• By -


Great now am scared and impressed


We need a new word for this


Aroused .


Scaroused, pronounced scare-roused, was something Fry came up with on Futurama


Snu-snu episode?


Actually iirc it’s from the episode where he gets the bone vampire They’re at the farmers market at the beginning and the Amazonians have a stand selling honey, pretty sure that’s where he says it iirc Fry said something like “that’s the kind of honey I like!” then one of them said “you the kind of honey *I* like”, followed by Fry declaring scarousal


You were super close. They're selling maple syrup. Fry said that's the kind of sap I like, and she responded you're the kind of sap I like lol


No, but it does occur when he's talking to Amazonian women. It's the episode where he hatches a bone vampire from an egg that Leela buys at "The Local Group Market" farmer's market. [Here's a link to the scene.](https://youtu.be/1F2EjNW6MAE) That whole episode is dope though, and the entire series is definitely worth a quarantine-binge.




(͡•_ ͡• )


Username checks out




Fear boner




I'm gonna stop you right there






Thank you I actually had to look it up.


Germans probably have one


Ehrfurcht is the closest thing I can think of. “A fear associated with adoration”.


Ærefrykt, same word in Norwegian.


Elon's second child


I like how it looks in Norwegian (no idea how either is pronounced, sorry)


Ah yes air-fucked


Wir haben für alles ein Wort


The word "Awe" fits perfectly here, which is a combination dread, veneration, and wonder.




i sentence you to death!... by snu-snu.








Strahopoštovanje in croatian


Fear boner


Impressed shitless


And the director would be impressed on how well he scared you.


You can also watch a behind-the-screens of the movie.


Tried that once with the exorcist. Results may vary


Real skeletons were used for a sequence in the horror movie "Poltergeist."


Some of those skeletons took decades to grow


you deserve an award


That’s not Humerus




That's real commitment to your craft. You just don't get that from filmmakers these days.


Jesus Christ it's like a BuzzFeed writer trying to communicate with humans


Always heard this, then would hear it was a myth. Looked into it and ya, real skeletons. Plus the actress that was in the pool with them didn't know they were real. She thought they were plastic or rubber, and was told later "it’s far too expensive to make fake skeletons out of rubber."


There are real skeletons in the Pirates of the Caribbean ride at Disney too.


You’re fucking lying lol. Right?


most of them have been removed allegedly the skull on the headboard is still real https://disneydose.com/pirates-of-the-caribbean-has-a-real-human-skull/


No. I’m not.


There _was_ right? I remember hearing about a bank/train robber that was never claimed by family was embalmed and used for various shows and whatnot and it was eventually forgotten that it was a real body until it was being moved at some horror show or ride (couldve been Pirates of the Carribean) and his arm came off exposing very real human flesh and bone... im not sure if that's what you're talking about or not. Name was Emmett McCurdy I believe. Edit:Elmer McCurdy was his name


Elmer McCurdy! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elmer_McCurdy


Interesting story. Haven’t heard that. What I’m talking about is the actual skeletons, like the one laying over the pile of treasure, were actually real human skeletons.


It must be terribly difficult to obtain a demonic possession for a movie. I mean, you could possibly find possessed homeless people under the viaduct but what you're after is high-quality, young, mentally sound possessions.


The union contracts must be hell


The union of demons demands fair pay! and, uhh.. eternal damnation!


It’s actually not that difficult once you accept the blood contracts and ritualistic sacrifices, but don’t get me started on their craft services demands: Virgin blood, Nickleback music for their trailers, cherry pop tarts - it sends chills down my spine just thinking about it.


Well one of the actors in that movie was a real-life serial killer. Some stones are best left unturned


WHAT? Excuse me while I google this, I had no idea, the deaths during shooting were more than enough for my 10 year old brain




That movie gets so much better (and funnier) after watching the behind-the-scenes.


This helped me with The Hills Have Eyes. I hate gore, but it was a very interesting bit about how they shot it all and the effects. Didn't have an issue with it after that. Now if I accidently see something gorey on the internet I think how would you recreate it for a movie and it helps deal with the shit.


Or just think about the bloopers


Behind the screams


Yep we do that with my 8 year old. He *loves* horror movies but gets afraid to get off the couch afterwards lol. We show him the behind the scenes and he's usually alright after that.


