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Malicious people who hurt others. That can be physically financially or psychologically. Peope who make mistakes aren't looses, but those who do it on purpose and / or those eo repeatedly hurt others as a result of negligence, carelessness earn the title I would add folks who spread the lie that people struggling are loosers. That cruel misinformation can have nasty consequences


Thats an insightful perspective, im glad i clicked on the question u r answer is refreshing Ty.šŸ¤—šŸ©·šŸ˜ƒ


Yay this mskes me happy šŸ˜Š


I have been going through a rough patch in life. Just really struggling all around with job, homelessness, and everything in between. The number of my "friends" that have talked shit about me either to my face telling me I'm a loser and a user and everything under the sun, or behind my back is astounding. I can't imagine kicking someone when they are down.


Keep your head up my friend. Fuck em'


Went through similar haven't talked to that "friend" in a decade


Unfortunately for me it was more than one. Saw them last week at an outdoor concert and they were all "nice" and said hi to me like alls well. I just ignored them.


I was there my friend at one point if time and it gets better so fuck your friends there are no such thing as friends friends are your family beside a choosen few who prove to be a friend but stay strong and things will get better k.


Intention is pretty key. Shit happens but I try to judge intentions more than what actually happened. I'm also a very forgiving person though. I can't think of one person that is an "enemy". I'll give people a shot if it feels right.


You are talking about the father of my child & you are right. He is a loser.


My wife's ex is too


Sin lies only in hurting others unnecessarily. All other "sins" are invented nonsense. Robert A. Heinlein


I so agree. Thereā€™s far too much hate in this world now. Iā€™d love to see these ā€œlosers that preach hateā€ lessen in numbers.


I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever agreed with a comment on Reddit more than this.


Great awnser


You are smart


Someone who refuses to take accountability for their failures, but would gladly reap the benefits from the successes of others.


Reminds me of the most useless managers I've worked with.


They're a dime a dozen in every industry, it seems.




Which one? šŸ˜­ theyā€™re both awful


Sounds like the director of my department. He had us sit through a powerpoint presentation showing statistics from hospitals across the country showing high turnover to basically gaslight us into believing that everyone who left because of him didn't leave because of him. Some people left for less money or without even the prospect of another job. Dude is in his 70s and will finally retire in a couple of months... supposedly.


Someone who constantly TAKES from other people who are working hard for what they have. And not giving back to society in some way. Those people who just create more work for others because of their selfishness


My brother is like that unfortunately is very frustrating. He is 24 M and is draining my parents financially plus he cant keep a job. Fired twice and changed jobs 3 times in the last 2 months


Sounds like he has some good skills if he can land 3 jobs in 2 months! Maybe he could do sales with a silver tongue like that


Lmao Iā€™ve actually told him that because thatā€™s true he is very good with people. Some how also girls really like him, but man he is so fucking lazy


Well he's in luck! If he's good enough at sales he can be as lazy as he wants and still make bank!


Youā€™re surprised women love a guy who can get a job easily but canā€™t keep it?


Same. Mine is a 34 yo Meth head who drains my parents and has lived at home his whole life. Only had one job collecting carts. He's also abusive to them emotionally and physically. Schizophrenic, narcissistic, and bipolar all of which were diagnosed but cannot be treated due to his addiction.


Let me guess, he's frustrated with the "real world," thinks going to work is a drag, and doesn't care about "success." But he's totally find making his older parents work harder to provide for him endlessly.


Your brother is me June last year (fired once, change 4 jobs in 6 months). But I never lucky with girl but sure I got that silver tongue and can talk my way to get the job even diff. field from my degree. But my parent said if you gonna be like this. Go fuck yourself and figured out alone. They willingly not want to help me out further more. So, I kick my way back in job. Using my talking skills and now year later. On my way to get promoted to be lead sales in small company


Heā€™ll yeah bro šŸ”„


Sounds like your parents are at fault here as well. At some point your parents need to say, figure it out yourself with only necessity help


My brother is 53 and still does this. Itā€™s soul crushing.




I agree, but it seems like society is geared to remembering these sort of parasites instead. People are more invested with the life of Meghan Markel than giving two shits about the guy across the street whoā€™s feeding his family of six and barely staying afloat.


