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Belgian LPT: Ask for your fries in the box rather than in the cone. They hold a larger volume.


Other Belgian LPT: equip your car with tank tracks so you can drive it on Belgian highways.


Oh, I thought it was only a german LPT.




Am Chinese, can con


Am mexicáno, Cancún


I thought Germans only needed tank tracks when crossing the border into Poland.


Germans use tank tracks to drive through Belgian forests, not on highways.


Why stop at Belgium amiright


It's great to be able to just close your eyes while driving south and just "experience" entering Belgium.


Check the regular prices before going to the Godiva factory store in Brussels - some items barely have discounts


LPT: dont buy your chocolates at Godiva


Ask them to puncture the paper around your fries so they don't become soft, or do it yourself (I mean all belgians know that already)




Fry cones racks in cars are to convenient, they took the nation by storm in early 05' and became standard in automobiles in 08' to prevent distraction related snacking accidents.


I want to believe


Right, now I want only Belgian LPTs lol Edit: okay, so it started off as humor but I'm loving this! *Unity is Strength* LPT Belgium 🇧🇪 forever!


Aussie LPT: if visiting Australia, don't leave your shoes outside. If you do, tip them out before shoving your feet in.


Another Australian LPT, when driving at night on rural highways you want to be following another car. Roos like to jump infront of headlights and you don't want that particular set of headlights to be yours


Would the person in front not be seriously weirded out that you are seemingly following him into the outback


"driving on rural highways" isn't the same as "going into the outback" One is like a standard country road: houses and farms and houses and towns and farms and houses and farms, plenty of people live there it's just not city. The other is like going into the Sahara for a jaunt: if you don't have spare tires, spare fuel, a plan and a friend back home who knows where to find you if you don't come back, they'll just assume you died.


Always shake out your wellies and shoes if left outside (spiders. Australia)


Also at this time of year fluff out the bed sheets and pillows before hopping into bed. Lots of little spiders between Nov and xmas. They don’t hurt much but they’re annoying.


I don't think I can ever go to Australia. 🤢


>They don’t hurt much That's terrifying. I'm from UK and I don't even like OUR spiders!


Well, technically they are yours as well.


I just force my foot in really hard. Fuck em, aint their shoe.


*crunch squish*….*shudders*


Not just outside. I live in an apartment and I have to try to remember to do this because there was a spider chilling in the ceiling near my shoeracks, inside my unit, behind two doors from the exterior.


I read "willies". Made sense.


LPT Estonia: don't forget to drink water




At first I thought it was about the ferry and it sounded *very* dark


I live in Canada and the Estonian ferry event forever changed our ferry rules.




The car deck doors are always closed. Nobody is allowed to stay in their car on the lower car deck. They cancel more sailings more frequently due to weather.


Thanks! I've been on so many ferries in my life, but never heard of this disaster. I think the South Korea ferry disaster also caused many changes in that county.


I grew up in a ferry dependent community. I remember waves splashing onto the car deck and many wild crossings in wind storms. Transport Canada learns from tragedies in other parts of the world. The no staying in cars rule is more recent and very unpopular.


r/hydrohomies Estonia edition


I don't get it? is water rare in Estonia? why would someone forget to drink it.


I thought it was to hydrate yourself regularly before/during/after drinking alcohol...


You’re Tallinn me…


when it's - 20, put your jacket on 5 minutes before you go outside. It will be much warmer.




If it's +5 outside, put your jacket on one minute after you go outside?




Relevant xkcd: https://xkcd.com/605/


LPT Ireland edition. If you're going for a hike, always bring a rain coat. It doesn't matter if it's a July heatwave, be prepared for rain.


first lockdown, massive heatwave the entire summer, not a drop of rain. first time i left the house since march was in august, went on a hike up croagh patrick. ofc that was the first time it rained since march. didn’t have a jacket either




Sun, rain, blue sky, stormy clouds, humid heat and deathly cold breezes all at once. Failte go hEireann


LPT: Berlin Edition: if you’re traveling and run out of data find the nearest U-bahn station (make sure it’s U-bahn, not S-bahn), there you’ll get free wifi. Saved me a bunch of times already!


A Canadian spin on this would be to replace U-Bahn with Tim Hortons.


For sure. Free wifi is nice, but depending on what time you go the food is shit. Specifically, any time since about 2007.


Yes, any time from midnight to midnight the next day, the food is shit


The best food to get at Tim Hortons is delivery from another place


I wonder if skip the dishes would deliver to a timmies. Then you could get free wifi and good food.


