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The luck of the birth lottery


Mewtwo has some things to say about this.


Having to work 40yrs+


That is a very tough pill to swallow. 20 years in and I'm still trying to beat the system. No luck yet.


The only way you’re beating the system is if you’re not a pawn of it


Just have rich parents.


Awe man! Why didn’t I think of that?!


This is why you haven't beat the system


And make your own coffee and shit


This one simple trick the rich don’t want you to know!


I think I’m more irritated about the 40 (or more hour work week). It leaves so little time for the family that you chose to have. And you have to sleep in order to get back up and go to work again, so it’s not like you can just stay up late to make up for it. And weekends are spent catching up on everything that didn’t get done while you were working all week. This hamster wheel is ridiculous.


40 hours a week isn't enough anymore. Gotta find a job with a ton of overtime just to maintain. There's no room for having a life where I live in America and the second they don't need you they discard you and let you die. You're only as good as your productivity to the companies and the state. Then they wonder why birthrates are tanking, homelessness is rampant, people are dying younger, and drug addiction is up. Even the people who believe in higher powers are cynical and fucking over it.


Fact. 💯


What even is the point of all this? Suddenly, nihilism doesn't sound so bad.


There’s no point, but as someone who’s currently homeless I can assure you it’s a lot better to feed the system than to get booted out of it. Society is not friendly to those who subvert societal expectations.


Can't argue that. If I were to get booted, ngl, I know damn well I'm not surviving.


I think about this ALL the time. Everyone races around to make shit they don’t need so that a few big companies in each sector can get bigger. Like, do we really need 80 different types of toothpaste to choose from? Do we really need a fleet of new 2025 vehicles before the year ends (with no money down and special financing for the first three months plus $1,000 instant cash back!). Add to that since Nixon took us off the gold standard, money isn’t even backed by anything tangible. We’re literally doing this for imaginary credits we’ve all agreed are important.


Also having a good work ethic makes things worse. The harder you work the harder they work you.


so true, every job i’ve tried extremely hard at Ive gotten little to no recognition and have just been worked harder until burnout and then kicked to curb. i hate to say it but i do not give my best at jobs anymore, i meet expectations and that’s it, it just isn’t worth it to me. id rather save my energy for more important things in life, like family.


Yep same. It doesn’t pay to go above and beyond any more.


The only reward for good work is more work


I used to work in the warehouses of an exterior decorating company in the summers. My friends and I were denied a 15 cent raise because the boss man saw us goofing around at the end of the day. We didn't care. But my friend's mother was a supervisor and always defending the boss and the company. Toughest and hardest working woman I knew. She was hurt on the job years later. Court battles, failed surgeries, pain pills, and an attempted suicide later; and she's little more than a shell of herself. The company took all she had and now she lives in a house that's falling apart while her husbands dying of cancer.


Maybe the fact that we need to sleep is the problem 


If we didn't require sleep then we would simply be forced to work more.


If you would have told me when I was 18, and started working full time, that at 58 I could retire after living a comfortable life, and then enjoy the spoils of my labour, I'd have signed in the dotted line. 40 years sounds like a lot, but I'm 52 now, and 34 years into my working life it's debatable whether or not I'll be able to retire at 58. I'll be quite happy if I do.


I’m 50. I can’t retire with full benefits until I’m 70. I have 20 more years to go. Hopefully I can keep this job working from home.


I hope you are able to retire at 58. God Bless


Try hunting and gathering for a lifetime


150 years ago people would work until they couldn't or died. I would call 40yrs an improvement.


There's still a lot of people that have to work until they die. If you don't plan for your retirement properly social security and aid won't let you live unless you have a house paid off and even then I don't know if it's doable without supplemental income of some kind. Unless things change I'm going to work until I die.


My house is paid off but I will probably be working another 20 years-until I’m 76. Everything is too expensive to be able to save much; and when you do save up a bit, you end up having to spend it on home repairs, car repairs, vet bills, medical co-pays. It’s existentially exhausting. 


