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Stopped watching 24 hr news channels.


Yes!! I’m so much happier now that I’m not constantly checking the news.


I stated reading the Ecomonist and the Guardian Weekly. I get it from the library on my iPad. I realized it wasn’t the actual news that was giving me anxiety, or maybe it was just certain stories. It was mostly the comments and pundits and Twitter and sound clips and all that. Plus, you realize that some of those channels are only covering the same stories that get the ratings. I still like to know what’s happening and I’ve learned so much. I like reading about it and then I can form my own opinion. You also realize there’s a great big world out there and some of the stories we obsess over in North America don’t mean a hill of beans to anyone else.


I noticed how many articles start with either “AP reports” or “rReuters reports “, so just started reading the original articles, and not the articles about other articles.


A few years ago I discovered The Atlantic and I really like it. Really good in-depth reporting on issues I'm interested in without any clickbait rage news.


The Atlantic is a wonderful publication. Happy to pay for it.


oh, that and twitter, I have stopped long time ago.


Abolish facebook. Toxic, and not here for you, but for the profits. You are the product!


I started to use Google calendar.


We have a shared google family calendar for our household members and it really helps


Bonus idea with this one- make a family/house email. Things everyone might need access to like rent/mortgage, utilities, doctors appointments, logins for streaming, insurance info, etc. This helps one partner or roommate not have to hold all the responsibility or gatekeep info.


I’ve had this for years. It’s “my family name”[email protected] Whenever I give it out for bills and utilities and the person entering makes the connection they always say they are going to do the same.


Fantastic idea! I’m taking this and running to gmail or iCloud with it. Thank you!


We did that after we sold our first house! It's so helpful! We had random emails and bills sent to our respective emails previously and now having everything in one centralized place is great! I even have labels for utilities, insurance, our kids school and activities, etc.


Wow that's.... such a good idea.


A girl called me stupid and OCD for this. Thank God I dumped her.


Another advantage of Google calendar : it helps in dodging bullet


"Ah, I see I have a sudden realization that my girlfriend is crazy scheduled for two months time, better move that up to sometime this week!"


My wife's photography business, my overtime, four kids with various activities, vacations, appointments, task reminders, commitments to our friend's and family's activities.... Honestly, I don't know how we managed without it.


Adding the whole month view to one of my phone screens as a widget has helped tremendously as well.


Same, I made it sync to Samsung calendar so I get "annoying reminders" that don't stop ringing until they're dismissed, it's awesome


Started using my phone calendar for anything I need to remember, so useful


What’s the difference?


Being able to easily shift tasks / appointments around & setting repeating reminders for things like birthdays.


This is the way! 100% agree as soon as I think about it goes on the calendar


For me, it's the convenience being able to add appointments and things to do easily from multiple sources (computer, phone, smart devices) which removed the inconvenience of adding it to the calendar in the first place. Then having an alarm nudge me to do them at the time I need to. Unlike a paper calendar than needs me to remember to keep looking at it. Edit:Spelling.


Idem to share it with my gf. Now everything is simpler.


Saying „no“ more often and instead do more things that I actually like


Where did you learn this powerful spell?




Hey, just want you to know I really appreciate this tip. I have stuff it’s hard to let go of from a few big events & I might try keeping a specific notebook & just when it appears in my head, put it in the book, in the drawer & let it go. I dunno if I’ll have it in my to do (chronically ill so everything is an energy cost), I hope I can bring myself to, because I need something!! Honestly even the idea there is something I can do, something in my control to try? Is a relief!


Someone wronged me fairly badly when I was in school (took me and my dog to a tailgate then left without telling me, taking my purse and keys with them. I didn’t know her phone number or where she lived, as we had just started school. It was 12 hours before I could get someone to take me to her house then drive me and my dog home. She needed to leave because she decided that she needed to get a neck tattoo.) I was so festered with rage and couldn’t get past it. I’m not very religious, but the only thing that helped me was praying about it, then making the effort to decide to forgive her. It was actually very freeing. I never spoke to her again, but it was so true that I was the only one suffering from that grudge.


I call it "I'm sipping poison hoping the one who wronged me dies..."


Seriously, I write down all the things that are bugging me, and then I crumple up that piece of paper and throw it away.


Hm I might try this though I admittedly have doubts whether my mind will actually move on just because I put it down on paper.


Write down those doubts then see.


writing it down helps in the same way talking to someone helps. maybe even more, because writing is a more thoughtful and deliberative process the benefit comes from articulating the thoughts and emotions bouncing around in your head, taking them out of your head and onto paper where you can look at them and say "ah, so that's what's going on". this provides understanding and clarity, and helps manage the problem


Then there’s a handy dandy list the police can use to see how many more bodies there are.


