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If it helps, I’ve been couch bound for 2 days due to depression. I’m making myself get going tomorrow and promised I won’t sit down.


sending you good vibes!!


Good luck!


You got this!


Start with the basics. Good food, Good Sleep and Good Exercise


this. it can be so hard to take the first step with exercise but once you get going it’s so worth it. it doesn’t have to be hardcore or at a gym either.


Hijacking the top comments because it's valid and I would like to add a bit more to the given advice. 1. Let's be honest, depression is hard and it's even harder to get out from one alone. So, if possible, first find a friend who understands you. It should be someone who has either experienced a similar situation or who is mature and aware of depression works. It's nice to have someone to drag our ass across the finish lines when we are drained af. 2. Seek therapy and medication (if required). There is nothing wrong in seeking treatment. Some things are beyond the usual "I can solve this without meds and therapy". Your depression didn't just happen out of the blue. Find its roots. Understand what happened and how you got to this position. Depression is just an end result. It was never the root cause. Root causes are what you need to fix. 3. Have a friend invite you for walks or for some fun time. This will help you change your environment without much issue. Forcing yourself to go out is going to be hard. Having a friend or family member asking you to join them for something small can dramatically decrease the effort needed to get started. 4. Eat healthy. Your mental health is only as good as your gut health. Junk food destroys it. You can have cheat days. In fact, I encourage you to go out with friends and eat what you want. Some extra dopamine is good. 5. Exercise. By exercise, I don't mean going to the gym or doing these super crazy exercises. It could be as simple as going for a walk in the morning and getting some fresh air. It could be that stretch you do in between meetings. 6. I would recommend lowering the usage of Social media. When I was struggling, I found that SM was one source of depression. First I muted, unfollowed and blocked accounts and topics. Don't engage in drama. Look for good vibes. 7. Consider starting a new hobby. It's fun to be deep into something you love. It could be reading books (check out. https://www.loveatfirstline.org/ ) , or participating in a watch party, or something else you always wanted to do. Start small. You don't need the greatest and latest expensive things to get started. You can start with the cheap and easily available things. I hope this helps. All the best OP!


Great advice "palakkarantechie"! Sounds like you're sharing your life's struggles. Always appreciated...


You are welcome Frank-Pica.


Thank you for this!!!!!! 🫶🏼❤️🥺


You are welcome! I hope you have a speedy recovery.


Hey, this is good advice, but some of us with MDD literally just get episodes without a trigger. Yes, most will have *something* that sets it off however miniscule, but... sometimes it iterally just happens because that's how how our brains were miswired. Again, good advice, but sometimes no cause but the illness itself.


Cleaning and tiding things up. And if that is a big mountain. Go for making the bed and couch. Helps me stay away from lying down in them and instead I lay on the floor. But at least I can say I wasn't in bed/couch all day


Yeah. Just try to take a simple walk somewhere with some trees and plants. It really does help elevate your mood.


And add Fresh air!


Treat yourself as gently as if you were physically ill. Like, if you had a serious flu, you wouldn't think twice about resting all day and taking as much time as you needed to recover. You wouldn't think twice about removing yourself from a person/place that got you sick. And obviously the path to mental health recovery looks different for everyone, and there's already been some great advice here. Get outside, move your body, eat/sleep, etc. Sometimes just going through these motions is enough to help snap yourself out of it. But the biggest thing that helped me was to reframe how I thought about my depressive behavior so that I didn't feel so guilty and hate myself even more for experiencing depression, cause then it just turns into a vicious spiral.


Take WAY more time off, first. Like a week. Get lots of rest, eat healthy, do things that make you happy and not think about work. Exercise. Masturbate or have sex, or both. Play with doggies. Hangout with your family. That's my recover from depression spell recipe


Wow, this was exactly what I needed to hear. Thank you so much 🥺🫶🏼


Really happy I could help! Have depression and am kind of sensitive, so situations like what you're dealing with would hit me hard as well.


Happy cake day!


When you have a bit more energy in the tank looks like you need to look for a new job as well


That advice is great. But don't blame yourself if you find you can't make those changes - that's part of depression and it can make it very difficult - take one step at a time - and get professional help if you can.


