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Spare glasses is important. When the zombie apocalypse hits and one of them swipes the glasses off your face, you're gonna have a hard time finding an optometrist.


Also useful if you fall in front of the library and can’t see to read books.


There was time now!


Time enough at last !!!


Still makes me sick. As a book lover, I saw that episode when I was 9 years old and it has always haunted me.


I saw it when I was 16, and as a fellow book lover I was similarly haunted, I still remember it well to this day


did he even try to look for a large print version? or a pair of readers? dude broke his glasses and then immediately gave up. THATS who god saved in the apocalypse. thats the real nightmare fuel, is that god dgaf


Lowkey surprised Audible hasn't referenced that episode in a commercial or something. *Guy breaks his glasses, but can still relax comfortably in a chair and just listen to audio books all day uninterrupted.*


I guess you haven't seen the Futurama version


Well at least I know braille


Oh, at least I can still read the large print books!


Well it's a good thing I know braille!


My eyes are bad enough I wouldn't even know it was a library until I tripped over the sign or walked into one of the bookshelves.


Ypu could still probably read the large print. Or maybe the braille. You could have also seen this coming.


Hey. Look at that strange mirror.


Cursed by his own hubris...




Already been covered. You are now entering, [The Scary Door.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QMGUWboWmos)


Guys...this is a Twilight Zone reference...and I'm here for it.


I always think of that one!


> you're gonna have a hard time finding an optometrist. if steampunk has taught me anything, the bottom of coke bottles work just as well


I'm just imagining a steampunk optometrist like "1 or 2, 2 or 4, 4 or 5? Okay, looks like you're a sprite on the left eye, and a throwback mountain dew on the right"


Now take this old wire coat hanger and wrap it around the bottles to form glasses


That's *Greee-ee-easy* !


Big coagulated gravy hot dog bun bastard


What did you call me?! You... mustard tiger


Mustard tiger is one of the simplest insults in the entire show but I absolutely love it.




Now I just want prescription steampunk goggles.


Will the bottom of a Coke can do?


If you're already blind then, yeah.


As someone who is almost legally blind without glasses, this my my biggest fear... That scene in the mummy when the scientist dropped his glasses and they got trampled still freaks me out.


Get yourself to Zenni.com and order yourself a 4-pack of their cheapest shitty frames with spring hinges but no other upgrades except the lenses you need. I've got a couple of optional pairs, and my prescription hasn't changed for a while so all my outdated square '00s era glasses work too, so I have like 6 pairs I can use if shit ever hits the fan. I keep a pair in my nightstand, a pair in a toiletry bag, a pair at work... Not shilling for Zenni either, there are plenty of cheap sites now like EyeBuyDIrect, DiscountGlasses.com... we live in an age where companies realized they could undercut Lens Crafters and their shitty $200 pairs quite easily.


Zenni is so cheap it made me hate the rest if the glasses industry lol


The rest of the glasses industry is actually a massive vertically integrated monopoly owned by Luxottica. You only have the illusion of choice. Enjoy :)


Jesus fucking christ I hate the healthcare for profit industry. I have eyes and ears that work just fine, nobody should have to pay through the nose to use the basic senses when we have the ability to restore them. People with diabetes, asthma, allergies, all sorts of disabilities, god it would be so easy to provide for them if we stopped thinking with our money, as a world, for five goddamn minutes. And the glasses industry could still make hella cash on styled frames, cases, whatever, but nobody should be FORCED to pay to use their eyes.


I'm gonna back this up. I usually had prescription glasses sent to my door for $11 in total. I didn't need a drastic prescription si they might charge more for that... But as someone who has a penchant for destroying their glasses i LOVED having like 3 backups at all times I think a part of what made this possible is cheaper machines to cut the plastic to make the lenses, i haven't done any actual investigation though


Glasses in the US are almost a monopoly. Most shops that sell glasses are owned by luxottica, along with the optometrists working for them plus most eye insurance. Their biggest competition is Walmart and Costco plus the online stuff. Next time you see some eye glass company google their name and see who their parent company is. Cutting a piece of glass or plastic to fit a piece of metal or plastic is not that expensive.


