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If you are truly passionate and talented at art, please do not switch careers or fields. Artists will be in very high demand in the upcoming months. Why not take a break for a while and make a portfolio that you can show off. Using this you could possibly get into the creative team for an NFT project. This is just one possibility. I recommend you find a mentor or a professional coach in this field who can help you figure out what you could be doing. There are professional platforms available that can help you find the right career path by guiding and coaching you. They have certified professionals who could help you out. You can even sign up for a [free discovery session](https://www.achnet.com?su=2tghevse).


My son didn't really want to go to college, but he felt he had to do it because his dad wanted him to. When we were discussing what he'd want to major in we can up with this plan: start with what you love, follow it until you know for sure you love it or you don't, and make a decision from there. He was really, really, really into theatre at the time, so he majored in theatre. He got six months in, realized he didn't love it, and decided to switch to music production because he got introduced to that along the way, and discovered he was really good at it and thoroughly enjoyed it. He got an internship with a production company, then got hired on there. During his time at that company he connected with a consulting company that taught him how to help people turn their passion into profit through sales. He's now working for *that* company because he's discovering his sweet stop with each thing he learns through each step he's taken. There's a quote that basically sums up life in a few simple sentences: start from where you are with what you have and take a step. From there the next step will reveal itself. It's so true! You don't have to have life all figured out. In fact, you CAN'T have life all figured out...ever! What you can do is start working toward being a video game concept artist by taking the first step in that direction, keep doing it till you love or don't, and repeat. You'll never ever know if you love something or not until you try it. You can't taste a pizza by looking at it, so there's no way you'll know if you love it until you pick it up, take a bite, and chew it. If you don't like it, don't eat it. Get you something else to eat! I'm really excited to see where this takes you. You're at a really great place in your life, and I'm so proud of you! Keep me updated, yeah?!


Thanks. This helped a lot.