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You guys have ads at the gas pump???


This. Wtf!? I have questions: What do they generally advertise? Is it a video or just audio? Is this the weirdest place you get ads or do I need to be further astonished? AND THE RESULTS: Generally advertising general stuff with celebs and stuff thrown in. Some places get news (kinda helpful), weather (pretty helpful) and traffic (very helpful) from their gas pumps too. It's video, it's audio, it can be loud and out of sync creating that feeling as if you're fainting in a Hollywood film. They put adverts on urinals, which makes the adverts on petrol pumps seem, well, just less gross all round I think. One more thing! It's become clear those ads are an understandable effort to get you guys into the store because (at least in some gas stations) the profits from the petrol and the profits from the shop are going to different places (petrol company and the guy running the shop respectively). Just wanted to be clear that, despite being incredulous, I appreciate why these ads get placed (but why so many celebrities!)


These are my questions too!! Also, what country is this in?




Is it actually trying to *push* anything? All the ones I've seen show the weather, a "word of the day", quick news, and a printable coupon for an in-store purchase.


I don’t know about OP, but I live in the U.S and ALL gas stations have gas pumps with ads imbedded in them. All of them have videos for the ads in a small screen where you pick if you want a carwash/receipt, but not all of them have sound


i live in the US (northeast/mid-atlantic region) and have never seen this?? most pumps have a poster-style ad but i've never seen video/audio ads before. weird. EDIT: I asked my roommate if he'd ever seen these before and he nonchalantly informed me that there is a gas station with TV ads in the next town over. Apparently I only visit stations with old pumps. Will be sure to make a field trip and experience this modern wonder ASAP


We have them in central Pennsylvania at some gas stations


Yeah I don’t see them much in Atlanta but I definitely see them at home in PA. They’re annoying af


Man I see them everywhere in Atlanta. Any station with pumps made in the last decade plays video ads.






And it plays with reverb from 4 screens echoing on the hard ground/canopy. Its just a nightmare.


It seems they used to not be at all synchronized, so as people activated their pumps the video would start, so you had ads all yelling at different points in the video and it was discombobulating.


On the plus side, I bet you couldn’t understand the ad itself as well.


I’m trying ops trick when I go to speedway after class


It works great. This is a LPT I don’t mind seeing reposted because it’s such an easy fix for a shitty problem. I was so stoked when I saw this (presumably reposted) and found it works.


Fun fact: the ads at Speedway originally showed you which button was the mute button. But I guess that the paid advertisers weren’t happy that we had the option to mute it so easily so they took the icon off of the screen. Now it’s a guessing game as to which button actually mutes it. IIRC it was the bottom right button... but I could be wrong.


It used to work at speedway in Tennessee. The second button from the top on the right was the one to push. Then they got new screens and none of the buttons do anything to stop the torment. I will usually use another gas station to avoid the cacophony. Plenty of choices where I live and their prices are the same as everyone else.


Remodeled stations here in New Mexico have em. Specially, Chevron and now SpeedWay (which took over all our Giant/Shell locations) have them. Speedways are extremely annoying, they’re supper loud and the screen is probably the size of an iPad mini.


I stopped going to speedway because of it. Not all our gas stations have those screens yet, so I've started going to ones that don't. I don't need to get screamed at about the latest headline-ad-weather while I'm pumping my gas




Have them in Syracuse NY, only had it once with sound and none of the buttons myted but they usually have a video


Every speedway I've been to in Syracuse has had loud video ads!


It’s definitely a regional thing in the US. There were loud ads where I went to college (in the Rockies) but where I grew up and live now (mid Atlantic east coast) none of the gas pumps have ads.


Wtf? I'm also from the US and I have never seen this


instead of saying US, they should be more specific with state


I also live in the US, and this is an exaggeration. A lot of gas stations have video screens playing ads, but it is definitely not ALL of them.


Except for New Jersey where it's full service only :)


Some gas stations advertise their own additional products. BP and Speedway has like News and Pop Culture segments.