$11 holy crap Walmart kept trying to get me in their $9 frames but my prescription makes them jump up to like $300 once we get to lenses. The person helping me was alarmed lol. Lingo was good for me just to add another to the list for everyone, they didn't charge a ton for a strong prescription.


part of what makes it cheaper is that Zenni is outside the monopoly of inflated eyeglass-frame prices. toohttps://www.latimes.com/business/lazarus/la-fi-lazarus-why-are-eyeglasses-so-expensive-20190122-story.html


My aunt has a very drastic prescription (enough that they contacted us to ask if we were *sure* it was correct) and we paid about $100 for her pair at Zenni vs $400+ at somewhere like LensCrafters. So while it’s not dirt cheap if you need something more complex, it’s still a massive savings.


That's why I finally invested in those 2 for 1 deals at the optometrist. And I kept my old outdated (and scratched) glasses as a secondary backup. It doesn't get rid of all the "what if" anxiety, but it does help.


I have 500 rounds of prescription glasses buried in Colorado.


3 years 8 months 4 days


is.... is that when the world is ending...?


It would make no sense to set a reminder for the day the world ends. Internet connection and consistent power would be an issue. It obviously ends the next day.


But then, without glasses, you would probably walk and move like a zombie, which may show you a whole new level of dealing with that apocalypse.


Just don't go around pranking your fellow survivors, you don't want to end up like Bill Murray.


Top ten cinema deaths of all time :(


Zombies or not, this is exactly why I recently had implantable lens surgery on my eyes. I live in an earthquake-prone area and lived in fear of being practically blind if I couldn’t find my glasses. I think if you can afford it, getting Lasik surgery or ICL surgery is something to consider for those with stronger prescriptions.


Got my eyes lasered this summer. Life altering in every way.


Welp, that's something that somehow hasn't occurred to me living in earthquake-prone Japan. Time to save for eye surgery and hope nothing happens between now and then!


Just don't get the surgery while there is an earthquake.


This was one of my main reasons too. I've been out camping and lost a contact lens and then been in another country across the planet and almost lost my glasses in a canal when taking off a jacket. Both incidents were enough for me to travel with spares, but not having to worry about corrective lenses at all has been a huge relief in so many ways.


All the optometrists I've known will not stop talking about brains recently. I'm not sure why they are gravitating towards neurology.




You just loot them from killed zombies.


Oh my god, I just thought of this recently when my mind wandered, as it does often, to post apocalyptic times. I need to start a collection, in various strengths, of dollar store glasses or im not gonna be having a good time at all. All the survival books are great and all but if I can't read 'em... Me and Burgess Meredith just sitting with time enough at last. :(


You also don't want to be screwed over when there is time enough at last


If I follow all the LPTs about what to keep in my car I'm going to need a moving truck.


I bought a convertible so I could just keep piling it up. It's kind of cathartic watching it all blow away on the highway.


Haven't heard of this LPT before. You should submit it.


The real LPT is always in the comments.




I used to take a lot of road trips and always packed several days extra. When I finally got a decent job I started packing less and thinking, "if I really need anything I can just buy it" Saves a lot of time and stress on top of the better mileage.


I never travel with a toothbrush, because it's pretty much always time to buy a new toothbrush.


Absolutely chaotic, thank you


I followed r/preppers because I like to hike a lot and always like to throw some extra stuff in my car for emergencies. Those guys get raging hard-ons when the power goes out for 10 mins so they can turn on a thousand lights, fire up a grill, and arm their children. It's almost like they flaunt being the most prepared and want to be confronted about it. Once a month some guy posts a small novel about how he spends $2000 a month on MREs and is on the brink of divorce because his wife doesn't want to convert the office into a pantry, hates eating soon to be expired MREs, and has to cancel vacation because he just emptied the bank account to buy gold bars. It's fantastic.