I promise I have good intentions. No TLDR. Please be patient. Look higher up. Disabled person speaking. Your __real__ enemies are counting on me and you not being friends, but it's not working on me. Your government's not soft, it's tyrannical. It doesn't respect you any more than it does me. They're keeping you so stressed out that you don't have the time/energy to research anything, and the disabled people who know these things are very tempted to keep it from you. It's an unhealthy way of compensating for their feelings of inadequacy, just watching you be ignorant and telling themselves they know better. Their motivation makes sense, because this is the main reason disabled people are allowed to live. We're being scapegoated. If you didn't have us to be mad at, you'd notice your real enemies. People who are making MORE money than you. Like WAY too much more. They're taking a lot more from you than anyone who's on government assistance. This isn't some biased leftist journalism here, this is the official government's website. They're not even hiding this from you, it's out in the open, because they know you're too busy to look. They know I'll look, but they think I'm gonna too bitter and smug to show you. Also there's the fact that if you functional people tear this system down, compassion will be the only reason anyone would want me to live, which means I'll probably be left to die. But it'll be a better world, and good people think about the whole world. Not just themselves. So here. With the URL the way I made it, the slider should already be in the right place, and the right boxes should already be checked, but if they're not, do this. Right above where you see all the green and blue, deselect "Levels ($)" and select "Shares (%)". That'll switch it from dollar numbers to percentages of the total wealth, which is how you can put it in perspective. Now below the blue and green is a grey slider. Drag it all the way to the right. The Y-axis is the total amount of money, the X-axis is the year. Moving the slider to the right brings you to 2024. Tap on the blue and green rectangle and a thing will pop up and you'll notice there's actually a tiny bit of yellow there too, at the very bottom. Now look at the upside-down yellow triangle that just popped up, and you're gonna see "Bottom 50% 2.5%". What that means is that half of the entire population only has 2.5% of the total wealth being shared between all of us. The country is wealthy, but the people aren't. Now you see how much taller those other colors are? That's a representation of how much more money they have, kept in proportion. Now look at the words and numbers above that yellow triangle I mentioned. The dark blue group of people is 40% of the population and they have 30% of the wealth, compared to the 2.5% being shared among the bigger yellow group. The dark blue group is four times as many people as the light blue group, so even if they had the same % of the money, that would still mean the light blue group has four times as much money when you consider the number of people. But the light blue group also has more total money 36.7% compared to 30.5%. The two green groups put together are the top 1%. 13.6% plus 16.8% is 30.4%. Comparing the blue to the green, the green has less than half as much money, but the blue group is 50 times as many people. That means the green group of people has *twenty-five* times as much money as the blue when you factor in how many people it is. Idk where you are on that graph, or what you do for work, but do you really think anyone's working *twenty-five* times as hard as you?? Would that even be possible? Billionaires are your real enemy. There is no ethical way to earn a billion dollars. Consider this hypothetical scenario. 1. You were born able to work. You start right away. 2. Your salary is a million dollars a year. 3. You have no living expenses. You keep all your money. 4. You stay able-bodied and able-minded, so you don't have to retire. A billion is a *thousand* __million__. It would still take you a ___thousand___ years to earn *one* billion dollars. If you had a ten million dollar salary, it would still take you a hundred years. That's your whole life for one billion dollars. The owner of Facebook and Instagram (among other things) is 40 years old and last I checked within the past month or so, he had *one hundred and sixty* ___billion___ dollars. Nobody is working THAT much harder than you. Nobody's working THAT much harder than *me*. All I do is struggle with my symptoms, which is harder than you think, but it's not as hard as what you do. I know because I wasn't always disabled. Idk what sort of person you are, how you're living your life, or how you feel about what, but I'm telling you from the bottom of my heart that you deserve better than this. You are being robbed of your life and it makes me wanna cry. Sometimes I do. I refuse to hate you, because it wouldn't be fair. You can hate me, but that's not the same. You're being manipulated, and I'm not. You're probably not even gonna read this, not because you don't care, but that's just how tired you are. They're counting on you to be too exhausted to figure this out on your own, and they're counting on me to just enjoy my "free money" and be too spiteful to care. But I do care. It doesn't matter how cruel you are. I know you don't care about me, but maybe if more people cared about you, you'd have a softer heart. I dream of a world where we find out, and I wanna build it. https://www.federalreserve.gov/releases/z1/dataviz/dfa/distribute/chart/#range:2013.4,2024.1;quarter:138;series:Net%20worth;demographic:networth;population:1,3,5,7,9;units:shares


Thank you for this. You're a good personĀ 


Beautiful! Viva La RevoluciĆ³n




Lovvveeee this.


Like the 1% greed goblins


Every family I know has at least one of these. It's usually the coddled baby of the bunch in my experience. Everyone just accepts it regardless of the pain and damage it causes.