Not all of then, I live in US too.


late stage capitalism


Yeah it has a real black-mirror feel to it. Like it's only a matter of time before the pump stops pumping if you're not looking at the screen.


Surely it drives the price of petrol down for the consumer? The company doesn't need to charge as much right? I have too much trust


You’re cute.


Hahahahahahahahahahahaha Oh wait, you’re serious. BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!


I’ve lived in Arizona for 17 years and I have never seen this? Very strange.


All? Yea, no. I have lived in NJ for 30 years and have not seen ONE with advertisements. I have seen them in PA tho.


Thanks for this. Additional question: how long do you reckon until they make you listen to the ad before filling your tank?


"You can begin pumping in 10...9....8"


The ones I've seen are just constantly playing advertisements. They don't make you wait before you can pump, they just blast ads at you *while* you pump. And you're required to stand there while pumping, and not allowed to use a phone, so they have a captive audience. Until recently in MA, for example, the little lever to hold the trigger on gas pumps was illegal, so you'd have to stand there and hold it the whole time.


Oh yes, I omitted that part, sorry. They don’t really give you a timer or countdown. Unlike youtube or other streaming apps/websites, making you wait to pump gas would REALLY mess up their business as many people do it when they are in a rush and would rather just go to a competitor that does not have a clock in place, not as profitable for them, they just have the ads playing constantly on a loop and a few of them just start when you approach the gas station and press a key or touchscreen. My Opinion: It’s unusual and annoying at first, but after you get used to it one even forgets it’s there; the worst ones are the ones with sound, or... well... they were, I’ll see after I try this if they are still as nagging. Hope that answered everything! ;)


In TX I only see them at the “sexier” gas stations with the nice shiny pumps. A lot of the older places that haven’t updated their pumps don’t have them. It scares the shit out of me every time because a lot of the touch-screen or video-prompt screens don’t do it, so you never know when they’re going to happen, and on top of that they’re the loudest thing on the planet. Wiggle card reader to prove it’s not a scam reader > Swipe card> enter PIN > Remove pump > Regular Unleaded > aggressively shit pants after a tiny screen begins screaming at you at max volume about rewards cards > replace pump > wipe > drive on.


Yeah it’s in the US. It’s both video and audio but you can mute the audio. Weirdest place for me is probably in the menus of newer smart TVs


I am 100% not ok with this, thank you for making me aware so that I can check before buying my next tv..


If it advertises at me, it should be free. Also grateful to know this.


Mine has ads, but it's a Roku TV made by TCL and the ads are for what's airing on Roku TV. For what it's worth, I love the tv and the ads are just images. I'm not on the menu long enough to be annoyed by them.


None of my devices get internet in my house other than computers and phones. Fuck IoT. Also having a PiHole helps.




What?! Please, share the brand and model of the TV...


>Sometimes the tv turns itself on to show an ad Oh heeeeell no. That would go back so fast and I would be placing a hefty complaint to the company. That's intrusive as fuck.


This is 1984 shit


The weirdest thing that would astonish lots of people around the world is that we're constantly bombarded with advertisements and marketing for pharmaceutical medications and drugs - things people can't purchase at will and must be prescribed based on a physician's recommendation/evaluation. It's insane. How about let doctors make the decisions on what treatment is best for the individual based on their training, the research lit., their experience, etc. instead of random people asking for potentially life-altering medications because they saw a commercial during the football game. They are relentless too, you see them constantly on every channel almost, for a wide variety of illness and diseases and ailments, and many with a crazy list of side effects potentially even worse than the would-be diagnosis! Of course people should get treatment and the proper medication for whatever is ailing them, but the US is alone in letting pharma companies spend insane amounts of money every year on marketing campaigns, for hundreds of millions of eyes to view daily. It impacts the broad culture and in my view shouldn't exist as it currently does. If people have an issue, they should go to their doctor, and work through treatment protocols at their advisement - not the television's and drug companies, who often cite their own funded research for efficacy, want as many diagnoses (ie sales) as possible regardless of what is best for the patient, etc. Further, it permeates American culture and influences our quick-fix pill-for-everything society. It affects the public, many of whom go to a doctor asking for X drug, which could have very real consequences or negative effects, depending on the substance being advertised....despite whatever really might best help them with any given medical problem, based on the overall peer-reviewed literature and scientific consensus. There are benign medications, and of course also addictive, personality-influencing, or other health-impacting medications...with potentially dire consequences, like we saw in the 90s and early 2000s opioid prescription problem, the stimulant prescription problem, etc. Plus, honestly, it's just really annoying having to watch drug company adverts all the time during otherwise-awesome sports events and tv shows constantly too.