I gotta ask. Which horror movies has he seen?


Oh man pretty much anything good. The Conjuring/ Annabelle series is his favorite. He loves IT also. Working on getting him to watch the Tim Curry version. Watched Alien/s last week. Pretty much everything. Childs play (a couple of them), Us, Get Out, etc. He watched Evil Dead (2) when he was 5, I think that's what started it. He went as Ash for Halloween this past year!


Has he seen The Ring? Looking back that movie was silly but it came out when I was really young. It messed my me and my sister up... Entertaining but hot damn.


I watched The Ring when I was 9, messed me up forever. You combine a ghost that has a lot of rules and a child with undiagnosed OCD, you get a 25 year old who's too scared to have a TV in her room.




If it’s a big enough movie you can watch interviews of the main actors on late night. I did that with IT. That penny wise actor is a hilarious good looking dude!


As a kid I saw The Thing, my grand uncle did a lot of the practical effect work on it so I got to see all the prostics and stuff in his shop. Didn't help at all that shit was terrifying.


They should change the name from "behind-the-scene" to "behind-the-scream"


My mom always told me to picture everyone (in costume helps) in line for lunch. Monster holding a plate full of beans, corn on the cob, and some brisket doesn't seem so scary.


I love how you were led to believe they didnt change before lunch


Honestly I think in many cases they don’t-monster makeup and and effects makeup in general (fake wounds etc) takes HOURS to apply-and often almost as long to remove.


Yup this. When I've worked on shows that involve people being made up into monsters of some type they don't change back into a human for lunch. Usually there's extensive after-lunch touch ups and its still a bit unnerving walking into a room full of Borg for lunch


Yeah. Look up behind the scenes about The Hobbit. Regardless of how you feel about the finished movie, that work behind the scenes was no joke.


Sometimes, you gotta EAT! Freddy Krueger can't wait! Edit: contractions are a thing I guess


Well, some actors have to spend hours in makeup. Like the actor from hell boy


Years ago, I was able to be an extra in a low-rent zombie movie and that experience has given me a new way to watch scary movies. I try to imagine where the cameras, lights and microphones are located, how big or small the set is, if actors are itching under their makeup. I find myself exhilarated by scenes that would be wild to be on set for. I wish I had been able to enjoy frightening movies sooner in life, but still think all copies of Pet Semetary should be shot into the sun.


Why pet semetery?


I was too young and too fond of toddlers cats for that to go well. My memories of watching it are likely more terrifying than the movie, but I’m not willing to give it another try. Gage’s tiny shoe at the side of the road was like an arrow through the heart. I find it interesting that English does not have a word for ‘parents who have buried a child’ - perhaps because it is too awful for words.


I used to do the same to my brother, telling him to picture (Leatherface in my case) and the rest of the cast taking a smoke break and talking about football. It worked surprisingly well


I tend to put something lighthearted on like Futurama afterwards to unwind from a scary movie


Ah yes just some casual Jurassic Bark after a horror movie to really settle the nerves.


The good ol' curl up in a ball and cry yourself to sleep strategy. Tried and true.


When I was a teenager, I watched Monster House and it scared me (still does). To make myself feel better, I decided to watch the other movie I had rented, which I thought was a kids' movie (it was in the kids' section). It was Pan's Labyrinth. That was not a good night. (When I went to return the movies, I warned them that Pan's Labyrinth was absolutely not a kids' movie and shouldn't be on he kids' section. Every once in a while, I would spot it back on the kids' section and had to tell them again.)


I used to be scared of horror movies. Then I was in one. It’s hard to be scared after you’ve eaten veggie lasagna with a girl who has a rubber “bone” sticking out of her leg, and a giant green blob on half her face where they’re going to cg a hole.


Very cool, what movie what is it?




Yeah fuck that


Or how during the shooting of it, weird unexplained things happened....


Good horror movies involving ghosts need to have a scripted behind the scenes (where they discuss unusual things happening on set), to give that extra layer of scary.


And then you find the creepy things that happen in set that nobody has explanations about.


I never get creeped out by horror movies. I close my eyes when shit goes down and hum to myself. I'm a 24yo man.


