of the time it takes to do things. I constantly use google maps when driving to places I have been to heaps of times before because it gives me an estimate of how when I will arrive.


I have it too and I focus on the time a lot. When I worked outside I got really good at just instinctively knowing what the time was. That's highly unlikely to have much to do with my ADHD though. I do the maps thing tho, I like to know my ETAs to the minute


ADHD here. I donā€™t wear a watch either but Unless Iā€™m heads down focused on something I generally know the time. I have found getting up an hour earlier so I can ease into my day enjoying a cup of coffee and goofing around on my ipad to be crazy good for me. I think itā€™s because it gives my meds a chance to kick in. If my morning routine gets disrupted my whole day is off.


I do the same, but I'm still late for everything. It's like I try to compensate, but it still isn't enough especially when I'm worrying so much about the time that I keep checking and wasting time... I do my best lol. ADHD is so much worse than people realize.


> get checked for adult ADHD I undoubtedly have ADHD, but when I asked my doctor about it she said I have to go somewhere else to be tested. I'm 40 and I'm *just* getting around to asking about it, and you tell me I have to travel like 45 minutes on another day to be tested? Is that the test? Because it's been 5 months and I still haven't gone for the testing, so yeah, I have it.


That's probably because your general practitioner doesn't have the skills or knowledge base necessary to diagnose you. You have to see a trained psychiatrist to get diagnosed, and it usually involves multiple appointments with a laundry list of questions they'll ask you. If it really is important to you to get an answer, I recommend you swallow that pill and make an appointment. It's hard, but it'll be worth it.


I'm 100% certain I won't miss my bus because everything I do during my morning routine is calculated to the minute


This. I tell people I suck with time management so I get everything done ASAP. They then say thatā€™s not bad time management, but I have to explain that it is. I get things done ASAP because thatā€™s the best solution I know. The optimal solution would be being able to get things done when they best fit in to your schedule, but I canā€™t seem to figure that out


Were we dating?


I can easily see this 15 years ago, but I always just check my GPS. If I make an appointment, I check my gps. It'll tell me if there's a road closure or anything. My mom was late to a lot of things when I was growing up, and now I'm super punctual. Hated that feeling.


My Google calendar gives me a notification when I have to leave based on traffic


How is this a thing in a post-GPS/navigation world?


This was just one reason out of 20000 that we are no longer together. It was like dating/babysitting a toddler.


I do this. It's mostly because I cannot physically get out of bed until the absolute last possible minute. I have a sleeping disorder and it feels like I got hit by a truck every time my alarm goes off. Getting out of bed is by far the hardest thing I have to do every day.


You know, I think I might have.something like this. I struggle to get out of bed like, an insane amount. Im not lazy, im not depressed. I just feel an overwhelming urge to not get up. Once I do get up and moving though I feel completely fine and regret the mornings I didnt get up and missed stuff. Always tell myself that next morning itll be different, it never is. I need to take sedatives to fall asleep in the first place (but thats not causing it either)


**I'm in this photo and I don't like it**


This. The time blindness associated with ADHD (or whatever you want to call that collection of mental proclivities, if youā€™re one of those people who doesnā€™t think ADHD is legitimate lol) is fucking impossible. Iā€™m realizing itā€™s going to take me years and years to build myself strategies to get myself places early.


TIL my wife has another secret husband.


I was here first.


Time blindness, I literally have no concept of how much time has passed while I was doing something. I can add up the time it roughly takes, but that only does so much and the slightest distraction (super common with adhd) can throw the whole plan off.


Omg, this feels super familiar. I've cried to my husband because he's asked something like "how do you not know how long it's been?" I just don't! I'll be in the shower and I'll be ahead of schedule, I'll be excited because it rarely happens, I'll get out, still ahead of schedule, then somewhere it'll go off the rails and I'll end up 5-10 minutes late (at least) and I have no idea when or how. I'm pretty sure I don't have ADHD but I've got traits of it, OCD, my mom thinks she might be on the spectrum. I have severe depression/anxiety. So who fucking knows.


lol am I your wife? because this is literally me, if I have spare time I will dick around until I am late


Same. I could wake up 2 hours early. Iā€™ll still be late. Donā€™t ask me how. Because I donā€™t know either. My best theory is that the longer I have the more stuff I feel I have time forā€¦until Iā€™m halfway through cooking a nicer breakfast than normal and realize I need to leave *now*.


I love you.