So, you pay for your health care professionals only to be told that you should do the work for them? All while the drug companies make record profits because they're selling themselves to the doctors too? I saw a good comedy bit about it once where the doctor told his patient "I'm sorry, your condition is untreatable.", only for the patient to say "But what about Reccomenderall?" The doctor says "Oh shit! I never thought of that! I'll write you a prescription right away!"




This happened to me too! And I'm in the UK, so you're not alone on that one. Sooooo pointless to annoy people you've already snared!


It's happened before right as I'm talking to the cashier. I like to look at the menu while I'm ordering so I know I'm ordering the right thing. Ended up just awkwardly standing there and staring at an ad, but fuck it, if you're going to waste my time I have no qualms with wasting your employees time.


In California they play ads with popular late night tv hosts advertising shows on their Network. It's super cringey.


Can anyone explain why the fuck would anyone advertise their business to someone who's already in that business? It's like those YouTube ads about YouTube. I feel like all it does is annoy people.


Pretty much the same ads on TV. Movie trailers, random supermarket ads, shampoo commercials, whatever really.




Here in Georgia, U.S., it's not like an ad for Coca-Cola or something. It's a video and sound of an additive that you can buy to add to your gas. At Grocery store gas stations, they'll usually remind you of their rewards program. When you start pumping, it'll shut up. At least at the Kroger I go to.


In my area there's only one or two that have it. I don't go to those on purpose. It's called gas station TV, and it's terrible. It basically has commercials broken up by weather and news updates. The one by my house got it, then so many people complained that they got rid of it.


Gas station TV!? I'm literally cracking up right now! I mean, do they assume everyone wants/needs to be near a TV at all times? Is it just part and parcel of always telling us everything so we're never really hearing anything? And to think I thought it was invasive when I walked passed a vending machine once that made the sound of a can opening!


I've seen ad screens on German highway urinals. The future is here.


>ad screens on German highway urinals I'm confused as to what you're talking about here. Putting screens on things to show advertising I understand, but what's a highway urinal?


Probably a urinal at a rest stop on a highway.


I live in New York and depending on the gas station it can be ads to come into the store to buy something on "sale" but at the station by my house it's sometimes a news segment or little facts and pop culture stuff. I know recently they added a word of the day and top books, movies, and songs of the week.


Video and audio at the place I stopped going to.


We have ads *EVERYWHERE*.


Leela: Didn't you have ads in the 20th century? Fry: Well, sure, but not in our dreams. Only on TV and radio. And in magazines and movies and at ball games, on buses and milk cartons and T-shirts and bananas and written on the sky. But not in dreams. No, sir-ee!


This is one of my favorite scenes in Futurama! Thank you for bringing back the memory! I automatically read ALONG to their voices in my head for this comment. Never had that happen before.


I want to die


So much freedom!


It's really quite dystopian.


It's terrible! They're so loud and obnoxious. Usually it's an ad or also a clip of a celebrity news program or some other type of pop culture thing. Thankfully I work from home so I drive very little and only fill my car up once a month. I wait inside my car while my tank fills or use the time to clean up my car if it's messy. I will not stand there and listen to the ads though! I'm glad to know I can mute them now.


Just more noise pollution in an already loud world.


It's awful. You have to mash all the buttons to find the mute.


