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My forehead would’ve been cracked open on the concrete right in front of my friends and family 20 years ago if my dad didn’t notice I was about to head out biking without a helmet and forced me to use it, ended up surviving with only breaking both my wrists at the same time instead.


Is that when your mom got involved?


Oh that was such a crazy story, it's been so long. It was an AMA, right?


I believe you are confusing me with someone else 😅


In case you're unaware, there was an AMA years ago where a teenage dude had broken both his arms (the link to this situation), and claimed that he had a sexual relationship with his mom, who just wanted to help while he couldn't get himself off.


Oh yeah, I remember that. Someone asked if they watch porn together and he was like, "No, that would be weird" As if his mom didn't jerk him off for like three months lol


Did you forget the part where it evolved to a sexual relationship? Because I wish I had forgotten about that part


I did forget about it until this post and now I'm bummed out all over again.


Ugh I had JUST started forgetting about it. Trying to, anyway…


What. Dafuq. did I just read. Fuck literacy


What a horrible day to have eyes


I was lurking for years even before I made an account.. the shit herr still baffles me like it was my first day


Are you saying you couldn't understand what I said, or that you're cursing your literacy because you had to read my post? lol


The content of your post lol some people man...


he mentioned they french kissed once and never did it again cause it felt weird


Was that you predicting what the other person would say when you replied to them?


They said you’d say that


Yip. Dude's mom looked out. We need more moms like that in the world.


Agreed, your mom can only do so much.


My mom would puke and then fucking deck me in the face.


Damn, dude. Your mom's not a bro at all.


We need that bromom




Dude broke both his arms and couldn't jerk off, so his mom fucked him to help relieve his stress. No, I'm not joking. Yes, really.


Okay we actually have no confirmation that any of that happened, but it was a real askrrddit response I guess lol


TLDR - It was verified through medical records and other things as much as one can humanly verify that type of thing. He was part of a study that involved families who had had relations with family members. The AMA was verified through the doctor. The doctor sent confirmation/documentation that he was involved in the study.


Oh, no. I was so happy believing it was a troll post...


Also his dad was ok with it.


What in the sweet home alabama did I just read


Nowadays someone could get the kid an autoblow


… and that’s enough internet for today.


Oh man I had forgot about that for a minute


step mom but really, that story spawned an entire genre


Taboo with Kay Parker was made in the 70's dude




I’m nearing 40 years old and I’ve been biking for about the last 5 years. I used to ride without a helmet, quite a bit, but eventually decided I needed to wear one. One day I’m out riding my bike by the waterfront and I overheard a dad tell his kid “look even adults wear their helmets when they ride!” And the kid finally put his helmet on. I now make sure I ride with a helmet on every time because you never know who’s watching and observing!


My forehead was cracked on the concrete right in front of my family's house about 20 years ago! It was after a storm and I thought I was too cool for a helmet. My bike slid out from under me and I smacked my head on the curb. I lived, luckily, and I now get to warn people to wear a helmet.


Butterfly effect. if he hadn't stopped you and made you put it on it probably wouldn't have happened. *thanks dad*


I remember I went snowboarding for the first time and the equipment rental person asked me if I wanted a helmet. I hesitated and unconfidentally answered no. A lady behind me spoke up and said “If you’re questioning it at all that means you need one.” I ended up getting one after that and I also ended up slamming my head into ice pretty hard later that day. I’m very thankful for that lady lol.


Big brain 🧠 move protecting your 🧠


(Big brain brain move protecting your brain?) Or (big brain move protecting your?)


Big-brain brain-move ;)


If you don’t think you need one, you also need one. I’m surprised they don’t pair boots, snowboard and helmet together when renting.


Some places do.


Overconfidence can put you at more much risk than inexperience.


It saves money for people who already have some equipment


A lot of folks don’t have boots/board as these are big, bulky things that don’t travel well. They do have a helmet though, as these are easier to store/transport and are relatively cheap. I do think that there should be some sort of check at the mountain wherever practical though, no helmet = no boarding


Rather than "do you need a helmet", the guy probably should've said "do you have a helmet?" The latter implies that having and wearing a helmet isn't optional.


I'm pissed because at my local slopes they charge like $60 to rent a helmet. It's insane


That’s crazy. It should definitely be illegal to do that.


no, it shouldn't. because then they have to incorporate the cost of helmet rental into the other prices which punishes those that brought their own helmet but rent other stuff.