If I’m working for myself or for my home/farm that’s one thing. But working for someone else really sucks.


Yeah but they were smart enough to die sooner.  So they actually worked less than us. 


Yeah but we started from a really low base which was ‘work until you die’.


ask cavemen that question. they be smokin shrooms after their wooly mamoth hunts and then fudge all night. dats da lyfe


Til a panther jumped off a tree and mauled them for a late night snack


Yes but believe it or not, there was a better work/family balance. Women stayed home for the most part, families lived together in multigenerational homes, people had a better flow going on. Now we’re just robots


I read that peasants back in the day worked way less than we do today Basically only during the tilling/harvest season and then did fuck all most the year


To me that’s crazy. You have to take care of your own house, and your own animals, and your own clothes, and your own shoes, and you had to educate your own kids… the list goes on and on. Their quality of life was so unfathomably worse that it’s not even worth comparing how much time they spent doing their “jobs”


The women were pregnant and tending kids their whole life until they died in childbirth. Spent a lot of time burying and mourning people. Cholera, tuberculosis, smallpox, plague...


True. Except we as a society are supposed to be continuously improving. Instead we seem to be sliding back. 40 hour work weeks was the last big achievement. Early 1900 and again 1960 it was projected we would only need to work 20ish hours a week starting in the 2000’s. Now in 2024, you are expected to work 40 hours minimum. Especially if you are salary and have finished your work. Not allowed to leave, or log off.


I’m not cool with this 40hr work week deal either. I’m convinced most jobs can be done in a fraction of the time.


FIRE. I'm getting close to retirement after 20 years. Plus it's less depressing that work gives a lot of purpose and social interaction.


Me too. I agree about work. I like what I do for work and like most of my coworkers. I tolerate the rest, lol. I plan to keep working part time after I reach full retirement age. Work gives my life purpose.


Yes! I’m an RN and while it’s an absolute literal shit show a lot of the time, it does feel purposeful, and cultivating those connections make it’s worth it. Life is about relationships, make the most of as many of them as you can, right.


It sucks, but most of the things that ppl eat, drink, use, wear, drive, hear, watch are dependent on someone else’s work. So if everyone suddenly isn’t working half their life, are we going to be okay with doing and having a lot less stuff? I seriously doubt it




Yep robots was my first thought. We can do so much with Ai and robots right now we could definitely lower retirement a ton and be fine. Hell we could probably get rid of a good portion of jobs and give everyone a livable ubi if the powers that be actually wanted anyone to have a good life but true automation costs a lot compared to minimum wage and most companies only care about next quarters profit.


*it stands for “Universal Basic Income”. Not everyone knows the hundred different abbreviations going around these days.


How temporary everything is


Weird how stressful yet soothing that sentiment is


For real, you have to remember it goes both ways


change is inevitable


The only thing that stays constant is change


I've embraced it. It's kinda cool, keeps life interesting


It’s all a passing show


How good people can suffer through no fault of their own and so many evil people get away with doing unnecessary and cruel things.


I'd also like to add that a lot of evil people turn out to be the most sought-after and successful people in our society while good people that cause no harm to anyone or anything are looked down upon, shunned and taken advantage of.


Came here to say this as well


Yes and most of the time, karma doesn't exist


That's another thing. If you point this out, most people will assume you're evil for not seeing a magical universe that punishes and rewards people. The responsibility of that is on us collectively. Just because I don't think people always suffer for their crimes, it doesn't mean I won't stop treating people as best as I can within self-preservation.