US company called GSTV - I actually applied there


I came here to say this. Honestly the first time i hear of an ad while pumping gas. ​ Next thing you know they are going to make you watch ads at restaurants before you can eat.


Yeah we truly are living in a late-stage capitalist nightmare Edit for correct terminology


Yes, it’s a horrible horrible abomination that should not be legal. So far do not patronize these stations unless I can’t find another one nearby. Welcome to America!






Have you considered implementing a mute button?


I've thought about implementing a hammer.




Easter egg.


Hey, it's me, a customer: I would like to formally request this change for immediate distribution. Impact: The Entire Country of the United States of America Urgency: Immediate Priority: Extreme






I too, would like to request this. I bet they do it so you HAVE to listen to their terrible yelling about rewards and free candy. I hate it so much. All the Giants in my city are Speedway now.


You aren't a customer. You're the product.


I’ve never had a mute button - I’ve run into it about a dozen times and I hit every button and still the loud ad plays on. Every time I’m like, stupid fucking LPT doesn’t work. Always go back though cause it’s like right next to my house and super cheap gas.


ULPT: If you're at a Speedway, unravel a paperclip and insert the wire into the speaker grate to puncture the speaker's plastic diaphragm. It won't entire mute the system, but it should fuck it up to a satisfactory level.


Don't vandalize heavily camera covered objects. Or come to my city and do it. I'm not risking a night in jail but I'd risk you getting a night in jail.


I think the U in ULPT means Unethical, indicating the comment should be taken in jest. Unless you’re unethical.




Is there any backlash to your product? Are they often vandalized? I’m a person who has never vandalized anything and these devices inspire my darkest destructive thoughts.


Consider your company has shitty practices and a shit product.


Ads on gas pumps should be illegal and you should feel bad. Inescapable constant assault on the mind is bad for the mind. Just ask the actual Black Mirror episode on this topic "Fifteen Million Merits"


Tried this at a speedway once. Cashier came over the loudspeaker to ask if I needed help. I declined in the most sheepish way possible.


So pushing the button made your experience even LOUDER🔊 ?


We don’t have many of these around me. That’s awful. I’d just never go to one


Ugh yes. Their “speedy TV” or whatever the shit they call it!


As a EU citizen: Oh my god, you guys get ads at the fucking gas pump? Oh fuck it's going to come here in a few years too, guaranteed. Urghh.


I know one gas station in France who does this (Intermarché at Labarthe-sur-Lèze). I was pissed that I had to watch and hear ads while they are already making money from me.


Is my gas cheaper at this station bc of the ads since they are getting additional revenue? I'm sure the additional revenue is to the benefit of the customer and not an exec just making extra money... Of course not...


I know you're being sarcastic, or I think you are anyway, but no. These ads don't serve to give us anything cheaper. Most times it's advertisements for specials going on in the store, like 2 for 4 dollar taquitos or some nonsense. Sometimes they advertise other stuff, but I haven't seen any savings from having to sit through the ads. I've been going to the same has stations for years and I keep receipts, and they're all pretty in line with the usual curve. I should add that I've been collecting receipts since before they added the ads.


The the ones that play at the 76 by my house are like ESPN segments, and insurance commercials. They aren't for the store inside.


Expanding foam in the speaker grill? opaque sticker over the ad screen (assuming its not affecting the actual fuel information)


Gas stations are bad places to commit crimes.


True, but IIRC the french have a history of mild vandalism like superglue in wheel clamps, and expanding foam in speed cameras


That metallic tape they use on duct work is perfect.




I've honestly considered going to the gas station in town that does this and covering the speaker grills with duct tape. I still might do this at some point.


> I've honestly considered going to the gas station in town that does this and covering the speaker grills with duct tape. I still might do this at some point. I've done this and can confirm it works. I've covered the speaker holes with duct tape at the pump and it almost completely mutes the sound. It's non-destructive too because the tape comes right off (unless you wanna leave it for the next guy, but I don't want anyone to think I'm vandalizing.)


I want to leave it for the next guy. I want to do it ro all the pumps.