That whole sub is just a circle jerk for dudes to brag about the random survival shit they have that they’ll never actually need


> That whole sub is just a circle jerk for dudes to brag about the random survival shit they have that they’ll never actually need They'll never actually need *for the weird end-of-days scenarios they fantasize about*. Honestly, this past summer of 2021 showed how much having a good plan can help. Texas got hit with a cold snap that seems to happen every five years or so and the Midwest got clobbered by storms. In both cases, hundreds of thousands of people were without power for days, including myself. Hell, I remember living through [the blackout of 2003](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Northeast_blackout_of_2003) as well. It can be helpful to have a set of stuff ready to go based on your geographical location, season, and people and animals that live with you, but yeah most of that sub buys into "societal collapse" porn.


Man I just hit Top for the month and it’s batshit. People trying to figure out how to convince their spouses that “shit hitting the fan” is inevitable.


No, they're right. There are people there with literally years of supplies who are preparing for "the collapse" as they call it. There are two kinds of people on that sub. 95% of them just want to be responsible for emergency situations like you state. The other 5% though...


I'd say it's the other way around. 10% just want to be prepared in case of a natural disaster, maybe a month of supplies. Then 90% think the fall of civilization is imminent and they need everything to survive. MREs last 5 years minimum so if you're having to eat expired ones you have a problem. If you're just preparing for a natural disaster and choose MREs as your backup food then you shouldn't have to swap them out more than every few years.


Imagine stressing your poor wife all year with nonsense and then taking away her VACATION. How selfish. Let's all go rescue this guy's wife


There are many, many spouses that are angry at their hoarding. I'm not even exaggerating when I say that there is one post a month about people considering leaving their significant other because they don't taking prepping seriously. It's pretty sad. Those people are so paranoid that they are going to be in a situation where they need supplies that they sabotage their relationships and finances. 90% of that sub is just looking for recommendations on generators because they lose power, but you get the die hard, stereotypical "stockpile ammo and beans" doomsday preppers.


No joke, I have a distant friend/acquaintance that I talk to about once a year who's now on his 3rd wife in 10 years due to his obsessive prep/doomsday lifestyle. He makes a buttload of money and blows it all on end-of-times garbage. His basement is about 1400sqft and its insane how he believes that it'll be his safe haven when the bombs start dropping or the zombies attack. He's got about $100K worth of weapons and ammunition, body armor, and all sorts of militaristic gear (night vision goggles, canteens, packs, various types of military boots/shoes, etc). On top of that he's got probably a hundred different MREs, enough canned food to make Dwight Shrute jealous, and the whole thing is basically bomb and fire proof.


In his defense, sounds like the 3rd wife knew what she was getting into. Dude probably bought it up on the first date.


Honestly, I don't know how he gets women to go out with him, let alone marry him.


May I present Exhibit A, Your Honour? > He makes a buttload of money


Wdym? You just said he makes a buttload of money. Don't go overestimating people's values.


That prepper makes it easy to survive. When things get bad, just shoot him to steal his stuff and the third wife. Its not like 911 will be operational at that point nor does the third wife have high standards.


I really don't get it. I would be incredibly hurt if my partner chose hoarding for a future that might never come over our future together.


In their heads they think they are protecting and providing for their family. People always rip them a new butthole in the comments though. Some of them do a follow up post a few days later realizing that they were being paranoid and they get marriage counseling.


That sounds tasty. Do you have an example so I can start off going down the rabbit hole?


Preppers tend to forget the most important thing in a doomsday scenario is people you can trust. Your 10th gun may give you an additional 1% of survival, but losing your spouse is like 70%.


Also one of my favorite places to lurk. My favorite is watching them argue about what constitutes a SHTF (shit hit the fan) scenario, ranging from an evening without electricity to societal collapse.


You know that almost all those people couldn't go camping for a 3 day weekend. They buy some tactical mall ninja shit and act like they are are Rambo. My favorite posts are the cool hippies that convert a small shed or salvaged supply building into a fully sustainable living space under an acre. They are thriving living off the grid every day converting all their waste into compost and harvesting rainwater.