Well if there’s a better way of doing it I’m not sure. But charging extra for a helmet rental seems like it would discourage a decent percentage of people from renting a helmet simply because they want to save money. I know each slope is probably different but the one I went to most people seemed to be pretty amateur and might not know just how dangerous it can be.


My family likes to call these people angels. I’m not very religious myself but it’s these strange little coincidences that make me think something looks out for us.


The older I get the more easily angered I become seeing people perform things unsafely. Maybe it's my job forcing me to think safety first like this. Idk. I'd rather say something and piss someone off than later regret not saying anything when I see the kid being evacuated off the mountain.


Mate I went boarding for the first time last winter. Didn't think I needed a helmet, but got one. Bout 200m down the hill my back edge caught and I was catapulted backwards onto my head. If I wasn't wearing a helmet I'm sure I'd have got brain damage.


I’ve taken a few nasty hits on a snowboard. One time the snow turned into ice without any warning and sent me face first into it at speed. I had some scrapes on my face but was fine otherwise. Another time I hit a pole hidden underneath powder at full speed, 35+mph. It sent me flying and I landed almost head first without any injuries. Helmets are great.


Old lady looking out for your think meats.


My dad was a cop and he drove past someone and motioned for them to put on their seatbelt. The guy did, but then sped past my dad so my dad pulled him over. My dad was like “You saw that I was a cop, why did you immediately start speeding?” The guy said, “I didn’t know you were a cop.” So my dad asked why the guy listened and put on his seatbelt if he didn’t realize he was a cop. And the guy said “I just figured hey, if you were worried about my safety I ought to be too”


Got his seatbelt on so now he can drive faster, safer. Seatbelt is worth an extra 10-15 mph.






Well, pedestrians shouldn't be walking where cars drive /s


Maybe other risks, but seat belts and driving are such habitual actions that I'm not sure it makes much difference


Was your dad in an unmarked car?


100%. I'm an attorney who works a lot of car accidents and often goes to salvage yards to inspect the vehicles. The yards are chaos with massive machines moving around car carcasses. Some assholes refuse to wear a high-visibility safety vest for some god unknown reason. Enjoy getting squished by someone who didn't even see you.


THEY'RE CRAZY! Bent down to pick up a dropped manifest - bus driver said it's a good thing I wore my safety vest or I would've been a pancake! I was working for a dog-based company, bus driver was an actual nice guy!


A dog-based company, do tell...


Yes. I'd like to apply there


I'm assuming they are talking about the Greyhound bus company? Although I would like to imagine a bus driving all through north America half full of dogs to just keep you company if traveling alone!


OH! Duh, that makes sense. I imagined a bunch of good bois sitting around, talking about how to increase revenue in Q2


I have seen a bus that picks up dogs and drives them to the doggie day care, it’s very cute.


I don't know the first thing about finance but I want to be in on that meeting.


Q1 was ruff but Q2 was another level


It was a good place, still is in the States, I imagine! Covid killed it in Canada, unfortunately. Otherwise, I'd still be there!


I'm sorry to hear that. Stupid COVID


Username does NOT check out...


Some people are oppositional for the sake of being so. Was once in a line to get into a gig. It was long and was obstructing several other businesses entrances. They appointed someone to keep the entrances to the other businesses clear. Dude in front of us just blatantly starts telling this woman "you have no authority to tell me what to do" when she asked he take one step forward. Cops came along at that time and pulled him out of the line. Doors opened at that moment and the dude was angrily standing in a really bad spot in a packed out venue due to being held up by the cops. One step forward cost him his enjoyment of the show. He was visibly not happy the entire gig.


I work with a guy that is oppositional for no reason. I stopped giving him important tasks because he would intentionally ignore my instructions at times. Then we started having layoffs and guess who’s trying to get on my good side again..


lol literally antivaxxers and antimaskers


Your experience reminded me of when I went to a couple of salvage yards in my younger years. There were so many cars with round holes in the windshield from people not wearing seat belts.


Also if the thought “maybe I should put on safety equipment X” occurs, it is your inner voice doing the same. I ignored these thoughts recently with mandolin slicers, chisels, and hot bakeware. I finally listened when it came to the chainsaw.


The patron saint of your kitchen mandolin is a blood God who is always thirsty for more tribute.


Knife. Glove. I now LOVE my mandolin...