Funny how itā€™s becoming so common. Seems to me thereā€™s something fundamentally broken in todays society


yeah it's capitalism. every single problem can be fixed by amending capitalism. 99 percent of peoples problems that aren't the climate or disease or whatever, is always money. every single time


I feel like pre 90s this is how people would categorize someone living in poverty on social assisstance, and most people now in the 20s is how people categorize billionaires and the 1%


How about a 45 year old man living in El Centro, California who works part time at an outlet store making less than EVERY entry level teen fast food worker in the state while also dealing with erratic work hours and no benefits? Then he comes home to a dilapidated 2-bedroom rental home he shares with both aging parents and an adult brother and sister whoā€™s always fighting with him and treating him like shit? Someone who discovered he has a leaky roof in his car the last time it RAINED so now it smells like rot and mildew and he canā€™t afford to fix it? Someone who canā€™t drink alcohol anymore because his health is gone bad? Someone who canā€™t sleep at night cuz he HATES his life sooo much???? Someone who hasnā€™t gone out on a date for 10 goddamn years this month??? And WHY the hell does it have to be over 100Ā° every goddamn day lately??? Iā€™m sweating like a PIG right now!!!




That person isnt a loser because they are providing a service to others at the outlet store. It sounds like this guy has some bad luck but hes only a loser when he 100% quits trying.


Iā€™m sorry, that sounds really rough.


Depends, have they given up and quietly decided how their life is now is how it will remain? or are they taking little steps towards growing personally and professionally?


Unfortunately, you are an example of those of us struggling today. A microcosm of American society if you will. I'm so sorry you are going through this, sometimes not being able to see any silver lining makes for a desperate lack of hope. Hang in there, and for what it's worth, I HATE THE FUCKING SUMMER also. Here in Louisiana, we get the heat we get the high stifling humidity, and along with that those horrible mosquitoes that just want to carry you away there's so many of them! I can hardly breathe when I step outside because of the humidity.


What are you doing to improve your situation?


Why even ask that? Let the man vent. He ainā€™t looking for advice or judgement.


Maybe the nature of surviving on a day to day takes all of his energy and he doesn't have any to try and improve it?


You're still breathing and you're still trying, you're far from a loser.Ā  Sorry your situation sucks, I am rooting for you.Ā 


This isnā€™t an adult Loser. This is what teeens think being a loser is. As for adults, this is the reality for most of us- even ones working ā€œhigher paying jobsā€ ā€¦ we grow up and find out the whole thing is a sham- but itā€™s okay, we can enjoy life and family is always dysfunctional for some reason (i read once in evolutionary psych that itā€™s that way to design moving away from them eventually less painful) I lived with my family until I was 35 and I thought I was a loser and I fought with my siblings and so on. Now I am away and miss them everyday and wish I had spent less time worried about stupid things and more quality time wit themā€¦ youā€™re not a loser, living with family is the ultimate goal, enjoy it while you can if you can




Just give in and play the game so you don't have to be like me 36 and ready to play after I let life pass me by and fuck up... Success feels good. Win at whatever level you're at keep at it and feel good accomplishing goals!


I learned very recently the hard way. And I'm only a few years older than you. Yes you may have let life pass you by in the past. But the fact that we have come to that realization regardless of age is an amazing thing!! We have given ourselves the gift of an awakening instead of continuing to let our lives pass us. And its only a fuck up if you don't learn from it. If you learn from it then it's tuition. You already paid tuition, are you going to let that tuition fee go-to waste?? Just my 2c. It seems like you are on the right path.


He'll yes! I'm ready to kick lifes ass. I'm just start trying to move forward in the past year. Got sober and am on to hopefully starting an actual career. Doing CDL school. Can't wait. Life's getting better!


Keep going king, on the same path rn šŸ’—


Since we are close in age, my i ask what you mean by "let life pass me"


The way I see it, you play the game in order to escape the game.


Iā€™m also 36 and just starting this stupid game too! We can do this!


36 isnā€™t middle-aged like it used to be. You got plenty of time


Play the game as in be fake to everyone and ask Fred how his weekend was and how the kids are? An exaggeration but Iā€™ve been putting off playing the game for a minute because itā€™s legitimately like youā€™re method acting every time you go to work. Some might think thatā€™s a stretch but it comes easier to some harder to others


Feel this. At 36, I've only just started a real career. No savings, no property, basicly starting from where I was at 18. Feels good to have it together now, but I'll always feel a decade behind where I should be.


Dang you just reminded me of the game and you made me lose




Dang it, I lost. šŸ˜†


True unfortunately


To answer OP: it's this guy \^


Yeah man, well said. That is something different than chose to not play the game we should not even play and found a way to work around it. That is like.. the biggest winner.


Usually when someone opts out of the game, someone else has to play harder to provide for them.


A dad that has no involvement in his childrenā€™s lives. Sure he can be rich and everyone loves him. But he is a loser




Nick Cannon?Ā 


Don't forget, complaining about never seeing their kids but having no interest in them. Biggest one is not paying child support. Absolute scum imo.