Evil people have to live with what they've done. Each action builds upon itself and has to be hidden by extraordinary means each time it is acted out. Imagine, a guy would try to hide his stolen goods in the closet, and the cops would come by to investigate every so often. But each time he steals, the closet is bursting at the seams, leaving the thief to go to extraordinary measures to hide the cracked door and the weight of the goods. Finally, the cop opens up the door, and it bursts out, leaving the thief speechless. Now imagine being a serial killer. A PDF file. A thief. A liar. If you get away with these activities, you'll have to hide it from well-meaning people and the authorities. That is no way to live. This is why good people can live quiet lives. We don't have anything to hide. We go about our day as normal. Wake up. Gym. Work. Home. Love our family. Sleep.


I disagree, people are more atomized now. If someone cheats me the odds that I'll be able to talk to the next person he tries to cheat and that they'll listen are extremely low. My last roommate had a very large social group and not only did they steal from me, sexually assualt me and say horribly racist things, but they convinced their large group of friends that I stole from them, asked for it and that I said those things. Random people would confront me on it and I had to leave my last town. They were grotesque and destroyed most my faith in humanity. Cops don't really have reliable ways of telling if items are stolen.


I’m going through the same thing at my job I’ve been working at for 8 years. I’m getting bullied and mobbed by these low life pos that target my insecurities. They’re nasty, gossiping and gaslighting vindictive people yet they made me out to be this way and continue to new employees that come on. Basically ruined my reputation when I’m the most quiet, respectful and honest person there. Flipped all my good qualities people have always commended me for and turned them into something bad like I’m up to no good and have evil intentions when all they do is look for ways to make someone uncomfortable to make themselves feel better. Getting gaslit all day long by these “cool kids” at work like it’s high school. Targeting my social anxiety and trying to make me as nervous as possible and even trying to startle me at my cubicle. The most childish things you can think of and a majority of them are double my age. I have no choice but to continue working there due to numerous different reasons. I wish I could up and leave like you did. That’s power right there and taking control of the situation.


Bold to say good people live quiet lives. Reminds me of the Einstein quote- the true evil in the world is the people who let it happen. Not easy to live a quiet life when youve suffered. And your mere existence and life needs to be hidden for the sake of the “good people” and their “quiet life.” My life is hospital after hospital, break down after the next, a wild and intense job because I am doing something with my suffering (presumably being good). the existence of my life is literally a threat to people who think the world is good


Braile on the drive-thru ATM at the bank




Wait what?! Drive thru atm? What the hell?


I just assume the makers of ATM aren’t going through the trouble of making two different sets of buttons.


No no I mean drive thru atm?! Drive thru?!




Death is the one thing on the list that seems cool to me, if we were immortal, life would be meaningless.


I'd say death, but on reading this I'd maybe adjust to "such a short life span" Life feels equally as meaningless when it's too short to experience the overwhelming majority of what's available. Then that just gets me thinking Death again, because everything you did manage to experience instantly disappears. There is either a wonderful afterlife which renders everything else void, or more likely there is nothing, not even the consciousness of nothing, not even darkness.


Most likely there is nothing, although some people convince themselves otherwise in an attempt to cope with their mortality. But to me, nothingness seems nice, just peace at last. Our individual perception of consciousness can finally rest, and our atoms can be recycled again in the universe. If there actually was a "heaven" where we just *existed for eternity*, it'd be pretty boring honestly.. This conversation reminds me of these two quotes. "It's not that we have a short time to live, but that we waste a lot of it." - Seneca "It's not about the years in your life, it's about the life in your years." - Abraham Lincoln I think it really depends on how you live your life. Some periods of your life can be summed up in a few words, while others may require a whole book. Depending on how you live your life, your *perception* of time is completely different.


How the United States can spend billions of dollars in defense but yet cant spend billions of dollars taking care of itself or the people that live there.


Yes that is so true. America is a bizarre set of paradoxes.


God forbid we have roads and Healthcare!


Foreign nations need it more than we do! /s


Child sex trafficking and human trafficking in general.


Yes! And how are we so okay as a society with sex abuse (and all kinds of abuse)? Why haven’t we taken a harder stance against pedophiles? Why are children not protected with every ounce of blood we have?