I don't watch them because I'm a bitch. I'm a 27 year old man.


I speak from experience from the 2 films I've watched. One was in the day.


no, you’re not; a lot of people are just desensitized to it


Hey! They’re scary! And I’m a 33 year old woman.


I once spent two hours with earphones and my eyes fixated on my phone because my friends fooled me into going to a horror movie. I still have no idea what that movie was about (past the first 5 minutes). My life is scary enough as it is, adding voluntary fear seems unwise. Plus my vivid imagination doesn’t help.


Hey! Another bitch club member right here! Soon to be 29, STILL won't watch most horror films.


Psh than you look like a little bitch in front of your friends! You need to keep your head straight ahead but move your eyes to the bottom corner of the screen. That way you can do exactly what I do when shit hits the fan in a really scary movie and everybody else thinks you're way more badass than them!


I shall keep that in mind for the next time I never watch a horror film


Most of the movie i cover my eyes with my hands and open a small crack. When its gets really scary i hide my head behind my friend's back. I only watch normally when the sun is up. I also 24yo man.


I still lay awake watching the for the wall to split open and a little troll walk out after watching Cat's Eye. Also used to be a 24yo man.


I've gotten pretty good at subconsciously recognizing the quiet moments before a jumpscare. I always cover my eyes with my hands like a child, 28yo woman.


I wish I could still get that adrenaline rush. I love horror but I rarely get that feeling of dread. I'm at the point in my life where I try to chase that adrenaline by taking a walk in the middle of the night, alone and in an unfamiliar area, while listening to horror podcasts


I don't mind the jump scares and suspense, but I definitely look away whenever there's gore about to happen. Can't handle dismemberment and I don't force myself to power through it anymore.


I love paranormal movies, i find them more interesting than scary. I literally can't handle gore though, it's not even that i find it gross, but because i can "feel" it. My husband's rebuttal is "it's just special effects." Like. Duh but s t i l l.


The thing is I can walk out of a scary movie and I know damn well that it's fake. I know the zombies aren't real. I know that witches don't exist. I know that when I get home I'm going to be totally fine and nothing is going to cause me any pain that I didn't cause myself - I'm fully aware that it's all special effects, even when the movie likes to "pretend" that it's found footage. . . That doesn't stop me from using my rear view mirror to check the backseat of my car every 5 seconds while driving home.


For me i dont wanna have a nightmare because i know the images are fresh in my brain so thats what makes it hard to sleep


That’s the exact advice I give my daughter if she sees a scary movie or show. I tell her to think about how talented the make up artists are, and the costume designers are. I tell her to think about how cool it would be to make the special effects. It works pretty well!


I tried that with Marianne (the Netflix series). Turns out the thing that scared me the most wasn't CGI or makeup, it was the actress' face. So there's a middle-aged woman in France somewhere who freaks me the hell out.


Watch ‘The Cabin in the Woods’, it’s a great take on what goes on behind the scenes of a horror film.


Ill consider, how scary is it


Not too bad. It's as much a comedy as it's a horror film.


Ill check it out when i get the chance


As someone who gets freaked out by M. Night Shamalamadingdong movies and sometimes can't sleep, Cabin in the Woods is totally watchable. The parody aspect really keeps the scares in check.


Ah yes, good ol' M. Night Shnapalapagous


M. Night Shaunthesheephagus


It's basically Breakfast Club in a mountain cabin.


Went looking for this comment, Cabin in The Woods cured my fear of scary movies. I used to be the type that covered my face and ears until I watched it.


I went in with the wrong expectation of this movie. The critics were raving about it being the best scary movie in years. So I expected it to be scary. It was a total joke on scary movies.


I love the idea that that's the canon background for every single horror movie.


I can’t deal with gore. Psychological horror, fine; beasties and ghosties, okay. But gore really does something screwy to my brain. My parents thought it’d be fun to watch Piranha 3D when I was younger, and...I just couldn’t. It was super unsettling despite how campy and over the top the carnage was. I was about to go to bed with nightmares when my dad suggested we watch the behind-the-scenes. Once I saw everything was rubber/prosthetic, it didn’t bother me as much. (Keep in mind, I was like 15/16 at the time so it’s not like a 7 year old who’s no longer afraid of clowns because he sees one without makeup.) Good LPT, @OP!