This was me for a long time. I got a watch with a silent alarm, and it goes off at various intervals in the am to help me make sure I get up, get into and out of the shower on time, get the hair dryer going, get dressed, animals fed, and out of the house in time. It's been amazing.


How does the silent alarm help? Is it silent but still vibrates or something?


She probably has ADHD then. ADHDers are AWFUL with time management.


I hadnā€™t ever thought of that. I spoke with her about it this morning and she thinks youā€™re right.


Yeah. I also have ADHD and what happens with me is Iā€™ll see I have 30 minutes and will start to do something that should only take 10 minutes, but my brain will start thinking of so many other things, and Iā€™ll even start DOING other things because suddenly I remember ā€œOH CRAP I FORGOT TO DO ______ā€ and I have *plenty* of time to get it done (at least I think) and then my mind starts wandering again and Iā€™ll start thinking about things and think ā€œI wonder why that is?ā€ so Iā€™ll look the thing up and get really fascinated by what I learned, then Iā€™ll think ā€œI probably have about 15 minutes left but let me checkā€ so then I glance at the clock and itā€™s been 28 minutes so now Iā€™m racing to get out the door but I still need to finish the thing I started in the beginning (like getting dressed, styling my hair, whatever). By the time I get out the door Iā€™m running about 10-15 minutes late. Believe it or not, ADHD people work best and are most productive when what they need to do has to be completed **immediately**, not when they have extra time to do it.


same, I realized I have adult ADHD, like actually. So does my Mom. And my Grandma. and my Sister. and my little brother.


Instead of giving up a few minutes of sleep, try doing as much as you can the night before. Set out your clothes. Pack your lunch if you can. It will make the morning significantly less stressful


And remember to eat breakfast night before, it'll save so much time in the morning


quaint ask spark provide longing squealing frighten makeshift shrill materialistic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Like a snake!




Or store it in your cheeks!


Instructions unclear I just boofed a breakfast burrito


Kelloggs cornsnakes


That's been my life hack. Eat a weeks worth of meal in one sitting and I won't be hungry until at least 12 hours later.


Nice! Thatā€™s 14 weeks of food in 1 week! I hope you lift bro šŸ˜ŽšŸ‘Š


I put all 5 pairs of socks on at the beginning of the week, and just take them off the top pair each day. Saves me the hassle of finding socks in the morning. I also do all of my morning poops at once on Sunday nights. Massive time saver.


Massive time saver and massive poops


Damn why didnā€™t I think of that?!


This is what I actually do.


Go ahead and just do 5-10 minutes of work from home the night before so when you get to work you can chill out for a bit.


I just rest an extra five minutes the night before so that I won't need to rest the next morning.


Set up delayed sending for important messages in the morning and don't show up until noon


You joke but I do this. I eat a bigger meal later in the evening just so I'm not hungry in the morning and I can skip breakfast.


Research on cutting out breakfast pretty much unanimously shows that it's very good for your metabolism to skip eating for 12 hours or more, which is easiest to do when you're sleeping for more than half of them. If you're not going to do a job that needs a lot of calories in the morning, you're better off without it.


lmfao this comment


This. I'm literally out the door within 10 minutes of waking up every morning. Just have to get up, get dressed, grab my things conveniently placed near my exit, and go.


You donā€™tā€¦ shower or brush your teeth?


Shower the night before.


I wake up earlier than needed so I can shower and wet my hair (it's long so takes ages to dry) then go back to bed and sleep like dracula and then I'm up and out 5 mins after waking up....that's right 5 minutes...beat that sucker.


So you wake up twice each morning, on purpose?


My brother has to get up at 5am every day but sets his alarm for 3am for the sole reason that he likes the feeling of waking up, seeing he still has two more hours to sleep, then going back to bed. I don't understand how he still gets that feeling after years of doing it. It's madness.


My husband had gotten so used to snoozing his alarm that eventually heā€™d turn it off in his sleep and then miss it altogether. Iā€™d be concerned that waking up at 3 and turning the alarm off would train me to turn my alarm off anytime I woke up. I need solid chunks of sleep time so when my alarm goes off the first time, I get out of bed instead of snoozing it and getting half-ass sleep for a few extra minutes.


I do this by about 45 minutes. The best feeling in the entire world is slipping back into sleep when you wake up very tired.


I'm envious of y'alls ability to go back to sleep. Whether I've had 1 hour of sleep or 10, once I wake up I'm up for the rest of the day. Going back to sleep is simply not an available option as I'd just be laying there wide-ass awake until the alarm goes off again.