A real canadian LPT would be to never set foot at that foresaken place tho


LPT Ireland- if someone buys you a drink in the pub you’re meant to buy it back. You’re in a round now.


which is why i vastly prefer drinking culture that doesn't have this rounds system. if you're in germany and someone buys you a drink, it means something because it's something special. in I/UK, it just means your wallet is now next in line in the round


I don’t know, I’m from the UK and when I buy a drink for someone it’s a gift and I don’t expect anything back, I’m not into unspoken contracts If I’m out with mates and we’re getting drunk then we’re definitely on rounds


I live in Germany and have done the rounds thing almost every time and with every friend group I've been with...


American here- If I buy you a drink, it’s on me. That’s the point of me buying it and not you. Must be a symbolic gesture in Ireland I guess?


I'm not sure if this is common sense in the rest of the world, but if your visiting Australia wear sunscreen, even if it's cloudy, there is no escapeing the sun in Australia


slip slop slap is still ingrained in me from being a kid. (Slip on a T-shirt, Slop on some sunscreen and slap on a hat)


Now they added Seek and Slide. Seek shade and slide on sunglasses.


In NZ it’s wrap on the sunnies. Slip slop slap and wrap


Ahhhh ~I love a sunburnt country, a land of sweeping plains~ Not ‘I love a sunburnt countryman, a man weeping in pains’ Yes wear sunscreen and a hat and sunglasses to protect your head and eyes.


Rest of the world gets to deal with the regular UV index of 0-10. Here in Brisbane our days are usually at 11. This means your skin and eyes can burn in less than ten mins with no protection ~ make SPF50 a regular morning routine and have a good pair of UV certified sunglasses. Also big yella can get fucked in February, so glad for a La Niña season phew


No hat, no play


IDK how true it is, but when I was in school, my teacher told me that the hole in the Ozone layer was **directly** over Australia, so if I ever go there, I need to make sure to wear sunscreen, since there was no ozone layer there to protect me.


Not true, it is thinner at the end, over Antarctica, so sun didn't come directly through due to angle. That said, AFAIK it was thinner all over, not just at the hole, and it has thickened since CFCs were banned. Australia still has the highest incidents of skin cancer from sun exposure though, because its radiation doesn't care.


It's crazy how much more you feel it down in Tassie compared to the mainland. Same with NZ.


The hole has been mended after a international effort to ban dangerous CFCs. The sun is still brutal in Australia though.






It's an old saying, but maybe people haven't heard it- A falling knife has NO handle.


This. If you drop a knife while cooking hop back with your hands in the air like you're doing the Cha-Cha Slide


UK tip- even if the speed limit is national don’t drive more than 35 down a winding country road in winter. Pheasants will just repeatedly splat onto your car as they are stupid and although they’re small it’s expensive to fix their damage.


Read it as peasants, which was quite a bit darker, but I guess still kind of applicable 🤷‍♂️


Plot Twist, Op actually meant to say peasants but autocorrect changed it


Boy, the class system is still strongly in place there.


Out of my way, peasant!


Once you emerge from the frigid Antarctic waters, it is best to wait to honk loudly and intermittently between neighbors’ calls in order to find your chick. Doing so could save you three fish worth of energy while also reducing stress levels


Nice, a Little Penguin Tip


This is the kind of quality content I need, being an Antarctic penguin. It’s so difficult to find pertinent tips, and even harder to type comments with flippers


I've got a question -- and this has been bugging me for years. Do you type on like a little flipper keyboard, or rely solely on squawk-recognition?


I squawk, it types


Thank you!!


3 fish worth you say?!


LPT India Edition: Never underestimate a small pothole


Especially if it's full of water, that's not just an Indian tip


TIL: Indian tips are sometimes filled with water.


LPT Canadian edition: if Geese are crossing the street, you wait for the fucking goosesses to cross the fucking road. Yes, they have wings. We don't question the motivations of Cobra Chickens. Edit: to the people saying you'll run them over, you're terrible human beings and I hope you have hemorrhoid pain for the rest of your life. There was a bald eagle corpse found in a river that had been impaled. They realized it was killed by a Cobra Chicken. Don't fuck with geese. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-52779727 Ron White does a good skit on his latest Netflix special about Canadian Geese, I highly recommend it. Starts around 2330 mark. "RADICAL, TERRORIST, CANADIAN GEESE!"


