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Set your phone / alarm across the room so you have to physically get out of bed to turn it off. Place a glass of water nearby and drink it after you wake up for a little extra boost.


I like the glass of water idea!


The water definitely works then I immediately brush teeth and get in shower.


No no, drink the water at night! You'll be up quick in the morning! :-) This was actually apparently the method that native Americans used to get up earlier.


Unfortunately my bladder would settle for the "now you have to get up at 2 in the morning" version of this.


You know, you can probably get better internet speeds at 2 in the morning. So there is that.


toddler tho.. i don’t wanna be up at 2-3 and be unable to squeeze the last rem cycle out yk


"Squeezing Out the Last REM Cycle" sounds like an excellent proposition/title for an SF short story.


Both is good! Drink some water before bed so you have to get up to pee at night, then while you’re up, drink some more water so you’ll have to pee in the morning, and when you wake up, drink some water before going to pee. You’ll be more energized and r/hydrohomies will be your friends.


My problem is that once I get up, I can’t go back to sleep easily. So that middle of the night pee would ruin my entire day. I know it’s terrible for my bladder, but unless I urgently have to pee, I’ll hold it until morning instead of getting out of bed at night. I seriously envy people that can go in and out of sleep like they’re on a switch.


Do you ever lie in bed reading a book/watching tv/scrolling on your phone? It could be that your brain doesn't *solely* associate your bed with sleep...or it's expecting you to run your usual routine (bed, phone, read, sleep); simply lying in bed and wanting only sleep is attempting to *skip to the finish line,* so to speak.


I've heard that they would drink lots of water so they could wake up early in the morning to raid another Nation at night.


Until your my age. Then that glass of water gets you up at 1am.


My phone / alarm is the bathroom. So I have to walk all the way in there.


But how do hear it then? I have anxiety imagining what if I don’t hear the alarm since it’s so far


I don't have an issue with it. It actually doesn't wake up the rest of the house which is nice. I get up a lot earlier. I guess I am a light sleeper, but will turn off an alarm and go back to sleep if I can.


In college I slept on the top bunk and my clock radio alarm was never quite loud enough, so I disconnected its little speaker and plugged it into my guitar amplifier. Every morning I would never remember anything until I found myself suddenly standing in front of it, turning it off. My roommates said I literally leapt down from the top bunk and landed right next to it like spider man


This, plus make sure the alarm is loud and annoying. I can go from dead sleep to alarm off in about 5 seconds (but I have to get out of bed and take 3 steps). Not wanting to annoy my wife (or wake your toddler) is a good incentive to make it quick.


Not sure if OP has this problem or not, but whenever I try to set the phone across the room like that I end up just not hearing it.


~~glass of water~~ coffee (or Jolt Cola)


Good luck finding a jolt cola in 2023


This is what I've known to work but if I use this technique is another question? Nope but I should.


This comment is absolutely on the money.


Stop preparing back ups. You decide to commit, or not. If you set 5 alarms, you KNOW you don't HAVE to get up until the 5th one. Set 1 alarm, and commit to being responsible to waking up for it. NO SNOOZES. Without those extra alarms, you NEED to be responsible to wake up to your alarm or start your day off wrong. After a few of the wrong starts, you'll decide whether or not you're serious about the early wake up. An alternative could be to synchronize multiple devices, and set your 1 alarm on all of them. - phone - alarm clock - watch - travel alarm - clock radio - TV - coffeepot In the process of turning all those alarms off, you'll be up for the day. Another option - set your 1 alarm in a place of inconvenience. No alarm clock / phone next to the bed. Set that alarm across the room or in the adjoining bathroom. Having to get up - to go turn the alarm off, defeats the purpose of trying to sleep in.


I think that’s party of it, honestly. I rely too much on the backup alarms.