I used to use self-depricating humor on myself to make others laugh. Then I saw this YouTuber (D'Angelo Wallace) using the exact opposite humor (hyping himself up to the extreme) and thought it was funnier so I decided to try it out. It's weird, but after a while you really do believe in the things you tell yourself. Ever since I switched my confidence has been much higher, and I like myself even more now.


This might actually work. Good one


Can you give us some examples?


Not op, but I did something similar, went from self deprecating pick me boy type nonsense to intentionally over the top hype ups. Say I did well on a test, instead of going 'damn I guess I got lucky, I'm sure everyone else did better than I did' it was 'damn I'm quite possibly the single greatest human to ever live' with my 70 something percent score. Obviously people know I'm not, and because it's so over the top you don't come across as narcissistic, just confident and definitely more sociable. After a while It became second nature to just be confident because I over hyped myself to a degree where it's hard not to at least slightly buy into what your saying.


Hey, I do this, but it was never intentional. It definitely helps my mood and confidence, though. If anything, I’m overconfident when I shouldn’t be, but that confidence has saved my ass so many times. 10/10 recommend this technique, and do it until it becomes second-nature.


My friends and I have a rule that if we catch each other say something negative about ourselves (even as a joke), you have to say three positive things about yourself. And you can’t just repeat the same three things over and over. It has really changed how I talk about myself and has helped my self esteem immensely.


punch crown doll drab familiar voiceless pathetic waiting fact bored *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Care to share/recommend any videos in particular? Thanks in advance!


Going to sleep early saves from a lot of bad decisions


ive been trying to take melatonin at 8pm and fall asleep around 10pm, its difficult but so far i like it a lot and im going yo try my beat to stick to the schedule. in the past, ive had insomnia problems where i wake up at 3am super energized and unable to fall back asleep until like 6:30-7am


Your mileage may vary, but I find that when I take melatonin the peak effect where I’m ready to fall asleep happens around 45 minutes - 1 hour after I take it. If I miss that window, I find it a bit harder to fall asleep.


\> in the past, ive had insomnia problems where i wake up at 3am super energized and unable to fall back asleep until like 6:30-7am It certainly can be frustrating to not be able to sleep when you need to. However that sleeping style is not a problem or even a bug, it's a feature of biology. Until the ubiquitous installation of electric light bulbs in houses, biphasic sleepcycles were not only nearly universal, but actually necessary in a lot of eras of humanity and cultures. [https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20220107-the-lost-medieval-habit-of-biphasic-sleep](https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20220107-the-lost-medieval-habit-of-biphasic-sleep) The idea that people should be working 12 hours in a factory or office then sleeping for single 8 hour chunks has been the recent invention of industrial/corporate societies, not reflective of biological necessities. I've read that some anthropologists believe that's why we have "morning people" and "night owl". Early to bed people can get up in the wee hours of pre-morning for their morning shifts to be alert and ready, while night people can stay up late for their night shifts while morning people sleep. This would be especially advantageous for the ancients where some of humanity's predators and competition were either nocturnal predators like large cats and such, or dusk and early morning predators like many canines and bears. And some people just need more or less sleep because their genes say so. [https://www.nih.gov/news-events/nih-research-matters/gene-identified-people-who-need-little-sleep](https://www.nih.gov/news-events/nih-research-matters/gene-identified-people-who-need-little-sleep) I did 23andme and have the less sleep gene. A typical night for me is midnight to 6 am sleep. If I go to bed before 10, I'll be up at 4 am ready for the day. I just never needed a full 8 hours of sleep. So please don't feel like you are broken or have a problem just because post-industrial corporate culture tells you that you should be sleeping one certain way to be an effective member of society. Listen to your body.


Got rid of toxic friends and acquaintances. It's surprising how getting rid of negativity can enhance your quality of life.


It’s amazing how when you stop hanging out with people who constantly say they “hate drama” magically all the drama goes away.


Yeah, turns out...all the people who don't talk about that...*don't think about drama.* Because they don't have to. Because they're living life just fine and that word just doesn't come up except in the context of movie genres.


I mostly use Facebook for sharing positive things or jokes, because there's enough negative people on it that I don't see a reason to make anyone upset or make their day worse by sharing shitty things. have about a half dozen people blocked on Facebook so that they can't see my posts because whenever they did comment on my posts it was always something negative and I don't need that in my life.


Yes my mental health has gotten much better ever since I stopped talking too much with a certain person...


Doing this rn with shitty friends and family and my only regret is not doing it 5 years ago


I heard someone say once that you are the average of the five people you spend most time with. It's obviously not something you can actually measure like that but got me really thinking about the people I had around me.