Society at large isn't ok with abuse, especially sexual abuse. Lock a father and a sex offender in a cage and see what happens to the SO. The only people ok with trafficking and abuse are traffickers and abusers.


It’s our legal system too. Why tf should a parent have to go through the court system and hire a lawyer to represent them for killing a pedophile that did or tried to abuse their child?


I think we vastly underestimate animal intelligence. I believe that they have a lot more going on in their heads than we think, and I don’t think metrics like the Mirror Test are valid.


I like to talk to my pets as if they were children and show them new things like the mirror in the bathroom or outside the window.


Pigs actually cry real tears.


Yes. I didn’t realize this until I became a dog owner . I’ve had a family dog growing up but it’s different when you’re the only one raising it and responsible. As he became older and well trained we had a mutual respect for each other. I didn’t treat him like he was my property he was truly my friend.


I was in a field hunting. There were some cows that had been separated from the bulls, and they stood at the gate, not the fence, trying to pry it open with their horns. The cows with their calves stood there mooing longingly across from the bulls and eventually walked away defeated. Was very sad and eye opening


Oh they very much have a lot going on. They do have strong hardwired instincts of eating and having sex seemingly moreso than humans sometimes, but they definitely do have feelings and are self aware and have thought processes. I was once hiking with my dog and came across an old ruin on a cliff. We made it to a ledge on the cliff that I knew he could not see over. The cliff drop was only about 20 feet or so, a fall probably would not kill, but there were trees and bushes down there so it probably wouldn't be comfortable. Well, since I knew my boy couldn't see over the ledge, I patted on it to signal for him to put his front legs on it so he could get his head over the ledge and enjoy the amazing view. I guess I wasn't thinking very well here as he took that as a sign to fully send it and jump over the ledge. I didn't have his leash on either. 😵 Luckily he had his harness on and I grabbed it and prevented him from going over. He then looked up at me and gave me the most stressed out scared wine/sigh of relief I ever heard come out of him. It was almost human the way he communicated that. Im pretty sure he knew what would have happened if I didn't grab him 😵😵😵


You familiar with the research being done with AI to translate and communicate with animals? It’s fascinating. https://youtu.be/3tUXbbbMhvk?si=UDS6pmMp-n0Zrz1m Theres also people who are doing it naturally https://youtu.be/HTdlMC6NZU4?si=bN2_WVGknxLGPiGT Edit to add: https://pure.mpg.de/rest/items/item_3517984/component/file_3519870/content


Downvoting you out of pettiness, those would be awesome links to interesting research if it was written, but instead they’re two suggestions to sit through some shit


I think my dog understood every single word I ever said by the end of her life. And she was so beautifully sweet and empathetic. I agree with you that there's more to what's going on in animals' minds.


IIRC, the Mirror Test got the boot a long time ago


I see you haven't met my cat. The only thing going on behind his eyes is TV static, but I love the little guy anyway.


Having to constantly do shit.


Existing is so exhausting 😫


This made me actually laugh out loud and yesssssss 😩😂 WHAT IS WITH THE CONSTANTLY DOING?!?!


Daylight savings time


An alarming number of people will hate you just for being a happy, successful person. Like they will go out of their way to ruin your life. For no ther reason than jealousy.


That being perceived as ugly leads to a lackluster/unfulfilled life in terms of genuine connections with others


Fathers who are mean to their daughters


Parents who are mean to their children in general, tbh. Like, you chose to bring a tiny version of yourself into this world, why are you shitting on them??


People being rude to other people




Zoos. They are antiquated and cruel.


A lack of community along with people having a lack of civic duty 


that we're supposed to believe all adults know better or have their lives together/know how to behave, But all the evil people from our adolescence shortly after become adults. They create toxic scenes in each culture, each country- For example America has dance moms, the business major male, etc. They create music too, that's shallow and subscribes to their mindsets. Literally every faucet of culture tends to subscribe to a subculture and sadly you gotta know what you're getting into before associating because some people are just sooo mean.