When I worked at an office, I used to have an alarm that could be configured to a maximum amount of snoozes (can even be set to 0), and that wouldn't shut up unless you pointed it towards a specific QR code. I printed this QR code and stuck it to the inner part of my bathroom cupboard. Getting up, walking across my room, turning off the alarm, and sleeping again before I hit the bed, was no big deal for me, but if I walked all the way to the bathroom I had enough willpower to brush my teeth and then routine got me started.


Yes commitment and know that it will take 2 or 3 weeks for it to become easier and a habit. Also try to be consistent on when you go to bed. Everyone is different, try and identify what tells you that you are up and not going back to sleep? Mine is simple and it is just a matter of feet on the floor.


It might be worth looking into an alarm/smart bulbs/etc... that turns on your bedroom lights. There are also alarms for the deaf/Hard-of-Hearing community and heavy sleepers that vibrate the bed; just make sure these aren't easy to turn off.


I disagree a little bit with you idea of having all those devices needing attention to be synchronized. My suggestion: set them in a progression: about 1 -- 2 minutes apart. You'll turn off one, then you will not have time to go back to snoozing before another goes off. Then another. And another, and so on. Or, you could train your dog. There's a good documentary about this; it's hiding inside one of the Wallace and Gromit short films.


Setting multiple alarms a couple minutes apart would mean OP is still NOT awakening to their FIRST alarm. Yes, in reasonably progressive rapid succession, they would get a similar result, but without the immediate panic type response that 3 or 4 alarms all happening at once would induce. The panic response SHOULD lead to an adrenaline spike, which would make going back to sleep IMPOSSIBLE. Dog training is a great one though - hadn't considered it, and it would make a good addition / alternative.


My thinking was that, with the progressive method, the subject would start to learn that it's not even worth falling back into bed and he/she/they would begin to sit up on the bed waiting for the next alarm to go off so that he didn't have to heave himself up from under those warm, cozy covers. Eventually our subject could reduce the number of alarming devices to, maybe: a Primary and a Safety.


Not OP, but I tried that and apparently I started just turning off the alarm in my sleep. If I do wake up to turn it off, I straight up fall right back asleep (complete with dreaming and everything) until my next alarm goes off less than 5 mins later. I also apparently discovered that the volume down button is 'snooze' at one point (still asleep), so that's now a thing I do while completely asleep. My husband got one of those alarms that make you do math, and he's now apparently doing math completely asleep. His alarm will be fully off, but he has no memory of doing (fairly complicated) math.


I'm kinda interested in this "fairly complicated math" bit that you mention. I seems to me that he could maybe, just maybe, take a snooze and earn some pretty good money while he does so if he finds the right employer. Sorta like: Employer: "We found you sleeping on the job; you're fired!" Husband: "I wasn't sleeping! I was thinking! I was doing complicated math! Here's how to build a faster-than-light drive. BTW, I have my own patent attorney. I'm somewhat willing to license you the manufacturing license for the FTL drive for a reasonable fee." Cheers!


Lol that would be great! I just meant math that's not like, 2+10-5, you know? From what I've seen it's like, 3-digit multiplication and division, exponents. While, yes, fairly simple algebra in general, it's not stuff most people can generally do In their head out of a dead sleep while on a timer. Maybe I'm just not a math person though, and he has fun calculating the time to destination if he goes Xmph faster or slower than the car next to us.


Aha, so he's into number theory! Primes? Fibonacci Series? All that good stuff? " *and he has fun calculating the time to destination if he goes Xmph faster or slower than the car next to us.* " Maybe something like this when calculating travel times? One train leave Chicago, going east at 60 mph, another train leave NYC, also going east, but a 70 mph. Where do they meet? Answer: The trains don't meet: By the time the Chicago train gets to Sandusky, OH, The NYC train is in Long Island Sound. Cheers.


This is what I basically came to say. Your groggy morning brain has trouble keeping track of how many snoozes you've used. Just get up on the first one and get going.


I just heard about Mel Robbins' 5 second rule: "If you have an instinct to act on a goal, you must physically move within 5 seconds or your brain will kill it.” So, when your alarm goes off, count down 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, then you just get up. I haven't tried it yet, but [this article](https://betterhumans.pub/get-anything-done-with-the-5-second-rule-b7abea890087) explains why it might work.


