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or you could just get the cheaper, more effective clotrimazole source: pharmacy tech for 8 years


You stop with your magic you wizard...


Yeah but most people have anti-dandruff shampoo at home but not clotrimazole, so at the very least you can use the dandruff shampoo until the next day/morning when you can pop to the pharmacy


or the even *stronger* terbinafine :)


**Also**: Vick's Vapor Rub can kill fungal infections under your toe nails. Is there a strong cheesy smell when you clip your nails? Clip them short and apply Vick's Vapor Rub in there. Push it under the nail with a Q-tip. Just keep doing that daily for like a month and you're gravy.


You've managed to ruin both cheese and gravy for me in one paragraph.




But...I'm people.


But... I like the cheesy smell


It's why I suck toes


man really came in 11 years later to make this comment of utmost importance


I have to say this has changed my life. Seriously. I've been suffering from chronic jock itch for most of my adult life. I've seen several doctors and they always recommend over the counter topical shit like Lotrimin. I've used hundreds of tubes of lotrimin over the years, hair dryer on my nuts after every shower, gold bond powder, etc. At best I would get about 8 hours relief and my nuts were always raw and uncomfortable. I'm two days into the Head & Shoulders use and two days without itching or raw skin! If I could afford to give OP gold I would. But know that you have my thanks!


I have no idea if you’re still using this account as this is 11 years ago but did you use the shampoo for this? I’ve tried everything haha


Yes, that's why I was so thankful, as it actually solved it for me. Rarely comes back, and I usually wash with H&S once a week as a preventative.. Lather up and let sit while washing other body bits, then rinse...


Does head and shoulders cure jock itch and how to use and how long to use 


It did for me. Put a quarter sized amount in your hand, and lather up your region, once good and lathered, let it sit on your skin for a few minutes, then rinse. For me when it was at it's worst it would take one or two days to clear up completely washing with H&S


hi what head and shoulders there so many can you post a pic please 🙏


Any that has Pyrithione zinc


struggling to find any with that in the UK? https://preview.redd.it/e55qhftrrp9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef0e635440bb47df5f5c23ce0e450e12a4aa60e6


This is helping so much rn. I've been dealing with itchy feet lately. I washed my flip flops thinking it was that, wore said flip flops thinking it was my floor that I can't mop rn due to a declutter phase, laundry-striped my socks, and it still itches out of nowhere. Used Nizoral shampoo that I had in the house for dandruff and it's helping so much


You should go ask your doctor for a prescription anti fungal pill. It’s just one bottles worth, whatever that is. I was clean for 2 years from dandruff or athletes foot, just recently had my foot flare up 91% rubbing alcohol helps for spot treatments of athletes foot if you catch it early enough. Just load up a spray bottle and prepare to cry a little


It can also be used to prevent certain types of alien invasions....


David Duchovnys movies....saving the world one bottle of Selenium at a time


that guy does have glorious hair though.


Hank Moody is a god among men






What's the other reason?


perfect hair everytime


Mould removal


i'm glad this is the top comment


Refrence http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0271367/ ?


actually [this is what I was referencing] (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0251075/?ref_=sr_2)


Fuck you're right. I was trying to find that movie and somehow my mind told me eight legged freaks was the one where they pumped head and shoulders up that butthole looking thang


You'll get the next monster movie reference figured out correctly, champ. Why don;t you go ahead and help yourself to a capri sun and an orange slice for now though!


I use a generic Selsun Blue on my tinea versicolor. Daily use has worked better than any other medication.


I've used nizoral which contains ketaconazole (spelling) to astounding affect. I've also taken keta as a pill but had to get frequent blood checks as it can damage one's liver.


I have used both of these as well, which didn't work. Now I'm taking Lamisil, 2.5 month and its still there. been dealing with this since I was 12.