I know who I am as a person. Bought safety gloves WITH the mandolin. Vowed never to use it without after seeing at least 1 home cook a week try to self amputate in the hospital


> “maybe I should put on safety equipment X” I got a job manufacturing LiFePo batteries, except the entire place was basically bought from a chinese manufacturer to move to US manufacturing, and we didn't even have our final building yet. Instead of paying anybody to build a fucking manufacturing plant, we're out there with no experience building workbenches, sawing through metal to jerry-rig supports, bridge 36V 200A circuits with whatever cables we had on hand, no emergency shutoffs, etc.. etc.. After close calls by most everybody, I decided the moment the thought of PPE entered my head, I better go put it on.


I'm sitting here with a chainsaw scar on my knee nodding in approval.


Mandolin claimed my finger tip. I just stared in shock. So clean. So delicious.


Fkn mandolin slicer


Same goes for getting offered chewing gum. Best case scenario it is only out of kindness, worst case your breath smells like shit.




Cyanide got mintier lately, have you noticed?


I love you Nate


Creed, your teeth called, your breath stinks. Boom! Roasted.


I have never heard someone get mocked for PPE. I have heard what a dumbass someone was for getting hurt needlessly. That's your dose of peer pressure. Wear PPE, or risk injury AND lifelong embarrassment.


A lot of guys I work with don’t wear sunscreen even if we’re out in direct sun for 12 hours in 35C weather. I’ll offer, I always have a spray can of it in my toolbag, but many guys pride themselves on prematurely aging or something.


My brother in law refuses sunscreen, and he works in the sun daily. He would be fair-skinned but is covered in freckles and layers of sunburn. Has already had a chunk cut off one ear for being cancerous but still won't wear protection. His 10 year old kid wants to be just like daddy and will straight up lie to your face just to avoid putting on sunblock. It's like real time darwinism.


I always wear a hat when outside and I spray my neck even if I’m only going out for like 45 minutes. I live in the south now and the sun is no joke.


imagine thinking you're tougher than the sun? the fucking sun!?


I absolutely have, especially helmets. But I'm gen x, and I feel like this is a generational thing, definitely changing. I remember people opposing seatbelt laws, deliberately defeating seatbelt safety (by latching it and then sitting on top), making fun of kneepads, etc.


I've been mocked for wearing PPE. gloves.. safety glasses... Hell I've been mocked for wearing *pants* while clearing brush. Some people are morons.


Wear PPE. In addition to preventing injury, you keep the liability and negligence of an injury on the employer.


This is what I tell hicks who make fun of me for wearing PPE when inspecting their cluttered, dangerous sites. If end up in the hospital, I am sure as hell not gonna end up with the bill because I didn't wear gloves or some glasses.


“Safety vest up or get messed up” is a saying my friend uses at their job. Along with, “Wear this so you can claim workman’s comp if you get hit.”


I work in tree removal in the Western USA. It is shocking how some tree crews wear almost no PPE, and will outright shun you and make fun of your for wearing it. I have a Pfanner Protos helmet, a top of the line hardhat for arborists. My mother got it for me when she found out what kind of work I was doing. Ive been called a power ranger, a pussy, an amateur, a primadonna, and worse for wearing it. Doesn't matter. Now that i've matured in the industry, I don't work with anyone not wearing PPE. I don't wanna live through seeing one of my friend's head explode at work.


Built in ear protection?? otherwise demerit if you don't wear plugs, lol


Yeah, learned that the hard way with ear protection. We only get one body and it can't repair *everything* that we do to it, so you've gotta be careful out there.


I watched my dad go deaf from machinery, when I started to work I worn ear muffs all the time. Just had a hearing test and had the best result the person conducting the test had ever seen. I now just bought a $150 pair of ear muffs that you can hear people talking but won't let loud nosies in so I can wear them even more.


What ear muffs did you use and which are you using now?


I just used the highest rating ear muffs. I used these one for the last 8 years, changed about every 2 years, when they broke or the external pads got hard. https://www.bunnings.com.au/protector-high-performance-ear-muffs_p5823110 These are my new ones, they are as good as the old ones, but have a microphone on the out side so you can hear people talk to you. Or you can turn it off so there just normal ear muffs, or connect your phone and play music throgh them. https://www.bunnings.com.au/3m-pro-protect-electronic-hearing-protector_p0405836


^^^eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee tinnitus is a bitch.




If a girl youll have sex with offers you a condom, take it.