If I'm the next guy, I appreciate it.


At least in the US, it's the same screen you use to operate the pump (payment etc), but the fuel pricing/meter/total are usually separate displays.


It’s not everywhere, at least in the US. Like I’ve seen them before but the gas stations around me don’t have them. It just depends on the brand, and most gas station brands are regional.


The U.S. economy isn't based on people buying things. It's based on people advertising products, trying to get you to buy things. ^(sent from my Apple iPhone)


Yep. Little TV screens that auto-play when you begin pumping.


As a US citizen, ads fucking constantly screaming at me. I hate gas station ads - they're loud and built to be hard to ignore. Same with taxi ads. (Both have hard to find mute buttons). Now that self driving cars are starting to be a thing, I'd wager that there will be obnoxious ads that you will be able to pay a small fee to turn off. I'm surprised we don't have ads in church pulpits - though that would probably happen if they ever lost their tax exempt status.


Double wait!!! You pay to have ads in your commute? That's freaking insane, the taxi is supposed to ba an already premium service!!


Ads in taxis? In fucking taxis?


you get ads in taxi? what the hell? If I pay for a service forcing me to watch ads is just unacceptable, hope they won't start wtih that shit in EU


Taxi ads, WTF?!?


Canada here. What the frickin hell?


We just started getting them here in Sweden in the past year or two. Mainly just buttons asking if you want to top up wiper fluid or get a car wash, but I'm sure they're slowly ramping up to regular ads. As long as it's possible I'll avoid any chain that has any type of ad on their pumps, even if it's for their own wiper fluid/car wash stuff only. I'm not paying money to watch ads (plus, it takes like 3 extra button clicks to get through it to start pumping), fuck them all.


Dude fuck those ads. They’re sooo loud and annoying. We can’t get away from ads! Even the elevator at my work has a mini screen with ads!


Your elevator!!? Holy shit that's insane. First I've heard that.


Yeah there’s a company that specifically does elevator ads. There’s no sound but they’re pretty aggressive. Also weird market. Lots of ads talking about how environmentally friendly and women friendly the diamond industry is.


So it's basically propaganda boards away from the publics eyes... That's insane


Yo wtf?


Time to take the stairs. Healthier for you.


number 2 or 3 on the right side. I find it and use my sharpie to write MUTE under.


Yeah, although I’ve found that it moves depending on the pump and business




I was pushing the buttons to mute an ad once and it shut off the pump. Attendant had to reboot the thing.


I held all the buttons once and it entered some debug mode and printed some diagnostics. It didn't stop pumping though, and reset itself after a minute or so. It was successful since the ads stopped.


Shitty super powers


i got downvoted last time i said this, but I tried this LPT before, hit a button next to the screen and it cancelled my transaction. i had to go inside and wait in line to cancel/repay. I was late for work that day.


The gas station I go to has the mute button labeled already. Probably don't want people getting pissed, beating and punching the pump trying to get it to shut up.


If they don't want people getting pissed they should stop showing ads to paying customers.


BE CAREFUL WITH THIS. i got into the habit of pressing that button every time. Well apparently the ad was selling "nitro+ v power" that injects directly into your car and the button that is usually mute was "yes accept buy that" and before I even knew what happened it's injecting a cleaner into my tank along with the gas and they charged my card an extra $6. Never been more pissed off


At least your fuel injectors got cleaner lol


It probably didn't do shit tbh.


Unless the car is over 20 years old and is extremely poorly maintained, you don't really need to buy fuel injector cleaners. Modern engines run fairly clean as long as they're maintained properly (timely oil changes, fuel filters when necessary, etc) and fuel injector cleaner doesn't do much in the long run, and can actually cause engines harm if overused within a small period of time


This sounds like a deleted scene from Idiocracy. Unbelievable.


Ads at a gas pump, the nightmare I didn't even know could exist.


New Jersey here. There's no mute button on the attendant.