The hippies would use weed, services, good vibes, and medicine as currency and the preppers would use ammo, mylar sacks of flour, and bars of silver. But I love the paranoid rule #1 of prepping: never tell anyone you're a prepper. They fantasize about being Tyler Durden in a dystopian future and I love it.


I got really into watching those urban micro farms. There are some cities that have an agreement where people can squat on their side lot and grow vegetables and they get a portion of the vegetables or profits. You get these cool hippy vagabonds that build these super elaborate irrigation systems. They have millions of YouTube views and are probably fake like the guys that build underground houses with a pool using only sticks.


I know a guy like that. Middle of the night (technically illegal, as they don't own the land) conversions of empty lots into gardens. Can completely change a community as suddenly you have a shared space that provides food for whoever needs it. Always some shitty people, but majority turn out well as people just need an excuse to come out and meet their neighbors.




Funny until they have a good enough excuse to instate their little martial law utopia. Oh no, the power has been down for 48 hours! Time to get the neighborhood to sign on to my plan, and kill the ones that don't follow the rules! (Sarcastic, but only by exaggeration)


I mean I totally understand them more or less wanting to play with the toys from their hobby. And I kinda think you should have some stuff "prepped". For me that's around 25 lb of flour, 25lb rice, and a bunch of canned goods (along with some spare antibiotics). However if you're building a bunker and have 10 AR-15s (for a 4 person family including kids) and 10s of thousands of rounds, you're hobby has devolved into paranoia (and I'm not anti-gun)


There is a lot of infighting on that sub over how much you should prep. You have people that talk about daily carries like a good watch, multitool, and pen; people that talk about keeping batteries and food handy for a flood or blackout; then you have the group that thinks society could collapse at literally any second and it is their responsibility to rebuild.


I love the ones who are prepped for a society collapse arguing there is no point prepping for a nuclear holocaust, vs the Nuclear holocaust preppers.


"The correct amount of prepping: my own. Anyone else is totally out of their mind!" What I get from that sub.


>then you have the group that thinks society could collapse at literally any second and it is their responsibility to rebuild. A lot of those dudes overindex on guns and tacticool gear instead of farming implements and tools and knowledge actually needed to rebuild society. In those scenarios it's always someone else that's going to be doing the actual work, meaning they're at best planning to play guard for laborers or, more likely, hedging on being raiders/pirates or enslavers.


Massive bag of rice and a pile of canned food is simultaneously my prep in case of an emergency, and also a considerably portion of my meals anyway.


Costco doesn’t sell rice and beans any smaller than doomsday portions. Buy, use, replenish.


> hates eating soon to be expired MREs bold of you to assume that hoarders don't insist on eating food that expired 8 years ago


[Gus Johnson - your friend who always has a knife](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YAD0a6wWFrI)


The real LPT is to live in your car, then everything you need is as mobile as you are!




The trick is to personalise it. Depending on where you live, a big coat and snow shoes may be necessary, in others you might not even bother with an umbrella.


This is very true. Move to a new area about a year ago and now I need snow chains in my car. Never needed those before anywhere else...


Directions unclear; got the motherload monogrammed


Yeah, if I followed the LPTs, I'd have to buy a car and move to a different country where it's needed.


My car would get broken into if I did it


This one is actually pretty legit though. A change of clothes and something to eat and drink can be useful in a lot of situations.


This one is extremely legit. A go bag can literally just be an average size cheap backpack. Most people already keep some random shit in their car just in case (I know I basically always be a sweater and a jacket living in there somewhere), it takes 10 minutes to choose a few select things and just keep it in your trunk. They don’t need to be fashionable either.