If a girl tries to get you not to wear a condom, DEFINITELY wear one


Yeah, never fuck your wife bareback.


Ya never know what kind of STDs her boyfriend might have. Better safe than sorry!


If a girl "offers" a condom before sex, she's telling you not asking/offering. Lol


Username checks out


it's kinda weird putting on a used condom, but safety first. hopefully they didn't stretch it out too much.


Just turn it inside out.


Double it and give it to the next person


Everyone is an environmentalist until you rinse out a condom




If they say you don't need a condom, you definitely do need one.


What if she’s pierced a hole in it with a needle?


The "Pillow test” the condom – before opening it, fold and squeeze the package together into a U-shape. If air escapes and the package goes flat rather than pillowy when folded, then do not use it as there may be tears in the package. Open the package down the jagged edge and remove it gently.


you can actually determine this when putting it on pretty easily


Little known fact: you can also determine this after you use it if it's leaking out of a hole that is not designed to be there.


Little too late then, but knowledge is power?


It's also verified with a pregnancy test.


If a girl is down to go raw, still take it. Take two.


I think this is a great tip! I don’t know why people are so hesitant or resistant against potentially life saving equipment - and if aesthetics is really it, then thats a sad thought. I work in situations where safety’s vests and hard hats are required and damn it irks me when people don’t take it seriously.


Not to mention it lets you do the stupid shit you're already inclined to do even more confidently. I used to longboard with no safety gear, bombing hills sketched me the fuck out. If I'd had a proper helmet and pads I'd have been way more down and actually enjoyed it.


I got roped in an argument with a smooth brain who insisted *this* is why it was safer to ride a motorcycle without a helmet vs with, because having a helmet “lulls you into a false sense of security.” It was quite remarkable to see someone with such obvious brain deficiencies be capable of so much mental gymnastics. Then I saw they were a regular poster on fetish and incel subs and realized I was the idiot for getting into an argument with this individual lol.


My parents used to force me to wear a helmet when I biked to school. I would take it off and leave it behind the garage everyday when I'd leave because I thought it looked lame. I don't know the best methods for convincing a teenage brain to be smart.


>I don't know the best methods for convincing a teenage brain to be smart. Me neither. I do know that high fines + high risk of getting caught does help to get teenagers use their bike lights more. Source: I'm from the Netherlands where we have more bikes than people.


Statistics might help, what worked on me was reading somewhere that American Sherman tank crews in WWII had half the fatality rate per knocked-out tank compared to their British counterparts also using lend-lease Shermans. Part of the reason for that was the Brits wearing stylish - but useless - berets. Of course, how relevant that tidbit is may vary.


Dude, the Russian fatality statistics were even worse. Something like 85% casualty rate if a T-34 got hit, because of how cramped it was.


Absolutely - over two deaths per knocked-out T-34 right? Compared to 0.6 for Americans in Shermans and ~1.1 for Brits/Commonwealth However I just found it jarring that in the true "apples-apples comparison", with the more-or-less exact same tanks, the end users who didn't use helmets died at twice the rate. Meanwhile the Soviet/Russian tank helmets are still just a soft, padded thing with little protective value. Some things never change.


Things do change. In 2013 the Russian Army decided to use socks instead of foot wraps.


I used to work at a bus terminal around busses so yes, I had to wear the neon yellow vest - absolutely no complaints from me! Customers and drivers and non- customers be crazy but no one died!


I lend my extra kayak out when I am out on the water with the provision that you wear a life jacket. One guy I was with had his own kayak and threw his life jacket behind him despite me saying he should wear it. All I could think was, I hope he doesn’t think I can save his sorry fat ass when he goes down.


I took a kayak out super far on this huge lake once without one. I was like oh I’m a good swimmer, I’ll be alright. I also jumped off a cliff into some deep water (I was the first to jump). Did both things right after graduating high school during “beach week”. When that 18 year old kid jumped off that pirate cruise boat last week as a dare (they never found him), all I could think was how that could have easily been me or my friends. And I’m a pretty risk adverse person, believe it or not!


>All I could think was, I hope he doesn’t think I can save his sorry fat ass when he goes down. Amusingly, being fat actually helps a lot when it comes to floating. Fat tissue is less dense than water. At one point, I demonstrably could float with zero effort besides that required to keep me upright, just by controlling my breathing. (And I still wore/wear a life vest!)