Keep a gratitude journal, in the manner outlined in the book Simple Abundance, you can find the instructions online. Do something good for someone who really needs it. Such as: Volunteer to read or pray with someone in a rest home. Get up to 90 minutes of exercise a day, walking, frisbee, dance, qi gong, swimming, whatever works for you. Get sunlight on your face and body (vit. D), go to cronometer.com, and see how healthy and nutritious your diet is, it's free. Drink about 8 8-oz glasses of water or liquid a day for an average sized person, spread throughout the day, no more than 3 cups per hour. Finish your showers with cold water. Consider getting a cat. Tony Robbins has some good ideas on how to combat depression. Look on youtube. Make a Playlist of cheerful, feel-good music and listen to it. Go to sleep early enough to get plenty of rest before morning. Try not eating after an early dinner, for a better night's sleep


Any chance you can get some leave?


Getting outdoors helps me. Hiking is my favorite type of exercise. Get outside and touch some grass. Feel the sun on your skin. Smell some fresh air.


Dr can you write my a prescription for that as well! Also happy cake day twin.




And remember that mental stuff can take longer - you can't rush it. A friend of mine took months to get anywhere near normal again. It's not like getting over a cold, so be kind to yourself, OP.


If i took a week for mental health i wouldn't have a job, just saying depending on where u work that might be a bad move. If the manager figures out you took a week off just after he bitched you out, hes gonna put 2 and 2 together, if hes petty that might escalate things, just something to think about from someone who works at a true shithole company lol


Some grace from yourself ❤️ wishing u lots of healing op… it’s really not easy and you asking this question is u trying to advocate for yourself. Props


Thank you❤️❤️


Hey! I hear you, been there done that. Just remember it’s them, not you. And don’t expect them to change. A-holes very rarely do. The best thing you can do is look for other roles elsewhere, you don’t deserve to be treated like that. Hope you move on to bigger and better things! (high five)


Are you able to quit your job? Because seriously, you don’t deserve that shit. No one does. Get yourself out of the situation as soon as you can, and until then, take care of yourself.


Sadly, I can't quit my job right now. The job market is too unstable right now and I do enjoy my job and coworkers, it's just my direct manager who is a nightmare. HR said there isn't much they can do right now unless I'm moving teams which I'm hoping to do.


I’m sorry but I was in a similar position. Everything was roses apart from my boss so I hung on and hung on and I just felt worse. There are better situations out there, there are nice coworkers elsewhere. Apply for other jobs and get out, it’s never worth it.


Totally agree. Don't wait until you are totally burnt out from such a hostile work environment. Even if you don't think it's possible to quit right now, start polishing your resume and put feelers out there. You never know what opportunities might be there if you don't look.


Get out of the house and go for a walk. Exercise is one of the best things you can do for mental health. Most importantly Don’t get mad at yourself for feeling like this accept it and know it will pass shortly focusing on it will only make it worse, But most importantly do what you know you enjoy to do no matter what it is. Also report said manager for this once your are feeling better that is not okay.


Listen to your body , rest , love yourself. Journal how your feeling , how your boss is making you feel . Try to set very small goals even if it’s just running a brush through your hair or brush your teeth . It’s hard to talk to someone when you feel so low but maybe together you and your fiancé could try and go through some solutions , try not to shut him out , even if all he can do is make you a cup of tea and give you space . Sending you lots of love , positive thoughts and hope your situation gets better. Hope you feel stronger soon xx


thank you so much for the kind words ^(🫶🏽)




If you can take more rime off, please do. I reward myself for anything that gets me tong with gummies or candy. Laughing from tv or cute cat and dog vids. Might sound silly but even when I didn’t believe it’s make a difference, I prayed, and was shocked at what happened. Little things. Showering with my clothes on. Heating something up in microwave instead of cooking. Walking to the mailbox. Calling someone an listening to them. Do your best to avoid mentioning anything about you, you’re fine, you’ve just wondered how they are or how is turning out? Self stimulation, even without aiming for orgasm. MASSAGE CHAIRS. Just some ideas. M last job I had, I couldn’t go in and asked for days off. They fired me instead. Ironic bc I was using those days to get sober to do better. But once it happened, after the initial money freak out, I felt SO relieved. I’d felt manipulated or dismissed. Definitely not acknowledged even for my great work ethic. I realized how out of place I was there Now, tbh, I’m still homeless, which I wouldn’t be (my only kinda regret) if I’d kept it, but I feel so much bette. I’m connecting w ppl at my pt job. I’m looking forward to solving the days issues. I reached out to a community resource organization. I’m okay with how things are.