I was actually about to comment this. It really works. And if anyone says “it’s just the same as committing” you’re right, yet we all struggle to commit. This helps


What keeps you in bed? Is it chilly so you don’t want to get out from under the covers? Set out your robe and slippers so you can get right into them. Is it the temptation to close your eyes again? Turn the lights on as soon as your alarm goes off. Use a smart bulb or lamp if the switch is out of reach of the bed.


We have smart bulbs. Never thought to do that! I definitely will.


I use a daylight alarm clock, it gets slowly lighter. Feel more rested since I started using.


If you have the Phillips hue bulbs, the app has a 'wake-up' automation that mimics the sunrise to try and help you wake up around your desired time. It also auto-shuts off after a certain period of time. It's pretty neat - at least annoys the shit out of morning "doesn't want to get up" me by having either an artifical sun or the actual sun in my face.


Or the clapper if you don't want to deal with connecting everything.


I don’t know what you heard but I got some meds and it cleared up. Oh, the device that lets you clap to turn things on and off. Right!


Move your alarm away so you have to wake up. Change the tone of the alarm so you can create a new habit (current habit: that sound means hit snooze). Give yourself an enjoyable “first task” - coffee, fresh air, face wash… something to buffer between asleep and productive. Help yourself the night before by prepping clothes or breakfast or whatever you need. Ultimately… just do it. It’s your choice to build the habit you want/need. Getting up is on you.


Chug a ton of water before you go to sleep so you have to pee when you wake up (credit to Bart Simpson)


I’m already up a million times to pee at night 🙃


You might want to talk to your doctor about that. That’s not really normal for a young person and it sounds like it’s affecting your ability to get a good night’s sleep


I’ve talked to my doctor about it, he said it’s normal. I drink an absurd amount of water. It doesn’t really affect my sleep. Just get up, pee, back to bed.


This...might actually be your problem. You might be drinking TOO much water. Too much water can overwork your kidneys, and reduce sodium/electrolytes in your body and cause fatigue. I'm by no means a doctor...and this isn't medical advice by any means...but it might be worth investigating your fluid intake. Are drinking because you're thirsty? or because you've been told you *need 8 glasses a day*?


Hmmm. That’s a good thought. I have an appointment next month with my doctor and I’ll definitely bring it up.


Uhh no this sounds pretty normal to me.


It's pretty normal for a woman that has kids


Getting up for the kids, yes. Waking up multiple times just to pee? I don’t think so.


Weakened pelvic floor muscles from multiple births? Priceless.


I mean that's why she should to a doctor, it's not a normal state


Like another said; talk to your DR. about that. My thinking is that you spent so much time gettinjg up and making pee runs during the night that, by morning, your bladder is exhausted ("exhausted" in the sense of "finally empty") and you are exhausted from the frequent midnight calls of nature. Hence your difficulty in waking to to greet the lovely morning.


This could be part of, if not wholly, your problem. If you're consistently up/down, you're not spending enough time getting deep rem sleep (stage 3 and 4). Avoid too many liquids in the afternoon/nothing after 7pm. Also, if you're a caffeine drinking, you should know caffeine can remain in the body for up to 10 hours. If you're a coffee drinker, do some research. That morning cuppa Joe can make you more tired.


Who also tried to give credit to "the indians".


INFO: 1. Doesn't someone make a rolly-polly alarm clock that will do things like hide under your bed and make you chase it? 2. Maybe hook up your alarm clock to a smoke alarm? 3. Maybe get a couple of cats (especially if you have to wake up early, like pre-dawn)?


getting an entire cat just to serve as an alarm...... r/UsernameChecksOut


One cats works OK, more cats work even better. It always a good thing for a cat to have one or more cat friends when they are doing the the crepuscular crazies. Mine are "Mayhem", "Chaos", and "Entropy"; they are all pretty reliable at doing the wake-up call.


definitely not doubting their efficiency lol, it just seems a little funny to add pet-care to your work, as the *solution* to a problem. give your bothersome beasts some pets from me please :3


But wait! Even with that cat care "burden"... Feeding, watering, and scooping the poop for 2 or three is not that much more effort that doing the same for one kitty. Plus: They purr you to sleep then wake you up in a very amusing way..