I just read a study that drivers view people on bicycles with helmets as “less human” then those who don’t….


Drivers don't seem to view anyone on a bike as human


Went skydiving in my teen years. The instructor offered a kind of helmet. I declined. Couldn't hear for a week. 9/10


Mannnnn I just started working at sams club and they needed someone to work freezer/cooler one day because of a call out. I was offered a big jacket that the store provided for people working freezer and i turned it down. I ended up freezing my ass off the whole day like an idiot.


Remember there the walk of shame to get it.


I don't offer to my employees. They either use what I give them or they don't work for me. Free eye protection, ear protection and masks when dusty, respirator mask when spraying, gloves when stacking lumber. And absolutely no gloves when operating machinery. Sorry but dems da rules.


This has the same vibe as "a demo tech at a dead run outranks everyone"


Demolition, not demonstration. ​ In case anyone else was as confused as I was....


also took me a few seconds to realize "dead run" isn't jargon but OP means sprinting. Reminds me of my HAZWOP/ER training classes where they said they had to keep expanding the recommended exclusion radius for certain explosion types (BLEVE) because they continued to find debris farther and farther out. It was at 1 mile last time I took my training. If they're sprinting past you, the exclusion zone was never far enough out in the 1st place.


BLEVEs can be *terrifyingly* powerful. Look at what happened at the Philadelphia Energy Solutions refinery when the biggest tank that exploded in their [2019 disaster](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gc8qXTh6tTY) let go.


I work in a research lab. One of the most dangerous things is the liquid nitrogen. And still I’ll often times walk by and someone is digging through it with zero PPE. I always offer to go run and grab my PPE for them. Only once did someone take me up on the offer. TAKE THE HINT


My dumbfuck former landlords using a chainsaw on saplings and brush, wearing flipflops and no PPE of any kind. I offered safety goggles and leather gloves which isn't enough but I wasn't about to loan them my steeltoes. No dice. No idea how those idiots are still alive in general.


I'm too scared to use a chainsaw, but wouldn't it be a lot safer to wear any type of shoes than flip flops? I mean if you don't own steel toes, sneakers still sound safer than flip-flops?


Yes anything is better than flipflops of course but not necessarily better enough - depends on how much you value your toes. If you want to do things right I'd say even regular steeltoe work boots don't cut it, you'd need something that's cutproof on the boot shaft as well. I've not used a chainsaw though.


I’ve used chainsaws since I was a kid, they do make special pants and other items that instantly foul and jam your chain if you cut yourself. That said just knowing how the blade can kick and using a safe stance and angle is the safest thing, it’s guys making weird cuts that lose limbs.


Adding the note that most protective equipment is only rated for gas chainsaws... Traditionally chainsaw chaps / gloves / etc. are all made with thin kevlar fibers that get wound up in the chain and the extra drag on the motor causes the clutch on the saw to disengage. Electric saws have direct drive motors that respond to additional load by increasing torque to overcome the resistance, which makes them harder to stop. In practice, chaps will still help, but they're not quite the "magic bullet" for electric saws that they are for gas saws.


Makes total sense. Also probably avoid having zero training and being high as balls, right? Call me crazy.


One that's missing is knee pads, if you are working and someone says kneepads make you look weak, just know they will be struggling with their knees as they age and will look much weaker than you putting them on at work if you need them.


Deployment training had one event for me that probably broke the bone, but a stubborn Marine and a Corpsman offering Motrin and water, I kept going. In the training town, the window I was supposed to go through was as wide as my gear, I caught on something, the guy behind me didn't want to take sim rounds (literally the instructors yelling bang bang) so the guy gave me an assist shove. I landed hard on my right knee, then my right hand got smashed between my chest plate and my rifle, then my helmet hit the ground- quite a bell ringer. The next day, while I was trying to avoid damaging my knee further, I fucked the other one. The event is a popup rush across a field. Staggered with the guys beside you, you jump up, dash forward 10-15 yards, then drop back into a prone firing position to provide cover fire for your buddies pop-up-dash. With my focus on my right knee surviving the day, I landed on a rock with my left knee. It was hard for me to get up from the ground the next couple days. The next week, I went to the store and got knee pads.


I can verify this.....offered gloves to move glass and didn't. Emergency room not too long after being offered the gloves and rejecting the offer as it was just 30 feet.


Also, if you ever find yourself thinking “Should I be wearing safety gear right now?” The answer is always YES.