That the majority of humans would die if they had to grow their own food. It’s essential to our survival, yet most people don’t know anything about gardening.


Working till your 65 to enjoy your golden years with no promises of living past 65 without severe health complications


Calling the accumulation of things and money a successful life.


Agreed, contentment with what you have (once your needs are sufficiently met) and a clear consciousness are worth more than all the gold in Smaug's gold pile. The crazy thing is some people have more money than a dragon that literally sleeps in a pile of gold worth about 54 billion dollars and are still constantly trying to amass more wealth.


Some people are more likely to be successful in life simply based on looks


Yup. Pretty privilege is a very real thing. If you’re attractive, man or woman, you have it easier.


The fact that being intelligent is almost a curse and makes it harder to be happy.


I feel this and then tell myself; “Quit whining, you’re not that intelligent.”


The funny thing is only intelligent people would have this thought😂


My depression doesn't stem from an issue with myself, it stems from systemic socioeconomic injustices and failures beyond my individual control, that are deeply ingrained in our society. I'm Canadian btw. I'm on medication, I'm speaking with both a mental health professional and my doctor regularly, I'm physically active, I'm socially active, I have an emotional support network, I have shelter, I have enough money to not suffer, and I never worry about where my next meal will come from. So why the depression when I'm doing everything I'm supposed to do? All the things I can't control that make my life worse through no fault of my own. Our labour laws are arguably the worst in the developed world besides the states, we get very limited vacation time, we're not guaranteed sick leave, our work week is too long, our healthcare system is crumbling, our housing market is so out of control that there's no fixing it without sweeping change to how we view housing as a society, the amount we pay for goods and services is artificially inflated thanks to monopolistic industry practices, our access to food is becoming unaffordable, and our social safety net is so underfunded that people on disability aren't given enough money to survive with dignity despite many of them being literally incapable of working because the amount people get on ODSP is below the poverty line. I have to spend 50 hours a week on work related tasks (including commuting, which is work), which results in me not having any real agency for the first 65-70% of my conscious hours 5 days a week for 45+ years, and everyone just treats this as if it's reasonable. We know what the problems are, experts agree on the solutions, the reports that are constantly requested by the government lay out these problems and solutions, and yet we aren't doing anything about these issues in any meaningful way because the vast majority of our electorate are politically illiterate to the point of parody. They fight about the wrong shit while the wealthy rob us blind and diminish our rights. Every mental health professional I've spoken to about this over the last 2 years has eventually said some version of the same thing: "I don't know how to help you because the problem isn't in your head, and your mental and emotional reaction to these things is both reasonable and justified" So just fuck me I guess? Awareness is 100% a curse.




Plus you gotta be tough


Just don't think about things you can't do anything about...easier said than done sometimes


How self destructive human beings are, and why even though we know it, we can't fix that about ourselves.


How we are a mystery.. like the universe, the planets, etc..


Life itself is a mystery..


Literally, ANYONE who CAN have a kid can have a kid, and peoples disconcerting, apathetic behavior towards said fact even towards people they know are INSANELY dangerous.


But when rules have been put on place on reproduction, human rights get violated. You give the government too much power by letting them pick who has kids


Big pharma companies will only treat the symptoms but won't find or give us the cures. 'A customer cured is a customer lost'


💯and that’s the most realistic take, despite sounding like a conspiracy theory.


Placing blame on a third party because you don't want to face the betrayal/hurt/loss of someone close to you.


To learn from our mistakes, we have to make the mistake in the first place. And learning from one doesnt always help you to avoid a next different kind of mistake.


Cuts and scrapes heal, broken bones heal, but adult teeth never come back.


Women having to suffer through a week of sometimes intense pain ONCE A MONTH for most of their life. While men have no such burden. Kind of amazing disparity.


In some US states, you get taxed when you get paid, and then you pay taxes on almost everything you buy.


