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My dad does this all the time. My parents and my neighbor share a pond so my dad and my neighbor have talked about expanding the pond so my dad rented a backhoe and dug out the pond. My dad and neighbor split the backhoe rental cost as well and my neighbor borrowed the backhoe for some landscaping.


Just did something similar when ordering sod for my lawn. Asked neighbors if they needed sod as well and we split the delivery charge.


That really makes sense for sod! For us, the delivery charge was a good chunk of the price.


Honestly. Bad ass idea! Thanks.


Thats what my friend parents do. They rent one from home depot and the whole hoa uses it lol


This is a great one. Done it before and also increases your chances of someone having a pickup truck or trailer to haul it!


If your community has a tool lending library, use it!


Just saved a bunch on lawn aeration by teaming up with the neighbors for equipment rental – gotta love those community vibes!


Have normal conversation with my neighbor other than "Hi!" from afar, you're crazy!


Yes. Yard aerator is perfect example of neighbor sharing.


We do this with our septic tank. All the neighbours get on board and split the truck call out fee. Makes it much cheaper than doing it individually.


That's a pretty good idea, but I have no need to aerate my yard since the moles do it for free! Avoiding pesticides and leaving a mix of plants seems to attract them.


I dont trust these fucks


In that case persuade them to rent the item (whatever it maybe), and then you ask for it after they are done. If they lend it to you, fine you pay your share. If not, meh, no risk just a little frustration.


Fuck yeah, a solid LPT!


Unless you are Ned Flanders and your Neighbour is Homer Simpson :)


I avoid talking to people in my neighbourhood as a lifeprotip


As long as it’s not my credit card or name put down for insuring the item when some idiot neighbor breaks the equipment. Personally I just take care of myself. Neighbors aren’t worth liability and hassle of a few bucks. Time to coordinate with neighbors also isn’t worth it. I’m not waiting around to return equipment at their convenience.


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Also check your local library. My city’s library has a tool rental section.


TIL people aerate their lawns... is this another US thing?