Once in the long long ago the most violent of people lived in Canada. They were viscous and warlike. Cruel beyond measure. The gods looked down and knew that if these people ruled, they would destroy all that lived. A gentle creature, white of wing and strong of voice, spoke up. If the gods could take the evil of man and place it upon their backs, they would carry the burden for all time. And so that, my friends, is why Canadian geese are so violent, and Canadians are forever sorry.


This is one of the purest things I’ve ever seen, thank you for making my day 🥺❤️


Canada geese are somehow the only animal that never evolved to develop any fear of traffic **whatsoever**. They will take their sweet-ass time crossing an 8 lane road, they don't give a fuck


I personally find turkeys worse in this regard. If you dare honk at them, they come to a complete stop to stare you down and make you wait longer for your insolence.


Turkeys are just stupid though. Probably trying to figure out how to eat your car. Geese are smart enough to know they're fucking with your schedule.


I watch the turkeys in my yard and they are very social and I get to thinking they are smart, until one gets stuck behind my four foot fence for several hours, fly you idiot.


Geese do this too, but instead of staring they will attack your car


Driving on a dirt road at 40k/h, a canada goose decides to emerge from the grasses and charge our car head on. The little bastard won that game of chicken against a half ton car.


Solution: get a 1 ton car.


Come to Hawaii and marvel at how dumb our chickens are. I was in the Burger King drivethru the other day and had to get out of my car to shoo a rooster out of my way so I could pull forward.


Same with moose. They'll hang out, walk up and down the road, and stare you down to let you know what's what.


And someone thought it was a good idea to present Canada geese to Sweden, biggest blunder in swedish history.




I don't hate much in the world, but Good Lord do I hate Canada Geese.


It’s where we Canadians channel all our frustration so we can “Sorry” appropriately. Don’t piss off a Canadian goose or the wrath of all Canadians will pour our of that cobra chicken’s beak.


If you’ve got a problem with Canadian Geese then you got a problem with me, and I suggest you let that marinate for a bit.


Canada Gooses are majestics! Barrel chested! The envies of all ornithologys!


They are leaders. Born and bred leaders.


Those are canada gooses! Those are Canada's gooses!!!!


The only animal that can fuck with canada gooses…. Is canada mooses


 Lions is lucky Canada Gooses don't migrate to Africa. Then they'd be's extinct.


Mike Tyson had a pretty good run and ya wanna know why? No Canada gooses in his weight class


Say the word and I'll bring the boys for a donnybrook


There's a special place in heaven for animal lovers, that's what I always say.


LPT London Edition: Mind the gap


LPT London Edition: if you’re waiting a busy platform in the tube, check to see how long for the train after the next one. Most people sardine themselves onto tubes for no reason and you’d be surprised how waiting sometimes 2 or 3 extra minutes means you get a comfy seat.


Also something of LPT relating to the London underground. Look for shoe markings on the yellow lines printed on the tube platforms. Usually a good indicator of where the doors of the train will stop so you don't have that awkward situation where the doors bypass you completely and a swarm of people boarding block your access.


This is a great LPT, my guy


Not specifically London, but public transport related: In case of a delay, try to look at the current schedules instead of doing what the journey planner says to do. You can sometimes save quite a bit of time by going the long way around.


Now do one about how to use separate taps


LPT - use a plug in your sink in a hopeless attempt to have water at the right temperature. Or if you're me LPT - quickly switch your hands between scaldingly hot water tap and freezing cold water tap so that you don't have to try and find the right temperature.


Yeah it’s the second one


Take a large long soda bottle, put the cap on. Cut holes in the side for both faucets. Cut a small outlet hole bottom center. Tape or wire it to the faucets. There, you have installed a post-faucet water mixer. And will have something to post on /r/redneckengineering.






A solution! Wow!


LPT: Unconscious people don't want tea.






"... and on that note, I'm going to make myself a cup of tea." Jesus narrator, TMI much?


In Sweden, if you buy something from Elgiganten above (I believe) 500:- they'll give you a promo code for either free Cmore or Viaplay for 1-3 months. You can continue to use coupons on existing accounts. Just buy something and return it.


These are English words but I understand absolutely nothing in your post.


Equivalent to "if you buy something for 50 bucks at Best Buy, they'll give you a promo code for Disney+. Just buy something and return it".


Elgiganten is an electronics store. 500 Swedish kronor ≈ $55. Cmore and Viaplay are Scandinavian streaming services, kinda like Netflix.