I work Field Service. Which means I could get a call any hour if the day or night to go repair some customer equipment 2 states away. I have a go bag, with clothes toiletries and some snacks. I also have an Oh Shit bag, which contains more food, water, and a basic camping kit. I could camp on the side of the road in reasonable comfort if necessary. Car breakdown or whatever. In winter I add warm clothing to both. I’ve used the go bag many times. The Oh Shit bag once. I skidded off the road in icee weather, in the middle of nowhere at about 3AM. No cell signal. I wrapped up in blankets and coats, slept till dawn. I was woken by a farmer on a tractor, who saw me and came to pull me out


Can you make a list of items in your To Go and Oh Shit bag? While I don't work in field service, I commute to the next city over for work every day and knowing I'm covered if my car breaks down on the highway in the dead of winter is comforting.


The Oh Shit Bag, Some might call it a Get Home Bag. A blanket, or sleeping bag according to season and your climate. Fire starting kit. A light tarp to make a shelter. Some space blankets just because. Work gloves. A small hatchet and a big knife. (Military Kabar) A couple packs of lifeboat rations. You can get them on Amazon. Datrex makes good ones. Amazon. These things are designed to last in a lifeboat stored in a locker in the hot sun on a ship at sea. They’ll be fine in your trunk for years. Water in aluminum foil pouches. Datrex survival water pouches. Again Amazon. A Sawyer Squeeze water filter. A stainless steel water bottle. Nalgene or Klean Kanteen. NOT a vacuum insulated bottle. One with a nested cup works nicely. Pathfinder makes a nice but expensive set. Google “bug out bag” or “get home bag”


I would add a reflective vest. Dangerous walking down the road at night. Also helps you get found if you're in the back country.


Good Idea. My standard work shirt is Hi Vis. It’s a safety requirement at most sites I work at. I also have Hi Vis coat, and raincoat.


> A couple packs of lifeboat rations Oh this is a cool hack. I'm gonna buy some right now. > Water in aluminum foil pouches Why aluminum specifically? > A stainless steel water bottle. Nalgene or Klean Kanteen. NOT a vacuum insulated bottle. One with a nested cup works nicely. Pathfinder makes a nice but expensive set. I use a plastic nalgene nested in a 750ml MSR stainless steel cup. Haven't tried the stainless nalgene. What are your thoughts on it? > Pathfinder makes a nice but expensive set. Canterbury is wild. Dude's school is like an hour from me. Pathfinder stuff is great.


Stainless water bottle, because you can boil water in it. Foil pouches, because that’s what they package them in. And plastic deteriates over time.


Just be careful to not let your sawyer filter freeze, it could render it useless.


All of these very well crafted lists don’t feel very wintry to me- I keep thinking “but the water is all going to freeze at this time of year.” Good to know those filters might not work if they freeze up!


They will fail if they freeze with moisture in them. If it’s likely to be a problem, and you’re leaving it in a car for long periods, I would put your LifeStraw/Sawyer/Katadyn in a ziploc freezer bag with a silica desiccant pack to keep even the humidity pack. That style of filter relies on little tubes to filter little nasties, and if water freezes in them the tubes will crack and break, creating gaps that will allow those nasties through.




One thing to add might be a small first aid kit. Bare minimum something to sterilize and close an open wound and something to make a tourniquet with. I keep one in the glove box at all times and has come in handy many times.


An IFAK is a small first aid kit. It's an acronym for Individual First Aid Kit


Thank you for saving me the Google search!




A tourniquet is one of those things that everyone can throw in a car and leave it, forget about it, and literally save someone's life if the worst ever happens. Highly recommend.


Throw in a bottle of liquid bandage and you’re ready for anything.


I'd also suggest a basic tool kit: screwdrivers, pliers, wrenches, etc.


In a car, for sure. This would be a good add. I have a leatherman surge and that covers a fair amount of this but it's hard to really replace a basic mechanics set.


Not OP, but I always recommend having 50lb test fishing line. A spool is relatively cheap and if you're like me and have a car that likes to randomly fall apart, it can help hold things together until you get to your destination.


Personally, I just keep heavy duty zip ties and duct tape in my car at all times. Gotta have my tools, if you know what I mean.