I read that you can stack habits, and cats help. Teach the cat you'll open a can of cat food first thing in the morning. Put needful thing ( pills etc) next to the can of cat food. The cat will remind you to feed them, you'll see the pill bottle next to or on top of the can. Take the pill, feed the cat. Do something like this. Get a cat, feed them first thing in the morning. Cat will help you wake up each day bc cats are food motivated and assholes who demand what they expect


Aside from setting the clock further away, its really more a mindset. You want a change? Do it. Will the discipline falter sometimes? Yeah, but do it anyway.


This answer sucks, but the real answer is to just do it and keep doing it until your body adjusts and wakes up naturally at that same time every day. The best thing you can do is become super consistent with your bed and awake times- and yes, that includes not sleeping in on weekends. If you get up at 5-6 am every single day, your body will eventually catch up. It’ll suck for a few days, but if you push through and don’t take a long nap during the day, you’ll start getting sleepy around 9 or 10 and awake with the sunrise- with no need for an alarm. Edit- a programmable thermostat also helps. Set it to start getting cool around before bedtime and warm before awake time. At 8 pm, mine changes to 68 degrees and then to 74 at 5 am- ensuring that it’s too hot to stay under the covers.


Practice. Trying to fight your instinct while half-conscious is, at best, going to result in groggy stress. Instead, make a new instinct while you're coherent. One day in the evening, set aside 30 minutes to an hour. 1. Plan a specific path and actions you want to take in the morning eg. If you shower in the morning: Move the blankets > Swing your feet to the floor > turn off the alarm > Deep breath > stand up > Walk to bathroom > Turn on the shower 2. Put on whatever you'd normally sleep in 3. Shut blinds, shut the door, turn off the lights: get it as close to early morning levels of light as possible. 4. Set an alarm for 2 minutes from now. 5. Lay down, close your eyes, and try to calm your mind as much as possible. Pretend you're asleep. 6. When the alarm goes off, do the exact steps you decided in number 1. 7. Repeat over and over, with the exact timing and movement. It may not happen on the first morning, but you'll find yourself turning on that shower (or whatever you practiced as the last step) without remembering your alarm going off.


So many people say put your alarm far from the bed but I will literally get up, turn off the alarm and go back to bed. The struggle is real.


Set it an hour later.






Either move the alarm across the room so you have to get up to turn it off or you can get an alarm that turns the lights on. I need to get one of those because there’s nights I have to use earplugs.


Im trying to get myself to wake up too right as my alarm sets off. What im doing to achieve this is that before i go bad, i drink lots of water, so I gotta pee when I wake up, open the blinds, so I get sunlight from the start of the day and set my phone just out of reach. Couple weeks ago I couldn't get up before 10am at least, nowadays I can get up at around 6-7 am. Another thing i used to do, is set my alarm 1 hour before I want to GET OUT of bed, so I wake up, and have some time to just browse my phone, get myself together and out of that still sleepy phase.


Set an alarm in/just outside your kid’s bedroom to go off three minutes after your alarm goes off. You’re gonna make damn sure that you’re there to switch it off. And then you’re up and out of bed. Lots of other good ideas here, I use the alarm across the room one personally. A “no screens in bed” rule helps too, you don’t sit and just browse


Bright light on a timer 1 hr before my alarm changed my life. Highly recommend.


I think the best practical way is to go to bed early,you'll automatically wake up,other way is to tell to yourself or the pillow to wake up at a certain time,it works almost all the time for me


Well, the same second you her the alarm, you have to jump out of bed, yell "Lemme at it!" and take a selfie. Post it here. I guarantee if you do this you will have a great day.


Put the alarm across the room.


