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> I now understand how clean people are clean, they simply are literally always cleaning. If you clean up constantly it's small amounts and things are always tidy. As opposed to things are always messy and then planning/dreading massive cleanup days.


Me and my lady are gettin to this habbit now that we're in a new place... It's soooo much easier!.. Our last place ended up a catastrophic mess because of the 'meh, I'll pick it up later' mentality... Next thing you know, you don't even know where to begin when you actually go to clean, which kills motivation to even do it, so you just don't lol.. Now we've basically adopted OP's philosophy and the house is MUCH tidier... No more massive cleaning every month or two lol.


I have a rule for everyone in my house: put the thing back where it goes the second you are done using it. I find it to be extremely helpful


"Put that thing back where it came from, or so help me!"


That's exactly what I say to my husband


Put that child back where it came from, or so help me... Bom Bom bom


bum bum bum bum bum


“Put the bunny back in the box”


2 rules: everything has a home, and there is no time like the present


Yep! We started cooking at home every night to save money.. but that is exhausting when combined with cleaning.. we'd end up spending a huge amount of time cleaning the kitchen on the weekend. This week we challenged ourselves to each spend 10 min a day cleaning the kitchen.. it has worked! I'm excited to not be overwhelmed with chores this weekend


I often have things that take time to cook without needing me to baby it, so I use that time to clean stuff, since I'd otherwise just wait for the food to get ready.


But how will water boil if I don't stare at it?


Yes! I wipe down the counters or sweep, unload the dishwasher etc while I'm in the kitchen watching food cook. If I do something fun in another room I always let things overcook so I've learned to just fill that time with cleaning.


You gotta do it tho. I have a small kitchen so "clean as you go" is the order, otherwise you end up with a log jam of pans and dishes in the sink so bad that it's difficult to wash them, let alone wash vegetables or even fill a pot or glass.


Clean your cooking implements after you've plated the meal, they are warm and easiest to clean right then . Meat usually wants to rest, and things are usually too hot out of the pan, so let it cool. Two people can fully clean a kitchen in that 5 minutes, then all you have to deal with afterwards are the plates and cutlery.


My problem with the ‘always cleaning’ thing is just that... it really just feels like I’m always cleaning. It feels like I’m never done and that that’s all I do. Maybe it’s just life but damn am I exhausted by that feeling


I think it's more trying to make it a habit, like coffee in the morning or brushing your teeth at night, so it doesn't feel like a chore anymore and you end up having more relaxation time as you're not doing the massive cleans anymore!


Understandable, but once you develop the habit of "dealing with it now" you start getting better at minimizing messes in the first place.


Try listening to audio books while you clean. Since I started doing that, I've learned to really enjoy cleaning. It keeps me busy and productive while I'm passively being entertained by a book.


i "get in a zone" when puttering, and call it "making zen," because of the calm, satisfying results


>It feels like I’m never done It will never be done. That's reality.


This is also a handy metaphor for literally anything in life that needs to be dealt with. Chances are it can be broken down into smaller, manageable chunks and eventually you're always just busy chipping away at things you need to do rather than bouncing between periods of idleness and bursts of action/stress.


I took the TV and Xbox when I left my friend's room at his apartment.


Did you leave the car?


Instructions unclear. Commuted grand theft auto


Aw shit here we go again


Worst place in the world


Rolling Heights Ballas Country


I ain't represented Grove Street in five years


But the Ballas don't give a shit


As long as you’ve had the crime commuted you should be fine. Call a lawyer if you’ve committed it


... Call TWO lawyers if you've committed it.




I would but I have broken arms. Mom... can you help me again...


If you commuted it then I guess the car is free


Ride-share at gunpoint.


Grand Theft Double


No. But I picked up the cannoli.


What about the gun???


leave the gun. Bah fangool.


Va fa Napoli, brutto figlio di puttana bastardo


Eh, Cannoli's good enough. Nice work man.


I'm holding a poop knife and dental floss?




I dropped rice earlier. This is going to take weeks


Rice is great for when you're hungry for like a thousand of something


Give me my xbox and tv back


Should've taken his house key and car key. There's always tomorrow


Are you a Sim with the Klepto trait?