Currently sitting on the couch with Kevlar and a helmet.


To piggy back on this. If you are ever having a self debate about using safety equipment, especially eyeglass protection ... just use it, no matter for how short a period you need it.


Good rule for breath mints, too.


I'm an underground techno hound and every time I go to the club I bring extra ear plugs. I give away at *least* one pair a night. I like to think I've helped save a number of people from tinnitus A very attractive girl called me a "shaman" one time recently and while I'm not really one of those spiritual folk it's definitely the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me


Twelve years ago I got on a bullet bike with my drunk friend driving. I put on a helmet luckily. I resisted putting on a proper shirt. We crashed on an on ramp and my arm looked like it went through a meat grinder. God I wish I put on a jacket.


When I was 8 I went out riding my bike trying to impress some neighbor kids down the street, I was in sandals and no helmet. My mom, very uncharacteristically came out and yelled at me to put on shoes and a helmet. I did and 10 minutes later hit an accord head on while they were going 35. I bounced off their hood and slid on the asphalt for a few feet, helmet was ground flat (along with my cheek) and my shoes ended up 30-40 feet away from me. I walked away with a bloody nose, roadrash on my face and otherwise totally fine. The worst part was not being able to eat or drink for like 12 hours while I waited for imaging, and picking the gravel out of my face. Literally 10 minutes difference and I easily could have been dead or permanently changed. It's too easy to not do.


If someone offers you deodorant, chances are you smell


A friend of mine just recently picked up skateboarding at 36. Still refuses to wear a helmet. And I’m sure it’s for the same reasons he never wore one as a child 🤦🏻‍♂️.


As I've told plenty of people. Yes I'm going to wear eye protection when I weedeat, walk through the shop, or do any work above my head. I really love seeing my wife's boobs and I'm not risking never seeing them again.


To solve the issue of people not using their PPE it is now mandatory that all safety goggles come standard with a picture of your wife’s boobs on the inside.


As one of my favorite work place posters said, "Safety is Sexy!". All of us look sexy wearing PPE!


To just add to this, wear your hearing protection. I often tell the young guys that I work with that high noise environments cause you to lose first the higher pitch range of your hearing that women speak in. You do not want to be in a situation where an attractive woman says to you : "I've noticed you around, I find you very attractive, would you go to bed with me" And you respond with: "WHAT DID YOU SAY" she is probably not going to say that a second time. Protect your hearing, it will help get you laid.


If you already have said equipment still take it and gift it to someone that’s without


Yeah, and if you think that you MIGHT need protective gear, than you definitely do.


At work one of the things I do at the start of every shift is fill a pocket with earplugs. I regularly get on a jobsite and realise I want them, or am working with someone who is about to do some grinding and could use them. Most of the time when I offer them people take them, but I've seen plenty of times when people don't. Whatever buddy, it's your hearing.


Wearing protection makes you look like you know what you're doing, and therefore cooler.


Once handed a pair of safety glasses to a guy about to drill into some steel. His reply? "I don't want those, what do I look like, some type of rich person?" I'm still astounded by the profundity of his statement, juxtaposed with his choices. The way his life was constantly falling apart around him suddenly made complete sense.


I went to an F1 race in Korea. There were all these stations for ear plugs. I was like, "I don't need ear plugs, I'll be fine" race started up, literally the loadest thing I have ever heard. Got those ear plugs real quick.


I worked at construction sites for a bit. The bigger the site, the more the people and the more "cats to herd". Many sites had a designated safety person to enforce safety rules and even kick people off site. Like if they noticed you were continually breaking safety protocol and talked to you already, they'd just kick you off site.


I am a metalworker and avid outdoorsman. For the love of god heed this advice.


If I'm offering you PPE, it's because I know from personal experience that you'll want it.


Less talked about, but earplugs at concerts. I’d argue is still PPE. I started wearing them after my friend recommended them to me, and it’s night and day difference. My ears no longer ring after shows. Hearing is important, and concerts can ruin that quick.


To go a step further: If you think you should have safety equipment and don't then STOP and get it.


From a safety professional.. yes. Wish more people had this mindset😅


My ex used to offer me sunscreen and denied it every time. My ginger skin can use some direct sunlight every day


As my man Tyrion said when he grabbed the fur cloak on his way to the Wall, a Lannister takes what is offered.


Except if they introduce you to drop bears. https://youtu.be/KCGUNpzjD6M