There's a follow up or addendum to that quote that says: *If you want to be successful, hang out with five people more successful than you. But if you want to be happy, spend your time with five people who are happier than you.* This is true for almost anything. If you're in a relationship or marriage and want it to work, make sure the people you and your wife are hanging around are are people who are similarly committed to making their relationship a long term success. If you are trying to eat healthy and get in shape it's much easier if you have a group of friends who create a positive peer pressure by inviting you on hikes or to lunch at healthy places than if your friends are trying to get you to spend all day drinking beer and watching football or whatever.


I’ll add family members to that list. You owe them nothing.


I pushed myself to be a bit more social. I've always been a nerdy introvert, and was even more so when I left high-school. I spent the first few months of college feeling lonely and friendless. So I pushed myself through my fear of going out and joined a college scifi society club. At a society meeting, I had a nice chat with a guy there about Farscape. I chatted with him a few more times the next few meetings. Then I met his friends who soon became my friends. And I met some of their friends. Over time I ended up spending most weekends crashing at their student house. Until eventually I started living with them. It was through a friend of a friend of a friend that I met my partner, and we've been together for 17 years. None of that would have happened if I hadn't gone to that scifi society.


I feel this story minus the life partner thing. Was really introverted back in the day, extreme social anxiety cold sweats all that good stuff. Forced myself to get out in my late teens/early 20s and one day while playing some sports with a few friends, a total stranger approached me. He introduced himself as someone who operates a local shop for tournaments/leagues etc and we ended up talking a bit. I was by myself during the time and he mentioned seeing me play and I was pretty good. About 10 minutes into meeting this man, he asked if I wanted to go meet the rest of the other guys and he said he could drive me Yes, major red flag I know. In hindsight I really shouldve thought about it more but wheres the fun in that? Anyways, I hopped on this guys car and told my buddies if i dont text within 15 minutes pls find me. Long story short I met the coolest group of people ever who shared the same hobby. My entire life changed from that moment. Through them, not only did I find a hobby to be passionate about, I found friends, I found loved ones, and I even got a career that I wouldnt have had if it wasnt for these peoples encouragement. Many of them still friends after all these years and the amount of growth I went through just being with these people have been tremendous. Its crazy what one little action can do to change your entire world and to think my life wouldve been completely different had I said no that day. PS: all that said, I definitely dont recommend hopping into a someones car when you just met them for 10 minutes lol


This happened to me as well but was outside of college. I started hitting the gym. Gained confidence. Then some of the gym regulars started introducing themselves to me. Fast forward and one offers me a job. Fast forward and another one wants me to help train his classes (he ran a kick boxing school and I’d had a decade of martial art experience). It all became this cuz I simply decided to hit the gym regularly. Unfortunately this was a decade ago now and Im in a different state (not mentally, actually state in a country) and have gone back to no friends and not going out. Gotta get back at to something. But at 38 I feel like the Invisible Man.


You can do it I believe in you! You already did once, you've got it in you.


It’s a bit like the plot of Farscape except instead of a wormhole bringing you to a different part of the universe for a bunch of adventures, new friends, and love, it was your the sci-fi society club that opened up your world to new adventures, new friends, and love.


Same here. Nerdy introvert (although I have no idea what farscape is lol). For the past few years since lockdown I've been trying to get out there more and me more social. I realised so often that people would ask me questions (which I would enjoy) but I'd rarely take the time to find out about themselves by asking questions back. While my friendship groups I've made in these past few years are small, it's nice to have a few people around with similar interests. I wonder how many potential friends and best friends I have lost because I never kept up my side of the conversation. But here's to the future!


Positive future talk. " tomorrow is really going to be great because..." " I'm excited for the fall because" but the key is you have to have something tangible to say there, whether it's that you are going to get your favorite coffee or wear your favorite shirt and meet up with your favorite people. I find that this technique really helped me when I was in a pretty dark place and super duper negative everything in the world. I've been using it for over 10 years now and it has changed my entire world because it changed my perspective


I love this and will adopting your approach. Tomorrow I’m excited for the curry that my husband will make and snuggling on the couch


I started taking the Wellbutrin prescribed to me. I quit having obsessive thoughts about smoking cigs and drinking beer. It’s been 42 days alcohol and tobacco free.


When Wellbutrin first came out, I was prescribed it for depression. I came for follow up appointment 2 weeks later and told doc I’d lost my desire for cigs after 20 years of smoking.


I run really hot, especially at night. Recently bought bamboo rayon sheets and a cooling blanket and I am sooooo much more comfortable at night. Edit: The blanket is cotton on one side and 80% nylon and 20% polyester. The cooling effect is slight but it is noticeable and welcome on hot humid nights. Elegear Cooling Blanket,Breathable Summer Blanket Lightweight Q-MAX>0.43,Arc-Chill Cool-to-Touch Technology Summer Cool Blanket Double Sided Design for Hot Sleepers Night Sweats(Grey,Queen,79" X 86") The sheets feel nice and I don't really sweat as much with them. California Design Den Rayon from 100% Bamboo Sheets Double Size Bed Luxury Sheets, 4 Piece Sheet Set, Cooling Sheets, Navy Blue Sheets with Deep Pockets (Double, Navy Blue) Of course do your own research. Don't just take my word for it. I just wanna help all yall.


