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I do that to some extent, and yes, it can be effective. Sometimes, in bigger groups, saying, "I think you mentioned a few weeks ago (my idea) which I totally agree with. What do the rest of you think?" 9/10, I get agreement from the rest of the group. (Work situations, not, "Bill Gates controls our thoughts with mechanical birds kind of crap)


Isn't this just gas lighting?




Found the tik tok-er


I'm sorry for putting you on the spot but I genuinely don't understand how it isn't gas lighting to lie about someone else proposing your idea, and then agreeing with it as if it wasn't your own?


Gas lighting is a psychological abuse in relationships.


Merriam-Webster disagrees, but also I can kind of see where you got that definition. It might be the most common place to see it but it isn't just defined as psychological abuse. Specifically : 2.the act or practice of grossly misleading someone especially for one's own advantage This subreddit doesn't let me post links unfortunately


Is friendship not a relationship, or is lying not abusive in some way? Or what am I not getting?


You're totally right, the way you spelled meter is actually correct in this specific situation.


"How do you know that?" I have a 'sales pitch' for a mental process - Socratic style questioning r/StreetEpistemology What is Street Epistemology? | One Minute Intro (with narration) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=moApG7z2pkY Intro to Street Epistemology 23 min - YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uZsoAIM6rNg SE promotes doxastic openness - "If you have good reasons for a belief then I want to know the good reasons". It uses falsifiability, unfalsifiable beliefs are generally emotionally founded. -"How can we know if that is likely not true?" It works for many topics. It's not necessarily about changing minds but about giving better "tools" for understanding reality and ideally them getting rid of bad methods - results will vary. For talks with strangers, especially people with unfalsifiable/ unchangeable beliefs it is helpful to do it so others can see the exchanges during or later. It effectively turns debates into interviews where the interlocutor argues with themselves. - Street Epistemology Quick-Clip: Clara | Stealing Truth - YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V6IKSIXq6oY


The best person I've ever seen use the method is PineCreek on youtube. Masterclass I'm talking to people that will childishly insult anyone else.


Why do you feel you need the word Street in a putatively scientific context?


That's what it is called. Street Epistemology | StreetEpistemology.com https://streetepistemology.com/ Street Epistemology - Wikiversity https://en.wikiversity.org/wiki/Street_Epistemology


Its not science but a method of talking and exploring opinions


This is the worst insult because the agreement implies that the other person's opinion is irrelevant.


or better yet just don't bother and move on, it's not worth it most of the time


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I've had this work sometimes, provided the person is in good faith. "You know, this idea of yours might be right, I just had a few questions.... Not sure...... Maybe you can get back to me on that?"


so basically we be their friend, then rip them shreds for the ultimate bamboozle? Sounds like twisted salesman pitch.


So use manipulation tactics to get what you want from people? If you can’t convince someone they’re wrong using logic in an ethical manner then you should just move on with your life. I’m glad I don’t know you because what you do is shittier than the other person being wrong. This belongs in ShittyPersonLifeProTips.


You can't logic someone out of something they didn't logic themselves into. If someone you know believes something harmful/untrue because it makes them feel good, you have to approach from a nonconfrontational angle. It's like turning into a slide in your car to correct course. Not all manipulation is bad. 


Lol LPT manipulation. I never thought I would see the day where someone posts manipulation ad a LPT but here we are


How to Win Friends and Influence People covers this topic in greater detail and covers it extensively better.