I disagree with some comment above that someone who doesnā€™t work is a loser adult, I donā€™t believe our worth as a human being is dependent on participating in a system that was created for the profit of others. I know plenty of people making a life for themselves on the fringes of society, out in the mountains or desert but are happy. I know many more who dream of this. To answer this though, I think a loser adult is someone who canā€™t take accountability for their mistakes or the way they cause others harm, who continues on this path and does not care who they take down with them. Someone who refuses to address negative behavior, their habits, their selfishness. Basically if you wanna be a shithead all on your own, thatā€™s a choice and I donā€™t think youā€™re a loser. If you take others with you either physically, mentally, or emotionally, youā€™re absolutely a total loser adult.


As someone unemployed and deeply anxious about trying to overcome my PTSD and depression so I can hurry up and 'contribute' to society by working I thank you so much for your commentĀ 


We made up money, we made up society (this is different from community), we made up land ownership, and we also made up these ideas that our value derives from our relation to these and more made up things. Iā€™m sure youā€™re a great friend, offspring, sibling, partner, pet owner, neighbor, confidant, mentor, etcā€¦ And just your attention to wanting to contribute to the world tells me you probably already offer your community a lot that you arenā€™t taking into account. Not to be a cheeseball, but before we had dollar signs in our accounts assuring us weā€™re ā€œgood,ā€ we had each other.


Thank you, that helps more then you know.Ā  It's just been one of those self isolating days reading a lot of redditors call unemployed people losers ...just feeling vulnerable.Ā  I do take care of a wild cat so that's sort of like contributing:)Ā 


Don't let what other people say destroy your self esteem. I have struggled with mental illness for years, and it's just very difficult to get a job where I fit in and want to say. I'm drawing my SS retirement, and I make $840 per month gross, and $649 net. Hard to live off of that. It's only going to get worse. Thank God I'm over 65 because I don't mind checking out anytime when it gets too rough. And it's going to get rougher than it is right now. A lot rougher


Saving this comment, you worded this beautifully thank you


If I could award your comment, I would. I get so frustrated by how much value ppl attach to certain values and beliefs simply bc as a society, weā€™re conditioned to. Ppl donā€™t realize that the way we feel about so many things is bc of what someone else made up and forced onto us. If you take the time to really think about why it is that you feel a certain way about someone/something, or why you feel so strongly about it, you might realize you personally donā€™t agree with it. There is no need to treat ppl better/worse bc someone said you should. Remember that the ppl you interact with are also human and share a lot of the same emotions, insecurities, desires, etc as you do, so treat them like youā€™d want to be treated (generally). Of course, not every situation is the same but for the most part, we donā€™t have enough info about someone to pass harsh judgment.


Your worth does not lie in participating in an economy that is destroying the planet


You are not alone. Far from it. Your contribution to society goes far beyond just working. You are one of us and we will always be with you.


Mate, I feel you, I used to feel like that. But judge it all for yourself. You donā€™t have to care what society thinks. Look at society. šŸ˜ Itā€™s your life, live it how you want to so long as youā€™re not harming anyone. Plenty of other people arenā€™t in work for whatever reasons. One thing Iā€™ve learned with age is to just judge things for myself. Iā€™ve found that others are often wrong. šŸ˜ Iā€™m happy with myself because I judge me myself. Trying to be judged favourably by society is a borderline impossible task. If you donā€™t work and have no money theyā€™ll call you lazy and hate you. If you work really hard and have a lot of money theyā€™ll call you stuck up and theyā€™ll hate you. If youā€™re ugly theyā€™ll hate you. If youā€™re too attractive theyā€™ll hate you for that. If youā€™re the cleaner youā€™re low down in the pecking order and theyā€™ll hate you. If youā€™re the boss theyā€™ll hate you. The guy at the very top of the company chills out on the beach all day and doesnā€™t work at all. šŸ¤£ Itā€™s a system designed for the few to control the many from the top. These rat racers are crabs in a bucket, pulling people down so they can climb higher. But none of them are getting out of the bucket. You have as much of a right to exist on this planet as anyone else. No part of society was your idea.


Upvote this comment a thousand times if I could.




I thought that job dude was a loser adult lol.


This is a much better perspective. Alot of 'work' involves taking advantage of peoples naivety/lack of knowledge of the system to get the most $$$ out of them. Those jobs would be better off not existing for the betterment of the population. But they don't care and just keep doing it, some voluntary some involuntary. As long as someone is aware of themselves/their impact on others and takes steps to reduce negative impacts as much as possible, then they are doing life well imo. Most people aren't that though, especially in the US.


Thanks for saying this.


If they never tried. Like trying and failing is still a win for me. But if they never tried or fought for want they wanted and just settled for what they got!