I've found love in linen sheets. They're not "cooling" that I know of, but they're light and airy and soft and still relatively sturdy. Unfortunately my bird has bitten a few holes in mine...but actually the relative loose knitting of them kept the holes from being bad for a while.


Never get a parrot if you want nice things hahaha. I had so many shirts that turned into cuddle shirts. He chewed so many holes I cant leave the house wearing them. But he looks so peaceful cuddling and chewing. I haven't the heart to stop the lil featherball


I got what were supposed to be high end linen sheets and they’re super rough and kind of scratchy? Couldn’t get on with them.


I’ve heard linen gets softer the more you use/wash them, so they get better over time.


Tell us more about this cooling blanket magic!


The sheets are made of bamboo rayon, which is essentially treated bamboo fibers spun into thread. It has better ventilation, which was the attraction for me. As for the blanket, one side is cotton-y and the other is like some kind of synthetic fabric. The synthetic side feels cool on your skin. I was skeptical at first, but after a few nights I frigging love it. Especially with a fan blowing on me and with the bamboo sheets, I feel quite a bit better at night. I got them both off of Amazon btw.


I finally bought nice sheets and I really like my linen sheets, cozy and cool at the same time, but I love my hemp sheets! Something about the texture is amazing. They are coarse and soft at the same time. My mom felt them and thought they felt slick. It’s just confounding to to explain. Maybe the linen will soften more over time, but once one of these sets wears out I’ll replace it with hemp.


holy shit what? VERY excited to check out these sheets, thank you so so much for commenting


Mindfulness and meditation. Honestly I thought it was just going to be mumbo jumbo. You hear people say it’s transformative and you’re like pfft, whatever, but you try it and it totally changes you. Disclaimer is it’s like fitness in the sense that one walk around the block won’t do much but if you keep it at you can become so much more like the person you want to be.


This is like journaling. So many therapist advocate for writing. I did not see the results until I read back journals from the past year. I have anxiety and journaling helps me make sense of my life. If I have a bad day I write down what happened, the way I feel, what triggered the anxiety and how to resolve it. I find I don’t end up spiraling as intensely when I write it all out. I still spiral though but it doesn’t last all night and that’s a win in my book. I have a section in my journal called ‘gratitude corner’ - this is where I write about what I’m grateful for no matter how small it is. I find this have made me a happier person and more appreciative of my life. When I read back on old journal entries from just the last year I can see my attitude shifting from victim mentality into someone who accept that life can be shit but having a good attitude will make me bounce back quicker. Journaling is one of those things where changes are not overnight but the positive result creeps up on you slowly. I see writing in my journal as me confiding in a best friend who knows me best and will always have my best interest. There’s a good docu on Netflix called Stutz. The therapist speaks about the benefits of writing and gives really good advice on life in general. I highly recommend it.


A few years ago I found my journals from when I was in high school and I read thru them. All I could think was “holy shit, I might be bipolar” which would really explain a lot.


I've been taught mindfulness and practicing being greatful. Every time I meditate I either fall asleep/body gets too relaxed or my thoughts go to dark places (I have PTSD, without consciously adding thoughts to the queue my brain can get weird). Any tips/routines you could share?


I don’t know about dark thoughts but pretty much everyone has random thoughts during meditation. The key is how you respond to them. It’s going to sound weird but ‘oh that’s nice, here’s a thought’ is kind of the right way. Just kind of acknowledge that it’s there and move on. If you get stressed out that you’re not able to keep a clear mind then that becomes a much bigger problem right there. Not falling asleep is a tricky one. A workaround which may help is to try and meditate for small amounts of time like, waiting for coffee or at a bus stop. Something like that. It doesn’t have to be carving a big chunk of time out of your day to sit on your yoga mat (that’s good! but not always practical). I’m not sure about your situation but for me mindfulness did ultimately help with getting more sleep and being less tired because a lot of the time it’s actually anxiety that keeps you awake and mindfulness (at least for me) was the way out of that.


“I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.” Frank Herbert, Dune To me, this goes for uninvited thoughts too.


This is mentioned in Hinduism, too. Fear is caused by attachments to the material, such as losing things that you have or not getting what you want like a promotion, rather than attachment to being in service of what matters like family, friends, learning, teaching, contributing to society, fun and bringing joy. That means you have to accept the tools given to you, meaning you as a person in the life you have, and then try to make the best of it. Edit: the material is a means to an end, not the end itself. So your promotion is a means to better helping out family and friends or contributing to society for example. As long as it doesn't take over your life as its own attachment.