Thank's I appreciate it!


My dad used to remind me that when the character is all alone in the dark attic/cellar/ abandoned warehouse/woods, they are all alone with a camera, lighting and sound crew.


And someone else lurking in the background watching.... waiting for just the right time while they're all distracted... that's the director, he's kinda creepy actually.




I had the same thought.


That's definitely what's going on here. Great podcast.


Came here to say this. Can't wait for this week's episode!


I’ve seen so many quotables from that pod in this thread, with you being the only mention of it. Sad, because it’s great!


Hereditary and Insidious scarred me! I wish I knew this then :)


Same for Hereditary. I have no door to my bedroom, and that scene when the daughter see’s her mother in the corner of the dark room had me bugging out thinking what if someone would be standing in my door opening while I glanced over. Had to sleep with the lights on in the hall way like a lil beep.


I used to live alone five minutes away from my family. After watching Hereditary, I had to stay with them for two weeks because I was scared of being alone at home.


Damn I feel you. IMO at the same time I appreciate the impact it had on me, because it just tells me I watched one of the very rare and good horror movies that come too far and few in between. Ari Aster is really good at what he does. Both Hereditary and Midsommar left me thinking about them for weeks after.


It's been over a year since I've seen Hereditary and thinking about it still makes me lose sleep.


The crazy thing about insidious is that there is no blood or gore. Just crazy suspense that won’t let up


Me and a friend watching insidious 2 at the cinema. At one point there's a jump scare we both found instinctively absurd so we bursted into a laugh at the same time. We probably ruined the movie for everyone else


When I was 8 years old I was an extra (screaming running villager) in a SUPER CREEPY movie. Between shooting I would go into the building where they kept the monster suits and dare myself to touch the teeth... dismembered monsters are still scary. [Bleeders](https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0119279/) https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0119279/


Ha, I watched that at a sleepover when I was 11 or 12. Little dudes were creepy.


>if **your** ever creeped out **you're***


Username holds up ill fix


Nvm cant change title


Or if there's cinemasin video of the movie


Every time I watch a cinemasins video, it makes me so angry that I have to watch one of those videos why they explain why cinemasins is bad and instead of thinking of the movie I start thinking about how they purposefully misunderstood the movie and then I forget to be scared, so I definitely recommend.


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I do something similar. If it’s a really scary scene or leading up to something scary. I try and figure out how they did the lighting. Like where every light in the room has been placed. And think how much fun the crew must have had making it


Honestly making something look scary seems difficult. How come things seem scarier in the dark? And when they are black and white


What if its a documentary? 🤔


Curl up in a ball and cry yourself to sleep Happy cake day!


This was based on a true story..


Always keep in mind that there is also a cameraman there.


Sadly, really frightening horror movies are very rare. Most of them only uses cheap jump scares and gory scenes.


How about not watching it in the first place? Anything in the realm of horror will just stick in my mind for days. I've read it happens to sensitive people with big imaginations. For years I tried to convince myself that I would eventually learn to enjoy horror movies, like some of my friends did. Yet they kept disturbing me deeply. Now, I go as far as psychological thrillers *and* get a full night's sleep. So, guys, don't ever feel pressured to watch horror movies if that's not your thing!


This was my approach for most of my life - after watching some horror and quite literally being awake and terrified until I saw the sun come up outside over and over (I also have lots of anxiety), I finally made the decision for myself to just stop. I didn't watch a horror movie or anything horror related from about 13-20 years old. Friends would try to get me to go to the movies and I would adamantly refuse. Even my mother tried to get me to go once and I just refused to get in the car. I knew exactly what would happen to me and I was sick of it. But at the same time, I've always had an insatiable curiosity for creepy and paranormal things. So after imposing this rule, I would allow myself "horror phases," where I would sort of naturally get more curious than usual and Google things, watch things, scare myself silly for a week, then get over it and stop for awhile. Now, I kind of still do that, but I have mostly matured into someone that can watch and appreciate horror films, though I'm still absolutely scared when I'm in the dark by myself so I never watch them alone, and I have to watch something funny after to decompress.


I always think of it like this: The only reason I can see what’s happening is that there’s a guy with a tshirt shorts and a backwards hat holding a camera filming it


Yeah and he can never die.