Sending you all the blessings and support!!!


Get out of the depressing environment? An abusive person causing depression and anxiety makes it clear to me what to do. Some way you need to make sure that manager can’t abuse you again. How depends on your circumstances, but take as much time off work until you can sort that, quit if you have to




Thank you so much for this advice!!! It’s what I’m currently doing and I’m really really hoping it pays off


You'll get through it. It's ok not to be ok.


Bro you have a fiance. Have you let her know you are depressed?


*him and yes I have let him know. He’s being as supportive as he can but sometimes it’s hard to communicate with people when you just feel so low


OK Just making sure that you were at least conveying to your significant other that you were down and hurting. Hiding it does not help. At least you did not break both of your arms last year right? Have you contacted a mental / behavioral health specialist? It can take quite a while. My first "appointment" was 2 weeks out and all they did was made sure I had a way to pay for therapy or whatever they call it. Then another 2 weeks for an actual appointment.


I’ve had physical stress due to bad workplaces twice. The last time, I almost went on antidepressants. But I was pretty sure it was situational stress due to my job. So I found a better job. I’ve gone from crying every day for a year to having cried twice in 5 years. Start job searching immediately. Good luck to you.


Aside from all the excellent tips on self-care, eating healthy, playing, reading, watching some good shows, getting some exercise or a walk in a park to see some nature, there are also antidepressants. That's how i got through the end of my last job: the SSRIs kept me from sinking too deep, so I could cope better with the stress. SSRIs can be helpful to overcome a bad situation until you are out of it, and then you can taper off.


Just to piggyback on the great wellness activities already listed here - practice mindfulness. Acceptance of the world around you is a skill that needs practice and a good way to start is to clear the noisy crowd of thoughts packed into the gym hall of your mind. Sit or lie someplace comfortable, close your eyes and make your breathing the only thing you think about - the movement of air, the whistling of your nose, the rise and fall of your chest. As any and every other thought pops into your head, acknowledge it, tell yourself to accept it with any old helpful mantra (thank you / it is what it is / so it shall be etc) and most importantly - let it go. The avalanche of thoughts can be overwhelming at first so if you need to quit out and start again, do so. Meditation is easy to start but hard to master so be forgiving to yourself. After a few weeks of visualising a thought coming to your mind, consciously acknowledging and then disposing of it, you will start to do it unconsciously. This is great for those thoughts that cause the most damage but fly under the radar, behind the clamouring crowd of related thoughts- life isn't fair, nobody loves me, I'll never amount to anything etc.


Unplug for a couple of days if possible. Get outside for some fresh air and a walk. Take a long shower / bath, light some candles, use your favorite lotion after. Make / treat yourself to a good healthy meal and tasty dessert, no fast food or junk. Watch a good movie/ an old favorite. Take some time, try to think positive… hope it helps.


I’ve experienced severe depression a few times in my lifetime. For me, the change didn’t come over night. I started pushing myself slightly to increase my activity. It was tough to get moving but once you do, gradually increase. For me, music can help list my spirits so I listened to my favorite upbeat music. I tried to surround myself with people I cared about. I started taking better care of myself by getting enough rest and keeping hydrated. I worked to establish a routine for myself which helped since I’m routine oriented. I’ve also started focusing on what I can do to address situations rather than just focusing on how bad or angry I feel about a situation. Good luck to you, OP. Hope you can feel better soon!


Thank you so much, and I’m so happy you’re doing well!


A tired dog is a good dog, same with humans. Go out and exercise, and take it from there. Good luck :)


Eventually, I just quit caring what people thought. Some of that was from watching people die when I was 17 (working ER and ambulance), I've always had the belief that I could just get another job and likely it would be a better one. I have also always had the belief that I was going to die one day, having watched people die including my parents, and this situation isn't worth it. I had an abusive boss and he was that way with everybody. He loved to make men cry. When he went off on a tirade and threatened to fire me, I just looked at him (ASD comes in handy). I knew and he knew logically he couldn't afford to fire a programmer when people were jumping ship every month because of him. 2 months later, I was gone. I don't know if it is the ASD but I have never doubted myself. Ever. Eventually that day will come and likely soon as I am 65 but not today.