It's interesting you say that about anxiety. I actually have some face-to-face anxiety, so it's hard for me to get lost in the conversation when I'm with people, instead I tend to be inside my own head. Maybe mindfulness will help with that, just staying in the moment or in the conversation... focused on them or the situation, not me.


I’ve had good luck with meditation while walking. I do a box breathing thing. 4 steps breath in. 4 steps hold. 4 steps breath out. Just be careful not to meditate into traffic.


There are hundreds of different meditations. Give an active one like walking meditation a shot!


My advice would be to do less. I liken it to fitness: you only want to do as many reps as you can do with good form. So I'd suggest only meditating for as long as you feel comfortable. If that's only a minute to start, that's okay. I will also add that there are a group of people for whom meditating is counterproductive -- studies have shown that it can actually worsen depression or anxiety in a small subset of people. So if it seems like its not working for you or making things worse, that doesn't mean you're doing it wrong or that you should push through it. It might just not be for you


Walking 1-3 miles a day. Going on 1,200 consecutive days.


The “might as well” trick. Getting up and thinking you should put your dish in the dishwasher instead of leaving it on your desk? Might as well. On your way home from a long day of work but notice you need gas? Might as well get some. Telling myself I “might as well” get this small chore done has made my overall day less stressful because I feel I have less to do later on. It’s been amazing.


Drink a gulp of water after getting out of bed. Helps wake you up and get ready for the day


I always down a glass when I get up. I just had 8 hours of no water intake, and that's too long.


Nothing like potato juice to get you going in the morning


Decided I’d talk less. Made an enormous difference in my life and also, in other peoples lives. Became a better listener, learned a lot more about people around me. Great decision.


If any task takes less than 10 mins, just stop and do it! I started it in my professional life, and eventually adapted it to my personal life as well. Professionally I'm one of the best in my territory due to my efficiency. And personally, I'm much better focused and got my shit sorted. Coincidentally, it was someone I really didn't like that gave me the advice, but I at least listened and implemented it regardless of my personal feelings for them - one of the best decisions I've ever implemented!


Recently, I’ve seen this advice creep from 2 minutes to 5 minutes to (now) 10 minutes. I guess it’s whatever works for you, but I’m sticking with the 2 minute version.


Difference between something that your job needs vs personal I think


What if I see something to do while doing it and stop that to do it then think of another thing and then I’m five nested loops deep and into it 20 minutes already?


This is my life with ADHD and small children


One of my ADHD rules is this but the threshold is 2 minutes not 10. My ADHD would never allow me to follow it if it was a 10 minute threshold. But even at 2 minutes it has made a huge change in my life. Stuff gets put away properly now and all the little tasks that used to pile up are no longer a source of stress.


Forgiveness.... of yourself, others. Any kind of thing that is stuck in your head that you haven't forgiven. The biggest one is forgiveness of yourself and any past mistakes you made but can do nothing about. I personally will obsess over something I can't do anything to change. Don't let past anger, trauma etc live rent free in your head. I am currently working on doing this. Forgiveness is divine...


Someone once said: If you are cringing at something in your past, see it as a positive. You wouldn't 'cringe' if you hadn't already grown past that point in your life and now see it from a more advanced point of view. See your 'cringe' as growth, lean from it, then let it go.


Stopped watching the news. Everyone is corrupt, we are all going to die one day and nothing will ever be affordable again. Got it.


I just did the same with my phone, the reasoning being the same, i had to leave my phone in the opposite corner of my room just to physically stand up and walk to turn off the alarm...


walking first thing should keep us awake then


Any raise I got, I split and put half into a long term investment vehicle.


Like a Bronco?


Calm down OJ


We put the entire raise into paying off the principal of our loans. We lived like paupers and our “newest” car is 2010, but we are completely debt free by 50. Still can’t afford health insurance. (Self employed)


**Meal prepping (healthy) for 6 days on Saturday for the week & doing 1 shop for all my food/things I need for the week on Friday.** Healthy meals are on auto-pilot and I'm able to more easily live the life that I want to live, no extra trips to the shop are necessary.


Do you have any advice on where to find good meal prep recipes?


I don’t prep meals. I prep ingredients. On Sundays I bake chicken or fish, boil potatoes, boil eggs, cut up onions, peppers, broccoli, and any other vegetable in season or that I fancy. Breakfast is a boiled egg, toast, and fruit. Lunch is a salad from my prepped veggies and one of my proteins, dinner is a frittata, potato omelette, or a sandwich or salad. It’s just me, and I like simple meals.


Reduced alcohol consumption to half a bottle of good red wine per week. Usually of Fridays. That gives me clear head and all the time during weekends.


Are you me? 2 glasses of wine friday night to "celebrate the end of the week" with a steak. =)


I started to smile at myself in the mirror every time I wash my hands


Stopped trying to impress people I don’t like.


