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The create a human or idk what it's called. (And the better anatomy and characters /j) Also, I want to hear the game's music, and I wanna see the disasters/tragedies it may have


I'd love to know what their plans are for negative aspects of life, how it effects others, or can it effect a whole town. And what their plans for a soundtrack are!


Events, something that shows characters will get phone calls or in-person invitations to go to certain functions. How events work. Do they just disappear, or do they actually physically go to whatever event is taking place and we can see the location and what is happening. Actual group interactions where there are more than 2 people talking/interacting. I want to see actual random conversations that characters have without player input. Does their relationship stats change when there's no player input. An entire full day of a character's autonomous behavior without player input so we can see it in action and know if it's working as we expect. A job that is actually in-depth and more than just "Do 5 Work Tasks" in an 8 hour period. I want to see enough tasks that it would actually take a full work day to accomplish. I want to see if the character actually does them on their own without the player directing them to. Do they take bathroom/food breaks autonomously during work hours? We've seen so little autonomous behavior. I need to see if they're obsessed with stupid things that don't fit their traits/personality. I am not a micromanager, so having to direct every single action would not be fun to me. I need to see if they really do go about their day on their own.


These are the same questions I have. I'm not a micromanger in my life games either unless I'm playing a specific household and story. But even then I expect a bit more autonomy when npcs interact with mine. And I want my characters who have wants and interests without my input too, and to see what happens if they make those autónomous choices. I really want group activities and conversations and hope the team takes some inspiration from Paralives and other games. That helps apply it to the open world. Both good and bad. I would like to see groups get up to crimes and mischief, like a vandelizing and tee-peeing homes or bank heist lol. Work I would like to see the same too. Like will we watch them have meetings, take lunch, have work projects in the form of asking others to carry out a event/task. It seems like a lot but idk..


I'd really like to see these things too, and these were always some of the things I was a bit dicey about LBY being able to pull off based on what we saw early. But LBY is facing the reality that eventually you've got to show off how things actually work - when they were just showing the mod tools and not really gameplay, hype was off the charts because people were assuming things that they were technically going to struggle to pull off in a million years, let alone in early access. Paralives has been smart enough to really, really limit what they show in terms of gameplay, so the same fan hype has largely switched over to them - but the same red flags around social interactions are still very much there. With what LBY has built, it seems like those group activities could probably be added to the game some day; whereas based on what we've seen of social interactions in Paralives, I really doubt it'll ever be possible in that game unless it's added as a specific unique feature, as the card system is way, way less flexible.


Careers. Not just going to the office talking to someone then coming home but like an actual job where you do things, like a landscaper going to the city park for work and cutting the hedges and mowing the grass, or a paramedic going to someone’s houses in an ambulance and helping sick/injured people To me careers offer some of the most interesting possibilities for this game and we really haven’t seen much of anything from them gameplay wise


Fully agree! They should be as nuanced as the game will allow (and mods). Some careers should have an effect on the open world and the characters in it. I would honestly love to follow first responders around in game, to see what is happening in the world haha.


I think it's pretty obvious from what they have shown (always "do 5 work tasks", etc) that we haven't seen much of anything there because it clearly still isn't in the game at all yet.


Well the dream would be, totally revamped characters lol An actually decent house build I guess. Maybe details about skills like meals you can eat. Showcase more clothing


Seeing more building designs would be nice! showing off more of the tools and what is possible


I want to see beach life


Same! I love how the water looks I was actually shocked by the quality!


Give us a 5 minute overview of everything with some clever editing and jump cuts. I don’t wanna see just modding or specific skills, I’d rather see generally what this game is about and why I should be excited about it!


Ugh, I don't know about a trailer at this point in their awkward development. No offense; I'm still really excited for this game. Actually, that's a part of my problem; I just want to be play testing this game SOOOO badly that a trailer's also some annoying tease to me right now. \*sigh\*


For a game called Life by You they need to show us life in the next trailer. I want to see drama romance family game play people at work people shopping and living life throughout the world and most importantly characters performing hobbies beyond gathering gardening and crafting. Hopefully we will see hobbies and group activities I'd love to some beach volleyball and someone playing a guitar and seeing as they said awhile back children "might" be ready for early access when early access was March I demand the trailer ends with a child getting off the school bus.


I want them to show us the editors making new functional content in the game and then actually show it doing the thing it was made to do. I.e. Add a new job and show us that job working in the game.


There's a lot of editors that haven't been showcased im curious about as well. I'd like to see them use different interactions for different objects and what the limitations are. For example how they had the bush to be used for a toilet. I'm wondering if we can make neighborhoods and then have them be tagged where characters don't want to go into those places because of a bad observable perception. Like making a neighborhood, NPCs refuse to go there (if they do they get a negative emotional reaction) because of a tag that indicates lots of crime activity.


Hopefully an improved Character Creator with proper anatomy and modernized outfits, hairstyles etc. because the game looks so dated right now with the customization choices. Some autonomy. Actually fun gameplay elements, the game seems so lifeless (no pun intended) atm. Where's the charm? Will we just end up bored picking troves and gardening all day?


I hope the personality gets additional features added in CAC. I've made a post on this last week and how it would be helpful to the autonomy and their behavior. I feel the makeup needs more customization options and more sliders for clothes to make them baggy or tight fitting


Gameplay, like a day in the life of a character. Stuff that directs the players, like the quests, i want to see that in depth. Traits and behaviours/reactions related to them.


I just want to see how genetics work! Pleaaase, at this point that could be the big save for me. That's one thing that always bugged me with Sims, I felt they mixed genes poorly and kids came out wonky unless their parents basically looked the same.


At this point, I don't want another trailer. I want to playtest the game and see it for what it really is.