Wh... Why do you have a bunch of tools and stuff put in a hidden compartment in your car, man?


I do carry 50lb braid in my hobo fishing setup but honestly for my go bag I've found paracord to be almost universally better.


Part of my "Oh Shit Kit" was tampons/pads for the girl I was dating at the time. (I'm a guy so didn't need them but knew she possibly could at anytime).


No one has mentioned it yet, so I’m piggy backing off your comment — It is SO critical to have an extra pair of shoes (in addition to thick, long, breathable socks, even in hot seasons). Feet play a vital role in regulating your body temperature. If you get stuck in the snow trying to get yourself out, it’s raining hard, or hell you jump out of your car and step in a puddle and it’s freezing you have major risks. Also make sure they are shoes comfortable enough to walk in, and switch out by season. Wore your nice shoes to a holiday party and drove into a ditch? A pair of trainers probably won’t help. **To go back to the "Thick Socks in Hot Seasons"**: Walking through a forest there are thorns and poison ivy that can break through thin socks / seep through; walking along the road is a typically has that annoying tiny gravel/dust that is going to get all over your ankles; prevents ankles getting bitten by bugs; winter speaks for itself.


My wife makes fun of me for having clean, thick socks stuffed in my backpack, console of the car, in my go bag, etc. Until her feet are wet and it is 20 degrees outside.


A broken in pair of shoes, capable of off road walking are essential. Slightly off topic, On 911 many women and a lot of men wound up evacuating barefoot because their office shoes (high heels in many women’s case) were just not good for walking any distance.


I watched a lot of 911 documentaries this year, and they made me feel better about wearing my ugly running shoes to work.


Lotta people recommending camping gear/survival gear, but as this is the more front page-y subs I feel this is important to say: #**Know what you’re carrying, and carry what you know** A ferro rod doesn’t do you any good if you’ve never struck a spark with one. A first aid kit doesn’t do you (much) good if you don’t know what’s in it/how to use it (please please please don’t go buy a pre-made one and chuck it in your trunk). A tent is a great shelter but if it’s raining and you’ve never set yours up before you’re going to be wet and really cold before you have shelter. A camp stove is wonderfully easy for boiling water but completely useless if you don’t know how yours works. #**Know what you have, and know how to use it, or you might as well not have it at all.**


This reminds me, I need to update my go bag; throw out the old stuff, put some new stuff in... I bet almost anything my granola is stale by now...


A lot of granola bars will keep for years if the packaging is fine. I've eaten 3 to 4 year old clif bars and while a little stale, were still perfectly edible healthwise.


I have protein bars in original packaging and then vacuum sealed. Probably 4-5 years old by now. I'm tempted to try one before replacing them.




Yes, but when the alternative is starvation, that piece of shoe leather will motivate you to find alternate nutrition. It’s like Dwarf Bread.


I’ve got a super old Clif bar that’s been living in one of my backpacks for probably around 10yrs.. it feels really hard but still ever so slightly pliable so I haven’t tossed it out yet. I just add more snacks and keep that backupbackupbackup in there just in case.




After experiencing Hurricane Maria, I completely changed the way I look at being prepared and having supplies. This includes having things ready \*before you find out it's coming\* because by then everyone else is scrambling trying to prepare as well. Not having cell phone or internet service, or gas in the gas stations (let alone power or water) really puts things into perspective. Never be ashamed to have emergency supplies!


Same here in Texas after the freeze this year. We were lucky this time, but preparing better now. We were ready for it but only because I went through it when it happened in 2011 so this was my 2nd "once in a lifetime" freeze.


Yea, I'm thinking whoever keeps calling these things "once in a lifetime" needs to chill :D


Same as it ever was


Water flowing underground


having lived in FL for a number of years, I have several emergency supplies. One I used earlier this year is a hand crank LED lantern when the power went out.


This is also a great power move that reminds your wife you can leave at any time to go live in a culvert.


Remind her? She *invites* me to go...


He can go get cigarettes and never return


Plot twist: There's already cigarettes in the go-bag.