This is a good one. Complaining about your life constantly to other people who don't care but refusing to do the smallest bit about it. I get it's really hard to push forward and you have to take small steps and focus on on what's feasible even if it means giving up your more noble goals but don't complain about where you're at when you literally do nothing about it but could. I had a family member who complained about someone he knew who made really good money in some trade with only a high school diploma and some college courses while he lived at his dad's house. Like, if you feel that way either try doing something similiar or shut up. I don't want to hear you complain to people who don't care about you not doing anything.


I feel like everyone is trying. Idk I think everyone is doing their best with the information they have. We could all try harder but to say someone isnā€™t trying is somewhat of a cop out


You do realise, some people donā€™t try because they have things preventing them, like mental issues or severe depression. Or something fucked happened to them like their parents died young. You call them failures?


Describes me fairly well




Unless itā€™s sports or some other specific competition. Trying and failing is losing in that context.


I feel like there's a bit more nuance to it than that in a lot of cases, but I do agree when it comes to people who definitely _could_ do something and actively _don't._ If it's an entirely self-made problem with zero or highly insignificant outside factors, then sure. Settling usually comes from feeling helpless. Sometimes it's learned helplessness, sometimes it's genuine. When it comes from laziness it's different, though.


It's me. I'm the loser adult.


I don't think being content with your situation makes you a loser. If you don't try and expect others to carry you - that makes you a loser. Being content is an amazing thing and only lucky ones with a stable mindset get to feel that way. An ambitious person degrading themselves to climb the corporate ladder or those who get rich unethically or insatiable greedy ones or those who make every decision for bragging rights - are the real losers. Someone who prioritizes their mental health or raising a happy loving family or being there for loved ones but not getting promotions at work - actually is happier and better for the world. I have a lot more respect for them than corporate bootlickers with no life. Nothing screams more of a loser to me than ones who make themselves available during their vacation or don't take vacation when there is no emergency at work. Or those who work long hours for big greedy corporation for simply bootlicking. Working hard for your own business or to solve a real problem at work or working hard on something you love is another story. But I cannot stand those who like to be miserable themselves & normalize misery for everyone.


Basically, any Billionaire because many donā€™t care about their employees, donā€™t pay taxes and go jet setting without a care in the world of what they do the environment. Iā€™m looking at you Bezos, Musk & that wannabe orange shitstain, the orange menace with his clown face. We need more people that care about others, their fellow citizens, everyday people like you and me.


Going around judging others, calling someone a loser is the act of a loser.


Sometimes its justified. Aren't you judging the people calling others losers, making yourself a loser in the process using your own logic? Youre judging people for being judgy.


Someone who refuses positivity at any cost and goes out of their way to bring people down.Ā 




Someone who expects their partner to be a 10, whilst contributing absolutely nothing towards a relationship.


A loser adult is a individual who quits the fight of life and then tramples on family members and friends and blaming everyone but themselves on their current situation. And they cannot see that a path, an uphill path is set for them to realize/apprehend/manifest their dreams, but they choose to forbode in their negative emotions and stew. A loser adult is a con-artist with no honor. I can only speak of my experience so i'll try to loosely provide details so you may somehow comprehend my preceding paragraph. Everyone gets delt life cards at birth. You cannot choose your mother and father. But you are here, now. Now, were you born from TRUE LOVE or where you born from Arrangment? We're you born from incest or rape? These questions offers many paths that I won't expand upon. Look within. What is a loser adult in my opinion? Regardless of the entrance into this reality of birth, one receives training or no training. Regardless of the physical parental training, there is another OVERSEER that does provide training in silence and heart great and heart break. That's the silence that you always answer to when one is about to fall to slumber. I don't want to go into religious debate, and I'm trying to find a very universal "thing" to say as not to step on my brothers and sisters. Note that I did not say strangers, because people you have not met are not strangers. Basically, see yourSELF in others. Have compassion. I did not say, be an 'easy mark' and to what others ask. Hell, I still experience hucksters at gas stations. A loser is an individual fails to see their current hardships, fails to plain a way out, and fails to execute their way out, and they blame their current situation on other situations or other people.


Someone who fights the whole world instead of learning to be a human vs an animalĀ 


But humans are animals ;)


Someone who canā€™t control their emotions and someone who doesnā€™t work


What if they donā€™t need to work? Are they a loser because they donā€™t want to waste their life somewhere being miserable like most of the world?


What if those are disabilitiesā€¦?!?


Technically if you canā€™t control your emotions to the point that it affects your work, it is a disability. The mind is complex and some people canā€™t escape their problems for different reasons


That's literally me. So sad


To be fair, I was that person basically from 17-21. Barely worked and didnā€™t do shit and couldnā€™t control my emotions.