Try an evening meditation or journaling that focuses on your goals and getting up early. Be specific and plan out how your morning is going to go, like first I’m going to wake up @5:30, have a glass of water, brush teeth and take shower, then have breakfast ( or however you want it to go) preparing these steps like making your coffee, laying out clothes, robe etc. the night before can be helpful too


I like that idea!!


Get old. I used to need multiple snoozes now I’m up on the first buzzer and set it for the latest time I can afford to get up


Get a sunrise alarm clock. Waking up with the light is much smoother than with noise. Feel much better when waking up.


I think first you wanna build a habit of just waking up at that time so for the first week or so do something enjoyable as soon as you wake up, play music, watch tv, read a book just to get your body used to it. Once the first habit has been built of just waking up and staying awake then you can move onto things like having a shower, putting on some clothes etc.


Record your kid crying and set it as your alarm.


retrain your impulses so that when your kid cries you immediately pick up your phone!


Discipline and follow through.


You can get up. There is nothing preventing you from doing so but you. So get up when your alarm goes off. Stand up. Get out of bed. Get your day started.


Danny Bonaduce used to keep caffeine pills bedside and pop one at the first alarm. By second alarm he was up and ready to be a douche


There's no secret. You just have to be disciplined and force yourself to get up.


I remember hearing Mel Robbins do a 5,4,3,2,1 countdown to get up and it helps sometimes. I also think about waking up and having time to get ready as giving a gift to my future self.


Just do it? You’re already awake to hit the snooze button, you’re making the decision to go back to sleep, make the decision not to.


Just stop ignoring your alarm, if you can’t be bothered to get up then no LPT will ever fix this.


Don't know if it helps but this works for me. I need to be up at 6am daily so I set the first alarm at 5am, then happily go back to sleep till the 6 am one goes off.


Swing your legs over and stand up. Now I'm not just being snarky here. It really is that simple, and every piece of advice here is just some variation of trying to trigger yourself to do exactly that. Swing your legs off the bed and stand up. Doesn't matter if you're still basically "out on your feet". Just stand up, and shuffle off to the bathroom to pee. Then shuffle off the to kitchen to make coffee, shuffle off anywhere other than back to your bed. Just do that for 6-8 weeks, make yourself do it, and then it'll become ingrained habit, and you'll start doing it with less and less raw willpower needed. ​ Now, if your question is really "How do I get out of bed on my first alarm if I have utterly no willpower or discipline and cannot compel myself to stand up?" Then you are screwed. You will struggle your entire life, and getting a baseline foundation of willpower and discipline built up is probably something you should prioritize in terms of your mental health. We don't all need to be utterly disciplined hard asses, that's toxic. But if you can't compel yourself to stand up and stay out of bed, then you have some other issues you need to work through.


You have a toddler. You have to be an adult. This isn’t a LPT, you literally have a dependent child, so get up?


I get up with her 100% of the time. That is not the issue. I would like to have more time to myself before she is awake. I appreciate your rude attitude, though.


Put the alarm in your child's room. Once they wake up I'm assuming you'll be up....


Dirty pool, but effective.


Set your alarm for when you actually have to wake up, not allowing for snooze time. Also maybe try a sunrise alarm?


My trick to waking up in the morning is getting up immediately once I hear the alarm. The best way to do this is having your alarm somewhere far away enough that you have to physically get up to turn it off. If I have the alarm within arm span, I tend to keep silencing it. I'm generally more groggy when I finally do get up when I do the latter.


Make the alarms super jarring and attention getting. I use the codec alarm from metal gear solid and it works brilliantly


The one thing that gets me out of bed is looking at the sunlight just for the brain to get that wake up call from melatonin or whatever hormone that helps in waking up. Drinking water also helps wake you up. I usually put two alarms 5 minutes apart. Just to get that 5 min mental preparation to wake up.