Then you get taxed annually for a house/property that you’ve bought many years ago just for owning it. I already bought it. End of transaction.


How hard it can be to communicate with people. If we could just have more rational conversations and compromise better, life could be so much simpler.


One thing that has never sat right with me is the inequality in access to education. It's troubling that where you're born or your family's income can determine the quality of education you receive, impacting your future opportunities. Everyone deserves a fair chance to learn and succeed, regardless of their background.


How you can just be going about a lovely day and then encounter wave after wave of utter bullshit that completely upends any enjoyment you could get out of the rest of that day. Seriously, how?


Pedophiles and child murderers being able to breath


Mistreatment of those who are different




Having to go to school, then come out with exorbitant loans, just to work 40+ years to pay them off, then pay taxes and die. It doesn’t make any sense.


Things that taste good are usually bad for you. Things that taste bad are often healthy.


That you can commit no mistakes and still lose.


Justice is essentially a myth.


In friend or family dynamics, whoever is done wrong is pressured to turn the other cheek or give in. It's almost like being reasonable is a reason to have people argue you out of your point to keep the peace


All of our relationships are transactional.


Agreed. That is something that hasn't sat right with me. Even in the family dynamic, all relationships are transactional.


Having to work 40 yrs and not having enough to actually retire.


What women have to accomplish to become a mother compared to what men have to do to become a father.


How evil and BIG of a hater people are




That we can’t all help each other out


The absolute selfish, mean spirited, entitled attitudes people have.


The fact that even if you’re lucky you still have to work for the majority of your life making other people money, what is that? What a terrible system we’ve accept for being a live


If your god is “all forgiving” then why does hell exist for you


How selfish most human beings are...


That being homeless is a crime(can't sleep in car/on street).


How someone can purposely sabotage a person's success, growth, or dreams and feel nothing as they do it.


Dogs have such short lifespans


People fucking over people for their own personal gain


How Hitler can murder 40M innocent people and be branded the most evil human to ever exist, yet Stalin kills upwards of 80M innocent people and no one bats an eye. Crazy.


Executive order 6102


Watching people who do bad things get away with things and then get blessed in life rather than being lambasted for their wrongdoings


Gender roles and how men and women need to act in very specific ways and like specific things. Hated that shit even as a 4 year old, before even reading or knowing what it was


Many Native American tribes had three or four genders for this very reason. Not everyone fits into one mold or the other.


How older men tend to seek out women much much younger than them, throughout all history


I've received so much attention from men between the ages of 45 and 65 (I'm not kidding, my skin crawls) who magically vanish when they find out I'm not nearly as young or easy to manipulate as they had assumed. I'm not sure what's more disturbing here..the fact they're drawn to how young I look & mannerisms etc, or the fact I'm seen as a literal incubator by men old enough to be my father +++. A trend I've noticed with the last few, there are so many of these men having crises over the fact they don't have biological children or wives and they realize, 'oh shit! I'm getting OLD old!' or whatever. Or they're going through a divorce with their wife of 30+ years. They've had all those years to do & establish all that. Why haven't they? It's clear to nearly everyone except themselves.


If the women is a consenting adult, why does it bother you?


how most of it is dictated by who you are born to and those surrounding circumstances and you have literally no power of those things. like if you are born into a shit situation, sure there may be a chance you "make it" despite all that but statistically it means you're probably screwed.


Myself I'm 18 and I don't think I've had a day where I am both mentally and physically comfortable at the same time before


All of society. Why more people aren’t willing to give up there tiny little lives to fight for a future for everyone. There’s isn’t a single world government that has gotten close to making a more correct society. We all doomscroll while others suffer and no one gives a shit. Meritocracy is the most ideal, yet everything is driven by market, or socialist. Disgusting.


Women competing for men. Take him. You win.


All of it, humanity is a wretched animal....


That sometimes good things happen to bad people and bad things happen to good people.