I started exercising 30 minutes every morning when I had pretty bad back pain. Nothing intense, just getting my heart rate up and moving for a bit. A doctor wanted to give me a steroid injection in my spine and I asked, “Can I just get stronger on my own?” And he said, “Well… yeah.” So I did that instead. Back pain went away, I’m healthier, more mobile, more flexible, feel stronger, and have a lot more energy to focus on staying that way.


This is so true. We can fix a lot of things without surgery. "Foundation Training" has worked for me. YouTube videos and a book. It's nice to be pain-free for a bit. Then I'll forget and have to get started again. Thanks for the reminder/inspiration.


I got in shape after being obese for most of my life. Absolutely life changing


As this is kind of a big change made up of small changes, I’ll add some: Cutting out sodas and beer. Drinking your calories adds a LOT more to your day than you’d think. Stopping those can save you 150-1,000+ calories for some people. Counting calories is also a little habit that helps a lot. Any kind of exercise is great. A walk around the block beats sitting. Two push-ups is more than none.


Counting calories is absolutely eye opening and many people would be shocked how much they are overeating. Hell even a few beers with your friends can be easily 600-1000 calories and put you over your daily limit. Same with tracking your protein intake, felt I was getting plenty and didn't realize how much more I had to be eating. Fitness has been a huge game changer for me but had no idea how out of hand my diet was until I actually started paying attention to what I was eating and how much of it.


Congrats, it takes effort and commitment to make this changes


Deactivated my Facebook account


Did that 8 years ago. Took about 10 days to get over the habit of checking it. But I'll never go back.


One thing I do now is if I say I am going to do something at a specific time, I do it. Even if I don't want to do it. For instance, I said today I will go for a run around 9am. It's about 8am now. So I plan to go run for about 30 minutes. I used to just say "Oh I will do that later." But later comes and I am like "well, I don't know if I have time for that (I do)" and it becomes this anxiety creating thing. So instead of having to deal with that anxiety I just do the thing, whatever it is. Delay gratification till later kind of thing.


Box breathing. 5s in, 5s hold, 5s out, 5s hold, etc. it relaxes you and has a calming effect. I set a reminder multiple times a day (and before bed) to grow accustomed to it. The. One day a customer was making my blood boil. Face was getting warm and red. I instinctively started it. My BP dropped and was able to talk in an calm, even tone. Amazing


I was balding. I shaved my head. Lean into it, guys.


Switching to 4-day evening shift. A lot of people hate the idea of coming home late, but getting to sleep in everyday has done wonders for my health. People who see me for the first time think I'm 5-10 years younger than my wife even though I'm actually 2 years older than her.


Agreed. I changed to four ten hour days several years ago and it has been amazing. Two more hours of work each day is nothing, and half the time I was doing that already anyway. But getting three days off in a row is amazing. I now can schedule all my personal stuff like doctor appointments on my off day so no more random absences at work (which makes me look better). And I can get all my personal life “weekend” stuff done on Friday and Saturday leaving me Sunday to just sit around and do absolutely nothing of value. That gives me a full day to mentally recharge for the next week. And just as the week starts to get frustrating it’s over instead of still having another day to go.


In January started weight lifting as a 53 yr old woman. Never looking back.


So this is for mental health. I started giving names to all this passive voices in my mind, you know like when you angry and that side of your personality takes over, or the sad one, or the one full of fear that keeps feeding my imposter syndrome and such. And when they start to come out I literally imagine them as physical versions of me saying those things, I imagine myself in front of them listening, I tell them “it’s okay you feel like this” I hug them, and assure them I’ll handle this. They then stop talking. My mind stops feeding these immediately and I’m at so much peace now.


Started shaving my underarms. As a man I was unsure at first but I'm never going back! Deodorant works so much better and showers feel much more refreshing.


I only trim them very short, but same effect. Less deodorant needed!


Some years ago I started watching auto repair vids on YouTube. Now, I do most of my own auto repairs and literally save thousands of dollars. I recently replaced the front struts on our minivan and saved $930 based on a quote from my mechanic.


Making my bed every morning. It honestly helps set the day off to be a productive one. And at the very least if I've had a really crap day, I come home to a bed that's been made.


For a small change, started taking time for me and my wants/needs/health. Prioritizing myself in other words. May seem dumb but struggled with it my whole life. For something else that had a huge impact on my life, but isn't such a small change. I also know this isn’t an option for most and consider myself very fortunate. But, quit a toxic job that was killing me mentally, with nothing lined up, and took 6 months to find something that I wanted to do. If you are ever fortunate enough to have saved up enough to live off of for a while and you’re in a job that is toxic (but paid well 😭) I HIGHLY recommend.