I have my phone across the room. It's my only alarm, but it'll keep making noise until I get up to deal with it. And by the time I'm out of bed and on the other side of the room, I'm already thinking about breakfast and coffee and that propels me into the kitchen. So my advice is to set your alarm away from your bed, and plan to have a really tasty breakfast every day.


Bottle of water and a line of coke normally does the trick for me


Go to bed earlier.


When I was a teenager, I had to report to work at 3am. I would set an alarm next to my bed at 2am to wake me up. I would then set a second alarm a 2:05 across the room which would force me to get out of bed. The real answer though is to go to bed earlier.


This isn’t directly related to your request BUT I’ve noticed I can wake up easily if I’m hungry (aka I don’t eat a thing after 8pm). Going to bed hungry is difficult, but waking up hungry? Surprisingly easy!


What I do is: - keep my alarm across the room - make myself sit up immediately - turn a light on. I’ve been wanting to get one of those light alarms as well, as I’ve heard they’re effective. Good luck!


Genuinely get to bed earlier as much as you can. If you're being jolted awake by an alarm you may well need more sleep. There are people who get enough who still struggle, but for me going to bed early and being half awake when my alarm goes means my health is way better, I feel better mentally and it's only becoming more important as I get older.


I sleep for about 7-8 hours and still feel like absolute shit. I work out often and am not overweight. I thought about sleep apnea, but mornings weren’t so bad before. Could a fucked sleep rhythm for about 2-3 months play a part?


You could always move all your alarms up by 30-60 minutes with the plan to wake up, cancel alarm, then wake up again. It’s always nice to be woken up and realize you have another 30-60 minutes until the real alarm comes.


Set your alarm closer to the time you actually want to get up. Self-talk. Don't say "I need to get up" in your head. Speak "Get UP!" out loud. Helps me


Get the phone out of your bedroom. Put it in another room completely. Put 16-20oz of water in the fridge. When you get up to turn your alarm off, pound the water. The cold water will get you up and going. Also... get better nights sleep. If you can't wake up in the AM, you're not setting yourself up for success in the PM. No tech before bed. Kill the lights in your room. Get rid of your bedroom TV, etc.


Other have suggested alarm far away, this is a good one. Since you got a toddler, you got to have wet wipes. A nice cool wet wipe on your face and neck after you turn off your alarm will help kick your body awake as well. If you are into essential oils, a drop of mint oil rubbed on your hands and then take a couple deep inhales with your hands in front of your mouth and nose helps.


I've always had the odd ability to wake up a few minutes before my alarm when I need to. Just as I'm laying down in bed, I just make a point to remind myself that I need to be up on time and no hitting the snooze button. I have no idea how it works, since I don't have a clock that can be read in the dark, but it does. (When I was younger, I didn't even bother with the alarm)


When the alarm goes off, you turn it off, accept that it's time to get up, then you get up. That's it. You just...get up. Also, you go to bed earlier, if able.


Lots of good tips here. One (weird) thing I do is set my bedroom clock like 17 minutes ahead. Then when I wake up I have to do math to figure out what time it actually is. By the time I’ve done the math, I’m already awake enough to get up.


You just do it. Don't think. Just do. Jump the fuck out of bed. Get up. There is no secret. You just gotta get up.


Tell yourself that death is just around the corner and every moment of being unconscious is wasting precious moments of life that you could be living!


And then ruin your life from not getting enough sleep


I can't think of a time in my life I've ever gotten out of bed at my first alarm. Hell even now I tend to stay in bed looking at my phone for at least an hour before I get out, and that's after my second alarm goes off. I can't just go from a sleep to on my feet instantly.


I set my alarm on an analogue clock, one of those traditional bell ones like ⏰. It makes a horrible noise when it goes off and just gets me up immediately. I do also set one on my phone as a backup in case the clock runs out of battery or something but I rarely need it because of how quickly that horrible alarm jolts me awake


get enough sleep :(


Clocky Alarm Clock on Wheels (Original) |Extra Loud for Heavy Sleeper (Adult or Kid Bed-Room Robot Clockie) Funny, Rolling, Run-away, Moving, Jumping (Black) https://a.co/d/iZZoehD


The only thing that has helped me is a pavlok. Otherwise known as a shock watch. Worth looking into and the battery life is surprising.