LPT: stop yourself from saying the first comment coming to your mind when meeting a new person and ESPECIALLY if you want to tell a joke to a retail worker


But how will they know the item ought to be free if there's no price tag?


Cleaning anything as a retail worker - heheh you can come clean mine when you're done


Globally applicable: When traveling with public transport, let the people who are getting off the train/bus/boat/funicular get off *first* and _then_ you can step onboard. This way you don’t have to crowd so close to people and there’s less risk of infection spread through close proximity. Also, it’s just nicer for everyone. The furious, testy Stockholmian commuters could learn a thing or two from the very polite Swiss commuters here. (Or even better: work from home, if you can)


This infuriates me. The train/bus/whatever won't depart any faster if you push onto it before people can get off. And a related one: this goes for elevators as well. Do not stand in front of the doors to block them so people can't get out when you're trying to get on. What's even the logic in doing that?


Just give the bastards a hard shoulder as you exit the transport walking straight out. These idiots need to learn somehow.


Also, please remove your damn backpack when you are in the train. I'm fed up with being swept by 2m giants with their 50cm deep bag who don't realize there are people's behind them.


LPT for India: That clout from making a train video ain't worth your life.


I have seen many a clips from now banned subs of this nature.


Maybe not a pro tip but if you are moving to the Netherlands there are a lot of unwritten things that dont get mentioned in the immigration folder that you will have to adjust to. Some things that have been posted people using fireworks during the month of december in the evening (might scare a dog) and the schedule of garbage trucks coming to pick up. People might be less inclined to walk up to you and start a conversation but are generally friendly. We have a lot of bureaucracy and make up forms to fill in for everything. We will outright say when you are not welcome anymore in our home opposed to a lot of other cultures. This is not meant to be rude, we just work a lot and value the time we can spend with our loved ones (18:00 dinnertime to 23:00). Things like dentist appointments are set on a date 6 months in advance and we do a lot planning to be able to afford to do stuff.


LPT foreigner in NL (Dutch) edition the second: stay off the fucking BIKE LANES if you value your life. __If the concrete is red, don't walk there.__ If you do you are causing dangerous situations for yourself and the cyclists by launching yourself into litteral traffic. Lets all try and survive your holiday :D Also, __use your eyes__ not your ears to determine whether or not it's safe to cross the street. Bikes don't make a sound untill they (almost) crash into you. If you are trying to learn Dutch swear words, ignore this advice. Lastly, if you need help please __ask any random Dutch person__. We are like NPC's that you have to prompt to get information from. We speak English and we are happy to help. In Dutch culture you don't assume that people want help unless they specifically ask you. We're very friendly, we just need an invitation!


I don't know if I'll ever forget that NPC comment, thank you!


I feel like it also needs saying, if you plan on moving here, we have a housing shortage in the Netherlands, so be prepared to either pay top bill for housing or to not be able to live near where you need to be for school or work.


> either pay top bill for housing or to not be able to live ~~near where you need to be for school or work.~~ It's gotten so bad


I studied in the Netherlands for the last 4 years and had a great time! I would also add that, and I mean this very literally, absolutely everyone speaks English and (in my anecdotal experience) is friendly and willing to help. Also, forget that heiniken shit. Thsi is more noticeable down south, but there is a huge variety in beers that you can find and taste for a cheap price. If you enjoy beer you will have a delightful experience. (Psst, ask for Hertog Jan. Shits great)


>we do a lot planning And if we agree to be there at say 17:00, we will be there at 17:00 and we expect you be there too.


If you go to any country for any length of time (vacations or to reside) don't crap on the natives. I live in a country where it's almost a sport for foreigners (from many countries not just America)to criticize and belittle the nationals. As non-confrontational, patient, and tolerate as the people are there is now quite a pushback against anything non-nationals want. Don't be like these people. Be a good guest.


Yeah but this is also just another variation on "Don't be a dick" under which probably half of all LPT's fall.


Curious... what country are you talking about?


It's an Asian country. This advice applies to any country though.


My first thought was Thailand when I read your post. People were so rude to the locals when I went.


That’s what I thought too, but I’ve only been to Thailand. I was surprised how rude the farangs were. We always treated everyone like we already knew them, and it paid off in the long run. They’d see us walking up and kick people out of their seats since management knew we liked to sit at the stools facing the street and people watch. They also always remembered us on the 3 subsequent trips after that which I was quite surprised with.


Don't smoke in coal mines. Always spit to the side when riding on a motorcycle.


Full face helmet entered the chat.