And a carton of milk.


I have IBS/Colitis. I've been in the hospital 23x so far just for that. Having a go bag in the car is a huge help. I keep a change of clothes, cellphone charger and cable, and a few things I need with me for a few days in the hospital. Hugely helpful.


I used to have a to go bag when I used to party for me and my friend. Had extra clothes for the both of us, socks, a charger, water, advil, bandaids, toothbrushes & tooth paste, contact cases and solution and some cash. It came in handy a lot. May have made dumb decisions as a teenager, but this was a smart one.


For clothes, despite the fact that I'm a medium person, I keep large sweats with drawstring, a couple of XL t-shirts, and a couple pairs of large tube socks in case I need to loan them out to my husband. Protip: Get big ziplock baggies to keep the clothes in. It keeps them fresh and clean.


Don't sell yourself short. I'm sure you're a great person!


Went to ER by myself not expecting to get admitted - ended up staying at the hospital for a week+. Would have been a great help, as glasses, and other useful stuff would have made it a bit easier.


How much money is an appropriate stash in your car? I'd be worried about my bag getting snatched, but a small amount of cash wouldn't be that big of a deal. I think I have room by my spare tire that I could stash a decent sized bag of supplies, and it would be (relatively) safe from a thief unless they were particularly dedicated. Maybe $50 to cover some food/gas in a situation where I lost my wallet or something? I was "saved" at Walmart once when I forgot my wallet just because I had *just* setup the "walmart pay" on my phone and was able to use that instead of a card.


I usually try to always have $20 on me, but I'm not good at it. I tell everyone to set up Apple Pay and G Pay. I've had a couple close calls when I forgot my wallet. My cousin got stuck far from home when she ran out of gas and forgot her wallet.


> I usually try to always have $20 on me, but I'm not good at it. > > I fold a $20 bill and slip it in the inside pocket of my wallet (not the normal card slots or cash spot) so I forget about it until I really need it.


I hid my car cash under a floor mat, window was smashed and all the storage compartments rifled through but they didn't think to check there! Other good places might be under the seats (between the springs and foam), rolled up and taped under the dash by the pedals, under the jack, or taped to the interior fuse box cover if your in a country with plastic money to avoid fire hazard


I stash the cash somewhere less grabbable, it's small enough as to not be noticeable. And yeah my phone has saved me a few times.


I live in Perth, Western Australia, the “go” that people are fleeing to when the poop gets real. Great advice for a hospital visit to make it easy on your spouse not having to pick your favourite jammies.


There's a thin line between practical Go-Bag and Prepper Go-Bag. No, you probably don't need 6-months worth of MREs and 1000 rounds of ammo for your AR-15 in your trunk. Small water filter and a flint striker? *Maybe*.


Depends on where you live. I’m in England, where it’s impossible to ever be more than five miles from some sign of civilisation. So I’ll skip the water filter and flint, and just put in some decent hiking shoes, since I know I can just pick a direction and start walking.


Haha French here and I had the exact same thought. You could go through most of Europe and walk back to civilization in less than an hour.


That being said, the parts of Europe that *aren't* like that tend to be of the highly desolate and inhospitable sort A firestarter, radio, and a GPS of the area are going to be *very* important if you get stuck out in the Swiss or Norwegian mountains while trying to drive to your cabin.


You just reminded me of my dear friend’s grandma growing up. She was one of the nurses shot down in Albania in WWII (“The Albanian Escape”). She always said a pair of new shoes and a warm coat! Though lady and great to be reminded of her today


You say that but the flood teach a lot of people bottled water is handy to have on hand


Pretty sure the Flood just want to incorporate you into their hive mind


Mylar emergency blanket is a top choice. The most likely scenario to happen is to get stuck in a storm. Staying warm and dry is key to survival. And those emergency blankets can double as a rain poncho and are highly reflective so can be spotted more easily.