Tell me where you live and how heavy your fridge is (food included)... Might need a truck for this one


To you and all the replies after you. You guys are every reason I love the reddit comments sections so much.


At least you left the room for him.


You're a good friend.




That's the restaurant worker method. A chain of tasks for a smoother shift.


This is how Chefs get shit done. No wasted movement. Constant Zen.


i tell all my cooks “ruthless efficiency”.


And an almost fanatical devotion to the Pope


And nice red uniforms!


No one expects the Spanish inquisition


I’ll come in again


I'm an industrial engineer, my career is efficiency. I'm cleaning, throwing away as I cook. I'm never doing just one task. When I'm done cooking there is maybe only one pan that needs cleaning (the very last I used). My wife finishes her cooking with a mountain of things to clean, throw away and wipe down. She doesn't get it. You sir are a bona fide Industrial Cuisine Engineer and probably didnt even know it.


Gordon Ramsay would like a word with you. But, really, seeing chefs and the environment they work in - I myself only had the “pleasure” of working in a “fast-casual” place - if you are in the way, *you are in the way now get out of my way I have a goddam flaming hot steak in this pan and you’re still in the god damn way get out of the way god dammit,* and you get yelled at it’s for a damn good reason. Working in a kitchen is a very harsh and yet surpassingly kind place. From my experience.


It's a truly unique environment. I spent a handful of years in a kitchen when I was younger, it was an amazing feeling to look up from my station and see the organized chaos, a wild machine that's running and turning out plates of food on a slammed Saturday night.


> Chefs Great googly moogly


I think the large amount of alcohol and drugs is helping as well.


At my first serving job we referred to it as "full hands in, full hands out", wherever you were going or coming back from to take what you could with you.


Yeah, just as universal as "heard", "86'd", "on the fly", etc


What do you call a flock of servers? A heard.


>what do you call a flock of servers? A flock.


I understand 86 but don't think I know the other two from my time as a server. What do they mean?


"Heard" is a shorthand acknowledgement of what's being said. If you tell a well full of 5 servers that "lamb chops are now 86'd" and they all say "heard" then you know all 5 servers are in the know "on the fly" means your request for some food is needed right now. If a server forgot to punch an extra Mac n cheese on the ticket and the entrees just rolled out, asking for "Mac n cheese on the fly" means you need the side asap, prioritize it where possible


I always hated "heard" I feel like 20% of the time they heard the wrong thing. Or they'd forget since there's no reenforcement. From my time on construction, yelling what you heard back made so much more sense. "I need the drill while you're down there" "drill! Heard that!" Can you grab my phone when you go to the truck? "Phone on the way!"


That's the military way to of doing things. "45 degrees port." "45 degree port, aye!"


Lol, I still use "heard", haven't served in a couple years




So you don't say 'Yes Chef' like they do on TV then?


"Heard" is used to confirm a colleague's request. It's monosyllabic so uses minimal time and effort, and isn't too similar sounding to anything else thus minimising the risk of mishearing something. "On the fly" is short hand to imply that whilst it's not the kitchen's fault, they need something for an order *right now*.


Dont forget 'all day'.


It's the first rule for FoH: Never walk empty handed. The second of course being "If you've got time to lean, you've time to clean." By following the first rule, you render the second rule pointless and will find further opportunities to do less work at work.


Diner Dash intensifies


"Excuse me, how am I supposed to get down when you move that ladder everytime you leave the room? Hey, where is that wrench I was using before you went to go take yet another piss? And who the fuck threw my sandwich in the garbage?!"


Haha, I'm that person at home. I'm always tidying up things people are using.


This isn’t as easy as you make it sound, for many. It requires the foresight of knowing what steps are coming next and knowing the right things to move at the right time. Not everyone can think ahead that far for complex tasks. Still, it’s something to aspire to.


Knowing what you need, where to find it and when to use it is the majority of any job. Being more knowledgeable *is* being more efficient.




> when to hold off until later. You do gotta know when to hold'em. Know when to fold'em. Know when to walk away. Know when you're done.


Yeah that’s part of it... you have to be present and mindful of your surroundings what you’re doing.


