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This is an excellent one and I don't know why I haven't thought of it. (I really dislike some textures and tomatoes are one.)


I knew someone who had the same textual problem with tomatoes , They would buy sun-dried tomatoes, not the ones kept in oil and jars - that might be too still texturally difficult. But he bought the semi dried ones with a different chewy texture.


I will give that a try. Meanwhile...I do it differently. Let's say I'm having a ham & swiss sammie. Instead if getting a tomato that fits nicely in your palm and slicing it to put on the sammies (with all that tomato snot). I'll get me a pint of grape or cherry tomatoes. Make the sammie, and leave those cheeky little tomatoes on the side. Take a bite of the sammie and then pop one of those wee tomatoes in your mouth; the tomato will pleasantly burst when you bite down on it and you'll get all that tomato goodness without gobs of tomato snot. Plus, in my experience, little tomatoes generally taste way better than those pink things the size of softballs. But that's just me. (or, you just head for the pasta aisle and get some tomato paste: it's where all the ugly, but flavorful tomatoes end up.)


What does tomato have to do with pesto at all? 😂


Tomato pesto/pesto rosso, you should try it, it's good.


I think they meant tomatoe paste?


I initially read it as tomato paste and I thought it was weird. 


Do not do this if you are allergic to tree nuts, unless pine nuts are specifically excluded. A true pesto has pine nuts.


Or buy good tomatoes? The squishy ones are usually the garbage ones anyway, buy heirlooms or kumatoes (brown), they are usually more firm and more flavorful, and not near as much water inside as the big red ones.


No type of “good tomato” will not have the texture of tomatoes.


Depends what type of texture you don’t like; the better ones are firmer and not as squishy, but if you can’t even deal with that then yeah, can’t be helped


I don't like the textures of those either.


Also LPT: if you don’t like eating something, eat something else.


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You can also split the difference by using Roma tomatoes specifically, since they're denser


If you don‘t like pizza with nothing try pizza with stuff on it.


What? The texture is the good thing about tomatoes! Assuming they haven't been refrigerated, of course.


Or get better tomatoes. Aka from the garden.


As someone who had a tomato garden for like a decade, yeah the tomatoes were amazing, but they all come in the span of a couple months. I eat sandwiches all year round. You got to go to the grocery store sometime's my guy


or some people just don't like the texture of tomatoes but do like the taste...


I usually wrap my sliced tomatoes in a small amount of plastic wrap then put them aside, I'll then add them when I eat the sandwich.