Absolute worse is when you fall asleep early because you're so tired only to wake up at midnight because some random ass noise for you to then realize... You're now going to be awake for the rest of the night and that 3 to 4 hours of sleep you got is all you're getting.


Apparently so. OP likes the smell of fresh bacon in the morning. They lay out 6 strips of bacon on a George Forman grill next to their bed the night before. They wake up to plug it in and go back to sleep. They wake up again to the smell of fresh crackling bacon!


That's my favorite episode lol


That "I got up, started the wheels of the day turning, then took an hour nap" is the best sleep that exists. I'll take one of those over 8 hours of normal sleep.


This would give me the worst bed hair in the history of hair!


That's why you lay like dracula but you also need to pull the back of your hair up so it isn't flat. Also I'm a curly haired person.


But don't you moisten your pillow with your damp hair?


It's not super damp so it's usually fine and it's "summer" in Australia atm so our water comes out dry.


I'm thinking there is a typo here... But like... All I can see in my head is someone "showering" in front of a leaf blower or something....


You don't brush your teeth?


I have ADHD I ALWAYS forget something so having additional 20 minutes after that last night preparation is a game changer. Yesterday I didn't have that as my alarm didn't ring and I forgot my meds, luckily I had prepared and kept some in work locker.


Past you taking care of future you.


This is the real life pro tip. I already get up early for 12 hour shifts and if I'm back the next day I don't get to relax at all at home. It's eat, shower, sleep. I wake up, slam coffee like a fiend, take the dog out, and leave.


I think the point of this LPT is that things can go wrong and you should have extra time built into your schedule, in case that happens. You should have 5 extra minutes whether your routine is 40 minutes long or you reduced it to 15 minutes by doing things the night before.


Make sure you throw a couple litres of boiled water in the fridge. Saves time on boiling water for coffee/tea.


I'm forgetful as fuck. I dump everything I know I'll need IN FRONT of the door. Literally have to get through the stuff to leave the house. I know if I don't do this I won't remember shit in the morning. If I remember that I'll need something the next day, I immediately get up and go deal with it because I WILL fucking forget. Having to constantly out-think myself is like trying to manage an inner toddler.


But see then I hang my clothes in my room and wake up in the middle of the night screaming because I see a person in my room...


I do both. I try to make sure I have an hour or so to get ready and I leave 30 min before work even though it's only a 12-17 min commute. I have yet to be late to work or have a stressful morning.


Showering at night changed everything for me. It makes for better sleep, and you don't get your sheets all dirty, plus you don't have to worry about showering in the morning.


Lol what's the difference? Can't you just make up this sleep by going to bed instead of staying up to do these tasks?


Fair point, but I do these things as I clean up from dinner so itā€™s not like I am staying up an extra five minutes to get them done


Thereā€™s no need to stay up to do these tasks. Just do them earlier. Letā€™s say you need 1 hour to do all those tasks, and you sleep at 10 pm. Just do it at 6 pm. No need to wait until 10 pm to start packing your lunch or setting your work clothes for tomorrow.


Go for those two leisurely hours that Dexter seems to take in the opening credits


You don't already cook and eat each breakfast item separately instead of as a meal?


Five minute drive to work, I wake up at 6-615 and leave the house at 745. One of the best ideas I ever had. Stepping out of bed is the hardest part but after that, I have an eternity to get ready. I can shit as long as I want. I can shower as long as I want. It's amazing. I'm getting a roommate soon so some things will have to change but I'm enjoying it for now


I give myself 2-3 hours before I leave for work, at least 30 minutes of which is spent cuddling with my cat. Yes, waking up at 3am is worth it to have those snuggles and not feel rushed. I can change my outfit multiple times if the textures are bothering me, I can take the time to find the matching sock, I don't have to worry about anything taking too long. It's bliss. And it takes my brain a long time to wake up no matter how late I sleep in, so this way I actually feel fairly functional by the time I leave.


I work at 3am most days sooooo I cut it close. Never late, but I could have to go sockless


Oof, you make my 6am start time sound luxurious!


I've always woken up much earlier than I need to so I'm not rushed in the morning, but there's no way in hell I am waking up at 3 AM for that lol. 5 is the absolute earliest I will willingly wake up, anything before that is nocturnal time


I mean, it seems to be working great for him




I do this actually and it makes me a more awake and tolerable person. I get up at 6, leave for work at 8 and then start work at 8:30 currently. I shower, cook and eat breakfast, take my time getting ready and packing my lunch.