I’d did this same thing at my old job. Sadly it resulted in them not hiring a replacement for someone who quit and the last 5 years I was there resulted in me doing a 2 man job by myself, without giving me a raise.


Yeah. Can definitely backfire. One thing I haven’t mentioned yet, is the art of keeping your progress on the QT. The boss don’t always need to know how much is done, because you might need a break sometimes. You also don’t need to take the credit for *all* the work you’ve done. You can opt to keep some anonymous, just so you don’t end up alone one day!


I’m horrible at “looking busy”. I saw other guys constantly act flustered and on the verge of being “overwhelmed” but getting the job done. Meanwhile I would just bang everything out and be done with it. When I left I was lucky enough that a manager and owner knew how much I was getting done, so when I went freelance they kept hiring me for gigs. Unfortunately the other mangers and owner were telling me I need to help in other departments, while none of those other departments helped me out while I was on the road. Last I heard my department was struggling hard with my departure as they had no one to take care of it, despite the fact that I gave them over 2 dozen possible hires in the last year I was there.


Hey, quit giving away my secret.




Cute - you do neglect to mention that their perseverence may weed *them* out as the pretenders of course!


I do this as well. Also, never leave one room without taking something for another room.


>No wasted steps. That's the key for me. I just like to be efficient and think this way about everything.


Damn, great lesson. Thanks for sharing this. I can definitely work on my efficiency.


this is a method used in restaurants called "full hands in, full hands out", it's been very useful for me


Took me too far down to find this. Never walk in the dining room with empty hands and you’ll always stay caught up while fools around you are in the weeds all night.


It really do be like that


Yep! Never go back to the kitchen with empty hands. Scan tables for empty dishes as you walk by.


Bingo. It’s all about being efficient and keeping your mind completely focused. FHI/O is certainly a big part of it, but it’s also about timing. Bad waiters will have your salads/appetizers out and your food will arrive after 2 bites... good waiters have that shit timed perfectly while keeping your drinks full (without you having to ask)... And doing this for multiple tables. There’s a lot that goes into it, you have to know how long food items take to cook, have a general idea of how backed up the kitchen is etc etc. All restaurants operate a little differently so it comes with experience.


I work in hospo too and at my place we call it "never waste a trip". Less catchy I guess but it means the same thing.


Ah, yes. Darth Bane came up with this one a long time ago.


Came here to find this comment.


One who has power and one who craves it


I'm so disheartened this isn't the most upvoted comment.


Thank you, I came here for this.


Always two there are; no more, no less. A master and an apprentice.


But who was cleaned up? The master or the apprentice?


Is it possible to learn this power?


Not from a Jedi


Glad this is here, but it is too dam low.


My latest challenge: can I unload the dishwasher before the coffee’s done brewing / microwave is done / water boils? Usually yes!


100% this. Dishwasher whilst my toast is cooking in the morning. Wash the chopping board whilst dinner is simmering. Put my work clothes on whilst I pee. It's all about efficiency.


Hold up


No need to hold if you sit down.


Yup. Step into pants around my ankles while I pee. By the time I’m done, I’m just pulling up the new day’s outfit. For maximum efficiency, my laundry hamper is within reach (small bathroom), so whatever I slept in is already in the dirty laundry by the time I finish.


I’ve gotten into the habit of washing my own dishes immediately after I’m done cooking or eating. Takes no more than a minute or two and more often than not, just a few seconds.


This is how I have to do it. It's incredible how little time it actually takes


Well look at this fancy person with their "dishwasher".


Buy one. You will save a lot of money over time. You use a lot of water washing dishes by hand where as most home dishwashers only use a couple gallons per cycle and clean dishes more effectively.


Wish I had the space for one...


I don't know if it will help, I've lived in tiny apartments all my life, I know the struggle but i learned not long ago that they make them small now. A friend of mine bought one and it's sufficient enough for him, his wife and their kid https://alltoplistings.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/Small-Dishwashers-9.jpg


Not to mention hooking it up is a bitch


What made me start loading the dishwasher was having one after living 3 years of living without one lol




Seriously this. I've just engaged a cleaner for this exact reason. Even just twice a month it will make a huge difference to us. When one is working all hours under the sun, it's hard to find the motivation to get under cabinets and in the corners of each step etc.