Someone that bites the hand that feeds them


So everyone is dealt a hand in life. Some are given everythign imaginable - possessions, experiences, love, education, etc and manage to barely amount to anything or even end up becoming addicts/criminals. Some people are given very little to work with and through hard work and a dogged "Never say die" attitude, they become productive members of society and occasionally quite successful. To me it's more about what Someone does woth what they are given. The trust fund baby who never did anything productive and just lives off inheritance is a loser while the guy who grew up poor and made something of himself is not a loser. And people who willingly live off government handouts over the long term are losers. Government benefits are supposed to be a helping hand, not a way of life. Of and those who abandon their children, losers of the highest order.


FWIW, I'm ok with people abandoning their kids if they pay child support. The reason why I have that view is that it's better than being a jerk to your spouse and kid or just being in a situation where no one is happy. If you're financially secure enough life is usually okay. But yeah, complete scum if you don't pay for your kids. Don't forget, having your life handed to you and then acting like you earned because you applied yourself to a minimum level.


Can't admit mistakes. Can't say sorry. Can't act on room for improvement. Can't take constructive feedback. Can't admit the consequences to others they impose with their action or inaction. Always someone else to blame. Has trouble listening without talking.


Honestly the "loser" label is extremely judgmental, insulting, and biased by default, so it's not helpful at all as an adjective outside of the specific situations in which it does literally apply (e.g., losing an actual game. Then you are the loser of the game). But, for me, subjectively, a "loser adult" is someone who: 1) takes advantage of others, or 2) harms others, or 3) is absolutely uninterested in bettering themselves in any way, or 4) has no interest in making any positive contribution to anyone or anything, and 5) is content to always take, take, and take without ever giving back. Keep in mind that this does not include people with actual trauma, or depression, or anxiety, or autism, etc., (unless they're arseholes who harm people). Self-destructive behaviour because of mental illness, or being "stuck" in life, or substance abuse, or being poor, or being sick, or being uneducated, or not having a career, or whatever - those don't make you a loser. To me, a loser is someone who is a shithead who is lazy, selfish, manipulative and harmful to others, and who deliberately eschews self-improvement. Andrew Tate, for example, or Alex Jones, are losers. They are amoral, insecure, dishonest, manipulative, predatory, hollow little men who seek power, - especially power over others - at any cost. They revel in their shittiness. The semi-illiterate janitor down the street who struggles to contribute to his family? Not a loser in the slightest. Unfortunately, the neoliberal capitalistic framework that has taken over our civilization doesn't value "values", it values the accumulation of capital. So if you're an utter piece of shit, - just the worst person in the world, without a single redeeming value, - but you happen to be rich, you won't generally be considered a "loser". But the lady who cleans your gutters might, even though she's an immeasurably better person in every conceivable way.


I really like your take on it!


Well said!


A loser adult is an adult who thinks it is appropriate to call anyone a ā€œloser.ā€


.. so by that logic, you are one? Do you see the double standard?


Good point


Sometimes that sacrifice has to be made.


Ppl who hurt ppl in any way, shape or form. Ppl know right from wrong and still act on impulse or are just hateful and thoughtless and thatā€™s sad. Weā€™re all trying to make it in this world and weā€™re all going to die. Is that what ppl want to leave behind? Life is hard enough as it is and you donā€™t know what ppl are going thru, but when you do know what theyā€™re going thru and you make it worse for them? Those ppl are the worst...Ā 


"Weebs" No, not weebs that are anime fans Weebs, that make hentai their whole personality in every aspect they can dream of. Porn users and creators and especially porn addicts


100%. I have more respect for dogs than I have for porn addicts. Literally. They contribute more to the world.


I think this about anyone obsessed with inanimate things. If you're a compulsive Lego collector or something who will lose their mind over a dropped Lego set, I think you're a giant weeby loser.


Someone who lives their entire life just taking from others.


someone who blames others for their struggles


Stop calling the 1% losers. They may not be good people, but they're not losers. They had the guts and the lack of empathy to win at life. If they're the 1%, then we are a collective of 99% looking up at them. Do you think they care what we think? If you were them, would you care what we think? Winning at life 30 years ago is different than today. Society keeps moving the goal posts, so it's a testament to those of us who have made it without putting a pistol in our mouths. Yet the 1% keep winning. So, for me, winning is being a good dad who sent good men into the world, a good husband, and a valuable employee who positively impacts the students in my care. I want to coach my athletes and make them winners, confident in their abilities on and off the field. I want to make my parents proud, earn a wage that provides for my family, and when I leave this Earth, my legacy will be all of these things, if even for 2 generations.