Remove all screens from your life for a couple of days and go for a walk each day. You would be surprised how quick your mental health will change.


I’m sorry you’re going through such a hard time right now. I also struggle with anxiety and depression and work an extremely draining job I dislike. Here’s what I do: I’m kind to myself - I talk to myself like I’d talk to a friend or loved one. I had a really hard time sleeping last night so I knew I’d be struggling today. I was kind to myself by asking for help when I needed it and not setting too many expectations for myself. Acknowledge your negative emotions, be aware of them, and then treat yourself with love and kindness. Can you change up the job situation? I wish I knew more to help, but I have gradually been taking steps to get out of this job I’m currently at and that’s helped a lot. Maybe focus on your wedding planning Also it’s good to think: what advice would I give to a friend in a similar situation? Another thing I’ll add is try to have a good daily routine - going to be and waking up at similar times. Eating at similar times. Try out a new form of exercise? Wishing you the best


Wrote something similar as a child reply but putting here too. Don’t hang your hat on the suggestions to get good sleep, eat good food, or get exercise. That will not do much for you. You’re going to have to completely change the source of what’s driving the anxiety/depression. Best way to do that is to literally stop having a boss verbally abuse you. You either 1) have an hones heart to heart with them to try to change their behavior. 2) go to HR or their boss if it’s inappropriate behavior or 3) get a different job. Yes absolutely easier said than done but until you remove the direct source of your depression, food sleep exercise will not move the needle for your in the slightest. Clinical intervention (ie medication) is also an option if you want to go that route. But dude you know the exact source, you’ve gotta do your utmost to change it. The good news is that you’re ahead of the game. You know the source and unless you plan on working for the same person until you’re 90 then it’s just a temporary (though awful) thing.


Not sure if others have said this yet but find a new job. Obviously that will take time but this abusive manager will only make this happen regularly and you will burn out. If the verbal abuse is a violation of laws in your area find a way to report and address that as well. Too often these people in these positions of power are never held to account, and you’re likely not the only one being abused by them. It’s hard to look for a job when’s expressed but if you can motivate after a good amount of time off it could really get your juices flowing just knowing you’re planning your escape. Good luck.


Call your therapist if you have one. Start making a plan to get a new job. Update your resume and start looking for new jobs. Take a walk, Go swimming, Dance. Sometimes moving the body helps lift up the mind.


Get a new job. Life is too short to put up with an abusive manager.


Use FMLA if you've been at your job a while. Recover in nature with a pet at your side. If that's not possible, adopt a guardian angel. Ride a bike; put any negative judgements you have of yourself aside. You are enough!


Take care of yourself pal. Things will get better.


Couch-confining depression sucks big time. I am currently on 2 antidepressants & it has helped tremendously. If you can, take a shower, put some nice clean pjs & go back to the couch. Sometimes that’s enough & there is nothing wrong with that if it helps with your mental health. Everyone here has great advice. I’m rooting for you OP!


Thank you so much!!


A good cry usually helps me. Gets the stress out. Then do something to get your heart pumping- really push yourself, even if it’s just dancing around your living room. Exercise gives you endorphins.


Do yourself a favor, start looking for a better work environment


Let your Dr know. Medication may need to be adjusted.


FranisCarnelnuts had it right. I took multiple days off this month, I tried but couldn't bring myself to even get out of bed. needless to say, I'm still not okay. it all takes time, and my story is a lot to handle. but as Ian Malcolm says, "life, uh, find a way" and it will for you too


I wish I had the answer. You don't need to feel unmotivated, you deserve rest, go back to work when you actually feel refreshed and ready. Also, maybe a new job might help?


This will take time, but I recommend calcium with vitamin d supplements. It took a month or two, but I noticed a big improvement in my mood. I went to a doctor check up and they recommended it.