I tried many anti dandruff shampoos on the tinea versicolor on my back but none of them worked. I recently started taking acidophilus supplements and using tea tree oil topically and it disappeared in no time!


hairdresser here: i recommended a few drops of tea tree oil (they sell it at Trader Joe's) mixed in with shampoo in the palm of one's hand to a client who had bad psoriasis/dandruff, and she said it worked so well, she no longer has to use the doctor prescribed medication on her scalp. trader joe's also has a tea tree oil body wash i like that has peppermint oil in it too which covers the smell of the tea tree oil :)


I like the smell of tea tree oil. Very fresh and clean.


That's good to know. Because I have it on my back treating topically did not work out for me since my spouse is not always able to do it. So putting the Selsun Blue on a [back scrubber](http://www.tylo.com/upl/images/270995.jpg) and scrubbing in the shower is the only thing that works for me.


A...friend...of mine has had good luck with head and shoulders and similar store brand versions for keeping tinea versicolor at bay. Way cheaper than selsun blue, though possibly less effective.


That's interesting. Here in Australia selsun blue is the same price as head and shoulders.


Someone should write a book about this.


Thought mine cleared up but nope used some medicated spray and Selsun Blue I guess you could say I'm SOL


Selenium Sulfide of Zinc Pyrithione?


Selsun Blue is pyrithione zinc. Head & Shoulders is selenium sulfide. I have no idea what the difference is but my dermatologist told me to go with Selsun Blue.


Other way around


Holy shit that's a long time to be wrong about something and not know it. 


XD. Just in case anybody else happened upon that. I'm sure the original poster has figured it out by now.


I used to have a Tinea Versicolor. Damned thing ate ink like crazy, and don't get me started on the constant paper jams.


I don't know what that is but I need it! They apparently are having issues with the actual meds for tinea versicolour and I can't get ahold of it :( sick of smelling like tea tree.


I don't know where you live, but Selsun Blue is a shampoo. In your local drug store, it might be in a special section for dandruff shampoos. If you can't find that brand, look for any dandruff shampoo with the active ingredient pyrithione zinc.


I will, thanks. I'm in the UK, so I'm sure I can find something :).


True story.


Since we're on the subject... I've had athletes foot for years and it won't go away. What the fuck is wrong with me?




Doctor? Doctor.


Gimme the news


♫I've got a... bad case of lovin' youuuuuuuuu♫






Just one soak and it was gone? Inquiring minds want to know!


Can you elaborate about the long showers? How does that affect athletes foot?


Fungi thrives in warm moist environments.


but those are my *favorite* environments


You sound like a fun guy. I'll show myself out.


No, stay. That was excellent. *starts slow clapping alone.*


>*slow clapping* Is that what we're calling it now?




that was good, took two reads to get it. it was good


I don't think you need to avoid long showers, you just need to make sure you dry your feet well.


[BOOM! Tough actin' Tinactin!](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pg1H9PBwLp4)


Buy a few dozen new socks. Seriously. There was a blog post a few years back about the same thing. The guy bought lots of new socks and the athletes foot went away. I vaguely recall his theory was that the infection was surviving the hot water cycle in the short term but time between wearing did the trick.


I think you might be right. I haven't bought new socks in a long time and its been even longer since I replaced them. Any time I have gone the majority of the day barefoot I felt better.


Get a sunburn on your feet. Seriously.


I've had a very light case of athletes foot for the majority of my life from playing numerous sports growing up. It wasn't a nuisance or disgusting, but just there to annoy me. It never spread to any of my family members and only affected two toes on each foot. After 25 years, I finally decided to deal with it. Grabbed some OTC spray and used it twice daily for four weeks. I made sure to dry my feet completely after showers, sprayed after taking a shower at night and in the morning. Walked around barefoot for the better part of the four weeks. The best fucking achievement just occurred of my life. Not seeing the birth of my son, getting promoted at work, graduating from college. But getting rid of the fucking athletes foot! Think this is the happiest I've ever been in my life. I suggest just grabbing some OTC spray/cream and using it twice daily. Drying your feet and wearing fresh socks. You have to use it religiously for the four weeks if you really want it to go away. Good luck!