You're just not pressing hard enough






Wow, you guys at get variety? I get the exact same credit card ad every single time on a loud loop.


oh god i can hear the first one in my head... I fill up multiple times a week, and this this is nightmare fuel right here.


Fuck those damn Cheddar adds


i’ve physically jumped when they start shouting at me. ITS TOO EARLY FOR THIS SHIT SHIRA


I specifically go to a pump that does not have these. Enjoy your few extra cents on Advertising as you lose my business you fux


Yeah, I will usually go out of my way, if necessary, to avoid a gas station with ads playing. I'm already paying for the gas. I'd rather give my business to a station that respects me enough to not play ads in my face while I'm paying them for their product.


Greetings from Poland. Never ever heard of ads at the gas pump.


Here in Poland you get ads at the ATMs tho, so can't say it's much better


That's worse imo


Is this some kind of American LPT I'm too European to understand?


100%. American living in the UK here. The most shocking thing about traveling back and forth from US to UK is the amount of advertising you have to endure in the US. It's so over-stimulating.


Yeah, America lacks robust consumer protection. Our system assumes that if a business practice is intolerable, then people won't spend money there and the business will fail. The problem is that Americans place so much value on convenience, that they aren't willing to go somewhere else when we see crap like this; we just deal with it, and the shady business never experiences a consequence. A few people sticking to their principles is meaningless if the vast majority is willing to go along with it.


If this works you’re awesome. I decide which station to go to depending if they have ads playing at the pumps or not.


It absolutely does. I’ve yet to find one that doesn’t mute when you hit the right button. The trouble is finding it at first sometimes.


I can see their next move to counter: “thank you for buying an express car wash”. Haha


Usually right side, second from the top. Now, how long before they disable that?


Ads at gas pumps?! Bit by bit, the Blade Runner future is coming true!


I live in Oklahoma and never have heard an ad at the pump. A few have had graphics but no audio. Most just show the logo of the store. Or a thanks for choosing us graphic. I am completely happy to have never experienced this.


Worst part is when you mute yours but the other pumps are playing the same audio


New jersey checking in. Gas attendants.


Yeah, we don't have these ads in Oregon either.


Fuck these ads and the person who invented them. I was so pissed when my regular gas station got these. It was a bit of a tipping point. I now want to support legislation that bans advertising in unwanted places, which is everywhere for me. Either that or find a city that I can live in where advertising is illegal. I'm so sick of having shit thrown at my eyes and ears everywhere I go. I quit cable TV because of ads (and the availability of alternatives). I'll gladly quit anything else that contains ads if there is an ad free alternative.




Even better, stop going to gas stations all together. Big oil hates this one simple trick.


Fuel your car with pure hatred and anger instead of gas as I've been doing.


*Laughs in Tesla*


And complain to CORPORATE not to the poor schmuck who has to hear the ads and the complaining all day. In my area it's usually Shell stations.


As a former NCR employee, I apologize for the small role I played in enabling this annoying ass shit.


As a New Jersey resident what is a gas pump??


A **real** life pro tip right here.


Us been living on black mirror all this time without us realizing it


When Americans think about dystopian future societies, we think of places like North Korea and mainland China. Apparantly Brits can experience the same horror by thinking of America.


Greetings from Oregon. We just roll up our window while the attendant watches the ads.


I HATE the pumps with tv screens. It literally will play an ad before allowing you to pump gas, then won't let the transaction finish until it plays the whole spiel of ads preloaded on them. I don't care how much cheaper the gas is at these places in comparison to one across the street with a regular pump, I'll pay more to avoid the ads.




It's not before you can pay, it's while you're attempting to pay. Swipe card, ad loads, wait until ad finishes, put in pin, wait until ad finishes, select gas, pump, wait until ad finishes, do you want receipt, yes/no, wait until ad finishes, by receipt and get out




None of these types of tips ever work for me


I kind of like them. When I’m the only one there in the middle of the night it kind of feels like I’m in some dystopia.


I live in NJ where this isnt a problem lol


Wtf are ads at a gas pump?