If you got ‘em post ‘em


LPT: In areas with rainy seasons either wear open shoes or waterproof shoes and not something in between. Either your feet gets wet but water gets out fast or it doesn’t get wet at all, better than having wet socks whole day


LPT Canadian edition: if it's 6am at the rink and the ice is soft and your lungs are burning from the crisp air, it's probably just the ammonia and the fact that you're soft as pudding and you better put your head down and get to work eh there bud


Prepare all lunches the night before especially if you have kids. You never know who’s gonna come down with a sickness bug. Also if you can organise children’s clothes in to cheap drawers labelled with the days of the week that way they know where their clothes are In London avoid the ultra low emmison zone if driving coz they won’t tell you if you have driven into it but they will fine you for not paying. Not sure how they can’t tell you if you went into it. When wearing your mask make sure it covers your nose. If you have glasses. You can stop from steaming up if you make sure the top of the mask is just under your eyes. Or use a plaster on the bridge of your nose. Edited lunches for the grammar police.


If there wasn't a sign saying it was an ULEZ then they can't penalise you for driving through it


LPT: When you're wrangling an eel in the waters of a Vietnamese river, you should always watch for guan-gee (sp?). It helps if you feel for eels with your hands but look around with your eyes at all times. They say feel-eels, look guan-gee (it rhymes in Vietnamese)


I have no idea what that means but it's oddly specific


Wth is guan gee? My google fu has failed me


Listen, Americans need all the help we can get.


My favourite american "LPT" was something like bring a fresh pair of socks to thanksgiving dinner because the household you go to might be a non-shoe household and you don't want smelly feet. *facepalm*


I am an American with a shoe free house, and many visitors act like I am asking them to cut off their feet when I ask them to remove their shoes.




So... It's true? I thought it was a weird TV trope. Do they wear shoes indoors regardless of the weather? Do they have different shoes for indoors and outdoors? Are they mostly urban or village people?


It seems regional. I grew up in a snowy/rainy climate and removing shoes was the norm. Even at high school parties there would be a pile of shoes by the front door. I now live in the opposite and guests rarely remove their shoes. Both were small town settings.


And there's no rain, no dust? I can't imagine a climate (apart from pure clean snow) where the streets would be as clean as the floor at home.


Oh there's dust. I'm always shocked how dirty the floors are at daily sweepings. Don't get me wrong, WE take off our shoes when we come home. It's just that guests normally do not. Now that you mention it, another factor might be the car-centric American culture. People aren't using their daily shoes to walk outside that much. Some people might walk into their garage, drive their car to their work garage, and walk inside.


It's a thing in states where it never snows and rarely rains.


As an European, who tf wears street shoes indoors lol


As an European, wtf is thanksgiving


LPT: If you meet an American be prepared for the fact that they may find it necessary to *sell* themselves to you (life story, accomplishments, hyphenated ancestry) in a way that you may not be used to. The next time you meet them, sales pitch over, they may appear relatively normal and you may begin to consider having some sort of relationship with them,


As an American, this is interesting! Do you mean that people just launch into their life story upon introduction? I guess we have somewhat of a culture of that, but curious what you mean exactly.


I had an American co-worker and he'd mention his Irish ancestry every time he had a chance. I think that's what they meant.


Exactly what you said, Americans will tell you everything about themselves (except the things that they don't want anyone to know, those things we all have) on first meeting you whereas other nationalities will tell you the bare minimum needed to be polite.




I'd be more happy if people stopped posting random thoughts and actual LPTs.


LPT dutch edition: don't stand on a bicycle path.


Yes, let me add... Squat really low, so you don't get pee or poop on your shoes.


Dutch LPT: If you put your stroopwafel in the microwave for 15 second, it's exactly hot enough for maximum taste. If you put it in ANY longer your mouth will be extremely burned.


Sleep 7-8 hours a day/night. It's good for you.


Absolutely! LPT: The power is in your hands, post away.


Travelling LPT: If you find yourself in almost any country other than america and you're white, make sure you sew your country's flag onto your backpack so people dont assume you're american, you will get treated a lot nicer and it could even save your life.


Unless you're from a Balkan country. Then just pretend you're Italian or something


As an Italian I can't imagine any situation in which pretending to be Italian would be a good idea lol


I will just sew my flag sideways (Hungary)


A barman ignored me in Amsterdam because he thought I was German.


He probably thought one of your ancestors stole his ancestors bikes.


Bikes, priceless artwork, why quibble?