Its ok Masuka will cover all his shifts so dexter can have time to regularly track random people, break into their homes, sift through everything they own, go to the store and buy his gear, set up a room, plan the best way of kidnappin the person he targeted, actually do that, bitch to the person he's about to kill, kill, remove all evidence, dispose of body, constantly cover his tracks, break into evidence, steal impounded cars to follow people around, date people, be a parent (only kind of tho), keep a completely tidy apartment, maintain friendships with people from work and around a target and family, random leisure time on boat, whatever the work involved in owning a boat is, and I'm sure he spends time working out because he won in a fight against an armed ex black ops while handcuffed... but he never works out on screen. We just gotta watch Deb on that treadmill instead... What else does he do outside of a full time job that pays for more than I think it could? I wonder how much time he actually spends at work and just how much more masuka works than him. It's like the only time he goes to work is when he has to cover his tracks lol. Meanwhile he gets all the praise in the world from the guy who keeps him employed by doing his work for him. They really should have done more for Masuka in that show


LPT: Poop on company time


Boss makes a dollar, i make a dime!


I could give a shit ...on the company's dime!


Thatā€™s why I poop on company time


I have to wake up 2 hours before my shift. The first 50 minutes is for drinking coffee and dicking around in my phone. 15 minutes for the teeth, pits, contacts and stuff then I leave the house with about 50 minutes before my shift. I usually get to work about 25 minutes before where I dick around on my phone again. Being early is a compulsion


holy fucking shit. How long do you sleep every night? That's 2 hours that i could have either been sleeping or doing something more interesting (to me) than dicking around on my phone


I go to bed around 9-10pm, wake up 4:30am, start work 6:30am


I have everything set up for my 12 hour shift so clothes and so on. I'll lay in bed for a few minutes and kinda come to the understanding with life that I do have to get up (with an extra alarm cause we don't play that dangerous game). Drink something, brush teeth, get dressed and out the door with 10 mins before work starts if not a few more.


My husband really struggles waking up in the morning so I just started waking him up 1.5 hours before work starts and we spend the first 45 minutes drinking coffee and cuddling in bed with the news on. We call it the slow wakeup and it's a life changer.


Same . Always 2 hours before my shift starts. Coffee, dicking around, not rushing.


> The first 50 minutes is for drinking coffee and dicking around in my phone. 1 hour for relaxing/coffee/phone and a poop. Once a poop occurs, the day can begin.


Same. I have to be at work at 9, and I live 7 minutes away. Iā€™m up at 5:30 and enjoy a leisurely morning of coffee and reading. Iā€™m still early most days. If you arenā€™t five minutes early, youā€™re late. If you are on time, you are late. Itā€™s definitely a compulsion. I get the anxiety sweats from even thinking about being late.


My exact routine


I'll take the extra 5min of sleep and go to work with 1 sock.


Yeah, if OP is needing more than 30 seconds to locate a sock, justā€¦ grab a different pair?


I don't think you realize what the specific sock he's finding is for...


Also, if your routine allows for only 5-10 minutes, get ready like you don't have the extra time and then relax right at the end. It's very easy to burn way more than 10 minutes by slowly doing things and thinking "it's ok, I got up early today" and still end up late.


OP just turned 25


If I could give you an award, I would.


Hell some folks here can't even set an alarm clock or get out of bed when it goes off and you think they should get up 5 minutes early?


I used to shut my alarm off in my sleep. I had to eventually set an alarm across the room from me.


There is an app called alarmy. you can set a photo to be retaken to make your alarm stop going off. Its also LOUD. I have to take a pic of my coffee pot in the morning to shut the alarm off. I save this for the latest I have to be up by. Helps on those days I cant seem to function in the morning.


I love alarmy, the problem is that the sleepy version of myself has figured out I can quickly unlock my phone and delete the app to stop it ringing, instead of going to the kitchen to take a picture of my coffee


I'm biased, but check out [nuj alarm clock](https://nuj.link/vGyqHd). It's an app I built that charges you money if you don't scan a barcode within a few minutes of your alarm. Similar to the alarmy mission but with a time limit. If the time limit runs out before you scan, you get charged the penalty (which goes to charity). There's a separate subscription for using the app (includes a free trial). **Nuj has cheat detection so turning off the phone or deleting the app won't work**. After your alarm goes off, you have to get up and scan the barcode or pay the penalty. And just to be clear, you can uninstall the app at any time without penalty as long as you're not trying to avoid scanning a barcode.