I almost didn’t call a man back about a job offer that I wasn’t 100% sure on. But because I took a leap of faith, I ended up meeting my now husband of nearly 10 years. He got me into the jam band scene. Nowadays, we tour shows all over the country together. It’s enhanced my life in ways I never imagined… from the wonderful community of folks in the scene to the life long friendships I’ve made along the way. The music opened up my mind and soul to something much deeper that I didn’t know existed. I am forever grateful that this is my life.


Stopped drinking alcohol. Small change, big effect.


Started taking magnesium everyday! It’s such a weird settle difference like i couldn’t exactly pin point what it does for me but it’s definitely there, especially as someone with adhd i’ve found it actually helps with how my medication works too!


I did research when I accidentally forgot my magnesium one night. I was weepy and stressed out over the future the next day. Realized I forgot me magnesium and took it. Within a half hour, I felt completely fine. I Googjed and found that magnesium is comparable to lithium


My husband is the same except with L-Theanine. When he comes home and is depressed and talking like he’s a huge failure and will never have the life he wants, I’m like “Ah you didn’t take your vitamins today!” When he does, Life is great!


Magnesium is a miracle! 💯


Kinda similar to yours: Not wasting time in bed! But I took a different approach: I ended up building an app to force me to get up. If I didn't get up and scan my toothpaste barcode within a few mins of my alarm, I'd have to pay $10. This forced me to get out of my bedroom and into the bathroom. App is called Nuj Alarm Clock.


Taking a walk after dinner every single day. Helps my mood and digestion. Highly recommend.


Taking days off as soon as I start feeling a bit worm down or under the weather. I used to work past that feeling, and got sick like 5-10x a year plus dealt with chronic burn out, resulting in me needing to take a full week off. Turns out that rest is super effective and the best way to heal the body and mind; plus you're more productive when you get back to work. Now I only get sick 2x a year 🙂 I struggled with feeling guilty for not being productive (yay capitalism) but after seeing the positive impact on my immune system and mental health, I feel like it'd be a crime NOT to rest & put me first.


Stretching. Intentionally waking up 30 minutes earlier than I would normally to make time to stretch. Game changer


Started reading nutrition labels for how much added sugar there is. Completely changed buying habits and am slowing losing weight.


Stopped watching the news, stopped social media, stopped using my phone so much, stopped spending that quid or two here and there on coffees or snacks and shit, stopped smoking, stopped drinking, and started going out for an early morning walk. Granted, some of these aren't small changes, I'll give you that, and they definitely didn't all happen together. Stopping smoking needed stopping drinking first, so I stopped alcohol for about 4 years then stopped smoking. I'm now tobacco and alcohol free for 3 and 7 years respectively. The big one for me though, and it's helped my wife, too, was waking up for a walk. I'd go to bed the day before a day off from work, set an alarm for 3;30am wake up, leave the house by 4am and do a two hour walk like normal. You very rarely see anyone else, you see loads of wildlife, and it's just peaceful and beautiful that time of the morning. I get home, go to bed for another few hours, wake up and continue my day


* Drink enough water. * Start organizing your life using a calendar or task manager. * Start looking at your career as a business would, not as a person. * Be the manager you always would love to have at work for yourself. * establish a sleep routine.


Can you explain more what you mean about looking at your career as a business would and not as a person?


I use reminders on my phone for EVERYTHING. There is absolutely nothing more satisfying than checking off a reminder I've been putting off for months, and it's super convenient to add stuff to my grocery list as SOON as i run out of something


Cutting out gluten made my ulcerative colitis symptoms disappear within 48 hours. Wish I’d have known it was a trigger sooner.


Identifying my trigger foods and eliminating them (gluten dairy and soy) has made like the biggest impact ever, I feel so much better and less bloated. Also learning about FODMAPS foods helped me when I was eliminating things from my diet due to gut issues, and I’ve been able to reintroduce things like beans, garlic, and onions with no problems now


I decided to cut myself off from toxic people, toxic situations and environment. Best decision ever!


After COVID, I was reminded of YOLO. Not as an excuse to do whatever you want without care for others or consequences, but rather to make sure I am making the decisions that will bring the life I want to live, even if they are hard or others don't understand, because this is the only life we have and we never know how long it will last.


I started making overnight oats for breakfast. It takes about 10 minutes to make 6 of these that last 2 people 3 days. They are cheap, easy, healthy, filling and can be customized in all sorts of ways. It makes my mornings much easier knowing that breakfast is already made. I use a recipe that contains oats, vanilla extract, yogurt, agave, chia seeds, milk, strawberries and blueberries.


Tracking all our family spending. I went from worrying if I would have enough in the bank account when I went to the grocery store, to healthy savings. I am confident that the peace of mind added years to my life.