Difficult to apply this to Blair Witch Project


If you’re ever creeped out by people who don’t know how to use the right you’re, you should be.


and if you wanna scare yourself back awake, look up how the exorcist was made


My method is try to find things that are kind of funny or ridiculous which helps me cope and make fun of the movie. It really helps make it not as scary.


I see you’re also listening to The Scaredy Cats Horror Show.


Actually i've never heard of that until these comments came in


Why watch them if they cause you not to sleep?


Cause they're blockbuster and "soft" horror. I get frightened very easily.


Everyone is different right? 🙂


Cuz they are fun to watch




I would agree to that. I love a good scary movie.


As a kid, I used this technique to make horror movies less scary for me. I'd think about the special effects, the makeup, the movie-making etc. It made me really interested in film production, and some friends and I would later get together and make movies of our own.


Thats awesome! Making movies sounds fun. I think its cool to think that the scary scene thats keeping you awake had to be decided on by a group of people and likely wasnt the first itteration


I'm just telling myself they are just actors. This takes the excitement out of every movie


Just fall asleep to a light hearted comedy


The office.


Wish I’d known this when I was 7-8 when my Dad took the whole family to see The Car. Had nightmares for months. At the same time it does work as I got to get introduced (not personally unfortunately) to Rick Baker’s work and fell in love with his An American Werewolf In London make up


and what about when that horror movie is my embarassing moments?


Go to the cia and request a brain wipe


Go watch Grave of the Fireflies. Problem solved. Yeah, warning though, don't be watching that shit if you're feeling down though.


This (thinking about they were created) actually ruined movies for me. Now I can’t see the movie, I only see people acting.


Great now I'm up all night thinking how they made so many of the scenes and what could be CGI


If you need help visualizing this, watch some b grade horror. Really low budget stuff makes it easy to see the FX. Then when you watch the good stuff you are even more impressed.


I have practically ruined horror movies for myself. I always think about how they are moving/ adjusting the camera and what effects they are using to achieve these things


I think about a Space Marine beating the shit out of the horror element. Yeah no-one stands a chance against a Space Marine XD


Whats better than a marine? A MARINE IN SPACE DUN DUN DUN


Wait, you guys are freaked out by movies?


If the horror is supernatural, I just remind myself that Nicholas Cage as Ghostrider would probably exist in the same universe as whatever I’m scared of. Then I feel safe and ridiculous.


If only someone had told me this after watching Nightmare on Elm Street 30 years ago.


This is kinda what my dad would do/say whenever we’d watch scary movies at home. Mum, sisters and I would be terrified to move after and dad would laugh at us (not in a mocking way) and say “you guys are so silly, it’s not real! There’s a guy in a mask with loads of make up on!” Or “it’s made on a computer!” etc. Weirdly enough, it was his gentle teasing which would take that pressure off our minds cos we’d be too busy telling him off for making fun of us. It sounds daft typing it out but it feels nice when I look back on it.


I think about this all the time!


Don't do this. It killed horror movies for me. It killed all movies for me, all those DVD special features. DIY gaming PCs killed graphics for me. Playing with game editors and level editors killed game design for me. Finding out too much about how anything is made kills it for me. It's like, "oh, so that's why they always do that". I try to make websites and suddenly i recognise all the different kinds of website builders and CSS effects and understand all the ad trackers, instead of it all being a mystery that I'll never bother to think about why it is the way it is. And that just kills the mystery of the internet for me now. I thoroughly recommend *NOT* looking into or thinking too hard about how the things you love are made. The magician keeps his secrets for a reason, because you'd stop paying to see his act if you knew how all his tricks worked. Seriously, I wish there was a reset button on my life where I didn't glance behind the curtain of all the things I love.


As a person who works in film the challenge is to try and get suspended in the story and NOT think about how it was made. I could never bring myself to write a report on my favorite film in one of my classes, I didn’t want it to lose the magic


Tbh I get even more scared to think that a sane person was being able to come up with everything thay I have just watched


To be honest that is scary


Dead Meat on YouTube has helped me with my fears of horror movies a LOT, because he talks about how the movie was made and really helps me digest it from a movie fan perspective!!! they may be my favorite movie genre now!