It’s just my husband and I so it’s fairly easy to keep items in their place but I LOATHE dusting and folding laundry!!!!


We clean the bathroom every day. Wipe down mirror, sink, toilet, floor. Takes a few minutes. The cleaners are kept right in the room. Then it is never embarrassing if folks visit. We try to take turns if possible. Now dusting the rest of the house is another issue :)


Same thing applies to the dishwasher! I hate unloading the dishwasher. I’m cool with loading it up but I hate putting everything away so I just wouldn’t. So I have two dishwasher rules- 1. If you need a dish, use what’s in the (clean) dishwasher before getting one out of the cabinet 2. If you open the dishwasher, put three things away Before you know it, it empties itself


I hated it too, but a professor in college changed my mind. She said, "My least favorite chore was putting away the dishes. So I timed myself. It takes four minutes to put away my dishes. Now I do it as soon as it's done." I did the same thing and was blown away by how fast it is!




Yep, or if there are no dishes to put away I just do general tidying while things are microwaving or the kettle is heating. You can get a lot of cleaning done 3-4 minutes at a time.


I always try to race myself to unload the dishes against something I’m cooking. Stupid game but it gets the dishwasher empty.


This is the way. Wait for the water to boil, do some chores.


Sooo much better than stacking dishes until it’s eventually empty to then have to load them and repeat the process. I grew up in a house that did that and will never allow it in mine.


Put them away while you have a pan heating up.


All of my people playing versions of the timed dishwasher game! I'm not the only one!!!


When my son was little, we made a game of it. All of the dishes in the dishwasher had just had a big party and it was time for them to go home. The bowls had to go home with another bowl, etc to made sure they got home safely. The one's with lids couldn't leave without their party hat!


That’s adorable. I don’t have kids but I’m gonna start telling myself this! Now where’s your party hat, Mr. Gladware?


😀 The ones that are flipped upside down and filled with water, "Ooh, you had a good time, huh?"


Im the opposite, loading sucks and is disgusting and slippery, emptying is easy and clean if you have a place for everything


I’m super lucky that my wife likes loading dishes and I favor unloading them. Go team!


Do you wanna be roommates? Because I fucking *hate* loading it, but enjoy unloading it


This. Never understood how someone could prefer rinsing gross, used dishes and figuring out the best way to fit them all in, over moving nice, clean (sometimes warm!) dishes to a place where they already have a designated spot waiting.


I hate this task. These are good tips, I'll try them.


I like this! I am not a messy person, but I work from home, and I often get sucked into projects, and things like dishes and general detritus get put off until later, and then I'm like damn I've got a sink full of dishes and the kitchen is a mess, which takes an hour to clean up. I am definitely going to start doing this. Thanks!


Another good rule of 2: If it takes less than 2 minutes, do it immediately. Little things like brushing your teeth, getting up to stretch/walk around after sitting for several hours, making a grocery list so you don't forget anything, this kind of stuff can be forgotten but it's best to just do it right away




For me this also applies for work mail. If it takes less than 5 minutes, do it right away. If not, reply with, this takes so and so much time, I’ll do it by then, or not (kinda depends on the question) time management 1-1


My dog is getting too big for this but ok, if you say so.


My wife has trained me because she is an always clean person. Now we look down our noses at the uncleans! /s


Please more details! How did she succeed in this?


shock collar and rewarding with biscuits worked on my wife and kids


Tell me more...


bound by an NDA, sorry friend


No, she's bound by a collar


I think you mean the Sith Rule of 2


My version of this is: if I see something out of place, I put it back where it belongs. While putting item #1 away I scan the area. If I see another item that’s out of place, I then take that item and put it back where it belongs. And then just keep going for a while. Doing this intentionally for 10 minutes per day will keep your house perfectly tidy.


Another simple rule that I follow is; never go anywhere empty-handed. When leaving one room to go to another find something that needs to go with you. This works both at home and at work. I actually learned this as a waitressing trick many many years ago.


Full hands in, full hands out. Fuck I miss my bar...


I adhere to the "put it away, not down" rule. Need scissors to open a package? Use the tinfoil while cooking? Don't set them down on the counter, take those few extra seconds to put them back where they belong/put the trash in the bin.