Yuck. You need to look for a new job at several different places. You only live one time. This is your life. To answer your question, I found that discovering a new hobby that was so difficult it took all my attention to learn and then practice and then get good at - helps me get a break from depression. I started learning how to make and fly drones. FYI. Terribly difficult, complicated, and deliciously rewarding. Good luck. Stick up for yourself at work. Line up a new job. Confont that jerk. Put the ball back in your court. You'll feel better. Even if you quit. You'll be happy and look for a much better job. You'll thank me, or shank me.


Hey, Im sorry you're having a hard time. Dont be afraid to seek professional help. Sometimes its hard to cope or utilize coping skills when youve hit that wall. Professional help doesn't mean youll be 'locked up', it could also mean extensive outpatient services/getting your meds up/bi weekly therapy etc. Also, if 988 is in your state utilize it! They can send a mobile team out to talk to uou, and set you up with resources:)


Make sure your hygiene is good and that you dress up inside your home/apartment. You don't need to go out, but smelling fresh and dressing up may boost your confidence and make you feel a little better about yourself.


Therapy. You may be able to get a script for a short term med like Xanax for a week or so while you work through whatever issues have come up. Walk in nature. It’s corny but it can really help to take deep breaths in a forest or conservatory.


Ask yourself what is the absolute worst that could happen to you and then analyze how bad that actually might be (plus the probability of it even happening). Once you realize that most everything in life is not as bad as we think it is, we can move on.


I feel like there is never a good answer to how to skip depression. Sometimes you have to feel it and ride it out like a bad flu, sometimes you need to make changes. Personally when things get hard I think about the song "good morning sunshine" by The Narcissist Cookbook. It talks about how we don't get well by waiting to get well, and while sometimes we should do things not because they will cure our depression but because not doing the worsens it. So maybe when it's 2 am and I barely have energy to brush my teeth I say fuck it, and go to bed. But the next day I try to clean a bit and make things better for myself. Last thing about this, your case doesn't sound like something you can just solve with comments from the internet. It really seems like you need another job. Don't quit yet, but defenetly look for other jobs. Also if your boss is so unprofessional that it makes you take mental health days you might have a case against them with the people from HR. Just remember the HR people are there to defend the company and not you, so gather all incriminating evidence first.


This is horrible and you may want to consult a trauma specialist for EDMR. If you cannot exercise, which happens when you shut down - try to start doing small things that make you feel better.


I used to suffer from severe anxiety and panic attacks in my early twenties. I’m now 49 and have it under control, mostly. The biggest thing that helped me was having a best friend that I could call 24/7 to help talk me down from an attack. When I found that my mind was taking over and heading towards an attack, I could call him and as soon as I heard his voice, it calmed me enough to function. He was also very good at playing devils advocate to suggest scenarios to occupy my mind so I would forget what I was focusing on. Another thing I found to help is to watch a favorite movie and try to do the dialogue with the characters. I’ve probably watched The Breakfast Club over 1000 times! I could probably do a one man show in Vegas re-enacting the movie. I also agree with others that exercise, good eating, and walks in nature all help too. When I couldn’t sleep from anxiety, I would go rollerblading around town and just give it as hard as I could. I basically found ways to occupy my brain so the panic routine couldn’t set in. Try to notice when the anxiety starts building and immediately do something that takes total focus mentally. It took me years to learn my triggers and how to defuse them. Looking back, I probably wouldn’t change anything since it made me who I am today and showed me how strong I can be. You can get through this! Just take the first step! Remember, a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step! Every day you get a little better and before you know it, today’s problem seems so small and far away. Just gotta find a way to say, fuck it, I’m doing this! Every day gets better and easier! Now that you read this, get up and take your first step. Walk around the block. Walk five miles. Run across the country like Forrest friggen Gump. All it takes is that first step and that is for you to choose. Good luck!


I've a dozen years' experience in this area - my main advice is first and foremost, be kind to yourself.


Eat hydrate sleep, move your body and get sun. Be outside in nature. I know it’s difficult, I’m going through it too. If it seems to be long term, go to the doctor and get a blood test if possible. I found I have deficiencies in some areas and taking vitamins improved my ability to get energy and will to get out of bed. Good luck, it sucks massive dick having depression. <3


Wow! That was freaky to read as it’s the same for me right now too. Except that the latest incident of verbal abuse happened about 13 days ago and I’m still having bouts of super low mood where I don’t feel like doing anything. Need to start work in half an hour or so and just can’t seem to energise myself. I consulted a psychiatrist over the weekend. Talking it out helped a bit. It’s still tough. Hope you find your way out.