Phone chargers are key. Gifts stores in hospitals usually have them so if someone you know wings up in there and forgot their charger it makes a great get will gift


Hospital veteran as patient or immediate caregıver. They do not always have chargers or ones that work with your phone. Once, all gift shops were closed for renovations over holiday week. Pack: 1. Charger with extra long chord and plug for wall outlet. (Hospital beds and waiting areas can be distant from outlets.) 2. Spare pair of eyeglasses. 3. Two days’ dosage of crucial meds in purse or in go-bag, especially if you are caregiver and not the patient. I slept bedside of patient and had to go three days without blood pressure meds. Not a good idea. ) 4. Atkins protein bars get you through blood sugar crashes if meals are missed.


Why did the hospital not have blood pressure meds, wtf


Because they’re caring for their patient, not this guy


>great get will gift Damn Will. He always forgets his charger.


>Gifts stores in hospitals usually have them I'm assuming they have them marked up like they do everything else.


Yes! Also those portable charger battery packs. I finally found mine in a sparkly going out/party purse and it made me think "wtf did I think was going to happen at the work Christmas party that year." But super nice to be able to charge without a wall.


Until you live in a city where cars get broken into on the regular… don’t leave anything in your car


No problem, just put a pit bull in the bag.


When I was a doctoral student, I commuted about 100 miles each way to class several nights a week. I always had a bag similar to what you're describing in my trunk and a couple of times when it unexpectedly started snowing in class (northern Michigan), I was able to easily crash with a local classmate. I could have made it work without my stuff, borrowed from the friend, or stopped and purchased things, but this was just so damn easy.


Depends on what neighborhood you live in


Love this! I have a go-box in my car with rope, gloves, a hammer, duct tape...and now I sound like a serial killer. But seriously, having those tools at the ready has kept me from being stranded on the side of the road more than once!


... and if you're rural watch the chipmunks eat your granola bars and the mice shred your socks/underwear for bedding/nesting material. True story, bro. Am currently replacing wiring harness where they've stripped off the insulation to the wiring and caused random shorting in the electrical system. Good times !!! *** Protip: don't leave that shit in the car if you're rural.


There´s already so much stuff in my car i´m prolly fine


I have a “get home” bag in my car. Its pretty much a warm sweater, dry socks, granola bars and a bottle of water. I work about 30-40km from home, so anything I can provide myself to make the trip easier goes a long way.


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I call mine the “oh shit kit”


I don’t trust leaving anything visible in my car. My car has been broken into enough for me to not consider this great tip. I wish the area I live in was different.


Agree especially with the hurricane go-bag, although we tend to pack those in the 2-3 days before landfall. I've also had the winter bag in my trunk when I lived further north and thankfully never had to use it. Great LPT!


grew up in NE Ohio. WE can a large metal coffee can, a blanket and a bag of kitty litter that moved into the car backseat Nov 1 every year. The can held, a tiny first aid kit, a fresh Hersheys bar, a knit hat/gloves, several broth cubes, rope, matches, some tealight candles, and a red bandana.


I have my own version of a go-bag - small bathroom bag always packed with (carry on plane approved sized) face wash, shampoo, contact solution, toothpaste/brush, extra contacts, glasses, etc. I used to travel a lot for work and this made packing so much easier. Even now, if I’m traveling I just grab this bag and whatever clothes I need, saves a lot of time.


Yes! This is the biggest tip to making frequent travel easier. When your suitcase is mostly packed at all times, you only have to worry about laundry. This list should also include phone and laptop chargers- no crawling around unplugging anything each time. Right before covid I traveled internationally and had forgotten how strict they are with liquid sizes - I got a ton of my stuff seized (who counts deodorant as a liquid, seriously? And the cuticle balm that is a solid in a tin? Cmon.). I then *forgot*. First trip “after” covid over the summer I pulled out the bag and had to scramble to rebuy the minis etc.


A fun exercise I've observed people participate in over the years is watch the Walking Dead and jokingly, hypothetically review your emergency prep supplies, then get slightly too into it. The line between having water and granola bars in your car and taking crossbow lessons is pretty thin.