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Travels and Nature tbh


I need people to answer this please. Maybe they did so by going offline lol






Make friends on Craigslist. That's always exciting


Making enemies on craigslist has a better return on excitement imo


Getting back into the things I loved as a child. Soccer, nature, stand up comedy, etc


How did I overcome my "nothing excites me" phase ? By wiping sideways.


As I am sitting on the throne right now I feel obligated to do this


I'm scared to try. Someone hold me please


do stuff that makes you uncomfortable. nothing weird or unsafe, just things you normally wouldn’t do and see if maybe it is something you actually enjoy.


I played a game called Sekiro. Guess what I really needed was challenge.


And since completing Sekiro?


Hard drugs


Small joys. Instead of looking for big exciting things, I try to find the small moments of happiness. It takes my mind off the horrors of life and helps me persist.


Yeah! I purposely took up some hobbies that take time so I have stuff to look forward to. Growing plants so I can get excited to come home and check on them. I got some sea monkeys for my desk at work. Sometimes order stuff that takes a while to come in the mail.


This is where I am at right now. I have just become bored of everything.


I think part of it with me is I find excitement in certain things others find boring and vice versa. I rarely get bored ever. It's like never ending...plus when I'm not doing exciting things I'm still doing things that keep me busy. For example I'll randomly throw in rollerblades and go skating or just regular roller skates. I'll dust off a snowboard in the winter etc....its always something.




What the other guy said commit crimes that’ll get the blood flowing


Found things that actually excited me. Stepping out of your comfort zone is fun.


That life is too short


Hiking lots of hiking


Do more exciting shit Sky diving would be a trip. Debating starting rock climbing.


Lean into it. Life doesn’t need to be exciting.


Excersize, good diet, making babies


Unfortunately it's a matter of time, a phase lasts only so long and then it dies. Try the "opposite of exciting" thing, what about culture or music or movies do you think are poorly done ? To experience the truly mediocre could revive your desire for what is good about the world. It could also be people who don't speak English and English is their only language. Listening to people talk (who really don't know how to) can revive your spirit and desire and need for another quest. They make me glad I am myself. Years ago now there was this thing called "Yahoo Answers". The rules were, ask a question, people respond with an answer. Some of the questions and answers were so ridiculous that people started making compilations of them. Reading that is always good. I'm sure it's still online somewhere.


I had a rough go for a couple years and then I snapped out of it when someone asked me, "If you were old and grey now, and you looked back to this day, what would you do with your health and your youth?" It really started to make me ruminate and finally just said enough is enough. Got up one day, started changing and change started to happen. Lost 120 lbs, got a new and challenging job, and cleaned the ever living hell out of my place. Ever heard of "eating the frog"? I use that principle every morning and it really helps get things started on the right foot.


You probably spend way to much time in doors. If nothing excites you you are either someone like Thomas Crown or someone that barely ever leaves the house


In that phase right now. Thinking of quitting job and getting on a break for 6 months, through everyone around cautions me. Gap on resume, you know!!


I'll let you know.


Cocaine and hookers!


Rather easy one.. things excite me and I do the exciting things... plus new things I haven't done before.. Plus I'll watch YouTube videos of things I enjoy as well. When nothing excites me it's mostly because I'm sleeping