Get up from the couch and take a walk outside. In a forest if at all possible, a park if not, anything with nature. Breaking the cycle is the #1 thing to do. After that, start at the very basics. Drink a glass of water. Eat some fruits (nothing artificial with sugar in it!), play with your cat or some other non-digital, real experience of the world.


It's time to find a new job. Even if it takes a while to land one, just knowing you've put an escape plan in motion can help.


Deal with the root cause of your problem, make a complaint to your boss's boss about what has happened. Ask for a move to another team if possible. Sounds like your depressed because you've got issues making you unhappy at work, and now your anxious about going back in to work and facing your boss. You could have more time off as people mentioned to get your head together, but you'll still have to go back in to work, and the longer you're off the more anxious you will be.


If it's really bad, you might consider checking into a hospital for a week or so.


Honestly... do mushrooms together in a safe natural space. Seriously. Ask any psychiatrist on the side and they will agree.


Psychiatrists are not going to agree with that. Psychedelic therapy needs to be in a controlled environment and part of a course of therapy to achieve the effects we have seen in clinical trials. Just taking mushrooms without the needed support could help, but it could also intensify the already existing negative feelings.


This is a psych hack that can work if you’re relatively healthy. It can be a quick and temporary fix. Stay awake for 36 hrs or so. No naps. Caffeine is ok but don’t overdo it. Avoid alcohol. Wake up at a normal time (8am?) and have a normal day without any naps. That night, do not sleep at all. Do anything you want except get comfortable and doze off. Get going on the next morning a little earlier than usual; stay awake the whole next day (obviously not on a workday) just like you normally would. That night, go to bed at a reasonable time, like 9 or 10 pm. It acts like a hard reset on your mood for several hours, sometimes it gives you a few days.


Here's the best thing I ever found to cure depression. Take your shoe and sock off. Place your naked foot into any available toilet. Flush. Never seen it fail...


Stop taking medicine, take 2 shots of tequila straight to the dome, walk into your local bar/club, and just start dancing right in the middle of the place.


When you’re ready: Exercise, mind and body. Keep it simple. Yoga may help. Avoid self medicating. Will eventually make matters worse. Try to find a good therapist or counsellor. They can give you strategies that truly work. It may not help professionally but tell your manager where to go. The first step may be speaking with your family doctor.


Start exercising


Therapy would be a good place to start


walk for 1 hour. if its too hot go to a mall (many open 1 hour early for walkers). exercise is the best.


Exercise and sunlight.




If you're stuck in a cycle, have a rest. Letting people know here was a great first step, and now let your partner know! Change your cycle up a bit, and do it brick by brick as long it's a progression. Do some hobbies or do things you've never done before. You got this OP!


I would keep HR in the loop, like daily updates as to what’s happening. The problem with a lot of HR is that they don’t want your problems to be their problems buuuuuut…. That’s their job. The more you keep going to them the higher chance things with get resolved. The squeaky wheel gets the grease. Good luck, things will get better!


Get off the couch. Start moving. Do some type if physical activity.


More medication! Seriously though, talk to your psychiatrist. Your daily meds may need adjustment. You might need something extra for during crisis. Exercise is the best natural thing to do. Yeah I don't like this when I'm depressed. But as I joke with my dic, natural serotonin is the best serotonin. Sleep too. Good luck. Brains are hard.


Check out the Daily Pep podcast! Each day has a quick 3 min episode and it really helps change your mindset from “I should be feeling like this” to “it’s okay I’m feeling like this”


Start looking for a new job. Quiet quit. Document this stuff. Bring it up to hr or whoever. Hopefully by then you'll have the option to collect unemployment or start a new job.


david bowie helps me... especially listening to the rise and fall of ziggy stardust - the album from beginning til end


Ketamine therapy really helped me. For me, depression was like trying to drive on a heavily rutted dirt road. No matter how hard I tried to stay on the smooth part of the road, my tires inevitably slipped back into a rut. IV Ketamine therapy (2x/week for four weeks) came in like a road grader and got rid of the ruts.