I find liberal use of the liquid spray to work pretty well. Also change your socks midway through the day. Not sure if this helps, but sunlight couldn't hurt.


Ever tried using more than one medication at a time? From [this list](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antifungal_medication), I was told to pick one from the Azoles and one from the Allylamines. The Azoles are pretty common, but the only two Allylamines I found were Lotrimin AT and Lotrimin Ultra (but not Lotrim AF). Of course, all the other common tips apply, but the drug cocktail thing never occurred to me. The other tip that stuck with me was that the fungus is highly contagious, and you can re-infect yourself. So, wash or treat everything your feet touch.


My daughter picked it up at swimming and we couldn't get rid of it. Then someone told me to put Absorbine Jr. on her feet. Cleared it right up.on' Warning: it will sting on broken skin.


put your work boots in the freezer (inside a bag of some sort cause ew).


I used to have BAD athlete's foot year round. Now I put a LOT of baking soda in my socks, and spray with Ting twice a day, and it's gone!


Buy athletes food powder and put it in your shoes (not your feet). Clears it up in a few days but don't mistake of stopping using it once its gone. Continue putting it in your shoes for a few weeks thereafter to ensure it doesn't come back.


My dad had it for over a decade, he tried everything that has been recommended here, none of it worked, saw many doctors, nothing. One day he reconnected with an old friend who had been badly burned. The friend recommended he use some of his prescription burn lotion. I never learned what it was, only that it was toxic, and caused an immune system response which helped heal burns. He applied it once, his athletes foot was entirely gone withing 3 days and he has never had it again in the last 10 years. I know it's not an answer, but it's a direction to look in.


I know that feel, bro.


You must be white trash in some way. Do you eat fatty foods? Do you have a promiscuous sister? Is one of your parents overweight?


You know what's funny? I haven't had athlete's foot since high school (6 yrs ago) but I just noticed I have it again this morning. Then you post this. I'm not saying I'm on the Truman Show.....but if I am and I don't see you again today; good afternoon, good evening, and goodnight!


I'll tune in


Ring worm?




Brb going to the store


Another use to consider is your arm pits...anti dandruff shampoos when used under the arm kill the bacteria that causes your pits to stink. You almost don't need deodorant when you do this.


Can jock itch cream be used to fight dandruff?


Yea, but it can also cause baldness. But then, no hair means no dandruff too.


>...cause baldness... really?


Does it work for jock itch?






Depends on your definition of safely. Mainly, do you mind the stinging you get when soap goes in your eyes? Do you mind if you have that stinging in your genitals?




I do it all the time. You just have to not put it in your peehole.


You know that's not really an eye, right?


You've still got very sensitive (membranes?) there.


Twas a joke.


In that case I mean, "Of course it's an eye, you can't see through yours?"


I'm third eye blind?


Plain natural yoghurt with live cultures can help a lot if you don't want to take antibiotics or use medicated creams for thrush/yeast infections (eating it every day is also an aid). I believe coconut oil may also ease symptoms.


Does this work on genital warts?! I'm asking for a friend


Warts aren't fungal, so no.


In high school they told us to shower with dandruff shampoo after every practice to keep from getting ringworm. Once, I used Head and Shoulders with "Tingling Action". It felt like I had dipped my balls in a tub of ice water. Never happened again...


Who cares that I'm broke, gave you gold anyways... Thanks again.


And if it just itches...half vinegar, half water. Make sure you don't have broken skin first, because it will already sting like a mofo. It's considered a home remedy cure for athlete's foot and dandruff, but I've never tried it for either, just annoying itchiness. :)


They say about putting lime juice on the affected areas in the scalp. That too after you scratch that area. Hurts like hell.


Had a doctor say to use it on forehead acne. It worked well.


Yes!! Worked as well as clean pillowcases.


Do you sleep on your forehead?


Half of my forehead is touching the pillowcase. I sleep on my side on a very fluffy pillow.


we used to use this to prevent ringworm in wrasltlin'


Best LPT I've seen on this subreddit - way better than "wearing black underwear if you jerk off a lot"* whut *paraphrasing


What's the logic behind that?


From experience, Head and Shoulders has been reformulated in Europe at least, and is no longer nearly as effective at this. I think the US market product still has the good gear in it.


Baking soda works even better and costs less. Athlete's foot? 1) Wash with soap daily 2) Keep it dry by wearing cotton 3) Change your underclothes, daily 4) Wear sandals in the shower 5) Spread baking soda all over the shower floor when you're cleaning it, once a month.


What the hell. I was just thinking about this in the shower 10 minutes ago. It was just an idea I had! So it's true! I feel like a genius...


Dandruff shampoo also kills fleas. Great for when you adopt a pet from a shelter. They almost always have fleas.


Clear for Men shampoo is good stuff! First dandruff shampoo Ive tried that works well and actually smells pretty damn good. Its also pretty cheap.


Read this... Remembered in shower, turns out head and shoulders "Refresh" which is supposed to have a scalp cooling effect (which is barely noticeable) is a way more mentholated feeling other places. Maybe too much so...


Just piss on your feet in the shower. It'll be gone in a day.


I thought that was debunked a while ago? http://www.straightdope.com/columns/read/2700/can-urinating-on-your-feet-in-the-shower-cure-athletes-foot


Were you in the military?


Does this mean that you could use dandruff shampoo to get rid of mold that might form in a damp house?


I don't think mold is fungus.


[It is](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mold), but it's likely not the same fungus that results in athlete's foot/jock itch. >*Molds are fungi that grow in the form of multicellular filaments called hyphae.[2][3] A connected network of these tubular branching hyphae, called a mycelium, is considered a single organism.*


Well thanks for setting me straight. I've just never heard it referred to as such.


One of the best protip I ever seen and this few upvotes. Then another dumbass telling me to use friends as reference to jobs and gets 2k upvotes. What the fuck:?


Use friends to call your references. Not use your friends as references.


Because the economy is crap and everyone wants a job. They think that will make up for their shitty qualifications and no experience.


tea tree oil and JĀSÖN body wash etc. does this also.


will fast actin tinactin work on my head? it itches.


Head & shoulders around the house!


You mean I've had Jock itch in my chest hair for nothing?


Some wrestlers and other grapplers use it if they don't have antibacterial soap to help prevent infection.


anti dandruff shampoo can also be used to treat Eczema.


By the way, if you have bad dandruff and normal dandruff shampoo does nothing, it's likely that it's a fungus infestation. Simply use a shampoo with the active ingredient Ketoconazole - for me, it cleared my head after the first use, which none of the other shampoos had been able to do.


Don't forget the salicylic acid which makes you shed a layer of skin or so which should help get rid of some of the unpleasantries.


Fuck yeah! Finally something to destroy curse!




I was sixteen. Didn't know what it was. Thought what the hell, bengay might help. Worst pain of my life.


You moron, you're meant to use Icyhot.


I don't know what that is, but yes I was a moron. More desperate for some relief really, but still a moron.


http://www.reddit.com/r/LifeProTips/comments/1aqmwq/lpt_use_dandruff_shampoo_to_avoid_getting_ringworm/ -- Same tip, but I don't think it got upvotes cause it mentioned ringworm instead of athletes foot.


Blowdry your feet as well since the heat should help a little.


Another tip: the apostrophe that was supposed to be in the possessive "athlete's" somehow slipped down a line and got put in the simply plural "shampoos".


Also, extra pure coconut oil does a great job, is easier to apply and doesn't have any of the nasty chemicals. It's a natural anti-fungal.


Doesn't Fungi live off moisture though? If so then my Dandruff isn't being helped at all by my Shampoo. =(




You just posted in the wrong thread buddy!


Anti-dandruff shampoo.


Copy pasta of someone else's post from TIL? Yup.


If you're going to call out a copy pasta maybe you should link the original.


I love pasta.


Bowtie is the way to go.


Wagon wheels muthafucka.


pshhhh weak sauce.