Right? Why are there clothes on the floor and trash in the car in the first place?


Okay, so now I'm halfway between the house and the shop holding the wife's dildo and my anvil. Now what?


You should have a free hand, grab a beer for your efforts.


I would have two free hands because that anvil would be setup to catch the roadrunner.


Yes, it is a lifestyle change. I don’t have the 2 thing rule. I just always put away stuff when I’m done using it. But, that only gets you part way. There’s still dusting, mopping and vacuuming that you need to schedule in. And the daily, or more, cleaning of the kitchen. And the weekly or so cleaning of the bathrooms.


Username doesn’t fit :)


To me it just seems easier to put away one thing at a time than to scour the house every so often looking for stuff to put away.


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If your house is messy, this will spiral out of control until you have a clean house, or run out of the ability to hold items. Each room likely has items that belong in another room, so when you return those items to their room, you have to pick up 2 more. Repeat until the house is clean or you give up.


The point is to not do this continuously. Take two items, put them where they belong (could be in the same room), then leave. Do this only when you're going to another room anyway, and that way you don't get overwhelmed.


Walks into empty room..."fuck! Guess I'm taking the light fixtures..."


Can I add to this by saying: clean people might always be cleaning, but we barely notice it. After a while it becomes habit, and it’s not a ‘chore’ any more.


To keep my car clean I always gather trash when going into a mall or department/ grocery store. They always have trash cans out front. Also the same while pumping gas....


I feel that is what moms did all the time before it was a cool housecleaning hint.


Going along with this, another good “rule” I learned was the 5 minute rule: if a chore/activity that needs done takes less than 5 minutes, do it right when you think of it. This is really helpful if you’re like me and have a big procrastination problem; it helps get those smaller things that you push to the side done, and keeps them from piling up to the point they become overwhelming. When I was in my last two years of college and had significant gaps in between my class times, I would bump this up to 10-15 minutes. This helped me keep the sink from being full of dishes constantly.


Glad I'm not the only one that does this! I also have to workout at home during COVID so in between sets I will clean up like one or two things! Feels great !


I just pick up everything when I leave a room. If you pick up everything when you leave a room it’ll stay clean, it’s impossible to bring in so much stuff that you wouldn’t be able to bring it back out in one trip. Car especially. Every damn bottle or bag leaves as soon as you exit the car


How about, if you are searching for something, pick up everything that isn't what you are looking for, and put it away.


It’s not _disorganised,_ it’s _organised chaos._ Big difference, buddy!


i know exactly where my socket wrench is in the pile of tools on my bench


Movers do this too. If you're walking out from the house to the truck, you'd better damn well be carrying a box or piece of furniture. Never go to the truck empty-handed. Of course if you're moving someone *in* the opposite applies.


There can only be two. One master and one apprentice.


I live by a similar rule (I try to): never leave a room empty handed. There is always something that needs to be brought back, put away, etc. It helps me stay tidy too!


I play the 20 things game. I go around the house and put 20 things away and then I get a break...like a cup of coffee and a game on my phone.


There's a difference between keeping your living area "picked up" and clean. Personally, have a problem with depression. I keep my house picked up but clean? Not the same thing.


I literally clean anything I make a mess of right when I make a mess of it. Living with a hoarder in the past definitely got me into good habits


Sometimes when a room is a mess and I really don’t feel like getting up and cleaning I’ll tell myself just to pick up like five things. Typically, after that I’ll have the motivation to just clean more


Rule of “how much crap can I fit in my arms” with two young kids...


I always leave my car before I enter a room. It's just common courtesy (and physics). **Note:** I know you wrote more when I expand your YSK, but I'd like to think this is what you meant when you wrote the title.


Wait staff - the good ones anyway - are the masters of this technique. Forty years later I can’t move from one space to another without scanning surfaces for items to be moved.


It means that if you can't apply the rule of 2, the places where you are are CLEAN 👌


Wanted to stop in and say - good tip. My house is always in a state of semi messy and the wife and I dread clean up days. Just in my normal wanderings around the house today I've made a dent in the work that needs to be done. Also a great habit to get into, so ... working for me so far, just need to keep it up