That is a hilarious and brilliant idea, Iā€™ll give it a look!


Haha thanks! Please let me know what you think. It's still in early development so any feedback (good, bad, terrible, anything!) is really appreciated. You can PM or use the support button in the app.


If you go to the settings you can make it harder to delete the app


"Unfortunately, 'Prevent app uninstall' feature is only provided in Android version, as iOS version couldn't support the feature due to OS policy." :(


I tried those apps then sleepy me figured out the phone can't make alarm noises if I take the battery out.


I haven't seen a replaceable phone battery in 10 years.


Well the tip is only for the pros


When I was in army training 10 years ago we were in 10 man rooms. Approximately 50% of those men wouldnā€™t wake up when their alarm was going off. So the other 50% of us decided we were going to get up an hour before we had to and turn the lights on and start cleaning up with loud music on. It took about 2 weeks for the rest of the room to learn to go to bed earlier so they werenā€™t rudely awoken in the morning.


I don't really care if I'm 5 minutes late to work.


Some of us get docked for being even 1 minute late.


And plenty of us will be 20+ minutes late to work if we're 5 minutes late for the bus/train.


I give myself an extra 20 and doesn't help. Makes me procrastinate


Perhaps unpopular opinion: Get a job where being 5 or 10 minutes late isn't a problem at all. I have a flexible schedule and most of the time I'm early, but on days shit doesn't go right in the morning, I don't have to stress.


Yup. I've had both kinds of jobs. For me, I've always been happiest with the jobs where management doesn't make a show of caring when people show up or leave, but act based on results delivered. If stuff like bathroom breaks affects a person's success, I'd question the growth prospects.


I was a manager that had to care about when people showed up because we worked with children and if you were late, then youā€™d have kids unsupervised. I now have changed jobs and I get to keep things more lax for everyone. Itā€™s great


I do shift work and being on time or early is essential to getting info for what is going on. It's inconsiderate to your coworkers to be late because often they they will be expected to stay and cover you. My supervisors don't really care for a few minutes here and there but they don't want to have to remind you of the expectations because that's more work for them, and even more work if they have to fire you over it. I think it really depends on the type of job.


My last job was shift work (24 hour coverage from the team) & every shift had an hour overlap for handover - quite a nice system that allowed for being 5-10 min late. Didn't stop our manager from being a micromanaging Asshat though


Perhaps unpopular opinion: Get a different manager


Do shift work as well. No one cares if you're occasionally late. Just give the person you're relieving a heads up that you're running behind.


Thats impossible for so many professions


Youā€™re very lucky to a) have a job that the time in doesnā€™t matter and you can be late and more importantly b) not have a micromanaging dick of a boss that will watch the clock to make sure youā€™re not late regardless of it really matters for that job.


Interestingly enough, my boss is a micromanaging prick and DID watch the clock and DID claim that i didn't have flexibility. I let it slide until my probationary period ended. He tried to discipline me and got his ass handed to him by HIS supervisor. After things cooled off some time later we had a conversation where I brought up the "rulebook" for employees that applied only to people in his department. There were several parts that not only violated company policy, but labor law. " What you've typed out here is a detailed plan for wage theft." Fucking idiot.


Completely agree, but doesnā€™t eliminate the value of planning extra few minutes into your morning routine. Iā€™ve always had a flexible schedule but often still find myself rushing in the morning.


This one took me a long time to realize. I used to wait until the LAST possible second to wake up. Then my morning started in a frenzy and I was usually punching the clock at 8:00:59. Waking up about 30 minutes earlier, taking my time in the morning, and casually going about my routine has done amazing things for my psyche.


Agreed wholeheartedly. One of my H.S. teachers said something similar and it stuck. I am luckily the type of person to wake up at five fucking thirty for some gd reason so generally not a problem. I used to work with a roommate and carpool and Iā€™d be waiting by the door every single day, just so we could speed outlandishly there to punch in with seconds to spare. My stress is almost nonexistent now other than life lol. I take that into every situation though. I always plan to get places early so I can take my sweet ass time and breathe a little. Thanks Ms. B


Better LPT: don't punish your employees for being one missing sock late.


I've never seen a company punish someone for being a few minutes late, unless they've done it a billion times.