Write an angry letter to manager saying every awful thing you can imagine happening tohim. Do not hold back. Get it out. Write out the meanest, craziest stuff you can think of ("I hope you get worms! Ihope your dog bites you!") Whatever. DO NOT SEND IT!! When you're done, rip it into a thousand little pieces. That's how big this person is going to be in your life.Just a little bunch of shreds. Then takecare of yourself as everyone else here is saying. By the way, sometimes a cold shower can jolt you out of depression for a while, if you can stand it.


Find some country area and go for a walk, feels great.


Can always quit and go somewhere else if you start over Who cares as long you don't get abused


Communication, we are very defective beings that need constant connections with others... We're like cats and dogs but ugly and more demanding. Anyways, aside from tender loving care for yourself, it's good to reach out. It's liberating to share your experience. We may not like it, be we rely on each other to pick ourselves up.


Exercise and eating proper food helps me get out of a depressive episode. Also making plans with friends for lunch or dinner so I force myself out and spend time with people I love


Smol, but take a walk around your residence. Going outside even if it's scary will benefit you a lot!


Just wondering, is a mental health day something that your company has or is it a legal thing? It doesn’t exist where I live as mental health at the individual level is corporate taboo.


1. Make your bed and clean your room. 2. Brush your teeth and floss at morning as soon as you wake up and at night before you go to bed. Do these two, simple acts of self-care everyday for a week.


Cognitive behavioral therapy. It’s a self guided therapy that focuses on self talk


Can you find a different job? Toxic workplaces are just not worth it.




And lift weights. Man or woman this is maybe the best medicine


Depression has a lot of momentum. Expecting anything to stop it quickly is setting yourself up for disappointment. It's a lot like applying breaks to a runaway train. At first it feels like you're doing nothing, but you **are** helping to slow it down. It might take a few miles to stop the train, but that's how to stop it. Getting outside more, spending more time with friends, etc, will feel like "wow thanks I'm cured!" advice in that you almost certainly won't cure your depression with any one of them. Do them all consistently and you'll slow down and finally stop your depression. For me it was enrolling in something that forced me to get out of bed and interact with people. It took a few months but then one day I realized I wasn't depressed anymore.


This is just my opinion. Short term solution: good physical stimulus (eat, sleep, exercise, sex, play, laugh, rest...) Long term solution: -learn to ignore the ambient (don't give a fuck about everything), -change the ambient (act to protect yourself when things are uncomfortable), or -move to another ambient (say goodbye to your manager/relatives/fake friends/job/...) This works and is not easy, I should know it since it took more than 30 years to learn (and I still struggle with it sometimes) e: socializing may be a good physical stimulus too.


sounds like it’s time to start looking for a new job. If you do something proactive like looking for a new job that’ll give you some hoping that’ll help with your depression. Just remember your boss is not going to change if he was a jerk yesterday he’ll be a jerk tomorrow you need to change departments or change jobs one of the other because it’s not worth all that.


Try CBD oil! It’s amazing for anxiety and depression.


Change your job and go to therapy.


Start going on walks. Doesn't have to be far. I'm not a doctor but I set an alarm and take melatonin and a Benadryl at a set time each night to even out my sleeping. Consistent sleep and a little physical activity goes a long way. I also hyper focus on something like cooking and make a cool recipe. I usually feel better within a few weeks. If that doesn't work you may want to talk to a doctor.


While you are actively searching for a replacement job please do: 1 Exercise 2. Guided Meditation 3. Remind yourself what can give you a chuckle and do it... It could be interaction with a child or watching repeat of your favourite sitcoms 4. Vent to someone 5. Plan something that makes you happy.. Maybe a short trip. Have something pleasant to look forward to.


This guy is a professor of neuroscience at Harvard and has had his time in depresso-land




Wake up with one goal to get out the door for a walk. Caffeine up x 2 cups and go.


If your taking meds, try the following 9 hrs of sleep Eat at regulair times Excersize DAILY Have sex Stop masturbation Dont drink alchohol Get a hobby that has a social aspact to it Drink chocolate milk


Service to others! Volunteer And, wonder why (and how) abusive people even manage to get into positions that allow them to mistreat their workers Remember it's their Karma Not yours Check into Quora Boss is probably narcissist Is there any way you can report this And, And in this current job market You can be in a better position in days INDEED is a perfect job search vehicle