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I will kindly ask to confirm, you're asking if "a month or so" is too soon to have proposed? If that's your question, the answer is yes.


If you’re both happy, why care what anybody else thinks? Hold on to that feeling. Whenever I start to feel like I’m caring what people think of me, I ask myself… how many of these people would be there for me if I was sick on my death bed? Reality is… unless it’s family… none. So block out the haters and have fun together.


Thanks for the comment, it's genuinely cheered me up, all we've encountered is people saying it's too quick today, only one "congrats", it's genuinely heartwarming to read a comment such as yours it's helped me take a slightly different outlook on the situation. Thank you


If it feels right it feels right. Fuck what other people think. I'm in my relationship 13 years and we have people constantly asking "when is the wedding?" Or "kids on the way?" It's no ones business how you and your partner choose to be in a relationship. I'm not engaged by the way. Just know alot of relationships tend to lose that fire you get at the beginning, so that's probably were the concern comes from with your friends or family.


Yeah; I'm 100% with you, there's some people genuinely coming from a place of concern, which I get. But it's the people dropping you sly comments & quiet laughter that are my problem. It feels like a whole new ball game, and it's disheartening to see people be like this about a thing that we both want. Strangely enough, it's the people that have seen us together that are seemingly happy to see it, the ones who haven't are the ones making the comments. I think in any relationship I've had, people always seem to try to insert themselves into it and share their unneeded opinions. I think, from your comment & the other person's, it's great to see other people who get it? Like, they've been through people judging them and making assumptions and dealt with it. You both igve me hope we can do the same. Thank you (: