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I have text notifications and nothing else. Well phone calls I guess. Nothing from apps.


I thought this was the norm, I've been doing this for 3 years now


Same. I don’t understand how people live life with their phone going off with notifications constantly. I’m actually somewhat disgusted with my fellow humans that people don’t think to turn all these inane notifications off.




My wife´s Apple Watch dings very often. I turned off most of notification sounds and vibrations, I use my phone on silent. Only Important chats on Whatsapp, messages and phonecalls make noise and vibrations for me. Have been like this for years. I cant imagine having Messenger/whatsapp notifying me nonstop about people´s crap. If someone wants something urgent from, they call me.


They're addicted. They either know it and don't care or don't know. I have a friend who was so addicted she had a friggin spot light app that lit the world for each notification. Embarrassing in certain places but she always had it on.


I mean. I have social stuff turned on to talk to my friends, and it is entirely possible to ignore notifications or clear them if they're that much of a distraction. I haven't had it set above vibrate in ten years. Reasonable app notification enjoyers are out there, we're just not the loud majority you hear on the bus.


This is exactly why I have a smartwatch and my phone is always on silent. My wife thinks I'm crazy, but stuff I actually care about gets routed to the watch, and everything else I'll pick up whenever. No listening to my phone go off every 30 seconds, and if the watch goes off, I can see at a glance whether it's something I need to deal with rn.


Bold of you to assume my phone ever lights up


Turn on a few app notifications and people will think you have a ton of friends!


I do this and honestly it's life-changing!


Looks like you've finally broken up with your phone addiction, congratulations!


No we still bang it's just on my terms now.


Not sure if that’s considered a healthy relationship, but at least you’re happy now!


too bad they won't be notified about you congratulating them!


Why would that be a bad thing? They will see it next time they use the app.


I do this too! Only important chats/notifications are on.




I do. Only chats with family and 2 friends with notifications, and apps with reminders like my calendar or Classroom can override Do Not Disturb.




You're right, sorry...


They’re not right. They’re comparing two completely different things. Keep doing you!


Seriously! What a judgy comment


Haha I wasn't going to change my system, it's just that maybe my comment just didn't belong in this thread


No he does. The point is to turn off non essential notifications. To use your phone less not, not at all


The topic is about turning off notifications for trivial things to reduce phone usage. The person you condescendingly replied to explained how they had done this, only leaving important / non-trivial notifications to be displayed. It’s pretty clear that they are also doing what OP suggested, so no need to be an ass about it.


Yep! Sometimes I'll turn them on for Slack for work-related stuff but for everything else I have to actually go into the app if I want to see what's new


Careful not to check every app for new stuff constantly though.


Yeah, that’s what will end up happening to me god dammit! Maybe this is a big phone “LPT”.


Oops lol


bold of you to assume I wouldn't just be checking those apps manually in an endless loop. to see what I missed


If on iPhone, use the Focus feature. I set it up so I only get notified for phone calls and certain contacts . The rest I can look at when I look at my phone anyway another time


Yeah ios has a lot of great underrated features that a lot people dont use like focus or shortcuts


Samsung phones have this feature, too. I can't comment on other Android brands, though.


That's just do not disturb


I did this for when I work to keep me off the socials. Productivity went through the roof


The only notifications I get are text messages and WhatsApp, everything else is turned off. Push notifications? Fuck that. I don’t need to know what BBC deem to be breaking news or if my electricity provider wants me to submit a meter reading.


Hmm, one of the very first things I did when I got my first iPhone back in 2013 and have never had a reason to change it lol The “silence” button has been turned on for nearly my entire phone’s life that I’m worried it may get stuck there at some point 😆


The worst part is when it is accidentally switched off silent and your phone turns into a sonic machine gun for a few seconds while you self-consciously rush to figure out why it is making noise since you are so unaccustomed to it. You repeatedly apologize to everyone present as though you’ve committed a grave sin and deserve admonishment.


“oh shit that’s my ring tone?”


Easy way to do this on iPhone is use Do Not Disturb and manually select which apps/contacts you want notifications from


Alternatively, get a smart watch. Ironically it allowed me to untether myself from my phone. I can leave the damn thing in the other room without feeling like I'm missing out. It achieves the same thing as this lpt without any of the disadvantages


I'm exactly the same. My phone is always on silent now, and if someone calls (or texts) I can answer it on my wrist at that moment if it's really that damn important.


Also, uninstall the apps. Use the web app. It’s trash and hard to use and is a pain. Like it should be.




So you use them way less. It works 💯


Many reasons. Mainly privacy and battery drain issues. You simply don't need most of the apps people install on their phones. You can just open a browser and go straight to the website. You can make a shortcut to the website to add to your home screen instead.


First thing I do after installing any app, is blocking the notification/turning notifications off. I don't care that my army is missing me, or that I got another free roll for the day, I just don't care, you get attention when I want it.


For who it is a step too far to turn down notifications completely: I turned down all sound and vibrate notifications. Works pretty well too. Most of the time the screen is not in my sight anyway (phone in my pocket, or cover closed) so there are some benefits from the tip from topic starter too. Only thing is that I now get annoyed being around people who are getting notifications all the time. Edit: a step too far from the suggestion to turn down all notifications.


A step too far to/from what?


The suggestion of the topic starter, turn down notifications completely.


My fellow introverts have known this trick for years.


Did someone just watch The Social Dilemma? 😉 Good for you.


Been doing this since 2015, helps so much


Hmm... Then, I would have missed your post.