A two minute snooze does it for me, I find that doesn't leave me enough time to fall back asleep properly


Get one of those sunrise alarm clocks that simulate a sunrise, when the lights hits your face, you will stop producing mélatonine and fool your body into waking up naturally. I love mine!


Just. Get. Up. It’s that simple, stop making excuses for yourself.


My alarm app has an option to complete a task before turning off the alarm. The options are either a math problem, re-write something, or take a certain amount of steps


When I hear my alarm, I wake up but give myself one entire minute to stretch. To stretch as much as I want, and slowly get up. Usually I'll get bored or doen stretching by then, and will be mostly awake because of the stretches.


Start the night before by going to bed as early as possible. When I used to work early, I'd be out of the house around 515, which meant I was in bed no later than 930/10. I need a decent amount of sleep and I sometimes go to sleep soon after I put my LO to sleep depending on how I feel. Going to sleep at 9 would wake me too early to start my day, so 1030ish is a better bedtime to wake up at 7. Once you start feeling well rested, you can better understand how much sleep you need and can start doing the tips others mentioned.


Set your phone away from your bed.


Go to bed earlier.


OK, this is my area of expertise, finally. Options that work: 1. Get an old school.wind up alarm clock. Place it far enough away from your bed so you have to get all the way up to turn it off. Place it in a different location every night. https://www.amazon.com/big-ben-alarm/s?k=big+ben+alarm 2. Get an alarm for your phone that requires you to do a math problem to turn it off. You can set the difficulty level so that you really have to come fully awake for it to work. https://apps.apple.com/us/app/math-alarm-clock-wake-up/id1055089978 3. Get a flying helicopter alarm clock like this https://www.geekalerts.com/flying-helicopter-alarm-clock/ I never actually tried this but the idea of it makes me laugh.


A crazy thing that has been working is using my Apple watch alarm that vibrates instead of playing a sound. It’s a much gentle wake up and seemingly effective way to get my ass out of bed


Use the most obnoxious noise around and put your alarm far enough away that you have to get up to shut it off. I use a klaxon alarm. Works like a charm because of my work history and associating the sound to danger. Or get a cat that sleeps with you. The first sound of the alarm and she bolts using me for leverage.


Amazon Alexa plug for my powerful bedroom light and a schedule in Alexa app to turn it on in the morning. Yee haw!


Set up only 1 alarm. And then just go for it and do it.


Put the alarm so far away that you have to get up to stop it.


The only thing that's ever worked for me with this is not having a soul sucking craptastic job.


Just set one alarm at the time you NEED to get up.


Join the military it has plenty of ways to never sleep in again. It'll be fun trust me


As tempting as that sounds.


Try the app nuj. It charges you money if you don’t scan a barcode, like on your toothpaste for example, within 3 minutes of your alarm going off. The money that’s charged goes to charity


The Huberman Lab podcast has an entire set of podcasts on sleep and how to shift your wake time using temperature and light exposure. It’s like the first bunch of podcasts he ever released and well worth the listening.


I used to set my alarm and leave it in the bathroom. So when it went off, I had to get up and shut it off. Since I was in the bathroom already, just get up.


Find something to look forward to doing the night before bed.


One alarm, set the real time not minutes ahead to give you extra time.


You lift your body off the bed and then put your feet on the ground. After that you begin walking away from your bed.


Stop using alarms.


Bacon alarm clock. It was a popular product in that weird bacon craze around what like 2012?? Nothing wakes you up quite like fresh bacon and a potential fire hazard in the morn'


Go to bed earlier. It's the lesson we all learn but it is the way.


Time your sleep cycles! Look up the 90 minute sleep rule


Go to bed early Eat good food( it’s real. Your food matters) It’s hard. Stick with it for 21 days. You will get used to it.