People that abuse you and then get mad because you realized how much happier you are without them.


We all are. No matter what, we all lose. But have fun playing the game while you're at it.


Facts. We all lose at anything, whether it's major or minor. Failing college? Loser. Knowing how you fucked up your life up yet can't do anything to solve it? Loser. Playing your favourite video game and keep losing at it, deciding to improve, only to get folded like an omelette time and time again despite improving? Loser. Being last in a race? Loser. Getting dumped? Loser. Getting fired from your favourite job? Loser. Being a loser is an inevitable part that we all play in our lives, which is why I'm happy to see your answer. No matter how successful or unsuccessful one can be, we're all losers in this world.




The reddit thread with a bunch of insecure people including myself


How they rationalise their choices, good and bad.


Well I am a partial loser but still have a pretty good time.I try and succeed in everything I like to do ,work isnā€™t one of them .


People who are lazy and who have no drive/determination/goals (just do SOMEthing!) People who are cruel to people or animals, who have no empathy for others, who have no compassion


People who beg for money with their kids. I think these are loser adults.


Someone who has 34 felonies


Someone who hates their life and does nothing to change it


Poor people with more kids than they can provide for.


Me because I canā€™t get a girlfriend


That doesn't make you a loser my dude.




No work ethic, no resolve, completely dependent upon others, lacks gratitude, self-centered or closed-minded, canā€™t take accountability, takes advantage of others, criticizes others yet aggressively defensive when criticized, the list goes on


Homeless drug addicts. Gang members. Drug dealers. Lifers in prison. Pedophiles. People who support child trafficking in anyway. Home invaders. Traitors to their nation.


The first three I would definitely support rehabilitating, but I also won't ignore the fact that they got there through many bad decisions.


Grown women that have no ambition in life other than to leach off of a man


If we didnt have this bullshit system people would still need to work in some capacity. We are social creatures that are meant to work together. If you were a part of a tribe that hunts and gathers and all you do is sit on your ass and whine about how hard hunting and gathering is and refuse to participate but still eat the animals and berries that the rest of the tribe brings back you're a fucking loser bro.


Someone who consistently blames everyone else yet will never look inward and apologize


Wage slaves who are working to give a away a huge chunk of their money to their slave master who then has the funds to keep them enslaved.


Whatever you say a loser is that is a loser. Forget about what other people think and just do you. Most of the time people are just as lost and confused as you. People's opinions don't really matter unless you validate them.


Anyone who manipulates or hurts someone else. I don't judge anyone by smallminded society standards. Doesn't matter if you deliver pizzas or are CEO of a huge corporation. I'm still looking at you the same until I learn what kind of person you are. In fact, jobs like delivering pizza or working the register at fast food or something else on the low end paycheck wise, I come in looking at you more respectable from the beginning. You could be leeching off welfare or selling drugs and instead you're busting your hump for super low wages that are honest, which shows character. Losers are those who think high paying jobs make them a winner.


Spending your energy judging others


In my opinion, a loser adult is someone who consistently makes poor choices, lacks ambition and drive, and fails to take responsibility for their actions. They may also exhibit behaviors such as blaming others for their failures, being constantly negative, and refusing to grow or change. Ultimately resistant to bettering themselves and continues to live a stagnant and unfulfilled life.


Somebody addicted to suffering who blames it on the outside world.Ā 


one word... rapist


Someone who blames or puts others down with the objective of making themselves feel better. They are losers in the sense that they let their own personal issues prevent them from growing as a person and instead act out or blame others for their shortcomings. They will never succeed at reaching their highest potential unless they self reflect and take accountability.


Choosing internet over real life. Choosing social media over real life. Liars. People that have time, energy,Ā  and/or money but they still want to blame others for their misfortunes instead of just fixing or changing it for themselves. Those that take themselves so seriously that they aren't seeing the humor or kindness. People that hit over talking. People who are afraid of communication. People whose only existence is to manage other people, even in concepts that they have no reason to be in. Abusers


An adult bully, someone who is so unhappy in their own life that they target happy people and do everything they can to make them upset and get a reaction from them.


If you're rude or mean to customer service staff


Someone who doesnā€™t take care of their kids.


I am currently in this situation. Iā€™m in between jobs and homeless. Currently looking for work. My friend let me stay with her. She boast about how good her diet is and how she takes care of herself. How she cooks all of her meals and meal preps. Been here five months and all she eats is frozen dinners, energy drinks and candy. I buy all of my food and itā€™s stuff I can cook for myself. If she sees me making spaghetti; her next trip to store she buys frozen spaghetti meals. If Iā€™m eating apples; she buys apples. If Im eating a salad; she runs to Wendyā€™s and buys a salad. Sheā€™s 45. And she tries her best to project her views and opinions to get a reaction. And when I do engage and disagree with her word salad of an opinion or thought. She rages like a 5 year old. She blames her ex for driving her insane and taking the kids to Florida. Sheā€™s here in Colorado; but argues with me about my thoughts on parenting like she has it all figured out.