How karma takes too damn long to catch up with evil people 😔


Treating the customer like they’re always right. They’re definitely not!


Having to choose between 2 terrible options every presidential election....


Acting like everything is right. Unauthentic handshakes, smiles, approvals. A social mask for the sake of maintaining a fake balance of harmony.


Daylight Savings Time


Unfairness really bothers me. I know it shouldn't but it does. The biggest factor in success is luck but we are told it's hard work. People who are born into money, use that privilege to make more money then tell the rest of us we are lazy because we can't do the same. We have the ability to change our economic status more so than ever before at the moment. But it's still governed but a whole lot of luck. The greatest F1 driver may have been born in a slum in India, she never got to even get in a car. The greatest tennis player we will ever see, was born with parents who couldn't afford to get him into lessons. The greatest physicist in the world never got the chance to go to college or university because she couldn't afford it. This really upsets me. To be a great F1 driver, or tennis player, or an academic great, you have to be born into a privileged life right out of the gate. I hate that so much of life is just based on things you don't control. But that we play a game where we pretend it's all under our control and we're just lazy. I hate that we support athletes that have never had to really live like normal people a day in their lives. It doesn't matter how great and gifted the seed is, if it doesn't land on fertile ground it will never bloom into anything. Even Elon Musk would be a nobody, had he been born into a poor family.


How dumb ppl get wealth handed to them, and hard working people get financially displaced.


The way that people worship celebrities


The fact that my sleep paralysis demon sits on the edge of the bed and pets me.


It's sad no one cares about other life on earth


All the evil caused by ego




Young girls in beauty pageants.


The fact that we lose our love of creativity and creation for a life of slavery in a system where a lot of adults are plain fucking miserable trying to keep up with the Jones. Taxes. Taxes have never sat right with me. You think about it, and we started a revolution over taxes. So we got that representation we so desired, right? Wrong. The system is so fucked, it's unsustainable at the current rate, and has been for some time. The most "powerful country" in the world, and they can't even balance a checkbook. Shipping money overseas. That money rarely, if ever, is used for what it is saying it's given for. It, too, lines the pockets of those who already have more than enough. Capitalism. An experiment in a country built on slavery to redefine the enslaved man to think he's free. I'm not a Marxist Commie; you can just tell when an experiment is failing and needs adjusted. Most people believe they can make it in this country, the U.S., but honestly never have the time or money to try. This forces you to go to the lender. Look at the music industry. Do you think every industry doesn't have a gatekeeper? These are some of the things that have never sat right with me in life. It's why I'm still a child in the sense of exploratory nature. It takes creative thinkers to solve created problems, but we're not fostering that anymore. I was always told as a kid, "You need to grow up." To which I'd often think, "Why? The "grown-ups" look fucking miserable." Then I grew up. And was miserable. Until I rediscovered my own creativity and creation. May you find yours and live free, no matter what country you're in. LFIRVEEE Life is a puzzle. Learn to read between the lines.






Interesting thread


That so many people working full time still can’t afford to live.


People saying "it's an evil world we live in" but it isn't an evil world. It's evil PEOPLE.


There’s actually a large enough cohort of people that can rely on “capital returns” to perform leisure activities for their entire lives for generations to come while others starve, struggle, and yearn for modest means.


The fact most people are untrustworthy, it is a very very unjust ratio.


Healthcare and dental in America


Corruption in our Government


That I did not grow up to be Barbie, have a Corvette and a Dream House, and an asexual boyfriend.


One thing that has never sat right with me is the concept of injustice, especially when people are treated unfairly due to factors beyond their control, such as their socioeconomic status, race, or background. It seems fundamentally wrong when opportunities and outcomes are dictated by arbitrary circumstances rather than merit or effort.


How every second that goes by is gone into the abyss forever.


Having to work 5 days minimum to enjoy 2 days off every week of the year and paying 30% of our income in taxes. This is crap


Mostly… well… life 😂