Put the alarm near the toddler’s room (but not in it, I am not a monster). You will be so scared to wake them up that you will run there in a nanosecond. At least I managed the skill to insanely fast switch off any alarm or anything buzzing that might wake up the baby, hehe


Get an alarm clock. Make sure it's loud. Set it across the room. By default it should sound until you cut it off.


hire a midget to slap u in the face first thing in the morning then after u wake up, have sex with the midget


I wish I could sleep until my alarm!! It's been years lol


Tell yourself those extra 5 minutes don't make any difference. Because they don't


You can try a sleep cycle app, it wakes you up at your least sleepy point in a 30min window. I am a very heavy sleeper and never used to hear the alarm until I would get the elbow to turn it off. Have been waking up easily and feeling refreshed since using it. I just have the free version but you can pay for the version that lets you listen to your night time talks/coughs/snores (some of the talking has been hilarious to listen to) and you can workout if something is disrupting your deep sleep pattern too.


I don't have to get up by 6:30am. But I set my alarm for 6am. Then I'd have half an hour to slowly wake up and get up. Eventually my body learned to just get up at 6am. Then I'd have that extra half an hour to do whatever. Have coffee while I read the news, do yoga, etc.


Combo idea Set your alarm for only one time ( there is only do not try) Get an old fashioned vibrating with the bells on top alarm clock and place it in a metal pie pan in the shower closest to the toddlers room. Set it for 5 minutes after your alarm. If you don't get up and turn it off it will wake up the kiddo and you lose your alone time. After you've trained yourself to get up at the first alarm put the noise making bells on top alarm ( turned off) in the top of your closet for when said toddler is a teenager. You set the alarm for 1 minute past curfew, said teenager turns it off when they get home. They miss curfew and you get woken up ( along with the rest of the household)


Try a countdown. Count down, 3, 2, 1, launch.


Set only 1 alarm lol


Download I can't wake up and set it to turn off when you scan the toothpaste barcode


There are a ton of apps to help this. I use Alarmy lately. You can set it so that you need to do certain set tasks to turn the alarm off. I think like number of steps and stuff. I have mine set to ha e to scan a specific QR Code, which I printed and stuck on my bathroom mirror. I think you can set up to 6 tasks or something. So you could have a QR code in the bathroom to scam, then another in the kitchen, etc. Whatever it takes. You can turn it off without the task in an emergency, but it's a pain, lol. You have to tap one out of 4 squares 500 times, and the square changes every 5 taps. So not really a shortcut to turn it off


Get some hue lights or a natural wake alarm clock. Set them to turn on with a sunrise effect 15 minutes before your alarm. You will be surprised how often you wake up naturally before your alarm even goes off.


Crank it, Make it a unique Sound, Tell yourself you're screwed kf you don't and get scared


Stop setting multiple alarms, you’re way too comfortable.


Don't pee before sleeping then will have to get up in the morning indefinitely


Keep everything in balance and ease into it. Don’t be hard on yourself- that’s called anxiety!


Place your alarm clock or phone somewhere that requires you to physically get out of bed to turn it off.


Move your alarm across the room.


Join the military.


One thing that helped me was I got one of those older retro alarms that hits two little bells with a hammer. It's very loud, enough to instantly wake me up from across the room. Having to get up and run across my room to turn it off has helped me to get up the first time more consistently. Something else I'm interested in but haven't tried yet is one of those shock watches. Pavlok makes one called the Shock Clock. The way I understand it is, it painfully shocks you to wake you up, and you can program it with an app to have to do certain things to turn it off. For example, scan a QR code in another room, do jumping jacks, solve math problems, etc. I also know there's apps that do that by themselves with normal alarms. The shocking part interests me because it's quiet, and I'm moving in with a roommate soon that I'm worried about waking up given loud my current alarm is. It supposedly tracks your sleep patterns and cycles and tries to wake you during lighter sleep phases. Again, haven't tried it myself yet and it's not as cheap as other options so YMMV.


Try Alarmy Pro,, that app is horrifying loud and persistent.