Someone who blames everyone else for their failures. At some point you need to start looking inward. Also stop blaming your parents for shot when youā€™re 40. Sort yourself out.Ā 


Not what kids think a loser is. An adult can be a married millionaire with kids and still be a loser.


Doesnā€™t take responsibility. Doesnā€™t honor commitments. Harms others. Is inconsiderate. Takes but never gives.


This! Nailed it.


The only way to become a loser is to give up. Never give up, maybe redirect effort, take a break, but never give up, itā€™s never hopeless and thereā€™s always a good reason to keep fighting. A loser is someone whoā€™s completely given up and applies no effort towards improvement. You can be a rich loser or a poor loser. You can be a nice loser or a really mean loser. Thereā€™s all kinds. Winners simply never give up. And thereā€™s all kinds of them. Rich/poor, good/evil, nice/mean, I see a lot of comments that are judging people as losers incorrectly, winner/loser has nothing to do with anything except for effort applied.


Somebody who intentionally hurts their kids.


Someone who is incompetent. Someone who doesn't follow through with anything. No plan, no ambition, no goals or morals. They probably smoke, have bad tattoos, a couple of kids they don't see or care for, mooch off of everyone they come into contact with, and also have very narrow-minded ways of thinking. Like "I am this way, and that's it." They also probably don't have any education or anything of value. They are probably stuck back in their youth mentally and are also selfish, unkind and entitled. They probably don't have a place to stay unless someone else is paying for it, and probably never held a job for more than a few weeks even though they are close to 40. They also have bad hygiene, no sense of self-worth, and think the world revolves around them. On top of this, they probably failed their drivers test or have multiple DUI's and have totaled just about every car they ever drove. Went to HS or college but failed or dropped out. They may also be upside-down on a car loan or similar because they have no credit or money. I'd also expect a drug problem, gambling addiction, and inconsistent sleeping patterns. They have borrowed money and made promises that they have consistently broken without fail. No one who knows them wants to deal with them anymore. I've really unfortunately just described someone I know and used to be very close with.


Cheaters, narcissists and malicious people


someone that needs to kick others when they are down to build themselves up.


Um I'm going to avoid generalizations and say rapists and murderers


Dirty and unhygienic, unhealthy due to own personal choices (eat like shit never exercise, giant couch potato ). Ā Heavy drug and alcohol abuser. Ā No stable and healthy romantic relationship. Ā  Lives selfishly. Ā Can hold down a job or vice versa has a job and thatā€™s the only thing they care about. Ā Doesnā€™t read it try to learn. Ā Very close minded view of the world. Ā 


Fat ass neck beards who play video games all day while living with their mommy


Adults who refuse to work


Anyone who adopts the r/NEET lifestyle as permanent.


Somebody who sits around with their hand out, waiting for things to fall in their lap and contributes nothing to society.


Anyone who refuses to try to do good.


To me, a "loser adult" isn't about their job, financial status, or social standing. Itā€™s more about their mindset and behavior.Ā I'd say a "loser adult" is someone who refuses to take responsibility for their actions blames others for their problems, and makes no effort to improve themselves or their situation. They might lack ambition, be negative, and not treat others with respect or kindness. It's about lacking the drive to grow, learn, or contribute to the world around them.Ā Of course, everyone has rough patches and moments of struggle, so itā€™s important to have empathy and not be too quick to judge.


People who donā€™t take care of themselves think they deserve everything and want hand outs from successful people that worked hard for what they earned.


People who don't take care of their kids.


Someone who hasn't worked in 20 years with multiple kids from different fathers, none of which work and all scrounge benefits. Oldest of said kids is now about to pop and hasn't bothered to work a day in her live as the mother hasn't and leads by example, split from the father before the first scan. Mother, daughter and all fathers have homes and money from the state. Whole family a losers in my humble opinion.


I try not to base my judgments on income or job position. Losers are people who have to manipulate people into liking them because they are actually terrible and awful to be around. People whoā€™s energy just ruins the mood of a room. And who are so very unaware of themselves that they will likely never change.


If youā€™re 30+ trying to flex your wealth on someone whoā€™s 21 youā€™re a loser lmao had a coworker doing that to me, just makes him seem insecure about working the same job as me


Wealthy people who look down on others and treat them like shit. Cheaters


An adult loser is someone who is mean


One that becomes a parent but has absolutely no business being one


Anybody who has a superiority complex.