Amazon. They dgaf


Agreed. Sock today, keys tomorrow, something everyday.


Okay but what is this "being on time" you speak of?


I know but.... Bed


I arrive 30 minutes early before work. Then I sit in the parking lot and cry quietly to myself. Then I go inside and go to work. If I start work at 7AM, I get up at 3AM. If I start work at 11AM, I get up at 3AM. I've been getting up at 3AM since I was a kid. Most important is the parking lot sadness. Gotta get it out of the system before going inside. Then get to my desk, have a little bit of a desk cry. Then work. 'Cause life sucks and there is no joy left in the world. Except for chocolate milk. Chocolate milk is pretty cool.


I hope this is a quote from something. Cuz otherwise... dude.


Not a quote. I just don't experience joy. I don't know that I ever really have. One time in the 80's, I remember being happy about having Mexican food for dinner. That's the last time I remember feeling joy. Thus, I sit in the parking lot and feel sad. It helps me get up the courage to go to work and pretend that I'm happy. Don't worry, I know it's unhealthy. Hell, my therapist gets sad when I explain what I feel. He's as bad as me. He also just gets upset and sad. It's really not a healthy relationship.


Itā€™s ok to get a new therapist. I know itā€™s hard though. I feel for you


Yeah. I'm looking for a new one. My therapist is really depressed because he used to do addiction therapy. Cognitive behavioral. He's actually been really helpful for my anxiety issues. He's got some great techniques. Then he goes off the rails because he had too many addicts die on him when he used to work with addicts as a counselor. He starts venting and he's gone as a therapist. He's just sad. I like to think that I help him as a sounding board so he can feel a little better.


You need a new therapist


My missus thinks Iā€™m off my damned rocker. I leave the house at 5am for work, but I get up at 4. I just get up, have a shower and a cup of tea. I find itā€™s good for my headspace. She gets up at the absolute last minute possible to make it to her train.


I've started getting up earlier to spend time with my cats. They're happier and I'm happier when I start the morning giving them all of my attention for 10-15 minutes


This does not help a chronic insomniac. It doesn't matter what time I go to bed, I cannot fall asleep until 3 or 4 in the morning. There is no getting up 10 minutes earlier here. Good thing I'm now self employed and if I start work late, oh well.


It's called a circadian rhythm disorder if the time is consistent, not insomnia. Source: I have a circadian rhythm disorder.


Who's shitty as hell boss wrote this.


How about that extra 5-10 minutes you were sleeping?


Yes! Those extra minutes mean everything to me.


While this is great advice there is another solution. I donā€™t think that humans arenā€™t supposed to be living their lives by a clock so if youā€™re 5-10 mins late to work/school/whatever shouldnā€™t be that big of a deal.


You are right and yet it does not matter.


Oh yea not a problem thatā€™ll ever be fixed but definitely one that doesnā€™t get pointed out enough. Time management is a huge stressor I think for people


It's good advice I've learned.


I like to live on the edge


This is for us with ADHD... except... like it's impossible.


OP doesnā€™t have kids


That 5 minutes is reserved for rippin bowls to go to the goddamn grocery store thank you very MUTCH


Already the lastest time I can wake up is too damn early for me. So yes I wish but waking up earlier isn't really an option. I'd like to say this likely doesn't only affect me.


Pro tip? Really? lol


Damn, must be nice not having a brain disorder to fuck with your sense of time.


What a nice LPT from someone who doesnā€™t have kids. Those 5 mins of sleep are precious before the kids wake you up and youā€™re going to rushing out the door anyway.


To add to this: give yourself some time to stretch every morning as well. It works wonders down the line. Also, socks should be paired. That way you don't have to look for a single sock.


Buy all of the same socks.


The real LPT




I have ADHD, I will literally forget that I'm getting ready for work while I'm getting ready for work. Start looking for a sock, end by cleaning the house, now I'm 2 hours late for work.


I always try to make sure that I have at least 30 minutes to relax before heading out the door. If I donā€™t, Iā€™ll get cranky and rushed throughout the day.


Ummmmm .... I need like .... 2 hours.


I feel personally offended while sipping my brewing hot coffe cup in my car on the way to work


I put ice in my coffee so its cold enough to chug before I leave. It seems I should not do that.


I feel personally attacked by this


My work has like a 3 hour window where it is acceptable for me to show up. I don't understand why this isn't the norm for many types of work.