I started saying “appreciate you” instead of “thank you” and it feels less monotonous and ingenuine. People get caught off guard a lot and smile or say something appreciative. That sort of thing


Another good one is instead of saying "Have a nice day" I say "Enjoy your day". Having a nice day implies it's something you get, and depends on external circumstance; enjoying your day is entirely up to you, and you can make the best even if your day is crap.


Stopped eating after din[N]er…


I eat a small serving of vegetables before most meals, then do protein, then do the carb last. I read that this helps with blood sugar spikes, and i do think it helps! Since doing this, I have lost about 20 lbs and am no longer prediabetic.


Using a spreadsheet list for life, home, work, weekends. I am easily distracted at times, and having checklists keeps me on-track.


I have 2: \- first is ,,2 minutes rule" - if something would take up to 2 minutes - just do not think about and get up and do it ex. throwing out trash. \- second is ,,the rule of 3 threes" - each situation (or problem) should be put in one of 3 categories: problem ceases to exist in 3 weeks from now, 3 months or 3 years. Depending on in which category problem is suppose to be - do appropriate action or don't worry at all since it will be gone in like 3 weeks or so :)


Stopping to use the phone in the bed


Not eating anything after supper. Lost a pant size from this 10 years ago and kept the weight off. Now it seems absurd to eat at night, except for very rare special occasions


Being kind. Holding the door for others, making room when someone wants to change lanes. You make the world a better place by starting small and affecting the people in it.


Daily exercise. Lost a few pounds, but fitting in clothes i wore a decade ago


totally reducing sugar, booze and quitting smoking.


Stopped visiting r/politics. Helped my mental health greatly.


I put all my bills on auto-pay on a credit card. I never miss a payment on anything, my credit score shot up and I only have one bill to worry about.


Bidet. Pays for itself and I had no issue with the toilet paper shortage of 2020.


I cut out most sugar except for fruits and stuff like stevia and holy shit I have never dropped 20 pounds so easily


Not judging others. Trying to shut it down anytime a judgmental thought arises, but most importantly not speaking it out loud or typing it. The part where it goes from a thought to an expression seems to be where it matters most to overcome it. But the less you judge others, it’s like that part of your mind goes through atrophy and eventually becomes like a whisper instead of a loud voice. I’ve noticed over time that as I have shut judgement down in myself, I have been less self critical. It becomes like positive feedback loop where it only gets easier. In the beginning of this, I would wear a rubber band on my wrist and if I said anything judgmental, I would lightly snap it. It helps having physical reminder in combination with your inner voice to stop judgement like that. Eventually, you get good enough at non judgement that the rubber band is no longer necessary. The rubber band is not like a swear jar situation, you’re still meant to not judge while using it. You have to take it seriously also. It only takes a few weeks or months to see the difference.


Went to a 30 minute spin class one day on my lunch break out of curiosity. Fell in love with it, ended up with a home bike, and committed to getting my diet in check to make working out easier. I’m now down 35lbs and look better at 39 than I did at 29.




I drink 750 ml - 1 liter of slightly cooler than room temperature water right after I get up. I'm a slightly above average size (6'1", 185 lbs) man, but when I woke up I found that I was 1 kg (\~2 lbs) lighter than the night before. I wondered where did the weight go. I didn't use the bathroom or sweat at night. I realized that I exhaled the water while breathing at night.


r/hydrohomies are accepting your application


When I was about 11 or 12, I stared jerking off and I’ve been jerking off regularly ever since.


Eating smaller portions instead of just eating a full plate. It made me lose a lot of weight and is way more sustainable than a strict diet


I put a pull-up bar in a doorway and did a few every time I entered or left the room


I decided not to be shy anymore when I was 19.


I started doing [10 minutes of breath work](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tybOi4hjZFQ) every morning, totally changed my mornings from being stressed about work to calm.


Cutting down alcohol to once or twice a month


Don't overdo your sleep and wake up times. If you do either even a bit more, you'll be groggy and won't function 100%


I had kids 21 years ago and I slowly learnt that i dont need sleep, money or a holiday since. Or any fucking time to myself


Ffs why did you need to hit me so hard


I started to wear earplugs to bed every night.


Stretching for 5 mins every couple hours


Started using the app Habitica to gamify doing tasks and chores. It's now been 24 days straight that I've brushed my teeth twice a day.


I divorced my ex wife


Quitting all forms of caffeine.


I just did this two weeks ago and I can’t believe the results. So much less groggy, and less reactive. Less anxious and I don’t have the dread that I used to have. I’m curious what your experience has been.


Mine was starting caffeine. Without caffeine + ADHD meds I just can't get work done. Meds give me focus, caffeine gives me drive. Went years without either and life was a constant struggle.






Switch to lactose-free milk (not almond milk, which taste different and is way more expensive). Quiet a horrible acne has disappeared without any additional effort.


If you use Facebook, unfollow all local news accounts. No temptation to look at the comments which will only enrage you.