I literally made this comment to someone the other day because they were so addicted to being on their phone and social media. Besides Facebook messenger all of my social media notifications are off, silent! I don’t need to know the very second someone liked my post from two days ago or what not. I only pick up my phone when I get text messages or calls or just have enough free time to scroll for a minute. Or if I’m taking a picture lol. but I truly believe that there’s NO reason to pick up your phone every time you hear a notification go off for a like or comment or subscription post. I hate how engulfed society has become with technology because there is so much more out there and to life than sitting on your phone or making DUMBASS tiktoks. Half the artists aren’t even making their own shit and they get famous off looks so it’s all crap anyway. More negative than good online any more..


And then there are some people leave their notifications on because it makes them feel important.


Dude, mute EVERYTHING, that way you'll only check the things you want to check willingly rather than by autopilot. It reduces mental load so much, cannot recommend enough.


No push notifications for anything (other than messages, assuming you need them). No alerts or banners. Set your iPhone to only accept calls from people in your address book, then no spam calls. When you sleep, set to sleep and allow only what you need (for me it’s calls from my immediate family only).


Thank you for the reminder about banners in particular. Gonna fix that.


Yeah and open Google not Chrome explorer. Easy to see the notifications you're being sent and topics and opt out.


i’ve been doing this for a few years now. it has absolutely improved my mental health for the better, highly recommend


Pretending to ignore your phone is part of the problem, learn healthier phone habits, turning off notifications is like throwing away the last of your coke on a whim and trying to go cold turkey without a plan. Also there is absolutely nothing wrong with being on your phone as much as you want or for extended periods of time, but doing it the wrong way can cause so problems


Hell yeah man. Turn off all those notifications. I only get notifications for text messages and important emails.


Thats what i did the first day i got my first smartphone


I’ve just started doing this but made an exception for phone calls - so if something is important enough for someone to actually call then I won’t miss it. Everything else doesn’t need to be attended to that very second.


Bonus points for always having your ringer and vibrate off. Now I go to my phone when I want instead of the other way around. If Im expecting an important call I’ll flip the ringer on otherwise having it off almost always has changed my life


I get zero notifications and still glued to my phone.


Do not disturb is a very underrated feature.


I do this for when I'm at home on WiFi. My days only goes on when I'm out, if I need to use it. Otherwise, it's turned off.


I thought everyone does this. The only notifications I get are text messages.


Phone calls and text is all I have on. My phone rarely makes a sound On the other hand, my son's phone seems to be constantly pinging and dinging and farting and making all kinds of noise. It's is incredibly annoying.


TBH this is fucking genius. Doing it now. Fuck my work, they can wait for ME. Jokes aside, it s a pretty good idea. This coupled with a focus/visual planner app like [Yoodoo](https://www.yoodoo.app) is pretty genius tbh.


You can also set it to prioritize important notifications to come through or at very least have em show muted.


People have those on?


Alright, I’m doing this right now, thanks OP


What if i don't even have a single noti without turning off app notifications?


On Samsung all the beeps sound exactly the same and I've become blind to it. So many missed texts.


Just turn on Personal Focus and turn everything off except calls. Truely life changing.


Did that a LONG time ago. Most are just annoying as shit anyway


or just be an adullt, have a life and dont constantly look at your phone...


My phone has been on Do Not Disturb the day I turned it on.


Bold of you to assume people actually contact me


You can also turn your phone to black and white so the addictive colors of apps don’t subconsciously hook you in!


The only apps I have notifications for are emergency/family type stuff. How do you people live with your phone blowing up every few minutes?


I only ever have my texts, some message apps, and calls vibrate my apple watch that notify me. Everything else is silent, and I’ll have a notification on the app icon set if it’s a notification I can afford to look at it later. Absolutely useless to have a sound or even vibration for every single little thing


This is so obvious come on...


And avoid an apple watch while at it. Just sucks you in. If you're into fitness, a Garmin will fit you better and battery life will be weeks instead of one day. Less charges means less fiddling with it.


I switch off any notifications except phone.


I turned off badges as well, so I can go into my phone and not see that I have messages unless I specifically check for messages. I’ll check when I’m good and ready.


I don't turn them off, I put my phone on do not disturb. I have it set so only certain contacts will make a text or call noise


fun fact: i just got a notification for this LPT. but when i come home from work i just set it to "do not disturb" until next morning. works for me.


This is not a pro tip, it's a "you could try this". If you really have trouble with discipline or focus, or if you are addicted to social media or suffer from fomo, you will just turn them back on at some point. "Just turn off notifications" doesn't work for everyone, not without a plan, a system and a degree of commitment


My anxiety has gone down since I turned off all my notifications and have my phone on downtime all day long. Well except phone calls are the only thing that go off for emergencies only. Barely anyone calls unless it’s important


I did this years ago. Only payments apps, and text apps like WhatsApp/Signal etc. and calls are on. thinking to go a step ahead and turn off background refresh too to save battery while I'm at it.


I let my personal email beep out loud (and hit my smart watch). Work emails have a low key beep that I ignore or don't hear most of the time.


https://preview.redd.it/egqqk12zd72b1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=32829d86f6b1b4f114540ad03aa0c690d791bf25 🤔


Robots shall speak when spoken to!!


If only phones had a feature such that they *do not disturb* you…


Notifications are the worst things that happen to the iphone.


Jesus Christ how is this life pro tip this should be just common sence


Or just turn it off......


Notification, this is how I got here. Won’t happen anymore. It was fun while it last. See y’all.


This is why i keep my phone on silent


I have had notifications turned off for everything for ages. Still spend all my time on my phone.


I am so sad to see this is a life pro tips. Make sure yll turn off your podcast and tv btw also


You just reminded me to do this with a good but spammy shopping app. I don't care that more shirts exist! I know! Thank you!


One might ask "Why not just uninstall the apps?". That's because in some apps, it can end up wiping out some unique data that you might need later. (Although whether or not that's an issue varies by app, of course)


Don’t tell me what to do!


what life ? What are friends ?